
Results displayed under this category refer to any processes related to the criminalisation of migrants. Criminalisation of migration means criminal sanctions or administrative sanctions are used to manage and control migration. This includes recourse to law enforcement measures, including detention, and restrictive preemptive measures.

Showing page of 69 results, sorted by

Strategic litigation: the role of EU and international law in criminalising humanitarianism

Authors Carmine Conte, Seán Binder, Migration Policy Group (MPG)
Year 2019
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1 Policy Brief

I will Enter the Suitcase and I will not Make a Sound until we Pass the Border...

Authors Ozlem Hocaoglu, Apak Kerem Altintop, Nurcan Ozgur Baklacioglu
Year 2021
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3 Journal Article

Refugees - 'The dark-side of globalisation': the criminalisation of refugees

Authors J Morrison
Year 2001
Journal Name Race & Class
Citations (WoS) 7
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4 Journal Article

Crackdown on NGOs assisting refugees and other migrants

Authors Lina Lina Vosyliūtė, Carmine Conte, Migration Policy Group (MPG), ...
Year 2018
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5 Policy Brief

Circuitous Pathways: Marriage as a Route toward (Il)legality for Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia

Authors Chee Heng Leng, BSA Yeoh, Rashidah Shuib
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 1
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6 Journal Article

'No right to dream': the social and economic lives of young undocumented migrants in Britain

What happens to young people at risk of isolation, destitution, exploitation, harassment and criminalisation? In 2007 we commissioned City University's Department of Sociology, working in partnership with the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University and the Evelyn Oldfield Unit, to carry out qualitative research into the lives of young undocumented migrants in the UK. The research explored the experiences of young people from China, Turkey (including Kurds), Brazil, Zimbabwe and Ukraine. Researchers drawn from the communities being investigated explored the pathways of the lives of individual young undocumented migrants. One special feature of this work was our commitment to developing both the skills and capacity of individuals from these communities in the UK. In 2009 we published a report based on this work. 'No right to dream' analyses the findings of the field researchers and is interspersed with real-life stories of some of the young people interviewed.
Year 2010
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7 Report

Precarious residents: migration control, membership and the rights of non-citizens

This paper examines the situation of a subgroup of non-citizens found in virtually all contemporary states, what I call “precarious residents”. Precarious residents can be defined as non-citizens living in the state that possess few social, political or economic rights, are highly vulnerable to deportation, and have little or no option for making secure their immigration status. The archetypal precarious resident is the undocumented (or unlawful) migrant. However, there are many other barely tolerated individuals who also fit the appellation, such as asylum seekers (including ones whose claims have been rejected), guest workers, and individuals with temporary protection from deportation. I begin this paper by exploring the nature of precarious residence, discussing its dimensions, causes and manifestations in different national contexts. I move then to consider the human development consequences of precarious residence before exploring the question of the responsibilities of states to protect the rights and, in some cases, recognize the membership claims of these non-citizens.
Year 2009
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8 Report

Politiques d'immigration : criminalisation ou tolérance ?

Year 2003
Journal Name La Pensée de Midi
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9 Journal Article

The Bipartisan Origins of White Nationalism

Year 2021
Journal Name DAEDALUS
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10 Journal Article

Implicit hierarchies in the EU representation of refugees: a comparative text-analysis of the European Parliament's framing of Syrian and Ukrainian diasporas

Authors Gaetano Giancaspro, Flavia Lucenti
Year 2024
Journal Name Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica
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12 Journal Article

UK Borderscapes: Sites of Enforcement and Resistance

Authors Kahina Le Louvier, Karen Latricia Hough
Year 2024
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13 Book

Of Mukhalas and Magafe: Somali Migrants Navigating the Dangers of Ransom Smuggling in Northern Africa

Authors Tabea Scharrer
Year 2023
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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14 Journal Article

Migration Governance in South Africa

Authors Gabriel Lubale
Year 2023
Journal Name International Journal of Innovative Research and Development
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15 Journal Article

Abolir les passeports ? Les gouvernements contre l’opinion

Authors Speranta Dumitru
Year 2023
Journal Name Cahiers d’histoire. Revue d’histoire critique
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16 Journal Article

Mission Accomplished? The Deadly Effects Of Border Control In Niger

Authors Ahmet Tchilouta Rhoumour, Border Forenscis
Investigative report on the relationship between border practices, spatial changes in migrant trajectories, and the increased danger of crossing Niger's Sahara desert following the implementation of Law 2015-36. Given the methodological challenges posed by the existing literature on desert deaths and disappearances, the report developed innovative geospatial analysis and remote sensing methods.
Year 2023
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17 Report

An unusual refuge: A case study of a South Asian and African multi-ethnic cluster in a Hong Kong rural walled village

Authors Isabella Ng
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Rural Studies
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18 Journal Article

Terugkeer: verschillende belangen en perspectieven

Authors Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Djamila Schans, Manon van der Meer, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name Justitiële verkenningen
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19 Journal Article

Power, Vulnerability, and the Effects of COVID-19 on Migrants Held by the Detention Industry in the United States

Authors Gabriela Mezzanotti, Alyssa Marie Kvalvaag
Year 2022
Book Title The Global and Social Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Ethical and Philosophical Reflection
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20 Book Chapter

Incidenten en misdrijven op en rond COA-locaties

Authors Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Bureau Ateno, Peter Kruizer, ...
De centrale vraag die met dit onderzoek wordt beantwoord, luidt als volgt: Hoe kan de stijging in de periode 2018-2019 van het aantal incidenten op COA-locaties en de van misdrijven verdachte personen die op enig moment in het peiljaar op een COA-locatie verbleven worden geduid? Voor het beantwoorden van deze vraag is een analyse gemaakt van de incidenten op COA-locaties en van de criminaliteit waarvan COA-bewoners zijn verdacht. Hierbij is ook ingezoomd op kwaliteit van de geregistreerde data. Tevens zijn de kenmerken van de asielzoekers en COA-locaties beschreven. Voor het onderzoek waarbij het Incidentenoverzicht 2019 het uitgangspunt vormt, zijn drie onderzoeksmethoden gebruikt, namelijk: deskresearch, bestandsanalyse en een interviewronde. De databestanden zoals gebruikt voor het maken van het Incidentenoverzicht 2019 zijn opnieuw samengesteld, en waar mogelijk aangevuld met relevante extra variabelen.
Year 2022
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21 Report

What Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Syria Have Taught Us About the Politics of International Refugee Law

Authors Jasmin Lilian Diab
Year 2022
Journal Name TRC Journal of Humanitarian Action
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22 Journal Article

Refugee, Asylum Seeker or Migrant? Words Matter. People Matter. Politics Matters.

Authors Jasmin Lilian Diab
Year 2022
Book Title Forced Migration Studies: Current Interventions
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24 Book Chapter

The Architecture of Race in the British Immigration and Citizenship Regime: The Figure of the Undesirable ‘Other’

Authors Iva Dodevska
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Identity and Migration Studies
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25 Journal Article

Interruption of Hypermobility, Alienation and Transnationalism Processes – the Case of the Nepalese in Portugal

Authors Alexandra Pereira
Year 2021
Journal Name IMISCOE Annual Conference 2021 Papers
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26 Journal Article

Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Nepalese Immigrants in Portugal

Authors ISEG - University of Lisbon, Alexandra Pereira
Year 2021
Journal Name IMISCOE Annual Conference 2021 Papers
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27 Journal Article

Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration

Authors Emma Carmel, Katharina Lenner, Regine Paul
Year 2021
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28 Book

Antidiscrimination Meets Integration Policies: Exploring New Diversity-Related Challenges in Europe

Authors Tina Magazzini
Year 2021
Journal Name Social Sciences
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29 Journal Article

IT and Media Usage Impacts on the Mobility of Nepalese Immigrants in Portugal

Authors ISEG - University of Lisbon, Alexandra Pereira
Year 2021
Journal Name IMISCOE Spring Conference 2021 Papers
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30 Journal Article

Digital placemaking as survival tactics: Sub-Saharan migrants' videos at the Moroccan-Spanish border

Authors Irene Gutierrez, Miguel Fernandez Labayen
Year 2021
Journal Name Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies
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31 Journal Article

Criminal Detention in the EU Conditions and Monitoring-Update of FRA’s Criminal Detention Database (FRANET).

Authors Volha Vysotskaya, Birte Nienaber, Adolfo Sommarribas
Year 2021
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32 Report

Detention and alternatives to detention in international protection and return procedures in Luxembourg

Authors Adolfo Sommarribas, Ralph Petry, Birte Nienaber
Year 2021
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33 Report

Migration Policy and Health Insecurity. Italy's response to COVID-19 and the impact of the Security Decree

Authors Sebastian Carlotti
Year 2020
Journal Name Rivista Trimestrale di Scienza dell'Amministrazione
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34 Journal Article

Migration and Trafficking for Labor Exploitation. Nepalese in Agriculture in Portugal.

Authors Alexandra Pereira, ISCTE-IUL
Final Report - FAMI Project (PT/2017/FAMI/158): Migration and Trafficking for Labor Exploitation. Nepalese in Agriculture in Portugal.
Year 2019
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35 Report

Immigrant England, 1300-1550

Authors Bart Lambert, W. Mark Ormrod, Jonathan Mackman
Year 2019
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36 Book

Latin Americas evolving migration crisis: Venezuelans flee accelerating collapse

Authors Ninna Sorensen, Cesar Castilla
Year 2019
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37 Policy Brief

Foreigners' Crime and Punishment. Criminalizing Practices in Expulsions of Foreign Offenders.

Principal investigator Jukka Könönen ()
Project description: This research proposal addresses a contested topic, expulsion of foreign offenders. The primary data consists of the analysis of expulsion decisions for Estonian, Romanian, and West African citizens in 2014 and 2018. The comparative research setting enables to examine both racialized practices in the criminalization of migration and and tightening of immigration policies after the refugee crisis in 2015. The use of expulsion decisions as a research data is novel in the international context. Moreover, this research discusses the relation between the criminal law and the immigration law in migration management. The punitive application of the immigration law points to the separation of legal practices for citizens and non-citizens, which has significant implications for the whole judicial system. This research contributes to the international debates by breaking new empirical, methodological, and theoretical grounds in the field of migration studies and criminology. / Hankkeen julkinen kuvaus: Tutkimushanke käsittelee kiistanalaista aihetta, ulkomaalaisten rikosperusteisia käännytyksiä. Hankkeen pääasiallisena aineistona ovat Viron, Romanian ja Länsi-Afrikan kansalaisille tehdyt käännytyspäätökset vuonna 2014 ja 2018. Vertaileva tutkimusasetelma mahdollistaa tarkastella sekä maahanmuuton kriminallisoinnin rodullistettuja ulottuvuuksia että maahanmuuttopolitiikan kiristämistä vuoden 2015 ”pakolaiskriisin” jälkeen. Käytetty aineisto on ainutlaatuinen kansainvälisessä kontekstissa. Tutkimus pureutuu ulkomaalaislain ja rikoslain väliseen yhteyteen maahanmuuton hallinnassa. Ulkomaalaislain rankaiseva soveltaminen viittaa oikeuskäytäntöjen eriytymiseen rikosprosesseissa kansalaisten ja ulkomaalaisten välillä, millä on laajempia merkityksiä koko oikeusjärjestelmän kannalta. Tutkimus tuottaa uutta empiiristä tietoa sekä metodologisesti ja teoreettisesti uudenlaisia lähestymistapoja suhteessa kansainväliseen keskusteluun muuttoliikkeistä ja kriminologiasta.
Year 2019
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38 Project

The Status of Foreign Immigrant Crime in South Korea

Authors Dohee Jeong
Year 2019
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39 Policy Brief

Crackdown on NGOs and volunteers helping refugees and other migrants

Authors Lina Vosyliūtė, Carmine Conte, Migration Policy Group (MPG)
This report synthesises previous ReSOMA briefs concerning the crackdown on NGOs and volunteers helping refugees and other migrants. Section 1 captures the main issues and controversies in the debate on the policing of humanitarianism and the potential impacts of EU and national anti-migrant smuggling policies on civil society actors. This section has drawn on academic research in this area, and in particular on CEPS expertise in this field. Section 2 provides an overview of the possible policy options to address this phenomenon taking stock of the ongoing policy debate on solutions and alternatives. Section 3 aims to identify and quantify criminal cases of individuals, volunteers and NGOs providing humanitarian assistance to migrants in the European Union. This monitoring exercise has been carried out by MPG through ReSOMA’s collaborative and participatory process involving experts from NGOs, researchers and other stakeholders. Section 4 provides overall summary conclusions and recommendations to end the crackdown on NGOs and to prevent further policing of civil society. The final section proposes approaches to returning responsibility to EU actors, to be further explored by the ReSOMA platform, with a focus on good governance, human rights defenders, and the protection of humanitarian space inside the EU.
Year 2019
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40 Report

La production de l’immigration irrégulière en France : une question d’insécurité humaine

Authors Speranta Dumitru
Year 2018
Journal Name Migrations Société
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42 Journal Article

Child’s Gender, Young Fathers’ Crime, and Spillover Effects in Criminal Behavior [Denmark]

Authors Christian Dustmann, Rasmus Landersø
Year 2018
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43 Working Paper

Irregular Immigrants and Control Policies in the UK

Authors Franck Düvell, Myriam Cherti, Iryna Lapshyna
Illegal immigration, irregular migrants and the processes used by governments and other official bodies to deport, prosecute or otherwise undertake enforcement activities against people on the basis of immigration status form one of the most contentious and vexed element of global migration debate. This report presents findings from an ESRC-funded project examining irregular migration and immigration enforcement in the UK. The study focuses specifically on in-country immigration law enforcement and its effects, impacts and limits, a phenomenon that has so far received very little academic attention. It looks at the impact of increasingly tight legislation and robust enforcement measures on irregular migration and on irregular immigrants; in particular, it investigates: The organisational structure, culture and practices of immigration law enforcement agencies; The political, legal, practical and ethical limits of law enforcement; The interaction between irregular immigrants’ strategies, employer practices and enforcement measures; How irregular migrants navigate internal immigration controls; The impact of enforcement on irregular migrants’ access to fundamental rights; How this suite of processes, actions and impacts are perceived and shape policies. The investigation considers three sometimes overlapping groups – immigration enforcement (29 individuals interviewed)– which are examined at both a managerial and delivery level; stakeholder groups such as public service providers (16 individuals) and employers (18 individuals), who are also charged with the enforcement of migration laws, as well as voluntary sector organisations (21 individuals); and the target groups for enforcement action – notably the irregular migrants themselves (175 individuals).
Year 2018
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44 Report

Crimes of Solidarity in Mobility. Alternative Views on Migrant Smuggling

Year 2018
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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45 Journal Article

The politicization and securitization of migration in Western Europe: public opinion, political parties and the immigration issue

Authors Pietro Castelli Gattinara, Laura Morales
Year 2017
Book Title Handbook on Migration and Security
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48 Book Chapter

Governing the Balkan Route. Macedonia, Serbia and the European border regime

Authors Barbara Beznec, Marc S Speer, Marta Stojić Mitrović
In the paper we trace how Macedonia and Serbia strategically positioned themselves regarding the government of transit migration though their territory by dynamically shifting between humanitarianism and securitization before the formalized corridor emerged, during its existence, in the process of its closure, and after it was shut down. This is not to say that precise dates can be pinpointed to distinguish these “phases”: the emergence of the formalized corridor in the south of the Balkan route, for example, was a dynamic process which resulted from the interplay of state practices, practices of mobility, activities of activists, volunteers, and NGOs, media coverage, etc. The same applies for its closure. However, the text follows a diachronic line in which we describe the contextual factors that decisively shaped the transformation of the migration policies of the two states. It focuses in particular on transportation practices, accommodation, (in)visibility of migrants, activity of (non-)state actors, unique national instruments (such as the 72-hours paper), the One Stop centres and the transit zones at the Serbian-Hungarian border.
Year 2017
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49 Report

Approaching borders and frontiers in North Africa

Authors Jean-Pierre Cassarino
Year 2017
Journal Name International Affairs
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50 Journal Article

Ethics and the Securitization of Migration: reversing the current policy framework

Authors Ricard Zapata Barrero, Lorenzo Gabrielli
Year 2017
Book Title Handbook on Migration and Security
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51 Book Chapter

Intelligence, Global Terrorism and Higher Education: Neutralising Threats or Alienating Allies?

Authors Tania Saeed, David Johnson
Year 2016
Journal Name British Journal of Educational Studies
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52 Journal Article

Islamophobia and Securitization

Authors Tania Saeed
Year 2016
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53 Book

Information and Crime Perceptions: Evidence from a Natural Experiment [Italy]

Authors Nicola Mastrorocco, Luigi Minale
Year 2016
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54 Working Paper

Developing directive/compatible practices for the identification, assessment and referral of victims

Principal investigator María José Castaño Castaño (), Cristina Gortázar ()
Year 2016
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56 Project

Récurrence de la crise frontalière : l’exception permanente en Espagne

Authors Lorenzo Gabrielli
Year 2015
Journal Name Cultures & conflits
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59 Journal Article

Patterns of Drug Use among (ethnic and cultural) Minorities

Principal investigator Tom Delcorte (Coordinartor), Dirk Jacobs (Partner), Ilse Derluyn (Partner), Wouter Vanderplasschen (Partner)
Even though attitudes and practices of ethnic minority groups in Belgium have been extensively studied in the last decade, little is known about the prevalence and nature of their substance use (alcohol and illicit drugs). It therefore remains an under-researched topic, especially in Europe (Bashford et al., 2004). One of the main reasons lies in conceptual and methodological issues that complicate research on ethnicity. These issues, combined with the multidimensional nature of drug use, fear of accusations of racism and discrimination, and a general lack of minority ethnic health and social care workers and researchers, have created an environment where the theme of ethnicity, drug use and related service provision has been neglected. A necessary first step towards a holistic approach for these specific populations is to establish accurate information on the extent of drug use and its possible determinants. This project re-unites a multidisciplinary network (sociology, criminology, special education and social work) that has previously performed the Belspo-funded study on ‘Treatment trajectories of drug users from ethnic minorities’ (ZEMIV-project 2006-2007; Derluyn et al., 2008) - aims to help fill this gap. The general objectives of this research are: • to contribute to a better understanding of the prevalence and nature of drug use among ethnic and cultural minorities (ECM) in Belgium; • to unveil the determining factors behind substance use (illicit drugs and alcohol); • to increase ECM capacity in raising awareness about drug issues within the participants’ own communities; • and to assess the needs of ECM and articulate them with the actors responsible for planning services.
Year 2014
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60 Project

The Effect of Local Area Crime on Mental Health [UK]

Authors Christian Dustmann, Francesco Fasani
Year 2014
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62 Working Paper

Detention as Punishment: Can indefinite detention be Greece’s main policy tool to manage its irregular migrant population?

Authors Anna Triandafyllidou, Danai Angeli, Angeliki DIMITRIADI
Year 2014
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63 Policy Brief

Introduction to the issue of state sovereignty and humanitarian action

Authors Andrew Cunningham, Clea Kahn
Year 2013
Journal Name Disasters
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64 Journal Article

La situación de emergencia humanitaria de los migrantes repatriados de El Bordo, en Tijuana, B.C.

Authors María Isolda Perelló
Year 2013
Journal Name Observatorio de Legislación y Política Migratoria
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65 Journal Article

English title not available, Finnish title: Kehojen todisteet – Asiakirjojen, kertomusten ja bioteknologian keskinäisvaikutukset maahanmuuton valvonnassa. (219 950 €)

Principal investigator Ilpo Helén ()
Summary in English not available, Summary in Finnish: Hankkeen julkinen kuvaus: Perheen yhdistämiseen liittyvästä siirtolaisuudesta on tullut merkittävin laillisen maahanmuuton muoto Euroopassa 2000-luvulla. Hankkeessa lähestytään niin kutsuttua perhesiirtolaisuutta tutkimalla kahden oikeuslääketieteellisen teknologian – perheenyhdistämistä koskevan DNA-tutkimuksen sekä perheenyhdistämistä tai turvapaikkaa hakevien alaikäisten henkilöiden lääketieteellisen iänmäärityksen – roolia ja niiden antaman informaation merkitystä suomalaisessa maahanmuuttopolitiikassa ja -hallinnossa. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan myös maahanmuuttajien kokemuksia ja käsityksiä tutkinnasta. Tutkimuskysymyksiä on viisi: Mihin maahanmuuton ongelmiin viitataan, kun bioteknologisten välineiden käyttöä perustellaan? Miten maahanmuuttopolitiikassa ja -hallinnossa käsitetään teknologioiden tarjoamat ratkaisut suhteessa yhtäältä ihmisoikeuksien turvaamiseen ja toisaalta väärinkäytösten torjumiseen? Millainen rooli erityyppisillä todisteilla on maahanmuuttajien tutkintaprosessissa, ja millä tavoin todisteet muokataan päätöksenteon kriteereiksi? Millaisia vaikutuksia DNA-tutkimuksilla ja lääketieteellisillä iänmäärityksillä maahanmuuton on hallinnointiin? Miten erityyppiset todisteet ja niiden suhteet käsitetään tutkittavien keskuudessa? Tutkimusaineisto koostuu hallinto- ja lainsäädäntöasiakirjoista, asiantuntijoiden ja tutkimusten läpikäyneiden maahanmuuttajien haastatteluista sekä valikoimasta Helsingin hallinto-oikeudessa käsitellyistä perheenyhdistämistä koskevista valitustapauksista.
Year 2013
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66 Project

Inventory of the Bilateral Agreements Linked to Readmission

Authors Jean-Pierre Cassarino
The Inventory of the Bilateral Agreements Linked to Readmission was created in 2006. Since its inception, it has been updated on a monthly basis. Today, more than 640 references to bilateral agreements linked to readmission (be they standard or not) are available online. Prior registration (including compliance with Terms of Use and Ethics Statement) is required to access the Inventory. The rationale for the Inventory lies in showing that a whole readmission system exists linking today more than 125 countries of destination, transit, and origin. This system mobilizes highly diverse countries whether these are poor or rich, large or small, conflict-ridden or not, democratically organized or authoritarian. The inventory contains tables listing a large number of references to bilateral agreements linked to readmission. These pertain to: Standard readmission agreements, namely: Bilateral readmission agreements which may be signed (‘S’) or have entered into force (‘V’); Bilateral Implementing Protocols (‘IP’) to EU readmission agreements (EURAs), concluded between an EU Member State and a non-EU country; Agreements concluded between the Benelux countries and a third country (AB). Non-standard agreements, namely: Police cooperation agreements (‘CP’) including a clause on the readmission/removal of irregular foreigners; Conventions (‘C’) including a clause on the readmission/removal of irregular foreigners; Memoranda of understanding (‘ME’); Administrative arrangements (‘AA’); Provisional agreements (‘AP’); Exchanges of letters (‘EL’). Agreements linked to readmission can be under negotiation (N = Negotiation). Copyright and Ethics Statement: The Inventory of the Bilateral Agreements Linked to Readmission is a database as defined in Directive 96/9/EC on the legal protection of databases. In accordance with the sui generis database right, unauthorized extraction and/or re-utilization of all or substantial parts of the database are forbidden without the prior approval of the author. Please note that any unauthorized reproduction, copying or mining is not allowed.
Year 2006
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69 Data Set
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