
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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AVRR: Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration

The provision of reintegration assistance to migrants in their countries of origin is an essential element to ensure sustainability of returns. IOM and partners in countries of origin provide migrants with socio-economic support to promote their self-sufficiency and contributions to their local communities. The sustainability of returns may, however, ultimately only be ensured in tandem with socio-economic development. IOM strives to support sustainable reintegration of migrants returning to a variety of contexts, recognizing, that the factors affecting the reintegration process and subsequently its sustainability are not dissimilar from those that resulted in the decision to migrate in the first place. IOM therefore asserts that reintegration can be considered sustainable when returnees have reached levels of economic self-sufficiency, social stability within their communities, and psychosocial well-being that allow them to cope with (re)migration drivers. Having achieved sustainable reintegration, returnees are able to make further migration decisions a matter of choice, rather than necessity. To achieve this objective, it is necessary to approach migrant reintegration in a comprehensive manner, considering the factors that can affect reintegration and addressing them in a way to respond to the needs of the individual returnees as well as the communities to which they return in a mutually beneficial way, and address the structural factors at play. Assistance to migrants, communities of return, and structural environments in countries of origin is therefore an essential element to ensuring sustainability of reintegration.
Year 1979
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201 Project

Schooling, Work, and Idleness among Mexican and Non-Latino White Adolescents

Authors Nancy S. Landale, NS Landale, RS Oropesa, ...
Year 1998
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 42
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202 Journal Article

Borderline justice

Authors Frances Webber
Year 2012
Journal Name Race & Class
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203 Journal Article

Combating Trafficking in Human Beings

Authors H. Konrad
Year 2006
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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204 Journal Article

Statelessness: Prevention and Reduction of Statelessness and Protection of Stateless Persons

Year 2007
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
205 Journal Article

Technologies of control: Asylum seeker and volunteer experiences in Australian immigration detention facilities

Authors Michelle Peterie
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Sociology
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206 Journal Article

Cyprus: Peace, Return and Property

Authors D. S. Sert, Deniz S. Sert
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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207 Journal Article

Immigration Policy and Agriculture: Possible Directions for the Future

Authors Philip Martin
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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208 Journal Article

The Conditions of Adaptation of "Internally Displaced Persons" to University Environment by Means of Students' Self-Government

Authors Yurii Krashchenko, Halyna Sorokina, Iryna Degtyarova
Year 2017
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210 Journal Article

Jumping the queue? The queue-jumping metaphor in Australian press discourse on asylum seekers

Authors Catherine Ann Martin
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Sociology
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211 Journal Article

Immigrant Profiles of U.S. Urban Areas and Agents of Resettlement*

Authors Lawrence A. Brown, Tamar E. Mott, Edward J. Malecki
Year 2007
Journal Name The Professional Geographer
Citations (WoS) 13
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212 Journal Article

Process in the Community, Detain Offshore or 'Turn Back the Boats'? Predicting Australian Asylum-seeker Policy Support from False Beliefs, Prejudice and Political Ideology

Authors Lisa Hartley, Joel R. Anderson, Anne Pedersen
Year 2019
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213 Journal Article

Racialized Incorporation: The Effects of Race and Generational Status on Self-Employment and Industry-Sector Prestige in the United States

Authors Ali R. Chaudhary
Year 2015
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 5
214 Journal Article

Antenatal Care Utilization and Obstetric and Newborn Outcomes Among Pregnant Refugees Attending a Specialized Refugee Clinic

Authors Mary Malebranche, A Hull, Eric Norrie, ...
Year 2020
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215 Journal Article

Human Security and the Relocation of Internally Displaced Environmental Refugees in Cameroon

Authors Gertrud Buchenrieder, Christina Mack, Azibo Roland Balgah
Year 2017
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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216 Journal Article

Changing health along the Syrian refugees trajectories to Norway. Somatic and mental health relationships and implication for treatment.

Principal investigator Esperanza Diaz (Principal Investigator)
Norway received over 30.000 asylum seekers in 2015 and the number of refugees in the country will soon reach a total of 200.000. Refugees living in Norway have higher burden of disease than other migrants and are underrepresented in the labour market. The associations between somatic and mental health for this population is barely explored, but several studies show the challenge of adequately diagnosing immigrants from non-Western countries with specific diseases, which hinders correct treatment and rehabilitation processes, and decreases the satisfaction of patients with the health care system. Although the healthy immigrant effect is described also for refugees and there is evidence of rapid deterioration of their health once in the host country, little is known about the interactive development of somatic and mental disease through the migration path, this is to say, pre-departure, at interception and at destination, for these patients. For asylum seekers and refugees from Syria on their way to or already living in Norway, this project will determine the risk factors for negative development of somatic and mental health and for increase of unmet health care needs, through the different stages of the migration process. Also, the clinical implications of the associations between mental and somatic health will be tested by measuring the effect of two different treatments, individual physiotherapy and group-based psychological treatment, on both somatic and mental health. Therefore, our results will provide valuable information about the high health risk stages of the migration path, enabling preventive strategies at these points, and about the implications of the interactions between somatic and mental health for the design of health care for asylum seekers and refugees. Although our study will only include refugees from Syria through to enable a trajectory approach, we believe our results will universally apply to any asylum seeker/refugee group.
Year 2017
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218 Project

Geographies of Asylum in Europe and the Role of European Localities

Authors Birgit Glorius, Jeroen Doomernik
Year 2019
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219 Book

Multicultural parenting: Preparation for bias socialisation in British South Asian and White families in the UK

Authors Humera Iqbal
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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220 Journal Article

Between Repetition and Oblivion: Performance, Testimony, and Ontology in the Refugee Determination Process

Authors Caroline Wake
Year 2013
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221 Journal Article

Queer asylum seekers: translating sexuality in Norway

Authors Deniz Akin
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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222 Journal Article

Becoming Bare Life: Asylum, Hospitality, and the Politics of Encampment

Authors Jonathan Darling
Year 2009
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 54
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223 Journal Article

Beyond Simply 'Return': How IDP Mobility, Agency and Self-Identification Contradict the Underpinnings of Refugee Policy

Authors Elliot Lodge
Year 2018
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224 Journal Article

Suspect technologies: forensic testing of asylum seekers at the UK border

Authors Richard Tutton, Steve Sturdy, Christine Hauskeller
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 13
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225 Journal Article

Biographic Consequences of Parent Child-Separation during the Migration Process: The Case of Guest-Worker Migration to Germany

Principal investigator Rahim Hajji (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical background and objectives Research on youth migration in Germany has given little attention to transnational family relations so far. The project explores both the extent and the long-term individual consequences of migration-related family separation during childhood. The first part of the study focuses on guest-workers' immigration strategies in order to explain the development and consequences of transnational family relations in the context of the recruitment of ""gastarbeiter"" in Germany. The study differentiates between guest workers from Southern Europe (Greece, Italy, Spain, Yugosla­via and Portugal) and from Islamic Mediterranean countries (Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia). Survey data are used to construct and describe ""migration chains"" in order to test hypotheses on transnational family relations and the extent of resulting parent-child separation. The analysis of qualitative data gathered from interviews with young migrants living in Germany permits the investigation of the familial decision-making processes concerning migration and the cones­quences of separation from parents experienced during childhood. At the second stage, the project also analyses the attachment behaviour of migrants who, in the context of immigration to Germany, temporarily lived in transnational families during their childhood. The idea that a separation from parents experienced during childhood will influence the general attachment behaviour forms the core thesis of attachment theory (Bowlby 1969, Ainsworth 1985a). But instead of concentrating on immediate social consequences of migration-related parental loss on the child-parent-relationship, the study analyses the marital status of adults depending on whether they experienced separation from their parent(s) due to migration during their childhood. Research design, data and methodology Data are analysed descriptively and by means of logistic regression models, using the German Mikrozensus 2005. Additionally, a series of interviews has been conducted with young Moroccan migrants who had been temporarily separated from their parents. Findings The extent of separation experiences differs according to ethnic background. Children with an Islamic Mediterranean background have a significantly higher hazard of experiencing a migration-related separation from one of their parents (mostly, from their father) than those from Southern European countries. A temporary loss of both parents was observed more frequently among young migrants with a European origin. The interviews reveal that it is much more difficult for the children to deal with the absence of both parents. Regression results show that the experience of a separation from parents during childhood significantly reduces the chances of marriage among adult migrants, and that the age at separation plays an important role, while the duration does not show any effects."
Year 2008
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226 Project

Exploring Parenting Narratives in Asylum Seeking Populations in Sweden: Examining the Effect of Post-Migration Stress on Families through Grounded Theory

Authors Ellen Hedstrom, H Kovshoff, J A Hadwin, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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227 Journal Article

Refugee crisis in Europe: determinants of asylum seeking in European countries from 2008-2014

Authors Yoo-Duk Kang
Year 2020
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228 Journal Article

Home journeys: Im/mobilities in young refugee and asylum-seeking women's negotiations of home

Authors Ala Sirriyeh
Year 2010
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229 Journal Article

'The Suffering is Too Great': Urban Internally Displaced Persons in the Casamance Conflict, Senegal

Authors M. Evans, Martin Evans
Year 2007
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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230 Journal Article

Kabrit ki gen twop met: understanding gaps in WASH services in Haiti's IDP camps

Authors Mark Schuller, Tania Levey
Year 2014
Journal Name Disasters
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231 Journal Article

Statelessness index

The Statelessness Index is a comparative tool that assesses European countries’ law, policy and practice on the protection of stateless people and the prevention and reduction of statelessness, against international norms and good practice. It is a tool created for civil society, government, researchers, the media and other interested individuals. The Index was developed and is maintained by the European Network on Statelessness (ENS). The Index allows users to quickly understand which areas of law, policy and practice can be improved by states and which can be looked to as examples of good practice in addressing statelessness. The Index is the first to provide comprehensive and accessible comparative analysis of European countries’ efforts to address statelessness. The Index assesses how countries in Europe perform against international norms and good practice for the protection of stateless people and the prevention and reduction of statelessness. A country’s performance is assessed against a set of benchmarks drawn from international and regional human rights standards, soft law, relevant reports, and consultation with experts. The index covers 18 countries for the period 2017-2019. It consists of 23 indicators sorted in 5 strands: International and regional instruments; Statelessness Population Data Availability; Statelessness Determination and Status; Detention; Prevention and Reduction. The country data is gathered through a detailed survey, structured around the themes and subthemes. The surveys are completed by country experts (researchers, lawyers, NGOs and other civil society actors), referenced with links to sources, reviewed by a second country expert, and then returned to the ENS Secretariat for analysis.
Year 2019
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232 Data Set

Getting There? The Effects of Functional Factors, Time and Place on the Social Integration of Migrants

Authors Ade Kearns, Elise Whitley
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
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233 Journal Article

Somali asylum seekers' perceptions of privacy in healthcare

Authors Niina Eklof, Hibag Abdulkarim, Maija Hupli, ...
Year 2016
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234 Journal Article

The Future of Refugee Flows and Policies

Authors Rosemarie Rogers
Year 1992
Journal Name International Migration Review
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235 Journal Article

Chapter 27. Trafficking in Human Beings

Authors Nicola Rogers, Steve Peers
Year 2018
Book Title EU Immigration and Asylum Law
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236 Book Chapter

Unpacking the Presumed Statelessness of Rohingyas

Authors Nyi Nyi Kyaw
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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237 Journal Article

Public debate in the media matters: evidence from the European refugee crisis

Authors Caleb M. Koch, Karsten Donnay, Izabela Moise, ...
Year 2020
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238 Journal Article

The CRC of Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers in Finland

Authors Mervi Kaukko
Year 2017
Journal Name The International Journal of Children’s Rights
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239 Journal Article

Who Ought to Stay? Asylum Policy and Protest Culture in Switzerland

Authors Dina Bader
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
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240 Book Chapter

Yearbook on Illegal Migration, Human Smuggling and Trafficking in Central and Eastern Europe.

Published since 2000 with the latest issue available for 2013. It includes a survey and analysis of border management and border apprehension data from 22 States obtained via a questionnaire disseminated to border agencies, Ministries of Interior and other national authorities dealing with issues related to irregular migration. The Yearbook features also a topical Special Module, like for instance, on the Detention of Migrants and Asylum Seekers in 2013.
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241 Data Set

Asylum-seeking Parents' Reports of Health Deterioration in Their Children since Fleeing Their Home Country

Authors Christopher Jamil De Montgomery, Terje A. Eikemo, Theoni Stathopoulou
Year 2019
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242 Journal Article

Dominant News Frames, Society's Memory, and the African Asylum Seekers' Protest in Israel

Authors Noam Tirosh
Year 2018
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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244 Journal Article

The Future of Refugee Flows and Policies

Authors Rosemarie Rogers, R ROGERS
Year 1992
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 11
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245 Journal Article

Trust Amongst Refugees in Resettlement Settings: a Systematic Scoping Review and Thematic Analysis of the Literature

Authors Ryan Essex, Erika Kalocsányiová, Nataliya Rumyantseva, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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246 Journal Article

The Negative Impact of an Uncertain Residence Status: Analysis of Migration-Related Stressors in Outpatients with Turkish Migration Background and Psychiatric Disorders in Germany Over a 10-Year Period (2005–2014)

Authors Matthias J. Müller, Matthias Johannes Mueller, Eckhardt Koch, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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247 Journal Article

The Second Generation in Chile: Negotiating Identities, Rights, and Public Policy

Authors Iskra Pavez-Soto, Carol Chan
Year 2018
Journal Name International Migration
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248 Journal Article

Unequal From the Start? Poverty Across Immigrant Generations of Hispanic Children

Authors Brian C. Thiede, Matthew M. Brooks, Leif Jensen
Year 2021
Journal Name Demography
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249 Journal Article

Problems Tamil asylum seekers encounter in accessing health and welfare services in Australia

Authors Derrick Silove, Zachary Steel, Patrick D. McGorry, ...
Year 1999
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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250 Journal Article

Autonomy of migration in the light of deportation. Ethnographic and theoretical accounts of entangled appropriations of voluntary returns from Morocco

Authors Anissa Maâ
Year 2023
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
251 Journal Article

Unaccompanied Minors? An analysis of the legal situation of abandoned children born in Hungary

Authors Mária TEMESVARI
In recent years changes in Hungarian citizenship policy and legislation have aroused public interest. The efforts of the Hungarian government to facilitate the naturalisation of ethnic Hungarians particularly encountered esistance from neighbouring countries,1 and was also viewed critically by some scholars.2 At the same time, the issue of unaccompanied minors has been high on the political agenda in EU Member States, including Hungary. Various EU institutions and bodies have commissioned studies and reports to analyse the situation in the European Union3 and an Action Plan was launched in order to ensure greater coherence and cooperation and to improve the protection offered to this vulnerable group.4 Nevertheless, a group of unaccompanied minor children, who do not fit into the traditional definition of unaccompanied minors in Europe, has been neglected. These children were born in Hungary of a foreign national, but of a Hungarian speaking and presumably ethnic Hungarian mother who subsequently abandoned the child in hospital shortly after birth. Despite liberal citizenship policy and an existing legal framework for the protection of unaccompanied minors, these children do not, for various reasons, obtain any nationality at or after birth and remain in a legal limbo for many months or even years. The aim of this paper is to explore the legal situation of these children in three areas: citizenship, immigration status and reception and care, and to analyse to what extent the current practices of the Guardianship Office and the Office of Immigration and Nationality is in compliance with Hungary’s international legal obligations, with Community law and, indeed, with domestic law. Particular attention will be paid to the obligations of Hungary as set out in the Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. As an unclear citizenship status constitutes the main reason for their peculiar situation, we will also look at the possibility of granting Hungarian citizenship or stateless status.
Year 2012
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252 Report

Convergences and Divergences: Southern European Policies on Irregular Immigration

Authors Maurizio Ambrosini
Book Title Irregular Immigration in Southern Europe
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253 Book Chapter

Internally Displaced Persons in Pursuit for Access to Justice: Ukraine

Authors Kateryna Krakhmalova
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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254 Journal Article

The increasing use of detention of asylum seekers and irregular migrants in the EU

Authors Carmine Conte, Valentina Savazzi, Migration Policy Group (MPG)
Year 2019
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255 Policy Brief

Take Me "Home": Return Migration among Germany's Older Immigrants

Authors Jenjira J. Yahirun
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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256 Journal Article

Learning race in a U.S. Context: An emergent framework on the perceptions of race among foreign-born students of color.

Authors Sharon Fries-Britt, Chrystal A. George Mwangi, Alicia M. Peralta, ...
Journal Name Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
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257 Journal Article

Australia as a Powerbroker on Refugee Protection in Southeast Asia: The Relationship with Indonesia

Authors Susan Kneebone
Year 2017
Journal Name Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees
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258 Journal Article

High HIV Prevalence among Asylum Seekers Who Gave Birth in the Netherlands: A Nationwide Study Based on Antenatal HIV Tests

Authors Simone Goosen, Christian J. P. A. Hoebe, Anton E. Kunst, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 7
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260 Journal Article

The legislative system of the Russian Federation in the area of asylum and refugee status

Authors Margarita PETROSYAN
The Russian law 'On Refugees' in terms of its principles and key provisions complies with the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. Still, this general compliance has turned out to be insufficient for the institution of asylum to operate effectively in the Russian Federation. The unsettled nature of the procedure of determining refugee status and the lack of procedural guarantees for asylum-seekers creates the possibility for denials of granting asylum, on the grounds of political rationale. In the first place, this refers to refugees from the countries ? former USSR republics (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan) as well as DPRK (North Korea) and PRC (China). Even in cases when the instance of persecution cannot be doubted, they are not granted refugee status but temporary asylum, although this institution by definition serves a different purpose, and granted protection is of considerable volume. Decisions about the denial to grant refugee status in many cases do not contain the motives of the denial or are limited to the reference to the fact that an asylum-seeker has left the place of residence for economic reasons. In the majority of cases the asylum-seeker is not provided with the negative decision as such, which makes it much more difficult to appeal against it. As regards the rights, especially social rights, of an individual granted refugee status, the lack of the mechanism of their realisation in legislation creates serious obstacles for refugee integration.
Year 2012
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261 Report

Re-Inventing Everyday Life in the Asylum Centre: Everyday Tactics Among Women Seeking Asylum in Norway

Authors Zubia Willmann Robleda
Year 2020
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263 Journal Article

Border Control Politics as Technologies of Citizenship in Europe and North America

Authors Kim Rygiel
Book Title New Border and Citizenship Politics
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266 Book Chapter

Challenging Policies and Contextualizing Rights: Civil Society Litigation and Refugee and Asylum Seeker Governance in South African Cities

Authors James (Jay) G. Johnson
Year 2022
Journal Name The Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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267 Journal Article

Immigrant Generation and Sexual Initiation Among a Diverse Racial/Ethnic Group of Urban Youth

Authors Kate Coleman-Minahan, Sheana Bull, Marisol Chavez
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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268 Journal Article

Refugees, displaced persons and asylum seekers in Armenia

Authors Ruber YEGANYAN
Armenia first came to know the painful phenomenon of the refugee and IDP population in the course of its recent history, in 1998. It was at the end of this year that people escaping from the Armenian pogroms in the Azeri city of Sumgant arrived in Armenia. Given the deepening interethnic conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno Karabakh, the refugee problem further intensified, resulting in an inflow that became massive in scope. From 1988-1991, Armenia received a total of more than 360 thousand refugees from Azerbaijan, not only of Armenian nationality but also of minority nationalities who had been living in the territory of Azerbaijan. At the same time, because of the sharp increase in interethnic distrust and tension from 1989-1991, approximately 170 thousand ethnic Azeris who had been living in Armenia were forced to flee the country.
Year 2013
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269 Report

The system of migration legislation in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Authors Alovsat ALIYEV
The system of migration-related legislation in the Republic of Azerbaijan (further on RA) comprises the RA Constitution, international treaties concluded by RA, laws and by-laws. Article 69 of the Constitution stipulates that foreigners have the same rights and fulfill the same duties as RA citizens, if not stated otherwise by the law or international agreement, ratified by RA. RA has ratified numerous Conventions, which notably include: the ‘Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons’ , ‘Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness’; the convention ‘On the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families’5 and the convention ‘On the Nationality of Married Women.
Year 2012
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270 Report

Patterns of politicisation on refugees and policy responses: The case of Germany

Authors Jana Beinhorn, Birgit Glorius
Year 2018
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271 Working Paper

Trafficking in Human Beings: Modern Slavery

Authors H. Askola
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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272 Journal Article

Unpredictability, Invisibility and Vulnerability: Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Minors’ Journeys to Australia

Authors Mariana Nardone, Ignacio Correa-Velez
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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273 Journal Article

Refugee and asylum-seeking representative structures in South Africa: The case study of Somali, Congolese, and Ethiopian communities

Authors M F Dinbabo, Y Zembe, S Carciotto, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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274 Journal Article

Immigrant School Segregation in Sweden

Authors Martin Nordin
Year 2013
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 3
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276 Journal Article

Barriers to contraceptive careseeking: the experience of Eritrean asylum-seeking women in Israel

Authors Tsega Gebreyesus, Peter J. Winch, Pamela J. Surkan, ...
Year 2020
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277 Journal Article

Unveiling Informality through Im/mobility. Conceptual Analysis of Asylum Seekers and Refugees at the Margins of the Reception system in Italy

Authors Stefano degli Uberti
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Modern Italian Studies
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278 Journal Article

Gender, Securitization and Transit: Refugee Women and the Journey to the EU

Authors Alison Gerard, Sharon Pickering, A. Gerard, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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279 Journal Article

Educational attainment of children of immigrants: Evidence from the national longitudinal survey of youth

Authors Freddy Siahaan, Daniel Y. Lee, David E. Kalist
Year 2014
Journal Name Economics of Education Review
Citations (WoS) 6
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280 Journal Article

Three rationalities for making sense of internal displacement in Ukraine

Authors Greta Lynn Uehling
Year 2020
Journal Name Migration Studies
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281 Journal Article

Constructing the Forced Migrant and the Politics of Space and Place-making

Authors Saskia Witteborn
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Communication
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283 Journal Article

'It Would be Okay If They Came through the Proper Channels': Community Perceptions and Attitudes toward Asylum Seekers in Australia

Authors Fiona H. McKay, Susan Kneebone, Samantha L. Thomas, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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285 Journal Article

Introduction. The Immigration-Crime Connection: Competing Theoretical Perspectives

Authors Scot Wortley
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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286 Journal Article

Asylum seekers/patron seekers: Interpreting Iraqi Kurdish migration

Authors DE King
Year 2005
Journal Name Human Organization
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287 Journal Article

Becoming a Borderland: The “Refugee Crisis” in Italy and Beyond

Authors Maurizio Ambrosini
Book Title Irregular Immigration in Southern Europe
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288 Book Chapter

(Re)locating the border: Pre-entry tuberculosis (TB) screening of migrants to the UK

Authors Adam Warren
Year 2013
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 3
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289 Journal Article

Transnational heritage migrants in Istanbul: second-generation Turk-American and Turk-German ‘Returnees’ in their parents’ homeland

Authors Sherri Grasmuck, Annika Marlen Hinze
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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290 Journal Article

Epidemiology of Alcohol Abuse Among US Immigrant Populations

Authors Magdalena Szaflarski, Lisa A. Cubbins, Jun Ying
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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291 Journal Article

Towards an embodied securityscape: Brian Chikwava'sHarare Northand the asylum seeking body as site of articulation

Authors Patricia Noxolo
Year 2014
Journal Name Social & Cultural Geography
Citations (WoS) 18
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292 Journal Article

Towards culturally inclusive mental health: learning from focus groups with those with refugee and asylum seeker status in Plymouth

Authors Matthew Fish, Olivia Fakoussa
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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293 Journal Article

He Came, He Saw, He Stayed. Guest Worker Programmes and the Issue of Non-Return

Authors Tanya Basok
Year 2000
Journal Name International Migration
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296 Journal Article

Report of the Secretary-General on the issue of refugees and internally displaced persons pursuant to resolution 1346 (2001)

Authors UN. Secretary-General
Discusses the issue of refugees, internally displaced persons and other war-affected victims in Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Presents views under the following: asylum in Guinea; repatriation and voluntary return; assistance to returnees and internally displaced persons in Sierra Leone; and Kambia. Includes observations and table showing refugees and internally displaced persons as at 11 May 2001.
Year 2001
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297 Report

Human trafficking in hotels: an "invisible" threat for a vulnerable industry

Authors Alexandros Paraskevas, Maureen Brookes
Year 2018
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298 Journal Article

“Betwixt and Between”: Hope and the meaning of school for asylum-seeking children in Sweden

Authors Malin Svensson, Marita Eastmond
Year 2013
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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299 Journal Article

De geloofwaardigheid gewogen

Authors The Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (Adviesraad Migratie)
In de asielprocedure worden asielverhalen beoordeeld door medewerkers van de Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (IND). De beoordeling van de IND is een poging om deze verhalen te verifiëren. Asielzoekers zijn meestal niet in staat om volledig te bewijzen wat hen in het land van herkomst is overkomen. Dit kan redelijkerwijs ook niet van hen worden verlangd. Lastig voor de IND is dat de verklaringen van de asielzoeker vaak niet zijn onderbouwd met documentatie of ander bewijs. Dit maakt het voor de IND bijzonder moeilijk om de verklaringen te controleren. Daarbij komt nog dat asielprocedures ook gaan over de vraag welke risico’s een asielzoeker bij terugkeer naar zijn of haar land van herkomst zou lopen. Dit is een vraag naar toekomstige gebeurtenissen, die uiteraard nooit met volledige zekerheid zijn te bepalen. Daarom toetst de IND niet of de verklaringen van de asielzoeker zwart-wit gezien ‘waar’ zijn, maar weegt zij de verklaringen en maakt een inschatting of de asielzoeker internationale bescherming nodig heeft. Als verklaringen niet kunnen worden geverifieerd, kijkt de IND in hoeverre deze overeenkomen met informatie uit algemene bronnen en met de overige verklaringen van de asielzoeker. Hoe de IND de verschillende elementen onderling weegt om tot een beslissing te komen, kan niet eenduidig uit de huidige wet- en regelgeving worden opgemaakt. De ACVZ geeft een aantal juridische handvatten voor de interpretatie van Europese regels. De IND hoeft niet altijd volledig overtuigd te zijn van de geloofwaardigheid van alle verklaringen van de asielzoeker. Zowel de negatieve als de positieve elementen in het verhaal van de asielzoeker worden onderling gewogen. De ACVZ concludeert dat de IND er in het afgelopen jaar in is geslaagd de geloofwaardigheidsbeoordeling te verbeteren. Beslissingen worden beter gemotiveerd, waardoor de rechter beter in staat is om de rechtmatigheid daarvan te beoordelen.
Year 2016
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