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Queer Muslim Asylum Spaces: Between Righfulness and Rightlessness within Germany's Hetero- and Homonormative Asylum System

This project will develop an intersectional approach to the study of queer asylum in Europe focussing on the experiences of people from a Muslim background. Muslim queer, trans, and intersex (LGBTQI) refugees are among the least visible and most marginalized constituents within Germany’s asylum system. This is despite the EU classifying LGBTQI refugees as a social group in need of special protection in 2011. Heteronormative and homonormative immigration and asylum policies combined with the global and domestic war on terror perpetuate the insecurity of Muslim LGBTQI refugees and asylum seekers in Europe. Migration and gender studies, however, largely ignore the intersectionality of queerness, Islam, and the securitization of migration and of the few studies that concentrate on queer migration in continental Europe and none are on Germany. This project will provide new empirical insights into the experiences of LGBTQI asylum seekers with Muslim background. Drawing on the theory of intersectionality, it will enhance our understanding of how both hetero- and homonormativity in Germany’s asylum system, i.e. the ‘protection’ and production of trans and queer asylum seekers, is tied to institutional and societal expectations of sexuality and Islam. In this way the study will map how homo- and heteronormative asylum practices and laws create temporal socio-political spaces where rightlessness and rightfulness meet and converge. Methods will include: semi-structured interviews with LGBTQI Muslim asylum seekers police, immigration officials, LGBTQI activists, and LGBTQI organizations; legal and discourse analysis; non-participant observation, and case studies. The project will use the data and analysis to propose strategies that will help the European Commission, and state and non-state actors to develop policies and politics based on a better understanding of the wide range of experiences of Muslim LGBTQI asylum seekers.
Year 2018
801 Project

Lessons Learned? A Critical Review of the Government Program to Resettle Bosnian Quota Refugees in the United Kingdom

Authors Vaughan Robinson, Caroline Coleman
Year 2000
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 12
802 Journal Article

Double Minority Status and Neighborhoods: Examining the Primacy of Race in Black Immigrants’ Racial and Socioeconomic Segregation

Authors Rebbeca Tesfai
Year 2019
Journal Name City & Community
803 Journal Article

Welcome guests: settlements of Sinhalese IDPs and local integration process in Sri Lanka

Authors Shantha Wanninayake
Year 2021
804 Journal Article

Critical Reflections on Migration, 'Race' and Multiculturalism

Authors Vince Marotta, Martina Boese
805 Book

Irregular immigration control in Italy and Greece : strong fencing and weak gate-keeping serving the labour market

Authors Maurizio Ambrosini, Anna Triandafyllidou
Year 2011
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 54
806 Journal Article

Accommodating Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Indonesia: From Immigration Detention to Containment in "Alternatives to Detention"

Authors Antje Missbach
Year 2017
Journal Name Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees
809 Journal Article

Bangladeshi Fruit Vendors in the Streets of Paris: Vulnerable Asylum Seekers or Self-Imposed Victims of Exploitation?

Authors Donghyuk Park
Book Title Vulnerability, Exploitation and Migrants
811 Book Chapter

Size and socio-economic resources of core discussion networks in the Netherlands: differences by national-origin group and immigrant generation

Authors Frank van Tubergen
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
814 Journal Article

Migrant support measures from and employment and skills perspective (MISMES) : Tunisia

Authors Iván MARTIN, Mohamed KRIAA, Mohamed Alaa DEMNATI
This country case study aims to map the migrant support measures from an employment and skills perspective (MISMES) implemented in Tunisia. It also aims to extract from their analysis some elements for the assessment of their efficiency and their impact on migrant workers’ labour market outcomes and skills utilization. The report is based largely on desk research and on the responses received for the MISMES Questionnaire (ETF 2015b), complemented by a country mission to meet key institutions and practitioners (see Annexes 1 and 2). A MISMES case study with a more in-depth analysis of the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme implemented with Swiss cooperation in Tunisia is included in Chapter 3.
Year 2015
816 Report

The end of Swedish exceptionalism? Citizenship, neoliberalism and the politics of exclusion

Authors Carl-Ulrik Schierup, Aleksandra Ålund
Year 2011
Journal Name Race & Class
817 Journal Article

Structural Constraints and Lived Realities

Authors Caralee Jones, Christy L. Erving
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
819 Journal Article

Immigrant and native financial well-being: The roles of place of education and race/ethnicity

Authors Matthew A. Painter
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 14
820 Journal Article

Do spouses matter? Discrimination, social support, and psychological distress among Asian Americans.

Authors David Rollock, P. Priscilla Lui
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
821 Journal Article


Authors Nandita Sharma
Book Title Citizenship and its Others
822 Book Chapter

The Imagination of the Other in a (Post-)Sectarian Society: Asylum Seekers and Refugees in the Divided City of Belfast

Authors Ulrike M. Vieten, Fiona Murphy
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Inclusion
824 Journal Article

A Psycho-Educational HIV/STI Prevention Intervention for Internally Displaced Women in Leogane, Haiti: Results from a Non-Randomized Cohort Pilot Study

Authors Carmen Logie, James C. Weaver, Mona Loutfy, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name PLOS ONE
825 Journal Article

Lost in the system? Disabled refugees and asylum seekers in Britain

Authors K Roberts
Year 2000
Journal Name Disability & Society
826 Journal Article

Older refugees and internally displaced people

Authors Alistair Hunter, Anita Böcker
Year 2023
Book Title Handbook on Migration and Ageing
827 Book Chapter

Glitches in the Digitization of Asylum: How CBP One Turns Migrants’ Smartphones into Mobile Borders

Authors Austin Kocher
Year 2023
Journal Name Societies
828 Journal Article

The Relative Importance of Immigrant Generation for Mexican Americans’ Alcohol and Tobacco Use from Adolescence to Early Adulthood

Authors Albert M. Kopak
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 6
829 Journal Article

Nativity Differences in Mothers' Health Behaviors: A Cross-National and Longitudinal Lens

Authors Margot I. Jackson, SS McLanahan, Kathleen Kiernan
Year 2012
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
830 Journal Article

Everyday digital dis/connection: Locating slow violence in (non)encounters with the UK asylum state

Authors Hannah Morgan
Year 2024
Journal Name Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
831 Journal Article

Note on international protection report

Authors UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Provides an account of the state of international protection over the year to May 2007; assesses how States, UNHCR and partners have performed in fulfilling their responsibilities to protect refugees, returnees, stateless persons and others of concern.
Year 2007
832 Report

Internally Displaced People: A Global Survey

Authors C. Madsen
Year 2003
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
833 Journal Article

‘Surrounded with so much uncertainty’: asylum seekers and manufactured precarity in Australia

Authors John van Kooy, Dina Bowman
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
834 Journal Article

French Criminal and Administrative Law Concerning Smuggling of Migrants and Trafficking in Human Beings: Punishing Trafficked People for Their Protection?

Authors Johanne Vernier
Year 2018
Book Title Immigration and Criminal Law in the European Union
835 Book Chapter

The Social Construction of Credibility: A Foreigner in the International Protection Procedure

Authors Dominika Michalak
Year 2020
Journal Name ADEPTUS
836 Journal Article

The Refugee Convention and Internally Displaced Persons

Authors L. T. Lee
Year 2001
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
837 Journal Article

BOrdDErGuArd - Proactive Enhancement of Human Performance in Border Control

BODEGA for Proactive Enhancement of Human Performance in Border Control BODEGA project will investigate and model Human Factors in border control to provide innovative socio-technical solutions for enhancing border guards’ performance of critical tasks, support border management decision-making, and optimize travellers’ border crossing experience. BODEGA will develop a PROPER toolbox which integrates the solutions for easy adoption of the BODEGA’s results by stakeholders in border control. PROPER toolbox which will integrate ethical and societal dimensions to enable a leap of border control towards improved effectiveness and harmonisation across Europe. The PROPER tools will be co-designed and thoroughly validated with relevant stakeholders and end-users. The work will be carried within the framework of Responsible Research and Innovation to ensure the ethical and societal compatibility of the project work and provided solutions as well as emphasis on the foreseen future with smarter borders. With its focus on in-depth understanding of the human factors in border control and PROPER toolbox, BODEGA will enable a leap of European border guard culture towards professionalism. BODEGA validated, modular and flexible toolbox will enhance the performance of border control stakeholders - border guards, border authorities and citizens - to create more secure, efficient and effective border crossing, focusing on the borders between Schengen agreement and external countries. A holistic view of the Human Factors with respect to the Smart Borders will be developed. The project focuses on human and organizational factors of border control technologies and processes and examines the effects of introducing innovative technologies into key border guard tasks, traveller’s performance and behaviour and to the total system at different levels and at different border control types: rail, sea and air borders.
Year 2015
838 Project

Legal adaptation among Vietanmese refugees in the United States: How international migrants litigate civil grievances during the resettlement process

Authors J Hein, RR Beger
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration Review
840 Journal Article

The third way. Humanitarian corridors in peacetime as a (local) civil society response to a EU’s common failure

Authors Pedro Gois, Giulia Falchi
Year 2017
Journal Name REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana
841 Journal Article

Mirrored Social Representations of Canadian Caseworkers with Migratory Paths Intervening with Refugees in the Host Country

Authors Lilian Negura, Corinna Buhay, Annamaria Silvana de Rosa
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
843 Journal Article

A Privilege not a Choice: Transnational Support Networks of Asylum Seekers and Expatriates

Authors Dorottya Hoór
Year 2021
Journal Name Social Inclusion
844 Journal Article

Erosion of Meaning in Life: African Asylum Seekers' Experiences of Seeking Asylum in Ireland

Authors Rebecca Murphy, Brian Keogh, Agnes Higgins
Year 2019
845 Journal Article

EU Immigration and Asylum Law

Authors Nicola Rogers, Steve Peers
Year 2018
846 Book

Health for all? A qualitative study of NGO support to migrants affected by structural violence in northern France

Authors Benita Pursch, Helena Legido-Quigley, Alexandra Tate, ...
Year 2020
847 Journal Article

Memory, Language and Silence: Barriers to Refuge Within the British Asylum System

Authors Gillian McFadyen
Year 2019
848 Journal Article

New Approaches to Asylum?

Authors Khalid Koser
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration
849 Journal Article

Asylum-Seeking Journeys in Asia

Authors Terence Chun Tat Shum
850 Book

South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis

Authors Mikolaj Stanek, Jean-Michel Lafleur
851 Book


Year 1995
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
852 Journal Article

Effects of the Refugee Crisis on Perceptions of Asylum Seekers in Recipient Populations

Authors Lise Lund Bjånesøy
Year 2019
853 Journal Article

The Architecture of Race in the British Immigration and Citizenship Regime: The Figure of the Undesirable ‘Other’

Authors Iva Dodevska
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Identity and Migration Studies
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
854 Journal Article

Report on the Workshop on Practical Protection in Humanitarian Crises

Authors Elizabeth Moller, Patricia Weiss Fagen, Susan Martin
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration
856 Journal Article

A New Generation of Corporate Codes of Ethics

Authors C STOHL, Michael Stohl, Lucy Popova
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Business Ethics
857 Journal Article

Learning from UJAMBO: Perspectives on Gynecologic Care in African Immigrant and Refugee Women in Boston, Massachusetts

Authors P. K. Mehta, K. Saia, S. Maru, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
858 Journal Article

The negotiation of culture in foster care placements for separated refugee and asylum seeking young people in Ireland and England

Authors Muireann Ni Raghallaigh, Ala Sirriyeh
Year 2015
Journal Name Childhood
859 Journal Article

Study on comprehensive policy review of anti-trafficking projects

Principal investigator Karen Shire (Principal Investigator), Sylvia Walby (Principal Investigator)
The project is part of the UDE Research Focus Area Transformation of Contemporary Societies, Subproject Cross Border Labour Markets. The focus of the study is on projects funded by the EC which address trafficking in human beings. The study developed a trafficking projects data set from documents and other relevant materials provided by the EC and through additional searches of the internet on EC-funded anti-trafficking projects commissioned by five Directorate Generals (DG) of the EC.
Year 2016
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
862 Project

Criminals and service providers: Cross-national dirty economies

Authors Ruggiero
Year 1997
Journal Name Crime, Law and Social Change
863 Journal Article

Focus on Internally Displaced Persons

Year 1998
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
864 Journal Article

Diverse, Fragile and Fragmented: The New Map of European Migration

Authors Russel King, Marek Okólski
Year 2019
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
865 Journal Article

Translating Interviews, interpreting lives: bi-lingual research analysis informing less westernised views of international student mobility

Authors Zhao Qun, Neil Carey
Year 2023
866 Journal Article

The "Internal" Dimension of the Safe Country Concept: the Interpretation of the Safe Third Country Concept in the Dublin System by International and Internal Courts

Authors Sílvia Morgades-Gil
Year 2020
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
867 Journal Article

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Post-return Monitoring - A Missing Link in the International Protection of Refugees?

Authors Jari Pirjola
Year 2019
868 Journal Article

Can Higher Education Ameliorate Racial/Ethnic Disadvantage? An Analysis of the Wage Assimilation of College-Educated Hispanic Americans

Authors Sharron Xuanren Wang, Arthur Sakamoto
Year 2021
Journal Name SAGE Open
869 Journal Article

Diverse, Fragile and Fragmented: The New Map of European Migration

Authors Russell King, Marek Okolski
Year 2019
Journal Name Central and Eastern european Migration Review
870 Journal Article

Remapping onward migration through the trajectories of Colombian parents in London

Authors Domiziana Turcatti
Year 2022
Journal Name Migration Studies
871 Journal Article

Transcending Global and National (Mis)representations through Local Responses to Displacement: The Case of Zimbabwean (ex-)Farm Workers

Authors A. Hartnack
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
872 Journal Article

The Challenge of Mutterliteratur: Gender, Generation, and the Genres of German Cultural Memory

Authors Katra A. Byram
Year 2018
873 Journal Article

Associations of peer generational status on adolescent weight across Hispanic immigrant generations: A social network analysis

Authors Christopher J. Gonzalez, James Moody, Molly Copeland, ...
Year 2023
Citations (WoS) 1
874 Journal Article

Asylum Seekers in France: Examining the Impact of the Law of 29 July 2015 on the Right to Housing

Authors Thomas Ribémont
Year 2018
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
875 Journal Article

Forced (Queer) migration and everyday violence: The geographies of life, death, and access in Cape Town

Authors Ali Bhagat
Year 2018
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 2
876 Journal Article

Dissemination of information on voluntary return: how to reach irregular migrants not in contact with the authorities – Luxembourg.

Authors Lisa Li, David Petry, Birte Nienaber
The focus of this study lies with irregular migrants who are not in contact with the authorities. Due to their irregular situation, it is difficult to provide information on the numbers of persons that are irregularly staying in Luxembourg. Several actors were able to provide some estimations on the scale of irregular migrants, but these estimations can only ever be partial. Statistics are available concerning the assisted voluntary return and reintegration from Luxembourg programme that is operated by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as well as concerning the counselling services offered by different non-governmental organisations and associations. However, most of these numbers refer to migrants that are known to the authorities, mainly because they are rejected applicants for international protection.
Year 2015
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
877 Report

The Diversification of Intra-European Movement

Authors Deniz Sert
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
878 Book Chapter

Subjectivation, agency and the schooling of raced and dis/abled asylum-seeking children in the Italian context

Authors Valentina Migliarini
Year 2017
Journal Name Intercultural Education
879 Journal Article

“Recovering” public space and race: Afro-Colombian street vendors in Bogotá, Colombia

Authors Lorena Munoz
Year 2018
Journal Name Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
Citations (WoS) 1
880 Journal Article

Barely legal: racism and migrant farm labour in the context of Canadian multiculturalism

Authors J. Adam Perry
Year 2012
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 14
881 Journal Article

Temporary and transnational: gender and emotion in the lives of Mexican guest worker fathers

Authors Leah Schmalzbauer
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 10
882 Journal Article

The Effectiveness of Psychotherapy with Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Preliminary Results from an Austrian Study

Authors Walter Renner, Walter Renner
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 12
883 Journal Article

Nativity and language preference as drivers of health information seeking: examining differences and trends from a U.S. population-based survey

Authors Philip M. Massey, Tetine Sentell, Jennifer Manganello, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
884 Journal Article

Parental Involvement of African Migrants in Multicultural Israeli Education Settings

Authors Dolly Eliyahu-Levi
Year 2024
Journal Name Education Sciences
885 Journal Article

Differences in low-birthweight among documented and undocumented foreign-born and US-born Latinas

Authors Margaret Kelaher, DJ Jessop
Year 2002
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
886 Journal Article

The Political Impact of Displacement: Wartime IDPs, Religiosity, and Post-War Politics in Bosnia

Authors Borjan Zic
Year 2017
Journal Name Politics and Religion
887 Journal Article

Coming, but not Staying: Pictures of Arrivals as Visual Representations of Migration

Authors Burcu Dogramaci
Year 2016
Journal Name ARS & HUMANITAS
888 Journal Article

Anti-racism, racism and asylum-seekers in France

Authors Catherine Lloyd
Year 2003
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
Citations (WoS) 10
889 Journal Article

Whose Freedom of Movement Is Worth Defending?

Authors Sarah Fine
Book Title Debating European citizenship
890 Book Chapter

Exploring a Forced Migration Movement in the Period of the Cold War from the (Former) U.S.S.R. to Abroad

Authors Oksana Koshulko
Year 2022
Journal Name SIASAT
891 Journal Article

Detention, death, and deportation: (Re)bordering Brazilian migrants under Bolsonarism and the pandemic

Authors Gustavo Dias, Bruno Nzinga Ribeiro, Isadora Lins França
Year 2024
Journal Name Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
892 Journal Article

The Jewish State of Anxiety: Between Moral Obligation and Fearism in the Treatment of African Asylum Seekers in Israel

Authors Barak Kalir
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 19
893 Journal Article

Labour market participation of refugees and asylum seekers in Brussels: innovation and institutional complementarity

Authors Adèle Garnier, Annaelle Piva
Year 2019
Journal Name Brussels Studies
894 Journal Article

How American Am I?

Authors Jauhara Ferguson
Year 2024
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
895 Journal Article

Forced Migration of Colombians: A Relational Perspective

Authors Marta I. Villa-Martínez, Pilar Riaño-Alcalá
Book Title The Practice of Research on Migration and Mobilities
896 Book Chapter

The Influx of Refugees and Temporal Change in Attitudes towards Asylum Seekers: A Cross-National Perspective

Authors Anastasia Gorodzeisky
Year 2022
Journal Name European Sociological Review
897 Journal Article

Locating Race in Migration and Diversity Studies

Authors Kristine Aquino, Laavanya Kathiravelu, Emma Mitchell
Year 2022
Book Title Introduction to Migration Studies
898 Book Chapter

Critical Perspectives on Clandestine Migration Facilitation: An Overview of Migrant Smuggling Research

Authors Gabriella Sanchez
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
899 Journal Article

“Second generation” refugees and multilingualism: identity, race and language transmission

Authors Alice Bloch, Shirin Hirsch
Year 2017
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
900 Journal Article
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