Gender and sexuality

The concept of gender refers to the socially constructed aspects of differences between women and men, and goes beyond the biological characteristics of the sexes. Sexuality refers to sexual identity, feelings, attraction, thoughts and behavior towards other people. Biological sex, gender and sexuality do not always align with each other and their interplay is observed in great diversity in societies. These aspects intersect with the topic of migration in various ways, which makes it a cross-cutting topic relevant for migration processes, consequences and governance. 

Studies listed under this topic consider, for instance, the role of gendered norms and ideals in migration and mobility, intersectionality, gender discrimination, LGTBQ+ migrants and refugees, intersexuality, and (institutional) sexual stigma. 

Showing page of 288 results, sorted by

Más allá de las dicotomías. un análisis de la actividad del trenzado en la diáspora senegalesa desde el feminismo negro

Authors Mercedes Jabardo Velasco, Beatriz Ródenas Cerezo
Year 2017
Journal Name RES. Revista Española de Sociología
Citations (WoS) 1
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1 Journal Article

Feminizing Resistance, Decolonizing Solidarity: Contesting Neoliberal Development in the Global South

Authors Tiina Seppälä
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Resistance Studies
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2 Journal Article

Feminism and Sexual Politics: The #MeToo Movement and Its Critics

Authors Dagmar Herzog
Year 2020
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3 Journal Article

Feminism and Migration: Cross-Cultural Engagements

Year 2012
Book Title Feminism and Migration
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4 Book Chapter

Feminism and Migration: Cross-Cultural Engagements

Authors Nouria Ouali
Year 2012
Book Title Feminism and Migration
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5 Book Chapter

Migration and gender among Mexican women

Authors EA Parrado, CA Flippen
Year 2005
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 112
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6 Journal Article


Authors Jenny Bourne
Year 1983
Journal Name Race & Class
Citations (WoS) 9
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7 Journal Article

Migration Affecting Masculinities: The Consequences of Migration on the Construction of Masculinities of Migrant Bangladeshi Men Living in the United Kingdom

Authors Abu Saleh Mohammad Sowad
Year 2016
Book Title Discourse Analysis as a Tool for Understanding Gender Identity, Representation, and Equality
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8 Book Chapter

Women's mobility, changing gender relations and development in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Authors Catharina Williams
Year 2007
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 1
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9 Journal Article

"The Long and Winding Road": A Comparative Policy Analysis of Multilevel Judicial Implementation of Work-Life Balance in Spain

Authors MariaCaterina La Barbera, Emanuela Lombardo
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice
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10 Journal Article


Year 1985
Journal Name Race & Class
Citations (WoS) 2
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11 Journal Article

Changing roles of religiosity and patriarchy in women's employment in different religions in Europe between 2004 and 2016

Authors Ayse Guveli, Niels Spierings
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Family Research
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12 Journal Article


Year 1983
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 86
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13 Journal Article


Year 1989
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 3
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14 Journal Article

Violencia de género y frontera: migrantes centroamericanas en México hacia los EE. UU

Authors Almudena Cortés
Year 2018
Journal Name European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
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15 Journal Article

International migration and gender in Latin America: A comparative analysis

Authors DS Massey, MJ Fischer, C Capoferro
Year 2006
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 51
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16 Journal Article

Género y movilidades: lecturas feministas de la migración

Authors Almudena Cortés, Josefina Manjarrez
Year 2021
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17 Book

'I'm Prepared': Equality for Refugee Women in the Return and Reintegration Context, Year 3 Learning Report

Authors Tamara Megaw, Keren Winterford, Jay Falletta
This document provides learnings from Year 3 research activities of the project “’I’m Prepared’: Equality of Refugee Women in the Return and Reintegration Context". ‘I’m Prepared’ is implemented in four country contexts. These countries are India and Thailand, where encamped refugees decide whether or not to return home, and the reintegration contexts of north-east Sri Lanka and Kayah State, Myanmar. The research learnings relate to gender equality and women’s empowerment and changes that have taken place from Year 1 (2018) to Year 3 (2020) of the ‘I’m Prepared’ Project. To note, ‘Year 3’ was originally scheduled to take place between 1 July 2019 – 30 June 2020, however due to COVID-19 was extended for a further nine months up to 30 March 2021. This report provides insight into the experience of a sub-set of 100 refugee households in the project (50 households in Thailand, and 50 households in India including 12 households who returned to Sri Lanka during the project period) and their experience of a series of activities within the 3-year implementation of the Project. This report is the third of 3 annual research learning reports. The reports were supported by design of research tools; researcher training; data collection; collation and analysis carried out by TBC, OfERR, and ISF-UTS.
Year 2021
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18 Report

"Not in my name": the anti-racist praxis of Mab Segrest & Minnie Bruce Pratt

Authors Amanda Mixon
Year 2019
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19 Journal Article

Women Migrant Returnees as Intermediaries: Exploring Empowerment and Agency of Migrant Women Returnees in the EU-MENA Region

Authors Stellamarina Donato
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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20 Journal Article

Genderbeziehungen im begrenzten Raum. Bedingungen, Ausmaß und Formen von sexueller Gewalt an Frauen in kriegsbedingten Flüchtlingslagern

Principal investigator Susanne Buckley-Zistel (Principal Investigator)
"Das Projekt beschäftigte sich mit den Bedingungen, Formen und Ausmaß von sexueller Gewalt an Frauen im Kontext von kriegsbedingten Flüchtlingslagern, da Übergriffe vermehrt verzeichnet werden; denn das Ende von kriegerischer Gewalt bedeutet für Frauen nicht per se auch das Ende von kriegsbedingter, sexueller Gewalt. Das Forschungsprojekt betrat territoriales Neuland: kriegsbedingte Flüchtlingslager. Es fokussierte auf den Nexus zwischen Dislokation, Genderbeziehungen und sexualisierter Gewalt, um das Gewaltkontinuum in Postkonfliktkontexten oder am Rande von Kriegsschauplätzen zu analysieren. Dies beruht auf dem in der Wissenschaft vermehrt hervorgehobenen Argument, dass viele Frauen Gewalt im Kontext von gewaltsamen Konflikten anders erfahren, da diese häufig sowohl zeitlich als auch räumlich außerhalb von Kriegsschauplätzen stattfindet. Dichotomien wie vor vs. nach dem Waffenstillstand, öffentlicher Kriegsschauplatz vs. das eigene, private Zuhause, sowie feindliche Kombattantinnen und Kombattanten vs. vertrauenswürdige Familienmitgliederinnen und Familienmitglieder lassen sich nur schwer aufrechterhalten. Ob und wie sich dies im kriegsbedingten Flüchtlingslager manifestiert, ist daher ein bedeutender Beitrag zur Ausdifferenzierung von Geschlechterperspektiven in der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Unser Ausgangspunkt war die Annahme, dass Flüchtlingslager begrenzte Räume sind, in denen Geschlechterbeziehungen neu verhandelt und definiert werden. Dies geschieht sowohl homosozial innerhalb der Kategorien Männer bzw. Frauen, als auch heterosozial zwischen den Kategorien Männern und Frauen."
Year 2013
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22 Project

“Despabilarse” del hogar. La dimensión ambiental en la trama de cuidados provistos por mujeres migrantes del Área Reconquista

Authors Maria Belen Lopez
Year 2022
Journal Name PERIPLOS. Revista de Investigación sobre Migraciones
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23 Journal Article

Gender and the education-employment paradox in ethnic and religious contexts: The case of Arab Americans

Authors JG Read, Sharon Oselin
Year 2008
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 42
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24 Journal Article

Localizing masculinities in the global care chains: experiences of migrant men in Spain and Ecuador

Authors Cristen Davalos
Year 2020
Journal Name Gender, Place & Culture
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25 Journal Article

East Timorese Women in Australia: Community, Gender and Identity

Authors Maya Costa-Pinto, Andrea Whittaker
Year 2010
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 1
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26 Journal Article

A measure of acculturation for Italian Canadians: scale development and construct validation

Authors C Kim, M Laroche, MA Tomiuk
Year 2001
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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28 Journal Article

„Damit sie eine Chance auf dem Weg in die Arbeitswelt haben!“ Arbeitsmarktbezogene Unterstützungsprojekte für geflüchtete Frauen* im Vergleich

Authors Johanna Ullmann, Helen Schwenken
Year 2023
Book Title Gender, Forced Migration, Reception Politics. The Gendered Inclusion and Exclusion of Refugee Women
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30 Book Chapter

Rethinking stratification from a feminist perspective: Gender, race, and class in mainstream textbooks

Authors MM Ferree, EJ Hall
Year 1996
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 73
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31 Journal Article

Abortion, race, and gender in nineteenth-century America

Authors N Beisel, T Kay
Year 2004
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 44
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32 Journal Article

Ally McBeal and her homies - The reification of white stereotypes of the other

Authors TO Patton
Year 2001
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
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33 Journal Article

Gender concepts: Convergence in cross-cultural research and methodologies

Authors DL Best
Year 2001
Journal Name Cross-Cultural Research
Citations (WoS) 10
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34 Journal Article

The West Indian Gazette: Claudia Jones and the black press in Britain

Authors Donald Hinds
Year 2008
Journal Name Race & Class
Citations (WoS) 7
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35 Journal Article

Unruly Boys and Obedient Girls: Gender and Education in UNRWA Schools in the West Bank

Authors Nina Gren
Year 2017
Journal Name Nidaba
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36 Journal Article


Year 1995
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 32
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37 Journal Article

Constructing Scales and Renegotiating Identities: Women Marriage Migrants in South Korea

Authors Hyunjoo Jung
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 3
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38 Journal Article

Still the missing feminist revolution? Inequalities of race, class, and gender in introductory sociology textbooks - Comment

Authors J Manza, D Van Schyndel
Year 2000
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 3
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39 Journal Article

Reversal of the Gender Order? Male Marriage Migration to Germany by North African and Turkish Men: Consequences for Family Life, Work, and the Socialization of the Next Generation

Principal investigator Ursula Apitzsch (Principal Investigator)
The planned study aims at the investigation of the phenomenon what is known as marriage migration (also called transnational marriage) to Germany by male Muslim migrants. By means of biographical narrative interviews with male migrants from North Africa and Turkey, the research project aims at dealing with the multidimensional and multifaceted character of male marriage migration to Germany. The subject male marriage migration can be approached from different perspectives and related aspects. In the frame of this research project, through a sampling which consists of married couples composed of a male migrant from one of the countries mentioned above and a female descendant of a migrant family with a residence permit in Germany, we want to consider this issue in all its complexity and implications regarding the debates on integration of the migrants, integration of male migrants into the labour market, gender relations and dynamics within the migrant family, and (un) chancing conceptions and visions of manhood in migration processes and the contestation/ negotiation of migrant masculinities. Regarding the studies of the last years it is noteworthy that all marriage migration studies are rather focussing on women as migrating subjects. Although it is noticed, too, that there are men as well migrating to their wives, there is no study focussing exclusively on migrating men in context of marriage. This fact may be - especially in Germany - an expression of the emotional public discussion concerning forced marriages. Nevertheless, the marriage migration of men is the desideratum of past and current marriage migration studies. This gap will be filled with the following research proposal. Our hypothesis is that women of the second or third generation of migrant families might be hoping for a realistic chance of founding a family and bringing up children through marrying a partner from the country of origin while they continue to work and remain the bread winners in the country of immigration and thus strengthen their autonomy (while their husbands are waiting for working permits and/or job opportunities and meanwhile have to take over care obligations within the family). In general, we want to show that male marriage migration can be seen both as "cause and the effect" of changing gender orders.
Year 2012
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40 Project

Queering Asylum in Europe

Authors Carmelo Danisi, Moira Dustin, Nuno Ferreira, ...
Year 2021
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41 Book

Perception and evaluation of Polish cultural femininity in Poland, the United States, Finland, and the Netherlands

Authors P Boski, Fons van de Vijver, H Hurme, ...
Year 1999
Journal Name Cross-Cultural Research
Citations (WoS) 4
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42 Journal Article

Effects of language and meaningfulness on the use of extreme response style by Spanish-English bilinguals

Authors JL Gibbons, JA Zellner, DJ Rudek
Year 1999
Journal Name Cross-Cultural Research
Citations (WoS) 31
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43 Journal Article

Careers Delivered from the Kitchen? Immigrant Women Small-scale Entrepreneurs Working in the Growing Nordic Platform Economy

Authors Natasha A. Webster, Qian Zhang
Year 2020
Journal Name NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research
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44 Journal Article

Queering Asylum in Europe

Authors Carmelo Danisi, Moira Dustin, Nuno Ferreira, ...
Year 2021
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45 Book

Making claims as workers or wives: The distribution of social security benefits

Authors MH Meyer
Year 1996
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 46
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47 Journal Article

A Study about Ethnicity, Gender, Boys and Young Men in Institutional Care

Principal investigator Sabine Gruber (REMESO Project Leader)
The project investigate how ethnicity and gender is constructed in the care and treatment at youth detention homes. Central questions are about how the institution staff understand the enrolled boys and themselves in relation to ethnicity and gender and how that understanding is given importance in the organization of the institutions, their practices and attitudes. This is investigated with participant observations and interviews at four detentions homes for boys in the age of 13-21. The aim is to analyse how ethnicity and gender is given significance and materialize in practice through the institution staff actions, reflections and definitions of the social world. The study has a critical understanding of ethnicity, that will say ethnic relations are understood as products of power relations. Ethnicity is under this an instrument for sorting people that results in differential identities, exclusionary practices, different and unequal conditions. The study also builds on feminist research indicating that gender has a central position i constructing ethnicity. This approach emphasizes that neither ethnicity or any other dimension of social relations can be analysed as something pre-given, it problematizes rather how constructions of different relationships/categories also implies an attitude in relation to each other.
Year 2008
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48 Project

Politics in territory. Gender, migrations and the sustainability of life in Argentina

Authors Maria Jose Magliano, Sofia Arrieta
Year 2021
Journal Name ICONOS
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49 Journal Article

Spatialities of Work and Home in a Dual-Career Context of Highly Skilled Arab Women in Finland

Authors Driss Habti
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Finnish Studies
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50 Journal Article

Racialized sexualization & agency in exotic dance among women

Authors Cristina Khan
Year 2020
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51 Journal Article

Colorism as Marriage Capital: Cross-Region Marriage Migration in India and Dark-Skinned Migrant Brides

Authors Reena Kukreja
Year 2021
Journal Name Gender & Society
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54 Journal Article

Migration has Stripped Us of Our Manhood: Contradictions of Failed Masculinity Among South Asian Male Migrants in Greece

Authors Reena Kukreja
Year 2021
Journal Name Men and Masculinities
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55 Journal Article

In Pursuit of Masculinity

Authors Usman Mahar
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities
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56 Journal Article

Cities for whom? Re-examining identity, to reclaim the right to the city for women

Authors Alicia Yon, SriPallavi Nadimpalli
Year 2017
Journal Name Australian Planner
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57 Journal Article

Care Work in a Swedish Nursing Home: Gendered Norms and Expectations

Authors Palle Storm
Year 2013
Book Title Designing Wellbeing in Elder Care Homes
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59 Book Chapter

Migrationsentwürfe immobiler Akteure. Erwartungen, Diskurse und Praktiken männlicher Jugendlicher in der Hafenstadt Mahajanga / Madagaskar

Principal investigator Dorothea E. Schulz (Principal Investigator)
Ziel des Projekts ist die Untersuchung von Migrationsentwürfen bei gebildeten und immobilen, männlichenStudenten und Universitäts-Absolventen im kosmopolitischen Milieu der westmadagassischen HafenstadtMahajanga. Anhand von lebensgeschichtlichen Biographien sollen Werte, Normen und Institutionen analysiert werden, die Migration anleiten oder beeinflussen. Das Projekt möchte eine historische Perspektive auf Migrationmit einem gegenwärtigen und zukunftsorientierten Fokus auf Migrationsentwürfe und -erwartungen verbinden. Der Wandel von Mobilitätsmustern seit der Dekolonisation 1960 bis heute ist deshalb ein zentraler Aspekt der Arbeit. Das Untersuchungsprojekt liefert eine neue theoretische Perspektive auf (Im-)Mobilität und Sehnsüchte bzw. Erwartungen von sozialen Akteuren an Migration, in einem Raum, der historisch zwar stark durch Migration geprägt wurde, deren Intensität heute allerdings stark nachgelassen hat. Das Projekt schlägt eine innovative theoretische Perspektive und einen neuen methodologischen Ansatz vor, der (Im-)Mobilität anhand sich wandelnder Konstruktionen von Maskulinität und Jugend sowie der konstitutiven Rolle von Medienkonsum für Migrationsmuster und –praktiken untersucht.
Year 2012
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60 Project

Immigration Trends and Policy Changes in Taiwan

Authors Hong-Zen Wang
Year 2011
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 7
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62 Journal Article

Cultural politics and masculinities: Multiple-partners in historical perspective in KwaZulu-Natal

Authors M Hunter
Year 2005
Journal Name Culture, Health & Sexuality
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64 Journal Article

School's Treatment of "Honour-related" Violence

Principal investigator Sabine Gruber (REMESO Project Leader)
In the wake of two high-profile murders in 1999 and 2002, which involved the killing of two young women of Kurdish background by close family members, the situation of and the victimisation experienced by "immigrant girls" in their families has been transformed into an important issue in Sweden. The murders came to bo defined as "honour murders" and the situation showed that there was an acute need for conrete measures to combat this violence. The project analysis the Swedish school system´s efforts to combat "honour-related" violence. The study is ethnographic and the empirical material is based on interviews with student welfare staff at different compulsury schools and colleges of further education. There are also some participant observations at study days focused on "honour-related" violence. An important result is that the violence is understood as related to the Other, located to a "traditional" and "patriarchal" culture. A consequence of this is that the violence is homogenized. That will say the violcene is attributed to clear-cut explanations and signs, which makes alternative explanations and interpretations invisible. "Honour-related" violence is distinguished and separated from other gender-based violence, whereby whole groups will be stigmatized as victims or perpetrators of violence.
Year 2005
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65 Project

Cultural distance as a mediating factor between stress and intercultural communication competence

Authors MV Redmond
Year 2000
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 48
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66 Journal Article

Book Reviews : Mexican Women's Migration to the United States and the Politics of Patriarchy

Authors Tamar Diana Wilson
Year 1997
Journal Name Latin American Perspectives
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67 Journal Article


Year 1992
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 7
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68 Journal Article


Year 1986
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 5
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69 Journal Article


Authors G Hofstede
Year 1986
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 435
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70 Journal Article

Implicit hierarchies in the EU representation of refugees: a comparative text-analysis of the European Parliament's framing of Syrian and Ukrainian diasporas

Authors Gaetano Giancaspro, Flavia Lucenti
Year 2024
Journal Name Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica
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71 Journal Article

Inclusive inquiry: a compassionate journey in trauma-informed qualitative research with GBV survivors from displaced communities

Authors Jasmin Lilian Diab, Dana Al-Azzeh
Year 2024
Journal Name Frontiers in Psychology
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72 Journal Article

On the margins of refuge: Queer Syrian refugees and the politics of belonging and mobility in post-2019 Lebanon

Authors Jasmin Lilian Diab, Bechara Samneh
Year 2024
Journal Name International Journal of Discrimination and the Law
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73 Journal Article

Identities and the City: Socialities amongst Migrant Domestic Workers in Kolkata

Authors Urbee Bhowmik
Year 2024
Journal Name Indian Journal of Human Development
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74 Journal Article

Gender identity as a barrier to accessing adequate and inclusive healthcare for Syrian refugees in Lebanon's Northern regions

Authors Jasmin Lilian Diab, Bechara Samneh, Dima Masoud, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name Frontiers in Human Dynamics
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75 Journal Article

What Integration Discourses “Do”: The Gendered Migratization of Policy Issues and Justification of Welfare Retrenchment

Authors Alyssa Marie Kvalvaag
Year 2024
Journal Name NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research
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76 Journal Article

Better Late Than Never? SOGI Asylum Claims and 'Late Disclosure' Through a Foucauldian Lens

Authors Nuno Ferreira
Year 2023
Journal Name UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs
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77 Journal Article

Providing Services to Women in Situations of Prostitution and Human Trafficking during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain, Italy, and Portugal

Authors Olaya García-Vázquez, Carmen Meneses-Falcón
Year 2023
Journal Name Anti-Trafficking Review
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78 Journal Article

Las percepciones de la juventud española sobre la regularización o la abolición de la prostitución

Authors Olaya García-Vázquez
Year 2023
Journal Name Tendencias Sociales. Revista de Sociología
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79 Journal Article

Perceived facilitators and barriers to the provision of sexual and reproductive health services in response to the Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon

Authors Fouad M Fouad, Mahmoud Hashoush, Jasmin Lilian Diab, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Women's Health
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81 Journal Article

Migrant Women in Shantytowns in Southern Spain: A Qualitative Study

Authors Fernando Jesús Plaza del Pino, Lucía Muñoz Lucena, Nadia Azougagh, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
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82 Journal Article

Gender, Migration and Environment in the MENA: Vulnerabilities, Frameworks and Ways Forward

Authors Jasmin Lilian Diab, Chiara Scissa
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Migration Affairs
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83 Journal Article

Immigrant entrepreneurship and gender dimensions: A systematic review

Authors Imran Sarihasan, Krisztina Dajnoki, Main Al-Dalahmeh
Year 2023
Journal Name Intangible Capital
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84 Journal Article

The gender dimensions of sexual violence against migrant domestic workers in post-2019 Lebanon

Authors Jasmin Lilian Diab, Banchi Yimer, Tsigereda Birhanu, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Frontiers in Sociology
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85 Journal Article

Onward Migration and Multi-Sited Transnationalism

Authors Jill Ahrens, Russell King
Year 2023
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86 Book

The Experiences of Latina Transgender Women in Prostitution in Spain during COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors Olaya García-Vázquez
Year 2023
Journal Name The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies
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87 Journal Article

Gender, Flucht, Aufnahmepolitiken. Die vergeschlechtlichte In- und Exklusion geflüchteter Frauen

Authors Nevra Akdemir, Johanna Elle, Elke Grittmann, ...
Year 2023
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88 Book

Onward Migration and Transnationalism: What Are the Interconnections?

Authors Jill Ahrens, Russell King
Year 2023
Book Title Onward Migration and Multi-Sited Transnationalism
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89 Book Chapter

Time to Address the Absence of ‘Gender’ in the Temporary Protection Directive and its Recent Implementation

Authors Iuliia Lashchuk
Year 2023
Book Title EU responses to the large-scale refugee displacement from Ukraine : an analysis on the temporary protection directive and its implications for the future EU asylum policy
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90 Book Chapter

Rethinking the Gay Chinese Migrant through the Prism of Migration Aspirations: Observations from France and Belgium

Authors Aaron Raphael Ponce, Cai Chen
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Chinese Overseas
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92 Journal Article

Moral lines of credit: Forging race projects, citizenship, and nation on online U.S. spousal reunification forums

Authors Gina Marie Longo
Year 2022
Journal Name Migration Politics
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93 Journal Article

Intersecting where? The multi-scalar contextual embeddedness of intersectional entrepreneurs

Authors S. Yamamura, P. Lassalle, E. Shaw
Year 2022
Journal Name Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
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94 Journal Article


Authors Sergii Dzholos, Oksana Koshulko
Year 2022
Journal Name MEST Journal
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95 Journal Article

Tangled Mobilities: Places, Affects, and Personhood across Social Spheres in Asian Migration

Authors Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot, Gracia Liu-Farrer
Year 2022
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97 Book

Editorial: Sexuality, Gender and Asylum: Refugees at a Crossroads

Authors Nina Held, Christel Querton, Moira Dustin, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name Frontiers in Human Dynamics
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98 Journal Article

La pandemia dei richiedenti asilo e la «Mixed Ecospirituality» : sviluppi di una ricerca etnografica

Authors Antonio Camorrino, Raffaela Monia Calia
Year 2022
Journal Name Religioni e società
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99 Journal Article

Integration of migrant women in the EU and Norway: Policies and measures

Authors European Migration Network (EMN)
This EMN study documents if and to what extent EU Member States consider the distinct situation of migrant women in their integration policies and measures. This study focuses on the integration of migrant women in the main sectorial areas covered by the EU Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 including education and training, employment and skills, health and housing as these are considered by the Action Plan as the basis for societal integration. In this study the term ‘integration’ is used in a broad sense to encompass integration and inclusion policies and measures addressing migrant women. Integration policies refer to targeted integration strategies and action plans but also broader policy instruments relevant to the integration of migrant women such as sector specific governmental programmes (health, education, employment, housing, etc.). Measures include systematic initiatives (multi-year / long term), projects (ad-hoc) and legislative (structural) measures that are used to implement the integration policies (including those funded by government but implemented by NGOs on behalf of the government). A majority of EU Member States have integration policies in place, however, only a few specifically address women in their national integration policies. Responsibility for integration policies is shared between national, regional and local levels in the majority of EU Member States. Labour market integration of migrant women is one of the main topics of debate across EU Member States. Other challenges raised included discrimination, a lack of social networks, limited access to childcare and other family constraints. Member States overall acknowledged the need for specific policies relevant for integration tailored to migrant women. Most EU Member States have developed dedicated policies that address the integration of migrant women mainly in relation to accessing the labour market and civic integration, followed by language training, education and health. The majority of Member States did not develop specific integration policies, or adapt existing ones, to reduce the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on migrant women. However, several Member States were planning new policies or changes to existing ones to further enhance the integration of migrant women, including to address the impact of COVID-19.
Year 2022
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100 Report
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