
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Sovereign Power, Abject Spaces and Resistance: Contending Accounts of Asylum

Authors Vicki Squire
Book Title The Exclusionary Politics of Asylum
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1301 Book Chapter

ESIRAS: Employability and Social Integration of Refugees and Asylum Seekers

The ESIRAS project aims at establishing at municipal level Integration Centres providing information and training to asylum seekers and refugees to facilitate their integration in society and the labour market.
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1302 Project

The Securitization of Migration: A Racial Discourse1

Authors Maggie Ibrahim
Year 2005
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 94
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1303 Journal Article

Asiel en integratie 2021. Cohortonderzoek asielzoekers en statushouders

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Statistics Netherlands, Zoë Driessen, ...
Het CBS volgt sinds 2017 alle asielzoekers die vanaf 2014 bij COA-opvang zijn ingestroomd en de statushouders die vanaf 2014 een verblijfsvergunning asiel hebben ontvangen, inclusief hun nareizigers en gezinsherenigers. Deze vijfde jaarlijkse rapportage van dit cohortonderzoek geeft inzicht in de instroom van asielzoekers bij het COA en in de samenstelling van de nieuwste groep statushouders. Daarnaast wordt in deze webpublicatie een actueel beeld geschetst van hoe het gaat met de statushouders die sinds 2014 een verblijfsvergunning asiel hebben gekregen. Er worden cijfers gepresenteerd over het verblijf in COA-opvang, de wachttijd tot het verkrijgen van een verblijfsvergunning, huisvesting, inburgering, huishoudenssamenstelling, gezinshereniging, onderwijs, werk en inkomen, zorggebruik en criminaliteit. Dit onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd in opdracht van de ministeries Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (SZW), Justitie en Veiligheid (JenV), Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap (OCW) en Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS).
Year 2021
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1304 Report

Internal Migration of the Foreign-Born in Canada

Authors K. Bruce Newbold, KB Newbold
Year 1996
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 38
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1305 Journal Article

The Right to Benefit from an Effective Remedy against Decisions Implying the Return of Asylum-seekers to European Safe Countries

Authors Silvia Morgades-Gil
Year 2017
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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1306 Journal Article

Discontinuous intersections: second-generation immigrant girls in transition from school to work

Authors Sara R. Farris, Sara de Jong
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 7
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1307 Journal Article

The Social Integration of Asylum Seekers and Refugees: An Interactional Perspective

Authors Katherine Kappa
Year 2019
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1308 Journal Article

MEDAM assessment report on asylum and migration policies in Europe

Authors Mikkel BARSLUND, Matthias LÜCKE, Martin RUHS
In this 2019 MEDAM Assessment Report, we present insights from MEDAM research and policy dialogue since 2016 to explain how closer cooperation among EU member states and with countries of origin and transit can improve outcomes for all stakeholders. Crucially, short of establishing a new Iron Curtain on the EU’s external border or continuing to tolerate abuses, there is no way that either individual member states or the EU as a whole can insulate themselves from irregular migrants and asylum seekers. Yet, if crossing the EU border enabled all irregular migrants to remain in the EU for good, the integrity of EU visa and asylum policies would be undermined. Thus, close cooperation with countries of origin for the return and readmission of their citizens who have no right to remain in the EU is crucial. Still, it is typically not in the interest of countries of origin to limit the mobility of their citizens. Cooperation between the EU and countries of origin must therefore cover a wide enough range of policies to ensure that all parties consistently benefit from the policy package and have a strong incentive to meet their commitments. We emphasize more EU support for refugees hosted by low- and middle-income countries and more legal employment opportunities for non-EU citizens in the EU. Rethinking EU asylum and migration policies along these lines requires extensive consultations and negotiations among stakeholders in Europe and in countries of origin and transit. Our ‘insights’ are meant to inform and stimulate such conversations. However, sustainable reforms will come only as the result of stakeholders working out the details and developing a sense of ownership of the necessary reforms. Our first set of insights relates to popular attitudes toward immigration and the structure of public preferences for asylum and refugee protection policies (section 2 of this report). Next, we explain how the EU and countries of origin and transit can all benefit from cooperating on border management, refugee protection, and expanding legal labor migration to the EU (section 3). Finally, we consider the implications for cooperation among EU member states and the long-standing plans for reform of the European asylum system (section 4).
Year 2019
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1309 Report

Die Dritte Generation

Principal investigator Christian Hunkler (Principal Investigator)
"Inhalt und Fragestellung Die Lebenssituation der dritten Generation ist für die Integrationsforschung von besonderer Bedeutung. Herkömmliche Theorien folgen zwei unterschiedlichen Erwartungen: Während die klassische Assimilationstheorie von einer im Vergleich zur ersten und zweiten Generation weiter fortgeschrittenen, nun nahezu vollständigen Integration ausgeht, steht dem vor allem die durch Herbert Gans bekannt gewordene Gegenthese eines zumindest partiellen ‚ethnic revivals‘ entgegen, demzufolge die Enkel der (direkten) Migrant*innen ihre ethnische Zugehörigkeit symbolisch hervorheben. Gleichzeitig wird vermutet, dass die Nachkommen der klassischen Arbeitsmigrant*innen in Deutschland weiterhin strukturell benachteiligt sind. Obwohl die Frage nach dem relativen Stand der Integration der dritten Generation im Vergleich zur zweiten von zentraler Bedeutung für die langfristige gesellschaftliche Entwicklung ist, liegen dazu bislang erstaunlich wenige empirische Befunde vor und eine systematische vergleichende Analyse zentraler Integrationsindikatoren steht noch aus. Dies liegt vor allem an der Datenlage, denn die dritte Generation lässt sich bislang nur in wenigen Datensätzen einigermaßen trennscharf identifizieren. Dort wo es möglich ist, sind die Fallzahlen oft zu gering, um aussagekräftige Analysen durchzuführen, auch weil der Generationenvergleich nur bei einer adäquaten Kontrolle von Kompositionseffekten sinnvoll ist. Methodik In diesem Projekt soll eine solche systematische und langfristige Beobachtung der dritten Generation, relativ zur ersten und zweiten, aufgebaut werden. Arbeitsschritte Den ersten Schritt bildet dabei eine Übersicht bzw. eine Metaanalyse von Studien, die Analysen über die dritte Generation enthalten. Dann werden schrittweise vorhandene Surveys daraufhin überprüft, ob und wie sie eine Identifikation der dritten Generation zulassen und ob sie sich durch Sekundäranalysen, gegebenenfalls auch durch Kumulation einzelner Datensätze, für entsprechende weitere Analysen nutzbar machen lassen. Am Ende dieser Projektphase steht ein ausführlicher Bericht, der den Stand des Wissens über die relativen Erfolge der dritten Generation im Hinblick auf die derzeitige Studien- und Datenlage zusammenfasst. Damit verbunden wird eine ausführliche Beurteilung, wie sich dies perspektivisch in eine langfristige Beobachtung umsetzen lässt. Dies wird gegebenenfalls in einen Antrag auf eine notwendige Datenerhebung für spätere Projektphasen münden."
Year 2018
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1310 Project

The Second Generation in Europe

Authors Maurice Crul, M Crul, H Vermeulen, ...
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 219
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1311 Journal Article

Problematizing Parenting: The Regulation of Parenting Practices within Reception Centres for Syrian Refugees in Ireland

Authors Karen Smith, Muireann Ní Raghallaigh, Jennifer Scholtz
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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1312 Journal Article

Piety in a Secular Society: Migration, Religiosity, and Islam in Britain

Authors Valerie A. Lewis, Ridhi Kashyap
Year 2013
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1313 Journal Article

‘Stick Them to the Cross’: Anti-Trafficking Apps and the Production of Ignorance

Authors Jonathan Mendel, Kiril Sharapov
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Human Trafficking
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1314 Journal Article

Benchmark study on asylum practices in Switzerland, Denmark and United Kingdom regarding Iraqi, Somali and Eritrean asylum seekers

Principal investigator Martin Wagner (Project Coordinator)
The Swiss Federal Office for Migration (BFM) has commissioned the ICMPD to undertake a comparative study of asylum procedures in Switzerland, Denmark and United Kingdom regarding claims of particularly Iraqi, Somali and Eritrean asylum seekers. Objectives The study aims to comparatively describe current developments in asylum policies and practices in the selected countries and to relate them to: • changes in the number of asylum claims submitted by the target group • changes in the perception of attractiveness of the destination countries: CH, DK, UK Outcomes • Comparative analysis of asylum and return policies in CH, DK, UK. • Statistical analysis on asylum claims of Iraqi, Somali and Eritrean asylum seekers submitted in CH, DK, UK.
Year 2008
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1315 Project

Migration between States and Markets

Authors Marco Martiniello
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1316 Journal Article

Internally displaced families in Khartoum-Sudan: challenges and policy implications

Authors Azza Abdelmoneium
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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1317 Journal Article

Select bibliography. Internet sources on internally displaced persons in Africa

Authors Anon
Year 1999
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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1318 Journal Article

Nieuwe kansen voor vrijwilligerswerk: De inzet van vrijwilligers bij het COA

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Marjan de Gruijter, Inge Razenberg
De hoofdvraag van het onderzoek luidt: Wat is de mogelijke meerwaarde en wat zijn de (on)mogelijkheden van de inzet van vrijwilligers voor de activering van bewoners in de locaties voor noodopvang en asielzoekerscentra vanuit het gezichtspunt van vrijwilligers, organisaties uit het maatschappelijk middenveld, bewoners en (medewerkers van) het COA?Met de resultaten van het onderzoek wil de aanvrager, het COA, inzicht krijgen in de meerwaarde en (on)mogelijkheden van de inzet van vrijwilligers in de genoemde locaties. Daarmee wil het COA een onderbouwd uitvoeringsbeleid formuleren voor de inzet van vrijwilligers, gericht op de activering van bewoners.
Year 2017
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1320 Report

Integration Survey: Determinants and Indicators of Integration and Segregation of the Foreign Population

Authors Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB)
This study aims to portray causes and factors that promote or impede the integration of the foreign population in Germany. For this reason, approx. 2,400 immigrants of Italian and Turkish origin were asked about their living conditions, behaviours and attitudes. The question of the forms of and determining factors for integration of the foreign population is increasingly gaining significance with the permanent settlement of the groups that immigrated as former “guest workers” and their progeny. However, there is frequently a lack of suitable data to provide empirically substantiated answers to questions much discussed by society such as: How far has the integration of persons with migration backgrounds (immigrants) progressed in the educational and vocational areas, and how can we explain their distance to the Germans, if any? What is the situation with regard to the interest and participation of immigrants in the political and social spheres? Are the numbers of interethnic marriages and friendships increasing, and are there differences in this regard between the nationalities? These questions are especially urgent when it is a matter of the “second” or “third generation” of immigrants, since the integration or segregation of this group will decisively characterize society in Germany in coming decades. For these reasons, in July 2000 the market and opinion research institute BIK Aschpurwis und Behrens, Hamburg, was commissioned with a widespread survey of immigrants of Italian and Turkish origin in the ages of 18 to 30 years as well as a German control group (each with approx. 1,200 respondents). The survey data were delivered to the BiB in late March of 2001. The survey recorded items concerning living conditions, behaviour and attitudes. The core themes consisted of school, vocational, social, linguistic and identification integration; the type and extent of contacts to the ethnic community and its institutions; attitudes towards life in Germany and political participation as well as familial living conditions and attitudes. Due to the thematic breadth of the survey and the large number of respondents, the data enable substantiated assertions on the integrative patterns of the groups studied. The data of the Integration Survey can be accessed at GESIS under the study number ZA4821.
Year 2010
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1322 Data Set

Low birthweight among US Hispanic/Latino subgroups: The effect of maternal foreign-born status and education

Authors Dolores Acevedo-Garcia, Lisa Berkman, Mah-J. Soobader
Year 2007
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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1323 Journal Article

Adolescents’ Sexual Initiation: The Interaction of Race/Ethnicity and Immigrant Status

Authors Naomi J. Spence, Karin L. Brewster
Year 2010
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 13
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1324 Journal Article

Asylum seekers, citizenship and reality TV in the Netherlands: quizzing refugees in jeopardy

Authors Esther Romeyn
Year 2014
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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1325 Journal Article

Irregular Migration in Egypt

Authors Heba NASSAR
Egypt’s capital Cairo hosts one of the five largest urban refugee populations in the world. For this reason, our paper concentrates on the legal aspect of irregular migration, discussing the characteristics of these migrants as asylum seekers and refugees while also examining transit migrants. First, the paper tackles associated concepts and data issues, with reference to the existing literature and international standards. In the second part, an overview of the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) situation is given as a prelude to the Egyptian experience. In the third part, the socio-economic profile of refugees and asylum seekers from Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Iraq is given with reference to their legal status, their rights and their living conditions measured in terms of income and sources of income, access to education, employment, health care and social services. The paper concludes by looking at the socio-economic situation in Egypt and policy recommendations concerning government practices, procedures, mechanisms, policies and laws. Gaps in research have also been highlighted so that these issues can be better addressed in the future.
Year 2008
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1326 Report

School segregation and academic achievement among Hispanic children

Authors Igor Ryabov, Jennifer Van Hook
Year 2007
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 36
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1327 Journal Article

Asylum seekers in diaspora : Turks and Iranians in Sweden

Authors Francesco PASETTI
Year 2017
Book Title Migrant integration between homeland and host society. Volume 2, How countries of origin impact migrant integration outcomes : an analysis
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1328 Book Chapter

The Covid-19 crisis: the end of a borderless Europe?

Authors Elżbieta Opiłowska
Year 2020
Journal Name European Societies
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1329 Journal Article

Migrants, Ethnic Minorities and the Labour Market

Authors Andrea Rea, John Wrench, Nouria Ouali
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1330 Book

Accommodation centres for asylum seekers as sites of conflict and collaboration: Strategies for the prevention of violence

Authors Noa Milman, Sifka Etlar Frederiksen
Year 2023
Journal Name Culture Practice & Europeanization
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1331 Journal Article

Refugees, humanitarian aid and the right to decline vaccinations

Authors A Caplan, David R. Curry
Year 2015
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1332 Journal Article

Asylum seekers and health

Authors English, R Mussell, J Sheather, ...
Year 2004
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1333 Journal Article

Adult and Community Influence on Sexual Experience Among First-, Second-, and Third-Generation Immigrant Youth

Authors Kate Coleman-Minahan, Sheana Bull, Yurico Gutierrez
Year 2020
Journal Name YOUTH & SOCIETY
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1334 Journal Article

Terrorist Expatriation: All Show, No Bite, No Future

Authors Peter J. Spiro
Book Title Debating transformations of national citizenship
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1335 Book Chapter

Historical Roots of Chicago's Contemporary Violence: An Interpretation of Chicago's Early Sociologists' Texts on Black Assimilation

Authors Mark S. Fleisher
Year 2019
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1336 Journal Article

Safety, Health and Trauma among Newly Arrived Refugees in Greece

Authors Theoni Stathopoulou, Jennifer Cavounidis, Anastasia Kostaki, ...
Year 2019
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1337 Journal Article

Infectious-disease Screening and Vaccination for Refugees and Asylum Seekers Entering Europe in 2015-16: A Scoping Study of Six European Union Countries

Authors Pierluca Piselli, Kayvan Bozorgmehr, Mariya Samuilova, ...
Year 2019
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1339 Journal Article

Türkiye'de sığınmacı olmak: Belirsizlikler içinde yaşamak

Year 2015
Journal Name Birikim
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1340 Journal Article

Aliens and Citizens in New Zealand

Authors Paul Spoonley
Book Title Citizenship in a Global World
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1341 Book Chapter

Between Mobility and Migration: The Consequences and Governance of Intra-European Movement

Authors Mark van Ostaijen, Peter Scholten
Year 2018
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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1342 Book Chapter

New Border and Citizenship Politics: An Introduction

Authors Sabine Ruß-Sattar, Helen Schwenken
Book Title New Border and Citizenship Politics
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1343 Book Chapter

Rethinking irregular migration in Turkey: Some Demo-Economic Reflections

Authors Ahmet İÇDUYGU
At the crossroads of Asia, Africa and Europe, Turkey faces irregular migration flows, both as a country of destination and of transit: the irregular migration flows to the country consist mainly of transit migrants, clandestine immigrant workers, asylum seekers and refugees. In the last decade, the major migration flows into Turkey have come from Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh, while significant numbers have also arrived from Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, the Russian Federation and Georgia. Migrants from the former countries are mainly transients heading for Europe or other more developed parts of the world. They stay in Turkey only on a temporary basis. Migrants from the latter group of countries are foreign nationals who intend to work illegally in Turkey, for a limited period of time. Turkey’s position over the 1951 Geneva Convention, excluding non-European asylum seekers, further complicates the situation as non-Europeans account for the majority of asylum seekers in Turkey. Another feature of migration to Turkey is the national diversity of the immigrants: authorities in Turkey have identified 163 nationalities that have arrived in the country in the last decade. Clearly, Turkey has become a country with multiple roles in irregular migratory movements. Utilising a relatively revealing data set on the apprehending of irregular migrants provided by the security forces together with the findings of several surveys conducted in the country, this paper, first, documents the irregular migration experience in Turkey over the last 30 years. It also relates the phenomenon of irregular migration in Turkey to the wider context of European international migratory regimes. Then the paper outlines the developments associated with irregular migration in the country. The role of Turkey’s EU affairs within these changes is complex and contradictory, and not yet fully explored. After describing irregular migration, the paper explores, finally, the way in which the political construction of irregular migration is associated with the securitisation and economisation of international migratory regimes in Europe and around its peripheries.
Year 2008
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1344 Report

‘Everyday otherness’ – intercultural refugee encounters and everyday multiculturalism in a South Australian rural town

Authors David Radford
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 10
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1345 Journal Article

Migration, Motherhood, Marriage: Cross-Cultural Adaptation of North American Immigrant Mothers in Israel

Authors Laura I. Sigad, Rivka A. Eisikovits
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
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1346 Journal Article

The Transformation Of European Border Controls

Authors Didier Bigo, Elspeth Guild
Year 2018
Book Title Extraterritorial Immigration Control
1347 Book Chapter

Racial and ethnic infant mortality gaps and the role of socio-economic status

Authors Todd E. Elder, SJ Haider, John H. Goddeeris, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Labour Economics
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1348 Journal Article

Migration by Boat

Authors Lynda Mannik
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1350 Book

Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation

Authors Verena Stern, Sieglinde Rosenberger, Nina Merhaut
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1351 Book

Asylum seekers - Australia's response to refugees

Authors J Burnside
Year 2002
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1352 Journal Article

Using Internet search data to examine the relationship between anti-Muslim and pro-ISIS sentiment in U.S. counties

Authors Christopher A. Bail, Friedolin Merhout, Peng Ding
Year 2018
Citations (WoS) 1
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1353 Journal Article

Social Citizenship, Social Policy and Refugee Integration: a Case of Policy Divergence in Scotland?

Year 2018
Journal Name journal of social policy
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1354 Journal Article

The Organization of American States and Legal Protection to Political Refugees in Central America

Authors Keith W. Yundt
Year 1989
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1355 Journal Article

Accurately Counting Asian Americans Is a Civil Rights Issue

Authors Jennifer Lee, Janelle S. Wong, Karthick Ramakrishnan
Year 2018
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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1356 Journal Article

From Refugees to Forced Migration: The UNHCR and Human Security

Authors Howard Adelman, H Adelman
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 22
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1357 Journal Article

(Im)mobility in the Age of COVID-19

Authors Susan Martin, Jonas Bergmann
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1358 Journal Article

‘Feed them First, Then Ask Virtue of Them’: Broadening and Deepening Freedom of Movement

Authors Andrea Sangiovanni
Book Title Debating European citizenship
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1359 Book Chapter

UK: the real ‘immigration debate’

Authors Frances Webber
Year 2012
Journal Name Race & Class
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1360 Journal Article

Integration of migrants in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Authors Alovsat ALIYEV, Sevinc MAMEDOVA
The main objective of this report is to analyze Azerbaijani legislation in the field of integration of foreigners, stateless persons and forced migrants, in order to see if it complies with international documents that Azerbaijan has signed. The authors also examine the application of this legislation and identify key public agencies and positions dealing with different aspects of integration. They also offer recommendations on how to resolve existing problems. It is established that Azerbaijan has signed key international ocuments and that legal framework has been formed to regulate foreigners’ entry to, departure from, and residence in Azerbaijan, as well as acquisition of Azerbaijani citizenship.
Year 2013
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1361 Report

Methodological and Ethical Challenges in Partnering for Refugee Research: Evidence From Two Australian Studies

Authors Levi Obijiofor, Aparna Hebbani, Val Colic-Peisker
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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1362 Journal Article

(Re)producing Statelessness via Indirect Gender Discrimination: Descendants of Haitian Migrants in the Dominican Republic

Authors Allison J. Petrozziello
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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1363 Journal Article

"You Just Don't Understand Me!" Determinants of Second Generation Asian and Latino Youth Self-Esteem

Authors Emerald T. Nguyen, Jo Mhairi Hale
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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1364 Journal Article

Do People Avoid Morally Relevant Information? Evidence from the Refugee Crisis

Authors Eleonora Freddi
Year 2020
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
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1367 Journal Article

Canada’s guideline 9: improving SOGIE claims assessment?

Authors Nuno Ferreira, Moira Dustin
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1368 Journal Article

Patterns of Interracial and Interethnic Marriages among Foreign-Born Asians in the United States

Authors Philip Yang, Philip Q. Yang, Maggie Bohm-Jordan
Year 2018
Journal Name Societies
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1370 Journal Article

Where are you from? A validation of the Foreigner Objectification Scale and the psychological correlates of foreigner objectification among Asian Americans and Latinos.

Authors Brian E. Armenta, Seth J. Schwartz, Richard M. Lee, ...
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
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1371 Journal Article

EaSI-PROGRESS: Fast track integration into the labour market for third country nationals targeting exclusively asylum seekers, refugees and their family members

This 2016 Economic and Social Innovation (EaSI) Call aims at funding projects to test and implement innovative policy schemes and delivery mechanisms that will ensure and facilitate a swift labour market integration of asylum seekers, refugees and their family members (with a particular focus on labour market integration of women). The available budget is EUR 14.2 mln. The Call was open from 21 December 2016 to 30 March 2017. The call for proposals aims at funding innovative transnational projects to test and implement innovative policy schemes and delivery mechanisms that will ensure and facilitate a swift labour market integration of the specific target groups of third country nationals listed below. Proposals could also include the replication of successful innovative initiatives already implemented in other(s) country(ies). Only applications targeting specifically the support to the following groups of third country nationals will be considered eligible for further evaluation: • asylum seekers, • refugees and their family members. Specific measures targeting the labour market integration of migrant women will be considered favourably.
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1372 Project

The Experiences of Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Authors Anastasia Bermudez
Book Title International Migration, Transnational Politics and Conflict
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1373 Book Chapter

Foreign-Born Emigration from the United States: 1960 To 1970

Authors Robert Warren, Jennifer Marks Peck
Year 1980
Journal Name Demography
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1374 Journal Article

Asylum seekers in Europe: the warm glow of a hot potato

Authors Giovanni Facchini, Oliver Lorz, Gerald Willmann
Year 2006
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 16
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1375 Journal Article

The systematic composition of asylum legislation in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Authors Alovsat ALIYEV
The law with the greatest legal effect on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan (RA) is the RA Constitution.1 Granting political asylum is provided for by Article 70 of the RA Constitution that stipulates that ?in accordance with universally accepted norms of the international law, [RA] grants political asylum to foreign nationals and stateless persons
Year 2013
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1376 Report

Welfare Index of Migrant Workers in the Gulf: the Case of Qatar

Authors Abdoulaye Diop, S. Al-Ali Mustafa, Michael Ewers, ...
Year 2020
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1377 Journal Article

Back in Time? A Temporal Autobiographical Approach to Afghan Return Migration

Authors Marieke Houte, Marieke van Houte
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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1378 Journal Article

“Viviendo En El Olvido”: Behind Bars, Latinos and Prison

Authors Suzanne Oboler
Year 2008
Journal Name Latino Studies
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1379 Journal Article

Sensing Intruders: Race and the Automation of Border Control

Authors Ivan Chaar-Lopez
Year 2019
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1380 Journal Article

A Plethora of ‘suitable enemies’: British racism at the dawn of the twenty-first century1

Authors Mike Cole
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 27
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1381 Journal Article

Moving Through Social Networks: The Case of Armenian Migrants in the Czech Republic

Authors Radka Klvanova, Radka Klvaňová
Year 2010
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 6
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1384 Journal Article

Comparative Citizenship and Aliens’ Rights

Authors Atsushi Kondo
Book Title Citizenship in a Global World
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1385 Book Chapter

Heritage as an affective and meaningful information literacy practice: An interdisciplinary approach to the integration of asylum seekers and refugees

Authors Kahina Le Louvier, Perla Innocenti
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
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1386 Journal Article

Xenophobia towards asylum seekers: A survey of social theories

Authors Michelle Peterie, David Neil
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Sociology
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1387 Journal Article

Sleepless Nights because of Ethical Dilemmas in Mental Health Care for Asylum Seekers

Authors Sander A. Kramer, Loes van Willigen, Erik Olsman, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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1388 Journal Article

Asylum in Austere Times: Instability, Privatization and Experimentation within the UK Asylum Dispersal System

Authors Jonathan Darling
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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1389 Journal Article

Border Politics and Practices of Resistance on the Eastern Side of ‘Fortress Europe’: The Case of Chechen Asylum Seekers at the Belarusian–Polish Border

Authors Marta Szczepanik
Year 2018
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review,
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1390 Journal Article

Border Politics and Practices of Resistance on the Eastern Side of 'Fortress Europe': The Case of Chechen Asylum Seekers at the Belarusian-Polish Border

Authors Marta Szczepanik
Year 2018
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1391 Journal Article

Migration in the Southern Balkans

Authors Hans Vermeulen, Martin Baldwin-Edwards, Riki van Boeschoten
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1392 Book

Sexual Behavior and Drug Use Among Asian and Latino Adolescents: Association with Immigrant Status

Authors Jon M. Hussey, Denise D. Hallfors, Martha W. Waller, ...
Year 2007
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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1393 Journal Article

Entangled Spatialities: Immigrants and Worker Citizens in the United Kingdom

Authors Patricia O. Daley
Book Title Citizenship and its Others
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1394 Book Chapter

'Because Migri Says So': Legitimation in Negative Asylum Decisions in Finland

Authors Erna Bodstrom
Year 2020
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1395 Journal Article

Gangs, Migration, and Crime: The Changing Landscape in Europe and the USA

Authors Scott H. Decker, Frank van Gemert, David C. Pyrooz
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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1396 Journal Article

Union Citizenship for UK Citizens

Authors Glyn Morgan
Book Title Debating European citizenship
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1397 Book Chapter

GEAR: A gendered analysis of European Asylum and refugee policies

This research and teaching programme will advance knowledge concerning the situation of female asylum seekers and refugees in the European Union, as well as making a contribution to theoretical frameworks for a gendered analysis of asylum and refugee issue s. Asylum and refugee policies are currently a key area of debate for member states of the EU, as well as for the EU institutions themselves. However; although there are many academic studies devoted to the changing framework for legislation and policy on asylum in Europe; there is as yet very little research on the specific impacts that these developments will have on female asylum seekers. This research programme will attempt to fill this gap in knowledge and analysis through an empirical research program me on the experiences of female asylum seekers in the EU and the gendered impacts of EU policies, together with theoretical analysis on issues related to persecutions specific to women and the right to asylum. Dissemination of knowledge in these areas will take place through a programme of research supervision, teaching and lecturing activities; together with ongoing work in the TERRA network (Travaux, Etudes et Recherches sur les Réfugiés et l'Asile).
Year 2006
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
1398 Project

A Line in the Sea

Authors Suvendrini Perera, S Perera
Year 2002
Journal Name Race & Class
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1399 Journal Article

Australia and Asylum Seekers

Authors J. McAdam
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
1400 Journal Article
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