Cross-cutting topics in migration research

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Research-Policy Dialogues in the European Union

Authors Marthe Achtnich, Andrew Geddes
Year 2015
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
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1 Book Chapter

Focus Groups in Migration Research: A Forum for “Public Thinking”?

Authors Annalisa Frisina
Year 2018
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
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2 Book Chapter

Manifestations of social class and agency in cultural capital development Processes: An empirical study of Turkish migrant women entrepreneurs in Sweden

Authors Huriye Yeröz, De Montfort University, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg Research Institute
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
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3 Journal Article

Europe and its Others: Migrant Integration in Research and Policy

Principal investigator Iva Dodevska (Principal Investigator)
Amidst heated debates on immigration and “migrant integration”, the European Union becomes an increasingly relevant actor, where important resources are earmarked for the implementation of civic integration measures, as well as for producing “scientific evidence” to guide policy. Simultaneously, a prolific scholarship attempts to understand, measure and compare how and whether immigrants are “integrated into society”, often in the effort to remain “policy-relevant”. This study joins other critical works that draw attention to the ways “integration” is debated, legislated, conceptualized, monitored, evaluated, and ultimately, normalized as a mode of governance. Situated at the interstices of migration studies, European studies, and the social studies of science, the dissertation examines the role of scientific research, EU policy, and research-policy knowledge infrastructures in shaping the “immigrant integration” paradigm in Europe. Interested primarily in integrationism as a technique of power, I take a decolonial and genealogical approach that situates integrationist discourses within wider and intersecting systems of hierarchy. The main argument is that the politics of integration research and the scientific claims in “evidence-based” policy intersect to produce “migrant integration” as the hegemonic paradigm in governing migration-related diversity in Europe. Through discourse analysis of research publications, policy documents, media statements, as well as a virtual ethnography of the EU’s science-for-policy community, I examine how integration comes to be seen simultaneously as a political problem and an object of scientific fascination, how is integration regulated at supranational level and through science-policy collaboration, and what are the power effects of integrationism, as a rationality of governance, on its target subjects. Ultimately, I argue, the practices of regulating, governing, measuring, theorizing and monitoring the integration of immigrants are shaped by power relations linked to the preservation of European liberal subjecthood against rapid demographic, social, political, and environmental shifts.
Year 2019
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5 Project

Measuring Irregular Migration and Related Policies (MIRREM)

Principal investigator Albert Kraler (Scientific Coordinator), Ettore Recchi (PI European University Institute), Franck Düvell (PI University of Osnabrück), Arjen Leerkes (PI University of Maastricht), Jussi Jauhiainen (PI University of Turku), Claudia Finotelli (PI Complutense University Madrid), Marina Nikolova (PI Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy), Maurizio Ambrosini (PI University of Milan), Michele LeVoy (PI Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migration), Veronika Bilger (PI International Centre for Migration Policy Development ), Jasmijn Slootjes (PI Migration Policy Institute Europe), Pawel Kaczmarczyk (PI University of Warsaw), Tuba Bircan (PI Vrije Universiteit Brussel ), Anna Triandafyllidou (PI Toronto Metropolitan University), Alan Desmond (PI University of Leiceister), Carlos Vargas-Silva (PI University of Oxford), João Carvalho (PI CIES-ISCTE)
Targeted policy responses for irregular migration require better knowledge about the characteristics of the irregular migrant population and dynamics of irregular migration, as well as about the effects of policy measures. Yet, quantitative data relating to irregular migration are scarce, often outdated and contested. The inadequecy of current data makes it challenging for stakeholders to develop and monitor policies. How do legal frameworks in different countries define migrant irregularity? What are the characteristics of irregular migrants in terms of age, gender, nationality or other socioeconomic variables? How can the effects of policy measures, such as regularisation, be assessed? MIrreM adresses the challenge of insufficent knowledge about irregular migration and regularisation in Europe by actively involving relevant stakeholders in every stage of this project – as co-creators of its results and as stakeholders to its mission. In a rigorous comparative and multi-level study, we will assess the policies, data needs and estimates that define migrant irregularity in 11 EU member states, the UK, Canada, the USA and five transit countries. Using several coordinated pilots we will develop new and innovative methods for measuring irregular migration and ‘regularisation scenarios’, and we will explore if and how these instruments can be transferred or scaled up to other socio-economic or institutional conditions. Based on these insights, we will develop two public databases: a) a database with estimates on irregular migrant stocks and b) a database on irregular migration flows, that will also include data on regularisations. Together with the expert groups, we will synthesize our findings into a Handbook on data on irregular migration and a Handbook on regularisation that will support evidenced-based and targeted policymaking concerning irregular migration. Finally, we will develop training resources for policymakers, practitioners, journalists and early-career researchers.
Year 2022
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6 Project

Research-policy relations and migration studies

Year 2018
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies.
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7 Book Chapter

Women Migrant Returnees as Intermediaries: Exploring Empowerment and Agency of Migrant Women Returnees in the EU-MENA Region

Authors Stellamarina Donato
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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8 Journal Article

History of Philosophy and the Reflective Society

Authors Riccardo Pozzo
Year 2021
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10 Book

Forschungsnetzwerk: Migration @ Gender in Niedersachsen

Principal investigator Helen Schwenken (Principal Investigator), Sabine Hess (Principal Investigator)
"Am 29. Mai 2015 nahm das neu gegründete Forschungsnetzwerk ""Gender und Migration @Niedersachsen"" seine Arbeit auf. Etwa 30 Wissenschaftler_innen vor allem aus Niedersachsen waren zum Gründungstreffen an das Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS) der Universität Osnabrück gekommen, um dort ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte vorzustellen und gemeinsame Vorhaben anzudenken. Das Netzwerk verfolgt das Ziel, die in Niedersachsen vorhandene transdisziplinäre Expertise in den Bereichen Gender- und Migrationsforschung zu bündeln. Insbesondere sollen die Erkenntnisse des jeweils anderen Felds für die eigene Forschung nutzbar gemacht werden. Die internationale Auftakt-Tagung ""Gendering Migration Studies - Geschlecht und die Politiken der Migration"" fand vom 11. bis 12. Dezember 2015 an der Universität Göttingen statt. Das Netzwerk ""Gender und Migartion[at]Niedersachsen"" wurde vom Göttinger Centrum für Geschlechterforschung (GCG) in Kooperation mit Wissenschaftlerinnen des Instituts für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS) der Universität Osnabrück sowie der HBK Braunschweig gegründet. Es wird aus Mitteln des Niedersächsischen Ministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kultur finanziert und künftig unter dem Dach der LAGEN tätig sein."
Year 2015
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11 Project

Ukrainian Migration to Greece: from Irregular Work to Settlement, Family Reunification and Return

Authors Marina Nikolova, Michaela Maroufof
Year 2016
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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13 Book Chapter


Principal investigator Peter Scholten (Project co-ordinator), Asya Pisarevskaya (Project manager), Nathan Levy (Project manager), Adham Aly (Project assistant)
The Migration Research Hub supports the systematic accumulation of knowledge in migration studies. It aims to be the go-to resource for finding knowledge on migration, from the latest literature to the most appropriate topical experts. In the spirit of a collaborative approach to knowledge management in migration studies, researchers from all around the world are invited to contribute with their publications and expertise to further innovation in the field. The taxonomy of migration studies developed through this project allows everyone to identify opportunities for collaboration and new research projects across disciplines and geographies. The systematic approach to data collection and knowledge accumulation promotes and facilitates dialogue between researchers and policy stakeholders, and raises awareness of the latest debates and the most current and emerging questions about migration. The Migration Research hub was built during the IMISCOE-led Horizon 2020 project, CrossMigration (2018-2020). See a list of the team members below. The project is now fully integrated into and maintained by IMISCOE.
Year 2018
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15 Project

Migrants hautement qualifiés et flux internationaux de talents, connaissances et capitaux

Principal investigator Ernest Miguelez (Principal Investigator)
Highly Skilled Migration and International Flows of Talent, Knowledge, and Capital (TKC) is a project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR). TKC aims to improve our understanding of whether and how highly skilled migrants activate their social networks and leverage their role as international knowledge gatekeepers, contribute to solve cross-border information problems, and transform the brain drain into brain gain and brain circulation. Highly skilled workers play a key role in today’s knowledge economies, as they introduce and diffuse innovations that encourage economic growth and well-being. Migrants are an essential component of these highly skilled workers worldwide: in 2013, the worldwide stock of migrants stood at 230 million, namely 3.2% of worldwide population (UN-DESA and OECD, 2013). However, important variations emerge across skills’ groups: tertiary educated immigrants living in OECD countries augmented by 70% during the 2000s, with just 10% for low-educated ones. Migration rates for the tertiary educated are higher than for the rest of the population, and generally increase with further education. Thus, differently from the past, highly skilled individuals represent the most dynamic component of international mobility flows. Far from taking place exclusively along a South-North or East-West axis, highly skilled migration occurs also between advanced economies, with the UK, Germany and other European countries as both destinations and origins. Science, technology, and engineering migration contributes heavily to these trends, including to its geographical variation. TKC’s research topic stands at the cross-roads of different disciplinary approaches, ranging from the geography of innovation, the economics of migration, and IB studies. All of them can be re-examined within the general theoretical framework of diaspora economics. Constant and Zimmermann (2016) define diasporas as “well-defined group(s) of migrants and their offspring with a joined cultural identity and ongoing identification with the country or culture of origin”, and propose to put them at centre-stage in all studies concerning migrations. While migration is the necessary precondition for diasporas to exist, not all migrant groups are internally bound by diasporic ties, nor ethnicity is the only source of such ties. In the case of highly skilled migrants, professional ties matter, too, as they both imply different migration channels and cohorts, and allows for specific forms of interaction. TKC is a theoretical and empirical project, whose deliverables will consist in research papers and open access datasets. Its ambition is to enrich the debate on migration on a global scale, but especially in Europe and France, where the dominant focus on low skilled or refugee immigration both obscures the importance of highly skilled flows and contributes to negative stereotyping. TKC will be articulated in six work-packages, taking a complementary approach between the macro (country), meso (firm), and micro (individual) levels of analysis. TKC has a strong engagement towards collecting micro-data concerning specific categories of very highly skilled workers, such as inventors, scientists and executives, with the migrant status to be ascertained by available biographic information and/or name analysis. These data may provide a suitable and interesting alternative to more classic data sources, both because of their detail and for their pointing at homogenous professional groups, rather than generically tertiary educated workers.
Year 2017
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16 Project

Reversal of the Gender Order? Male Marriage Migration to Germany by North African and Turkish Men: Consequences for Family Life, Work, and the Socialization of the Next Generation

Principal investigator Ursula Apitzsch (Principal Investigator)
The planned study aims at the investigation of the phenomenon what is known as marriage migration (also called transnational marriage) to Germany by male Muslim migrants. By means of biographical narrative interviews with male migrants from North Africa and Turkey, the research project aims at dealing with the multidimensional and multifaceted character of male marriage migration to Germany. The subject male marriage migration can be approached from different perspectives and related aspects. In the frame of this research project, through a sampling which consists of married couples composed of a male migrant from one of the countries mentioned above and a female descendant of a migrant family with a residence permit in Germany, we want to consider this issue in all its complexity and implications regarding the debates on integration of the migrants, integration of male migrants into the labour market, gender relations and dynamics within the migrant family, and (un) chancing conceptions and visions of manhood in migration processes and the contestation/ negotiation of migrant masculinities. Regarding the studies of the last years it is noteworthy that all marriage migration studies are rather focussing on women as migrating subjects. Although it is noticed, too, that there are men as well migrating to their wives, there is no study focussing exclusively on migrating men in context of marriage. This fact may be - especially in Germany - an expression of the emotional public discussion concerning forced marriages. Nevertheless, the marriage migration of men is the desideratum of past and current marriage migration studies. This gap will be filled with the following research proposal. Our hypothesis is that women of the second or third generation of migrant families might be hoping for a realistic chance of founding a family and bringing up children through marrying a partner from the country of origin while they continue to work and remain the bread winners in the country of immigration and thus strengthen their autonomy (while their husbands are waiting for working permits and/or job opportunities and meanwhile have to take over care obligations within the family). In general, we want to show that male marriage migration can be seen both as "cause and the effect" of changing gender orders.
Year 2012
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17 Project

Migrating EAST. The potential application of behavioural insights in Dutch migration policy

Authors Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Sanne Noyon, Jiatong Cui
Hoe kunnen Nederlandse beleidsmakers migratie beter managen? Het Nederlandse migratiebeleid kent verschillende issues die moeilijk aan te pakken zijn door de inzet van traditionele beleidsinstrumenten. Binnen het Ministerie van Justitie speelt een groeiende interesse in beleidsinterventies gestoeld op gedragsinzichten. Tegen deze achtergrond richt dit onderzoek zich op de vraag of gedragsinzichten ook relevant kunnen zijn op het terrein van migratiebeleid. Het onderzoek stelde de volgende drie onderzoeksvragen centraal: 1 Hoe worden gedragsinzichten toegepast in Nederlands beleid en wat kunnen we hiervan leren? 2 Leent de aard van besluitvorming onder migranten zich voor het toepassen van gedragsinzichten en wordt dit al gedaan in migratiebeleid in het buitenland? 3 Leent de Nederlandse migratiebeleidscontext zich voor het toepassen van gedragsinzichten?
Year 2022
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18 Report

The Early History Of Migration Research

Authors Michael J. Greenwood, Gary L. Hunt
Year 2003
Journal Name International Regional Science Review
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19 Journal Article

Género y trayectorias migratorias en época de crisis

Authors María Dolores Juliano Corregido
Year 2012
Journal Name Papers. Revista de Sociologia
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21 Journal Article

Antidiscrimination Meets Integration Policies: Exploring New Diversity-Related Challenges in Europe

Authors Tina Magazzini
Year 2021
Journal Name Social Sciences
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22 Journal Article

Les politiques de migrations, d'intégration et de lutte contre les discriminations

Principal investigator Cris Beauchemin (Coordinator)
En France, comme dans la plupart des pays européens, les opinions publiques expriment une défiance croissante à l’égard des gouvernements : leur efficacité en matière de gestion des flux et d’intégration des migrants fait l’objet de questionnements quasi permanents dans les débats publics. L’objectif de ce projet est d’étudier les politiques d’immigration, d'intégration et de lutte contre les discriminations, d’analyser le contexte social de leur production, et d’évaluer leurs effets à la fois en termes d’efficacité (réalisation des objectifs affichés) et de conditions de vie pour les personnes concernées. L’ensemble de cet axe de recherche vise à interroger les relations entre mesures politiques et mesures statistiques. Ce projet-phare est adossé à plusieurs projets financés par l’Union Européenne et l’Agence nationale de la recherche : - le projet européen UPSTREAM analyse la stratégie des pouvoirs publics en matière de politique d’intégration, en étudiant particulièrement sa traduction dans les politiques sociales généralistes aux niveaux national et local. http://www.project- - le projet ANR Global-Race couvre les politiques de lutte contre les discriminations dans une approche comparative couvrant, en plus de la France, des pays d’Europe et d’Amérique du Nord. - le projet européen TEMPER (Temporary vs. permanent migration) s’intéresse aux politiques de gestion des migrations, à travers (a) l’analyse des textes réglementaires régissant les migrations temporaires (en particulier étudiantes) dans trois pays européens (Espagne, France, et Grande-Bretagne) et (b) la production d’une base codée et textuelle de données sur les politiques migratoires en Espagne, en France, en Italie et en Grande-Bretagne (IMPOL). - Le projet MAFE : Le projet PolMig comprend quatre axes de recherche : - Le contexte social de la formation des politiques. - L’évaluation des politiques d’intégration et de lutte contre les discriminations - Les effets des politiques sur les trajectoires migratoires - Statut légal et trajectoires socio- économiques des migrants
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23 Project

Between National Models and Multi-Level Decoupling: The Pursuit of Multi-Level Governance in Dutch and UK Policies Towards Migrant Incorporation

Authors Peter Scholten
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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25 Journal Article

Cross-Migration ‘Current European and Cross-National Comparative Research and Research Actions on Migration’

Principal investigator Frank Düvell (Principal Investigator)
"Inhalt und Fragestellung Migration und die Charakteristika, die deren Parameter konstituieren, sowie die Dynamiken und Komplexitäten stellen eine der vorrangigen Herausforderungen in Europa dar. Unter diesen Umständen besteht die Notwendigkeit, für die Gestaltung von effizienter und konstruktiver Politik relevantes, präzises und nützliches Wissen zur Verfügung zu haben. Auch wenn einige Datenbasen wie etwa Eurostat und OECD wertvolle Einblicke in diese migratorischen Dynamiken bieten, so existiert doch keine effiziente und integrierte Datenbasis in Europa, welche die enorm vielfältigen Untersuchungen von Migration auflistet, synthetisiert und kategorisiert. Dieses Projekt bringt deshalb 16 führende Forschungsinstitute überwiegend aus dem IMISCOE Netzwerk (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion) (vormals ein EU-gefördertes Network of Exellence) und politische Institute sowie internationale Organisationen zusammen mit dem Ziel, diese Lücke sachkundig zu füllen und einen zentralen Knotenpunkt (‘Hub’) zu schaffen. Dieser Knotenpunkt wird aufgrund seiner Fähigkeit, eine Grammatik für das Design von gegenwärtiger und zukünftiger Politik bereitzustellen, von instrumentellem Wert sein. Im Wesentlichen wird er vergangene, gegenwärtige und zukünftige Migrationsforschung akkumulieren und konsolidieren, indem er einen extensiven und bündigen Überblick über Triebkräfte von Migration, Infrastrukturen (Routen, Drehscheiben, Transportunternehmen/Dienstleister/Schmuggler, Netzwerke, soziale Medien), Flüsse und Politiken zur Verfügung stellt und ein Klassifikationssystem der Forschung entwickelt. Dies erlaubt es dann auch, zu einem systematischen Verständnis der Faktoren zu kommen, die die Interaktionen zwischen diesen analytischen Kategorien darstellen. Die Akkumulation, Integration und Zugänglichkeit von Forschung in einem solchen Knotenpunkt wird ein integrales Element zur Verbesserung von Politikgestaltung sein, insofern er alle relevanten Daten konzentriert und visualisiert und dadurch die Informationsbeschaffung zur Verfolgung politischer Ziele fördert. Deshalb ist auch ein kontinuierlicher Dialog von Forschung und Politik zentral für die Erstellung des Knotenpunktes. Dies setzt Nutzer in die Position, Szenarien zukünftiger Migrationen zu entwickeln. Schließlich zielt das Projekt – vom Design her ist es als Kollaborations- und Unterstützungsprojekt ausgelegt – darauf ab, in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der EU-Kommission Wissenslücken, Überschneidungen und Querverbindungen in der Forschung auszumachen und im Ergebnis zur Formulierung zukünftiger Migrationsforschungsagendas beizutragen. Methoden Das Projekt basiert auf Desk Research, der Entwicklung induktiver und deduktiver Forschungsfragen, einer computer-gestützten Erhebung der Migrationsforschung der vergangenen 10 Jahre sowie deren Auswertung durch die Experten des Forschungskonsortiums und einem Forschungs-Politikdialog."
Year 2018
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26 Project

The Role of Narratives in Migration Policy-Making: A Research Framework

Authors Christina Boswell, Andrew Geddes, Peter Scholten
Year 2011
Journal Name The British Journal of Politics and International Relations
Citations (WoS) 61
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27 Journal Article

Promoting Comparative Quantitative Research in Europe

PROMINSTAT is a research project funded under the 6th Framework Programme. It compiles meta-information on statistical datasets on migration, integration and discrimination in 29 European Countries (EU27 plus Norway and Switzerland). Through country reports and a series of comparative studies on particular topics of datacollection PROMINSTAT provides in-depth analyses of the scope, quality and comparability of statistical data collection on migration in a wide range of thematic fields, including population stocks and general demographic characteristics, migration flows, residence permits, acquisition and loss of citizenship, asylum seekers and refugees, irregular migration, employment, income, transfers and social benefits, housing and residental patterns, health and access to healthcare, education, family and household, political participation and crime and justice. The main aim of PROMINSTAT is to promote comparative quantitative research on migration, integration and discrimination in Europe, to enhance the knowledge base on statistical data collection in this field and thus to contribute to the improvement of statistics on migration, integration and discrimination.
Year 2007
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28 Project

Some Conceptual Thoughts on Migration Research

Authors Andreas Demuth
Year 2000
Book Title Biko Agozino (ed.): Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Migration Research: Interdisciplinary, Intergenerational and International Perspective
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29 Book Chapter

The genealogy of integrationism: Ideational foundations of the politics of immigrant integration

Authors Iva Dodevska
Year 2023
Journal Name Frontiers in Political Science
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30 Journal Article

Methodological Aspects of Recent Empirical Research on Academic Migration

Year 2014
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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31 Journal Article

Key Knowledge Questions on Migration Drivers

Authors Katharina Natter
Year 2020
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32 Policy Brief

The Role of International Migration in Australia's Research Workforce

Authors G Hugo
Year 2014
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 1
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33 Journal Article

A research review of education and professional development in countries with migration potential

Authors Francesco De Maria
Year 2019
Journal Name Form@re-Open Journal per la formazione in rete
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34 Journal Article

Movements on Hold? A Study of Ethiopian Female Transit Migrants in Djibouti

Principal investigator Meron Zeleke Eresso (Principal Investigator ), Brigitte Reinwald (Principal Investigator )
Studies on transit migration in Africa and beyond reveal a Eurocentric bias, focusing on transit countries located on the fringes of Europe. Furthermore, there is a significant research gap on female transit migrants, and transit points at respective countries of origin. The proposed ethnographic research questions these dominant discourses and seeks to fill the knowledge gap by focusing on the case of Ethiopian female migrants by studying a transit country, Djibouti, located outside of the fringes of Europe, and two transit towns in Ethiopia. According to the preliminary information gathered through interviews and observation in Djibouti, there are thousands of Ethiopian female transit migrants in Djibouti city that work in a strongly gendered labour market. Based on an ethnographic research, the proposed study documents and examines the biographies and profiles of the migrants, their perceptions about migration, factors that informed their decisions to migrate, their everyday lives in transit, their pathways of incorporation, the challenges they face and the different strategies they adopt to overcome them, factors that impact the migrants' decisions to stay in the transit country, move further, return home and/or to choose their final destinations. The study will contribute to the on-going academic discussion on transit migration and feminisation of migration by adding the perspective of female transit migrants. In so doing, the study seeks to fill the gender and regional gaps in studies on transit migration. Furthermore, the proposed study contributes to the formulation of effective, sustainable and rights-based policy responses to migration in general and transit migration in particular.
Year 2016
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35 Project

Migrating heritage? Recreating ancestral and new homeland heritage in the practices of immigrant minorities

Authors Karolina Nikielska-Sekula
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Heritage Studies
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36 Journal Article

Regional organizations and intra-regional migration in sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and prospects

Authors A Adepoju
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration
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37 Journal Article

Migration Research in a Digitized World

Authors Steffen Pötzschke, Sebastian Rinken
Year 2022
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40 Book

Social and Cultural Innovation: Research Infrastructures Tackling Migration

Authors Riccardo Pozzo, Vania Virgili
Year 2017
Journal Name Diogenes
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41 Journal Article

Ethnicizing citizenship, questioning membership : explaining the decreasing family migration rights of citizens in Europe

Authors Saskia BONJOUR, Laura BLOCK
Year 2016
Journal Name Citizenship studies
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42 Journal Article

Digital diasporas: An overview of the research areas of migration and new media through a narrative literature review

Authors Kerstin B. Andersson
Year 2019
Journal Name Human Technology
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43 Journal Article

What’s Driving Migrant Russian Physicians to Stay Permanently in Finland? A Life-Course Approach

Authors Driss Habti
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Finnish Studies
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44 Journal Article

Migration und Mobilität in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter

Principal investigator Mischa Meier (Principal Investigator ), Steffen Patzold (Principal Investigator ), Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner (Principal Investigator )
In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten hat sich die Spätantike- und Frühmittelalterforschung international sehr dynamisch entwickelt. Ein eigenes Feld mit neuen Publikationsorganen, Arbeitsgruppen und eigenen Tagungen beginnt sich zu etablieren, in dem Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus verschiedenen Disziplinen über die klassische Epochenscheide zwischen Antike und Mittelalter hinweg äußerst fruchtbar zusammenarbeiten. Dabei haben in diesem Bereich zuletzt zwei Problemkreise die Debatten dominiert: die Frage nach der sozialen Bedeutung und den historischen Folgen ethnischer Identitäten; und die Frage nach dem Charakter des Übergangs von der römischen in eine post-römische Welt. In diesen beiden Arbeitsfeldern sind zwar mittlerweile wesentliche Ergebnisse erzielt worden, zuletzt haben die Diskussionen jedoch insofern an Dynamik verloren, als mittlerweile etablierte Positionen und Paradigmen Verfestigungstendenzen aufweisen. Die hier beantragte Kolleg-Forschergruppe hat das Ziel, die Diskussionen in diesem Feld neu zu beleben, indem sie andere Fragen zentralstellt: Statt von dem Problem der Ethnizität geht sie von Fragen der Mobilität und der Migration aus; statt die Forschung dabei im Wesentlichen auf die Zeit der sogenannten ¿Völkerwanderung¿ zu beschränken, weitet sie den Blick bewusst bis in die Jahre um 900; statt Mobilität als Bewegung von militärisch oder ethnisch definierten Großgruppen im Raum engzuführen, fokussiert sie verschiedene Formen von Mobilität (bis hin zur Mobilität von Geistlichen oder agrarischen Arbeitskräften) und deren Auswirkungen auf lokale Gesellschaften und begreift Migration und Mobilität damit als ein Spektrum mit fließenden Übergängen, das historisch vergleichend zu analysieren ist.Die Kolleg-Forschergruppe verfolgt damit zwei Ziele: Sie möchte erstens das innovative, dynamische und auch mit Blick auf Forschungsansätze und Interdisziplinarität hochinteressante Feld der Spätantike- und Frühmittelalterforschung weiter strukturieren und international fester etablieren. Und sie möchte zweitens eine grundlegend neue Perspektive auf die Jahrhunderte des Wandels von der römischen zur poströmischen Welt in ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit erproben. Wir sind überzeugt, dass wir auf diese Weise Ergebnisse erarbeiten, mit denen wir relevante empirische Daten auch für gegenwartsnah arbeitende Disziplinen zur weiteren Modell- und Theoriebildung verfügbar machen können. Zugleich können wir aktuelle Theorien zu Migration und Mobilität an historischen Phänomenen in ihrer Reichweite testen. Auf diese Weise soll die Kolleg-Forschergruppe nicht zuletzt auch einen eigenen, wichtigen Beitrag zur Analyse eines in unserer Gegenwart politisch, wirtschaftlich, kulturell und sozial hochbedeutenden Phänomens leisten können.
Year 2016
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45 Project

Politicization and expertise: Changing research-policy dialogues on migrant integration in Europe

Authors P. Scholten, S. Verbeek
Year 2015
Journal Name Science and Public Policy
Citations (WoS) 3
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47 Journal Article

European Indicators of Migrant Integration

In the European Union context, indicators have become increasingly important due to growing political commitment on integration policies at all levels of governance. In June 2010, EU Member States approved a number of European indicators of migrant integration, based on the EU2020 indicators and the EU’s Common Basic Principles, focusing on the core areas of employment, social inclusion, education, and active citizenship. The Commission’s July 2011 European Agenda for Integration views these indicators as a way to systematically monitor the integration situation and the EU2020 targets, enhance policy coordination, and make recommendations in dialogue with Member States. ICMPD together with the Migration Policy Group will produce an assessment report to confirm the relevance of current indicators for integration and whether current data sources are robust enough to calculate them. Objectives of the project • Analyse to what extent and whether the different integration realities in various EU Member States are the result of integration and migration policies, immigrant populations, and general contexts and policies. • Strengthen how European indicators of migrant integration capture and monitor the specific outcomes of integration policies. • Improve the way in which policy actors evaluate the effectiveness of integration policies, appreciate the other factors that shape the integration process, engage in the data and policy implications of indicators and mainstream integration into European cooperation and targets, including the EU2020 Strategy. Outcomes • Analysis reports (to explain the data behind the European indicators, test the effectiveness of certain migration and integration policies, and measure the impact of other policies). • Assessment report (to confirm the relevance of current indicators for integration and whether current data sources are robust enough to calculate them. ICMPD and the Migration Policy Group will propose additional indicators and data sources based on the chosen European indicators, the EU2020 strategy, and active citizenship). • Monitoring proposal (to outline how the European Commission can use the current and proposed indicators to monitor the results of integration policies). • Three expert seminars during the course of 2012 on the subjects of Employment, Education, and Social Inclusion and Active Citizenship.
Year 2013
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48 Project

Research Needs in Education

Principal investigator Hermann Josef Abs (Principal Investigator)
"ReNeEd – Research Needs in Education – zielt unter anderem darauf ab, Forschungsbedarfe aus der Perspektive von Professionellen mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte in formalen und non-formalen Bildungssettings zu ermitteln und zu systematisieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund soll ein innovativer Zugang gewählt werden, um bereits bekannte Forschungsbedarfe aus einer forschungsimmanenten Perspektive mit Forschungsbedarfen aus einer Nutzer- und Betroffenenperspektive komplementär zu ergänzen. Leitende Fragen sollen unter anderem sein: 1) Inwiefern ist bestehende Forschung bei Professionellen bekannt und wie wird ihr Nutzen eingeschätzt? 2) Welche Forschungsthemen und –verfahren werden von den Befragten als potentiell gewinnbringend gesehen, wenn Integration durch den Bildungssektor gefördert werden soll? 3) Welche förderlichen Ressourcen und Hindernisse für Integration im Bildungsbereich wurden eventuell bislang durch die Forschung noch nicht hinreichend in den Blick genommen? 4) Unter welchen Bedingungen erscheint Forschung relevant und vertrauenswürdig? 5) Inwiefern unterscheiden sich die Einschätzungen für unterschiedliche Bildungskontexte (formal vs. Non-formal) und für unterschiedliche Wege der Professionalisierung (Qualifikation in Deutschland vs. Qualifikation im Ausland)? Forschungsmotivation Die Motivation für ReNeEd beruht auf wissenschaftssoziologischen Überlegungen. Politische Konjunkturen und daraus motivierte und abgeleitete Wissenschaftsskepsis erhöhten den Druck auf sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung, den Verbrauch von staatlichen Ressourcen zu legitimieren. Auf diese Entwicklung reagierte die »Wissenschaft« zum einen durch den Verweis auf forschungsimmanente Logiken, methodischen Zwänge sowie Zeitgefüge und zum anderen durch eigene Forschung zur Nutzung von Wissenschaft. Entsprechende Forschung zur „Research Utilization” (z.B. Caral Weiss 1980) hat insbesondere die Einschätzung der Vertrauenswürdigkeit und die Relevanzeinschätzung bei potentiellen Nutzern als Bedingungen für die Nutzung von Forschung herausgearbeitet. Research Needs in Education (ReNeEd) möchte zu einer Validierung und Ausdifferenzierung von Forschungsanliegen sowie ihre Anschlussfähigkeit beitragen. Arbeitsplan & Methodik Ausarbeitung von Design und Leitfragen für Interviews. Theoriegeleitetes Sampling von Interviewteilnehmer*innen. Durchführung von Interviews; Transkription; qualitative Auswertung zur Identifikation von Forschungsthemen. Online-Befragung zur Gewichtung von Forschungsthemen aus den Interviews; statistische Auswertung. Resultate/Outcomes Erfassung von Forschungsbedarfen bei pädagogischen Professionellen mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte als Ansatz/Ausgangspunkt. Bereitstellung einer übertragbaren Methodik, mit der Professionelle in der Formulierung von Forschungsprogrammen berücksichtigt werden können. Validierung und Ausdifferenzierung von forschungsimmanenten und politischen Perspektiven auf Forschung."
Year 2017
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49 Project

Literature review labour migration

Authors Maastricht University - Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market, Frank Cörvers, Julia Reinold, ...
Attracting and retaining migrants can have many benefits for the host country and its economy, for example to mitigate skills shortages. Regulating immigration may prevent several negative consequences of a shrinking and ageing population. However, research and policy often focus on the highly skilled or so-called knowledge migrants (kennismigranten) as a source of human capital, which can increase innovation and a country’s competitiveness. A group of labour migrants that receives significantly less attention from research and policy, are the medium-skilled migrant workers. Although it makes up a significant share of the migrant population, this group is rarely supported by specific migration policies. Therefore, in this report we would like to answer the following central research question: What is known in available literature about the opportunities and limitations of filling labour shortages through labour migration, especially in the middle segment of the labour market? CONTENT: 1. Introduction, 2. Methodology, 3. Shortages and skill requirements in the middle segment of the Dutch labour market, 4. Priority supply from EEA+ countries and beyond, 5. Migration as a solution to address shortages in the middle segment of the Dutch labour market, 6. Alternative solutions to staffing bottlenecks in the middle segment of the Dutch labour market, 7. Conclusions and directions for further research.
Year 2021
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50 Report

Supporting ethical migration research: Practical recommendations for funding bodies

Authors Kahina Le Louvier, Jamie Mahoney, Diotima Bertel, ...
Year 2022
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51 Policy Brief

Mobilność przestrzenna, społeczna i kariery zawodowe migrantów: cele, problemy i podejścia badawcze

Year 2012
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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52 Journal Article

When poverty meets affluence: Migrant street workers in Scandinavia

Principal investigator Anne Britt Djuve (Project Leader), Jon Horgen Friberg (), Guri Tyldum ()
The phenomenon of EU migrants who go abroad to beg, collect bottles, trade and do other types of informal “street work” (Adriaenssen 2011) has featured on the political agendas of most European countries over the last decade. While the EU framework was intended to encourage the free movement of labour, there is little regulation in place to address the free movement of poverty. As unwanted mobility from EU member states can no longer be stopped at the borders, European states have come to depend on internal policing and regulations in attempts to regulate these practices. Thus far, there has been little research into this particular form of mobility and the related institutional responses. This project addresses this knowledge gap. Drawing on theories of economic sociology and institutional theory, we will explore the causes for and outcomes of this mobility, its organisation and the development and impact of policies and discourses in countries of destination. As this mobility in many ways represents an “extreme” case of transnational migration and ethnic relations, knowledge about the mechanisms involved may challenge or strengthen assumptions within existing theories. The project will therefore engage with wider theoretical debates within the field of migration studies.
Year 2015
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53 Project

White migrations: Gender, Whiteness and Privilege in Transnational migration

Principal investigator Catrin Lundström (REMESO Project Leader)
The migrant is often thought of as a non-westerner in search for a better future in Europe or the United States. From a multi-sited ethnography with Swedish migrant women in the US, Singapore and Spain, this project explores the intersections of racial and class privilege and gender vulnerabilities in contemporary feminized migration from or within the West. Through an analysis of white migration, I develop theoretical tools to understand the dynamics that shape the women?s lives as wealthy housewives, expatriate wives and lifestyle migrants. Using the concept of white capital, I approach whiteness as an embodied form of cultural capital that is interlinked with and upheld by (transnational) institutions, citizenships, a white (Western) habitus and other resources that are transferrable (but mediated differently) cross-nationally, yet complicated by gendered and heterosexual norms, and its dependencies and regulations. By shifting the gaze towards privileged migrants, I illustrate how race and whiteness shape contemporary transnational migration and how white privilege is reproduced globally.
Year 2006
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55 Project

Worlds in Motion : Understanding International Migration at the End of the Millennium

Authors Douglas Massey, Joaquin Arango, Graeme Hugo, ...
Year 1998
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56 Book

Violencia de género y frontera: migrantes centroamericanas en México hacia los EE. UU

Authors Almudena Cortés
Year 2018
Journal Name European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
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57 Journal Article

Promoting Comparative Quantitative Research in the Field of Migration and Integration in Europe

With the Amsterdam Treaty and the increasing competence of the European Union in the field of migration, integration, anti-discrimination and asylum, the need for comparative data in this area has been increasingly recognised. The project compiles meta-information on statistical datasets on migration, integration and discrimination in 29 European countries (EU27 plus Norway and Switzerland). It builds on the earlier COMPSTAT project carried out under the 5th Framework Programme between 2001-2002, the FP6 project "Towards harmonised European Statistics on International Migration" (THESIM), completed in 2005 as well as ongoing research within the IMISCOE network. Objectives • To improve the quality of publicly available information on migration, integration and discrimination responding thus to the needs of researchers, policy makers and practitioners for more reliable, more systematic and more harmonized statistical data • To enhance comparability of statistical data and understanding of indicators Outcomes • Launch of a comprehensive online database containing descriptions of datasets relevant to the study of migration. • Analyses of the national data collection system in 29 European countries. • Detailed analysis of the availability, comparability, and the usability of statistical data in 12 thematic areas: 1) general demographic data; 2) migration flows; 3) legal status of immigrants; 4) citizenship; 5) political participation; 6) employment; 7) income 8) housing; 9) irregular migration; 10) education; 11) family and 12) health as well as in two cross-cutting thematic fields - integration and discrimination
Year 2007
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58 Project

Migrating heritage? Recreating ancestral and new homeland heritage in the practices of immigrant minorities

Authors Karolina Nikielska-Sekula
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Heritage Studies
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59 Journal Article

Colorism as Marriage Capital: Cross-Region Marriage Migration in India and Dark-Skinned Migrant Brides

Authors Reena Kukreja
Year 2021
Journal Name Gender & Society
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60 Journal Article

Introduction. Family Migration as an Integration Issue? Policy Perspectives and Academic Insights .

Authors Saskia Bonjour, Albert Kraler
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Family Issues
Citations (WoS) 21
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61 Journal Article

Women's mobility, changing gender relations and development in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Authors Catharina Williams
Year 2007
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 1
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62 Journal Article

Migrant parents in Italy: gendered narratives on work/family balance

Authors Arianna Santero, Manuela Naldini
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Family Studies
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64 Journal Article

Transnationalisme, Dynamiques Identitaires et Diversification Culturelle en situations urbaines post-migratoires

Principal investigator Marco Martiniello (Coordinator), Hassan Bousetta (Partner), Sonia Gsir (Researcher), Caroline Zickgraf (Researcher)
TRICUD aims at better understanding some of the reciprocal relationships between migration and change. The principal objective is indeed to better understand how migration transforms both sending societies in the South and receiving societies in the North. It is widely acknowledged that international migration has always been a cause as well as a result of economic, political, social and cultural change. It is a key dimension of globalisation. It affects, the dynamics of identities, the process of cultural diversification and social representations in urban settings both in the North and South. Migration has also prompted the formation of transnational social spaces connecting home and destination countries. This phenomenon is observable between Belgium and some of the countries of origin of its migrant population. The Democratic Republic of Congo and Morocco are in this respect two strategic case-studies. In order to better understand the dynamics of identities, the processes of cultural diversification and the dynamics of representations in urban settings affected by international migration and immigrants’ transnational practices both in Belgium and in two immigrant sending countries, the research will be carried out along three main directions, which consist in the 3 research projects are the post-migratory city and transnational flows, the dynamics of identities and the process of cultural diversification.
Year 2009
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65 Project


Authors M Tienda, FD Wilson
Year 1992
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 54
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66 Journal Article

Immigration, race, and riot: the 1992 Los Angeles uprising

Authors A Bergesen, M Herman
Year 1998
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 56
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67 Journal Article

The Ethics of Social Media Analytics in Migration Studies

Authors Jamie Mahoney, Kahina Le Louvier, Shaun Lawson
Year 2022
Book Title Information and Communications Technology in Support of Migration
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70 Book Chapter

The Utilization of Expert Knowledge in Times of Crisis: Budgetary and Migration Policies in the Netherlands

Authors Frans van Nispen, Peter Scholten
Year 2017
Journal Name European Policy Analysis
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72 Journal Article

Citoyennete active et implications territoriales en Ile-de-France

Principal investigator Catherine Neveu (Principal Investigator)
L’objectif de la recherche en cours est double : d’une part revisiter les relations migration/développement en les inscrivant dans la circulation migratoire, et en portant un intérêt particulier aux transformations des sociétés liées aux interactions spatiales et sociales en matière de développement local, économique, social et politique, tant dans les pays de départ que d’arrivée. D’autre part, analyser les processus originaux par lesquels les migrants et leurs enfants s’inscrivent dans la société française tout en maintenant, voire en développant, des formes multiples d’appartenance, d’identification et d’engagement public, tant vis-à-vis de leurs espaces de vie que de ceux d’origine des familles. Les différentes formes de circulation et d’ancrage, les logiques et les enjeux qui les sous-tendent, seront analysés au-delà de la dualité « immigré-étranger » ou « assimilation-retour ». Nous proposons pour cela de travailler sur la notion d’appartenance (à la fois au sens d’adhésion volontaire et de sentiment), dont la plasticité permet de s’adapter en fonction de la capacité à circuler ou faire circuler, et qui renvoie aux notions d’ancrage territorial, d’identités multiples, et d’engagement. Cette recherche-action a donc pour objectif de dépasser les approches dichotomiques qui s’interrogent sur « l’intégration » des populations lorsqu’elles traitent du mouvement associatif « issu de l’immigration », et orientent ces populations vers une obligation de retour lorsqu’elles abordent la question du développement. Il s’agira alors de saisir, dans le même mouvement, processus de circulations et d’ancrages, tant du point de vue des populations migrantes et de leurs enfants, que de celui de leurs partenaires institutionnels.
Year 2009
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73 Project

Entre el individuo y el Estado: Burocracia pre-y post-migratoria

Authors Victoria Finn
Year 2019
Journal Name REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana
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74 Journal Article

Gender, Migration & Development

Authors Tanja Bastia, Karlijn Haagsman, Tanja Bastia, ...
Year 2020
Book Title Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development
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75 Book Chapter

Beyond Migration Binaries and Linear Transitions: The Complexification of Greece’s Migratory Landscape at Times of Crisis

Authors Manolis Pratsinakis, Panos Hatziprokopiou, Russell King
Year 2017
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76 Working Paper

Polskie studia na temat migracji kobiet: wybrane perspektywy teoretyczne i wyniki badań

Year 2008
Book Title Women's migrations: a multidimensional perspective
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77 Book Chapter

Migration and gender among Mexican women

Authors EA Parrado, CA Flippen
Year 2005
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 112
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79 Journal Article


Authors JE Edwards, CE Newell, P ROSENFELD, ...
Year 1994
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 3
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81 Journal Article

National paradigms of migration research.

Authors D. Thranhardt, M. Bommes
Year 2010
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82 Book

Overview of Trends and Policies on International Migration to East Asia: Comparing Japan, Taiwan and South Korea

Authors Yean-Ju Lee
Year 2011
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 5
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83 Journal Article

Nouvelles perspectives sur les migrations dans et depuis la région de Kayes

Principal investigator Nehara Feldman (Coordinator), Stéphanie Lima (Investigator), Sandrine Mesplé-Somps (Investigator)
L’objectif du projet NIMIK est d’identifier l’émergence de nouveaux phénomènes migratoires à partir d’enquêtes sur la région de Kayes. La mobilité vers d’autres pays d’Afrique et d’autres destinations, notamment l’Europe, depuis cette région a fait l’objet de nombreux travaux dont il s’agira de faire un bilan critique. Ces travaux permettent d’approcher les phénomènes migratoires avec une profondeur historique particulière, et on s’attachera à déceler à partir de ce terrain singulier les changements en cours. Sur une durée de deux ans, le projet réunit une équipe d’une dizaine de chercheuses et de chercheurs, économistes, statisticiens, géographes, sociologistes et anthropologues, basés en France et au Mali. La pluridisciplinarité permettra de réfléchir à l’articulation des motivations sociales, économiques, politiques et climatiques dans les projets de départ et, éventuellement, de retours. Le projet NIMIK est structuré autour de trois thèmes. Le premier coordonné par Sandrine Mesplé-Somps (IRD, UMR DIAL), a pour objet de dresser un bilan de la dynamique actuelle des migrations au Mali, notamment en matière de genre et d’étudier les aspirations nouvelles à migrer. Avec notamment l’appui de Björn Nilsson (économiste, post-doc), cet axe mobilisera des enquêtes statistiques existantes et mettra en place une enquête originale auprès de jeunes maliens sur leurs aspirations au départ. Le deuxième est coordonné par Nehara Feldman (anthropologue, Université de Picardie) associée à Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye (anthropologue, CNRS IMAF, Paris et Point Sud, Bamako) et Joanne Le Bars (géographe, post-doc) ; il examinera les dynamiques familiales liées à la migration et s’intéressera à l’émergence possible de nouvelles configurations migratoires, notamment la migration autonome des femmes. Le troisième, coordonné par Stéphanie Lima (LMI Movida et Université de Toulouse) et auquel est associée Hawa Coulibaly (géographe, post-doc, LMI MACOTER et UMR CESSMA), étudie les interrelations entre les migrations internationales et la gouvernance locale dans la région de Kayes. Outre les trois post-doctorants cités, seront impliqués dans le projet un doctorant du LMI MACOTER, deux étudiants boursiers de Point Sud, Bamako, Mariam Sissoko et Mbaré Fofana et une étudiante en master de l’Université de Picardie, Nassima Guilal.
Year 2018
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84 Project

Forced migration and HIV/AIDS risks in Angola

Authors Victor Agadjanian, Winfred Avogo
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 7
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85 Journal Article

La culture alimentaire à l'épreuve de la migration. Conséquences pour les politiques alimentaires

Principal investigator Evelyne Ribert (Principal Investigator)
La connaissance de l’alimentation des migrants en France est encore très limitée. Pourtant elle constitue un enjeu important pour une meilleure compréhension mutuelle des populations, pour l’économie agroalimentaire et pour les politiques de santé publique et d’action sociale. Les objectifs de cette recherche sont de caractériser les styles alimentaires (systèmes de pratiques, d’attitudes, de normes et de représentations) et d’évaluer le bien-être alimentaire des Marocains et des Maliens, en France et dans leurs pays d’origine. Ces groupes sont largement représentés dans la population migrante vivant en France. Ils commencent à être étudiés, dans leurs pays d’origine, par deux des partenaires du projet, ce qui a contribué au choix de ces deux pays. Ils vivent des mutations rapides dans leurs modes de vie et d’alimentation, tant en France que dans leurs pays d’origine. Dans les deux cas, leurs conditions de vie sont souvent précaires, ce qui les rend particulièrement vulnérables à certains risques de santé (carences, obésité et pathologies). Au-delà des migrants, cette recherche vise à comprendre les mécanismes de recomposition, d’agencement, de métissage, voire d’abandon des normes dans un environnement caractérisé par leur multiplicité. Il s’agit également d’évaluer les effets d’une individualisation croissante des choix et des pratiques alimentaires, à l’œuvre au niveau global. Même si ces processus sont particulièrement visibles chez les migrants, ils sont aussi révélateurs des dynamiques alimentaires de la société française dans son ensemble. La complémentarité des approches qualitative (entretiens individuels, « focus group », observation in vivo) et quantitative (enquêtes par questionnaire auprès de 3000 individus au total en milieux rural et urbain au Maroc, au Mali et en France) permettra de couvrir une diversité de situations et autorisera des comparaisons à valeur de représentativité statistique. La démarche comparatiste entre pays d’origine et de résidence est en outre très peu courante en sciences sociales appliquées à l’alimentation. Le regard pluridisciplinaire de l’équipe, composée de sociologues, d’économistes et de nutritionnistes, spécialistes des pays du Nord et du Sud, renforcera la robustesse scientifique de la recherche. Les apports scientifiques sont doubles. D’une part, cette recherche viendra enrichir un corpus scientifique non constitué sur les liens entre alimentation et migration. D’autre part, le projet ambitionne de développer un questionnaire sur les représentations, les pratiques alimentaire et les indicateurs du bien-être alimentaire, intégrant à la fois des caractéristiques objectives (comme les indicateurs anthropométriques), mais aussi des indicateurs plus subjectifs, renvoyant aux affects associés aux expériences vécues en lien avec l’alimentation. Les résultats obtenus contribueront à la définition des politiques d’alimentation (attentes et besoins spécifiques en termes de produits, de qualité de l’offre, demande pour les aliments ou plats ethniques,...), de santé publique et de nutrition (éducation, communication) et d’action sociale (dialogue, intégration,..). Les enquêtes menées au Maroc et au Mali fourniront également des informations novatrices sur la sécurité alimentaire et ses déterminants, utiles à la fois pour les pouvoirs publics de ces pays et pour les institutions de coopération internationale et d’aide au développement.
Year 2008
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86 Project

Enhanced migration measures from a multidimensional perspective (HumMingBird)

Principal investigator Idesbald Nicaise (Project Coordinator)
The significance of migration as a social, political and broader public concern has intensified significantly. Migration is increasingly seen as a high-priority policy issue by many governments, politicians and throughout the world. As well as migration projections and scenarios that are essential for appropriate planning and effective policymaking, a deeper understanding of the root causes and drivers of migration and of their interrelation with people’s propensity to migrate is needed. Enhancing migration data is a crucial step to advance migration governance since better data is needed in order to accomplish sustainable social and economic development and national migrant data strategies are required to inform good policies. The project’s overall objective is to improve understandings of changing nature of migration flows and the drivers of migration, to analyse patterns, motivations and new geographies. Moreover, HumMingBird aims to calculate population estimates and determine emerging trends and future trends and accordingly to identify possible future implications of today’s policy decisions. Correspondingly, migration scenarios will be developed in a more forward looking manner that takes into account both quantitative and qualitative perspectives of different migration actors that might have an impact people’s decisions to migrate and consequent trends that will have an impact on our societies. Global scenarios will base on not only a realistic understanding of the drivers and dynamics of migration but also on the effects and effectiveness of past migration policies. Projects ambitions are to identify the uncertainties and reappraise, to explore the reasons why migration predictions may not hold and to demonstrate non-traditional data sources for migration research.
Year 2019
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87 Project

International Migration Research

Authors Michael Bommes, Ewa Morawska
Year 2017
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88 Book

A multisite, multigenerational, and origin-based study of 2,000 families

Authors Ayse Guveli, Niels Spierings, Sait Bayrakdar
Year 2014
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89 Policy Brief

Design und Umsetzung empirischer Forschung zu geflüchteten Kindern und Jugendlichen: Ein Literaturreview

Authors Débora Maehler, Steffen Pötzschke, Howard Ramos, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Zeitschrift für Flüchtlingsforschung
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90 Journal Article

Localizing masculinities in the global care chains: experiences of migrant men in Spain and Ecuador

Authors Cristen Davalos
Year 2020
Journal Name Gender, Place & Culture
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91 Journal Article

Prague Process Targeted Initiative

The Research Team is supporting the PPTI Team in implementing Specific Objective 2 of the Prague Process Targeted Initiative: Knowledge Base. This objective builds on the results of the “Building Migration Partnerships” (BMP) project implemented in 2009-2011. Objective: The aim of this component is to maintain, update and/or further improve the BMP knowledge base, through gathering information in the form of Migration Profiles for countries in Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus, Central Asia and Russia. Information and data gathering will be a continuous process throughout the whole implementation period with the purpose of collecting and analysing data, statistics and information on migration flows, trends and dynamics between the countries participating in the Prague Process. The information gathered will be presented in form of Migration Profiles and the i-Map. Activities: • Expert-level Workshop on data management/data and sources utilisation for the elaboration of Migration Profiles or other documents of similar nature • Expert Missions of a group of 3 EU experts nominated by the Project Steering Committee to the 11 participating beneficiary countries. The target of these missions: 1. To re-introduce the purpose of Migration Profiles, their history and format to the relevant state authorities both on policy and expert level; 2. To confirm existing or identify new responsible national bodies for development or update of the Migration Profiles and agree on the methodology and timeframe for development of the Migration Profiles; 3. To gather key information and data, identify existing gaps and propose solutions for how to address them on the national level; 4. To exchange information on selected thematic areas of the Action Plan of the Prague Process which are not covered by the 4 Pilot Projects of the Prague Process Targeted Initiative or to meet a request for information from Prague Process states which do not participate in the Specific Objective 2 Knowledge Base. • Elaboration of 4 and update of 7 existing migration profiles including additional research, expert input, data gathering and analysis. The Support team (ICMPD project team) will act as the help desk for the national authorities in charge of coordination of development of the Migration Profile and will ensure communication between the national authorities and experts from the leading states including ensuring translation of relevant documents in English and Russian language. The support team will collect and store all information and communication, translate relevant information into the PP Knowledge Base and the i-Map and will keep the Knowledge Base up-to-date. • 2 Study visits of 11 beneficiary states’ experts (1 expert on migration analysis and statistics for each state) to project partner states (Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden). The purpose of the study visits is to get acquainted with the work of analytical units of the partner states (e.g. the Analytical Centre for Border Protection and Migration within the Ministry of Interior in the Czech Republic) Outcomes: • Interactive online i-Map updated and improved. • 4 beneficiary states' Migration Profiles developed and used. • 7 existing beneficiary states' Migration Profiles updated and used. • Strengthening the capacity of the 11 beneficiary states to gather and process data on migration.
Year 2012
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93 Project

The Feeling of Migration: Narratives of Queer Intimacies and Partner Migration

Principal investigator Sara Ahlstedt (REMESO Project Leader), Peo Hansen (Scientifically Responsible)
This dissertation is an ethnographic interview study analyzing narratives of queer partner migration, i.e., a family-tie migration in which one partner of a relationship has migrated in order for the partners to be together, and where the partners queer the migration in the sense that they have a non-normative sexuality and/or gender identity. The purpose is to examine how queer partner migrants and their non-migrating Swedish partners experience the migration process by analyzing what emotions and feelings ‘do’ to the relationship and how emotions and feelings structure the migration process. The study analyzes the work three different emotions – love, loss, and belonging – carry out in these migration processes, and how this work is described in participant narratives. Migrant participants have migrated from different parts of the world (Africa, Europe, Latin America, and North America), making it possible to analyze what emotions and feelings do in this particular migration process from the point of view of nationality and, in particular, proximity to ‘Western-ness,’ race, and language as well as how privileges connected to these positions come to matter in the process.
Year 2010
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94 Project

Migration und Flucht als Forschungsthemen der Geographie

Authors Andreas Pott, Antonie Schmiz
Year 2018
Journal Name Standort
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95 Journal Article

Irregular workers or ethnic kin? Post-1990s labour migration from Bulgaria to Turkey

Authors Ayse Parla
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 20
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96 Journal Article

Centralizing diverse racial/ethnic voices scholarly research: the value of phenomenological inquiry

Authors MP Orbe
Year 2000
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 30
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97 Journal Article

Wealth, race, and inter-neighborhood migration

Authors Kyle Crowder, SJ South, E Chavez
Year 2006
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 65
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98 Journal Article

International migration and gender in Latin America: A comparative analysis

Authors DS Massey, MJ Fischer, C Capoferro
Year 2006
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 51
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99 Journal Article

Gendered Transnational Parenting

Authors Karlijn Haagsman, Valentina Mazzucato
Year 2021
Book Title The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Migration
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
100 Book Chapter
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