Migration Reasearch Hub ID: 985 | |
ORCID | https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4323-9604 |
https://twitter.com/ALAS @MobileBorders | |
Researcher ID | https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-laure-amilhat-szary-b8632535/ |
Research Gate | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anne_Laure_Amilhat_Szary |
University, Grenoble, France
Professor - Director of Pacte, Social Sciences Research Center
University, Afghanistan
Other, Grenoble, France
Professor. Head of Pacte Research Center
University, Victoria, Canada
Invited Fellow
Authors | James A. Chamberlain |
Year | 2017 |
Journal Name | Perspectives on Politics |
Taxonomy | View Taxonomy Associations |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2016 |
Journal Name | Revue internationale et stratégique |
Authors | Anne‐Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2015 |
Journal Name | The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Political Geography |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2015 |
Journal Name | Journal of Borderlands Studies |
Taxonomy | View Taxonomy Associations |
Authors | Elena dell’Agnese, Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2015 |
Journal Name | Geopolitics |
Authors | Veit Bachmann, Jason Dittmer, Sallie A. Marston, ... |
Year | 2015 |
Journal Name | Political Geography |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary, Frédéric Giraut |
Year | 2015 |
Book Title | Borderities and the Politics of Contemporary Mobile Borders |
Authors | Jean-Marie Carrière |
Year | 2015 |
Journal Name | Revue Projet |
Authors | Cédric Parizot, Anne Laure Amilhat Szary, Gabriel Popescu, ... |
Year | 2014 |
Journal Name | Journal of Borderlands Studies |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2013 |
Journal Name | L'Information géographique |
Authors | Virginie Tournay, Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary, Patricia Legris |
Year | 2013 |
Journal Name | Revue internationale des sciences sociales |
Taxonomy | View Taxonomy Associations |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amihat-Szary |
Year | 2012 |
Journal Name | International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis |
Taxonomy | View Taxonomy Associations |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2012 |
Journal Name | Journal of Borderlands Studies |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary |
Year | 2012 |
Journal Name | Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français |
Authors | Kirsten Koop, Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2011 |
Journal Name | L'Information géographique |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2011 |
Journal Name | Civilisations |
Authors | Kirsten Koop, Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2011 |
Journal Name | L'Information géographique |
Authors | Virginie Tournay, Anne‐Laure Amilhat‐Szary, Patricia Legris |
Year | 2009 |
Journal Name | International Social Science Journal |
Authors | Frédéric Lasserre |
Year | 2008 |
Journal Name | Cahiers de géographie du Québec |
Taxonomy | View Taxonomy Associations |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2007 |
Journal Name | Geopolitics |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2005 |
Journal Name | Cahiers des Amériques latines |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2003 |
Journal Name | Revue de géographie alpine |
Taxonomy | View Taxonomy Associations |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2001 |
Book Title | Les territoires de l’État-nation en Amérique latine |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2000 |
Journal Name | Revue de géographie alpine |
Taxonomy | View Taxonomy Associations |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2015 |
Journal Name | Civilisations |
Authors | Sarah Mekdjian, Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary, Marie Moreau, ... |
Year | 2014 |
Journal Name | Carnets de géographes |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2013 |
Journal Name | Revue de géographie alpine |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2013 |
Journal Name | Revue de géographie alpine |
Authors | A.-L. Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2013 |
Journal Name | Geographica Helvetica |
Taxonomy | View Taxonomy Associations |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2012 |
Journal Name | Études internationales |
Authors | Sylvain Guyot, Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary |
Year | 2010 |
Journal Name | EchoGéo |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2009 |
Journal Name | Revue de géographie alpine |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2009 |
Journal Name | Revue de géographie alpine |
Authors | Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Year | 2008 |
Journal Name | L’Espace Politique |
Authors | Anne-Laure Szary |
Journal Name | EURE (Santiago) |
Taxonomy | View Taxonomy Associations |
Authors | Frédéric Giraut, Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary |
Book Title | Borderities and the Politics of Contemporary Mobile Borders |
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