Globalisation and (post)colonialism

Globalisation and post(colonialism) refers to connections between countries due to a shared colonial history or economic factors associated with globalisation, such as trade and investment, that make migration between countries more likely.

Studies listed under this migration driver refer to colonial ties, globalisation, trade, capitalism, foreign direct investment, and exchange rates.

Showing page of 578 results, sorted by

Where enterprises lead, people follow? Links between migration and FDI in Germany

Authors Claudia M. Buch, Joern Kleinert, Farid Toubal, ...
Year 2006
Journal Name European Economic Review
Citations (WoS) 42
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1 Journal Article

Channels and Consequences of Knowledge Flows from Developed Economies to Central and Eastern Europe

In this project, I study how economic development is shaped by cross-country knowledge flows via trade, foreign direct investment (FDI), and other channels. Using novel micro data for several Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, I measure the quantitative importance of three channels: technical knowledge embodied in imported machinery, technical and organizational knowledge embodied in expatriate managers, and disembodied knowledge transfers taking place within multinational firms. I then analyze what impact foreign knowledge has on the firms and the workers of the host economy, and what are its implications for aggregate productivity and income inequality. The project relies on several existing databases for Hungary and Romania, which will be complemented with newly purchased, collected and compiled data. The outcome of the project will be seven research studies and a collection of firm-level data sets covering CEE countries, including a large cross-country firm survey on the local supplier linkages of multinational companies. My proposed project improves upon the state of the art in four ways. First, as a comprehensive study using novel micro data, it uncovers new facts about the relative importance of the channels of knowledge flows. Second, it improves the identification of causal effects relative to existing studies by exploiting the detailed micro data. Third, it uses the micro estimates to quantify the aggregate impact of foreign knowledge on the economy. Fourth, it discusses how foreign knowledge affects different firms and workers differently, and, more specifically, how it may contribute to income inequality. More broadly, the research findings help evaluate the relative efficacy of trade, FDI, and immigration policies in promoting economic growth and can inform theories about the channels and barriers of productivity convergence.
Year 2012
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2 Project

Migrant Remittances and Exchange Rate Regimes in the Developing World

Year 2010
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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3 Journal Article

Migrants, Ancestors, and Foreign Investments

Authors Konrad B Burchardi, Thomas Chaney, Tarek A Hassan
Year 2019
Journal Name Review of Economic Studies
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4 Journal Article

The Economic Consequences of ‘Brain Drain’ of the Best and Brightest: Microeconomic Evidence from Five Countries

Authors John Gibson, J Gibson, DJ McKenzie, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name The Economic Journal
Citations (WoS) 53
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5 Journal Article

[Migration Policy Centre]

Authors Marco SANFILIPPO, Agnieszka WEINAR
Year 2016
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
6 Book

Best Practice Options: Romania

Authors Philip Martin, Thomas Straubhaar
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 3
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7 Journal Article

Enhancing Knowledge for Renewed Policies against Poverty

NOPOOR aims to build new knowledge on the nature and extent of poverty in developing countries to provide policymakers with a broader understanding of poverty. We believe that poverty cannot be tackled without a comprehensive approach. We know that poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon, but NOPOOR will explore new and uncharted dimensions. It is not just a picture of poverty, but also an understanding of poverty entry and exit processes that is needed for achieving MDGs and for making more effective the policies. Nineteen experienced partners are involved in the project, which includes ten teams from developing and emerging countries in three regions (Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia). These countries have implemented different poverty reduction policies, and this will form the basis for the comparative and case studies approach taken. The project will identify key mechanisms that explain the persistence and exacerbation of poverty, which have been altered by the insertion of developing countries into the globalization process, including trade, aid, FDI and migration, and by the growing interdependence of economies. Causes may differ between countries. This calls for policies and actions to be tailored to each poor country’s characteristics, including their access to resources, political regime, quality of institutions and governance. These points are developed by various approaches, including political economics, and different methods: surveys, econometric studies and case studies. NOPOOR will put significant resources into generating new knowledge from original surveys, database work and qualitative work. .It will also look forward to future scenarios. Conclusions will be oriented to policy recommendations. Beyond this contribution to scientific knowledge, NOPOOR will pursue an active policy of dissemination and capacity building, including training of young Southern researchers and the implementation of a permanent network with National Institutes of Statistics (NIS). The project is policy-oriented. NOPOOR will accompany the EU's agenda for its policy against poverty by consultations, guidance notes, and policy briefs on issues relating to the program. The review of MDG will constitute an important point of focus in the future years.
Year 2012
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8 Project


NOPOOR aims to build new knowledge on the nature and extent of poverty in developing countries to provide policymakers with a broader understanding of poverty. We believe that poverty cannot be tackled without a comprehensive approach. We know that poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon, but NOPOOR will explore new and uncharted dimensions. It is not just a picture of poverty, but also an understanding of poverty entry and exit processes that is needed for achieving MDGs and for making more effective the policies. Nineteen experienced partners are involved in the project, which includes ten teams from developing and emerging countries in three regions (Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia). These countries have implemented different poverty reduction policies, and this will form the basis for the comparative and case studies approach taken. The project will identify key mechanisms that explain the persistence and exacerbation of poverty, which have been altered by the insertion of developing countries into the globalization process, including trade, aid, FDI and migration, and by the growing interdependence of economies. Causes may differ between countries. This calls for policies and actions to be tailored to each poor country’s characteristics, including their access to resources, political regime, quality of institutions and governance. These points are developed by various approaches, including political economics, and different methods: surveys, econometric studies and case studies. NOPOOR will put significant resources into generating new knowledge from original surveys, database work and qualitative work. .It will also look forward to future scenarios. Conclusions will be oriented to policy recommendations. Beyond this contribution to scientific knowledge, NOPOOR will pursue an active policy of dissemination and capacity building, including training of young Southern researchers and the implementation of a permanent network with National Institutes of Statistics (NIS). The project is policy-oriented. NOPOOR will accompany the EU's agenda for its policy against poverty by consultations, guidance notes, and policy briefs on issues relating to the program. The review of MDG will constitute an important point of focus in the future years.
Year 2012
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9 Project

Using EU aid to address the root causes of migration and refugee flows

Authors Heliodoro TEMPRANO ARROYO
Year 2019
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10 Book

The causal effect of trade on migration: Evidence from countries of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership

Authors Nadia Campaniello
Year 2014
Journal Name Labour Economics
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11 Journal Article

The Migration-Development Nexus Evidence and Policy Options State-of-the-Art Overview

Authors N Nyberg-Sorensen, Ninna Nyberg-Sorensen, Nicholas Van Hear, ...
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 94
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12 Journal Article

The labour market consequences of globalisation and regionalisation INTRODUCTION

Authors Ludo Cuyvers, Philippe De Lombaerde, Glenn Rayp
Year 2011
Citations (WoS) 2
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14 Journal Article

Exchange rates and immigration policy

Authors Adrian J. Shin
Year 2021
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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15 Journal Article

'High net worth' migration in Mauritius: A critical analysis

Authors Ramola Ramtohul
Year 2016
Journal Name Migration Letters
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16 Journal Article

Causality Chains in the International Migration Systems Approach

Authors Roel Jennissen
Year 2007
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 29
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18 Journal Article

Can Attitudes Toward Immigrant Explain Social Integration in Europe? EU versus Non-EU Migrant

Authors Amjad Naveed, Cong Wang
Year 2020
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19 Journal Article

Intra- vs. extra-regional migration in the post-Soviet space

Year 2014
Journal Name [Migration Policy Centre]
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20 Journal Article

Internal vs external migration in post-Soviet space

Year 2014
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21 Working Paper

Ukrainian Migration to Poland: A “Local” Mobility?

Authors Marta Kindler, Zuzanna Brunarska, Monika Szulecka, ...
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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22 Book Chapter

Analyzing the Effect of ICT on Migration and Economic Growth in Belt and Road (BRI) Countries

Authors Kashif Iqbal, Hui Peng, Muhammad Hafeez, ...
Year 2020
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23 Journal Article

Topics in international economics

Year 2015
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24 Doctoral Dissertation

Evacuees and Migrants Exhibit Different Migration Systems After the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

Authors Mathew E. Hauer, Steven R. Holloway, Takashi Oda
Year 2020
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25 Journal Article

Rational Migration Policy Should Tolerate Non‐zero Illegal Migration Flows: Lessons from Modelling the Market for Illegal Migration

Authors Horst Entorf
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 4
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27 Journal Article

Mobilité globale et gouvernance des migrations

Principal investigator Hélène Thiollet (Co-Coordinator), Catherine Wihtol de Wenden (Co-Coordinator)
La mobilité globale fait aujourd’hui partie de la texture sociale de la mondialisation et des relations internationales. Elle est à la fois une cause et une conséquence de la mondialisation et les réponses des institutions politiques nationales et internationales sont un enjeu clef de l’analyse de la gouvernance et des transformations sociales à l’échelle globale. Elle est un des points de tension de la modernité politique à l’échelle nationale et internationale. En s’intéressant tout à la fois aux organisations internationales, aux politiques migratoires nationales et régionales des Etats, aux modes d’organisation des espaces de vie des migrants et des réfugiés et aux dynamiques sociales transnationales de structuration de la mobilité, on observe le phénomène migratoire sous plusieurs angles et à différentes échelles. Les chercheurs impliqués dans ce projet ont choisi de privilégier une démarche empirique associée à un effort de systématisation qui emprunte à la science politique, à la sociologie, à l’anthropologie et à l’économie politique. Ils ont aussi choisi de lier leurs objets de recherche fondamentale à des enjeux politiques et sociaux immédiatement contemporains et à s’ancrer dans une réflexion scientifique sur l’action publique nationale et internationale, ses normes et ses principes vis-à-vis de la mobilité. Ce projet a pour vocation de donner une description précise de la mobilité et de ses dynamiques politiques et sociales, notamment en s’intéressant à l’observation empirique des pratiques des acteurs de la gouvernance de la mobilité (Etats, organisations internationales, migrants, réfugiés, réseaux). Il a pour objet d’élucider les représentations à l’œuvre dans ces pratiques, les dispositifs normatifs, idéologiques et identitaires qui les structurent. Le premier axe de ce travail concerne les pratiques et les représentations de la gestion de la mobilité en politique internationale. Il a pour enjeu la mise en questionnement de la notion de gouvernance globale de la mobilité, incluant migrations économiques et flux de refugiés. Les organisations internationales, leur interaction avec les acteurs non gouvernementaux de la politique des migrations internationales et des flux de réfugiés sont au cœur d’un dispositif politique qui est à la fois fait de discours et de pratiques. Le deuxième axe de ce projet observe les enjeux politiques de la gouvernance régionale des migrations dans deux espaces différenciés mais fortement marqué par leur contexte régional, l’Europe et le Moyen Orient. Il s’agit de déterminer la place de l’Etat dans la gouvernance de la mobilité à l’échelle régionale notamment dans le cas européen entre la fin du vingtième et le début du vingt-et-unième siècle. La « gouvernance » oscille entre intégration et « retour de l’Etat » dans la gestion des migrations internationales notamment avec la crise économique et financière, et on étudie les manifestations de cette « réaction souverainiste » sur la mobilité des personnes. Le troisième axe de ce projet s’attache à l’étude ethnographique des lieux de vie des réfugiés, les camps en ‘intéressant aux transformations sociales à l’œuvre dans ce espaces sociaux transnationaux institutionnalisés. Il s’intéresse notamment aux modes de gouvernance mise en œuvre par les acteurs humanitaires dans des contextes de conflits ou de crise et à l’autonomie (agency) des populations concernées et analyse celle-ci à travers la structuration et la matérialité des espaces de relégation et/ou confinement des réfugiés à l’échelle globale. Le quatrième axe de ce projet présente un dispositif prospectif qui vise à décrire les dispositifs contemporains les plus visibles de limitation de la mobilité –les murs et explorer des scenarii politiques d’ouverture des frontières et de libéralisation de la mobilité. Il constitue un complément et un prolongement théorique de l’ensemble des connaissances et analyses déployées dans le cadre de ce projet.
Year 2013
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28 Project

When poverty meets affluence: Migrant street workers in Scandinavia

Principal investigator Anne Britt Djuve (Project Leader), Jon Horgen Friberg (), Guri Tyldum ()
The phenomenon of EU migrants who go abroad to beg, collect bottles, trade and do other types of informal “street work” (Adriaenssen 2011) has featured on the political agendas of most European countries over the last decade. While the EU framework was intended to encourage the free movement of labour, there is little regulation in place to address the free movement of poverty. As unwanted mobility from EU member states can no longer be stopped at the borders, European states have come to depend on internal policing and regulations in attempts to regulate these practices. Thus far, there has been little research into this particular form of mobility and the related institutional responses. This project addresses this knowledge gap. Drawing on theories of economic sociology and institutional theory, we will explore the causes for and outcomes of this mobility, its organisation and the development and impact of policies and discourses in countries of destination. As this mobility in many ways represents an “extreme” case of transnational migration and ethnic relations, knowledge about the mechanisms involved may challenge or strengthen assumptions within existing theories. The project will therefore engage with wider theoretical debates within the field of migration studies.
Year 2015
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29 Project

Simulating world trade in the decades ahead : driving forces and policy implications

Authors Lionel FONTAGNÉ, Jean FOURÉ, Alexander KECK
Year 2014
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30 Working Paper

South‐East Asia

Authors Irene Bain
Year 1998
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 9
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32 Journal Article

Globalization, Optimal Policies and Growth

This project studies the challenges that policy makers face in a world where globalization is proceeding at high speed and knowledge creation is the key to prosperity. It consists of two main parts: one focuses on optimal growth policies, the other on policy externalities induced by market integration. The first part builds on the premise that fostering innovation requires appropriate regulations on product market competition and on Intellectual Property Rights. The following questions will be addressed. What are the optimal competition and IPR policies when economic growth requires both innovation and technology diffusion? Are competition and IPR policies complements or substitutes? How does the optimal policy mix change with economic development? How do optimal contractual relationships evolve with development? What are the misallocations created by market power when sectors and firms are heterogeneous in technology and in the exposure to foreign competition? Are trade liberalization and competition policy complements or substitutes? The second part studies the consequences of and remedies to the growing mismatch between economic and political borders created by globalization. The following questions will be addressed: Why does the size of governments increase with globalization? Does higher international factor mobility lead to a race to the bottom in taxation? What is the effect of trade openness on pollution and environmental regulations? Can globalization induce governments to adopt more stringent environmental regulations? Does market integration call for a reorganization of the world political structure? Can the tendency to reinforce supra-national entities and the process of political fragmentation within states be complementary reactions to globalization?
Year 2009
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33 Project

Non-communicable Diseases among Refugee Claimants in Greek Refugee Camps: Are Their Health-care Needs Met?

Authors Signe Smith Jervelund, Terje A. Eikemo, Theoni Stathopoulou, ...
Year 2019
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34 Journal Article

Migrants', 'mobile citizens' and the borders of exclusion in the European Union

Authors Martin RUHS
Year 2018
Book Title Debating European citizenship
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36 Book Chapter


Authors Maurice Crul, Peter Scholten, Paul van de Laar
Book Title Coming to Terms with Superdiversity
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37 Book Chapter

Foreign assistance and emigration : accounting for the role of non-transferred aid

Authors Mauro LANATI, Rainer THIELE
Year 2019
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38 Working Paper


Authors Joëlle Moret
Book Title European Somalis' Post-Migration Movements
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39 Book Chapter

Migration and Immigrants in Europe: A Historical and Demographic Perspective

Authors Helga de Valk, Christof Van Mol
Book Title Integration Processes and Policies in Europe
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41 Book Chapter

Theorizing the Ukrainian Case: Pushing the Boundaries of Migration Studies Through a Europe–US Comparison

Authors Cinzia D. Solari
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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42 Book Chapter

Transnationale Bildungsmigration

Principal investigator Andreas Ette (Principal Investigator ), Wolfgang Lauterbach (Principal Investigator ), Lenore Sauer (Principal Investigator )
"Schüler, Auszubildende und Studierende stellen heute einen wesentlichen Anteil der Migration zwischen hochentwickelten Staaten dar. Politisch und wissenschaftlich wird diese Entwicklung der wachsenden Mobilität der jungen und oftmals hochqualifizierten Bevölkerung äußerst ambivalent bewertet: Auf der einen Seite finden sich kritische Stimmen, die in der internationalen Migration dieser Bevölkerungsgruppen einen Verlust an Humankapital erkennen. Auf der anderen Seite haben sich Auslandsaufenthalte im Kontext von Globalisierung und Transnationalisierung zu einem wichtigen Kriterium für die Vergabe von Positionen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt entwickelt. Die individuellen Konsequenzen dieser neuen Form der Migration wurden bisher für einzelne Berufsgruppen analysiert, belastbare wissenschaftliche Analysen zur Frage, wie sich ein Auslandsaufenthalt zum Zwecke der Ausbildung auf den gesamten weiteren Lebensverlauf auswirkt, liegen bislang jedoch nicht vor. Es ist anzunehmen, dass sich die Migrationserfahrungen in der Jugend und im jungen Erwachsenenalter nicht nur auf den Erwerbsverlauf sondern auch auf andere Lebensbereiche wie beispielsweise Freundes- und Familiennetzwerke, Partnerwahl und Partnerschaft, das spätere Mobilitätsverhalten oder politische Einstellungen auswirken. Neben den individuellen spielen auch die gesellschaftlichen Konsequenzen der Bildungsmobilität eine Rolle. So stellt sich die Frage, ob sich Bildungsmigration zu einer neuen Dimension sozialer Ungleichheit entwickelt, indem diese Personen auf Ressourcen zurückgreifen können, die anderen nicht zur Verfügung stehen."
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43 Project

The effects of migration on family relationships: case studies

Authors Julia Bucher-Maluschke, Maria de Fatima Gondim, Janari da Silva Pedroso, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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44 Journal Article

Special issue: Critical Latinx indigeneities

Authors Maylei Blackwell, Luis Urrieta, Floridalma Boj Lopez, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Latino Studies
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45 Journal Article

Overselling Globalization: The Misleading Conflation of Economic Globalization and Immigration, and the Subsequent Backlash

Authors Ernesto Castaneda, Amber Shemesh
Year 2020
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46 Journal Article

Hybridity and Ethnic Invisibility of the "Chitty" Heritage Community of Melaka

Authors Ravichandran Moorthy
Year 2021
Journal Name HERITAGE
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47 Journal Article

Korean migration to North America: some prices that matter

Authors J. D. Han, Peter Ibbott
Year 2005
Journal Name Canadian Studies in Population
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49 Journal Article

Estonian Migrants’ Aspiration for Social Citizenship in Finland: Embracing the Finnish Welfare State and Distancing from the ‘Non-Deserving’

Authors Rolle Alho, Rolle Alho, Markku Sippola, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
Citations (WoS) 1
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50 Journal Article

The Temporary Nature of Ukrainian Migration: Definitions, Determinants and Consequences

Authors Marta Kindler, Agata Górny
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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52 Book Chapter

Performing deservingness. Humanitarian health care provision for migrants in Germany

Authors Susann Huschke
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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53 Journal Article

A welfare comparison between trade and migration: Local public goods, redistributive policies, and housing markets

The research project has as general objective to provide further insights to the welfare comparation between trade in goods and migration. A complementary objective is to provide an adequate framework for the discussion of migration policies. There are three issues related to migration flows that are important from a practical point of view and are the object of this research project: The effects of migrants on the cost of providing public goods, the effects of migrants on welfare of local labour force, and the effects of migrants on housing markets. The project aims to build general enough models to analyze the welfare consequences of free mobility of persons within countries when there are public goods that can be congested, to design policies to regulate international migration, and to propose realistic policies to compensate deserving losers from migration flows (some of them based on housing markets). More specifically, the project plans to construct a model with local public goods and congestion levels endogenously determined and, for such a model, define and explore the welfare characteristics of the competitive equilibrium for different forms of financing public goods and find conditions for obtaining gains from migration. On the other hand, the project wants to analyze non linear second best redistributive policies that make Pareto gains from migration attainable. Finally, the project aims to introduce explicitly housing markets in a General Equilibrium model and analyze how housing price equilibrium vary when migration is freed, and how tax policies based on housing market prices can act a regulatory migration device and as a compensation device of possible losers with migration.
Year 2011
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54 Project

Mobile sociology1

Authors John Urry
Year 2010
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 34
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55 Journal Article

Liquid Migration and Its Consequences for Local Integration Policies

Authors Godfried Engbersen
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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56 Book Chapter

interlinked migration chains and their consequences to work and care in Ageing Europe

Principal investigator Anna Gavanas (REMESO Project Leader), Ines Calzada (Participants not from REMESO)
Swedish retirees are part of a growing stream of Northern Europeans who migrate to Southern Europe to retire in the sun. Exploring the relations between streams of migrants who meet in Spain, and their intermediaries, this project explores issues of mobility and the globalization of care/service, of crucial importance to welfare states and the future of work, elderly care and retirement conditions in Ageing Europe.
Year 2013
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57 Project

Globalization, Migration and Development

Authors John Samuel, Susan George
Year 2002
Journal Name Canadian Studies in Population
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59 Journal Article

Regulating Movement of the Very Mobile: Selected Legal and Policy Aspects of Ukrainian Migration to EU Countries

Authors Monika Szulecka
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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60 Book Chapter

The New European Migration Laboratory: East Europeans in West European Cities

Authors Adrian Favell
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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61 Book Chapter

Migration and Integration

Authors Christoph Reinprecht (Hg.), Roland Hsu (Hg.)
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62 Book


Authors Joëlle Moret
Book Title European Somalis' Post-Migration Movements
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63 Book Chapter

Child migrants at the border

Authors Lourdes Torres
Year 2014
Journal Name Latino Studies
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65 Journal Article

Mobility: A Practice or a Capital?

Authors Joëlle Moret
Book Title European Somalis' Post-Migration Movements
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66 Book Chapter

Fuzzy Definitions and Demographic Explosion of Aboriginal Populations in Canada from 1986 to 2006

Authors Norbert Robitaille, Éric Guimond, Sacha Senecal
Book Title Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity
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67 Book Chapter

Swedish retirement migrants to Spain and migrant workers: interlinked migration chains and their consequences to work and care in Ageing Europe

Principal investigator Anna Gavanas (REMESO Project Leader), Dr Ines Calzada (Participants not from REMESO)
In Swedish public discourse, retirees born in the 1940s are considered a growing cohort of relatively wealthy consumers, with more cosmopolitan preferences and habits, and different demands compared to previous generations. Swedish retirees are part of a growing stream of Northern Europeans who migrate to Southern Europe to retire in the sun. Exploring the relations between streams of migrants who meet in Spain, and their intermediaries, this project explores issues of mobility and the globalization of care/service, of crucial importance to welfare states and the future of work, elderly care and retirement conditions in Ageing Europe.
Year 2013
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69 Project

Unpacking cosmopolitanism for the social sciences: a research agenda

Authors Ulrich Beck, Natan Sznaider
Year 2010
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 40
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70 Journal Article

Migration-related Conditionality in EU External Funding

Authors Roberto Cortinovis, Carmine Conte, Migration Policy Group (MPG), ...
Year 2018
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71 Policy Brief

The resource curse and duties to immigrants

Year 2021
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72 Journal Article

New directions in transnational gentrification: Tourism-led, state-led and lifestyle-led urban transformations

Authors Thomas Sigler, David Wachsmuth
Year 2020
Journal Name Urban Studies
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73 Journal Article

Basic Dynamics of Living Together in a Globalizing World

Authors Kemal Yavuz Ataman
Year 2020
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74 Journal Article

Migrant Networks and Trade: The Vietnamese Boat People as a Natural Experiment

Authors Christopher R. Parsons, Pierre-Louis Vezina, Christopher Parsons, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name The Economic Journal
Citations (WoS) 5
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75 Journal Article

Empathic Humanitarianism: Understanding the Motivations behind Humanitarian Work with Migrants at the US–Mexico Border

Authors Ricardo Gomez, Bryce Clayton Newell, Sara Vannini
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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76 Journal Article

International migration and labour flexibility in the context of NAFTA

Authors Alejandro I. Canales
Year 2000
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77 Journal Article

Beyond Networks: Transatlantic Immigration and Wealth in Late Colonial Mexico City

Authors Hillel Eyal
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Latin American Studies
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78 Journal Article

Wie Zuwanderung die Loehne beeinflusst: Untersuchung laenderspezifischer Unterschiede

Principal investigator Gerald Willmann (Principal Investigator ), Olivier Gordart (Principal Investigator ), Léa Marchal (Principal Investigator ), Max Steinhardt (Principal Investigator )
Frankreich und Deutschland sind bedeutende Einwanderungsländer. In 2010 machten im Ausland geborene Personen 7.2% bzw. 6.3% der jeweiligen Bevölkerung aus (Brücker et al 2013). Trotz unterschiedlicher wirtschaftlicher Situationen (insbesondere hinsichtlich Ungleichheit und Arbeitslosigkeit), hat der jüngste Anstieg von Asylbewerbern und illegaler Immigration in beiden Ländern eine lebhafte Debatte um eine Verschärfung der Immigrationspolitik ausgelöst. Die ökonomischen Auswirkungen der Zuwanderung, insbesondere für die einheimischen Arbeitskräfte, sind dabei zentrale Themen.In vier Arbeitsabschnitten (WPs) soll dieses Projekt der Wirkung von zugewanderten Arbeitskräften auf einheimische Beschäftigung und Löhne nachgehen. Wir erweitern die die bestehende Literatur, indem wir untersuchen, ob und warum sich die Wirkung der Zuwanderer zwischen verschiedenen Ländern unterscheidet. Wir werden insbesondere die Allokation von Aufgaben und Arbeitsplätzen (WP1) und das Ausmaß der Handelsverflechtung (WP2) betrachten, um Arbeitsmarkteffekte der Immigration aufzudecken. Wir wollen zudem die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Arbeitsmarkt­effekten und Immigrationspolitik untersuchen (WP3).WP1 wird sich auf die Nachfrageseite des Arbeitsmarktes konzentrieren. Wir werden untersuchen, wie die Zuwanderung die Allokation von Aufgaben und Arbeitsplätzen innerhalb von Firmen und über Firmen hinweg beeinflusst.WP2 wird zuerst den Folgen von länderspezifisch unterschiedlichen Handelsverflechtungen für die Arbeitsmarkteffekte von Immigration nachgehen. Desweiteren soll untersucht werden, wie das Ausmaß der Unternehmenskonzentration (in Abhängigkeit von der Offenheit des Handels) die Verbindung zwischen Immigration und einheimischen Löhnen beeinflusst.WP3 wird sowohl theoretisch wie empirisch die politischen Determinanten der Immigrationspolitik analysieren, über europäische Länder hinweg und im Hinblick auf verschiedene Arten von Immigration. Es soll zudem darum gehen, wie der Grad der Substituierbarkeit zwischen Zuwanderern und Einheimischen von den Determinanten der Einwanderungspolitik abhängt.WP4 dient der Kooperation. Das Team umfasst Forscher mit ausgeprägten Komplementaritäten, die für dieses Projekt an der Schnittstelle zwischen Migrationsökonomie, Außenhandelstheorie und politischer Ökonomie der Migration gebraucht werden. Die Ergebnisse sollen in gemeinsame Publikationen innerhalb des französischen (WP1, WP2) und des deutschen (WP3) Teams, sowie beider Teams (WP2) einfließen. Wir erwarten desweiteren einen Austausch hinsichtlich der Nutzung der französischen und deutschen Arbeitgeber-Arbeitnehmer-Statistiken.Das Projekt soll die öffentliche Debatte durch ein besseres Verständnis der ökonomischen Effekte der Zuwanderung in Europa bereichern. Die Projektbeteiligten werden ihre Ergebnisse intensiv in die Öffentlichkeit tragen. Die Endergebnisse sollen in hochrangigen Fachzeitschriften und die Politikempfehlungen in Politikjournalen und Blogs veröffentlicht werden.
Year 2018
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79 Project

Macroeconomic Determinants of Remittance Volatility: An Empirical Test

Authors Mahalia Jackman
Year 2013
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80 Journal Article

Old baggage and missing luggage: a commentary on Beck and Sznaider's ‘Unpacking cosmopolitanism for the social sciences: a research agenda’

Authors Nina Glick Schiller
Year 2010
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 11
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81 Journal Article

Is Spain Becoming a Country of Emigration Again? Data Evidence and Public Responses

Authors Elisa Brey, Anastasia Bermudez
Book Title South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis
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82 Book Chapter

Seven transformative crises from European revolution to corona: globalization and state capacity

Authors Harold James
Year 2020
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83 Journal Article

Seeing slavery in seafood supply chains

Authors Katrina Nakamura, Ganapathiraju Pramod, Lori Bishop, ...
Year 2018
Citations (WoS) 2
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84 Journal Article

The globalization of football: a study in the glocalization of the 'serious life'

Authors Richard Giulianotti, Roland Robertson
Year 2004
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 136
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85 Journal Article

Travel, Transculturality and Identity in England, c.1550 – 1700

The central research question this project will pose is: how did mobility in the great age of travel and discovery (c.1550–1700) shape English perceptions of human identity based on cultural identification and difference? The role of those marked by transcultural mobility was central to this period. Our current world is all too familiar with the concepts that surfaced or evolved as a result: ‘foreigners’, ‘strangers’, ‘aliens’, ‘converts’, ‘exiles’, or even ‘translators’, ‘ambassadors’ and ‘go-betweens’. There is an urgent need to consolidate our fragmented understanding of this crucial issue, which continues to shape current debates. TIDE offers a direct and timely response to this challenge, combining established methodologies with a set of ambitious and innovative approaches. By bringing together multiple discourses that tackled the fraught question of human identity in this era, ranging across literature, trade, diplomacy, governance, law, religion and ethnography, it will open a new perspective on cross-cultural encounters. It will put pressure on our understanding of cultural difference, transculturality and identity, and generate a new understanding of key terms, concepts, and debates. It will produce new knowledge about the unique role played by literature, and break fresh ground through the combination of academic research with new writing. Its returns would be significant: a fundamental improvement to our current understanding of cultural differentiation and assimilation, as well as a lasting and creative insight into their consequences.
Year 2016
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86 Project

Racism and the sociological imagination

Authors Bob Carter, Satnam Virdee
Year 2008
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 17
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87 Journal Article


Authors Oleksii Hutsaliuk, Zinaida Smutchak, Ksana Sytnyk, ...
Year 2020
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88 Journal Article

Structural Emigration: The Revival of Portuguese Outflows

Authors Pedro Góis, José Carlos Marques
Book Title South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis
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89 Book Chapter

Temporary Migration Programmes: the Cause or Antidote of Migrant Worker Exploitation in UK Agriculture

Authors Erica Consterdine, Sahizer Samuk
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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91 Journal Article

Moving Forward: Asian Americans in the Discourse of Race and Social Problems

Authors Yoonsun Choi
Year 2014
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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92 Journal Article

Transitions in Gender Ratios among International Migrants, 1820-1930

Authors D Gabaccia, Elizabeth Zanoni
Year 2012
Journal Name Social Science History
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93 Journal Article

International Migration at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century: Global Trends and Issues

Authors S Castles, Stephen Castles
Year 2000
Citations (WoS) 86
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94 Journal Article

Growing US Ethnoracial Diversity: A Positive or Negative Societal Dynamic?

Authors Frank D. Bean
Year 2018
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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95 Journal Article

Multi-scale issues in cross-border comparative analysis

Authors Jianquan Cheng, A. Stewart Fotheringham
Year 2013
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 5
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96 Journal Article

The Water Suitcase of Migrants: Assessing Virtual Water Fluxes Associated to Human Migration

Authors Rodolfo Metulini, Francesco Laio, Massimo Riccaboni, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 5
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97 Journal Article

Restricted rights: obstacles in enforcing the labour rights of mobile EU workers in the German and Dutch construction sector

Authors Ines Wagner, Lisa Berntsen
Year 2016
Journal Name Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research
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98 Journal Article

A Historical Study of Immigration Phenomenon in Undeveloped Societies: Study of Economic Reasons of Immigration during Pahlavi I Period in Zahedan

Authors Shahram Yousefifar, Azam Riahi
Year 2017
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99 Journal Article

L'impact de l'Immigration sur les salaires des travailleurs natifs : examen de l'hétérogénéité internationale

Principal investigator Jérôme Héricourt (co-Principal Investigator)
La France et l'Allemagne sont deux grands pays d'immigration. En 2010, les personnes nées à l'étranger représentaient 7,2% et 6,3% de leurs populations respectives (Brücker et al., 2013). En dépit de situations économiques différentes en France et en Allemagne, l'accroissement récent des demandes d'asile et de l'immigration illégale soulève un débat similaire sur les conséquences économiques de l’immigration, et les conclusions à en tirer en termes de régulation des flux migratoires. Au travers de trois work-packages scientifiques (WPs), ce projet cherche à étudier l'impact des travailleurs immigrés sur l’emploi et les salaires des nationaux. Nous souhaitons enrichir la littérature en cherchant à comprendre pourquoi l'impact de l'immigration varie selon le pays de destination. Nous examinerons l'allocation des tâches et les stratégies de production (WP1) et l'intégration commerciale (WP2) afin de détecter les effets conditionnels de l'immigration sur le marché du travail. Nous étudierons également les interactions entre l’intégration des immigrés au marché du travail et les politiques d'immigration (WP3). Le WP1 se focalisera sur le côté de la demande du marché du travail. Nous chercherons à comprendre en quoi les travailleurs immigrés affectent l'allocation des tâches au sein des firmes et entre firmes. Nous étudierons aussi le lien entre l'emploi de travailleurs étrangers et les stratégies de production des firmes (telle que l’outsourcing). Le WP2 analysera dans quelle mesure l'impact des travailleurs étrangers sur les salaires des travailleurs nationaux est conditionné par l'intégration commerciale et les caractéristiques d'une économie tel que son niveau de granularité (i.e. la prévalence de grandes firmes dans les dynamiques macroéconomiques). Le WP3 étudiera, de manière théorique et empirique, les déterminants des politiques d'immigration à destination de certaines catégories d'immigrés dans les pays de l'UE. Par ailleurs, nous analyserons la façon dont le degré de substitution entre travailleurs nationaux et étrangers affecte les politiques d'immigration. Le WP4 organisera la coopération scientifique. Les équipes partenaires comptent des chercheurs aux compétences complémentaires, un prérequis pour répondre aux enjeux d'un projet se situant à l’intersection de l'économie des migrations, du commerce international et de l'économie politique de l'immigration. Les deux équipes se pencheront sur le côté de la demande du marché du travail (WP1) et sur l'intégration commerciale (WP2), alors que l'équipe allemande se focalisera sur les politiques d'immigration (WP3). Il est attendu un transfert de connaissances concernant l'utilisation des données allemandes et françaises. Les travaux seront publiés dans des revues scientifiques de haut niveau, et les recommandations de politiques publiques seront disséminées au travers de policy papers. Le projet contribuera au débat public portant sur les conséquences économiques de l'immigration en Europe.
Year 2018
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100 Project
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