Knowledge producers and providers

Knowledge producers and providers refers to any actor or institution involved in the production, provision and dissemination of knowledge and information. It includes academia and research, grey literature produced by international and non-governmental organisations, the media (e.g. newspapers, radio, television and social media), social media, private foundations, think thanks and any other types of organisation that produce research and knowledge including consultants and groups of experts. The results displayed under this category refer to the actors and institutions mentioned above and their role and involvement in relation to migration issues.

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A Comparative Study on Refugee News in Press: Example of The Guardian and Hurriyet

Authors Ayhan Dolunay, Fevzi Kasap, Ozcan Ineci
Year 2019
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1 Journal Article

Image of Immigrants in Media: Thought- provoking Effects

Principal investigator Leen d'Haenens (Coordonator), Rozane De Cock (Partner), Koen Matthijs (Partner), Jacinthe Mazzocchetti (Partner), François Heinderyckx (Partner), Kevin Smets (Partner)
Governments, news media and public opinion in Europe are increasingly preoccupied with refugees seeking access to Western Europe. Public opinion is split (if not negative) and generally un- or misinformed (amalgamation across ‘groups’ being one of the problems), and integration policies cannot respond to the needs (see cross-country MIPEX results). This project aims to investigate the dynamic interplay between media representations of the current non-EU immigrant situation with a specific emphasis on the refugee situation on the one hand and the governmental and societal (re)actions on the other. The IM²MEDIATE project combines four complementary multi-stakeholder group perspectives: 1. Analysis of news media content and journalism culture. 2. Study of societal reactions of the general public. 3. Study of push/pull factors in migration from a refugee perspective. 4. Policy analysis into national governmental (re)actions. It is the project’s ultimate goal to inventory the multiple public, policy and media voices heard in Belgium on this crucial issue, while learning from practices abroad (with a focus on Sweden), and to formulate recommendations towards a more encouraging integration policy, while lowering anti-immigration and anti-refugee sentiment.
Year 2016
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14 Project

Discourse and Migration

Authors Teun A. van Dijk
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
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18 Book Chapter

Partei ergreifen: Protest gegen die Abschiebung von AsylbewerberInnen. Ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz

Principal investigator Helen Schwenken (Principal Investigator), Sieglinde Rosenberger (Principal Investigator), Gianni d'Amato (Principal Investigator)
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Year 2013
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21 Project

Migrants and media newsmaking practices

Year 2013
Journal Name Journalism Practice
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25 Journal Article

The Representation of Immigration. A Retrospective Newspaper Analysis

Authors Bruno Maria Mazzara, Evrinomy Avdi, Irini Kadianaki, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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26 Journal Article

Perceived Credibility and Consumption of Homeland News among Diasporic Nigerians in Malaysia

Authors Lambe Kayode Mustapha, Saodah Wok
Year 2015
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28 Journal Article

The Volatility of the Discourse on Refugees in Germany

Authors Bastian Vollmer, Serhat Karakayali
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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31 Journal Article

Research-Policy Dialogues in the Netherlands

Authors Han Entzinger, Stijn Verbeek, Peter Scholten
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
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32 Book Chapter

Measuring social response to different journalistic techniques on Facebook

Authors Ana L. Schmidt, Antonio Peruzzi, Antonio Scala, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
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33 Journal Article

Mediation of Migration: Media impacts on Norwegian immigration policy, public administration and public opinion.

Principal investigator Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud (Coordinator), Øyvind Ihlen (), Tine Ustad Figenschou (), Audun Beyer ()
Mediation of Migration maps news on migration. We explore their typical form and content, how they are produced and what impacts they have on public opinion and politics. We further compare the Norwegian coverage of immigration with corresponding news in France and USA. The comparative part of the study provides a contrasting background for the Norwegian case, allowing a grasp both of the particular and the typical traits of the Norwegian mediated debate. Finally we examine the role of the news media in the loops of information between Diasporas in Norway and networks in sending countries of migrants, adding to the knowledge of migration flows and the globalization of information.
Year 2011
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35 Project

Portrayals of Indian immigrants in the Greek media

Authors Despina KARAMPERIDOU
This paper investigates the representation of Indian immigrants as reflected in Greek newspapers and news blogs. The paper is part of a larger project on the media representation of Indian migrant communities in EU member-states aimed at informing integrative migration policy at the national and supranational level. Methodologically, qualitative content analysis has been employed to guide data systematisation and processing. Empirical investigation reveals that portrayals of immigrants vary according to news outlets' ideological inclinations and political orientation. Portrayals also vary depending on the specific issue at hand. In general, media portrayals of Indian immigrants, whether positive or negative, are determined by the interaction of factors that are both exogenous and endogenous to the migrant community. Regarding exogenous factors, emphasis is placed on the unfolding Greek crisis and how it influences media tonality on Indian migration issues.
Year 2015
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45 Report

Receptive or Restrictive: A Comparative Analysis of Local Refugee News Coverage in the United States

Authors Cheryl Llewellyn, Kyrie Kowalik, Zayna Basma
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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46 Journal Article

Cultural and academic adjustment of refugee youth: Introduction to the special issue

Authors Jody McBrien, Karen Dooley, Dina Birman
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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50 Journal Article

Image of Immigrants in South Korean News Coverage

Authors Sangtu Ko
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
Citations (WoS) 3
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55 Journal Article

Haitian migration to the northern border of Mexico

Authors Jose Ascencion Moreno Mena
Year 2019
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57 Journal Article

Hechos básicos sobre la inmigración en Tenerife

Los movimientos migratorios y la presencia de personas inmigradas en nuestras sociedades están en el centro de la atención política y mediática en Europa. En un contexto en el cual los partidos xenófobos han aumentado de forma preocupante su base de apoyo y donde los rumores y las noticias falsas o tendenciosas están sesgando el debate público sobre las migraciones, es particularmente urgente e importante que la sociedad civil, las instituciones y los medios de comunicación cuenten con información fundamentada y contrastada. Promover y difundir el conocimiento científico de los fenómenos migratorios es una de las principales vocaciones del Observatorio de la Inmigración de Tenerife.
Year 2018
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65 Report

Representations of (Im)migrants in Chilean Local Press Headlines: a Case Study of El Austral Temuco

Authors Anna Ivanova, Jorge Andre Jocelin-Almendras
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
Citations (WoS) 5
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68 Journal Article

Media Content

Authors Samuel BENNETT, Jessika TER WAL, Artur LIPINSKI, ...
Content and discourse analysis of media coverage about migration and migrants in European societies reveals that the representation of third country nationals (TCNs), i.e. ‘new’, first generation migrants without nationality of the EU Member States, in the 2000s is still problematic. This finding, based on a review of over 150 publications in five languages, and on 68 interviews with media professionals in six EU Member States, is shown through the predominance of negative and stereotypical portrayal, the negative themes often associated with migrants, and the lack of participation by TCNs in the definition of news and news agendas. These general findings can be differentiated for specific national contexts, media types, types of coverage, and migrant groups. The questions raised relate to selection of news themes and frames, the preferred genres for reporting or programming, the definition of news and main news actors, the sources used and quoted, the labels, the group categorisations, evaluations, news frames and discourse elements such as topoi used in media contents. These elements together are the building blocks for media portrayal of migrant groups that ultimately contribute to the perception of migrants and migrant issues in the public sphere. Besides providing a detailed analysis of relevant research findings and fieldwork, explanations, remedies and positive examples provided therein are also discussed in this report.
Year 2011
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69 Report

The role of the press in the war on asylum

Authors Greg Philo, Emma Briant, Pauline Donald
Year 2013
Journal Name Race & Class
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70 Journal Article

News Framing of the Rohingya Crisis: Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage from Four Countries

Authors Bimbisar Irom, Porismita Borah, Anastasia Vishnevskaya, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 7
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71 Journal Article

Who is reshaping public opinion on the EU’s migration policies?

Authors Thomas Huddleston, Hind Sharif, Migration Policy Group (MPG)
Year 2019
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75 Policy Brief

Malaysia and the Rohingya: Media, Migration, and Politics

Authors Emily Ehmer, Ammina Kothari
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 12
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77 Journal Article

Improper Distance: The Refugee Crisis Presented by Two Newsrooms

Authors Miguel Franquet Dos Santos Silva, Svein Bruras, Ana Beriain Banares
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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78 Journal Article

New Zealand border restrictions amidst COVID-19 and their impacts on temporary migrant workers

Authors Liangni Sally Liu, Guanyu Jason Ran, Xiaoyun Jia
Year 2022
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 2
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81 Journal Article

Mediated Multiculturalism: Newspaper Representations of Sudanese Migrants in Australia

Authors David Nolan, Karen Farquharson, Violeta Politoff, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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86 Journal Article

Migrants and Media Newsmaking

This thematic report provides a comprehensive critical discussion about the ways in which the production of migration related news takes place and the special factors that affect it. Drawing on the literature on the subject as well as on the analysis of the sixty-eight interviews conducted with journalists and media professionals from six European countries: Italy, Poland, Ireland, Great Britain, Greece and the Netherlands, we argue in favour of a fair and balanced portrayal of migrants in the media and also highlight the current tendencies in news-making and programme production practices adopted in the outlets in the six European countries under examination pointing to positive features as well as shortcomings.
Year 2011
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90 Report

Borders Start With Numbers: How Migration Data Create “Fake Illegals”

Authors Filip Savatic, Hélène Thiollet, Alice Mesnard, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name International Migration Review
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93 Journal Article

News discourse and ideology: critical analysis of Copenhagen gang wars' online news

Authors Pinar Yazgan, Deniz Eroglu Utku
Year 2017
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94 Journal Article
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