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Refugee Hotels: The Discourse of Hospitality and the Rise of Immigration Detention in Canada

Authors Carrie Dawson
Year 2014
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701 Journal Article

A Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut: Deportation, Detention and Dispersal in Europe

Authors Liza Schuster
Year 2005
Journal Name Social Policy & Administration
Citations (WoS) 51
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702 Journal Article

Queer Muslim Asylum Spaces: Between Righfulness and Rightlessness within Germany's Hetero- and Homonormative Asylum System

This project will develop an intersectional approach to the study of queer asylum in Europe focussing on the experiences of people from a Muslim background. Muslim queer, trans, and intersex (LGBTQI) refugees are among the least visible and most marginalized constituents within Germany’s asylum system. This is despite the EU classifying LGBTQI refugees as a social group in need of special protection in 2011. Heteronormative and homonormative immigration and asylum policies combined with the global and domestic war on terror perpetuate the insecurity of Muslim LGBTQI refugees and asylum seekers in Europe. Migration and gender studies, however, largely ignore the intersectionality of queerness, Islam, and the securitization of migration and of the few studies that concentrate on queer migration in continental Europe and none are on Germany. This project will provide new empirical insights into the experiences of LGBTQI asylum seekers with Muslim background. Drawing on the theory of intersectionality, it will enhance our understanding of how both hetero- and homonormativity in Germany’s asylum system, i.e. the ‘protection’ and production of trans and queer asylum seekers, is tied to institutional and societal expectations of sexuality and Islam. In this way the study will map how homo- and heteronormative asylum practices and laws create temporal socio-political spaces where rightlessness and rightfulness meet and converge. Methods will include: semi-structured interviews with LGBTQI Muslim asylum seekers police, immigration officials, LGBTQI activists, and LGBTQI organizations; legal and discourse analysis; non-participant observation, and case studies. The project will use the data and analysis to propose strategies that will help the European Commission, and state and non-state actors to develop policies and politics based on a better understanding of the wide range of experiences of Muslim LGBTQI asylum seekers.
Year 2018
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703 Project

The Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework: A Commentary

Authors Randall Hansen
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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704 Journal Article

Being Able to Play: Experiences of Social Inclusion and Exclusion Within a Football Team of People Seeking Asylum

Authors Darko Dukic, Ramon Spaaij, Brent McDonald, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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705 Journal Article


Year 1988
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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706 Journal Article


Year 1988
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 6
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707 Journal Article


Authors Barry N. Stein
Year 1991
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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708 Journal Article

Does the Hispanic Paradox in U.S. Adult Mortality Extend to Disability?

Authors MD Hayward, Chi-Tsun Chiu, RA Hummer, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 48
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709 Journal Article

Report of the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, Doudou Diène addendum

Authors Doudou Diène, UN. Human Rights Council. Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance
The Special Rapporteur's central observation was that "while Italian society is not marked by a profound phenomenon of racism, it is facing a disturbing trend of xenophobia and the development of manifestations of racism, primarily affecting the Sinti and Roma community, immigrants and asylum-seekers primarily of African origin but also from Eastern Europe, and the Muslim community"--p. 2.
Year 2007
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712 Report

Structural Constraints and Lived Realities

Authors Caralee Jones, Christy L. Erving
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
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713 Journal Article

A Psycho-Educational HIV/STI Prevention Intervention for Internally Displaced Women in Leogane, Haiti: Results from a Non-Randomized Cohort Pilot Study

Authors Carmen Logie, James C. Weaver, Mona Loutfy, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name PLOS ONE
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714 Journal Article

Deaths at the borders database: evidence of deceased migrants’ bodies found along the southern external borders of the European Union

Authors Tamara Last, Giorgia Mirto, Orçun Ulusoy, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 10
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715 Journal Article

Race, Ethnicity and Nativity, Family Structure, Socioeconomic Status and Welfare Dependency

Authors Hiromi Ono, H Ono, RM Becerra, ...
Year 2000
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 2
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716 Journal Article

Lost in the system? Disabled refugees and asylum seekers in Britain

Authors K Roberts
Year 2000
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717 Journal Article

Diverse, Fragile and Fragmented: The New Map of European Migration

Authors Russell King, Marek Okolski
Year 2019
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718 Journal Article

Immigrant and native financial well-being: The roles of place of education and race/ethnicity

Authors Matthew A. Painter
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 14
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719 Journal Article

The negotiation of culture in foster care placements for separated refugee and asylum seeking young people in Ireland and England

Authors Muireann Ni Raghallaigh, Ala Sirriyeh
Year 2015
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720 Journal Article

The Refugee Convention and Internally Displaced Persons

Authors L. T. Lee
Year 2001
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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721 Journal Article

Intergenerational Family Relations, Civic Organisations, and the Political Socialisation of Second-Generation Immigrant Youth

Authors Veronica Terriquez, Hyeyoung Kwon
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 15
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723 Journal Article

Back Pay for Trafficked Migrant Workers: An Indonesian Case Study

Authors Wayne Palmer
Year 2018
724 Journal Article

Die Vielfalt der Bedürfnisse und Zukunftsvisionen von Geflüchteten

Principal investigator Susanne Becker (Principal Investigator ), Annett Fleischer (Principal Investigator ), Miriam Schader (Principal Investigator ), Steven Vertovc (Principal Investigator ), Shahd Seethaler-Wari (Principal Investigator )
"Projektbeschreibung 2015 reisten mehr als eine Million Schutzsuchende nach Deutschland ein. Eine so große Zahl an Neuankömmlingen in einer so kurzen Zeit stellt das Land vor neue Herausforderungen.Deshalb besteht die dringende Notwendigkeit mehr über Asylsuchende, ihre Situation und Lebensumstände zu erfahren. Das Forschungsprojekt hat daher zwei Ziele: 1. Die Vielfalt der Bedürfnisse und Zukunftsvisionen von Geflüchteten soll untersucht werden. Dabei spielen die Wohnsituation, das Familienleben, der Zugang zu (Aus-)Bildung und dem Arbeitsmarkt sowie der Aufenthaltsstatus eine entscheidende Rolle. 2. Das Projekt betrachtet des Weiteren, wie staatliche und nicht-staatliche Akteure auf die Vielfalt der Fluchtbewegungen reagieren, z.B. wie logistische Herausforderungen angegangen werden. Der Zweck der Forschung? Die Ergebnisse sollen einen Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis der Vielfalt der derzeit Zugewanderten und der Strukturen, mit denen sie konfrontiert werden, leisten. Des Weiteren soll das Projekt dazu beitragen, die Grundlagen für langfristige Partizipation der Geflüchteten an gesellschaftlichen Prozessen zu verstehen. Wer wir sind Das Forschungsteam arbeitet am Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften in Göttingen und setzt sich aus vier Wissenschaftlerinnen und mehreren Assistenten zusammen. Das Projekt wird von der gemeinnützigen Volkswagen-Stiftung gefördert. "
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725 Project

Functional Limitations and Nativity Status Among Older Arab, Asian, Black, Hispanic, and White Americans

Authors Florence J. Dallo, Jason Booza, Norma D. Nguyen
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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726 Journal Article

Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons: Africa’s Liability for the Next Millennium

Authors John O. Oucho
Book Title Global Changes in Asylum Regimes
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728 Book Chapter

Trends in Cancer Screening by Citizenship and Health Insurance, 2000–2010

Authors Adriana M Reyes, Adriana M. Reyes, Patricia Y. Miranda, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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729 Journal Article

Poverty risk among older immigrants in a scandinavian welfare state

Authors Vibeke Jakobsen, Peder J. Pedersen
Year 2017
Journal Name European Journal of Social Security
Citations (WoS) 1
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730 Journal Article

Perceived discrimination and depressive symptoms among immigrant-origin adolescents.

Authors Pratyusha Tummala-Narra, Milena Claudius
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
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731 Journal Article

Data Privacy and Displacement: A Cultural Approach

Authors Saskia Witteborn
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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733 Journal Article

Irregular immigration control in Italy and Greece : strong fencing and weak gate-keeping serving the labour market

Year 2011
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 54
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734 Journal Article

Private Sponsorship Programmes and humanitarian visas: a viable policy framework for integration?

Authors Giacomo Solano, Valentina Savazzi, Migration Policy Group (MPG)
Year 2019
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735 Policy Brief

A different look at the epidemiological paradox: Self-rated health, perceived social cohesion, and neighborhood immigrant context

Authors Eileen E. S. Bjomstrom, Danielle C. Kuhl
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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736 Journal Article

Diverse, Fragile and Fragmented: The New Map of European Migration

Authors Russel King, Marek Okólski
Year 2019
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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737 Journal Article

Moving on? Gender, education, and citizenship as key factors among short-term onward migration planners

Authors Livia Ortensi, Elisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso
Year 2018
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 2
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739 Journal Article

Interrogating the relationship between remigration and sustainable return

Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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740 Journal Article

ASYFAIR: Fair and Consistent Border Controls? A Critical, Multi-methodological and Interdisciplinary Study of Asylum Adjudication in Europe

‘Consistency’ is regularly cited as a desirable attribute of border control, but it has received little critical social scientific attention. This inter-disciplinary project, at the inter-face between critical human geography, border studies and law, will scrutinise the consistency of European asylum adjudication in order to develop richer theoretical understanding of this lynchpin concept. It will move beyond the administrative legal concepts of substantive and procedural consistency by advancing a three-fold conceptualisation of consistency – as everyday practice, discursive deployment of facts and disciplinary technique. In order to generate productive intellectual tension it will also employ an explicitly antagonistic conceptualisation of the relationship between geography and law that views law as seeking to constrain and systematise lived space. The project will employ an innovative combination of methodologies that will produce unique and rich data sets including quantitative analysis, multi-sited legal ethnography, discourse analysis and interviews, and the findings are likely to be of interest both to academic communities like geographers, legal and border scholars and to policy makers and activists working in border control settings. In 2013 the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) was launched to standardise the procedures of asylum determination. But as yet no sustained multi-methodological assessment of the claims of consistency inherent to the CEAS has been carried out. This project offers not only the opportunity to assess progress towards harmonisation of asylum determination processes in Europe, but will also provide a new conceptual framework with which to approach the dilemmas and risks of inconsistency in an area of law fraught with political controversy and uncertainty around the world. Most fundamentally, the project promises to debunk the myths surrounding the possibility of fair and consistent border controls in Europe and elsewhere.
Year 2016
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742 Project

Social Resilience and Mental Health Among Eritrean Asylum-Seekers in Switzerland

Authors Sabra Melamed, Afona Chernet, Niklaus D. Labhardt, ...
Year 2019
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743 Journal Article

BOrdDErGuArd - Proactive Enhancement of Human Performance in Border Control

BODEGA for Proactive Enhancement of Human Performance in Border Control BODEGA project will investigate and model Human Factors in border control to provide innovative socio-technical solutions for enhancing border guards’ performance of critical tasks, support border management decision-making, and optimize travellers’ border crossing experience. BODEGA will develop a PROPER toolbox which integrates the solutions for easy adoption of the BODEGA’s results by stakeholders in border control. PROPER toolbox which will integrate ethical and societal dimensions to enable a leap of border control towards improved effectiveness and harmonisation across Europe. The PROPER tools will be co-designed and thoroughly validated with relevant stakeholders and end-users. The work will be carried within the framework of Responsible Research and Innovation to ensure the ethical and societal compatibility of the project work and provided solutions as well as emphasis on the foreseen future with smarter borders. With its focus on in-depth understanding of the human factors in border control and PROPER toolbox, BODEGA will enable a leap of European border guard culture towards professionalism. BODEGA validated, modular and flexible toolbox will enhance the performance of border control stakeholders - border guards, border authorities and citizens - to create more secure, efficient and effective border crossing, focusing on the borders between Schengen agreement and external countries. A holistic view of the Human Factors with respect to the Smart Borders will be developed. The project focuses on human and organizational factors of border control technologies and processes and examines the effects of introducing innovative technologies into key border guard tasks, traveller’s performance and behaviour and to the total system at different levels and at different border control types: rail, sea and air borders.
Year 2015
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744 Project

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Post-return Monitoring - A Missing Link in the International Protection of Refugees?

Authors Jari Pirjola
Year 2019
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745 Journal Article

The Imagination of the Other in a (Post-)Sectarian Society: Asylum Seekers and Refugees in the Divided City of Belfast

Authors Ulrike M. Vieten, Fiona Murphy
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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747 Journal Article

Community-level prejudice and mortality among immigrant groups

Authors Brittany N. Morey, Peter A. Muennig, Gilbert C. Gee, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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748 Journal Article

The end of Swedish exceptionalism? Citizenship, neoliberalism and the politics of exclusion

Authors Carl-Ulrik Schierup, Aleksandra Alund, Aleksandra Ålund
Year 2011
Journal Name Race & Class
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749 Journal Article

Cross-Cultural Difference in Subjective Wellbeing: Cultural Response Bias as an Explanation

Authors Lufanna C. H. Lai, ALD Lau, RA Cummins
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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750 Journal Article

Asylum Grant Rates Following Medical Evaluations of Maltreatment among Political Asylum Applicants in the United States

Authors Stuart L. Lustig, Stuart L. Lustig, Sarah Kureshi, ...
Year 2007
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 31
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751 Journal Article

Migrant support measures from and employment and skills perspective (MISMES) : Tunisia

Authors Iván MARTIN, Mohamed KRIAA, Mohamed Alaa DEMNATI
This country case study aims to map the migrant support measures from an employment and skills perspective (MISMES) implemented in Tunisia. It also aims to extract from their analysis some elements for the assessment of their efficiency and their impact on migrant workers’ labour market outcomes and skills utilization. The report is based largely on desk research and on the responses received for the MISMES Questionnaire (ETF 2015b), complemented by a country mission to meet key institutions and practitioners (see Annexes 1 and 2). A MISMES case study with a more in-depth analysis of the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme implemented with Swiss cooperation in Tunisia is included in Chapter 3.
Year 2015
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752 Report

Transcending Global and National (Mis)representations through Local Responses to Displacement: The Case of Zimbabwean (ex-)Farm Workers

Authors A. Hartnack, Andrew Hartnack
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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753 Journal Article

The Impact of Socially Ir/responsible Resettlement on the Livelihoods of Internally Displaced Persons in Georgia

Authors N. Kurshitashvili
Year 2012
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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754 Journal Article

Internalized racism and mental health among African-Americans, US-born Caribbean Blacks, and foreign-born Caribbean Blacks

Authors Dawne M. Mouzon, Jamila S. McLean
Year 2017
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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755 Journal Article

Note on international protection report

Authors UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Provides an account of the state of international protection over the year to May 2007; assesses how States, UNHCR and partners have performed in fulfilling their responsibilities to protect refugees, returnees, stateless persons and others of concern.
Year 2007
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758 Report

The Theory and Practice of Immigration and ‘Race-Relations’ Policy: Some Thoughts on British and French Experience

Authors John Crowley
Book Title Immigration and Integration in Post-Industrial Societies
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759 Book Chapter

The Relative Importance of Immigrant Generation for Mexican Americans’ Alcohol and Tobacco Use from Adolescence to Early Adulthood

Authors Albert M. Kopak
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 6
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762 Journal Article

Policing the mobility society : the effects of EU-anti-migrant smuggling policies on humanitarianism

Authors Sergio CARRERA, Jennifer ALLSOPP, Lina VOSYLIUTE
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Migration and Border Studies
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763 Journal Article

Asylum-Seeking Journeys in Asia

Authors Terence Chun Tat Shum
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764 Book

Differences in Patterns of Mortality Between Foreign-Born and Native-Born Workers Due to Fatal Occupational Injury in the USA from 2003 to 2010

Authors Christen G. Byler, W. Courtland Robinson
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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765 Journal Article

Statelessness in West Africa: An Assessment of Stateless Populations and Legal, Policy, and Administrative Frameworks in Ghana

Authors Raymond A. Atuguba, Francis Xavier Dery Tuokuu, Vitus Gbang
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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766 Journal Article

The Integration of Immigrant Youth in Schools and Friendship Networks

Authors Andrew D. Reynolds, Thomas M. Crea
Year 2017
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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767 Journal Article

Race and track location in U.S. public schools

Authors Samuel R. Lucas, Mark Berends
Year 2007
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
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768 Journal Article

Self-selection of Asylum Seekers: Evidence From Germany

Authors Lucas Guichard
Year 2020
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769 Journal Article

Anti-racism, racism and asylum-seekers in France

Authors C Lloyd, Catherine Lloyd
Year 2003
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
Citations (WoS) 10
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771 Journal Article

Irregular Migration to Israel: The Sociopolitical Perspective

Authors Haim YACOBI
This paper focuses on socio-political dynamics in Israel in relation to increases in the irregular migration of non-Jewish workers, as well as refugees and asylum seekers from Africa. The main argument outlined here is that despite the significant ethnocentric ideologies and territorial controls that characterise Israel, the country is witnessing a significant influx of non-Jewish migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. The theoretical insight that stems from this paper is that the irregular migration of “foreigners” to Israel challenges Israeli politics of identity and attitudes towards the “Other”, whilst simultaneously unveiling complexity in Israel's ethno-national identity and collective history.
Year 2008
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772 Report

Diaspora Migration: Definitional Ambiguities and a Theoretical Paradigm

Authors Judith T. Shuval
Year 2000
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 76
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773 Journal Article

Coming, but not Staying: Pictures of Arrivals as Visual Representations of Migration

Authors Burcu Dogramaci
Year 2016
Journal Name ARS & HUMANITAS
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774 Journal Article

The cultural context of sexual and reproductive health support: an exploration of sexual and reproductive health literacy among female Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Glasgow

Authors Mari Kaneoka, William Spence
Year 2019
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775 Journal Article

Effects of the Refugee Crisis on Perceptions of Asylum Seekers in Recipient Populations

Authors Lise Lund Bjanesoy
Year 2019
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776 Journal Article

Barely legal: racism and migrant farm labour in the context of Canadian multiculturalism

Authors J. Adam Perry
Year 2012
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 14
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778 Journal Article

“Recovering” public space and race: Afro-Colombian street vendors in Bogotá, Colombia

Authors Lorena Munoz
Year 2018
Journal Name Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
Citations (WoS) 1
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779 Journal Article

Language barriers between nurses and asylum seekers: their impact on symptom reporting and referral

Authors A Bischoff, Patrick Bovier, R Isah, ...
Year 2003
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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782 Journal Article

Internally displaced persons and international refugee law

Authors Brid Ni Gharainne
Year 2019
Book Title Research Handbook on International Refugee Law
783 Book Chapter

The Association between Multiple Chronic Conditions and Depressive Symptoms: Intersectional Distinctions by Race, Nativity, and Gender

Authors Christy L. Erving, Cleothia Frazier
Year 2021
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784 Journal Article

Bangladeshi Fruit Vendors in the Streets of Paris: Vulnerable Asylum Seekers or Self-Imposed Victims of Exploitation?

Authors Donghyuk Park
Book Title Vulnerability, Exploitation and Migrants
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785 Book Chapter

Patterns and trends in occupational attainment of first jobs in the Netherlands, 1930-1995: ordinary least squares regression versus conditional multinomial logistic regression

Authors J Dessens, Peter G. M. van der Heijden, HBG Ganzeboom, ...
Year 2003
Journal Name Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)
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788 Journal Article

When Policy Creates Politics: the Problematizing of Immigration and the Consequences for Refugee Integration in the UK

Authors Gareth Mulvey
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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791 Journal Article

The Political Impact of Displacement: Wartime IDPs, Religiosity, and Post-War Politics in Bosnia

Authors Borjan Zic
Year 2017
Journal Name Politics and Religion
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792 Journal Article

Screening for infectious diseases of asylum seekers upon arrival: the necessity of the moral principle of reciprocity

Authors Dorien T. Beeres, Pieter Boele van Hensbroek, Darren Cornish, ...
Year 2018
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793 Journal Article

Informatieoverdracht COA

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, A. Mack, J. Klaver, ...
Op 1 juli 1994 is de Wet Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers (de Wet COA) in werking getreden. Bij deze wet is het COA opgericht en zijn de taken van het COA vastgelegd. Deze taken omvatten het bieden van onderdak, de begeleiding naar een toekomst in Nederland of daarbuiten, het verwerven en beheren van opvanglocaties, het handhaven van veiligheid en leefbaarheid binnen de opvanglocaties en het voorzien van asielzoekers van de noodzakelijke middelen. Het onderzoek richt zich op de informatieoverdracht vanuit het COA in de eerste fase van de opvang. Het doel van het onderzoek is om inzicht te bieden in: - hoe asielzoekers de informatieoverdracht ervaren die zij in de eerste fase van opvang van het COA krijgen, en; - aanknopingspunten voor eventuele verbeteringen in de informatieoverdracht vanuit het COA naar asielzoekers.
Year 2021
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794 Report

Memory, Language and Silence: Barriers to Refuge Within the British Asylum System

Authors Gillian McFadyen
Year 2019
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795 Journal Article

Enabling Pathways for Students from Refugee and Asylum-Seeker Backgrounds in Higher Education: Aspirations About Progression to Postgraduate Studies

Authors Catherine Clark, Caroline Lenette
Year 2020
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796 Journal Article

Critical Perspectives on Clandestine Migration Facilitation: An Overview of Migrant Smuggling Research

Authors Gabriella Sanchez
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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797 Journal Article

Temporary and transnational: gender and emotion in the lives of Mexican guest worker fathers

Authors Leah Schmalzbauer
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 10
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798 Journal Article

Study on comprehensive policy review of anti-trafficking projects

Principal investigator Karen Shire (Principal Investigator), Sylvia Walby (Principal Investigator)
The project is part of the UDE Research Focus Area Transformation of Contemporary Societies, Subproject Cross Border Labour Markets. The focus of the study is on projects funded by the EC which address trafficking in human beings. The study developed a trafficking projects data set from documents and other relevant materials provided by the EC and through additional searches of the internet on EC-funded anti-trafficking projects commissioned by five Directorate Generals (DG) of the EC.
Year 2016
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799 Project

Criminals and service providers: Cross-national dirty economies

Authors Ruggiero
Year 1997
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800 Journal Article
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