
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Uncertainty About the Size of the Unauthorized Foreign-Born Population in the United States

Authors Jennifer Van Hook, Anne Morse, Randy Capps, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 8
2101 Journal Article

Immigration, asylum and welfare: the European context

Authors Franck Düvell, Bill Jordan
Year 2002
Journal Name Critical Social Policy
2102 Journal Article

Legal and illegal immigrants: an analysis of optimal saving behavior

Authors Alexandra Vinogradova
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 6
2103 Journal Article

MIHKMA: Migration and Health Knowledge Management

The project focuses on expanding knowledge and understanding of migration and health, and supporting the development and uptake of evidence-informed guidance to ensure actions meet the health needs of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. In doing so, the project seeks to ensure health professionals and health systems are adequately prepared to overcome the challenges associated with large arrivals of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. MIHKMA will create a first-of-its-kind coordinated process to collect, analyse, summarize and widely disseminate best available knowledge, good practices and evidence-based approaches from the EC, WHO and other state-of-the-art migrant health initiatives and information sources. These activities will be undertaken within a broader initiative of the Regional Office, the Knowledge Hub on Health and Migration, a multi-stakeholder living platform aimed at bridging between science, policy and practice in this field. MIHKMA, is a collaborative project funded by the European Commission Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) under the 3rd Health Programme, which is aimed at raising awareness, fostering and disseminating knowledge, and increasing adoption of migrant-health good practices and evidence-based approaches across European Union (EU) countries. The project will: - Develop and recommend technical guidance in priority issues of migrant health, which will include research, and development and dissemination of various tools and resources; - Develop at least four distance-learning webinars and associated training materials, videos, tools and resources; - Develop and implement coordinated communications on migrant health and promote access to the knowledge, good practice tools and resources researched and developed, and to the webinars.
Year 2017
2104 Project

Popular Nationalism and Attitudes toward Immigrants (PNATI): A Multistage Investigation of Popular Nationalism and its Effects on Attitudes toward Labor Immigrants and Asylum Seekers in Israel

The general framework of the proposed research challenges the traditional approaches to popular attitudes toward labor immigrants and asylum seekers. Previous scholarship has highlighted either economic competition between immigrants and the host society or perceptions of symbolic threats posed by immigrants. The proposed research, in contrast, will be the first to investigate how attitudes toward foreigners are linked to the way several dimensions of nationalism configure the national self-understanding of individuals. These dimensions include the ways individuals define the criteria for membership in their nation, their beliefs about the core values of the nation, their identification with specific national institutions, and the role they believe their nation-state should play in relationship to other nation-states. To test this theoretically groundbreaking framework, the proposed research has three specific objectives: (1) to develop an empirically robust typology of national self-understanding of resident citizens of Israel, (2) to examine the relationship of national self-understanding with core demographic characteristics of individuals, and (3) to investigate how national self-understanding affects individuals' attitudes toward labor immigrants and asylum seekers. In addition to theoretical innovation, this proposal also introduces a novel multistage research design that opens with in-depth interviews, continues with survey data collection, and ends with follow-up interviews with survey takers. Using this multistage design, the proposed research will be the first of its kind to develop a purely inductive typology of popular nationalism in a European country, and to test how the national self-understanding of individuals affects their attitudes toward immigrants and preferences regarding the state’s immigration policy.
Year 2013
2105 Project

Evaluatie logeerregeling COA

Authors Verwey-Jonker Instituut, Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Marjan de Gruijter, ...
In dit onderzoek inventariseren we de meerwaarde en opbrengsten van de vernieuwde aanpak van logeren voor de participatie en integratie van statushouders. Met de resultaten van het onderzoek wil de aanvrager, het COA, inzicht krijgen in de meerwaarde van de logeerregeling voor statushouders die via TCBnB logeren vergeleken met verblijf in een AZC of bij familie en vrienden. Daarmee wil het COA een onderbouwde beslissing maken of en hoe zij de logeerregeling willen voortzetten. De probleemstelling luidt: Wat zijn de (mogelijke) opbrengsten van de logeerregeling voor de participatie en integratie van statushouders die via TakeCareBnB (TCBnB) logeren, vergeleken met statushouders die in een AZC, of bij familie en vrienden verblijven, en onder welke condities wordt deze meerwaarde bereikt?
Year 2019
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
2106 Report

Health professionals confront the intentional harms of indefinite immigration detention: an Australian overview, evaluation of alternative responses and proposed strategy

Authors Michael Dudley, Peter Young, Louise Newman, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
Citations (WoS) 4
2107 Journal Article

Women Asylum Seekers and Refugees: Experiences from France

Authors Jane Freedman
Year 2015
Book Title Gendering the International Asylum and Refugee Debate
2108 Book Chapter

Irregular migration and asylum seekers in the Caribbean

Authors Elizabeth M. Thomas-Hope, UN University, World Institute for Development Economics Research
Year 2003
2109 Report

Double indemnity (Asylum seekers and refugees in Europe)

Authors J Harding
Year 2000
Journal Name Index on Censorship
2110 Journal Article

Measuring vulnerability of asylum seekers and refugees in Italy

Authors Annalisa Busetta, Daria Mendola, Ben Wilson, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
2112 Journal Article

Notes for Vietnamese Asylum Seekers awaiting Refugee Status Determination

Year 1993
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
2113 Journal Article

What a Difference a Year Makes: Changes in Refugee Threat Perceptions in Flanders, Belgium

Authors David De Coninck, Willem Joris
Year 2021
Journal Name SAGE OPEN
2114 Journal Article

Colonial Lives of the Carceral Archipelago: Rethinking the Neoliberal Security State

Authors Sabrina Axster, Ida Danewid, Asher Goldstein, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name International Political Sociology
2115 Journal Article

Emplaced mobilities: Lisbon as a translocality in the migration journeys of Punjabi Sikhs to Europe

Authors Jennifer McGarrigle, Eduardo Ascensao, Eduardo Ascensão
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
2116 Journal Article

Learning to be human again: Being and becoming in the home garden commons

Authors Gabriel R Valle
Year 2020
Journal Name Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space
2117 Journal Article

The racial subtext in Canada’s immigration discourse

Authors Petr S. Li
Year 2001
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
2118 Journal Article

Waiting in the asylum determination process: Just an empty interlude?

Authors Rebecca Rotter
Year 2016
Journal Name Time & Society
2119 Journal Article

Business activities of immigrants from Turkey and the former Yugoslavia in Vienna. Group-specific branch concentrations versus locally determined variations

Authors Josef Kohlbacher, Ursula Reeger
Year 2016
Journal Name City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
2120 Journal Article

The Border as a Filter: Maintaining the Divide in the Post-Imperial Era

Authors Marinella Marmo, Evan Smith
Book Title Race, Gender and the Body in British Immigration Control
2121 Book Chapter

Second-Generation Outcomes of the Great Migration

Authors J. Trent Alexander, Christine Leibbrand, Catherine Massey, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Demography
2122 Journal Article

Electing a Diverse Canada: The Representation of Immigrants, Minorities, and Women

Authors Linda Trimble
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
2123 Journal Article

Mismanagement and misinterpretations in asylum interviews: Perspectives from South Africa and Sweden

Authors Lisa Ottosson, Pineteh Angu, Kristina Gustafsson
Year 2024
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
2124 Journal Article

European Asylum Law and International Law

Authors Hemme Battjes
Year 2018
2125 Book

A Liberal Argument for Border Controls: Reply to Carens

Authors John Isbister
Year 2000
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 14
2126 Journal Article

Moving Beyond Ethnicity: The Socio-Economic Status and Living Conditions of Immigrant Children in the UK

Authors Heaven Crawley
Year 2010
Journal Name Child Indicators Research
2127 Journal Article

Access of refugees and displaced persons to socio-economic rights in the Russian Federation

Authors Vadim VOINICOV
Based on analysis of the valid Russian legislation regulating the status of refugees and displaced persons, one can make a conclusion that guarantees of their socio-economic status correspond to generally recognized norms of international law and the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. Russian legislation stems from the fact that access to socio-economic rights of a refugee is defined by his/her status of a foreign citizen or stateless person. Therefore, in most cases access to the indicated rights is carried out in accordance with the regime established for foreign citizens. However, in some cases (right to retirement benefits, right to social security, right to medical services) a refugee is given additional rights analogous to rights of Russian citizens. This approach to identification of socio-economic status of refugees corresponds to the requirements of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees.
Year 2013
2128 Report

Report of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention : addendum

Authors UN. Commission on Human Rights. Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
The visit took place in connection with the administrative detention of unauthorized arrivals, the legality of detention of asylum-seekers and the legal guarantees that apply to detention in Australia as compared to international standards.
Year 2002
2129 Report

Does Faith Matter: An Examination of Islamic Relief's Work with Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons

Authors N. Kirmani, A. A. Khan
Year 2008
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
2130 Journal Article

Queer asylum seekers: translating sexuality in Norway

Authors Deniz Akin
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
2131 Journal Article

Beschäftigungsfähigkeit und -hindernisse von Asylsuchenden

Principal investigator Manuela Westphal (Principal Investigator ), Birgit Behrensen (Principal Investigator )
"Teilprojekt: Analyse der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit und -hindernisse von Asylsuchenden (ABA) im Rahmen der EQUAL - Entwicklungspartnerschaft „Selbsthilfe, Arbeitsmarktzugang und Gesundheit von Asylsuchenden“ (SAGA) (Beginn: 1.7.2005). Das SAGA Projekt ist ein Folgeprojekt der EQUAL Entwicklungspartnerschaft Sprache und Kultur: Grundlagen für eine effektive Gesundheitsversorgung (SpuK). Kernbestandteil von Spuk ist es, durch das Angebot von Sprach- und Kulturmittlung und weitere flankierende Maßnahmen Defizite in der Gesundheitsversorgung abzubauen und die Zielgruppe selbst – als Sprach- und Kulturvermittelnde – zu Akteuren dieser Strukturverbesserung zu machen. Gleichzeitig sollte die Maßnahmen zu einer erhöhten Beschäftigungsfähigkeit führen. Um diesen Schwerpunkt wird es im Folgeprojekt „Selbsthilfe, Arbeitsmarktzugang und Gesundheit von Asylsuchenden“ (SAGA) gehen. Praxisprojekte werden sich gezielt mit der Behebung individueller und struktureller Defizite im Zugang zu Arbeit und Beschäftigung auseinandersetzen, z.B. durch Orientierungs- und Integrationskurse. Das Teilprojekt ABA übernimmt die wissenschaftliche Analyse der Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten im Sinne einer angewandten Forschung. Ziel wird es dabei sein, Faktoren herauszuarbeiten, die Erhalt und Erweiterung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit unterstützen und die zu einem Abbau der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit beitragen. Die Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Analyse werden den operativen und strategischen Partnern zur Verfügung gestellt, so dass diese von den Praxisprojekten verwertet werden können. "
Year 2005
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
2132 Project

Sending Asylum Seekers to Safe Third Countries

Year 1995
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
2134 Journal Article

Medical Screening of Asylum Seekers in Switzerland

Authors L. Loutan
Year 1992
Journal Name International Migration
2135 Journal Article

Are Hispanic Women Happier About Unintended Births?

Authors Caroline Sten Hartnett
Year 2012
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 18
2136 Journal Article

Troubled Transit: Asylum Seekers Stuck in Indonesia

Authors Ross Tapsell
Year 2016
2137 Journal Article

North Korean Asylum Seekers and Dual Nationality

Authors A. Wolman
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
2138 Journal Article


Authors Anders B. Johnsson
Year 1985
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
2139 Journal Article

A Place for the Asylum Seekers. European migration policies and their socio-spatial impacts

In the past two years the European Union has seen an enormous influx of migration. More than 1 million people arrived by boats in 2015 and more than 230,000 people in the first six months of 2016. PASS aims to assess the complicated field of discourses and practices of regulating migration flows into the EU, focusing on its socio-spatial impact since 2013, when the last Dublin II Regulation was promulgated (No. 604/2013). On the one hand, the project analyses the very complex stratification of geographical spaces and procedures shaped by the EU and by different national legislation. On the other hand, the research also explores the interaction between the policies and procedures plan and experiences of migrants themselves, often characterized by tensions, resistance and clashes. After a preliminary analysis of EU immigration and asylum law, the project examines the cases of Italy and of the Netherlands. Italy is one of the countries which has seen the highest number of migrants arriving and from where 39,600 asylum applicants are to be relocated under the two EU Council Decisions on relocation to other Member States under a quota system. In the period between 2015 and 2017 about 2.150 refugees are to be relocated from Italy to the Netherlands (European Commission, COM(2016) 165). The project uses a dual perspective: 1. A top-down perspective, involved in the analysis of the European, Italian and Dutch immigration policies; 2. A bottom-up perspective, embedded in the migration experience and focused on the migrants' agentivity. The final goal of PASS is to elaborate empirical data in order to build more human rights oriented policies. PASS intends also to provide an appropriate political response to the needs expressed by the migrants and to combat misconceptions about them through disseminating its results, as requested by the European Commission (Understanding and Tackling the Migration Challenge: The Role of Research, 4-5 February 2016).
Year 2018
2140 Project

Cudzoziemcy korzystający z ochrony w Polsce

Authors Aleksandra Grzymala-Kazlowska, Renata Stefanska
Year 2014
Journal Name Studia Biura Analiz Sejmowych
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2141 Journal Article

Taking Stock of the EU-Turkey Statement in 2024

Authors Gamze Ovacık, Meltem Ineli-Ciger, Orçun Ulusoy
Year 2024
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 1
2142 Journal Article

A second generation of immigrant illegality studies

Authors Stephen P. Ruszczyk, Guillermo Yrizar Barbosa
Year 2016
Journal Name Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
2143 Journal Article

Moments of social inclusion: asylum seekers, football and solidarity

Authors Brent McDonald, Ramon Spaaij, Darko Dukic
Year 2019
Journal Name Sport in Society
2144 Journal Article

Cultural Norm Transmission/Disruption amongst Somali Refugee Women: The Beauty and Privilege of Intergenerational Relationships

Authors Zamzam Dini, Jennifer Jo Connor, Beatrice Bean E. Robinson, ...
Year 2024
2145 Journal Article

The Fight against Trafficking in Selected SEM and EU States

Authors Kristina TOUZENIS
This report tries to give an insight into what case law on trafficking and exploitation has told us about implementation of trafficking legislation, focusing especially on the Mediterranean Region. Five countries from the South and five from the North have been taken to give as examples. The countries from the North have been chosen partly to give an overview from different parts of the EU partly because they each present interesting and rather developed case law which helps understand what the contents of the crime and crimes related to trafficking actually consist of. As a background for the analysis of what trafficking/exploitation means in these countries is a brief overview of relevant international and regional legislation. The interpretation given by the courts to human trafficking indirectly affects the way in which the pre-trial investigation authorities and other parties working with trafficking in human beings define human trafficking and whom they identify as a victim of trafficking. Court decisions affect the way in which the authorities identify victims of human trafficking and under what offence categories the cases are investigated and prosecuted. By their decisions, the courts also have an influence on who is entitled to the services of the system for victim assistance intended for victims of human trafficking, reflection periods, and residence permits. The implementation of the rights of human trafficking victims has strong links to how the courts apply and interpret the penal provisions on human trafficking and their relation to offences related to human trafficking. Résumé This report tries to give an insight into what case law on trafficking and exploitation has told us about implementation of trafficking legislation, focusing especially on the Mediterranean Region. Five countries from the South and five from the North have been taken to give as examples. The countries from the North have been chosen partly to give an overview from different parts of the EU partly because they each present interesting and rather developed case law which helps understand what the contents of the crime and crimes related to trafficking actually consist of. As a background for the analysis of what trafficking/exploitation means in these countries is a brief overview of relevant international and regional legislation. The interpretation given by the courts to human trafficking indirectly affects the way in which the pre-trial investigation authorities and other parties working with trafficking in human beings define human trafficking and whom they identify as a victim of trafficking. Court decisions affect the way in which the authorities identify victims of human trafficking and under what offence categories the cases are investigated and prosecuted. By their decisions, the courts also have an influence on who is entitled to the services of the system for victim assistance intended for victims of human trafficking, reflection periods, and residence permits. The implementation of the rights of human trafficking victims has strong links to how the courts apply and interpret the penal provisions on human trafficking and their relation to offences related to human trafficking.
Year 2011
2146 Report

Searching for 'success': generation, gender and onward migration in the Iranian diaspora

Authors Melissa Kelly
Year 2017
Journal Name Migration Letters
2147 Journal Article

Migration Statistics in Europe: A Core Component of Governance and Population Research

Authors David Reichel, Albert Kraler, Han Entzinger
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
2148 Book Chapter

South Sudanese Refugees in Sudan: A Transition toward a Diaspora Community

Authors Mohamed A. G. Bakhit
Year 2022
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
2149 Journal Article

Shutting the Gates in South Africa: National Identification and Popular Attitudes towards Closing Borders to Immigration

Authors Steven Lawrence Gordon
Year 2016
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
2150 Journal Article

Rides for Refugees: A Transportation Assistance Pilot for Women's Health

Authors Simone Vais, S. Maru, Justin Siu, ...
Year 2019
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
2151 Journal Article

The Status of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Indonesia

Authors Nikolas Feith Tan
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
Citations (WoS) 2
2152 Journal Article

International Protection Considerations Regarding Colombian Asylum-Seekers and Refugees

Year 2006
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
2153 Journal Article

Immigrants and the Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis: Employment Outcomes among Immigrant Youth in Los Angeles

Authors Gary Painter, Cathy Yang Liu, Duan Zhuang
Year 2007
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 18
2154 Journal Article

Is the Refugee Health Screener a Useful Tool when Screening 14- to 18-Year-Old Refugee Adolescents for Emotional Distress?

Authors Anna Sarkadi, Anna Leiler, Raziye Salari, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
2155 Journal Article

The Socio-Educational Adaptation of Secondary School Migrant Students in Sicily: Migrant Generation, School Linguistic Mediation and Teacher Proactivity Factors

Authors Jose Juan Carrion-Martinez, Stefania Ciaccio, Maria del Mar Fernandez-Martinez, ...
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 1
2156 Journal Article

“Let’s manage the stressor today” exploring the mental health response to forced migrants in Johannesburg, South Africa

Authors Rebecca Walker, Jo Vearey
Year 2022
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
Citations (WoS) 1
2157 Journal Article

Canadian Exclusion Jurisprudence post-Febles

Authors Molly Joeck
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
2158 Journal Article

The Sources and Diversity of Immigrant Population Change in Australia, 1981–2011

Authors James Raymer, Bernard Baffour, Yanlin Shi, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Demography
2159 Journal Article

Security System for language and image analysis

Project Slándáil will demonstrate a cost-effective and ethically-correct way in which social media information can be used by an emergency management system. The social media landscape consists of a range of digitized documents in a variety of formats, updated by a diverse and geographically distributed people and organisations. During an emergency, authorities use websites and the population, empowered by social media systems, can broadcast for help or to inform others of their well-being. The burden of search and interpretation in the social media space, however, is largely on the end-users that is the authorities and the citizens. Information obtained during emergencies may contain personal details and the details may or not be correct – there are no protocols for dealing with the ethical and factual provenance of such data. Social media users deploy different modalities of communications, including language, visual icons, and associated meta data. Human beings integrate the information in different modality seamlessly to infer meaning and to make decisions. There are no systems that (a) could aggregate the information in different modalities, and (b) deal with multi-lingual communications during an emergency. Project Slándáil is collaboration of emergency operatives, academics, ethics- and security-oriented NGO and four SMEs. Their common purpose is to make maximum ethical use of the information available in the social media to enhance the performance of emergency management systems. The Project will undertake research in text and image analysis, in ethical and factual provenance of data, together with SMEs specialising in selling systems for social media monitoring and for emergency monitoring. There are experts in human multi-lingual human communication working in the team. This is an Irish-led, Italian, German and British collaboration which will deliver next generation of emergency management systems.
Year 2014
2160 Project

The Development of Innovative Integration Models in Los Angeles

Authors Linda Lopez
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 2
2161 Journal Article

'Boat People' and Discursive Bordering: Australian Parliamentary Discourses on Asylum Seekers, 1977-2013

Authors John Van Kooy, Liam Magee, Shanthi Robertson
Year 2021
Journal Name Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees
2162 Journal Article

The Changing Dynamic of Latinx Outdoor Recreation on National and State Public Lands

Authors David Flores, Jose J. Sanchez
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 10
2163 Journal Article

What's in a name or signature? The anthroponymy, autography, and communal identification of Christian communities in early Castilian Toledo and Norman Sicily

Authors Aaron M. Moreno
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies
2164 Journal Article

Ethnic conflict without ethnic groups: a study in pure sociology1

Authors Mark Cooney
Year 2009
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 9
2165 Journal Article

Preventing Tuberculosis in a Low Incidence Setting: Evaluation of a Multi-lingual, Online, Educational Video on Latent Tuberculosis

Authors Jie Gao, Victoria J. Cook, Maureen Mayhew
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
2166 Journal Article

The Role of Faith and Faith-Based Organizations among Internally Displaced Persons in Kenya

Authors D. S. Parsitau
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
2167 Journal Article

Meeting the needs of internally displaced people and possible strategies for enhancing their involvement

Authors A Binega
Year 1999
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
2168 Journal Article

How the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 Has Undermined US Refugee Protection Obligations and Wasted Government Resources

Authors Eleanor Acer, Olga Byrne
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
2169 Journal Article

Mexican Seasonal Migration to Canada and Development: A Community‐based Comparison

Authors Tanya Basok
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 29
2170 Journal Article

Does Time Since Arrival have an Effect on Immigrants’ Preferences for Vocational Education and Training Programs in Switzerland?

Authors Thomas Bolli, Ladina Rageth
Year 2022
Journal Name International Migration Review
2171 Journal Article

Challenging the ‘Youth Gaze’: Building Diversity into Refugee and Asylum Reception and Integration Programmes

Authors Caroline Oliver, Karin Geuijen, Rianne Dekker
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
2172 Journal Article

Journey Effects? Waiting Periods in European Transit Countries and Subsequent Economic Integration of Refugees in Switzerland

Authors Eroll Kuhn
Year 2022
Journal Name International Migration Review
2173 Journal Article

Foreign-born Canadian Emigrants and Their Characteristics, (1981-1986)

Authors Margaret Michalowski
Year 1991
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 7
2174 Journal Article

Patterns of Economic Attainment of Foreign-Born Male Workers in the United States

Authors Dudley L. Poston
Year 1994
Journal Name International Migration Review
2176 Journal Article

Gendered precarity of migrant women in the satellite city of Isparta, Türkiye

Authors Songül Sallan Gül, Özlem Kahya Nizam, Emine Türkmen Er
Year 2023
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
2177 Journal Article

Foreign-born African American males: Turning barriers into opportunities

Authors FE Obiakor, P GRANT, SO Obi
Year 2000
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
2179 Journal Article

In a Stranger's House: Social Isolation of Internally Displaced People in Ukraine During Wartime

Authors Natalia Tsybuliak, Anastasiia Popova, Hanna Lopatina, ...
Year 2024
2180 Journal Article

Doing nothing? Dynamics of waiting among ageing internally displaced Cameroonians during the anglophone crisis

Authors Nele Wolter
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
2181 Journal Article


Authors Gabriella SANCHEZ
Year 2018
Book Title Migrant smuggling data and research : a global review of the emerging evidence base
2182 Book Chapter

2017 MEDAM assessment report on asylum and migration policies in Europe : sharing responsibility for refugees and expanding legal immigration

Authors Dennis J. SNOWER, Daniel GROS, Andrew GEDDES
How can the responsibility for refugees be distributed more fairly – globally and within the EU? And how can we curb irregular migration while expanding legal immigration to the benefit of all concerned? The large number of refugees and other migrants who have come to Europe over the last two years has caused the EU member states that received most of the asylum seekers, to reach their capacity limits. With a view to new arrivals and their long-term integration, it is now necessary to develop new and, above all, common strategies to address the migration flows to Europe. The 2017 MEDAM Assessment Report focuses on two core messages: Distribute the responsibility for refugees more equitably and extending legal immigration from non-EU Member States into EU member states.
Year 2017
2183 Report

Identity and Intergenerational Remembrance Through Traumatic Culinary Nostalgia: Three Generations of Hungarians of Jewish Origin

Authors Louise O. Vasvari
Year 2018
2184 Journal Article

Chinese Pressure to Repatriate Asylum Seekers: An International Law Analysis

Authors Andrew Wolman
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
Citations (WoS) 1
2185 Journal Article

Refugees, Asylum Seekers and the Rule of Law: Comparative Perspectives

Authors Carolus Grütters
Year 2011
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
2186 Journal Article

The Representational Consequences of Municipal Civil Service Reform

Year 2022
Journal Name American Political Science Review
2187 Journal Article

The Great Migration and Residential Segregation in American Cities during the Twentieth Century

Authors Christine Leibbrand, SE Tolnay, Katie R. Genadek, ...
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 15
2188 Journal Article

(Un)Healthy Immigrant Citizens: Naturalization and Activity Limitations in Older Age

Authors Zoya Gubernskaya, Jennifer Van Hook, Frank D. Bean
Year 2013
2189 Journal Article

Identity Development Among Youth of Vietnamese Descent in the Czech Republic

Authors Eva Janská, Andrea Svobodová
Book Title Contested Childhoods: Growing up in Migrancy
2190 Book Chapter

Self-rated health within the Canadian immigrant population: risk and the healthy immigrant effect

Authors KB Newbold
Year 2005
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
2191 Journal Article

The Effects of Educational-Occupational Mismatch on Immigrant Earnings in Australia, with International Comparisons

Authors Barry R. Chiswick, Paul W. Miller
Year 2010
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 21
2192 Journal Article

Unravelling the Meaning of Place and Spatial Mobility: Analysing the Everyday Life-worlds of Refugees in Host Societies by Means of Mobility Mapping

Authors Tobias Weidinger, Stefan Kordel, Julia Kieslinger
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 10
2193 Journal Article

asylum or austerity? the ‘refugee crisis’ and the Keynesian interlude

Authors Peo Hansen
Year 2017
Journal Name European Political Science
Citations (WoS) 2
2194 Journal Article


Authors Sanja Cukic
Year 2015
2195 Journal Article

Public or private? The influence of immigration on native schooling choices in the United States

Authors Thomas J. Murray
Year 2016
Journal Name Economics of Education Review
Citations (WoS) 1
2196 Journal Article

Empirical evaluation of third-generation prospect theory

Authors Michael H. Birnbaum
Year 2018
2197 Journal Article

Can Google Trends predict asylum-seekers’ destination choices?

Authors Haodong Qi, Tuba Bircan
Year 2023
2198 Journal Article

Privacy, ethical, regulatory and social no-gate crossing point solutions acceptance

The increasing number of travellers crossing European borders is putting a mounting pressure on the everyday handling of border checks. On one side, border control authorities have to process a higher number of checks in an increasingly reduced amount of time to avoid congestion or cope with limited resources. As a consequence, the experience of both European and third country travellers is deteriorating due to the extra time they have to spend at the border checkpoints. Such a continuous need calls for flexible, automated and scalable “no-gate” border security solutions. On the other side, the intensive use of technologies bears the risk to invading people’s privacy, and the societal and political acceptance of technologies for contactless border security solutions is required prior to their implementation. A pivotal element of PERSONA project is to design and establish unified and tailored impact assessment method to appropriately assess the effects of new border-controlling technologies and ensure that these solutions meet the requirements and expectations of both governments, LEAs and border crossing individuals. PERSONA will carry out comprehensive assessment of the acceptability of wide range of contactless crossing point technologies, taking into account human behaviour, gender, legal frameworks, privacy concerns, societal issues and potential risk of discrimination. The established method for assessment will provide important information for decision makers in form of potential risks, mitigation measures and guidelines, in order to drive the innovation and deployment of future solutions by industry and border authorities.
Year 2018
2199 Project

UN DESA International migrant stock

The dataset presents estimates of international migrant stocks by age, sex and origin. Estimates are available for 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2017 and for all countries of the world. The estimates are based on official statistics on the foreign-born or the foreign population.
Year 1990
2200 Data Set
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