
Showing page of 309 results, sorted by

Migration und Flucht als Forschungsthemen der Geographie

Authors Andreas Pott, Antonie Schmiz
Year 2018
Journal Name Standort
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1 Journal Article

The Hindu nationalist reinterpretation of pilgrimage in India: the limits of Yatra politics

Authors Christophe Jaffrelot
Year 2009
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
Citations (WoS) 7
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2 Journal Article

Toward ‘Fugitivity as Method’

Authors Leslie Gross-Wyrtzen, Alex A. Moulton
Year 2023
Journal Name ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies
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3 Journal Article

Becoming Fugitive

Authors Leslie Gross-Wyrtzen, Alondra Vázquez López
Year 2023
Journal Name ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies
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4 Journal Article

Affective Borderwork: Governance of Unwanted Migration to Europe Through Emotions

Authors Katrine Syppli Kohl, Ida Marie Savio Vammen
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of Borderlands Studies
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5 Journal Article

Re-Theorising Spatial Segregation: A European Perspective

Authors Aneta Piekut
Year 2021
Book Title Urban Inequality and Segregation in Europe and China
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6 Book Chapter

A Review of Transnational Migrant Entrepreneurship: Perspectives on Unequal Spatialities

Authors Laure Sandoz, Christina Mittmasser, Yvonne Riaño, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography
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7 Journal Article

Arbeitsbezogene Migration von Hochqualifizierten

Authors Anna-Lisa Müller, Jörg Plöger
Year 2019
Journal Name Geographische Zeitschrift
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9 Journal Article

Umweltwandel und menschliche Migration: Ein sozial-ökologischer Teufelskreis?

Principal investigator Kathleen Hermans (Principal Investigator)
Das übergeordnete Ziel von MigSoKo ist es, die Mechanismen zu untersuchen, die den sich gegenseitig beeinflussenden Phänomenen Migration und Umweltwandel zugrunde liegen. Dazu sollen räumliche Muster von Migration und Umweltveränderungen identifiziert und begründet werden. Ebenso soll der kausale Zusammenhang von Umweltwandel, Bevölkerungsdruck und Migration sowie den ökologischen Konsequenzen von Migration erklärt werden. Hierzu werden im Projekt Daten und Methoden verschiedener Disziplinen auf verschiedenen räumlichen Ebenen (lokal, national, regional, global) systematisch miteinander kombiniert. So werden Zensus- und Fernerkundungsdaten mit Befragungen von Migranten, einer computergestützten Modellierung und partizipativen Szenarien verknüpft, um Mechanismen der umweltbedingten Abwanderung sowie ökologische Konsequenzen von Wanderungsbewegungen in Äthiopien zu identifizieren und zu erklären. Darauf basierend wird schließlich ein Instrument für politische Entscheidungsträger entwickelt, das eine systematische Integration von Migration und nachhaltiger Ressourcennutzung in Klimaanpassungspolitiken und -programmen ermöglicht. Damit zu erzielende Effekte sind beispielsweise eine verbesserte Existenzgrundlage der Haushalte vor Ort, eine regionale Verbesserung der Umweltbedingungen sowie überregionale Synergieeffekte.
Year 2016
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13 Project

Mapping undocumented lives: Cross-border mobilities, urban spatialities and the paperless migrants in the EU / Rajanylityksiä, diasporan tiloja: paperittomien siirtolaisten EU (241 777 €)

Principal investigator Inka Kaakinen ()
Project description: It is estimated that there are currently some 3.8 million paperless migrants living in the EU-member countries. Whereas the question of their (lack of) social rights has been brought up in several studies, very little is known about the ways they get by in cities and spaces without the due documents that would entitle them to those rights. In this study I aim to fill this gap and focus, therefore, on the embodied, material mobilities and moorings of the paperless migrants, the mobilisation of transnational networks and the politics and spatial practices in diaspora. The research maps the geographies of the “undocumented everyday” and gives the paperless a voice through a qualitative approach. It aims to trace some of the creative interfaces between work on urban public space, mobilities, transnational migrations and the intricate idea of development. The key concepts are inclusion, legality, visibility, mobility, power structures and, finally, people’s right to be (in public). / Hankkeen Julkinen kuvaus: EU:n alueella elää arviolta 3,8 miljoonaa paperitonta siirtolaista, joiden sosiaaliset oikeudet ovat viime aikoina nousseet tutkimuskysymyksiksi, mutta joiden arjen maantieteestä tiedetään edelleen hyvin vähän. Kuinka he selviävät kaupunkitiloissa, joissa heitä ei virallisesti ole olemassa ja joissa heidän ei tulisi näkyä? Tutkimus kartoittaa paperittomien arkea eri osissa EU:ta ja tuo esille, 1) kuinka kansalliset maahanmuutto- ja siirtolaispolitiikat muokkaavat paperittomien tilallisia käytäntöjä paikallisesti ja 2) mitä nämä diasporan tilat puolestaan kertovat parhaista käytännöistä EU:ssa. Tutkimusote on korostetun tilallinen, mutta liikkuu kaupunkimaantieteen lisäksi muuttoliike- ja kehitystutkimuksen rajapinnassa. Tutkimuksen avainkäsitteitä ovat näkyvyys, liikkuvuus, liikkuvat metodit, vallan rekisterit, kehitys sekä oikeus kaupunkitiloihin.
Year 2014
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14 Project

Prawidłowości zróżnicowań przestrzennych emigracji zagranicznych z Polski po 1989 r

Year 2013
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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15 Journal Article

Beyond the Census Tract: Patterns and Determinants of Racial Segregation at Multiple Geographic Scales

Authors BA Lee, Sean F. Reardon, David O'Sullivan, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 170
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16 Journal Article

Job relocation and the racial gap in unemployment in Detroit and Chicago, 1980 to 1990

Authors T Mouw
Year 2000
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 79
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17 Journal Article

Putting Los Angeles in its place

Authors A Modarres
Year 1998
Journal Name Cities
Citations (WoS) 6
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18 Journal Article

Situated Researcher: A Critical Autoethnography on Migrant Researcher’s Mobility, Positionality, and Agency

Authors Cai Chen
Year 2024
Journal Name Belgeo: Belgian Journal of Geography
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19 Journal Article


Authors Lorenzo Vianelli, Birte Nienaber
Year 2024
Journal Name Geographical Review
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20 Journal Article

UK Borderscapes: Sites of Enforcement and Resistance

Authors Kahina Le Louvier, Karen Latricia Hough
Year 2024
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21 Book

Migration Governance in South Africa

Authors Gabriel Lubale
Year 2023
Journal Name International Journal of Innovative Research and Development
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22 Journal Article

New immigration destinations in Sweden: Migrant residential trajectories intersecting rural areas

Authors Karen Haandrikman, Charlotta Hedberg, Guilherme Kenji Chihaya
Year 2023
Journal Name Sociologia Ruralis
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23 Journal Article

Migration and Conviviality: Living with Difference in Luxembourg

Authors Elisabeth Boesen, Gabriele Budach, Isabelle Albert, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Human Arenas
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24 Journal Article

The Lives of Third-Country National Migrant Youth in Europe: Between Perceived Vulnerabilities and Available Resources

Authors Cristina Giuliani, Amalia Gilodi, Camillo Regalia, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Social Sciences
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25 Journal Article

Masculine borders as alienation of racialized, undocumented south Asian migrant workers in Greece

Authors Reena Kukreja
Year 2023
Journal Name NORMA
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26 Journal Article

African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement and Challenges of Borderlands in the ECOWAS Region

Authors Ngozi Louis Uzomah, Mohammed Abdullahi
Year 2023
Book Title ECOWAS Protocol on Free Movement and the AfCFTA in West Africa
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28 Book Chapter

Mission Accomplished? The Deadly Effects Of Border Control In Niger

Authors Ahmet Tchilouta Rhoumour, Border Forenscis
Investigative report on the relationship between border practices, spatial changes in migrant trajectories, and the increased danger of crossing Niger's Sahara desert following the implementation of Law 2015-36. Given the methodological challenges posed by the existing literature on desert deaths and disappearances, the report developed innovative geospatial analysis and remote sensing methods.
Year 2023
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29 Report

The Vulnerability of Young Refugees Living in Reception Centres in Luxembourg: An Overview of Conditions and Experiences across Subjective Temporal Imaginaries

Authors Amalia Gilodi, Catherine Richard, Isabelle Albert, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Social Sciences
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31 Journal Article

La encrucijada de la incorporación escolar de los adolescentes de origen extranjero en Almería. ¿Atisbos de cambio en los viejos retos?

Authors María-Jesús Cabezón-Fernández, Pablo Pumares
Year 2023
Journal Name Papers. Revista de Sociologia
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32 Journal Article

An unusual refuge: A case study of a South Asian and African multi-ethnic cluster in a Hong Kong rural walled village

Authors Isabella Ng
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Rural Studies
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33 Journal Article

Consonant and Dissonant Experiences—Young Migrants’ Understandings of Integration: A Cross-Country Comparison between Germany, Luxembourg, and Norway

Authors Jan Skrobanek, Leonie Wagner, Birte Nienaber, ...
Year 2023
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34 Journal Article

Negotiated and Involuntary Return: COVID-19 Pandemic and Return Migration of Bangladeshi Temporary Labour Migrant Men

Authors Md. Mohaiminul Islam
Year 2023
Journal Name Migration Letters
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35 Journal Article

Negotiated and Involuntary Return: COVID-19 Pandemic and Return Migration of Bangladeshi Temporary Labour Migrant Men

Authors Md. Mohaiminul Islam
Year 2023
Journal Name Migration Letters
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36 Journal Article

Onward Migration and Multi-Sited Transnationalism

Authors Jill Ahrens, Russell King
Year 2023
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37 Book

‘There is no race here’: on blackness, slavery, and disavowal in North Africa and North African studies

Authors Leslie Gross-Wyrtzen
Year 2023
Journal Name The Journal of North African Studies
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38 Journal Article

Franet National contribution to the Fundamental Rights Report 2023. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

Authors Volha Vysotskaya, João Vasconcelos, Birte Nienaber, ...
Year 2023
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41 Report

Reclaiming our stories beyond integration

Principal investigator Birte Nienaber (PI), Catherine Richard (Team member), Jutta Bissinger (Team member)
Year 2023
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43 Project

Fundamental rights of children displaced in the EU following the Russian war of aggression - Luxembourg

Authors Volha Vysotskaya, João Vasconcelos, Birte Nienaber
Year 2023
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44 Report

Thinking with the hands: LEGO® Serious Play® a game-based tool to empower young migrants integrating

Authors Birte Nienaber, Agnes Kriszan
Year 2023
Journal Name Migration Letters
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45 Journal Article

WELCOMING SPACES ROUNDTABLE IN SAALFELD (Thuringia, Germany): Agency, Entrepreneurship and Employment: Learning from each other about and from migrants. WP3 – Policies & Governance: Notes on a multi-actors encounter.

Authors José Ricardo Martins
Executive Summary The Saalfeld Roundtable held on September 22, 2022, served as a valuable forum for the discussion of policies and experiences related to the emplacement of migrants. The event brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including migrants, policymakers, practitioners, citizens, and academics, to share perspectives and learn from one another. Key Discussions The roundtable provided a platform for the examination of issues related to migrants' agency, entrepreneurial capacity, and employment hardships. Participants also had the opportunity to learn about the experiences of long-term residents collaborating in socio-entrepreneurship activities, such as those in Altenburg and Saalfeld. Challenges to Sustainability The roundtable participants identified several sustainability challenges facing welcoming initiatives, both those run by civil society and those led by governments. In terms of governance and policy, discussions centred on issues such as discontinuity in funding, difficulties incorporating new demands into existing systems, and lack of stable structures and financing for integration work. Additional challenges discussed included those related to mobility in rural areas, housing shortages, and labour market integration, including discrimination and racism. Policy Recommendations Based on the discussions held at the Saalfeld Roundtable, a series of recommendations were formulated for improving the integration of migrants. These recommendations include: ▪ The transfer of project funding into regular public funding structures, along with the implementation of new integration laws and the new integration programme (such as the one that has been developed in the state of Thuringia) to govern the distribution of funds ▪ The enhancement of more participation mechanisms by migrants, their organisations and other civil society organisations to mitigate top-down decision-making ▪ The utilisation of crowdfunding to avoid bureaucratic obstacles in funding distribution ▪ The enhancement of job attractiveness, such as long-term employment, to attract and keep personal ▪ The enhancement of the provision of regular and visible opportunities for advice, offered by local governments, welfare state organizations and other organizations, such as Caritas, ThINKA, IQ Netwerk, MigraNetz Thüringen and Plattform. ▪ The dissemination of announcements by mayors to all inhabitants in ad-hoc situations ▪ The increased utilization of technical tools, such as video or audio translations, in doctor appointments, for example ▪ The further implementation of welcoming programs with regular and continuous public funding, such as the education budget ▪ The funding of places for social gatherings on a structural basis to promote inclusion ▪ The organization and promotion of public debates on discrimination in employment and education on regular basis and in addition to the programme Demokratie Leben! ▪ The utilization of a variety of communication channels, including art (in public spaces), music, and theatre ▪ The recognition by the political sphere and social society organisations that welcoming spaces are "making creative spaces", fostering social entrepreneurship, local small business, and art manifestations, among others, which leads to the inclusion of refugees and migrants in hosting societies. In summary, effective migrant inclusion policies should be developed through a collaborative and an inclusive approach that involves migrants themselves, provides targeted support and resources, and promotes positive public opinion towards migrants.
Year 2022
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46 Report

Enjeux territoriaux et éthiques de la régulation de la ruée vers l’or au nord du Niger

Authors Laurent Gagnol, Rhoumour Ahmet Tchilouta, Abdoulkader Afane
Year 2022
Journal Name Revue internationale des études du développement
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47 Journal Article

Up around the bend? How transport poverty can lead to social exclusion in a low-income community in Lagos, Nigeria

Authors André Bueno Rezende de Castro, Abby Daniela Ortega Sandoval, Genevieve Odamtten
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of Transport Geography
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48 Journal Article

The role of the southern Libyan Saharan cities in building their relations with neighbouring countires

Authors Ali Jarad, Almokhtar Attwairi, Tarek Elaswed, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name Bulletin of the Serbian Geographical Society
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49 Journal Article

Vulnerability in the Context of Migration: a Critical Overview and a New Conceptual Model

Authors Amalia Gilodi, Isabelle Albert, Birte Nienaber
Year 2022
Journal Name Human Arenas
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50 Journal Article

Locational Choice and Secondary Movements from the Perspective of Forced Migrants: A Comparison of the Destinations Luxembourg and Germany

Authors Birgit Glorius, Birte Nienaber
Year 2022
Journal Name Comparative Population Studies
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51 Journal Article

Return visits and other return mobilities

Authors Md Farid Miah
Year 2022
Book Title Handbook of Return Migration
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52 Book Chapter

Migration Internationale au Luxembourg: Système d'observation permanente des migrations OCDE

Authors Adolfo Sommarribas, Lukas Mellinger, Birte Nienaber
Year 2022
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56 Report

African football migration. Aspirations, experiences and trajectories

Authors Paul Darby, James Esson, Christian Ungruhe
Year 2022
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57 Book

Annual report on migration and asylum 2021 - Luxembourg

Authors Nicole Holzapfel-Mantin, Lukas Mellinger, Adolfo Sommarribas, ...
Year 2022
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58 Report

Annual Report on Migration and Asylum Part 1 2021

Authors Nicole Holzapfel-Mantin, Lukas Mellinger, Adolfo Sommarribas, ...
Year 2022
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59 Report

Law and Statelessness: A Case Study of the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar

Authors nikita Gehlot
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Burmese Scholarship
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60 Journal Article

Towards Bayesian Model-Based Demography

Authors Jakub Bijak
Year 2021
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61 Book

L’orpaillage au Sahara : un défi pour la stabilité des États

Authors Gagnol Laurent, Ahmet Tchilouta Rhoumour
Year 2021
Journal Name Politique étrangère
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62 Journal Article

Understanding the dynamics of protracted displacement

Authors Albert Kraler, Benjamin Etzold, Nuno Ferreira
Year 2021
Journal Name Forced Migration Review
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63 Journal Article

History of Philosophy and the Reflective Society

Authors Riccardo Pozzo
Year 2021
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64 Book

Allies, access and (collective) action: Young refugee women’s navigation of gendered educational constraints in Greece

Authors Lucy Hunt
Year 2021
Journal Name DiGeSt. Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies
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66 Journal Article

Realizing a Global Survey of Emigrants through Facebook and Instagram

Authors Steffen Pötzschke, Bernd Weiß
Research on international migrants has seen a sharp increase during the last decades, yet sampling them remains a major challenge, especially in a cross-national setting and on a global scale. While various sampling methods are established in the field, most of them cannot easily be implemented globally due to their dependence on specific administrative or infrastructure elements or simply their costs. Since Social Networking Sites (SNS) operate on a global scale, they provide a sampling frame that can be utilized for the targeted recruitment of migrants worldwide. Increasingly used for research purposes and among the largest and most popular SNSs are Facebook and Instagram. In our project GEOOS (German Emigrants Overseas Online Survey), we utilize paid advertisements on these networks to target German emigrants, particularly Germans living outside of Europe. Our research aims to ascertain whether such ads could be used to recruit a nonprobability (migrant) sample on a global scale. More specifically, we are interested in the success of this approach concerning three performance indicators: Cost efficiency, coverage, and sample size. Our advertisement campaign ran for 18 days and resulted in total costs of about 2,223 Euro. This investment led a total of 3,895 individuals to complete the survey; of those, 98 percent belonged to the target population, meaning they were (a) either born in Germany or held German citizenship and (b) did not live in Germany. GEOOS participants lived in a total of 148 countries and territories around the globe. Similar to findings reported in previous studies on this target population, the largest sub-groups resided in predominantly Anglo-phone countries; however, taken together, participants in these countries only constitute 38 percent of our overall sample, with nearly a quarter of GEOOS participants (n = 867) living in Middle and South America, 862 residing in Asian countries, and 476 in Africa. Furthermore, a considerable share of our sample is constituted by individuals who would either not have been included in a sampling frame based on German population registers or who would have been unlikely to be reached through this method due to incomplete or outdated information.
Year 2021
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67 Report

Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration

Authors Emma Carmel, Katharina Lenner, Regine Paul
Year 2021
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68 Book

Field Research: A Graduate Student's Guide

Authors Ezgi Irgil, Anne-Kathrin Kreft, Myunghee Lee, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name International Studies Review
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69 Journal Article

New frontiers in international retirement migration

Authors Russell King, Eralba Cela, Tineke Fokkema
Year 2021
Journal Name Ageing and Society
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70 Journal Article

Sacred Welcomes

Authors Benjamin Boudou, Hans Leaman, Maximilian Miguel Scholz
Year 2021
Journal Name Migration and Society
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71 Journal Article

Using Cross-border Mobility in Vocational Education and Training in the Greater Region SaarLorLux

Authors Birte Nienaber, H. Peter Dörrenbächer, Ines Funk, ...
Year 2021
Book Title The Palgrave Handbook of Youth Mobility and Educational Migration
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72 Book Chapter

Interpretatie en implementatie van de Terugkeerrichtlijn

Authors The Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Universiteit Leiden, ...
Het onderzoek betreft een analyse van zowel de Europese regelgeving en jurisprudentie met betrekking tot de Terugkeerrichtlijn, als de Nederlandse wetgeving en rechtspraak. Er tevens is een beschrijvende analyse van de beschikbare data van DT&V gemaakt. De hoofdvraag hierbij is welke invloed heeft de implementatie van de Terugkeerrichtlijn en de interpretatie van bijhorende jurisprudentie met focus op de inbewaringstelling van derdelanders in Nederland gehad? Daarnaast is een vergelijkend onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de effecten van de implementatie van de Terugkeerrichtlijn in België, Denemarken, Duitsland, en Noorwegen. INHOUD: 1. Inleiding, 2. De Terugkeerrichtlijn en de jurisprudentie van het HvJ, 3. Implementatie van de Terugkeerrichtlijn in het Nederlandse vreemdelingenrecht, 4. De data en de observaties van respondenten, 5. Implementatie van de Terugkeerrichtlijn in andere Europese staten, 6. Conclusies
Year 2021
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73 Report

Transnational land and property disputes: the British-Bangladeshi experience

Authors Md Farid Miah
Year 2021
Journal Name Contemporary South Asia
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74 Journal Article

'It's a Matter of Life or Death': Jewish Migration and Dispossession of Palestinians in Acre

Authors Amandine Desille, Yara Sa'di-Ibraheem
Year 2021
Journal Name Urban Planning
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75 Journal Article

Revisiting the host-refugee environmental conflict debate: perspectives from Ghana's refugee camps

Authors Samuel K. M. Agblorti, Miriam Grant
Year 2021
Journal Name Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines
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76 Journal Article

Telling histories of the present: postcolonial perspectives on Morocco’s ‘radically new’ migration policy

Authors Leslie Gross-Wyrtzen, Lorena Gazzotti
Year 2021
Journal Name The Journal of North African Studies
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77 Journal Article

Detention and alternatives to detention in international protection and return procedures in Luxembourg

Authors Adolfo Sommarribas, Ralph Petry, Birte Nienaber
Year 2021
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78 Report

Sklaverei war gestern? Menschenhandel im Europa des 21. Jahrhunderts

Authors Charlotte Veit, Birte Nienaber
Year 2021
Book Title Slavery and identities. From antiquity to the present.
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79 Book Chapter

Integration of migrant women in Luxembourg: policies and measures

Authors Mathis Osburg, Ralph Petry, Birte Nienaber
Year 2021
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80 Report

Rapport final Projet 2020: Le capital social dans l'intégration des jeunes migrants au Luxembourg

Authors Volha Vysotskaya, José Oliveira, Birte Nienaber
Year 2021
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81 Report

Detection of vulnerabilities in the international protection procedure

Authors Ralph Petry, Mathis Osburg, Birte Nienaber
Year 2021
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82 Report

Annual report on migration and asylum 2020

Authors Florence Hallack-Wolf, Zane Rozenberga, Adolfo Sommarribas, ...
Year 2021
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83 Report

Research study regarding migration and discrimination

Principal investigator Birte Nienaber (PI), Volha Vysotskaya (team member), Aurita Zega (Team member), Mariana Muzzi (Team member), João Vasconcelos (Team member)
Year 2021
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86 Project

Is Social Contact With the Resident Population a Prerequisite of Well-Being and Place Attachment? The Case of Refugees in Rural Regions of Germany

Authors Birgit Glorius, Stefan Kordel, Tobias Weidinger, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Frontiers in Sociology
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87 Journal Article

Understanding the Romanian Diaspora in the United Kingdom

Authors Andra-Lucia Martinescu, Alina Balatchi-Lupascu
This report is the first of its kind: mapping the Romanian diaspora in the UK, particularly how diaspora associations contribute to, interact with and sometimes challenge both host and home country institutions, whilst also measuring the impact of diaspora initiatives overall. This analysis aims to improve public understanding about the issues faced by the Romanian diaspora, while providing ideas to help inform and inspire policy and decision-making for what has become a strategic constituency for both Romania and the UK. It also aims to encourage a more effective and sustained cooperation between Romanian diaspora organisations, strategically maximising their impact and relevance, while promoting best practice to all institutions and organisations.
Year 2020
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88 Report

Understanding the Romanian Diaspora in the United Kingdom

Authors Andra-Lucia Martinescu, Alina Balatchi-Lupascu
This report is the first of its kind: mapping the Romanian diaspora in the UK, particularly how diaspora associations contribute to, interact with and sometimes challenge both host and home country institutions, whilst also measuring the impact of diaspora initiatives overall. This analysis aims to improve public understanding about the issues faced by the Romanian diaspora, while providing ideas to help inform and inspire policy and decision-making for what has become a strategic constituency for both Romania and the UK. It also aims to encourage a more effective and sustained cooperation between Romanian diaspora organisations, strategically maximising their impact and relevance, while promoting best practice to all institutions and organisations.
Year 2020
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89 Report

‘Stick Them to the Cross’: Anti-Trafficking Apps and the Production of Ignorance

Authors Jonathan Mendel, Kiril Sharapov
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Human Trafficking
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90 Journal Article

Migration Industry in Nigeria: The Cartels, the Capital and the Oaths

Authors Olawale Lawal
Year 2020
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91 Journal Article

Forced Displacement from Ukraine’s War-Torn Territories: Intersectionality and Power Geometry

Authors Irina Kuznetsova, Oksana Mikheieva
Year 2020
Journal Name Nationalities Papers
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92 Journal Article

Challenging Youth Unemployment Through International Mobility

Authors Birte Nienaber, Ioana Manafi, Monica Roman, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Social and Economic Statistics
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93 Journal Article

Lessons from Refugees

Authors Marcia Vera Espinoza
Year 2020
Journal Name Migration and Society
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94 Journal Article

Capturing meanings of place, time and social interaction when analyzing human (Im)mobilities: Strengths and challenges of the application of (im)mobility biography

Authors Julia Kieslinger, Stefan Kordel, Tobias Weidinger
Year 2020
Journal Name Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research
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95 Journal Article

Governing protracted displacement: An analysis across global, regional and domestic contexts

Authors Nuno Ferreira, Carolien Jacobs, Pamela Kea, ...
Year 2020
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96 Working Paper

Migration and Household Adaptation in Climate-Sensitive Hotspots in South Asia

Authors Amina Maharjan, Ricardo Safra de Campos, Chandni Singh, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Current Climate Change Reports
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97 Journal Article

Localizing masculinities in the global care chains: experiences of migrant men in Spain and Ecuador

Authors Cristen Davalos
Year 2020
Journal Name Gender, Place & Culture
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98 Journal Article

The Refugees' Right to the Center of the City and Spatial Justice: Gentrification vs Commoning Practices in Tarlabasi-Istanbul

Authors Charalampos Tsavdaroglou
Year 2020
Journal Name Urban Planning
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99 Journal Article

Housing Commons vs. State Spatial Policies of Refugee Camps in Athens and Thessaloniki

Authors Charalampos Tsavdaroglou, Konstantinos Lalenis
Year 2020
Journal Name Urban Planning
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100 Journal Article
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