Policies on irregular migration

Results displayed in this section refer to research on policies, laws, legislation, regulation or measures concerning the management of irregular migration. Irregular migration is the movement of people that takes place outside the regulatory norms of the sending, transit and receiving countries. This irregularity can be linked to the mode of entry – or entry without the necessary documentation or authorization – or to the irregular stay in the country (e.g. overstay after expiration of a visa). Other synonymous terms are ‘illegal’, sans papiers, clandestine, unauthorized or undocumented migration or migrant. Irregular migration is linked to the phenomenon of migrant smuggling. 

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Dimensions and dynamics of irregular migration

Authors Khalid Koser
Year 2009
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 53
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5 Journal Article

Can we put an end to human smuggling?

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Year 2015
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
13 Policy Brief

Irregular Migration and Human Rights: Theoretical, European and International Perspectives

Authors Ryszard Cholewinski, Barbara Bogusz, Adam Cygan, ...
Year 2018
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
19 Book

Impact of visa liberalisation on countries of destination

Authors European Migration Network
Description Read More
Year 2019
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
21 Report

Femmes et migrations en Tunisie

Authors Hassan BOUBAKRI
Ce texte propose une analyse de la place et du rôle des femmes dans les différents flux migratoires de, vers et à travers la Tunisie. Dans cette perspective, l’accent est mis sur deux sujets particuliers : tout d’abord, l’évolution démographique et socioprofessionnelle des Tunisiens de l’étranger, notamment les migrations familiales ; puis, les conditions de vie des migrants subsahariens en Tunisie, en particulier les migrations irrégulières et la traite. En conclusion, nous insistons sur la nécessité de disposer et de diffuser des données et des informations sur le genre et la migration afin de favoriser la gouvernance des migrations. / This text analyzes the place and the role of women within the various migration movements from, to and through Tunisia. In such a perspective, it insists on two particular issues : first, the demographic and socio-professional evolution of the Tunisian abroad, mainly through the study of family migration ; second, the living conditions of the sub-Saharan migrants in Tunisia, especially irregular migration and human trafficking. To conclude, we insist on the necessary access to and diffusion of data’s and information’s dealing with Gender and Migration in order to support the governance of migration.
Year 2011
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37 Report

What are the protection concerns for migrants and refugees in Libya?

Authors Claire Healy, Roberto Forin
Year 2017
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40 Policy Brief

Demand in the context of trafficking in human beings in the domestic work sector in Belgium

Belgian anti-THB policy is often pointed as exemplary given its broad definition of the crime of trafficking for labour exploitation, as being the work or service carried out in conditions contrary to human dignity, in which the coercion element is not compulsory. However, hardly any policy initiatives in Belgium tackle specifically demand-side aspects in labour exploitation and THB in the domestic work sector. Recent policy changes in the domain of domestic work at diplomatic households and the formalisation of live-out domestic work with a service voucher policy have positive effects on the sector. Undocumented domestic workers in the shadow market and possibly regular migrants under temporary work permits are, though, still largely unprotected. The main obstacles to prevent exploitative situations within the sector are the migration and employment policies applying to domestic work. Indeed, this paper argues that when migrant workers are without the possibility to regularise their migration status maintain them in a vulnerable situation: migration status is a key issue for giving people the real possibility to access and defend their rights. Only the full respect of (all) workers’ rights will reduce their vulnerability to labour exploitation and trafficking.
Year 2016
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44 Report

Invisible Lives: Gender, Dispossession, and Precarity amongst Syrian Refugee Women in the Middle East

Authors N Canefe
Year 2018
Journal Name Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
50 Journal Article

Migrant Smuggling: A Social Business

Authors Thanos Maroukis, Anna Triandafyllidou
Book Title Migrant Smuggling: Irregular Migration from Asia and Africa to Europe
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
51 Book Chapter

The Southeastern Mediterranean: The Greece-Turkey Irregular Migration System

Authors Thanos Maroukis, Anna Triandafyllidou
Book Title Migrant Smuggling: Irregular Migration from Asia and Africa to Europe
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
52 Book Chapter


Authors Jamal Benamar, Noelia Melero Aguilar
Year 2015
Journal Name Revista Barataria
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56 Journal Article

Human Smuggling from/via North Africa and Turkey to Greece

Authors Thanos Maroukis, Anna Triandafyllidou
Book Title Migrant Smuggling: Irregular Migration from Asia and Africa to Europe
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
57 Book Chapter

La migration irrégulière au Mali

Authors Modibo KEITA
Le présent article aborde la problématique de la migration irrégulière au Mali en la plaçant dans son contexte historique, sous-régional et national. Il montre comment le concept de migration irrégulière, informelle, illégale ou clandestine est récemment apparu du fait des modifications apportées aux cadres législatifs nationaux à partir des années 1970 et 1980 afin de restreindre la mobilité internationale des personnes. Les causes qui poussent à la migration irrégulière sont esquissées et les principaux acteurs responsables de sa gestion sont passés en revue ainsi que leurs stratégies d’intervention. L’article se termine par des recommandations pertinentes pouvant contribuer à maîtriser durablement les flux migratoires provenant du Mali et de la sous-région ouest-africaine en général. Abstract This paper deals with the issue of irregular migration in Mali with an historical perspective and in the regional and national context. It shows how the concepts of irregular, informal, illegal or clandestine migration appeared because of the modification of the legal frameworks ruling migration in the 1970s and 1980s, with the aim of limiting the mobility of the persons at an international level. The push factors of irregular migration are briefly presented, as well as the main actors responsible for the management of migration and their strategies. This paper concludes with policy recommendations contributing to a sustain management of migration flows from Mali and the West African sub region.
Year 2011
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58 Report

Modeling migrant smuggling: Testing descriptive types against recent findings

Authors Veronika Bilger
Year 2018
Journal Name New Perspectives on Turkey
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59 Journal Article

Migrant smuggling : novel insights and implications for migration control policies

Authors Anna Triandafyllidou
Year 2018
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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60 Journal Article

Irregular Migration to Jordan: Socio-Political Stakes

Authors Françoise DE BEL-AIR
A striking evidence is the high figures of undocumented migrants in Jordan. The questions asked in the present report are the following: do these figures signal a failure of policies? What are actually the aims of policies directed at illegal migrants in Jordan? And, ultimately, are unauthorized migrants really unwanted, and why?
Year 2008
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61 Report

Policing humanitarianism : EU policies against human smuggling and their impact on civil society

Authors Sergio CARRERA, Valsamis MITSILEGAS, Jennifer ALLSOPP, ...
Year 2019
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63 Book

Policing the mobility society : the effects of EU-anti-migrant smuggling policies on humanitarianism

Authors Sergio CARRERA, Jennifer ALLSOPP, Lina VOSYLIUTE
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Migration and Border Studies
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
64 Journal Article

Researching illegality and labour migration

Authors Bridget Anderson, Martin Ruhs
Year 2010
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 44
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66 Journal Article

Neither 'criminals nor 'illegals' : children and adolescents in the migrant smuggling market on the US-MX border

Authors Gabriella SANCHEZ, Blanca NAVARRETE, Fernando LOERA, ...
The present document constitutes an overview of the facilitation of irregular migration on the US Mexico border from a human rights perspective. The result of an NGO-academic partnership, it specifically outlines the contexts and challenges faced by boys, girls and adolescents who work in the migrant smuggling market in the Ciudad Juárez-El Paso corridor.
Year 2017
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71 Report

Neither 'criminals nor 'illegals' : children and adolescents in the migrant smuggling market on the US-MX border

Authors Gabriella SANCHEZ, Blanca NAVARRETE, Fernando LOERA, ...
The present document constitutes an overview of the facilitation of irregular migration on the US Mexico border from a human rights perspective. The result of an NGO-academic partnership, it specifically outlines the contexts and challenges faced by boys, girls and adolescents who work in the migrant smuggling market in the Ciudad Juárez-El Paso corridor.
Year 2017
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72 Report

A study on undocumented migrant workers in the Dutch household sector

Authors P Nijkamp, P Rietveld
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Manpower
Citations (WoS) 3
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73 Journal Article

Regularyzacja statusu cudzoziemców w Polsce w 2012 r. – geneza, przebieg i konsekwencje

Year 2013
Book Title Around migration issues. Party culture
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
74 Book Chapter

Twenty-First-Century Globalization and Illegal Migration

Authors Katharine M. Donato, Douglas S. Massey
Year 2016
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
75 Journal Article

Sensors, Cameras, and the New 'Normal' in Clandestine Migration: How Undocumented Migrants Experience Surveillance at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Authors Bryce Clayton Newell, Ricardo Gomez, Veronica E. Guajardo
Year 2017
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78 Journal Article

European Security Challenges

Authors Franck DÜVELL, Bastian VOLLMER
Irregular migration was first noted during the 1970s, peaked around 2000 and is decreasing, the stock dropped to 3.8 million in 2008 and the flow of clandestine entry dropped to 103,000 apprehensions in 2009. Migration and border controls have been stepped up considerably by the EU and its member states over the past 15 years and were also extended to almost all neighbouring and transit countries along the main routes. Although clandestine entry, notably the arrival of boat people triggers most attention and is high on the policy agenda the overwhelming majority of irregular immigrants enter legally and then overstay, work in breach of their visa limits or otherwise lose their status; others claim asylum, are refused but stay on irregularly.
Year 2011
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
79 Report

Migrant Smuggling: Irregular Migration from Asia and Africa to Europe

Authors Daniela DeBono, Brigitte Suter
Year 2014
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
81 Journal Article

Migrant smuggling : irregular migration from Asia and Africa to Europe

Year 2012
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
82 Book

Clandestine Migrant Workers in Japan

Authors Toshikazu Nagayama
Year 1992
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
84 Journal Article


Authors Roberto Zepeda Martinez, Jonathan D. Rosen
Year 2016
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
85 Journal Article

Clandestine Labor Migration to Taiwan

Authors Ching-Lung Tsay
Year 1992
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
89 Journal Article

A study of the communication channels used by migrants and asylum seekers in Italy, with a particular focus on online and social media

Authors Gabriella SANCHEZ, Rezart HOXHAJ, Sabrina NARDIN, ...
The present study provides a comprehensive analysis of the information and communication channels that migrants use upon their arrival in Italy, and which may help determine their secondary movements. The pages that follow present findings drawn from surveys and interviews and focus groups carried out in Italy with 686 migrants (including irregular migrants, asylum seekers, and migrants who qualified for refugee status, humanitarian protection or subsidiary protection) during the second half of 2017. These findings are followed by recommendations involving the development of more effective mechanisms for migration information dissemination and for awareness-raising campaigns for migrants within the context of the EU’s Action Plan against Migrant Smuggling.
Year 2018
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
93 Report

Dynamics of immigration control

Authors Slobodan Djajić
Year 1999
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 21
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
94 Journal Article

Narratives of Human Trafficking: Ways of Seeing and Not Seeing the Real Survivors and Stories

Authors Maria De Angelis
Year 2017
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95 Journal Article

Manufacturing Smugglers: From Irregular to Clandestine Mobility in the Sahara

Authors Julien Brachet
Year 2018
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
96 Journal Article
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