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The importance of family factors and generation status: Mental health service use among Latino and Asian Americans.

Authors Janet Chang, Misaki N. Natsuaki, Chih-Nan Chen
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
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1001 Journal Article

Exporting Detention: Australia-funded Immigration Detention in Indonesia

Authors Amy Nethery, Brynna Rafferty-Brown, Savitri Taylor, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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1002 Journal Article

The Securitisation of Canada’s Refugee System: Reviewing the Unintended Consequences of the 2012 Reform

Authors Idil Atak, Graham Hudson, Delphine Nakache
Year 2018
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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1003 Journal Article

Integration policies : country report for Croatia

Authors Simona KUTI
The report provides a description of the main policy documents, initiatives and actors dealing with immigrant integration in Croatia. After introductory remarks concerning the context and recent migration flows to Croatia – which are composed mainly of citizens from the countries of former Yugoslavia – the report identifies main target groups and the focus of integration measures, as well as the main policy tools implemented thus far. The third section focuses on forms of engagement by civil society organisations concerning integration – providing services and various forms of assistance, primarily to asylum seekers, refugees and persons under subsidiary protection. Given that the main policy measures are in the early stages of development or planned for upcoming periods, it is premature to fully assess their implementation. However, since most of the current measures target asylum seekers, asylum grantees and subsidiary protection beneficiaries it will be necessary to develop new integration instruments or extend the applicability of the existing ones to different categories of immigrants, to correspond to the envisaged future role of Croatia as an immigration country.
Year 2014
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1004 Report

Pieken en dalen: Naar een duurzaam systeem voor opvang van asielzoekers en huisvesting en integratie van vergunninghouders

Authors The Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken, ACVZ)
In 2015 en de eerste helft van 2016 kwamen er meer asielzoekers dan normaal naar Europa en Nederland. Het bleek een uitdaging om hen allemaal op te vangen. Dat is uiteindelijk gelukt door gebruik te maken van de bestaande crisisstructuur voor de bestrijding van rampen, het extra inzetten van tijdelijke, kortdurende noodopvang en het treffen van ad hoc maatregelen. Het is echter ook duidelijk geworden dat het Nederlandse opvangsysteem niet flexibel genoeg is om grote pieken en dalen in het aantal asielzoekers snel en soepel te verwerken. Dit rapport bestaat uit twee delen. Deel 1 is een advies over een duurzaam systeem voor de opvang van asielzoekers en de huisvesting en integratie van asielzoekers die een vergunning hebben gekregen (vergunninghouders). Deel 2 is een evaluatie van de samenwerking tussen het Rijk, de provincies en de gemeenten ten tijde van de verhoogde aantallen asielzoekers. Uit de evaluatie is gebleken dat het Rijk, de provincies en de gemeenten beter zijn gaan samenwerken om oplossingen te vinden voor de gevolgen van de toegenomen aantallen asielzoekers. Dat moet worden vastgehouden vinden alle betrokkenen. Als belangrijkste succesfactoren worden genoemd: de gezamenlijke aanpak, de inzet van de commissarissen van de Koning als schakel tussen het Rijk, de provincies en de gemeenten en de ruimte die aan provincies en gemeenten is gelaten om maatwerk te leveren bij de opvang van asielzoekers en de huisvesting van vergunninghouders. Als voornaamste verbeterpunten worden genoemd: communicatie, helderheid over mandaat en bevoegdheden en aandacht voor een snelle integratie van vergunninghouders. In het advies stelt de ACVZ dat de opvang van asielzoekers en de huisvesting en integratie van vergunninghouders in Nederland flexibeler en duurzamer moet worden georganiseerd. Dat kan onder meer door: 1) Te erkennen dat er eens in de zoveel tijd veel meer asielzoekers naar Nederland komen dan gebruikelijk en ervoor te zorgen dat het opvangsysteem dergelijke schommelingen aankan, bijvoorbeeld door op een slimme manier extra opvangcapaciteit achter de hand te houden; 2) De verbeterde samenwerking tussen de betrokken ministeries en het Rijk, de provincies en de gemeenten verder uit te bouwen; 3) Beter te communiceren over plannen voor de opvang van asielzoekers en de huisvesting van vergunninghouders; 4) Gemeenten structureel en meer voorspelbaar te betrekken bij en meer verantwoordelijk te maken voor de opvang van asielzoekers; 5) Het aantal verschillende soorten opvangvoorzieningen te beperken en de financiering van de instantie die nu verantwoordelijk is voor de opvang, het COA, te vereenvoudigen; 6) Structureel te investeren in verschillende mogelijkheden om vergunninghouders te huisvesten; 7) Extra in te zetten op het actief houden van asielzoekers in de opvang en op een zo snel mogelijke integratie van vergunninghouders.
Year 2017
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1007 Report

Seeking asylum in Bristol: insights into psychological needs and resilience

Authors Charlotte Flothmann, Daphne Josselin
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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1008 Journal Article

Micro-Enterprise Development Schemes as Effective Reintegration Assistance Programs for Voluntarily-Repatriated Vietnamese Asylum Seekers

Authors Joshua B. Nickerson
Year 1995
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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1009 Journal Article

Worse Breast Cancer Outcomes for Southern Nevadans, Filipina and Black Women

Authors Karen E. Callahan, Erin Kobetz, Paulo Pinheiro, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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1010 Journal Article

Protection of Stateless Persons in International Asylum and Refugee Law

Authors K. Darling
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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1011 Journal Article

Cross-Cultural Researchers' Positionality in Immigrant Health Research: Reflections on Conducting Research on Chinese Immigrants' Experiences in the United States

Authors Lei Chen, Maria-Elena De Trinidad Young, Hin Wing Tse, ...
Year 2021
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1012 Journal Article

Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees: Toward a Legal Synthesis?

Authors L. T. LEE
Year 1996
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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1014 Journal Article

Asylum Seeker Children in Nauru: Australia’s International Human Rights Obligations and Operational Realities

Authors Susanna Dechent, Sharmin Tania, Jackie Mapulanga-Hulston
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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1015 Journal Article

Framing asylum seekers: the uses of national and cosmopolitan identity frames in arguments about asylum seekers

Authors Catherine Austin, Farida E. Fozdar, Farida Fozdar
Year 2018
Journal Name Identities
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1017 Journal Article

Acehnese Attitudes Towards Their Heritage Language: A Qualitative, Inter-Generational Study

Authors Zulfadli Abdul Aziz, Yunisrina Qismullah Yusuf, Naula Aulia
Year 2021
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1018 Journal Article

Care through deliberation: A new role of the ethics of care

Authors Sanja Ivic
Year 2010
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1020 Journal Article

Consequences of International Migration on the Size and Composition of Religious Groups in Austria

Authors Michaela Potančoková, Michaela Potancokova, Anne Goujon, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
1021 Journal Article

Two year psychosocial and mental health outcomes for refugees subjected to restrictive or supportive immigration policies

Authors Zachary Steel, Derrick Silove, Shakeh Momartin, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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1022 Journal Article


Authors Anselm Hager, Susanne Veit
Year 2019
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1023 Journal Article


Authors Patrick S. Thomsen
Year 2020
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
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1024 Journal Article

Latinx trans immigrants' survival of torture in US detention: A qualitative investigation of the psychological impact of abuse and mistreatment

Authors Laura P. Minero, Stephanie L. Budge, Sergio Dominguez, ...
Year 2021
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1026 Journal Article

Physician Use of Advance Care Planning Discussions in a Diverse Hospitalized Population

Authors Sonali P. Kulkarni, Leah S. Karliner, Andrew D. Auerbach, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 2
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1027 Journal Article

Infiltrators or Asylum Seekers? Framing and Attitudes Toward Asylum Seekers in Israel

Authors Oshrat Hochman
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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1030 Journal Article

Responsibility for Examining an Asylum Request

Authors Goran Melander
Year 1986
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1031 Journal Article

Refugee, Asylum Seeker or Migrant? Words Matter. People Matter. Politics Matters.

Authors Jasmin Lilian Diab
Year 2022
Book Title Forced Migration Studies: Current Interventions
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1032 Book Chapter

From Parent to Child? Transmission of Educational Attainment Within Immigrant Families: Methodological Considerations

Authors Renee Reichl Luthra, Thomas Soehl
Year 2015
Journal Name Demography
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1033 Journal Article

States' Obligations under Human Rights Law towards Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings: Positive Developments in Positive Obligations

Authors R. Piotrowicz
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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1034 Journal Article

African Immigrants in Russia

Authors Joni Virkkunen, Minna Piipponen
Year 2021
Journal Name DEMIS. Demographic research
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1035 Journal Article

Belonging here, not there: The case of attaining European passports by grandchildren of Holocaust survivors

Authors Tal Litvak Hirsch, Alon Lazar
Year 2011
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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1036 Journal Article

Between humanitarian assistance and migration management: on civil actors’ role in voluntary return from Belgium

Authors Robin Vandevoordt
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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1037 Journal Article

Chapter 7. Border Controls

Authors Nicola Rogers, Steve Peers
Year 2018
Book Title EU Immigration and Asylum Law
1038 Book Chapter

Identifications, communities and connections: intersections of ethnicity and sexuality among diasporic gay men

Authors Alexander Dhoest
Year 2016
Journal Name Identities
Citations (WoS) 3
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1039 Journal Article

Foreign-born status as a predictor of engagement in HIV care in a large US metropolitan health system

Authors Julie H. Levison, Kenneth A. Freedberg, Susan Regan, ...
Year 2017
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1040 Journal Article

Constructing Immigrants: Portrayals of Migrant Groups in British National Newspapers, 2010–2012

Authors Scott Blinder, William L. Allen
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 26
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1041 Journal Article


Principal investigator Herbert Brücker (Principal Investigator), Parvati Trübswetter (Principal Investigator)
Gegenstand des Forschungsvorhabens ist ein regelmäßiges Monitoring des Migrations- und Flüchtlingsgeschehens in Deutschland und vertiefte Analysen zu einzelnen Problemkomplexen für das BMAS auf Basis der IAB-Befragung von Asylbewerberinnen und Asylbewerbern sowie Flüchtlingen. Im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens werden dem BMAS deskriptive Analysen und vertiefende Forschungsberichte vorgelegt. Die Themen werden in Absprache mit dem BMAS aktuell festgelegt. Themenkomplexe können z.B. Bildung und Ausbildung sowie andere Fähigkeiten von Flüchtlingen, verschiedene Aspekte der Arbeitsmarktintegration und die Wirksamkeit arbeitsmarkt- und integrationspolitischer Programme sein.
Year 2015
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1042 Project

International Refugee Law, ‘Hyper-Legalism’ and Migration Management: The Pacific Solution

Authors Claire Inder
Book Title The Politics of International Migration Management
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1044 Book Chapter

Borders, risk and belonging: Challenges for arts-based research in understanding the lives of women asylum seekers and migrants ‘at the borders of humanity’

Authors Maggie O’Neill, Umut Erel, Erene Kaptani, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture
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1045 Journal Article

The Role of Neighborhood Poverty in the Association between Foreign-Born status and HIV Care Continuum Outcomes in Alameda County, California

Authors Elisabeth A. Gebreegziabher, Neena Murgai, Sandra McCoy, ...
Year 2020
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1046 Journal Article

The guest worker question in postwar Germany

Authors Min Zhou
Year 2008
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1047 Journal Article

The guest worker question in postwar Germany

Authors Michael Fichter
Year 2008
Journal Name Labor history
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1048 Journal Article

The Making of Racial and Ethnic Categories: Official Statistics Reconsidered

Authors Victor Piché, Patrick Simon, Amélie A. Gagnon
Book Title Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity
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1049 Book Chapter

A move in the Right Direction? The Model Law against Trafficking in Persons and the ILO Operational Indicators

Authors Ramona Vijeyarasa
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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1050 Journal Article

Integration Politics as an Apparatus

Authors Johanna Schuster-Craig
Year 2017
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1051 Journal Article

Legal Adaptation Among Vietanmese Refugees in the United States: How International Migrants Litigate Civil Grievances During the Resettlement Process1

Authors Jeremy Hein, Randall R. Beger
Year 2006
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1052 Journal Article

Applying "turn back boats" policy in Europe: a lesson from Australia

Authors Riska Sri Handayani
Year 2018
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1053 Journal Article


Year 1995
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
1054 Journal Article

Lessons from the South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis

Authors Mikolaj Stanek, Jean-Michel Lafleur
Book Title South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis
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1055 Book Chapter

Gay African Refugees in Brazil: a Diaspora?

Authors Vitor Lopes Andrade, Harjinder Singh Majhail, Sinan Dogan
Year 2019
Book Title World of Diasporas: Different Perceptions on the Concept of Diaspora
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1056 Book Chapter

Mapping the Qualitative Migration Research in Europe: An Exploratory Analysis

Authors Ricard Zapata-Barrero, Evren Yalaz
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
1057 Book Chapter

Behind the Scenes of South Africa's Asylum Procedure: A Qualitative Study on Long-term Asylum-Seekers from the Democratic Republic of Congo

Authors Liesbeth Schockaert, Emilie Venables, Maria-Teresa Gil-Bazo, ...
Year 2020
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1059 Journal Article

Hosting Asylum-Seekers and People Transiting through Milan as an Opportunity for Social Innovation

Authors Giuliana Costa
Year 2020
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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1060 Journal Article

The Status of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Indonesia

Authors Nikolas Feith Tan
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
Citations (WoS) 2
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1061 Journal Article

What's in a Category? The Politics of Not Being a Refugee

Authors Diana Thomaz
Year 2018
Journal Name Social & Legal Studies
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1062 Journal Article

A Lack of Legal Protection and Limited Ways Out: How Asylum Seekers Cope with Liminality on Greek Islands: Lesbos and Chios

Authors Muzaffer Sevda Tunaboylu, Ilse van Liempt
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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1063 Journal Article

The changing meaning of sport during forced immigrant youths' acculturative journeys

Authors Thierry R. F. Middleton, Kerry R. McGannon, Robert J. Schinke, ...
Year 2021
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1064 Journal Article

Conversion as a Migration Strategy in a Transit Country: Iranian Shiites Becoming Christians in Turkey

Authors Sebnem Koser Akcapar
Year 2006
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 19
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1065 Journal Article

Segmented Paths? Mexican Generational Differences in the Transition to First-Time Homeownership in the United States

Authors Luis A. Sánchez, Luis A. Sanchez
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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1066 Journal Article

Legislative Update EU Immigration and Asylum Law 2010: Extension of Long-term Residence Rights andAmending the Law on Trafficking in Human Beings

Authors Steve Peers
Year 2011
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 3
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1067 Journal Article

Europe's migration crisis: an American perspective

Authors Philip Martin
Year 2016
Journal Name Migration Letters
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1068 Journal Article

Asylum seekers, Refugees and IDPs in the EaP countries: Recognition, Social Protection and integration - An Overview.

This paper is based on the information included in the twenty-one explanatory notes from CARIM East network members, covering the demo-economic, legal and socio-political aspects of the situation of asylum seekers, refugees and IDPs in individual countries of the CARIM East region. This paper gives an overview of the basic facts concerning populations in need of protection in the Eastern Partnership countries, who are defined as asylum seekers, refugees and IDPs. It focuses especially on their recognition, social protection and integration.
Year 2013
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1069 Report

Immigration, barriers to healthcare and transnational ties: A case study of South Korean immigrants in Toronto, Canada

Authors Lu Wang, Min-Jung Kwak
Year 2015
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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1070 Journal Article

Irregular Networks: Bangkok Refugees in the City and Region

Authors P. A. Palmgren, Pei A. Palmgren
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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1071 Journal Article

Shifting Negotiations of Identity in a Dominican American Community

Authors Benjamin Bailey
Year 2007
Journal Name Latino Studies
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1072 Journal Article

A look at migrations in the post-Soviet space : the case of Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Russian Federation

Authors Agnieszka WEINAR
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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1073 Journal Article

What to Say to Those Who Stay? Free Movement is a Human Right of Universal Value

Authors Kieran Oberman
Book Title Debating European citizenship
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1074 Book Chapter

Confined in Waiting: Young Asylum Seekers Narrating In and Out of Temporary Shelter

Authors Maria Petajaniemi, Maija Lanas, Mervi Kaukko
Year 2020
Journal Name YOUNG
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1075 Journal Article

Estimating and Explaining the Prevalence of Tuberculosis for Asylum Seekers Upon Their Arrival in Germany

Authors S. Stadtmüller, J. Schröder, S. Ehlers
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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1076 Journal Article

To Share or Not to Share Responsibility? Finnish Refugee Policy and the Hesitant Support for a Common European Asylum System

Authors Osten Wahlbeck
Year 2019
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1077 Journal Article

Legal aspects of combating human trafficking in Georgia

Trafficking in persons was criminalized in Georgia in 2003 when the relevant provisions were included in the Criminal Code of Georgia. 1 28 April 2006, the Parliament of Georgia adopted the Law on Combating Trafficking in Persons. This law, as the name suggests, stipulates the legal and organizational grounds for preventing and combating human trafficking. It also sets the legal status of victims. In the same year the Georgian Parliament ratified the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. In 2007, a provision was added to the Criminal Code of Georgia. This criminalized the use of services of a victim of human trafficking.2
Year 2013
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1078 Report

Internally Displaced Persons: Human Rights Resolution 2005/46

Year 2005
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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1080 Journal Article

Conflict-Handling Behaviors of Korean Immigrants in the United States

Authors Yeju Choi
Year 2017
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1081 Journal Article

Exploring the vulnerability of asylum seekers in the UK

Authors Emma Stewart
Year 2005
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 37
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1082 Journal Article

Kısıtlanan özgürlükler: Türkiye'de sığınmacı olmak

Year 2015
Journal Name Birikim
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1083 Journal Article

European Asylum Policies and the Stranded Asylum Seekers in Southeastern Europe

Authors Marko Valenta, Drago Zuparic-Iljic, Jo Jakobsen, ...
Year 2019
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1084 Journal Article

Between discipline and neglect: the regulation of asylum accommodation in Spain

Authors Lorenzo Gabrielli, Blanca Garcés-MascareÑas, Olatz Ribera-Almandoz
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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1085 Journal Article

The Occupation of Public Space in Bogota: Internal Displacement and the City

Authors Carolina Olarte Olarte, Illan Rua Wall
Year 2012
Journal Name Social & Legal Studies
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1086 Journal Article

Crimes of Assisting Illegal Immigration and Trafficking in Human Beings in Italian Law: Illegal Immigration between Administrative Infringement and Criminal Offence

Authors Matilde Ventrella McCreight
Year 2018
Book Title Immigration and Criminal Law in the European Union
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1087 Book Chapter

On race, racial profiling and states of mind(lessness)

Authors Suzanne Oboler
Year 2010
Journal Name Latino Studies
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1088 Journal Article

Playing the ‘race card’: white anxieties and the expression and repression of popular racisms in the 1997 UK election

Authors Elaine Vautier, Elaine Vautier
Year 2009
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
Citations (WoS) 2
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1089 Journal Article

"We must do something instead of just watch": The First Medical Interpreter Training Course for Eritrean Asylum Seekers in Israel

Authors Galia Sabar, Shiri Tenenboim
Year 2018
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1090 Journal Article

Who Should We Help? An Experimental Test of Discrimination in the British Welfare State

Authors Robert Ford
Year 2016
Journal Name Political Studies
Citations (WoS) 10
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1091 Journal Article

Context of Reception and School Violence: Exploring the Nexus of Immigration, Race/Ethnicity, Place, and School Crime

Authors Anthony A. Peguero, Yasmiyn Irizarry, Janice A. Iwama, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
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1092 Journal Article

Towards a protection regime for internally displaced persons

Authors E. Mooney
Year 2003
Book Title Refugees and Forced Displacement. International Security, Human Vulnerability, and the State
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1093 Book Chapter


Authors S. Williams
Year 2000
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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1094 Journal Article

The Growth of Ethnic Organizations in the Context of Neighborhood Change: Organizational Ecology in Postwar San Francisco

Authors Jacqueline Olvera
Year 2015
Journal Name City & Community
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1095 Journal Article

Note on international protection report

Authors UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Examines developments from mid-2007 regarding the right to seek and enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution and the right to nationality; also considers situations in which the rights of internally displaced persons were threatened.
Year 2008
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1096 Report

Enhancing the Common European Asylum System and Alternatives to Dublin

Upon request by the LIBE committee, this study examines the reasons why the Dublin system of allocation of responsibility for asylum seekers does not work effectively from the viewpoint of Member States or asylum-seekers. It argues that as long as it is based on the use of coercion against asylum seekers, it cannot serve as an effective tool to address existing imbalances in the allocation of responsibilities among Member States. The EU is faced with two substantial challenges: first, how to prevent unsafe journeys and risks to the lives of people seeking international protection in the EU; and secondly, how to organise the distribution of related responsibilities and costs among the Member States. This study addresses these issues with recommendations aimed at resolving current practical, legal and policy problems.
Year 2015
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1097 Report

Mortality Trends and Disparities Among Racial/Ethnic and Sex Subgroups in New York City, 1990 to 2000

Authors Katherine Freeman, Katherine Freeman, Joel Zonszein, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 12
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1098 Journal Article

Asylum-Seeking, Migration and Church

Authors Anna Rowlands
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Beliefs & Values
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1099 Journal Article

Classical and Modern Prejudice toward Asylum Seekers: The Mediating Role of Intergroup Anxiety in a Sample of Italians

Authors Rocco Servidio
Year 2020
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1100 Journal Article
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