
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Social Networks and the Asylum Cycle: The Case of Iranians in the Netherlands

Authors Khalid Koser
Year 1997
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 65
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2002 Journal Article


Authors SE KEEFE
Year 1982
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
2003 Journal Article

Earning Differentials among Native Born and Foreign Born Residents of Toronto

Authors B.B. Tandon
Year 1978
Journal Name International Migration Review
2004 Journal Article

Conclusion No 114 (LXVIII) 2017 on Machine-Readable Travel Documents for Refugees and Stateless Persons

Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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2005 Journal Article

Child organ trafficking: global reality and inadequate international response

Authors Alireza Bagheri
Year 2016
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2007 Journal Article

Against All Odds: Turkey’s Response to “Undesirable but Unreturnable” Asylum-Seekers

Authors Didem Doğar, Didem Dogur
Year 2017
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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2008 Journal Article

Border closures and the externalization of immigration controls in the Mediterranean: A comparative analysis of Morocco and Turkey

Authors Aysen Ustubici, Ahmet Icduygu
Year 2018
Journal Name New Perspectives on Turkey
2009 Journal Article

The commodification of mobile workers in Europe - A comparative perspective on capital and labour in Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden

Authors Mark van Ostaijen, Ursula Reeger, Karin Zelano
Year 2017
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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2010 Journal Article

The Eligibility Guidelines Examined: The Use of Country of Origin Information by UNHCR

Authors Femke Vogelaar
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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2011 Journal Article

Living Liminality. Ethnological insights into the life situation of non-deportable refugees in Malta

Authors Sarah Nimfuehr
Year 2016
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2012 Journal Article

Ensuring Precariousness: The Status of Designated Foreign National under the Protecting Canada's Immigration System Act 2012

Authors A. Neylon, Anne Neylon
Year 2015
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
Citations (WoS) 2
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2013 Journal Article

Colonial Lives of the Carceral Archipelago: Rethinking the Neoliberal Security State

Authors Sabrina Axster, Ida Danewid, Asher Goldstein, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name International Political Sociology
2014 Journal Article

Social boundaries and marital assimilation: Interpreting trends in racial and ethnic intermarriage

Authors Zhenchao Qian, DT Lichter
Year 2007
Journal Name American Sociological Review
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2015 Journal Article

Teaching Bioethics at the Secondary School Level

Authors Laura J. Bishop, Lola Szobota
Year 2015
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2016 Journal Article

Learning by sharing and integration of second-generation: the Italian case

Authors Roberta Ricucci
Year 2016
Journal Name Migration Letters
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2017 Journal Article

The Human Rights of Stateless Persons in Europe – Interview with Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg

Authors Amal de Chickera
Year 2012
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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2018 Journal Article

States Parties to the 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons

Year 2004
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
2019 Journal Article

States Parties to the 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons

Year 2001
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
2020 Journal Article


Year 1997
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
2021 Journal Article


Year 1996
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
2022 Journal Article

Generational patterns in academic performance: The variable effects of attitudes and social capital

Authors Emily Rosenbaum, Jessie Anne Rochford
Year 2008
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 27
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2023 Journal Article

Just Like in Their Home Country? A Multinational Perspective on Living Arrangements of Older Immigrants in the United States

Authors Zoya Gubernskaya, Zequn Tang
Year 2017
Journal Name Demography
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2024 Journal Article

Socio-demographic aspects of globalization: Canadian perspectives on migration

Authors Anthony H. Richmond
Year 2002
Journal Name Canadian Studies in Population
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2025 Journal Article

The Property Rights of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons: Beyond Restitution. By Anneke Smit.

Authors Sandra Joireman, S. Joireman
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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2026 Journal Article

Still Large, but Narrowing: The Sizable Decline in Racial Neighborhood Inequality in Metropolitan America, 1980–2010

Authors Glenn Firebaugh, G Firebaugh, CR Farrell, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Demography
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2027 Journal Article

Een kwestie van tijd? De integratie van asielmigranten: een cohortonderzoek

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Mieke Maliepaard, Bertine Witkamp, ...
Hoe staat het met de structurele en sociaal-culturele integratie van asielmigranten die zich eind jaren ’90 in Nederland gevestigd hebben? Deze vraag lag ten grondslag aan voorliggend cohortonderzoek. Integratie is op een viertal terreinen onderzocht, te weten: onderwijs, arbeidsmarktparticipatie, sociale contacten en geregistreerde criminaliteit. De onderzoekspopulatie bestaat uit alle asielmigranten die tussen 1995 en 1999 zijn ingeschreven in het bevolkingsregister en hun familieleden die zich uiterlijk een jaar na de initiële asielmigratie bij deze migrant hebben gevoegd. We richten ons enkel op asielmigranten die in 2012, dus zo’n 15 jaar na de initiële migratie, nog in Nederland wonen. In het onderwijshoofdstuk worden ook de kinde_ren van asielmigranten meegenomen. Per deelterrein wordt (voor zover mogelijk) bekeken hoe het staat met de integratie van deze groep asielmigranten, hoe hun integratie verlopen is vanaf het moment van vestiging, en welke belemmerende dan wel bevorderende factoren daarbij zijn aan te wijzen. Waar mogelijk wordt de groep asielmigranten vergeleken met andere groepen migranten en de autochtone bevol_king. Zie ook: infographic 'integratie asielmigranten' en de WRR-policy brief Geen tijd te verliezen (2015)
Year 2017
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2028 Report

Captive labour: asylum seekers, migrants and employment in UK immigration removal centres

Authors Jon Burnett, J Burnett, Fidelis Chebe
Year 2010
Journal Name Race & Class
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2029 Journal Article

The Effect of Immigrant Communities on Foreign-Born Student Achievement

Authors Dylan Conger, L Stiefel, Amy Ellen Schwartz, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 7
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2030 Journal Article

Party System Polarization, Citizenship, and Immigrant Party Allegiances in Western Europe

Authors Aida Just
Year 2020
Journal Name International Migration Review
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2032 Journal Article

Tuberculosis Among Africans Living in the United States, 2000–2009

Authors Bisrat K. Abraham, Carla A. Winston, Elvin Magee, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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2033 Journal Article

Asylum at Sea: The Legality of Shipboard Refugee Status Determination Procedures

Authors Daniel Ghezelbash, Azadeh Dastyari
Year 2020
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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2034 Journal Article

Not Born a Refugee Woman

Authors Nazilla Khanlou, Maroussia Hajdukowski-Ahmed, Helene Moussa
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2035 Book

Foreign-Born Student Affairs Professionals’ Impacts and Experiences: The Missing Piece of Internationalization

Authors Sanfeng Miao, Haishan (Sam) Yang
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Studies in International Education
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2036 Journal Article

OECD International Migration Statistics

The database contains data on foreign and foreign-born population, migration flows, naturalisations and labour market outcomes.
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2037 Data Set

Bilingual Learning for Second and Third Generation Children

Authors Charmian Kenner, Eve Gregory, Mahera Ruby, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name Language, Culture and Curriculum
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2038 Journal Article

Foreign-Born Latinos Living in Rural Areas are more likely to Experience Health Care Discrimination: Results from Proyecto de Salud para Latinos

Authors Daniel F. López-Cevallos, Daniel F. Lopez-Cevallos, S. Marie Harvey
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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2039 Journal Article

Comparisons of the success of racial minority immigrant offspring in the United States, Canada and Australia

Authors Jeffrey G. Reitz, JG Reitz, Heather Zhang, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 24
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2040 Journal Article

Medical Encounters in Finnish Reception Centres: Asylum-Seeker and Clinician Perspectives

Authors P. H. Koehn
Year 2005
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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2041 Journal Article

AgJOBS: New Solution or New Problem?

Authors Philip Martin, P Martin
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 2
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2043 Journal Article


Authors John Bongaarts, John B. Casterline, Geoffrey McNicoll
Year 2003
Journal Name Population and Development Review
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2044 Journal Article

Beschäftigungsfähigkeit und -hindernisse von Asylsuchenden

Principal investigator Manuela Westphal (Principal Investigator ), Birgit Behrensen (Principal Investigator )
"Teilprojekt: Analyse der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit und -hindernisse von Asylsuchenden (ABA) im Rahmen der EQUAL - Entwicklungspartnerschaft „Selbsthilfe, Arbeitsmarktzugang und Gesundheit von Asylsuchenden“ (SAGA) (Beginn: 1.7.2005). Das SAGA Projekt ist ein Folgeprojekt der EQUAL Entwicklungspartnerschaft Sprache und Kultur: Grundlagen für eine effektive Gesundheitsversorgung (SpuK). Kernbestandteil von Spuk ist es, durch das Angebot von Sprach- und Kulturmittlung und weitere flankierende Maßnahmen Defizite in der Gesundheitsversorgung abzubauen und die Zielgruppe selbst – als Sprach- und Kulturvermittelnde – zu Akteuren dieser Strukturverbesserung zu machen. Gleichzeitig sollte die Maßnahmen zu einer erhöhten Beschäftigungsfähigkeit führen. Um diesen Schwerpunkt wird es im Folgeprojekt „Selbsthilfe, Arbeitsmarktzugang und Gesundheit von Asylsuchenden“ (SAGA) gehen. Praxisprojekte werden sich gezielt mit der Behebung individueller und struktureller Defizite im Zugang zu Arbeit und Beschäftigung auseinandersetzen, z.B. durch Orientierungs- und Integrationskurse. Das Teilprojekt ABA übernimmt die wissenschaftliche Analyse der Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten im Sinne einer angewandten Forschung. Ziel wird es dabei sein, Faktoren herauszuarbeiten, die Erhalt und Erweiterung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit unterstützen und die zu einem Abbau der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit beitragen. Die Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Analyse werden den operativen und strategischen Partnern zur Verfügung gestellt, so dass diese von den Praxisprojekten verwertet werden können. "
Year 2005
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2045 Project

Sending Asylum Seekers to Safe Third Countries

Year 1995
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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2047 Journal Article

Medical Screening of Asylum Seekers in Switzerland

Authors L. Loutan
Year 1992
Journal Name International Migration
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2048 Journal Article

The association of perceived discrimination and depressive symptoms among Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese Americans.

Authors Victoria Chau, Hee-Soon Juon, Janice Bowie, ...
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
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2049 Journal Article

Is the melting pot still hot? Explaining the resurgence of immigrant segregation

Authors D Cutler, EL Glaeser, JL Vigdor
Year 2008
Journal Name Review of Economics and Statistics
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2050 Journal Article

Working with "The Others": Immigrant academics' acculturation strategies as determinants of perceptions of conflict at work

Authors Elena Gheorghiu, Cristina S. Stephens
Year 2016
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2051 Journal Article

Ethnic inequalities in education: second-generation Russians in Estonia

Authors Kristina Lindemann, E Saar, Ellu Saar
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 16
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2052 Journal Article

A Qualitative Exploration of Post-Migration Family Dynamics and Intergenerational Relationships

Authors David Ayika, Tinashe Dune, Rubab Firdaus, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name SAGE OPEN
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2054 Journal Article

No Asylum for the Innocent: Gendered Representations of Salvadoran Refugees in the 1980s

Authors Rachael De La Cruz
Year 2017
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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2055 Journal Article

The Gay Second Generation: Sexual Identity and Family Relations of Filipino and Latino Gay Men

Authors Anthony C. Ocampo
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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2056 Journal Article

The Management of Time and Waiting by Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Girls in Finland

Authors Ravi K S Kohli, Ravi K. S. Kohli, Mervi Kaukko
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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2057 Journal Article

Tuberculosis Among Incarcerated Hispanic Persons in the United States, 1993–2014

Authors Godwin Mindra, Krista Powell, Jorge L. Salinas, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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2058 Journal Article

The Fight against Trafficking in Selected SEM and EU States

Authors Kristina TOUZENIS
This report tries to give an insight into what case law on trafficking and exploitation has told us about implementation of trafficking legislation, focusing especially on the Mediterranean Region. Five countries from the South and five from the North have been taken to give as examples. The countries from the North have been chosen partly to give an overview from different parts of the EU partly because they each present interesting and rather developed case law which helps understand what the contents of the crime and crimes related to trafficking actually consist of. As a background for the analysis of what trafficking/exploitation means in these countries is a brief overview of relevant international and regional legislation. The interpretation given by the courts to human trafficking indirectly affects the way in which the pre-trial investigation authorities and other parties working with trafficking in human beings define human trafficking and whom they identify as a victim of trafficking. Court decisions affect the way in which the authorities identify victims of human trafficking and under what offence categories the cases are investigated and prosecuted. By their decisions, the courts also have an influence on who is entitled to the services of the system for victim assistance intended for victims of human trafficking, reflection periods, and residence permits. The implementation of the rights of human trafficking victims has strong links to how the courts apply and interpret the penal provisions on human trafficking and their relation to offences related to human trafficking. Résumé This report tries to give an insight into what case law on trafficking and exploitation has told us about implementation of trafficking legislation, focusing especially on the Mediterranean Region. Five countries from the South and five from the North have been taken to give as examples. The countries from the North have been chosen partly to give an overview from different parts of the EU partly because they each present interesting and rather developed case law which helps understand what the contents of the crime and crimes related to trafficking actually consist of. As a background for the analysis of what trafficking/exploitation means in these countries is a brief overview of relevant international and regional legislation. The interpretation given by the courts to human trafficking indirectly affects the way in which the pre-trial investigation authorities and other parties working with trafficking in human beings define human trafficking and whom they identify as a victim of trafficking. Court decisions affect the way in which the authorities identify victims of human trafficking and under what offence categories the cases are investigated and prosecuted. By their decisions, the courts also have an influence on who is entitled to the services of the system for victim assistance intended for victims of human trafficking, reflection periods, and residence permits. The implementation of the rights of human trafficking victims has strong links to how the courts apply and interpret the penal provisions on human trafficking and their relation to offences related to human trafficking.
Year 2011
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2059 Report

Migration Statistics in Europe: A Core Component of Governance and Population Research

Authors David Reichel, Albert Kraler, Han Entzinger
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
2060 Book Chapter

Distinguishing the Geographic Levels and Social Dimensions of U.S. Metropolitan Segregation, 1960-2000

Authors Claude S. Fischer, Gretchen Stockmayer, Jon Stiles, ...
Year 2004
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 153
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2061 Journal Article

The Right of Internally Displaced Persons to Local Government: Ukraine's Experience and International Practice

Authors Tetiana Bilous-Osin, Andriy Strelnykov, Liudmila Kornuta, ...
Year 2020
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2062 Journal Article

A second generation of immigrant illegality studies

Authors Stephen P. Ruszczyk, Stephen Ruszczyk, Guillermo Yrizar Barbosa, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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2064 Journal Article

Polityka Australii wobec uchodźców

Authors Jan Lencznarowicz
Year 2018
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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2065 Journal Article

Migrant deportability: Israel and Ireland as case studies

Authors Ronit Lentin, Elena Moreo
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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2066 Journal Article

Second-Generation Outcomes of the Great Migration

Authors J. Trent Alexander, SE Tolnay, Christine Leibbrand, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Demography
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2068 Journal Article

Conducive Characteristics or Anti-Racist Context? Decomposing the Reasons for Veterans’ High Likelihood of Interracial Marriage

Authors Rachel M. Shattuck, Meredith Kleykamp, Meredith A. Kleykamp
Year 2018
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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2069 Journal Article


Year 2006
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
Citations (WoS) 8
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2070 Journal Article

Procesevaluatie pilot Tynaarlo

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Sanne Berends, Laura Buimer, ...
Per 1 augustus 2018 is een pilot gestart voor statushouders en kansrijke asielzoekers in de gemeente Tynaarlo, getiteld TuVo 2.0. De TuVo 2.0 pilot betreft kleinschalige opvang in de buurt van gemeenten die deze statushouders zullen gaan huisvesten en is een aangepaste voortzetting van de eerder gestarte tussenvoorziening in Tynaarlo (TuVo 1.0). Deze eerdere TuVo 1.0 is in juli 2016 als proef opgezet om een einde te maken aan de noodopvang van vluchtelingen en om de integratie te bevorderen. De pilot TuVo 2.0 wordt uitgevoerd door stichting INLIA.Het doel van het onderzoek is om in kaart te brengen of het plaatsen van statushouders en kansrijke asielzoekers in kleinere opvangcentra, dicht bij de gemeente waar ze definitief gehuisvest zullen worden, hen helpt bij (in eerste instantie) participatie en (op termijn) integratie. Daartoe worden een plan- en procesevaluatie van de pilot uitgevoerd.
Year 2020
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2071 Report

Borders within. An Ethnographic Take on the Reception Policies of Asylum Seekers in Alto Adige/South Tyrol

Authors National Research Council - Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (CNR-Irpps), Stefano degli Uberti
Year 2019
Journal Name Archivio antropologico mediterraneo
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2072 Journal Article

Weathering the Storm? The Great Recession and the Employment Status Transitions of Low-Skill Male Immigrant Workers in the United States1

Authors Blake Sisk, Katharine M. Donato
Year 2018
Journal Name International Migration Review
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2073 Journal Article

Weathering the Storm? The Great Recession and the Employment Status Transitions of Low-Skill Male Immigrant Workers in the United States1

Authors Blake Sisk, KM Donato, Katharine M. Donato
Year 2018
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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2074 Journal Article

Moments of social inclusion: asylum seekers, football and solidarity

Authors Brent McDonald, Ramon Spaaij, Darko Dukic
Year 2019
Journal Name Sport in Society
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2075 Journal Article

Closed Borders: The Contemporary Assault on Freedom of Movement.

Authors Daniel C. Turack, Alan Dowty
Year 1987
Journal Name International Migration Review
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2076 Journal Article

Forced Migration Studies: Could We Agree Just to 'Date'?

Authors J. C. Hathaway, James C. Hathaway
Year 2007
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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2077 Journal Article


Authors Gabriella SANCHEZ
Year 2018
Book Title Migrant smuggling data and research : a global review of the emerging evidence base
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2079 Book Chapter

2017 MEDAM assessment report on asylum and migration policies in Europe : sharing responsibility for refugees and expanding legal immigration

Authors Dennis J. SNOWER, Daniel GROS, Andrew GEDDES
How can the responsibility for refugees be distributed more fairly – globally and within the EU? And how can we curb irregular migration while expanding legal immigration to the benefit of all concerned? The large number of refugees and other migrants who have come to Europe over the last two years has caused the EU member states that received most of the asylum seekers, to reach their capacity limits. With a view to new arrivals and their long-term integration, it is now necessary to develop new and, above all, common strategies to address the migration flows to Europe. The 2017 MEDAM Assessment Report focuses on two core messages: Distribute the responsibility for refugees more equitably and extending legal immigration from non-EU Member States into EU member states.
Year 2017
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2080 Report

Career Aspirations of Native and Foreign Born: Federal Republic of Germany

Authors Ursula Mehrlaender
Year 1981
Journal Name International Migration Review
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2081 Journal Article

Integration's challenges and opportunities in the Wealthy West

Authors Richard Alba, Nancy Foner
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 14
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2082 Journal Article

Fiscal Consequences of the Refugee Crisis

Authors Zsolt Gál, Zsolt Gal
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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2083 Journal Article

Trafficking within migrant smuggling operations: Are underage transporters ‘victims’ or ‘perpetrators’?

Authors Wayne Palmer, Antje Missbach
Year 2017
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
2084 Journal Article

The biopolitics of hospitality in Greece: Humanitarianism and the management of refugees

Year 2012
Journal Name American Ethnologist
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2085 Journal Article

The biopolitics of hospitality in Greece: Humanitarianism and the management of refugees

Authors Katerina Rozakou
Year 2012
Journal Name American Ethnologist
Citations (WoS) 47
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2086 Journal Article

Foreign human capital and the earnings gap between immigrants and Canadian-born workers

Authors Nicole Fortin, T Lemieux, Javier Torres, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Labour Economics
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2087 Journal Article

History of foreigner policies in Germany. Seasonal workers, forced labourers, guest workers, refugees

Authors L Muller
Year 2002
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2088 Journal Article

Shutting the Gates in South Africa: National Identification and Popular Attitudes towards Closing Borders to Immigration

Authors Steven Gordon
Year 2017
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
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2089 Journal Article

Labour migrants in post-Soviet Moscow: patterns of settlement

Authors Ekaterina Demintseva
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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2090 Journal Article

'Like leaves in the wind': desperately seeking asylum in the UK

Authors Helen Hintjens
Year 2006
Journal Name Race & Class
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2091 Journal Article

Child Support in Immigrant Families

Authors Lenna Nepomnyaschy, Louis Donnelly
Year 2014
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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2092 Journal Article

Emigration and Schooling among Second-Generation Mexican-American Children

Authors Michael S. Rendall, Berna M. Torr
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 8
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2093 Journal Article

Pre-school enrollment: An analysis by immigrant generation

Authors Barry R. Chiswick, BR Chiswick, N DebBurman, ...
Year 2006
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 13
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2094 Journal Article

'When They don't Use it They will Lose it': Professionals, Deprofessionalization and Reprofessionalization: the Case of Refugee Teachers in Scotland

Authors G. Smyth, Geri Smyth, Henry Kum, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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2095 Journal Article

A Liberal Argument for Border Controls: Reply to Carens

Authors John Isbister, J Isbister
Year 2000
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 14
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2096 Journal Article

A Place for the Asylum Seekers. European migration policies and their socio-spatial impacts

In the past two years the European Union has seen an enormous influx of migration. More than 1 million people arrived by boats in 2015 and more than 230,000 people in the first six months of 2016. PASS aims to assess the complicated field of discourses and practices of regulating migration flows into the EU, focusing on its socio-spatial impact since 2013, when the last Dublin II Regulation was promulgated (No. 604/2013). On the one hand, the project analyses the very complex stratification of geographical spaces and procedures shaped by the EU and by different national legislation. On the other hand, the research also explores the interaction between the policies and procedures plan and experiences of migrants themselves, often characterized by tensions, resistance and clashes. After a preliminary analysis of EU immigration and asylum law, the project examines the cases of Italy and of the Netherlands. Italy is one of the countries which has seen the highest number of migrants arriving and from where 39,600 asylum applicants are to be relocated under the two EU Council Decisions on relocation to other Member States under a quota system. In the period between 2015 and 2017 about 2.150 refugees are to be relocated from Italy to the Netherlands (European Commission, COM(2016) 165). The project uses a dual perspective: 1. A top-down perspective, involved in the analysis of the European, Italian and Dutch immigration policies; 2. A bottom-up perspective, embedded in the migration experience and focused on the migrants' agentivity. The final goal of PASS is to elaborate empirical data in order to build more human rights oriented policies. PASS intends also to provide an appropriate political response to the needs expressed by the migrants and to combat misconceptions about them through disseminating its results, as requested by the European Commission (Understanding and Tackling the Migration Challenge: The Role of Research, 4-5 February 2016).
Year 2018
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2097 Project

The Readmission of Asylum Seekers under International Law

Authors Karin Zwaan
Year 2020
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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2098 Journal Article

Making Sense? The Support of Dispersed Asylum Seekers

Authors Philip Brown, Christine Horrocks
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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2099 Journal Article

Access to Maternity Care for ‘Failed’ Asylum Seekers

Authors Anna Gaudion, Jenny McLeish, Claire Homeyard
Year 2006
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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2100 Journal Article
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