
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Erasure: Temporality and the Second Generation

Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Citations (WoS) 2
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702 Journal Article

Locals’ support for integration policies and asylum seekers’ rights: Exploring a normative model of support for Syrians in Turkey

Authors Yasin Duman, Canan Coşkan
Year 2023
Journal Name Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
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703 Journal Article

The urban question and identity formation: The case of second-generation Mexican males in Los Angeles

Authors Maria G. Rendón
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 4
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704 Journal Article

Third-Generation Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)

Authors Mateja Mihinjac, Gregory Saville
Year 2019
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705 Journal Article

Unrest in the Forest and Ethnocide of the Gothi-Koya Tribes in India

Authors Keyoor Pathak, Chittranjan Subudhi, Tajuddin Md
Year 2022
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706 Journal Article


Authors Czarina Wilpert, Zig Layton-Henry
Book Title Challenging Racism in Britain and Germany
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707 Book Chapter

Exploring Social and Geographical Trajectories of Latin Americans in Sweden

Authors Roger Andersson
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration
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708 Journal Article

Race-Ethnic Differences in Sexual Health Knowledge

Authors Karen Benjamin Guzzo, Sarah Hayford
Year 2012
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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709 Journal Article

European Global Border Environment

The GLOBE project will provide a comprehensive framework in which an integrated global border management system must be developed. The project will take into account the current and future technological environment. Additionally, GLOBE’s scope reaches even further by looking into other key aspects of border management beyond isolated technology, such as the legal and political environment, the social and economic impact of border problems and, more specifically, the impact on information management and integration. The proposal has been built up on the conceptualisation of the end users needs. These needs are well known by the partners of the consortium due to the close relationship with these institutions through the hands-on experience that all companies have in the different border control areas. End users from several countries have participated in the conceptualization of the proposal to make sure it includes what they consider to be the most relevant issues in their areas of expertise. The GLOBE proposal has been prepared in such a way that as to cover the full scope of an integrated border management system, moving throughout the four main layers of border control (Country of origin, transit areas, regulated and unregulated border lines and internal territory). As a result, GLOBE will identify what already exists, what is being done, what needs to be improved, how to integrate all the information together and how to present it so it proves useful for all relevant EU and national institutions to make better decisions for dealing with issues of such importance as illegal immigration and movements of illegal goods and materials. GLOBE has been awarded the eSEC (Spanish Security and Trust Technological Platform) certification of integration within the Research Agenda established by the Spanish Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications Industries Association.
Year 2008
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710 Project

Zurück nach Pakistan: Die politische Ökonomie der Emotionen in der Remigration

Principal investigator Martin Sökefeld (Principal Investigator)
Das beantragte Forschungsprojekt untersucht Abschiebungen und "freiwillige" Rückkehr aus Deutschland nach Pakistan und fokussiert dabei auf die "politische Ökonomie der Emotionen" in der Remigration, verstanden als Produktion, Austausch und Zirkulation von Emotionen im Gefüge von Beziehungen, Erfahrungen, Verpflichtungen und Erwartungen zwischen (Re-)Migranten, verwandtschaftlichen, lokalen und transnationalen Kontexten, sowie staatlichen und nichtstaatlichen Institutionen. Nachdem Deutschland in den vergangenen Jahren vermehrt zum Zielland pakistanischer Migranten geworden ist, nehmen im Zuge verschärfter Asylpolitik Abschiebungen und die Förderung "freiwilliger" Rückkehr zu. Das Projekt geht davon aus, dass Migration nie ein rein "rationales", "interessengeleitetes" Phänomen ist, sondern dass Migration, Remigration eingeschlossen, stark mit Emotionen verbunden ist. Das Projekt gliedert sich ein in das wachsende ethnologische Forschungsinteresse an Abschiebungen, das jedoch bislang vor allem auf Afrika und Lateinamerika gerichtet ist. Die Untersuchung beginnt mit der sehr unübersichtlichen Situation hinsichtlich Abschiebung und Rückkehrförderung in Deutschland. Darauf aufbauend werden die Emotionen, mit denen die Motivationen, Erwartungen und Erfahrungen der (Re)Migration einhergehen, untersucht, bezogen sowohl auf pakistanische Migranten in Deutschland, denen eine Rückkehr bevorsteht, als auch auf Remigrierte, die schon in Pakistan angekommen sind. Schließlich will das Projekt die gesellschaftlichen Konsequenzen und Effekte der Abschiebung und/oder "freiwilligen" Rückkehr in Pakistan erforschen, indem es das soziale Umfeld von Remigranten (Familie, Verwandtschaftsnetzwerke, peer groups, Dorf oder urbane Nachbarschaft, soziale Netzwerke), seine ökonomischen und (lokal-)politischen Strukturen, und die in diesem Kontext produzierten und zirkulierenden Emotionen untersucht. Neben der empirisch-ethnographischen Untersuchung von Abschiebung und Remigration nach Pakistan beabsichtigt das Projekt, einen theoretischen und methodologischen Beitrag zur Rolle von Emotionen im Kontext von Remigration und Abschiebung zu erarbeiten und damit einen Beitrag zur "anthropology of removal" (N. Peutz) zu leisten.
Year 2018
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711 Project


Year 1995
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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712 Journal Article


Year 1995
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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713 Journal Article


Year 1995
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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714 Journal Article

Sudanese Refugees and the “Syrian Refugee Response” in Lebanon: Racialised Hierarchies, Processes of Invisibilisation, and Resistance

Authors Maja Janmyr
Year 2021
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
Citations (WoS) 10
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715 Journal Article

Acculturation and overweight-related behaviors among Hispanic immigrants to the US: the national longitudinal study of adolescent health

Authors P Gordon-Larsen, KM Harris, DS Ward, ...
Year 2003
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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716 Journal Article

Racial/ethnic disparities in self-reported short sleep duration among US-born and foreign-born adults

Authors Timothy J. Cunningham, Anne G. Wheaton, Earl S. Ford, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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718 Journal Article

Developing critical and empathic capabilities in intercultural education through the VaKE approach

Authors Frederique Brossard Borhaug, Sieglinde Weyringer
Year 2018
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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719 Journal Article

Between Control and Assistance: The Problem of European Accommodation Centres for Asylum Seekers

Authors Alice Szczepanikova
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration
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720 Journal Article

Intelligent Portable Border Control System

iBorderCtrl envisages to enable faster thorough border control for third country nationals crossing the borders of EU, with technologies that adopt the future development of the Schengen Border Management. The project will present an optimal mixture of an enhanced, voluntary form of a Registered Traveller Programme and an auxiliary solution for the Entry/Exit System based on involving bona fide travellers. iBorderCtrl designs and implements a system that adopts mobility concepts and consists of a two-stage procedure, designed to reduce cost/time spent per traveller at the crossing station. It leverages software and hardware technologies ranging from portable readers/scanners, various emerging and novel subsystems for automatic controls, wireless networking for mobile controls, and secure backend storage and processing. The two-stage procedure includes: (A) the registration before the travel to gather initial personal, travel document and vehicle data, perform a short, automated, non-invasive interview with an avatar, subject to lie detection and link the traveller to any pre-existing authority data. Utilizing multifactor analytics and risk-based approach, the data registered is processed and correlated with publicly open data or external systems such as the SIS II. Processing will need the travellers consent as set in EU legislation and national law. (B) the actual control at the border that complements pre-registered information with results of security controls that are performed with a portable, wireless connected iBorderCtrl unit that can be used inside buses/trains or any point. Multiple technologies check validity and authenticity of parameters (e.g. travel documents, visa, face recognition of traveller using passport picture, real-time automated non-invasive lie detection in interview by officer, etc.). The data collected are encrypted, securely transferred and analysed in real time, providing an automated decision support system for the border control officers.
Year 2016
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721 Project

The Ethnic Economy and the Turkish Ethnic Economy in London

Authors Saniye Dedeoglu
Book Title Migrants, Work and Social Integration
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722 Book Chapter

Legal analysis on the Right to Livelihood for Stateless Persons in Malaysia

Authors Tamara Joan Duraisingam, Harmahinder Singh Iqbal Singh
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 1
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723 Journal Article

The role of asylum in processes of urban gentrification

Authors Emma Hill, Nasar Meer, Timothy Peace
Year 2021
Journal Name The Sociological Review
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724 Journal Article

Application of six dimensions of minority group based on Kinloch approach: The socio-political change of Rohingya minority

Authors Noor Farhana Ahmad Pazil
Year 2020
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725 Journal Article

Constructions of credibility in decisions concerning unaccompanied minors

Authors Daniel Hedlund
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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726 Journal Article

The Motivations and Reality of Return Migration to Armenia

Authors Lucie Mackova, Jaromir Harmacek
Year 2019
Citations (WoS) 8
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727 Journal Article

Intersectional inequities in the birthweight gap between twin and singleton births: A random effects MAIHDA analysis of 2012-2018 New York City birth data

Authors Clare R. Evans, Christina I. Nieves, Natasha Erickson, ...
Year 2023
Citations (WoS) 8
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728 Journal Article

Language choice among immigrants in a multi-lingual destination

Authors BarryR. Chiswick, PaulW. Miller
Year 1994
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
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729 Journal Article

The changing nature and European perceptions of Europe's refugee problem

Authors Vaughan Robinson
Year 1995
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 1
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730 Journal Article

Did Manufacturing Matter? The Experience of Yesterdays Second Generation: A Reassessment

Authors Roger Waldinger
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 22
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731 Journal Article

Asylum Policies, Trafficking and Vulnerability

Authors Khalid Koser
Year 2000
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 37
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732 Journal Article

Nothing to lose but their (block)chains

Year 2022
Journal Name American Ethnologist
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733 Journal Article

Spanish legislation against trafficking in human beings: punitive excess and poor victims assistance

Authors Francisco Javier De Leon
Year 2010
Journal Name Crime, Law and Social Change
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734 Journal Article

Young maternal age and low birth weight risk: An exploration of racial/ethnic disparities in the birth outcomes of mothers in the United States

Authors Jeff A. Dennis, Stefanie Mollborn
Year 2013
Journal Name The Social Science Journal
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735 Journal Article

City Growth under Conflict Conditions: The View from Nyala, Darfur

Authors Anne Bartlett, Jennifer Alix–Garcia, David S. Saah
Year 2012
Journal Name City & Community
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736 Journal Article

Internal displacement in Burma

Authors S Lanjouw, G Mortimer, Bamforth
Year 2000
Journal Name Disasters
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737 Journal Article

Let’s stick together: Labor market effects from immigrant neighborhood clustering

Authors José Lobo, Charlotta Mellander
Year 2020
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
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738 Journal Article

Stuck Between Mainstreaming and Localism: Views on the Practice of Migrant Integration in a Devolved Policy Framework

Authors Silvia Galandini, Gareth Mulvey, Laurence Lessard-Phillips
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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739 Journal Article

Weten en wegen. Advies over het gebruik van landeninformatie in de asielprocedure

Authors The Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs
Bij de beoordeling van asielverzoeken is informatie over de situatie in het land van herkomst van de asielzoeker van groot belang. Dergelijke informatie helpt namelijk bij het beantwoorden van de vraag of de asielzoeker in aanmerking komt voor een asielvergunning. De Immigratieen Naturalisatiedienst (IND) gebruikt hiervoor meestal rapporten die het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken opstelt, de zogeheten ‘ambtsberichten’. Wanneer geen, dan wel geen recente, ambtsberichten over een land zijn verschenen (in 2018 betrof dit bijna de helft van de eerste asielaanvragen) betrekt de IND vaak landeninformatie uit andere bronnen bij de beoordeling van asielverzoeken. Er zijn namelijk ook andere organisaties die rapporten opstellen over de situatie in landen van herkomst van asielzoekers die in meer of mindere mate gelijkenis vertonen met de ambtsberichten. Daarnaast is er informatie beschikbaar via bijvoorbeeld nieuwsberichten. De staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid heeft de Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ) om advies gevraagd over de vraag hoe de IND bij het ontbreken van een algemeen ambtsbericht het beste gebruik kan maken van deze andere bronnen van informatie. De staatssecretaris ervaart het namelijk als een probleem dat het gebruik van andere bronnen van landeninformatie dan de ambtsberichten niet op een transparante manier is ingebed in het beleidsproces, de uitvoering en de rechtsbescherming. Het is niet duidelijk wanneer een dergelijke bron wel of niet gebruikt kan worden en wanneer een bron als betrouwbaar kan worden aangemerkt. Ook vraagt ze of het mogelijk is om een rangorde aan te brengen in de bronnen. In dit advies beantwoorden wij de volgende adviesvraag: Hoe kunnen bij het ontbreken van een (actueel) ambtsbericht andere openbare bronnen van landeninformatie zo goed mogelijk gebruikt worden in het beleids- en besluitvormingsproces, de uitvoering en rechtsbescherming en in hoeverre is hierin een rangorde aan te brengen? De centrale vraag beantwoorden we aan de hand van de volgende deelvragen: 1) Welke criteria zijn in wet- en regelgeving, jurisprudentie en literatuur te onderscheiden voor de beoordeling en het gebruik van landeninformatie?; 2) Wat wordt momenteel bij het ontbreken van een ambtsbericht als bruikbare en onbruikbare bron aangemerkt om de (veiligheids)situatie in landen van herkomst te beoordelen? Hoe wordt hiermee omgegaan door beleid/uitvoering/rechtspraak?; 3) Wat is de werkwijze en rol van het European Asylum Support Office (EASO) op het gebied van het verzamelen, weergeven en beoordelen van landeninformatie? ; 4) Op welke landeninformatie baseren andere Europese landen hun beleidsproces, uitvoering en rechtsbescherming?; 5) Wat zijn de voor- en nadelen van het gebruik van andere openbare landeninformatie dan de ambtsberichten? Voor het beantwoorden van de adviesvraag hebben we een jurisprudentie- en literatuuronderzoek verricht, 54 IND-dossiers bestudeerd en beleidsmedewerkers, wetenschappers en vertegenwoordigers van belangenorganisaties geconsulteerd.
Year 2020
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740 Report

‘Assumed to Have a Race’: Everyday Encounters of Refugees with Racial Ascription in South Africa

Authors Amanuel Isak Tewolde
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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741 Journal Article

The Public Thermostat, Political Responsiveness and Error-Correction: Border Control and Asylum in Britain, 1994–2007

Authors Will Jennings
Year 2009
Journal Name British Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 52
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742 Journal Article

Refugees then and now: memory, history and politics in the long twentieth century: an introduction

Authors Dan Stone
Year 2018
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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743 Journal Article

Ethnic Segmentation in School and Labor Market – 40 Year Legacy of Austrian Guestworker Policy

Authors Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 28
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744 Journal Article

Becoming American, Becoming Minority, Getting Ahead: The Role of Racial and Ethnic Status in the Upward Mobility of the Children of Immigrants

Authors Philip Kasinitz
Year 2008
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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745 Journal Article

Foreign-born population concentration and neighbourhood growth and development within US metropolitan areas

Authors Rebbeca Tesfai, Janice Madden
Year 2016
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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746 Journal Article

A Comparative North American-European Study on Two Anomalies to the Traditional Westphalian Nation State Model: Statelessness and Dual Nationality

Since 1993, all nationals of the EU Member States hold EU citizenship, which entails the right to move and reside freely within EU territory. Since 1999, immigration has been a matter of shared competence between the EU and its Member States. The EU increasingly faces the question whether this common immigration policy as well as the common status of EU citizenship do not also require harmonization of the rules on acquisition and loss of nationality, or even the transfer of national competences to the EU, because the nationality law rules of individual Member States can be used to circumvent the common EU migration policy. In fact, a considerable number of Member States grant particular groups of people (former emigrants and their descendants living outside the EU, co-ethnics in neighbouring countries that are not part of the EU) facilitated access to their nationality and also encourage dual nationality. The link of these ‘external EU citizens’ with the EU is often very weak. At the same time, there are large numbers of EU resident people who continue to suffer the hardship of being stateless because they cannot qualify for the nationality of an EU Member State. Both the facilitated access to the EU through dual nationality and the vulnerable position of EU resident stateless persons gives the EU a strong interest in interfering with Member State autonomy in nationality law. The proposal will study global trends regarding dual nationality and statelessness by investigating how North America, and to a lesser extent Latin America, deal with these phenomena. For that purpose, research missions will be conducted on both continents. The results are compared with European data already collected by the applicant and the EUDO citizenship project. As nationality law will increasingly become a policy concern to the EU, the applicant’s global research will contribute to both the academic and policy-orientated debate on the future role of the EU in matters of nationality law.
Year 2012
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748 Project

Recent Trends in Coverage of the Mexican-Born Population of the United States: Results From Applying Multiple Methods Across Time

Authors Jennifer Van Hook, Frank D. Bean, James D. Bachmeier, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Demography
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749 Journal Article

A ‘European Migrant Crisis’? Some Thoughts on Mediterranean Borders

Authors Annalisa Lendaro
Year 2016
Journal Name Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
Citations (WoS) 4
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751 Journal Article

Weten en wegen. Advies over het gebruik van landeninformatie in de asielprocedure

Authors The Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs
Bij de beoordeling van asielverzoeken is informatie over de situatie in het land van herkomst van de asielzoeker van groot belang. Dergelijke informatie helpt namelijk bij het beantwoorden van de vraag of de asielzoeker in aanmerking komt voor een asielvergunning. De Immigratieen Naturalisatiedienst (IND) gebruikt hiervoor meestal rapporten die het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken opstelt, de zogeheten ‘ambtsberichten’. Wanneer geen, dan wel geen recente, ambtsberichten over een land zijn verschenen (in 2018 betrof dit bijna de helft van de eerste asielaanvragen) betrekt de IND vaak landeninformatie uit andere bronnen bij de beoordeling van asielverzoeken. Er zijn namelijk ook andere organisaties die rapporten opstellen over de situatie in landen van herkomst van asielzoekers die in meer of mindere mate gelijkenis vertonen met de ambtsberichten. Daarnaast is er informatie beschikbaar via bijvoorbeeld nieuwsberichten. De staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid heeft de Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ) om advies gevraagd over de vraag hoe de IND bij het ontbreken van een algemeen ambtsbericht het beste gebruik kan maken van deze andere bronnen van informatie. De staatssecretaris ervaart het namelijk als een probleem dat het gebruik van andere bronnen van landeninformatie dan de ambtsberichten niet op een transparante manier is ingebed in het beleidsproces, de uitvoering en de rechtsbescherming. Het is niet duidelijk wanneer een dergelijke bron wel of niet gebruikt kan worden en wanneer een bron als betrouwbaar kan worden aangemerkt. Ook vraagt ze of het mogelijk is om een rangorde aan te brengen in de bronnen. In dit advies beantwoorden wij de volgende adviesvraag: Hoe kunnen bij het ontbreken van een (actueel) ambtsbericht andere openbare bronnen van landeninformatie zo goed mogelijk gebruikt worden in het beleids- en besluitvormingsproces, de uitvoering en rechtsbescherming en in hoeverre is hierin een rangorde aan te brengen? De centrale vraag beantwoorden we aan de hand van de volgende deelvragen: 1) Welke criteria zijn in wet- en regelgeving, jurisprudentie en literatuur te onderscheiden voor de beoordeling en het gebruik van landeninformatie?; 2) Wat wordt momenteel bij het ontbreken van een ambtsbericht als bruikbare en onbruikbare bron aangemerkt om de (veiligheids)situatie in landen van herkomst te beoordelen? Hoe wordt hiermee omgegaan door beleid/uitvoering/rechtspraak?; 3) Wat is de werkwijze en rol van het European Asylum Support Office (EASO) op het gebied van het verzamelen, weergeven en beoordelen van landeninformatie? ; 4) Op welke landeninformatie baseren andere Europese landen hun beleidsproces, uitvoering en rechtsbescherming?; 5) Wat zijn de voor- en nadelen van het gebruik van andere openbare landeninformatie dan de ambtsberichten? Voor het beantwoorden van de adviesvraag hebben we een jurisprudentie- en literatuuronderzoek verricht, 54 IND-dossiers bestudeerd en beleidsmedewerkers, wetenschappers en vertegenwoordigers van belangenorganisaties geconsulteerd.
Year 2020
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752 Report

The US 9/11 Commission on Border Control

Year 2004
Journal Name Population and Development Review
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754 Journal Article

Refused Asylum Seekers as the Hyper-Exploited

Authors Hannah Lewis, Louise Waite, Stuart Hodkinson, ...
Book Title Vulnerability, Exploitation and Migrants
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758 Book Chapter

Do Attitudes Towards the Integration of Immigrants Change Over Time? A Comparative Study of Natives, Second-Generation Immigrants and Foreign-Born Residents in Luxembourg

Authors Marie-Sophie Callens, Marie Valentova, Bart Meuleman
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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759 Journal Article

Humanitarian Assistance and Permanent Settlement of Asylum Seekers in Greece: The Role of Sympathy, Perceived Threat, and Perceived Contribution

Authors Elisavet Thravalou, Borja Martinovic, Maykel Verkuyten
Year 2020
Journal Name International Migration Review
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761 Journal Article

Public Understanding of Trafficking in Human Beings in Great Britain, Hungary and Ukraine

Authors Kiril Sharapov
Year 2019
Journal Name Anti-Trafficking Review
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762 Journal Article

Neighborhood Concentrated Disadvantage and Adult Mortality: Insights for Racial and Ethnic Differences

Authors Justin T. Denney, Jarron M. Saint Onge, Jeff A. Dennis
Year 2018
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 2
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763 Journal Article

Does Circular Migration Lead to “Guest Worker” Outcomes?

Authors Jeroen Doomernik
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration
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764 Journal Article

Conclusion: Integration from Below?

Authors Ronit Lentin
Book Title Migrant Activism and Integration from Below in Ireland
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765 Book Chapter

Complementary Pathways to Protection: Promoting the Integration and Inclusion of Refugees in Europe?

Authors Joanne van Selm
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 5
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766 Journal Article

SIS II - Second generation Schengen Information System

Operational management of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) which entered into operation on 09 April 2013 replacing SIS1. SIS II, the largest information system for public security in Europe, allows information exchanges between national border control, customs and police authorities ensuring that the free movement of people within the EU can take place in a safe environment. It also contains alerts on missing persons, in particular children, as well as information on certain property, such as banknotes, cars, vans, firearms and identity documents that may have been stolen, misappropriated or lost. Currently SIS II is used by 29 countries (25 EU MS + 4 Associated Countries). 25 EU: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Associated Countries connected to SIS II are: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Statistics are available to the public as analyses presented in studies on annual basis. **Statistics of interest:** Refusals of entry -> statistics on alerts art 24 SIS II Regulation “refused entry or stay in the Schengen area when the authorities had already made a decision that they should not enter”
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
767 Data Set

Confronting the Rise of Trafficking of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Protection Challenges, Legal Barriers and Patterns of Vulnerability

Authors Yara Chehwane, Megan Denise Smith
Year 2017
Journal Name Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration
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768 Journal Article

Behind the Numbers: Talking Politics with Foreign‐born Chinese Americans

Authors PT Lien
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 4
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769 Journal Article

A Social Survey on Refugees in and Around Vienna in Fall 2015: Methodological Approach and Field Observations

Authors Judith Kohlenberger, Isabella Buber-Ennser, Bernhard Rengs, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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772 Journal Article

Temporal statelessness and the oppressive liminality of perpetually unfulfilled hope: An examination of waiting in Basma Abdel Aziz’s The Queue

Authors Jasmine Ulmer, James M. Salvo y deLeón
Year 2022
Journal Name Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture
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773 Journal Article

The Push and Pull Factors Contributing Towards Asylum Migration from Developing Countries to Developed Countries Since 2000

Authors Nozomi Matsui, James Raymer
Year 2020
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 10
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775 Journal Article

Educational integration by the third generation? Placement and academic achievement of students with immigrant background in Germany

Authors Christian Hunkler, Kristin Schotte
Year 2023
Journal Name Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft
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776 Journal Article

Between trafficking in human beings and the "Final Solution". The Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

Authors J Neander
Year 2001
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777 Journal Article

Latent tuberculosis infection in foreign-born communities: Import vs. transmission in The Netherlands derived through mathematical modelling

Authors Hester Korthals Altes, Frank G. J. Cobelens, Martin Bootsma, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 2
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778 Journal Article

Ukrainians in the Czech Republic: On the Pathway from Temporary Foreign Workers to One of the Largest Minority Groups

Authors Yana Leontiyeva
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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779 Book Chapter

How discrimination experiences relate to racial/ethnic identity and mental health across first- and second-generation Vietnamese American adolescents.

Authors Stephanie H. Yu, Austin Saephan, Bahr Weiss, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology
Citations (WoS) 2
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780 Journal Article

Transnational Figurations of Displacement

Objectives: The overall objective of the project is to develop solutions for protracted displacement situations (PDS) that are better tailored to the needs and capacities of persons affected by displacement. Current policies struggle to find solutions to forced displacement. Refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) are often stuck in ‘limbo’, i.e. living in situations of vulnerability, dependency and immobility, due to continuous cycles of displacement and a lack of durable options. The project will therefore aim at answering the questions whether and how PDS, dependency and vulnerability are related to the factors of connectivity and mobility. It will further look at how in turn, connectivity and mobility can be operationalized to enhance the self-reliance and resilience of displaced people. Summary: Protracted displacement situations are estimated to affect about 13 million individuals globally, approximately two-thirds of the 20 million refugees today. PDS affects both refugees who have left their countries of origin as well as internally displaced individuals subsisting in precarious living conditions and seeking stability and safety with no prospects of local integration, resettlement, or safe return. TRAFIG will conduct its research by analysing specific sites of exhibited protracted displacement situations throughout Asia, Africa and Europe in order to better understand the daily lives and challenges of those living in PDS, and to ultimately devise new and creative approaches for the alleviation of these problems. Moreover, TRAFIG seeks to explore the relationship between connectivity and mobility, and the realities of protracted displacement situations which increase vulnerability in order to understand how PDS can be challenged. ICMPD’s policy unit leads the stakeholder engagement and dialogue with policymakers and further seeks innovative options for the exploitation of results. In addition, the unit examines governance frameworks on displacement at the European and global level. Project Partners: BICC (Bonn International Center for Conversion), Addis Ababa University, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, CMI (Chr. Michelsen Institute), Danube University Krems, Dignity Kwanza – Community Solutions, FIERI (Forum of International and European Research on Immigration), ICMPD (International Centre for Migration Policy Development), SHARP (Society for Human Rights & Prisoners’ Aid), Universiteit Leiden, University of Sussex, Yarmouk University
Year 2019
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781 Project

Immigrant Children, Educational Performance and Public Policy: a Capability Approach

Authors Abdirashid A. Ismail
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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782 Journal Article

Immigration, Integration, and Anxiety in Germany

Authors Robin Ostow
Year 2005
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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783 Journal Article

Binational Marriages in Sweden: Is There an EU Effect?

Year 2013
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 20
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784 Journal Article

Intragroup Heterogeneity and Blackness: Effects of Racial Classification, Immigrant Origins, Social Class, and Social Context on the Racial Identity of Elite College Students

Authors Camille Z. Charles, Rory A. Kramer, Kimberly C. Torres, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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785 Journal Article

Return Migration of Japanese-Brazilians to Japan: The Nikkeijin as Ethnic Minority and Political Construct

Authors Keiko Yamanaka
Year 1996
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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786 Journal Article

The Borders Beyond the Border: Australia’s Extraterritorial Migration Controls

Authors Asher Lazarus Hirsch
Year 2017
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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787 Journal Article

Empowering the crowd: feasible strategies for epidemic management in high-density informal settlements. The case of COVID-19 in Northwest Syria

Authors Alberto Pascual-García, Jordan D Klein, Jennifer Villers, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name BMJ Global Health
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788 Journal Article

The difference sameness makes

Authors Brett Louis
Year 2005
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 7
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790 Journal Article

Ethnic identity among Japanese-Americans in Hawaii

Year 1988
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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791 Journal Article


DemandAT is an interdisciplinary research project funded under the EU Seventh Framework Programme. The project brings together nine partners across seven European countries to investigate approaches to addressing and reducing demand for trafficking in human beings through anti-trafficking efforts and policies. While responses to trafficking have traditionally focused on combating the criminal networks involved in trafficking or protecting the human rights of victims, European countries are increasingly exploring ways of influencing demand for the services or products of those trafficked within their own economies and societies – for example, through criminalising clients, better control of recruitment agencies, or fair trade campaigns. DemandAT contributes to a better understanding of how policymakers can influence demand for trafficking and actively engages with EU and national level policymakers. The project benefits from continuous stakeholder interaction and is informed by a stakeholder advisory board comprising representatives from the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women, the International Organization for Migration, the International Trade Union Confederation, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the United Nationas Office for Drugs and Crime amongst others. The project’s research takes a broad approach to trafficking analysing a range of forced and exploitative labour scenarios. It explores what demand means in the context of trafficking in human beings conceptually and examines how demand for products and services provided by trafficked women, men and children operates in practice. The measures implemented to reduce demand for trafficking are analysed and their efficacy in reducing demand is assessed. Insights are drawn from related areas to develop a broader perspective of the range of regulatory options that exist for influencing demand for trafficking in human beings. Research Phases The research is structured into three, interlocking, phases: Phase 1: Analysis of the theoretical and empirical literature on demand for trafficking in human beings and regulating demand in different disciplines, fields and countries. This includes economic and genealogical analysis of the concept of demand and a comprehensive overview of demand in different forms of trafficking. January 2014-June 2015. Phase 2: Involves three in-depth empirical case studies on different trafficking fields: domestic work, prostitution and imported goods. A further two case studies will be conducted investigating different policy approaches: law enforcement actors and campaigns. September 2014-December 2016. Phase 3: The final phase involved integrating the project insights into a coherent framework with a focus on dissemination. January 2017-June 2017. Research Areas The project is divided into a series of work packages that cover different aspects of trafficking and examine different measures for addressing demand for trafficking in human beings. The substantive work packages include: The Concept of Demand Researchers at the University of Bremen lead on developing an analysis of the meaning and implications of demand from a genealogical and economic perspective; exploring the conceptual foundations of the debate on demand in trafficking. January 2014- June 2015. Policy Instruments in Steering Demand Researchers at the University of Edinburgh provide a conceptual analysis of the regulatory tools available for steering demand drawing on related fields to examine measures to steer demand for lower cost goods/services and for illicit goods/services. January 2014 – June 2015. Demand in Different Forms of Trafficking in Human Beings Researchers at La Strada International lead a systematic review of the literature on demand-side factors and demand-side policies. This review is conducted in relation to trafficking for the purposes of: the commercial sex market, labour exploitation, forced begging, forced/servile marriages, forced criminal activities and illegal organ removal. January 2014 – June 2015. Government Responses: Comparative Country Analysis Researchers at International Centre for Migration Policy Development provide a comparative overview of the development and implementation of policies targeting demand for trafficking in selected EU and non-EU countries. This includes an analysis of the debates on the expected and actual outcomes of demand related policies. January 2014 – June 2015. Domestic Work Researchers at the European University Institute investigate types of domestic work that involve extreme forms of exploitation focusing on the dynamics between demand and supply with a view to proposing improved policy options for combatting trafficking and exploitation in domestic work. The countries studied are: Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK. September 2014 – December 2016. Globalised production of Goods Researchers at the University of Durham evaluate the impact of existing initiatives to address trafficking and forced labour in global supply chains. Field research in non-EU countries will inform the development of industry-specific strategies to address trafficking and forced labour in supply chains. September 2014 – December 2016. Prostitution Researchers at Lund University conduct a comparative analysis of how demand for trafficking is tackled in different policy approaches to prostitution. Germany, New Zealand and Sweden provide case studies for different policy models on prostitution. January 2014 – December 2016 Law Enforcement Actors Researchers at DCAF lead in developing a better understanding of the role, potential and limits of law enforcement actors in addressing demand for trafficking. The analysis focuses on security sector actors (police, border guards, judges and prosecutors) and labour inspectorates. September 2014 – December 2016 Addressing Demand with Smart Campaigns Researchers at the University of Bremen lead in evaluating anti-trafficking campaigns and developing a method for assessing their impact in reducing demand for trafficking in order to inform the planning, implementation and evaluation of such campaigns. September 2014 – December 2016.
Year 2014
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792 Project

Asylum Seekers’ Trajectories of Exclusion: An Analysis Through the Lens of Intersectionality

Authors Ana Sofia Branco, Romana Xerez
Year 2024
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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793 Journal Article

Racial Lessons: Parental Narratives and Secondary Schooling Experiences Among Second- and Third-Generation Mexican Americans

Authors Casandra D. Salgado
Year 2014
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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794 Journal Article

The impact of immigration detention on the health of asylum seekers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Authors Elizabeth K. Singer, Kevin Molyneux, Khushmit Kaur, ...
Year 2000
Citations (WoS) 7
795 Journal Article

Getting Noticed Middle Childhood in Cross-Cultural Perspective

Authors David F. Lancy, M. Annette Grove
Year 2011
Journal Name Human Nature
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797 Journal Article

Securitization in the Shadow of Armed Conflict

Authors Marta Jaroszewicz, Jan Grzymski
Year 2023
Journal Name Communist and Post-Communist Studies
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799 Journal Article

Survey of family physicians' perspectives on management of immigrant patients: Attitudes, barriers, strategies, and training needs

Authors Ognjen Papic, Ziad Malak, Ellen Rosenberg
Year 2012
Journal Name Patient Education and Counseling
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800 Journal Article
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