Experts Index

This constantly growing database accumulates migration experts and presents their profiles, emphasizing on their scholar contribution in this field of study.

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of 3061 experts, sorted by
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Roig, ‎ ‎ Alexis

‎ ‎ Alexis Roig

Alexis Roig is the CEO of SciTech DiploHub, a leading think-and-do tank at the nexus of science, technology, and foreign affairs. He also serves as Barcelona’s Chief Science and Tech Envoy, advocating for evidence-based urban policies before foreign governments and international organizations. With over...
1 Spain
Yener-Roderburg, (Inci) Öykü

(Inci) Öykü Yener-Roderburg

Dr. Inci Öykü Yener-Roderburg is a full-time researcher at the Academy of International Affairs NRW and a lecturer at the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics, University of Cologne. Until recently, Dr. Yener-Roderburg was a postdoc/research associate at the Institute for Turkish Studies, University...
2 Germany
Solicitors, A Y J

A Y J Solicitors

A Y & J Solicitors has established a reputation for excellence in immigration law. They are award winners and were named the Best Immigration Law Firm 2017 and Immigration Team of the Year 2018. At A Y & J Solicitors, we are proud to continue this tradition of excellence in all aspects of our business....
3 United Kingdom
Badre, Abdeslam

Abdeslam Badre

Badre is a policy development expert, based in Germany. His research seeks to analyze current norms that hamper the progress and livelihood of migrants, women, and youth as social groups; and aims at generating evidence-based recommendations that could inform national and regional policies, providing...
7 Morocco
FATY, Abdoulaye

Abdoulaye FATY

Doctorant sur "les logiques de la gouvernance migratoire au Sénégal "dans le cadre d'une cotutelle entre l'Université Cheikh Anta DIOP de Dakar(Sénégal) et l'Université Internationale de Rabat (Maroc), Sous la codirection du Pr Ismaïla Madior FALL, Professeur titulaire des facultés de droit et de Science...
9 Senegal
Aziz, Abdul

Abdul Aziz

Dr. Aziz's research interests include media, culture, and communication in migrant and marginalised communities, particularly at the crossroads of digital culture, inclusion, and citizenship. He completed PhD in Media and Communication Studies from the Digital Media Research Centre (DMRC) at Queensland...
10 Australia
Atmacasoy, Abdullah

Abdullah Atmacasoy

I am a doctoral candidate in Curriculum and Instruction at Middle East Technical University, Turkey. My research interests focus on curriculum development and instructional strategies for education in emergencies. I am currently conducting a cross-cultural comparative study on the language development...
11 Turkey
Williamson, Abigail

Abigail Williamson

Abigail Fisher Williamson researches and teaches on immigration policy, health policy, urban politics, and civic engagement. Her book Welcoming New Americans? Local Governments and Immigrant Incorporation (University of Chicago Press, 2018) explains why cities welcome immigrants and how these efforts...
14 United States
Sepenu, Abigail Sitsope

Abigail Sitsope Sepenu

I'm a PhD student at Trent University, Canada with a research focus on postpartum experiences of Ghanaian immigrant women moms in Ontario. I depart from damage- and deficit-based approaches, conscientizing the new moms to draw on the strength of their diasporic communities and the wisdom of traditional...
15 Canada
Akyala, Abraham

Abraham Akyala

Akyala brings over 8 years of experience in leveraging on analytical prowess to harness intersectionality, blending nearly 5 years of leadership and technical advisory experience with over 8 years of expertise in policy analysis and deep understanding of gender, migration, climate and environmental...
16 United Kingdom
Fakhri, Abu

Abu Fakhri

Abu Fakhri is a PhD candidate in Sociology at Simon Fraser University, Canada. He completed his MA in Anthropology at the University of Tehran, Iran. In his ongoing doctoral research, he explores the living and labour conditions of undocumented Afghan migrants in Istanbul, Turkey. His research areas...
17 Canada
Sowad, Abu Saleh Mohammad

Abu Saleh Mohammad Sowad

Abu Saleh Mohammad Sowad is an FRQSC doctoral candidate in Social and Cultural Analysis at Concordia University, Montreal. His research focuses on the constructions of diasporic masculinities among Bangladeshi men in Canada. He is also working as a research professional in the Research Chair on Gambling...
18 Bangladesh
Abdul Hadi, Acil

Acil Abdul Hadi

Acil Abdul Hadi is an expatration and skilled migration scholar, taking part of the Marie-Sklodowska Curie project on Global Mobility of employees. Acil is particularly interested in socio-economic consequences of migration including skills acquisition and career development.
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