
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Differential effect of birthplace and length of residence on body mass index (BMI) by education, gender and race/ethnicity

Authors Emma V. Sanchez-Vaznaugh, Ichiro Kawachi, S. V. Subramanian, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
501 Journal Article

Changing tactics in negotiating refugee assistance policies and practices: a case study of an asylum seeker-led organization in Hong Kong

Authors Ka Wang Kelvin Lam
Year 2024
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
502 Journal Article

Assistance and protection for victims of human trafficking in Romania

Authors Adriana Ferdean
Year 2008
503 Journal Article

The importance of adopting an intersectionality approach to refugee status determination procedures: lessons from Greece, Israel and Uganda

Authors Jeremy Julian Sarkin, Tatiana Morais
Year 2022
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
504 Journal Article

DEMANDAT: Addressing demand in anti-trafficking efforts and policies (DemandAT)

The project investigates the notion of ‘demand’ for trafficking in human beings (THB) from a range of scientific perspectives and develops an integrated framework that comprehensively addresses and relates demand with alternative framings where appropriate. The findings provide empirical evidence to concrete policy questions on the EU agenda and lay-out the full range of promising policy options. The project consortium engages in continuous, intensive communication efforts with the objective of ensuring a good take-up of research results by policy-makers, other stakeholders and the wider society. Work will proceed in three phases: • Phase 1 involves a comprehensive analysis of theoretical and empirical literature as well as an overview over debates with regard to trafficking for different purposes (commercial sex, labor exploitation, child begging, forced marriages, organ removal and criminal activities), and a mapping of demand related policy measures in different countries. On this basis, a joint conceptual approach will be developed. • Phase 2 involves five in-depth empirical case studies. Three of them address specific fields with systematic differences with regard to the type of demand linked to trafficking: Domestic work, prostitution and imported goods which are provided through global supply chains. Two case studies investigate specifically relevant policy approaches (law enforcement and raising awareness through campaigns). • Phase 3 integrates insights from both phases into a coherent framework and intensifies dissemination which is informed by continuous, systematic stakeholder communication throughout the project.
Year 2014
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
506 Project

Negotiating ‘Belonging’ to the Ancestral ‘Homeland’: Ugandan Refugee Descendents ‘Return’

Authors Naluwembe Binaisa
Year 2011
Journal Name Mobilities
Citations (WoS) 13
507 Journal Article


Year 2019
508 Book

Factors that mitigate war-induced anxiety and mental distress

Authors Astier M. Almedom
Year 2004
Journal Name Journal of Biosocial Science
509 Journal Article

Where Is My Place? The Second Generation in Italy as a New Kind of Transnational Migrant

Authors Roberta Ricucci
Year 2022
Journal Name Central and Eastern european Migration Review
510 Journal Article

Cognitive Remittances and the Reintegration ‘Hump’: Changing Self-Perceptions and Positionality among Roma Returnees in Albania and Kosovo

Authors Zana Vathi, Russell King, Ilir Gëdeshi
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
511 Journal Article

The system of migration related legislation in the Republic of Belarus

Authors Oleg BAKHUR
The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus stipulates1 that foreign citizens and stateless persons enjoy the same rights and freedoms as citizens of Belarus on the territory of the country, unless laws and international agreements provide otherwise. In view of the above, it is noteworthy that the key legal statutory act that regulates rights and obligations of foreign citizens and stateless persons (further on ? foreign citizens) on the territory of the Republic of Belarus is the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 4, 2010 No. 105-? ?On the Legal Status of Foreign citizens and Stateless Persons in the Republic of Belarus? 2 (further on ? the Law).
Year 2012
513 Report

Repositioning of 'self': Social recognition as a path to resilience for destitute asylum seekers in the United Kingdom

Authors Fiona Cuthill
Year 2017
514 Journal Article


Year 1995
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
515 Journal Article

robusT Risk basEd Screening and alert System for PASSengers and luggage

With regards to modalities, TRESSPASS project includes air, maritime and land (including car and train) border crossing points, and specifically also travel routes that combine different modalities. It excludes border crossings outside of border crossing points, such as happens with boats of refugees on the Mediterranean. With regards to threats, this includes smuggling, irregular immigration, cross border crime, and terrorism, including threats to the transport itself (so, including e.g. aviation security – per the topic text). It excludes other threats such as posed by state-actors. This proposal includes all tiers of the four-tier access model: (1) measures undertaken in, or jointly with third countries or service providers; (2) cooperation with neighbouring countries; (3) border control and counter-smuggling measures, and (4) control measures within the area of free movement. TRESSPASS will (1) develop a single cohesive risk-based border management concept (2) develop three pivoting pilot demonstrators (3) demonstrate the validity of the single cohesive risk-based border management concept by using red teaming and simulations (4) prepare for the further development of this concept beyond this project by linking to other known risk-based border management projects (in- and outside EU, within EU research frameworks and on national levels), and describe how their results contribute to a single cohesive risk-based border management concept
Year 2018
516 Project

Protracted Displacement in Conflict Zones: Refugees and Internally Displaced People in Jammu and Kashmir

Authors Reeta Chowdhari Tremblay
Year 2016
Journal Name Migration, Mobility, & Displacement
518 Journal Article

Investigated or ignored? An analysis of race-related deaths since the Macpherson Report

Authors Harmit Athwal, Jon Burnett
Year 2014
Journal Name Race & Class
519 Journal Article

Cross-Language Measurement Equivalence of the Place Attachment Scale: A Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach

Authors Megha Budruk
Year 2010
520 Journal Article

Mexican-American Educational Stagnation

Authors Richard Neil Turner, Brian Thiede
Year 2018
Journal Name International Migration Review
521 Journal Article

Some Aspects of Statelessness Since World War I.

Authors Jane Perry Clark Carey
Year 1946
Journal Name American Political Science Review
522 Journal Article

Post‐Migration Stress: Racial Microaggressions and Everyday Discrimination

Authors Fabio Quassoli, Monica Colombo
Year 2023
Journal Name Social Inclusion
523 Journal Article

New Guest Worker Regimes?

Authors Michael Samers
Book Title An Anthology of Migration and Social Transformation
524 Book Chapter

Governing irregular immigration through detention: discourses and practices from an interdisciplinary approach

Western countries have significant concerns about the increasing number of undocumented migrants and asylum seekers crossing international borders. The European Agenda for Migration includes a set of priorities that address this complex and nuanced problem. Core values of European societies, such as solidarity and human rights, are being tested by irregular migration pressure and the related difficulties of immigration detention. The escalating number of detainees released into host communities instead of being deported has raised new questions about how this population is being managed. This project uses two case studies: Spain and Canada to analyze how the governance of irregular migrants and asylum seekers occurs in two complementary ways. First, at the level of discourse, this research will assess how irregular migration has been represented in the political process by focusing on how immigration detention has emerged as a response to this issue. Second, the project will examine the impact of detention in those released and supervised in the community. This study will also focus on how different actors participant in the governance of migrants and how gender, race and nationality influence this process. Theoretically, this research builds on the governmentality and border control scholarship. Policy analysis and interviews are the primary methods of data collection. This study builds on existing scholarship and will provide a comprehensive and comparative analysis of irregular immigration and detention that can inform various types of immigration policy. The research project will be structured to ensure the applicant receives a high quality and comprehensive training program that includes academic milestones and the management, communication and dissemination competences. This study project is built on the collaboration of several institutions and academics to guarantee the international relevance of the project and the academic excellence of the researcher.
Year 2018
525 Project

The long-term impact of employment bans on the economic integration of refugees

Year 2018
Citations (WoS) 3
526 Journal Article


Year 1995
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
527 Journal Article

Internally Displaced Persons

Year 1994
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
528 Journal Article

Do First- and Second-Generation Migrants Stay Longer in Social Assistance Than Natives in Belgium?

Authors Sarah Carpentier, Karel Neels, Karel Van den Bosch
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
529 Journal Article

Does Halting Refugee Resettlement Reduce Crime? Evidence from the US Refugee Ban

Year 2021
Journal Name American Political Science Review
530 Journal Article

American Attitudes toward Guest Worker Policies

Authors Shayerah Ilias, Katherine Fennelly, Christopher M. Federico
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 16
531 Journal Article


Year 1995
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
532 Journal Article


Year 1995
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
533 Journal Article

Contemporary racism and Islamaphobia in Australia

Authors Kevin M. Dunn, Natascha Klocker, Tanya Salabay
Year 2007
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 163
534 Journal Article

Dominican-American ethnic/racial identities and United States social categories

Authors B Bailey
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration Review
535 Journal Article

Political Protest in Asylum and Deportation. An Introduction

Authors Sieglinde Rosenberger
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
536 Book Chapter

Macroeconomic evidence suggests that asylum seekers are not a "burden" for Western European countries

Authors Hippolyte d'Albis, Ekrame Boubtane, Dramane Coulibaly
Year 2018
Citations (WoS) 4
537 Journal Article

Guilty When Innocent. Australian Government's Resistance to Bringing Home Wives and Children of Islamic State Fighters

Authors Joumanah El-Matrah, Kamalle Dabboussy
Year 2021
538 Journal Article

Statelessness and (il)legitimacy in Al Bassam's Petrol Station and Shakespeare's King Lear

Authors Yousef Abu Amrieh
Year 2023
539 Journal Article

Racial-ethnic Disparities in Inflammation: Evidence of Weathering in Childhood?

Authors Kammi K. Schmeer, Jacob Tarrence
Year 2018
540 Journal Article

Statelessness, sentimentality and human rights: A critique of Rorty's liberal human rights culture

Authors Kelly Staples
Year 2011
Journal Name Philosophy & Social Criticism
541 Journal Article

An Institutional Approach to Bordering in Islands: The Canary Islands on the African-European Migration Routes

Authors Dirk Godenau
Year 2012
542 Journal Article

The Resilient Voter? An Exploration of the Effects of Post-Election Violence in Kenya’s Internally Displaced Persons Camps

Authors Stephanie M. Burchard
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
543 Journal Article

Germany, year 2020. The tension between asylum right, border control, and economy, through the imperative of deservingness

Authors Elena Fontanari
Year 2022
Journal Name Migration Studies
544 Journal Article

Dreaming of Seamless Borders: ICTs and the Pre-Emptive Governance of Mobility in Europe

Authors Dennis Broeders, James Hampshire
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 25
545 Journal Article

Review of developments in the field of contemporary forms of slavery and measures to prevent and repress all contemporary forms of slavery report of the Secretary-General

Authors UN. Secretary-General, Albania, Cuba, ...
Summarizes replies received from Governments and concerned intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations on measures taken to deal with slavery-like practices such as trafficking in human beings, sexual exploitation of children and forced labour.
Year 2006
546 Report

The shape of things to come? Obesity prevalence among foreign-born vs. US-born Mexican youth in California

Authors Alison Buttenheim, Noreen Goldman, AR Pebley, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
547 Journal Article

Best Evidence Aside: Why Trump's Executive Order Makes America Less Healthy

Authors Lawrence O. Gostin
Year 2017
548 Journal Article

The Challenged Sense of Belonging Scale (CSBS)—a validation study in English, Arabic, and Farsi/Dari among refugees and asylum seekers in Germany

Authors Lukas M. Fuchs, Jannes Jacobsen, Lena Walther, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences
549 Journal Article

Asian Americans' Indifference to Black Lives Matter: The Role of Nativity, Belonging and Acknowledgment of Anti-Black Racism

Authors Aggie J. Yellow Horse, Eleanor K. Seaton, Edward D. Vargas, ...
Year 2021
550 Journal Article

Back Home Again: Assessing the Impact of Provisions for Internally Displaced Persons in Comprehensive Peace Accords

Authors David R. Andersen-Rodgers
Year 2015
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
551 Journal Article

Differentials in the Ability to Convert Education into Income: The Case of the European Ethnics

Authors Walter T. Martin, Dudley L. Poston
Year 1977
Journal Name International Migration Review
552 Journal Article

‘Colour-evasiveness’ and racism without race: the disablement of asylum-seeking children at the edge of fortress Europe

Authors Valentina Migliarini
Year 2018
Journal Name Race Ethnicity and Education
Citations (WoS) 2
553 Journal Article

Pathways to reintegration in Senegal and Nigeria promoted by Italian Assisted Voluntary Return programmes

Authors Marco Caselli, Oana Marcu
Year 2024
Journal Name International Migration
554 Journal Article

“Racism in a Melting Pot…?” Trinidadian mid-life transnational migrants’ views on race and colour-class on return to their homes of descent

Authors Robert B. Potter, Dennis Conway, Godfrey St. Bernard
Year 2010
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 4
555 Journal Article

Boundary-Making and Political Activism in Protracted Exile: Second-Generation Tibetan Refugees in India

Authors Natalia Bloch
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
556 Journal Article

Linguistic segregation in urban South Africa, 1996

Authors A.J. Christopher
Year 2004
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 6
557 Journal Article

Are refugees really welcome? Understanding Northern Ireland attitudes towards Syrian refugees

Authors Cameron D Lippard, Catherine B McNamee
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
558 Journal Article

Evaluating the invariance of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure across foreign-born, second-generation and later-generation college students in the United States.

Authors Stevie C. Y. Yap, M. Brent Donnellan, Seth J. Schwartz, ...
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
560 Journal Article

Who Is a Refugee in Jordan? Hierarchies and Exclusions in the Refugee Recognition Regime

Authors Lewis Turner
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
561 Journal Article

Internally Displaced Persons

Journal Name SpringerReference
562 Journal Article

Reducing Irregular Migration from China

Authors James K. Chin
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration
563 Journal Article

The Coming of the Second Generation: Immigration and Ethnic Mobility in Southern California

Authors RG Rumbaut
Year 2008
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
564 Journal Article

Revisiting the Hispanic Health Paradox: The Relative Contributions of Nativity, Country of Origin, and Race/Ethnicity to Childhood Asthma

Authors Marlene Camacho-Rivera, Ichiro Kawachi, S. V. Subramanian, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
565 Journal Article

Ethnic and Racial Identities of Second-Generation Black Immigrants in New York City

Authors Mary C. Waters
Year 1994
Journal Name International Migration Review
566 Journal Article

Gaps in Border Controls Are Related to Quarantine Alien Insect Invasions in Europe

Authors Steven James Bacon, Sven Bacher, Alexandre Aebi
Year 2012
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 50
567 Journal Article

Asian Americans and voting participation: Comparing racial and ethnic differences in recent US elections

Authors P Lien
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration Review
568 Journal Article

The influence of immigrant generation on obesity among Asian Americans in California from 2013 to 2014

Authors Shaoqing Gong, Kesheng Wang, Ying Li, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name PLOS ONE
569 Journal Article

The Racialized Welfare Discourse on Refugees and Asylum Seekers: The Example of "Scroungers" in Italy

Authors Fabio Perocco, Francesco Della Puppa
Year 2023
Citations (WoS) 2
570 Journal Article

Ethnic and Racial Identities of Second-Generation Black Immigrants in New York City

Authors Mary C. Waters
Year 1994
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 285
571 Journal Article

A comparative content analysis of television and blog coverage of internally displaced persons in Nigeria

Authors Oberiri Destiny Apuke, Elif Asude Tunca
Year 2019
Journal Name The Social Science Journal
572 Journal Article

Are First-Generation Adolescents Less Likely to be Overweight? Results from a Survey of Boston Youth

Authors Kendrin R. Sonneville, Dustin T. Duncan, Renee M. Johnson, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
573 Journal Article

Hyper-selectivity, Racial Mobility, and the Remaking of Race

Authors Van C. Tran, Jennifer Lee, Oshin Khachikian, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences
574 Journal Article

Factors Associated with Buying Medications Abroad by Nativity and Race/Ethnicity in the US

Authors Sou Hyun Jang, Linda K. Ko, Hendrika Meischke
Year 2020
575 Journal Article

Educational and Occupational Ambitions among the Spanish ‘Second Generation’: The Case of Barcelona

Authors Amado Alarcón, Jessica Yiu, Sònia Parella
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 7
576 Journal Article

More than methods: learning from research with children seeking asylum in Ireland

Authors Allen White, Naomi Bushin
Year 2011
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
577 Journal Article

Neighborhood Concentrated Disadvantage and Adult Mortality: Insights for Racial and Ethnic Differences

Authors Justin T. Denney, Jarron M. Saint Onge, Jeff A. Dennis
Year 2018
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 2
578 Journal Article

Intergenerational Mobility and Goal-Striving Stress Among Black Americans: The Roles of Ethnicity and Nativity Status

Authors Dawne M. Mouzon, Daphne C. Watkins, Ramona Perry, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
579 Journal Article

Principles of Protection for Internally Displaced Persons

Authors Erin D. Mooney
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration
580 Journal Article

From Ad Hoc to Universal: The International Refugee Regime from Fragmentation to Unity 1922-1954

Authors G. Ben-Nun
Year 2015
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
581 Journal Article

“The Past is Still Right Here in the Present”: Second-Generation Bajan-Brit Transnational Migrants' Views on Issues Relating to Race and Colour Class

Authors Robert B Potter, Joan Phillips
Year 2008
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 12
582 Journal Article

Global Action to prevent and address Trafficking in Human beings and the smuggling of migrants

The overall objective of the project is to prevent and address trafficking in persons (TIP) and the smuggling of migrants (SOM) by assisting selected partner countries in developing and implementing comprehensive national counter-trafficking and smuggling responses.
Year 2017
583 Project

A Needs and Readiness Assessment of the United States Refugee Resettlement Program: Focus on Syrian Asylum-Seekers and Refugees

Authors Damir Utržan, Elizabeth Wieling, Timothy Piehler
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
584 Journal Article

The value and meaning of a community drop-in service for asylum seekers and refugees

Authors Hannah Catherine Spring, Fiona Katherine Howlett, Claire Connor, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
585 Journal Article

Goal 16.9 Identity, recognized identity and statelessness

Authors Scuola Nazionale di Educazione Ambientale
The right of every man, woman or child to have an identity is universally recognized. A person's identity does not depend on registration in a register or possession of official identification documents. This right does not even depend on the registration of a child at birth (this is a right guaranteed in international treaties and may be required by national law in order to implement other rights). In 1951, Hannah Arendt, a stateless Jewish refugee who had just arrived in the United States, called the "right to have rights". Unfortunately, today, in 2022, almost a billion people in the world do not have an identity or a legal identity. Despite numerous attempts to try to find a solution to the problem, more than 12 percent of the world population does not have a demonstrable identity, it is as if it "did not exist". Hundreds of millions of people do not know they are "someone" and cannot even prove "who" they are. It is important for refugees migrants and stateless people. A 2019 report from the Norwegian Refugee Council found that only 29 percent of Syrian displaced people surveyed had been able to obtain documents issued by the Syrian state after leaving the country. For migrants there is a serious risk to loose the "right to have rights". Adopting sub-measure 16.9 of the SDGs the signatory countries have committed themselves to “providing a legal identity for all, including birth registration” by 2030. But up to now resutls have been different.
Year 2022
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
586 Report

‘I Feel Like a Beggar’: Asylum Seekers Living in the Australian Community Without the Right to Work

Authors Caroline Fleay, Lisa Hartley
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
587 Journal Article

The Fight against Illegal Immigration, Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings in Spain: Ambiguities and Rhetoric

Authors Carmen González Enríquez
Year 2018
Book Title Immigration and Criminal Law in the European Union
589 Book Chapter

Rethinking knowledge, power, agency: learning from displaced and slum communities in Bangladesh

Authors Afroja Khanam, Tiina Seppälä
Year 2020
Book Title Ethics and Politics of Space for the Anthropocene
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
590 Book Chapter

Barriers to Accessing and Negotiating Mental Health Services in Asylum Seeking and Refugee Populations: The Application of the Candidacy Framework

Authors Catharina F. van der Boor, Ross White
Year 2020
591 Journal Article

Disparities in diabetes between US-born and foreign-born population: using three diabetes indicators

Authors Daesung Choi, K. M. Venkat Narayan, Shivani A. Patel
Year 2022
Citations (WoS) 5
592 Journal Article

Simulating a Multi-agency Approach for the Protection of Trafficked Persons in Migration and Displacement Settings

Authors Sarah Elliott, Megan Denise Smith
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Human Trafficking
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
593 Journal Article

Ethnic segregation across fields of study in the Netherlands

Authors Frank van Tubergen
594 Journal Article

"Third Generation" Ethics: What Careproviders Should Do Before They Do Ethics

Authors Edmund G. Howe
Year 2010
595 Journal Article

Ethical medical repatriation of guest workers: Criteria and challenges

Authors Teck-Chuan Voo, Sharon Kaur, Natarajan Rajaraman
Year 2020
596 Journal Article


Authors Michelle D. Byng
Year 2017
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
597 Journal Article

CARE : Coordinated approach for the reintegration of victims of trafficking

To offer personalized and flexible assistance for the return of the victims of trafficking in human beings from Austria, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain and UK, so they can become active members of their societies again.
Year 2013
598 Project

Immigrant status, race, and institutional choice in higher education

Authors Alison P. Hagy, J.Farley Ordovensky Staniec
Year 2002
Journal Name Economics of Education Review
Citations (WoS) 40
599 Journal Article

From the Translocal to the Multi‐Sited Transnational: Tracing Rohingya Refugee Networks in India

Authors Rohini Mitra
Year 2024
Journal Name Global Networks
600 Journal Article
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