Conflict, war and violence

Conflict, war, and violence drive migration, particularly of asylum seekers, refugees, unaccompanied migrant minors, and internally displaced persons, as individuals are directly or indirectly affected by insecurity.

Studies listed under this migration driver refer to civil, ethnic, and religious conflict, war, terrorism, military intervention, human rights (violations and abuses), safety, and (in)security.

Showing page of 174 results, sorted by

Organisierte Gewalt, neue Migrationsmuster und Entwicklung: Eine komparative Studie in Europa und den Amerikas

Principal investigator Ludger Pries (Principal Investigator ), Stephanie Schütze (Principal Investigator )
Das Verständnis internationaler Migration, insbesondere von Flucht, ist für Entwicklung und Stabilität auf nationaler sowie globaler Ebene zunehmend von Bedeutung. Zusammenhänge zwischen Migration und Entwicklung werden bereits seit den 1990er Jahren umfassend untersucht. Im Laufe der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte hat sich organisierte Gewalt jedoch als einer der Schlüsselfaktoren des Migrations-Entwicklungsnexus herausgebildet. Mancherorts kann organisierte Gewalt klar als verstärkender Einflussfaktor für internationale Migrationsprozesse identifiziert werden (z.B. Bürgerkriege in Zentralamerika und dem Mittleren Osten). Andererorts steht organisierte Gewalt in direktem Zusammenhang zu Migration (z.B. kriminelle Menschenhandelsnetzwerke). In Ankunftsländern tritt organisierte Gewalt in Form von Schwarzarbeitsnetzwerken, einheimischen Terroristenzellen oder Fremdenfeindlichkeit politischer Gruppen in Erscheinung (z.B. in den USA oder Deutschland). Diese unterschiedlichen Formen von Gewalt und Migration spiegeln gleichzeitig entwicklungsbezogene Faktoren wider. In manchen Fällen ist organisierte Gewalt das Resultat fehlender nachhaltiger Entwicklung oder von bewaffneten Konflikten um Rohstoffe, politische Macht oder soziokulturellen Einfluss; in anderen Fällen ist sie die Ursache fehlender Entwicklung oder massiver Migration. Das Konzept der organisierten Gewalt ist ein vielversprechender Ansatz, um neue Migrations- und Entwicklungsmuster zu verstehen. Als Kategorie umfasst es Formen sozialer Gewalt, die nur schwer mit den herkömmlichen konzeptuellen Rahmen organisierter Kriminalität, kollektiver Gewalt und politischer Gewalt zu erfassen sind. In Anbetracht seiner Bedeutung für den zentral- und nordamerikanischen Raum, sowie für den Raum Afrika, Mittlerer Osten und Osteuropa ist ein komparativ angelegtes internationales Forschungsvorhaben, das die Stärken unterschiedlicher regionaler Kontexte und akademischer Netzwerke kombiniert, besonders sinnvoll. Daher wird dieses Forschungsprojekt Formen von Gewalt miteinander vergleichen und einander gegenüberstellen, mit einem besonderen Augenmerk auf organisierte Gewalt und auf die Art und Weise, wie diese Migrations- und Entwicklungsmuster prägt. Das Projektteam besteht aus zwei institutionellen Partnern: dem Lateinamerika-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin und der Ruhr-Universität Bochum unter der Leitung von Ludger Pries (RUB) und Stephanie Schütze (FU) als Projektleiter/innen. Die beiden Partnerinstitutionen werden in diesem Projekt mit Wissenschaftler/innen von dem El Colegio de México und der Universidad de Guadalajara in Mexiko, der Universität Koç und dem Orient-Institut Istanbul in der Türkei sowie der University of Illinois at Chicago in den USA zusammenarbeiten.
Year 2019
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1 Project

HEUNI Report Series №91. Unseen Victims. Why Refugee Women Victims of Gender-Based Violence Do Not Receive Assistance in the EU

Authors HEUNI, Inka Lilja, Elina Kervinen, ...
The HEUNI report "Unseen Victims" presents the manifestations and consequences of gender-based violence and the challenges in assisting victims of violence in the migration context. With this report the authors aimed to increase the understanding of policymakers on the structural challenges asylum-seeking and refugee women who have experienced gender-based violence face.
Year 2020
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2 Report


Authors SE Tolnay, E. M. Beck
Year 1992
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 89
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3 Journal Article

Migration, Motherhood, Marriage: Cross-Cultural Adaptation of North American Immigrant Mothers in Israel

Authors Laura I. Sigad, Rivka A. Eisikovits
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
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4 Journal Article

The class route to nationhood: China, Vietnam, Norway, Cyprus - and France

Authors Stein Tonnesson
Year 2009
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
Citations (WoS) 4
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5 Journal Article

Between National Models and Multi-Level Decoupling: The Pursuit of Multi-Level Governance in Dutch and UK Policies Towards Migrant Incorporation

Authors Peter Scholten
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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6 Journal Article

Fighting against malaria: Prevent wars while waiting for the "miraculous" vaccine

Authors Jose G. Montalvo, Marta Reynal-Querol
Year 2007
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 23
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7 Journal Article

Patterns of im/mobility, conflict and the re/making of identity narratives

Authors Birgit Brauchler, Anaïs Ménard
Year 2017
Journal Name Social Identities
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8 Journal Article

Ukrainian Refugees in Germany: A Hidden Conflict of Interests is Inevitable but Solvable

Authors Taras Romashchenko
Year 2024
Journal Name Einblicke/Insights Forschungs-Highlights der Zentren für Deutschland- und Europastudien
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9 Journal Article

Refugee voices vs. humanitarian choices: how much can refugee-led organizations redefine power and agency in post-2019 Lebanon?

Authors Jasmin Lilian Diab, Simona Jasiukaitis, Yara El-Zakka
Year 2024
Journal Name Journal of International Humanitarian Action
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10 Journal Article

Between Conflict and Exodus: A Survey Report on the War in Sudan and Migration to Egypt

Authors Amna Omer Yassin, Lola Ibrahim, MIRR Alliance
This report documents the experiences of Sudanese refugees in Egypt who—in the face of sudden war in Sudan—abruptly departed their homes, leaving behind all their earthly possessions and the very fabric of their lives. We recount the trials they faced upon leaving home, and the new set of challenges they are forced to navigate in pursuit of a new life in Egypt—from housing and employment to overcoming perceptions in a host community already reeling from economic instability. Beyond narrating individual stories, the report spotlights the magnitude of the Sudanese crisis, urging the international community to pay close attention to the unfolding tragedy and galvanize an urgent call to action.
Year 2024
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11 Report

Of Mukhalas and Magafe: Somali Migrants Navigating the Dangers of Ransom Smuggling in Northern Africa

Authors Tabea Scharrer
Year 2023
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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12 Journal Article

Accommodation centres for asylum seekers as sites of conflict and collaboration: Strategies for the prevention of violence

Authors Noa Milman, Sifka Etlar Frederiksen
Year 2023
Journal Name Culture Practice & Europeanization
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13 Journal Article

Migration Studies: Eurasian Perspectives

Authors Merve Hazer Yiğit Uyar, Apak Kerem Altıntop, Yaşar Onay
Year 2023
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14 Book

Introduction to Migration Studies

Authors Apak Kerem Altıntop, Merve Hazer Yiğit Uyar
Year 2023
Book Title Migration Studies: Eurasian Perspectives
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15 Book Chapter

Feminized forced migration: Ukrainian war refugees

Authors Josephine Andrews, Jakub Isański, Marek Nowak, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Women's Studies International Forum
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16 Journal Article

Masculinities and Displacement in the Middle East: Syrian Refugees in Egypt

Authors Aminath Nisha Zadhy-Çepoğlu
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Middle East Women's Studies
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17 Journal Article

Feminized forced migration: Ukrainian war refugees

Authors Josephine Andrews, Jakub Isański, Marek Nowak, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Women's Studies International Forum
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18 Journal Article

Gendered impacts of the war in Ukraine: identifying potential, presumed or actual women victims of trafficking at the Italian borders

Authors Francesca Cimino, Paola Degani
Year 2023
Journal Name Frontiers in Human Dynamics.
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19 Journal Article

Gendered impacts of the war in Ukraine: identifying potential, presumed or actual women victims of trafficking at the Italian borders

Authors Francesca Cimino, Paola Degani
Year 2023
Journal Name Frontiers in Human Dynamics.
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20 Journal Article

Humanitarian ecosystems: Can diasporas act as effective humanitarians?

Authors Andra-Lucia Martinescu, Catalina Maria Moisescu
Year 2023
Journal Name Migration Policy Practice
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21 Journal Article

Mission Accomplished? The Deadly Effects Of Border Control In Niger

Authors Ahmet Tchilouta Rhoumour, Border Forenscis
Investigative report on the relationship between border practices, spatial changes in migrant trajectories, and the increased danger of crossing Niger's Sahara desert following the implementation of Law 2015-36. Given the methodological challenges posed by the existing literature on desert deaths and disappearances, the report developed innovative geospatial analysis and remote sensing methods.
Year 2023
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23 Report

Christian Persecution in Worldwide – Detailed Observation in the Top 50 Countries

Authors Jo Joseph
Year 2023
Journal Name SSRN
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24 Journal Article

Time to Address the Absence of ‘Gender’ in the Temporary Protection Directive and its Recent Implementation

Authors Iuliia Lashchuk
Year 2023
Book Title EU responses to the large-scale refugee displacement from Ukraine : an analysis on the temporary protection directive and its implications for the future EU asylum policy
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25 Book Chapter

Children's education and parental support in Jewi Refugee Camp, Ethiopia: Unraveling the challenges

Authors Eyueil Abate Demissie, Ambissa Kenea Boru
Year 2022
Journal Name Family Relations
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27 Journal Article

A Typology of Statelessness

Authors Benedikt Buechel
Year 2022
Journal Name The Statelessness & Citizenship Review
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28 Journal Article

Localizing refugeehood: norms and the US resettlement of Afghan allies

Authors Alise Coen
Year 2022
Journal Name International Affairs
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29 Journal Article

Polarity of News Headlines in Social Media and Extent of Anti-Rohingya Rhetoric: Evidence from Online News Media in Bangladesh

Authors Mohummad Hassan
Year 2022
Book Title Communication, Digital Media and Future: New Scenarios and Future Challenges
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30 Book Chapter

The stalemate: Motivational interviewing at a carceral junction

Authors Katrine Syppli Kohl
Year 2022
Journal Name Incarceration
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31 Journal Article

Incidenten en misdrijven op en rond COA-locaties

Authors Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Bureau Ateno, Peter Kruizer, ...
De centrale vraag die met dit onderzoek wordt beantwoord, luidt als volgt: Hoe kan de stijging in de periode 2018-2019 van het aantal incidenten op COA-locaties en de van misdrijven verdachte personen die op enig moment in het peiljaar op een COA-locatie verbleven worden geduid? Voor het beantwoorden van deze vraag is een analyse gemaakt van de incidenten op COA-locaties en van de criminaliteit waarvan COA-bewoners zijn verdacht. Hierbij is ook ingezoomd op kwaliteit van de geregistreerde data. Tevens zijn de kenmerken van de asielzoekers en COA-locaties beschreven. Voor het onderzoek waarbij het Incidentenoverzicht 2019 het uitgangspunt vormt, zijn drie onderzoeksmethoden gebruikt, namelijk: deskresearch, bestandsanalyse en een interviewronde. De databestanden zoals gebruikt voor het maken van het Incidentenoverzicht 2019 zijn opnieuw samengesteld, en waar mogelijk aangevuld met relevante extra variabelen.
Year 2022
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32 Report

High-Risk Transnationalism: Why Do Israeli-Americans Volunteer in the Israeli Military?

Authors Lior Yohanani
Year 2022
Journal Name Sociological Forum
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33 Journal Article

Situating Displacement. Explorations of Global (Im)Mobility

Authors Rieke Schröder, Anabel Soriano Oliva, Steffen Jensen
Year 2022
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34 Book

Towards Bayesian Model-Based Demography

Authors Jakub Bijak
Year 2021
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35 Book

Relaciones entre Estados Unidos y Ecuador en el ámbito de la seguridad durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial

Authors César Castilla, Karol Tituaña
Year 2021
Journal Name Revista de Historia Americana y Argentina
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36 Journal Article

L’orpaillage au Sahara : un défi pour la stabilité des États

Authors Gagnol Laurent, Ahmet Tchilouta Rhoumour
Year 2021
Journal Name Politique étrangère
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37 Journal Article

Collaboration or resistance? - The ideological divide among Russian emigration in Yugoslavia in 1941

Authors Petra Kim Krasnić
Year 2021
Journal Name Retrospektive
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38 Journal Article

Grip houden op publieke belangen. Onderzoek naar privatisering in het migratiebeleid

Authors The Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken, ACVZ)
Op verzoek van het kabinet heeft de adviesraad de rol van private actoren in het migratiebeleid onderzocht. De centrale vraag daarbij is geweest, hoe en met welke gevolgen privatisering plaatsvindt in het migratiebeleid. Drie casussen zijn voor het onderzoek geselecteerd en zijn in afzonderlijk deeladviezen eerder gepubliceerd. Op 1 juli 2021 is het syntheserapport ‘Grip houden op publieke belangen ‘ gepubliceerd dat de uitkomsten van de drie onderzochte casussen samenbrengt. De overheid blijkt bij het proces en de uitvoering van privatisering binnen het migratiebeleid op een drietal structurele punten duidelijk tekort te schieten: 1) Het borgen van publieke belangen 2) Het realiseren van adequaat toezicht om het gewenste resultaat te kunnen verzekeren en 3) het garanderen van rechtsbescherming. Het eerste advies in deze serie gaat over de verplichtingen bij immigratiecontrole die aan vervoerders (luchtvaartmaatschappijen en rederijen) zijn opgedragen op basis van regelgeving. Het tweede advies gaat over de begeleiding van innovatieve buitenlandse startup-ondernemers in Nederland, de zogenoemde startup-regeling. Het derde advies heeft als onderwerp de borging van de kwaliteit van het inburgeringsonderwijs. Bij het inburgeringsonderwijs is de overheid bijvoorbeeld tekortgeschoten bij het opstellen van kaders. Publieke waarden zijn niet juist geïdentificeerd en gewaarborgd en er is geen toezicht op kwaliteit en effectiviteit. Ook is er sprake van een gebrekkige rechtsbescherming van de inburgeraar. Bij de startup-regeling heeft de overheid eveneens de publieke belangen onvoldoende benoemd, waardoor geen borging mogelijk is. Het beoordelen van de innovativiteit van buitenlandse startup-ondernemingen is volledig aan een private partij (begeleider) overgelaten en de rechtsbescherming van de startup-ondernemer is daardoor beperkt. Uit het onderzoek naar de vervoerdersverplichtingen blijkt dat deze niet bijdragen aan de naleving van de internationale rechtsorde en slechts gericht zijn op het borgen van de nationale veiligheid en openbare orde. Er bestaat voor hen geen verplichting om de weigering van niet of onjuist gedocumenteerde passagiers die asielmotieven aanvoeren, voor te leggen aan de Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst. De rechtsbescherming van vreemdelingen komt daarmee in het geding. De drie onderzochte casussen betreffen steeds een andere fase in het migratiebeleid, kennen een andere vorm van privatisering en laten verschillende mechanismen zien om private actoren bij de behartiging van publieke belangen te betrekken. Deze aanpak geeft onderzoekstechnisch een zo compleet mogelijk beeld. De overheid moet volgens de adviesraad nadrukkelijk heroverwegen hoe om te gaan met privatisering binnen het migratiebeleid. Daarom beveelt de ACVZ aan om bij privatisering steeds minstens drie kerncriteria als uitgangspunt te gebruiken: Borging, Toezicht en Rechtsbescherming. Ook bestaande privatiseringen moet de overheid, volgens de adviesraad, op die manier opnieuw beoordelen. Alleen dan houdt de overheid de noodzakelijke grip op publieke belangen.
Year 2021
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39 Report

Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration

Authors Emma Carmel, Katharina Lenner, Regine Paul
Year 2021
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40 Book

Detention as Social Space: Waiting, Social Relations, and Mundane Resistance of Asylum Seekers in Detention

Authors Rene Kreichauf
Year 2021
Journal Name Critical Sociology
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41 Journal Article

Mission Impossible? The Moral Discomfort of Swedish and Norwegian Welfare Bureaucrats Encountering Refugees’

Authors Nina Gren, Nerina Weiss
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Nordic Welfare Research
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42 Journal Article

The Integration of Russian Emigration into Yugoslavia between 1918 and 1941

Authors Petra Kim Krasnić
Year 2021
Journal Name Zgodovinski časopis
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43 Journal Article

Promoting peaceful and safe seasonal migration in northern Central African Republic

Authors Guillaume de Brier, Peer Schouten, Peter Marsden, ...
Since the 2012 crisis and its culmination in the 2013 coup d’état, the borderlands of the Central African Republic have turned into a hotspot of violent conflict involving migratory (transhumant) herders and farmers, armed groups and self-defence groups. This has further eroded already compromised social cohesion and governance institutions. Against this backdrop, FCDO’s UK Aid Direct and the European Union’s BEKOU Trust Fund awarded Concordis a three-year programme entitled, “Promoting peaceful and safe seasonal migration in northern Central African Republic”. This aims to contribute to peace and poverty reduction in northern CAR by fostering community-based conflict resolution between nomadic herders and settled populations. The programme covers the borderlands between CAR, Chad, Sudan and Cameroon, focusing on the prefectures of Ouham-Pendé, Ouham, Bamingui Bangoran and Vakaga. The first phase of the programme comprised a large-scale mapping and consultation exercise, collecting detailed quantitative and qualitative information through individual questionnaires and focus groups with those involved in or affected by seasonal transhumance, consulting over 2,500 people in the targeted areas between February and June 2019. The purpose of this consultation was to identify grassroots challenges to peace and opportunities to promote social cohesion and economic development. It is intended to inform subsequent phases of the conflict resolution programme and provide a baseline against which impacts of ensuing interventions may be measured. This report covers the consultation in the prefectures of Ouham-Pendé and Ouham, with the key challenges, project figures and findings, as well as a suite of recommendations, presented in graphic format immediately below. A detailed discussion of the methodology is provided as an annex at the end of the report. For the intervention to deliver sustainable outcomes, it is necessary to avoid the temptation of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. The implementation of the recommendations offered here requires distinct approaches in each area, recognizing existing initiatives and listening to the needs, fears and hopes stakeholders express. This entails discussions being held at the local level with representatives of all stakeholder groups, in order to plan and deliver interventions that are responsive to the lived reality of each unique situation.
Year 2021
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44 Report


Authors Viktoriya Sereda
Year 2020
Journal Name The article is devoted to the analysis of mechanisms of memory and historical past mobilization by the IDPs from Crimea and Donbass in the process of rearticulation of belonging to the new receiving communities. In particular, what are the main dimensions
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45 Journal Article


Authors Mathias Czaika, Albert Kraler
Year 2020
Journal Name The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism
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46 Journal Article

Forced Displacement from Ukraine’s War-Torn Territories: Intersectionality and Power Geometry

Authors Irina Kuznetsova, Oksana Mikheieva
Year 2020
Journal Name Nationalities Papers
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47 Journal Article

Processes of Transnationalism in the Nepalese Entrepreneurs in Lisbon

Authors ISEG - University of Lisbon, Alexandra Pereira
Year 2020
Journal Name IMISCOE Annual Congress 2020 Papers
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48 Journal Article

Governing protracted displacement: An analysis across global, regional and domestic contexts

Authors Nuno Ferreira, Carolien Jacobs, Pamela Kea, ...
Year 2020
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49 Working Paper

Zbrodnie, bezprawie i przemoc seksualna wobec ludności cywilnej w czasach II wojny światowej

Authors Jakub Isański
Year 2020
Journal Name Studia nad Autorytaryzmem i Totalitaryzmem
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50 Journal Article

IS-affiliated Children: A Ticking Pendulum Between Criminalization and Victimhood

Authors Mais Masadeh
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of the International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict. Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
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51 Journal Article

Traces and Sediments of Organized Violence in Biographical Narratives in Mexico

Authors Ludger Pries, Christian Schramm, Melanie Wieschalla
Year 2020
Book Title Global Processes of Flight and Migration. The Explanatory Power of Case Studies
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53 Book Chapter

Arrival and accommodation of Russian emigrants in the Kingdom of SHS in archival and auto/biographical sources

Authors Petra Kim Krasnić
Year 2020
Journal Name Retrospektive
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54 Journal Article

Key Knowledge Questions on Migration Drivers

Authors Katharina Natter
Year 2020
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55 Policy Brief

In-Between Space/Time: Affective Exceptionality during the ‘Refugee Crisis’ in Northern Finland

Authors Saara Koikkalainen, Tiina Seppälä, Tapio Nykänen, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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56 Journal Article

Translating Worlds. Migration, Memory, and Culture

Authors Susannah Radstone, Rita Wilson
Year 2020
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57 Book

People on the move in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Stuck in the Corridors to the EU

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) have been part of the “Balkan route” for smuggling people, arms and drugs for decades, but also a migrant route for people who have been trying to reach Western Europe and the countries of the EU in order to save their lives and secure a future for themselves. While in 2015, when millions of people arrived in Europe over a short period of time, BiH was bypassed by mass movements, the situation started changing after the closure of the EU borders in 2016, and later on, in 2017, with the increase of violence and push backs in Croatia, and other countries at the EU borders. This report offers insight into the situation on the field: is there a system responsible for protection, security, and upholding fundamental human rights? What has the state response been like? What is the role of the international community?
Year 2019
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59 Report

Handbook on counselling asylum seeking and refugee women victims of gender-based violence

Authors HEUNI, Inka Lilja
The purpose of this handbook is to describe a counselling method for assisting refugee women who have been victims of gender-based violence (GBV). The handbook was developed during 2017-2019 in a project titled “Co-creating a counselling method for refugee women GBV victims (CCM-GBV)” funded by the European Commission through the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme.
Year 2019
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60 Report

Refugee Organizations’ Public Communication: Conceptualizing and Exploring New Avenues for an Underdeveloped Research Subject

Authors David Ongenaert
Year 2019
Journal Name Media and Communication
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61 Journal Article

Drawing Cyprus: Power-sharing, identity and expectations among the next generation in northern Cyprus

Authors Erguen Ozgur, Nur Koprulu, Min Reuchamps
Year 2019
Journal Name Mediterranean Politics
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63 Journal Article


Authors Ivana Belén Ruiz-Estramil
Year 2019
Journal Name Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares
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65 Journal Article

Güç Koşullardaki Çocuklar

Authors Oğuz Polat, Apak Kerem Altıntop
Year 2019
Book Title Child Abuse in All Its Dimensions -2
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66 Book Chapter

Immigrant England, 1300-1550

Authors Bart Lambert, W. Mark Ormrod, Jonathan Mackman
Year 2019
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67 Book

Mobile Urbanity: Somali Presence in Urban East Africa

Authors Neil Carrier, Tabea Scharrer
Year 2019
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68 Book

"Displaced Persons" zwischen Repatriierung, Resettlement und Integration in niedersächsischen Kommunen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg

Principal investigator Christoph Rass (Principal Investigator), Sebastian Huhn (Principal Investigator)
Year 2019
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69 Project

Násilné migrace ve 20. století - příčiny, formy a následky.

Authors Zlatica Zudová-Lešková
Year 2019
Book Title Violent Migration Processes in the Czech Lands in the 20th Century
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70 Book Chapter

Decision Making on the Balkan Route and the EU-Turkey Statement

Authors Maastricht University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Koc University, ...
In 2015, there were higher than normal migration flows from Turkey to Greece and then via the Western Balkans to other European Union (EU) countries, leading to what has been termed Europe’s ‘refugee crisis’. The primary research question guiding this study is: How can the fluctuations in migration flows on the Balkans route from January 2015-December 2018 be explained? The core sub-questions guiding this research are:What explanations are there for the sharp decrease in the number of refugees and migrants on the Balkans route even before the EU-Turkey Statement came into effect?What are the decision making factors of refugees and migrants when choosing to leave Turkey before and after the EU-Turkey Statement?To what extent do policy interventions impact refugees and migrants’ decision-making regarding routes and destination choices?
Year 2019
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71 Report

Livelihoods and Mobility in the Border Regions of Ethiopia

Authors Laura Hammond, Fantu Cheru, Christopher Cramer, ...
Year 2019
Book Title The Oxford Handbook of the Ethiopian Economy
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72 Book Chapter

Escaping humanitarian aid in camps? Rethinking the links between refugees’ encampment, urban self-settlement, coping and peace

Authors Ulrike Krause, Joshua Gato
Year 2019
Journal Name Die Friedens-Warte
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74 Journal Article

Násilné migrace ve 20. století - příčiny, formy a následky.

Authors Zlatica Zudová-Lešková
Year 2019
Book Title Violent Migration Processes in the Czech Lands in the 20th Century
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75 Book Chapter

Climate, conflict and forced migration

Authors Guy J. Abel, Michael Brottrager, Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Global Environmental Change
Citations (WoS) 1
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77 Journal Article

The Role of Religion, Idea, and Identity in Taliban Alliance with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan

Authors Mohammad Ayub Mirdad, Vinsensio Dugis
Year 2018
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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78 Journal Article

Displaced persons, returnees and "unsuitables': the Dutch selection of DPs (1945-1951)

Authors Marlou Schrover, Tycho Walaardt
Year 2018
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80 Journal Article

Maatregelen gericht op asielzoekers uit veilige landen: analyse van een beleidslogica

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Ministry of Justice and Securtiy, Bianca Szytniewski, Wendy Buysse, ...
In dit onderzoek is de beleidslogica van de maatregelen gericht op asielzoekers uit veilige landen onderzocht en gekeken naar de ontwikkeling van de instroom en het vertrek van deze groep asielzoekers in de periode 2013-2018, waarbij in 2018 is gekeken naar het eerste half jaar. Door ook de instroom-en vertrekcijfers van asielzoekers uit veilige landen van voor 2016 mee te nemen in de analyse is het mogelijk inzicht te geven in de instroom en het vertrek van deze groep asielzoekers voor en na de invoering van de maatregelen. De volgende vragen stonden centraal in dit onderzoek: 1.Welke maatregelen gericht op asielzoekers uit veilige landen zijn genomen en welke doelen werden hiermee beoogd? 2.Hoe zijn die maatregelen uitgevoerd? 3.In hoeverre is het aannemelijk dat deze maatregelen invloed hebben gehad op de instroom en het vertrek van deze groep asielzoekers – en dat de maatregelen hebben bijgedragen aan de vier doelen genoemd in de Kamerbrief van 17 november 2016?
Year 2018
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81 Report

Russian Migrant Journalists in Ukraine After the EuroMaidan: From ‘Middling Transnationals’ to ‘Voluntary Exiles’?

Authors Darya Malyutina
Year 2018
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review,
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82 Journal Article

Russian Migrant Journalists in Ukraine After the EuroMaidan: From ‘Middling Transnationals’ to ‘Voluntary Exiles’?

Authors Darya Malyutina
Year 2018
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review,
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83 Journal Article

Where the Wild Things Are: Fear of Islam and the Anti-Refugee Rhetoric in Hungary and in Poland

Authors Elżbieta M. Goździak, Péter Márton
Year 2018
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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84 Journal Article

“Being beaten like a drum”. Violence, humanitarianism and resilience of women in refugee camps

Authors Ulrike Krause, Hannah Schmidt
Year 2018
Journal Name GENDER – Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft
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85 Journal Article

Saving the survivors: Yezidi women, Islamic State and the German Admissions Programme

Authors Thomas McGee
Year 2018
Journal Name Kurdish Studies
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86 Journal Article

Suriyeli Mülteci Kadınların Kuma Dramı: Kilis İli Örneği

Authors Feride Vural, İpek Agçadağ Çelik
Year 2018
Journal Name OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi
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88 Journal Article

Improving education for Rohingya refugees from Myanmar living in Bangladesh

Principal investigator Gudrun Østby (Principal Investigator), Kendra Dupuy (), Marte Nilsen ()
Forced displacement represents a major barrier to achieving Sustainable Development Goal #4, ensuring inclusive and quality education for all. This project examines the role of quality education in mitigating the negative educational, socio-economic, and psycho-social effects of forced displacement, with a focus on the Rohingya refugee crisis in Bangladesh. The Rohingya refugee crisis is one of the worst forced displacement situations and the fastest growing refugee crisis in the world. Rohingya refugee children are also facing an education crisis: Access to education was restricted in Myanmar, while education programs are currently serving only few Rohingya refugee children living in camps. We therefore propose an inter-disciplinary, mixed methods project to improve knowledge about 1) whether and how education is contributing to mitigating the effects of forced displacement by comparing in-camp, out-of-camp, and host populations, and 2) how to improve the quality of education programs for conflict-affected populations. The project will generate evidence-based policy recommendations about how to improve the quality of education in situations of conflict and humanitarian crisis. We will do this by mapping the landscape of education programs for Rohingya refugees; conducting a survey with refugees of their education needs, preferences, and expectations; and collecting in-depth qualitative data. We will use innovative dissemination methods to communicate the project’s findings, including producing a short documentary film about the process of establishing education programs in the camps, the role of education in helping Rohingya refugees to cope with and overcome the effects of forced displacement, and the views of refugees on how education programs are addressing their needs, preferences, and expectations.
Year 2018
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89 Project

Can we anticipate future migration flows?

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Year 2018
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90 Policy Brief

Refugee Governance, State and Politics in the Middle East

Authors Zeynep Sahin Mencütek
Year 2018
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91 Book

Fictions of Return: Jüdische Diaspora, Migration und Exil

Principal investigator Yael Almog (Principal Investigator)
"The project centers on the portrayals of Europe in literature, art and political writings by Jewish emigrants since the 1930s and until the present day. It holds that Jewish thinkers reconceptualized the continent in alliance with Jewish liturgical vocabulary. Europe emerged as a lost homeland for Jews, a terrain from which one is expelled. Feelings of guilt, social isolation, and historical injustice – which have shaped Jewish individuals’ affinity to the continent since the 1930s – enforced this impression. Alongside the establishment of Israel and development of Jewish communities in America, Jews thus began to imagine a relationship to Europe that mirrors the attitude they once possessed toward the mythical Zion before the birth of political Zionism. Following the oscillation between “diaspora” and “homeland” in Jewish historical imagination, the project scrutinizes Jews’ volatile and interdependent relationship to Europe, Israel, and North America. Works by German-Jewish emigrants and by Jewish migrants to Germany stress the competing roles that the image of Europe as a lethal place for Jews has played in global politics. “Fictions of return” to the continent have thus posed a continual challenge to political theories that describe the mass exile from Europe as constitutive of postwar reality due to its irreversibility, such as Hannah Arendt’s account of totalitarianism."
Year 2018
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92 Project

Displaced Art and the Reconstruction of Memory: Ukrainian Artists from Crimea and Donbas

Authors Iuliia Lashchuk
Year 2018
Journal Name Open Cultural Studies
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94 Journal Article

Rehabilitation for Survivors of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda: What Are the Lessons Learned?

Authors Philomene Uwamaliya, Grahame Smith
Year 2017
Journal Name Issues in Mental Health Nursing
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96 Journal Article

Capable and Culpable? The United States, RtoP, and Refugee Responsibility-Sharing

Authors Alise Coen
Year 2017
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97 Journal Article

Evaluation of the Common European Asylum System under Pressure and Recommendations for Further Development

Principal investigator Blanca Garcés Mascareñas (Project Manager Spanish partner)
El proyecto lleva a cabo una evaluación exhaustiva del Sistema Europeo Común de Asilo (SECA) en términos de su marco y práctica. Analiza la armonización que va más allá del marco institucional formal y tiene en cuenta las complejas relaciones entre los actores involucrados desde el nivel local y nacional, hasta el nivel europeo, para explicar el éxito y el fracaso de la acción coordinada entre estos diversos actores.
Year 2017
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99 Project
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