National governmental and state institutions

Governmental and state institutions refer to the apparatus of national governments, including ministries, governmental agencies or institutions, government representatives and civil servants. The results displayed under this category relate to all different state-actors and their role in migration issues.

Showing page of 2392 results, sorted by

The class route to nationhood: China, Vietnam, Norway, Cyprus - and France

Authors Stein Tonnesson
Year 2009
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
Citations (WoS) 4
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1 Journal Article

The radical right and the end of Swedish exceptionalism

Authors Jens Rydgren, Sara van der Meiden
Year 2019
Journal Name European Political Science
Citations (WoS) 2
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2 Journal Article

Local Politics, Populism and Pim Fortuyn in Rotterdam

Authors Julien van Ostaaijen
Book Title Coming to Terms with Superdiversity
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3 Book Chapter

Assessing the Quality of Democracy: The International IDEA Framework

Authors Todd Landman
Year 2012
Journal Name European Political Science
Citations (WoS) 2
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4 Journal Article

Political dejection in a divided society: a challenge for Latvia's democracy?

Year 2021
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5 Journal Article

Where’s populism? Online media and the diffusion of populist discourses and styles in Portugal

Authors Susana Salgado
Year 2019
Journal Name European Political Science
Citations (WoS) 7
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6 Journal Article

The Political Sociology of Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism

Principal investigator Ruud Koopmans (Principal Investigator), Wolfgang Merkel (Principal Investigator), Michael Zürn (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical background and objectives Across many advanced democracies – albeit to varying extents and in different forms – we observe a growing distance between the positions taken by political elites, and those of mass publics and electorates. This elite-mass divide has crystallised in a limited number of issue areas, which are often related to globalisation and denationalisation, in their political, socio-cultural, and economic forms. It shows that the denationalisation of markets, governance structures, and migration flows entails not only an aggregate growth in opportunities and wealth, but also a reconfiguration of power, wealth, and status between different classes of actors within national political systems as well as between supranational and national institutions. In the national political arena, various globalisation processes led to tensions in many countries reflected in the rise of populist movements and parties on the left and right. On the international level, inter­national institutions are not any more seen as just functional agencies to foster coordination between governments, but increasingly as sites of political authority and arenas of political contestation. Against this background, we ask: (1) To which extent do these different conflicts follow a similar logic and can be described as a ""new political cleavage""? (2) Whether the positions of the two sides of such a cleavage are already embedded in encompassing normative foundations which we may label as cosmopolitanism and communitarianism? (3) To what extent does the appropriate handling of such a conflict require a significant change in the landscape of political institutions? This research project feeds into three themes with far-reaching implications for understanding new social conflicts in globalising societies: (1) Part of the success of the modern nation-state was its ability to successfully institutionalise social and political cleavages. To the extent that new political cleavages challenge the role of political institutions of the nation-state as such and that some players use political arenas outside of the traditional nation-state realm for their purposes, the classical patterns of legitimacy and decision-making in national democracies get undermined. (2) International institutions, such as the WTO or environmental regimes, were successful in acting as, more or less, technical agencies under firm control of the executives of the member states. To the extent that these international institutions exercise authority and thus become an arena of political contestation, their ""technical"" foundation of success gets challenged as well. This mechanism applies in general, albeit in different forms, to the EU as well. (3) Migration and integration have been seen for a long time as issues of social relevance, but only with limited impact on the core of national political institutions. To the extent that this cultural component of the new cleavage becomes dominant, migration and integration will move closer to the centre of political competition and will eventually change norms, rules, and procedures within the national political systems. Research design, data and methodology There are three empirical modules in this project: In Module 1 we will investigate the following aspects: ""objective"" representation deficits, the subjective perception of them, the emergence of populist parties and the consequences for political conflict as well as democracy's capacity to reproduce their legitimacy. Moreover, it will extend the cross-country comparison from Europe to Latin America, where a major reaction to globalisation and its socio-economic consequences is not exclusive against immigration, but rather inclusive towards the marginalised underclass of their countries. In Module 2 we address the question why elites tend to have and act according to a more cosmopolitan world view than their citizens/electorates. While it seems plausible to assume that modest cosmopolitan positions are more widespread among political elites than among citizens, it is less obvious that especially economic elites are also widely committed to more ambitious cosmopolitan positions such as the constitutionalisation of global governance. On the one hand, the project seeks to explain why political elites are more cosmopolitan than citizens/electorates but also what the determinants of the emergence of different forms of cosmopolitanism among different elites are and how it clashes with different variants of communitarian inclinations of many ""normal"" citizens. In Module 3 we undertake an inquiry into the question about the relative distribution of (different types of) cosmopolitanism and communitarianism across different political arenas (supranational, international, transnational, national and regional). We assume that cosmopo­litan positions dominate the political arenas beyond the nation-state and use them mainly for purposes of agenda-setting and compliance with international norms within nation-states. In this way, they can strengthen their position in national political arenas without being necessarily in the majority position. At the same time, communitarian political forces are put into the defence and appear parochial. We will develop a distinct type of political sociology covering cosmopolitanism and communi­tarianism along the three mentioned paths of enquiry. The first project component focuses mainly, but not exclusively, on the first research module and will rely primarily on secondary analysis of population surveys and party programme data. We can therefore take a large-N approach and investigate a wide range of countries. Components two and three of the research project require the creation of primary data. We plan to apply three types of analysis in order to investigate the issues mentioned in research modules two and three: (1) A content and frame analysis of pro-cosmopolitan and pro-communitarian opinion articles in elite newspapers and weeklies as well as in opinion articles in tabloid newspapers. (2) An online questionnaire among members of the political elite (local, regional, national politicians/party functionaries and European/international functionaries as well as NGO representatives) measuring cosmopolita­nism and communitarianism items that are also available in existing representative population surveys, allowing a comparison between elite and mass opinions. (3) An analysis of the major focus of political activity when pursuing the cosmopolitan agenda. The hypothesis to be tested here is that cosmopolitans and communitarians act on different playing fields thus making the direct political confrontation impossible."
Year 2011
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7 Project

Political Protest in Asylum and Deportation. An Introduction

Authors Sieglinde Rosenberger
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
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8 Book Chapter

EU Citizenship, Free Movement and Emancipation: A Rejoinder

Authors Floris De Witte
Book Title Debating European citizenship
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9 Book Chapter

Research-Policy Dialogues in Austria

Authors Maren Borkert
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
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10 Book Chapter

Unpacking cosmopolitanism for the social sciences: a research agenda

Authors Ulrich Beck, Natan Sznaider
Year 2010
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 40
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12 Journal Article

Protests Revisited: Political Configurations, Political Culture and Protest Impact

Authors Helen Schwenken, Gianni D’Amato
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
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13 Book Chapter


Authors Yanna Krupnikov, Spencer Piston
Year 2016
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
14 Journal Article

The Democracy Barometer: A New Instrument to Measure the Quality of Democracy and its Potential for Comparative Research

Authors Marc Bühlmann, Wolfgang Merkel, Lisa Müller, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name European Political Science
Citations (WoS) 46
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15 Journal Article

Beyond the Dutch “Multicultural Model”

Authors J. W. Duyvendak, P. W. A. Scholten
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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16 Journal Article

Potentially Voting across the Divide in Deeply Divided Places: Ethnic Catch-All Voting in Consociational Northern Ireland

Authors John Garry
Year 2014
Journal Name Political Studies
Citations (WoS) 9
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17 Journal Article

Local Voting Rights for Non-Nationals: Experience in Sweden, the Netherlands and Belgium

Authors F. Leslie Seidle
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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18 Journal Article

Ways of Belonging: A special Issue on Undocumented Immigrants

Authors Suzanne Oboler
Year 2009
Journal Name Latino Studies
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19 Journal Article

Institutional Design and Political Representation: the Council of Immigrant Organisations in Oslo

Authors Marianne Takle
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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20 Journal Article

Is Spain Becoming a Country of Emigration Again? Data Evidence and Public Responses

Authors Elisa Brey, Anastasia Bermudez
Book Title South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis
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21 Book Chapter

Political Investment: Remittances and Elections

Authors Angela O'Mahony
Year 2013
Journal Name British Journal of Political Science
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22 Journal Article

A step closer to a transnational party system? : competition and coherence in the 2009 and 2014 European parliament

Year 2018
Journal Name JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies
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23 Journal Article

A ‘System of Self-Appointed Leaders'? Examining Modes of Muslim Representation in Governance in Britain

Authors Stephen H. Jones, Therese O'Toole, Daniel Nilsson DeHanas, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name The British Journal of Politics and International Relations
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24 Journal Article

The Concept of Integration as an Analytical Tool and as a Policy Concept

Authors Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas, Rinus Penninx
Book Title Integration Processes and Policies in Europe
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
25 Book Chapter

Voting across ethnic lines in late Imperial Austria1

Year 2010
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
Citations (WoS) 2
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27 Journal Article

Why Women Avoid the Radical Right: Internalized Norms and Party Reputations

Authors Eelco Harteveld, Elisabeth Ivarsflaten
Year 2018
Journal Name British Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 4
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28 Journal Article

Explaining the emergence of the radical right in Spain and Portugal: salience, stigma and supply

Authors Mariana S. Mendes, James Dennison
Year 2021
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29 Journal Article

Introduction: The 2016 Brexit referendum and Trump election

Year 2017
Journal Name American Ethnologist
Citations (WoS) 8
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30 Journal Article

Conclusions: Coming to Terms with Superdiversity?

Authors Peter Scholten, Maurice Crul, Paul van de Laar
Book Title Coming to Terms with Superdiversity
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31 Book Chapter

Ethnography of a political ritual: speeches given to new Swiss citizens by representatives of the state

Authors Laurence Ossipow, Maxime Felder
Year 2015
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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32 Journal Article

Political parties abroad as actors of transnational politics

Authors Emilie van Haute, Tudi Kernalegenn
Year 2021
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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33 Journal Article

Just over the horizon — the surveillance society and the state in the EU

Authors Tony Bunyan
Year 2010
Journal Name Race & Class
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35 Journal Article

Stuck Between Mainstreaming and Localism: Views on the Practice of Migrant Integration in a Devolved Policy Framework

Authors Silvia Galandini, Silvia Galandini, Gareth Mulvey, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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36 Journal Article

Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions

Authors Kerry O'Brien, Michael J. Daly, Walter Forrest, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 12
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37 Journal Article

‘He's snooty ‘im’: exploring ‘white working class’ political disengagement

Authors Nathan Manning, Mary Holmes
Year 2013
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 13
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38 Journal Article

Ethnic minority participation in British and French cities: a historical–institutionalist perspective

Authors Romain Garbaye
Year 2002
Journal Name International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Citations (WoS) 19
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39 Journal Article

Interrogating Naturalness of National Identity

Authors Manoj Kumar Mishra
Year 2020
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40 Journal Article

Stanislaw Bulak-Balachowicz. He who could have united the nations of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania, yet did not

Authors Joanna Gierowska-Kallaur
Year 2017
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41 Journal Article

Campaign Communications in US Congressional Elections

Authors James N. Druckman, Martin J. Kifer, Michael Parkin
Year 2009
Journal Name American Political Science Review
Citations (WoS) 96
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42 Journal Article

Political and Cultural Representation in Malaysian Websites

Authors Min Choy (Adrian) Tong, Keith Robertson
Year 2008
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43 Journal Article

Examining the Impact of Black Political Representation on White Racial Attitudes in Majority Black Congressional Districts

Authors Emmitt Y. Riley, Clarissa Peterson
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
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44 Journal Article

Public secrets in public health: Knowing not to know while making scientific knowledge

Authors P. W. GEISSLER
Year 2013
Journal Name American Ethnologist
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45 Journal Article

Research-Policy Dialogues in the European Union

Authors Marthe Achtnich, Andrew Geddes
Year 2015
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
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46 Book Chapter


Authors Nathan P. Kalmoe, Spencer Piston
Year 2013
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
47 Journal Article


Authors Nicholas A. Valentino, Ted Brader
Year 2011
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48 Journal Article


Authors Jeremy N. Bailenson, Shanto Iyengar, Nick Yee, ...
Year 2008
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49 Journal Article

EU Member States’ Consultation with Civil Society on European Policy Matters

Authors Didier CHABANET, Alexander H. TRECHSEL
The objective of this study is to describe the EU national governments’ consultation with civil society at national level, Member State by Member State. To achieve objective 1, each country expert has carried out internet investigations. Additional research has been realized (such as analysis of policy-making documents, legal texts, etc.), as well as phone inquiries with governments and CSOs in order to better understand their system of consultation with civil society. As a general rule, the country experts have interviewed two members (or representatives) of two different CSOs operating in two different sectors. These interviews do not constitute a representative sample but have nonetheless enabled us to add more information to that already available through official documents, and to read it from a different, often relatively critical, angle. On the basis of the information gathered by the country experts, the two project coordinators - Didier Chabanet and Alexander H. Trechsel - have carried out the most accurate possible synthesis. The description of each national government consultation with civil society is provided in four different sections, following the same pattern for each case examined. 1. Introduction 2. Formal Framework for Civil Society Consultation 3. European Issues Consultation 4. Conclusion
Year 2011
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50 Report

Dual Citizenship and Political Integration

Authors Tomas Hammar
Year 1985
Journal Name International Migration Review
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51 Journal Article

The new legitimation crises of Arab states and Turkey

Authors Seyla Benhabib
Year 2014
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52 Journal Article

Beyond Welfare: Framing and the Racialization of White Opinion on Social Security

Authors Nicholas J. G. Winter, NJG Winter
Year 2006
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 48
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53 Journal Article

The Europeanisation of Integration Policies

Authors Kerstin Rosenow
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
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54 Journal Article

The British Journal of Sociology in the 1990s: disintegration and disarray?1

Authors Claire Moon
Year 2010
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 1
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55 Journal Article

Terrorists Repudiate Their Own Citizenship

Authors Christian Joppke
Book Title Debating transformations of national citizenship
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56 Book Chapter

South African Hopes and Fears Twenty Years into Democracy: A Replication of Hadley Cantril's Pattern of Human Concerns

Authors Valerie Moller, Benjamin Roberts
Year 2017
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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57 Journal Article

"Mostly Rich White Men, Nothing in Common": Latino Views on Political (Under) Representation in the Trump Era

Authors Cristina Mora, Michael Rodriguez-Muniz, Julie A. Dowling
Year 2021
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58 Journal Article

Who Votes: City Election Timing and Voter Composition

Year 2021
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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59 Journal Article

The Super-Predator Effect: How Negative Targeted Messages Demobilize Black Voters

Authors Christopher Stout, Keith Baker
Year 2021
Journal Name British Journal of Political Science
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60 Journal Article

'Reflecting the diversity of the French population': birth and development of a fuzzy concept

Authors G Calves
Year 2005
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62 Journal Article

Ethnic Politics, Representative Bureaucracy and Development Administration: The Zambian Case

Authors Dennis L. Dresang
Year 1974
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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63 Journal Article

Sexual orientation differences in attitudes about sexuality, race, and gender

Authors Eric Anthony Grollman
Year 2017
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 8
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64 Journal Article

The globalization of football: a study in the glocalization of the 'serious life'

Authors Richard Giulianotti, Roland Robertson
Year 2004
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 136
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65 Journal Article

The context of antisemitism and Islamophobia in France

Authors Paul A. Silverstein
Year 2008
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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67 Journal Article

Diasporas and Contested Sovereignty: Transnational Diaspora Mobilization in Europe and Its Impact on Political Proceses in the Balkans, the Caucasus, and the Middle East

This groundbreaking multi-methods political science study investigates the transnational mobilization of conflict-generated diasporas in Europe and its impact on polities experiencing contested sovereignty in the Balkans, the Caucasus, and the Middle East. Four researchers study how diasporas mobilize when a specific aspect of sovereignty is contested in the original homeland: The PI focuses on the emergence of new states (Kosovo, Nagorno-Karabakh, Palestine). The Post-doc focuses on a secessionist movement (Kurdish separatism in Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan). The two Ph.D. students focus on challenges to sovereignty stemming from international military intervention (Iraq) and long-term international governance of a weak state (Bosnia-Herzegovina). Since the scholarly field of diasporas and conflicts still lacks theoretical rigor, this study brings a much needed systematization and innovates in several ways. First, it uses a sequential qualitative and quantitative analysis and multi-sited research techniques that have not been utilized so far. Second, the team seeks to develop a typological theory to incorporate in a single framework: 1) diasporic identities, 2) conditions providing political opportunity structures for transnational mobilization, 3) causal mechanisms concatenating in mobilization processes, and 4) transnational diaspora networks, penetrating various local and global institutions. The study further focuses on five levels of analysis: 1) the attitudes of individuals, 2) characteristics of specific groups, 3) five nation-states with different migrant incorporation regimes (France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the UK), 4) supranational EU and global institutions penetrated by diaspora networks, 5) and patterns of mobilization specific to a certain region. The project also conducts a cross-country representative survey across 25 country-groups, creating a much needed quantitative dataset, sensitive both to transnationalism and specific context.
Year 2012
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68 Project

Are Survey Experiments Externally Valid?

Year 2010
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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69 Journal Article

Exploring the reasons for migrant under-representation in Irish electoral politics: the role of Irish political parties

Authors Peter Szlovak
Year 2017
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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70 Journal Article

Background, framework and focus of the special issue

Authors Ricard Zapata-Barrero, Iris Daehnke, Lea Markard, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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71 Journal Article

The Diversification of Intra-European Movement

Authors Deniz Sert
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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72 Book Chapter


Authors Rachel Allison, Chris Knoester, B. David Ridpath
Year 2021
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
73 Journal Article

The Objective Approaches of Ethnic Origins in Belgium: Methodological Alternatives and Statistical Implications

Authors Luc Dal, Nicolas Perrin, Michel Poulain
Book Title Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity
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74 Book Chapter

Changes in the quality of life of Durban's people

Authors Brian O'Leary
Year 2007
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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75 Journal Article

the electoral payoff of immigration flows for anti-immigration parties: the case of Italy’s Lega Nord

Authors gabriele abbondanza, francesco bailo
Year 2018
Journal Name European Political Science
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76 Journal Article

German Public Opinion and the Refugee Crisis: Mechanisms of Support and Opposition

Principal investigator Ruud Koopmans (Principal Investigator), Jutta Allmendinger (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical background and objectives Since the late Summer of 2015 Germany has experienced what is now already one of the largest immigration waves in its history, which moreover is occurring suddenly and within an unprecedentedly short span of time. Dynamics of public opinion on the topic have likewise been volatile, from initial hostile outbursts of anti-refugee collective action, to a massive wave of solidarity and support for refugees, and what seems to be a strong bifurcation of opinions later on. This project aims to investigate these dynamics while they are happening by fielding a survey on attitudes towards and social contacts with refugees, as well as on participation in pro-refugee or anti-refugee collective action. To get a handle on the mechanisms that drive opinions towards refugees, the survey includes several experiments. In a vignette experiment we measure how support for the granting of refugee status to an applicant depends on his or her profile, randomly varying reasons for seeking refuge in Germany (political persecution or economic hardship), religion (Muslim or Christian), level of education, and gender. By way of an authority support experiment we will be able to investigate to what extent support for pro- and anti-refugee statements depends on their endorsement by politicians of different political affiliations. The data allow to link respondents' attitudes to context variables, e.g. the ethnic composition of their community. The survey went into field in early November 2015. A second wave was done in summer 2016. Findings Results of the first wave showed an overall positive attitude towards granting asylum to refugees. With respect to the refugee profiles that were tested in the vignette experiment, the reason for seeking refuge (political persecution vs. economic hardship) was most decisive. The results are summarized in the WZB Mitteilungen No. 151, pp. 24-27. Furthermore, the current research tests how people's political attitudes are influenced by political elites when traditional party lines are blurred. In a representative sample of Germans, we assessed support for restrictive and lenient proposals regarding refugee admission in two experiments. For both statements, we find that citizens decrease their support when it is endorsed by political parties in a stereotypical fashion: conservative endorsement of a restrictive statement in Experiment 1 (marginally significant) and liberal endorsement of a lenient statement in Experiment 2 (significant). This suggests backlash to political elites who attempt to polarize. "
Year 2015
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77 Project

The Human Individual vs. the Faceless Case

Authors Julia Dahlvik
Book Title Inside Asylum Bureaucracy: Organizing Refugee Status Determination in Austria
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
78 Book Chapter

Black Voter Dilution, American Exceptionalism, and Racial Gerrymandering

Authors Damion Waymer, Robert L. Heath, Robert L. Heath
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
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80 Journal Article

Moving Across Boundaries: Migration in South Africa, 1950–2000

Authors Holly E. Reed, Holly E. Reed
Year 2013
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 16
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81 Journal Article

Two deaths and a funeral: Ritual inscriptions’ affordances for mourning and moral personhood in Vietnam

Year 2018
Journal Name American Ethnologist
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82 Journal Article

Religion, customs and local identity: bi-spirituality in rural Ukraine

Authors Deema Kaneff
Year 2018
Journal Name Religion, State and Society
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83 Journal Article

Making a presence: Images of polity and constituency in British Muslim representative politics

Authors Jan Dobbernack
Year 2019
Journal Name Ethnicities
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84 Journal Article

“To judge is an exercise of power”

Authors Suzanne Oboler
Year 2009
Journal Name Latino Studies
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85 Journal Article


Authors Joëlle Moret
Book Title European Somalis' Post-Migration Movements
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
86 Book Chapter


Authors Peter Kennealy
Year 2007
Journal Name European Political Science
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87 Journal Article

Community sector dynamics and the Lebanese diaspora: Internal fragmentation and transnationalism on the Web

Authors Houda Asal
Year 2012
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88 Journal Article

Crime, policing and social order: on the expressive nature of public confidence in policing

Authors Jonathan Jackson, Ben Bradford
Year 2009
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
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89 Journal Article

'Daddy' and His Discussion of Authority

Authors O. Etemadi, E. Tabasi
Year 2017
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91 Journal Article

Charismatic female leadership and gender: Pia Kjærsgaard and the Danish People's Party

Authors Susi Meret
Year 2015
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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92 Journal Article

Effects of the 2008 Obama Presidential Campaign on White Racial Prejudice

Authors Seth R. Goldman
Year 2012
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94 Journal Article


Authors Taeku Lee, Sunmin Kim
Year 2018
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96 Journal Article

Coethnicity Beyond Clientelism: Insights from an Experimental Study of Political Behavior in Lebanon

Authors Melani Cammett, Dominika Kruszewska-Eduardo, Christiana Parreira, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Politics and Religion
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97 Journal Article

The Integration of Immigrants in Northern Sweden: A Case Study of the Municipality of Strömsund

Authors Anita Cvetkovic
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
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98 Journal Article

Bending without breaking the mould: race and political representation in the United Kingdom

Authors Shamit Saggar
Year 2013
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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99 Journal Article

Testing the stability of an acquiescence style factor behind two interrelated substantive variables in a panel design

Authors Jaak Billiet, Eldad Davidov
Year 2008
Journal Name Sociological Methods & Research
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100 Journal Article
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