Asylum seekers

An asylum seeker is an individual who is seeking international protection, and whose request has yet to be processed (UNHCR, 2019). Research in this category includes studies of asylum seekers’ rights, challenges related to integration, irregular migration, asylum and migration policies and asylum legislation.

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EU Law and the Detainability of Asylum-Seekers

Authors Cathryn Costello, Minos Mouzourakis
Year 2016
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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1 Journal Article

Asylbewerber- und Flüchtlingsbefragung

Principal investigator Herbert Brücker (Principal Investigator), Yuliya Kosyakova (Principal Investigator)
Durch die Asyl- und Flüchtlingsbefragung werden erstmals umfassende Erkenntnisse über die Asylbewerber und Flüchtlinge in Deutschland gewonnen. Diese Erkenntnisse sollen die Arbeitsmarktpolitik auf dem Gebiet der Integration von Asylbewerbern und Flüchtlingen unterstützen. Die Schaffung dieser Datenbasis ermöglicht es der BA, andere Entscheidungsträger in Deutschland und Europa auf dem Gebiet der Flüchtlings- und Migrationspolitik durch evidenzbasierte Politikberatung zu unterstützen. Weiterhin wird eine Datenbasis für die Forschung über die Arbeitsmarktintegration von Zuwanderern und im besonderen von Asylsuchenden und Flüchtlingen geschaffen. Projektmethode Befragung Projektziel Schaffung einer Datenbasis, die sowohl zur Politikberatung als auch zur Forschung zu Themen der gesellschaftlichen und Arbeitsmarktintegration von Asylbewerbern und Flüchtlingen verwendet werden kann.
Year 2015
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2 Project

Asylum Seekers in Scotland: The Accommodation of Diversity

Authors Duncan Sim, Alison Bowes
Year 2007
Journal Name Social Policy & Administration
Citations (WoS) 24
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3 Journal Article

From subsistence to resistance: Asylum-seekers and the other ‘Occupy’ in Hong Kong

Authors Francesco Vecchio, Julie Ham
Year 2018
Journal Name Critical Social Policy
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5 Journal Article

Refugees, not Economic Migrants ‐ Why do Asylum‐Seekers Register in Hungary?

Authors András Tétényi, Andras Tetenyi, Tamas Barczikay, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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6 Journal Article

Constructions of Australia in pro- and anti-asylum seeker political discourse

Year 2008
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
Citations (WoS) 44
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7 Journal Article

Onderzoek naar de impact van buurtinitiatieven

De Universiteit van Leuven (KUL) is, met hulp van de Universiteit van Luik (ULg), gestart met een onderzoek om de impact van de buurtinitiatieven van de opvangcentra te meten.Elk opvangcentrum in België organiseert tal van activiteiten om zich als open centrum zo goed mogelijk te integreren in de omgeving: opendeurdagen, vrijwilligersacties, theatervoorstellingen, workshops, enz. Met de ‘buurtinitiatieven’ streven de centra naar een positieve houding bij de Belgische bevolking ten aanzien van de opvangcentra voor asielzoekers en naar een correcte, realistische beeldvorming over ‘de asielzoeker’.5 casestudies Na meer dan tien jaar zijn het beleid en de beleidsinstrumenten aan een evaluatie toe. Daarom financeert Fedasil een onderzoek, dat zal worden uitgevoerd door KU Leuven, in samenwerking met de universiteit van Luik (ULg). Tijdens het onderzoek worden vijf opvangcentra onder de loep genomen: Dendermonde, Sint-Truiden en Pondrôme (Fedasil), Mechelen (Rode Kruis) en Ukkel (Croix-Rouge). Voor elk centrum worden er data verzameld via een buurtbevraging (postenquête bij buurtbewoners), een focusgroep en een interview met de directeur en de buurtwerker.Aan de hand van dit onderzoek wordt een antwoord gezocht op enkele belangrijke vragen. Wat is het bereik en de impact van de buurtinitiatieven? Gaan de omwonenden regelmatig naar een opendeurdag of filmavond in het opvangcentrum? Hebben zij een impact op de omwonenden? Neemt eventuele weerstand af door de activiteiten die de centra organiseren?Na afloop van het onderzoek zal de KU Leuven een aantal aanbevelingen formuleren om het huidige beleid te verbeteren. De bevraging loopt tot het einde van het jaar 2016.
Year 2016
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8 Project

Missing the Boat: Australia and Asylum Seeker Deterrence Messaging

Authors Caroline Fleay, Linda Briskman, Andrew Dodd, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration
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9 Journal Article

Infiltrators Go Home! Explaining Xenophobic Mobilization Against Asylum Seekers in Israel

Authors Yoav H. Duman
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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10 Journal Article

Nursing in asylum seeker detention in Australia: care, rights and witnessing

Authors D. Zion, Linda Briskman, Bebe Loff
Year 2009
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11 Journal Article

Attitudes toward Asylum Seekers in Small Local Communities

Authors Aslan Zorlu
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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12 Journal Article

The Refugee/Asylum Seeker

Year 2015
Book Title Handbook of the Economics of International Migration
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13 Book Chapter

Asylum-seekers and refugees: a structuration theory analysis of their experiences in the UK

Authors Ruth L. Healey
Year 2006
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 17
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15 Journal Article

The epistemic logic of asylum screening: (dis)embodiment and the production of asylum knowledge in Brazil

Authors Katherine Jensen
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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16 Journal Article

The asylum seeker perspective: access to information and effective remedies

In this project, the FRA revealed how asylum seekers judge selected issues relating to the asylum procedure (1.- MS's duty to duly inform asylum seekers about the asylum procedure, as well as related rights and obligations; 2.- Access to effective remedies if their asylum application is denied). For the FRA, this hands-on approach was particularly important in order to provide policy makers with evidence-based advice.
Year 2009
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17 Project

NO PLACE Small children in Norwegian asylum-seeker reception centres

Authors Marie Louise Seeberg, Cecilie Bagge, Truls Andre Enger
Year 2009
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18 Journal Article

Van asielzoeker naar zorgverlener. Arbeidsdeelname van asielmigranten in de zorgsector

Authors The Dutch Advisory Commitee on Migration Affairs (ACVZ)
Er zijn al geruime tijd grote personeelstekorten in de zorgsector. In 2021 is er een tekort van tussen de 56.300 en 73.800 werknemers, dat naar verwachting zal oplopen tot tussen de 100.000 en 130.000 werknemers in 2030. Tegelijkertijd zijn er asielmigranten die maar niet aan het werk komen. Zelfs tijdens de coronacrisis, waarin er extra handen in de zorg nodig zijn, krijgen asielmigranten nauwelijks de kans om aan het werk te gaan als zorgverlener. Terwijl er onder hen wel degelijk mensen zijn die een zorgachtergrond hebben. Daar komt bij dat de Nederlandse zorgsector te maken heeft met een dynamische en superdiverse samenleving en er dus ook nieuw soort werk nodig is. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan tolken of zorgconsulenten die mensen de weg kunnen wijzen in het Nederlandse zorglandschap en aan de zorg voor ouder wordende migranten. Waarom is het dan zo moeilijk voor asielmigranten on een baan te krijgen in een sector die staat te springen om nieuwe arbeidskrachten? De ACVZ heeft in deze verkenning onderzocht wat de barrières zijn voor asielmigranten om in de zorg aan de slag te gaan, hoe deze kunnen worden weggenomen en waar de kansen liggen om meer asielmigranten aan te trekken voor een baan in de zorg. Die adviesraad identificeert in deze verkenning drie obstakels.
Year 2021
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19 Report

Nadeel van de twijfel: Leeftijdsbepaling AMV's en leeftijdsregistratie als meerjarige in EU-lidstaat van eerder verblijf

Authors The Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (ACVZ)
Voor de asielprocedure is het van belang om te weten of een asielzoeker minder- of meerderjarig is, omdat de leeftijd bepalend is voor de te volgen procedures en regels. Daarom is het wezenlijk dat het vaststellen van de leeftijd zorgvuldig en volgens internationale standaarden plaatsvindt. Leeftijdsbepaling is complex omdat asielzoekers vaak niet beschikken over identificerende documenten. Het is dan nodig om op een andere manier vast te stellen wat de leeftijd van een asielzoeker is. In de afgelopen jaren is er in toenemende mate aandacht besteed aan het verbeteren van het proces van leeftijdsbepaling in het Nederlandse asielsysteem. De ACVZ vraagt aandacht voor een specifiek aspect van leeftijdsbepaling, namelijk het gewicht dat Nederland toekent aan de registratie van een asielzoeker als meerderjarige in een andere EU-lidstaat. Omdat deze registratie in sommige gevallen zonder nader onderzoek wordt overgenomen, valt niet uit te sluiten dat hierdoor in Nederland minderjarigen ten onrechte als meerderjarig staan geregistreerd. Voor het opstellen van deze signalering heeft de ACVZ, naast het verrichten van deskresearch en jurisprudentieonderzoek, gesprekken gevoerd met relevante spelers in de uitvoeringspraktijk, de advocatuur en maatschappelijke organisaties. Ook is verkennend onderzoek gedaan naar de uitvoeringspraktijk rondom identificatie, leeftijdsbepaling en registratie in Italië en Griekenland, omdat dit landen zijn waar asielzoekers vaak eerder hebben verbleven.
Year 2020
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20 Report

A qualitative exploration of post-migration stressors and psychosocial well-being in two asylum reception centres in Belgium

Authors Katherine Whitehouse, Ella Lambe, Sofia Rodriguez, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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21 Journal Article

Being Asylum Seekers in Hong Kong Institutions, Action and Power

Authors Kerry J. Kennedy, Kin Loon Wong, Hoi-Yu Ng
Year 2019
Journal Name Asian Journal of Social Science
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22 Journal Article

Nutritional Vulnerability Seen Within Asylum Seekers in Australia

Authors Sharleen O'Reilly, Sharleen O’Reilly, Tess O’Shea, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 15
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24 Journal Article

The Tale of Two Men: Testimonial Styles in the Presentation of Asylum Claims

Authors Forough Ramezankhah
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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25 Journal Article

Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C Viruses Among Asylum Seekers in Izmir

Authors Sukran Kose, Lutfiye Kuzucu, Ayhan Gozaydin, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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26 Journal Article

Limbo life in Canada’s waiting room: Asylum-seeker as queer subject

Authors David K Seitz, David K. Seitz
Year 2017
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 2
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27 Journal Article

The Economy of Seeking Asylum in the Global City

Authors Francesco Vecchio
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration
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28 Journal Article

Let's Meet! Let's Exchange! LETS as an Instrument for Linking Asylum Seekers and the Host Community in the Netherlands

Authors P. Smets, Peer Smets, Saskia ten Kate, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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29 Journal Article

Narratives of nationhood: Young Australians’ concepts of nation and their attitudes towards ‘boat people’

Authors Jacqueline Laughland-Booy, Bruce Tranter, Z Skrbis, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 1
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30 Journal Article

The right to education of children and youngsters from refugee families in Europe

Authors Miquel Àngel Essomba, Miquel Angel Essomba
Year 2017
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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31 Journal Article

The People’s Inquiry into Detention: Social work activism for asylum seeker rights

Authors Linda Briskman
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Sociology
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32 Journal Article

'He's a Cracking Wee Geezer from Pakistan': Lay Accounts of Refugee Integration Failure and Success in Scotland

Authors S. Kirkwood, Steve Kirkwood, Andy McKinlay, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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33 Journal Article

No policies and no politics: Israeli teachers, asylum seeker pupils, and remobilized strategies of avoidance and depoliticization

Authors Manya Kagan, Halleli Pinson, Lynn Schler
Year 2019
Journal Name Race Ethnicity and Education
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34 Journal Article

Death of an asylum seeker

Authors A Sebestyen
Year 2000
Journal Name Race & Class
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35 Journal Article

Giving space: Care, generosity and belonging in a UK asylum drop-in centre

Authors Jonathan Darling
Year 2011
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 31
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36 Journal Article

Urban planners as boundary spanners: Steering perceptions of asylum seeker accommodations in Germany

Authors Maria Schiller
Year 2021
Journal Name Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
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37 Journal Article

Behrouz Boochani's No Friend but the Mountains: A Call for Dignity and Justice

Authors Pilar Royo-Grasa
Year 2021
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38 Journal Article

Mauritian Courts and the Protection of the Rights of Asylum Seekers in the Absence of Dedicated Legislation

Authors Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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39 Journal Article

Formal Education of Asylum Seeker Children in Belgrade, Serbia: Expanded Meaning of Social Inclusion

Authors Teodora Jovanovic
Year 2019
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40 Journal Article

Contemporary Compulsory Dispersal and the Absence of Space for the Restoration of Trust

Authors P. Hynes, Patricia Hynes
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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41 Journal Article

The Normality and Materiality of the Dominant Discourse: Voluntary Work Inside a Dutch Asylum Seeker Center

Authors Robert Larruina, Halleh Ghorashi
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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43 Journal Article

The Ethics of Discharging Asylum Seekers to Harm: A Case From Australia

Authors Ryan Essex, David Isaacs
Year 2018
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44 Journal Article

Meaning nothing but good: ethics, history and asylum-seeker phobia in Britain

Authors Tony Kushner, Tony Kushner
Year 2003
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
Citations (WoS) 28
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45 Journal Article

Access to health-care policies for refugees and asylum-seekers

Authors Salma El-Gamal, Johanna Hanefeld
Year 2020
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46 Journal Article

The European Union’s Plan to Amend the ‘First Country of Asylum’ and ‘Safe Third Country’ Concepts

Authors Reinhard Marx
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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47 Journal Article


Authors Ana I. Alves Moreira, Antonia l. p. Jakobi
Year 2021
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48 Journal Article

Becoming Bare Life: Asylum, Hospitality, and the Politics of Encampment

Authors Jonathan Darling
Year 2009
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 54
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49 Journal Article

Many Rivers to Cross: The Recognition of LGBTQI Asylum in the UK

Authors Moira Dustin
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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50 Journal Article

"I See Nothing but a Fence of Tears": The Impact of Australia's Immigration Detention and Border Protection Policies on the Asylum Seeker Child's Geographies of Hope and Hopelessness

Authors Dani McAlister, Harriot Beazley, Wynonna Raha
Year 2019
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51 Journal Article

"The most brutal immigration regime in the developed world": 1 International Media Responses to Australia's Asylum-Seeker Policy

Authors Hannah M. Laney, Caroline Lenette, Anthony N. Kellett, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees
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52 Journal Article

Empowerment in the Asylum-seeker Regime? The Roles of Policies, the Non-profit Sector and Refugee Community Organizations in Hong Kong

Authors Pui Yan Flora Lau
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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53 Journal Article

Saeteomin Asylum Seekers: The Law and Policy Response

Authors A. Wolman, Andrew Wolman, Guobin Li, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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54 Journal Article

Im/Mobility at the US-Mexico Border during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Year 2021
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55 Journal Article

Artistic Representations of Refugees: What Is the Role of the Artist?

Authors Isobel Blomfield, Caroline Lenette
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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56 Journal Article

Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement in the Endorsement of Asylum Seeker Policies in Australia

Authors Elizabeth M. Greenhalgh, Sue E. Watt, Nicola S. Schutte
Year 2015
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57 Journal Article

Seeing like a region: parliamentary discourses on asylum seekers and refugees in Scotland and South Australia

Authors S Schech
Year 2012
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 5
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58 Journal Article

Somali asylum seekers' perceptions of privacy in healthcare

Authors Niina Eklof, Hibag Abdulkarim, Maija Hupli, ...
Year 2016
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59 Journal Article

Healthy Migrants in an Unhealthy City? The Effects of Time on the Health of Migrants Living in Deprived Areas of Glasgow

Authors Ade Kearns, Carol Tannahill, Elise Whitley, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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60 Journal Article

Deterrence Index

The Deterrence Index addresses the extent to which policies are a deterrence for asylum seekers. The Index seeks to quantify cumulatively the resulting mix of countries’ changing asylum rules. Five key deterrence measures have been considered from three areas: Three sets of instruments are included: (1) access control policy, which refers to the rules and procedures governing the admission of foreign nationals and its instruments include visa policy, regulations for carriers, safe third country provisions, etc. In this area, the deterrence measure refers to the introduction of so-called ‘safe third country’ provisions, which mean that persons seeking asylum in country A will be refused entry into that country, if on their way to country A, they have travelled through state B, a country which country A regards as a ‘safe country’ and in which the asylum seeker could have applied for asylum. (2) asylum determination procedures. Rules concerning determination procedures relate to entry into a country's refugee recognition system, appeal rights, and rules concerning protection that is subsidiary to the rather narrowly defined Geneva Convention criteria for full refugee status. In this area, the deterrence measure refers to rules concerning the granting of subsidiary protection status which allow asylum seekers to remain in a country of destination even though their application for full refugee status under the Geneva Convention is refused. (3) migrant integration policy. policy is concerned with rights and benefits given to asylum seekers inside a country of destination. Here measures are: freedom of movement vs. a compulsory dispersal policy; cash welfare payments vs. a system of vouchers; and third, the right to work under certain conditions vs. a general prohibition to take up employment as an asylum seeker. Policy-makers can introduce changes in the regulations in these three areas in an attempt to raise the deterrence effect of their policy, which in turn is expected to make their country less attractive to asylum seekers in relative terms. The dataset includes scores for 17 OECD countries for 1985 and 2000. To calculate the index, the researcher analysed two sets of annual yearbooks, the OECD’s ‘Trends in International Migration’ (SOPEMI) and the US Committee for Refugees’ ‘World Refugee Survey’ for the years 1985–2000. For each of the five measures, Thielemann creates a dummy variable (value 1 value whether a measure was in operation in a country). The aggregation is additive, with no weighting applied.
Year 1999
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61 Data Set

Between Repetition and Oblivion: Performance, Testimony, and Ontology in the Refugee Determination Process

Authors Caroline Wake
Year 2013
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62 Journal Article

A Reasonable, Practical and Moderate Humanitarianism: The Co-option of Humanitarianism in the Australian Asylum Seeker Debates

Authors D. Every, Danielle Every
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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63 Journal Article

A Systematic Review of Naturalistic Interventions in Refugee Populations

Authors Sierra van Wyk, Robert Schweitzer, Robert D. Schweitzer
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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64 Journal Article

Innovative strategies for the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in European cities: multi-level governance, multi-sector urban networks and local engagement

Authors Caroline Oliver, Rianne Dekker, Karin Geuijen, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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65 Journal Article

Quasi-Customary Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Israel's Darfuri Refugees

Authors Doron Pely
Year 2017
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66 Journal Article

Organising Somalian, Congolese and Rwandan Migrants in a Time of Xenophobia in South Africa: Empirical and Methodological Reflections

Authors Denys Uwimpuhwe, Greg Ruiters
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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67 Journal Article

Process in the Community, Detain Offshore or 'Turn Back the Boats'? Predicting Australian Asylum-seeker Policy Support from False Beliefs, Prejudice and Political Ideology

Authors Lisa Hartley, Joel R. Anderson, Anne Pedersen
Year 2019
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68 Journal Article

Jumping the queue? The queue-jumping metaphor in Australian press discourse on asylum seekers

Authors Catherine Ann Martin
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Sociology
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69 Journal Article

Welfare Chauvinism, Economic Insecurity and the Asylum Seeker “Crisis”

Authors Boris Heizmann, Alexander Jedinger, Anja Perry
Year 2018
Journal Name Societies
Citations (WoS) 1
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71 Journal Article

Walking Borders: Explorations of Aesthetics in Ephemeral Arts Activism for Asylum Seeker Rights

Authors Louise Gwenneth Phillips, Catherine Montes
Year 2018
Journal Name Space and Culture
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72 Journal Article

Dominant News Frames, Society's Memory, and the African Asylum Seekers' Protest in Israel

Authors Noam Tirosh
Year 2018
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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73 Journal Article

Technologies of control: Asylum seeker and volunteer experiences in Australian immigration detention facilities

Authors Michelle Peterie
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Sociology
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74 Journal Article

Alternative paths to refugee and asylum seeker protection in Malaysia and Indonesia

Authors Atin Prabandari, Yunizar Adiputera
Year 2019
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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76 Journal Article

Sarah Spencer, The Migration Debate

Authors Yuval Livnat
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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77 Journal Article

Public debate in the media matters: evidence from the European refugee crisis

Authors Caleb M. Koch, Karsten Donnay, Izabela Moise, ...
Year 2020
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78 Journal Article

Efficacy of Psychological Interventions on Depression Anxiety and Somatization in Migrants: A Meta-analysis

Authors Daniela Sambucini, Paola Aceto, Edvaldo Begotaraj, ...
Year 2020
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79 Journal Article

Geographies of Asylum in Europe and the Role of European Localities

Authors Birgit Glorius, Jeroen Doomernik
Year 2019
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80 Book

The legislative system of the Russian Federation in the area of asylum and refugee status

Authors Margarita PETROSYAN
The Russian law 'On Refugees' in terms of its principles and key provisions complies with the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. Still, this general compliance has turned out to be insufficient for the institution of asylum to operate effectively in the Russian Federation. The unsettled nature of the procedure of determining refugee status and the lack of procedural guarantees for asylum-seekers creates the possibility for denials of granting asylum, on the grounds of political rationale. In the first place, this refers to refugees from the countries ? former USSR republics (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan) as well as DPRK (North Korea) and PRC (China). Even in cases when the instance of persecution cannot be doubted, they are not granted refugee status but temporary asylum, although this institution by definition serves a different purpose, and granted protection is of considerable volume. Decisions about the denial to grant refugee status in many cases do not contain the motives of the denial or are limited to the reference to the fact that an asylum-seeker has left the place of residence for economic reasons. In the majority of cases the asylum-seeker is not provided with the negative decision as such, which makes it much more difficult to appeal against it. As regards the rights, especially social rights, of an individual granted refugee status, the lack of the mechanism of their realisation in legislation creates serious obstacles for refugee integration.
Year 2012
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81 Report

Definitions and Conventions: Asylum Dilemmas in Europe

Authors Danièle Joly
Book Title Haven or Hell?
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
82 Book Chapter

Australia as a Powerbroker on Refugee Protection in Southeast Asia: The Relationship with Indonesia

Authors Susan Kneebone
Year 2017
Journal Name Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees
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83 Journal Article

Local Kids, ‘Refugees’ and Publics of Privilege: Children’s Mediated and Intercultural Lives in a Regional Australian City

Authors Rose Butler
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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85 Journal Article

Repositioning of 'self': Social recognition as a path to resilience for destitute asylum seekers in the United Kingdom

Authors Fiona Cuthill
Year 2017
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86 Journal Article

Organized International Asylum-Seeker Networks: Formation and Utilization by Chinese Students

Authors Jia Gao
Year 2006
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 7
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87 Journal Article

Challenging Policies and Contextualizing Rights: Civil Society Litigation and Refugee and Asylum Seeker Governance in South African Cities

Authors James (Jay) G. Johnson
Year 2022
Journal Name The Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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88 Journal Article

De geloofwaardigheid gewogen

Authors The Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (Adviesraad Migratie)
In de asielprocedure worden asielverhalen beoordeeld door medewerkers van de Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (IND). De beoordeling van de IND is een poging om deze verhalen te verifiëren. Asielzoekers zijn meestal niet in staat om volledig te bewijzen wat hen in het land van herkomst is overkomen. Dit kan redelijkerwijs ook niet van hen worden verlangd. Lastig voor de IND is dat de verklaringen van de asielzoeker vaak niet zijn onderbouwd met documentatie of ander bewijs. Dit maakt het voor de IND bijzonder moeilijk om de verklaringen te controleren. Daarbij komt nog dat asielprocedures ook gaan over de vraag welke risico’s een asielzoeker bij terugkeer naar zijn of haar land van herkomst zou lopen. Dit is een vraag naar toekomstige gebeurtenissen, die uiteraard nooit met volledige zekerheid zijn te bepalen. Daarom toetst de IND niet of de verklaringen van de asielzoeker zwart-wit gezien ‘waar’ zijn, maar weegt zij de verklaringen en maakt een inschatting of de asielzoeker internationale bescherming nodig heeft. Als verklaringen niet kunnen worden geverifieerd, kijkt de IND in hoeverre deze overeenkomen met informatie uit algemene bronnen en met de overige verklaringen van de asielzoeker. Hoe de IND de verschillende elementen onderling weegt om tot een beslissing te komen, kan niet eenduidig uit de huidige wet- en regelgeving worden opgemaakt. De ACVZ geeft een aantal juridische handvatten voor de interpretatie van Europese regels. De IND hoeft niet altijd volledig overtuigd te zijn van de geloofwaardigheid van alle verklaringen van de asielzoeker. Zowel de negatieve als de positieve elementen in het verhaal van de asielzoeker worden onderling gewogen. De ACVZ concludeert dat de IND er in het afgelopen jaar in is geslaagd de geloofwaardigheidsbeoordeling te verbeteren. Beslissingen worden beter gemotiveerd, waardoor de rechter beter in staat is om de rechtmatigheid daarvan te beoordelen.
Year 2016
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89 Report

Constructing the Forced Migrant and the Politics of Space and Place-making

Authors Saskia Witteborn
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Communication
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90 Journal Article

Advocacy and surveillance: primary schools teachers’ relationships with asylum-seeking mothers in Ireland

Authors Shirley Martin, Deirdre Horgan, Jacqui O'Riordan, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Race Ethnicity and Education
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91 Journal Article

Changing health along the Syrian refugees trajectories to Norway. Somatic and mental health relationships and implication for treatment.

Principal investigator Esperanza Diaz (Principal Investigator)
Norway received over 30.000 asylum seekers in 2015 and the number of refugees in the country will soon reach a total of 200.000. Refugees living in Norway have higher burden of disease than other migrants and are underrepresented in the labour market. The associations between somatic and mental health for this population is barely explored, but several studies show the challenge of adequately diagnosing immigrants from non-Western countries with specific diseases, which hinders correct treatment and rehabilitation processes, and decreases the satisfaction of patients with the health care system. Although the healthy immigrant effect is described also for refugees and there is evidence of rapid deterioration of their health once in the host country, little is known about the interactive development of somatic and mental disease through the migration path, this is to say, pre-departure, at interception and at destination, for these patients. For asylum seekers and refugees from Syria on their way to or already living in Norway, this project will determine the risk factors for negative development of somatic and mental health and for increase of unmet health care needs, through the different stages of the migration process. Also, the clinical implications of the associations between mental and somatic health will be tested by measuring the effect of two different treatments, individual physiotherapy and group-based psychological treatment, on both somatic and mental health. Therefore, our results will provide valuable information about the high health risk stages of the migration path, enabling preventive strategies at these points, and about the implications of the interactions between somatic and mental health for the design of health care for asylum seekers and refugees. Although our study will only include refugees from Syria through to enable a trajectory approach, we believe our results will universally apply to any asylum seeker/refugee group.
Year 2017
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92 Project

The Protection Paradox: Why Hasn’t the Arrival of New Media Transformed Refugee Status Determination?

Authors Rosemary Byrne
Year 2015
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
Citations (WoS) 2
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93 Journal Article

Towards culturally inclusive mental health: learning from focus groups with those with refugee and asylum seeker status in Plymouth

Authors Matthew Fish, Olivia Fakoussa
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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94 Journal Article

Refugee, Migrant and Asylum Seekers’ Experience of Accessing and Receiving Primary Healthcare in a UK City of Sanctuary

Authors Rosie Scott, Emer Forde, Clare Wedderburn
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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95 Journal Article

Contemporary racism and Islamaphobia in Australia

Authors Kevin M. Dunn, Kevin Dunn, Natascha Klocker, ...
Year 2007
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 163
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96 Journal Article

Hysteria and Hysteresis. Asylum Migration and the Success of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) Party

Authors Markus Klein, Frederik Springer
Year 2020
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97 Journal Article

Migrant and asylum-seeker children returned to Kosovo and Albania: predictive factors for social–emotional wellbeing after return

Authors Daniëlle Zevulun, Danielle Zevulun, Margrite E. Kalverboer, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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98 Journal Article

Asylum Policies and Protests in Austria

Authors Verena Stern, Nina Merhaut
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
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99 Book Chapter

Understanding the ‘bigger picture’: Lessons learned from participatory visual arts-based research with individuals seeking asylum in the United Kingdom

Authors Nelli Stavropoulou
Year 2019
Journal Name Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture
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100 Journal Article
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