
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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'A little more courageous': cultural recognition and histories of migration and diversity at the Immigration Museum, Melbourne

Authors Amy McKernan
Year 2020
Journal Name Museum Management and Curatorship
1801 Journal Article

Marrying into the American Population: Pathways into Cross-Nativity Marriages

Authors Gillian Stevens, Hiromi Ishizawa, Xavier Escandell
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 7
1802 Journal Article

Migrant Smuggling: Irregular Migration from Asia and Africa to Europe

Authors Anna Triandafyllidou, Thanos Maroukis
Year 2012
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
1803 Book

Cross-Nativity Partnering and the Political Participation of Immigrant Generations

Authors M Boyd, Amanda Couture-Carron
Year 2015
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1804 Journal Article

Protecting Foreigners: The Refugee Crisis on the Belize-Yucatan Border, 1847-71

Authors Vanessa Mongey
Year 2021
1805 Journal Article

Testing the effects of collectively expected durations of migration: The naturalization of Mexicans and Cubans

Authors BE Aguirre, R Saenz
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
1806 Journal Article

Emergent migration policy in a democratic South Africa

Authors Hennie Kotzé, Lloyd Hill
Year 1997
Journal Name International Migration
1807 Journal Article

The impact of intersecting crises on recent intra‐EU mobilities: The case of Spaniards in the UK and Germany

Authors Anastasia Bermudez, Beltrán Roca
Year 2024
Journal Name International Migration
1808 Journal Article

Rethinking the Irish Diaspora

Authors Johanne Devlin Trew, Michael Pierse
Year 2018
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
1809 Book

Explaining occupational injury rates between migrant and native workers in Taiwan, 1998–2011

Authors Su-Fen You, Yu-Feng Wong
Year 2015
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
1810 Journal Article

Labour Migration, Postcolonial Nationalism and Class Politics beyond Borders: The Case of the Turkish Party MHP in Germany

Authors Jörg Nowak
Book Title New Border and Citizenship Politics
1811 Book Chapter

Integration in the Shadow of Austerity-Refugees in Newcastle upon Tyne

Authors Matthias Flug, Jason Hussein
Year 2019
1812 Journal Article

The challenge of asylum detention to refugee protection

Authors Philippe De Bruycker, Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi
Year 2016
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
1813 Journal Article

Discrete choice model analysis of mobile telephone service demand in Japan

Authors Takanori Ida, Toshifumi Kuroda
Year 2009
Journal Name Empirical Economics
1814 Journal Article

Patterns of contraceptive use among Mexican-origin women

Authors Kari White, Joseph E. Potter
Year 2013
Journal Name Demographic Research
Citations (WoS) 7
1815 Journal Article

Unlocking the Potential of the Decolonial Approach in Migration Studies

Authors Ionela Vlase
Year 2024
Journal Name Sociology Compass
1816 Journal Article

Parental ethnic identity and educational attainment of second-generation immigrants

Authors Simone Schüller
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 11
1817 Journal Article

Nativity and Perceived Healthcare Quality

Authors Heather Orom
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
1820 Journal Article

‘I want to participate.’ transition experiences of new refugees in Glasgow

Authors Alison B. Strang, Helen Baillot, Elodie Mignard
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
1821 Journal Article

Female Asylum-Seekers in the Netherlands: An Empirical Study

Authors Jos W. Van Wetten, Catrien C.J.H. Bijleveld, F. Heide, ...
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration
1822 Journal Article

‘Starve them out’: does every child really matter? A commentary on Section 9 of the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Act, 2004

Authors Steve Cunningham, Jo Tomlinson
Year 2005
Journal Name Critical Social Policy
Citations (WoS) 16
1824 Journal Article

'A gentle and no Jew': The difference marriage makes in The 'Merchant of Venice'

Authors Brett D. Hirsch
Year 2006
Journal Name PARERGON
1825 Journal Article

Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children: Whose perspective?

Authors Ulrika Wernesjo
Year 2012
Journal Name Childhood
1827 Journal Article

The border as a space of contention: the spatial strategies of protest against border controls in Europe

Authors Pierre Monforte
Year 2016
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
1828 Journal Article

India and Internally Displaced Persons: Current Legal Avenues and New Legal Strategies

Authors V. K. Singh
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
1829 Journal Article

The Internally Displaced: Between the Positivities and the Residues of the Margins

Authors Juan Ricardo Aparicio
Year 2012
Journal Name Revista de Estudios Sociales
1830 Journal Article

The Kampala Convention on Internally Displaced Persons: Some International Humanitarian Law Aspects

Authors S. Ojeda
Year 2010
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
1831 Journal Article

Contesting Boundaries and Navigating Identities: Second-Generation Adult Children from Cross-Border Marriages in Taiwan

Authors Pei-Chia Lan
Year 2024
Journal Name International Migration Review
1832 Journal Article

Crises Now and Then—Comparing Integration Policy Frameworks and Immigrant Target Groups in Denmark in the 1970s and 2000s

Authors Martin Bak Jørgensen, Trine Lund Thomsen
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
1833 Journal Article

Conflict-induced IDPs and the Spread of Conflict

Authors Heidrun Bohnet, Fabien Cottier, Simon Hug
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Conflict Resolution
1834 Journal Article

In liberty's shadow: the discourse of refugees and asylum seekers in critical race theory and immigration law/politics

Authors Elvira Pulitano
Year 2013
Journal Name Identities
Citations (WoS) 6
1835 Journal Article

The new second generation

Year 2004
1837 Journal Article

What Can Data Justice Mean for Asylum Governance? The Case of Smartphone Data Extraction in Germany

Authors Ivan Josipovic
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
1838 Journal Article

Return, Precarity and Vulnerability in West Africa: Evidence from Nigeria

Authors Amanda Bisong
Year 2022
Book Title Migration in West Africa
1839 Book Chapter

The Role of Trauma for Integration. The Case of Syrian Refugees

Authors Christian Hunkler, May Khourshed
Year 2020
Journal Name Soziale Welt
1840 Journal Article

Impugning the Humanitarian Defence

Authors Scott D Watson
Year 2015
Journal Name International Migration
1841 Journal Article

'Life on Probation': Ambiguity in the Lives of Burmese Refugees in South Korea

Authors Kim Hyun Mee
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
1842 Journal Article

Disabled people in refugee and asylum seeking communities

Authors Mark Priestley
Year 2003
Journal Name Disability & Society
1843 Journal Article

Mobility of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States, 1995–2000: The Role of Gateway States

Authors Katherine Hempstead
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 13
1844 Journal Article

Social assistance and psychological counseling in Ukraine against the backdrop of Russian armed aggression

Authors Iryna Romanova, Vira Syniakova, Maryna Kononova, ...
Year 2022
1846 Journal Article

Gaps in Human Rights Law? Detention and Area-Based Restrictions in the Proposed Border Procedures in the EU

Authors Janna Wessels
Year 2023
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
1847 Journal Article

Ortega and Peri – ‘Tightness of immigration reforms over time’

Ortega and Peri focus on the tightness of immigration reforms over time, and they provide quantitative measures of immigration policy restrictions (or tightness) along several dimensions’. By analyzing policy change, Ortega and Peri classify laws based on whether they tighten the requirements of entry or stay in the country, separating laws that concern asylum seekers from laws dealing with other types of immigrants’. The authors analyse policies linked to both ‘asylum’ and ‘non-asylum’. While the authors main interest is on immigrants’ admission, they also include ‘stay’. Ortega and Peri build three separate indices of ‘tightness’ of immigration law reforms. The first index includes only those measures tightening or loosening the entry of non-asylum immigrants, while the second includes measures tightening or relaxing provisions concerning the entry and/or the stay of non-asylum immigrants. The third is an index that includes changes in immigration policy concerning the entry and/or the stay of asylum seekers only.
Year 2006
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1848 Data Set

The "third option": Oscilliatory migrations of retired guest workers

Authors Dragana Antonijevic, Ljubica Milosavljevic
Year 2016
Journal Name Bulletin de l'Institut etnographique
1849 Journal Article

Ties That Bind: Governmentality, the State, and Asylum in Contemporary Ireland

Authors Deirdre Conlon
Year 2010
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 26
1850 Journal Article

Humanitarian border: Reprise. Anti-human trafficking discourses and security practices at the southern Italian border

Authors Jacopo Anderlini
Year 2024
Journal Name Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
1851 Journal Article

What are they waiting for? The use of acceleration and deceleration in asylum procedures by the Dutch Government

Authors Marcelle A. M. Reneman, Martijn Stronks
Year 2021
Journal Name Time & Society
1852 Journal Article

Refugee Integration Policy: The Effects of UK Policy-Making on Refugees in Scotland

Year 2015
Journal Name journal of social policy
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1853 Journal Article

The systematic composition of migration-related legislation in the Republic of Moldova

Authors Tatiana CIUMAS
Moldova is at the stage of elaborating the new legal framework that covers the migration domain. The most important challenge faced by Moldova at the moment is to see how all these legal acts will be implemented in practice, i.e. how they will be interpreted and understood by authorities responsible for their direct application. Another issue is if European standards transposed into legislation will fill the existing gaps, if the state is willing to commit politically and financially, and if the Law will work in practice. An example here might be the tolerated stay, which is a new notion for Moldova, the introduction of which aims at avoiding abuses of the asylum system or solving, for a short period of time, the situation of stateless persons. In order to improve the coordination and supervision mechanism of central public authorities vested with duties related to migration management, the Government, by its Decision No. 133 of 23.02.2010, established the Commission for the Coordination of Certain Activities relating to the Migration Process which is a permanent consultative body to the Government, assuring the monitoring of and cooperation between the relevant authorities. Moldova is at the stage of elaborating the new legal framework that covers the migration domain. The most important challenge faced by Moldova at the moment is to see how all these legal acts will be implemented in practice, i.e. how they will be interpreted and understood by authorities responsible for their direct application. Another issue is if European standards transposed into legislation will fill the existing gaps, if the state is willing to commit politically and financially, and if the Law will work in practice. An example here might be the tolerated stay, which is a new notion for Moldova, the introduction of which aims at avoiding abuses of the asylum system or solving, for a short period of time, the situation of stateless persons. In order to improve the coordination and supervision mechanism of central public authorities vested with duties related to migration management, the Government, by its Decision No. 133 of 23.02.2010, established the Commission for the Coordination of Certain Activities relating to the Migration Process which is a permanent consultative body to the Government, assuring the monitoring of and cooperation between the relevant authorities. Moldova is at the stage of elaborating the new legal framework that covers the migration domain. The most important challenge faced by Moldova at the moment is to see how all these legal acts will be implemented in practice, i.e. how they will be interpreted and understood by authorities responsible for their direct application. Another issue is if European standards transposed into legislation will fill the existing gaps, if the state is willing to commit politically and financially, and if the Law will work in practice. An example here might be the tolerated stay, which is a new notion for Moldova, the introduction of which aims at avoiding abuses of the asylum system or solving, for a short period of time, the situation of stateless persons. In order to improve the coordination and supervision mechanism of central public authorities vested with duties related to migration management, the Government, by its Decision No. 133 of 23.02.2010, established the Commission for the Coordination of Certain Activities relating to the Migration Process which is a permanent consultative body to the Government, assuring the monitoring of and cooperation between the relevant authorities.
Year 2011
1854 Report

The changing influx of asylum seekers in 2014-2016: Member State responses (Country Report Luxembourg)

Authors Sarah Jacobs, Kelly Adao Do Carmo, David Petry, ...
Applications for international protection significantly increased in Luxembourg from August 2015 onwards, the total number of applications in fact more than doubling when compared to the previous year (2.447 applicants in 2015; 1.091 in 2014). The number of applications remained high in 2016 (2.035 applications) and 2017 (2.322 applications) albeit slightly decreasing when compared to 2015. These figures are not unprecedented. The number of applications introduced in Luxembourg have fluctuated since 1999, the peaks and declines correlating with specific events. Luxembourg received 2.920 applications for international protection in 1999, an effect of the conflict in Kosovo. Later, the country saw two more peaks in applications after the turn of the century (2003 and 2004 with 1.550 and 1.577 applications respectively, 2011 and 2012 with 2.171 and 2.057 applications respectively). On the other hand, 2005 to 2010 can be characterised as a period of relative calm.The current period of higher arrivals of applicants for international protection is characterised by a change in cultural profile. Previously, most of the time, a majority of people applying for international protection in Luxembourg stemmed from European countries. The influx of applicants in 2015 and 2016 was characterised by the arrival of people stemming from Arabic-speaking countries, populations which had been relatively small in Luxembourg up to that point.While not necessarily unprecedented in magnitude,high numbers of monthly arrivals, especially in the last months of 2015, put those in charge of registering applications as well as of housing and providing social follow-up to the test and led to a number of measures being taken.Generally speaking, fromthe beginning of the increased arrivals in Luxembourg in 2015, the government adopted a relatively open and welcoming position. This position is illustrated for instance in the government’s stance in favour of a solution for the reception of applicants for international protection that is based on European solidarity and the government’s investment in relocation and resettlement.
Year 2017
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1855 Report

Chinese Pressure to Repatriate Asylum Seekers: An International Law Analysis

Authors Andrew Wolman
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
Citations (WoS) 1
1856 Journal Article

Second-generation governance indicators

Authors S Knack, N Manning, M Kugler
Year 2003
Journal Name International Review of Administrative Sciences
Citations (WoS) 28
1858 Journal Article

Affective border violence: Mapping everyday asylum precarities across different spaces and temporalities

Authors Isabel Meier
Year 2020
1859 Journal Article

Social protection of non-removable rejected asylum-seekers in the EU

Authors Paul Schoukens, Siemen Buttiens
Year 2017
Journal Name European Journal of Social Security
Citations (WoS) 3
1860 Journal Article

Social contact and encounter in asylum seeker reception: the Utrecht Refugee Launchpad

Authors Caroline Oliver, Karin Geuijen, Rianne Dekker
Year 2020
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
1861 Journal Article

The Gotte Koya IDP Mystery: Tribal Identity and the IDP-Migrant Continuum in the Chhattisgarh-Andhra Pradesh Borderland (India)

Authors B. Suykens
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
1862 Journal Article

Labour Force Participation among MENA Women in the United States: Exploring the Role of Ethnically Homogamous Relationships

Authors Elif Bulut, Elwood Carlson
Year 2020
1864 Journal Article

Protection Deficit: The Failure of Australia’s Offshore Processing Arrangements to Guarantee ‘Protection Elsewhere’ in the Pacific

Authors Madeline Gleeson
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
1865 Journal Article

The Pursuit of State Status and the Shift toward International Norms: South Korea's Evolution as a Host Country for Refugees

Authors H. Schattle, J. McCann
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
1866 Journal Article

Protests Revisited: Political Configurations, Political Culture and Protest Impact

Authors Helen Schwenken, Gianni D’Amato
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
1867 Book Chapter

Electing a Diverse Canada: The Representation of Immigrants, Minorities, and Women

Authors Linda Trimble
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
1868 Journal Article

Integrating cross-cultural psychology research methods into ethnic minority psychology.

Authors Frederick T. L. Leong, Fanny M. Cheung, Kwok Leung
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
1869 Journal Article

The Safety of Asylum‐Seeking Women

Authors Sander Kramer
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
1870 Journal Article

The New Second Generation in the United States

Authors Reynolds Farley, Richard Alba
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
1871 Journal Article

Emigration from Zimbabwe: Migrant Perspectives

Authors Alice Bloch
Year 2006
Journal Name Social Policy & Administration
Citations (WoS) 23
1872 Journal Article

The Fiscal Cost of Refugee Immigration: The Example of Sweden

Authors Joakim Ruist
Year 2015
Journal Name Population and Development Review
Citations (WoS) 7
1873 Journal Article

Sexualities, Intimacies, and the Citizen/Migrant Distinction

Authors Eithne Luibhéid
Book Title Citizenship and its Others
1874 Book Chapter

Upholding Familism Among Asian American Youth: Measures of Familism Among Filipino and Korean American Youth

Authors Yoonsun Choi, David T. Takeuchi, Samuel Noh, ...
Year 2021
1875 Journal Article

Fighting discrimination in Europe : the case for a race-conscious approach

Authors Mathias MOSCHEL, Costanza HERMANIN, Michele GRIGOLO
Year 2012
1876 Book

State Citizenship, EU Citizenship and Freedom of Movement

Authors Richard Bellamy
Book Title Debating European citizenship
1877 Book Chapter

Partei ergreifen: Protest gegen die Abschiebung von AsylbewerberInnen. Ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz

Principal investigator Helen Schwenken (Principal Investigator), Sieglinde Rosenberger (Principal Investigator), Gianni d'Amato (Principal Investigator)
"The project explores protest against the deportation of rejected asylum seekers in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. Deportation has become a central element of immigration control, particularly of asylum seekers whose application has been rejected. At the same time, it can be seen as contradicting the intention of human rights obligations for individuals in need of protection, which raises normative questions related to justice and universal norms vis-à-vis state sovereignty and policy implementation adopted by lawful means. This tension is reflected by the fact that certain sections of the population and the public have become sensitive towards the forcible expulsion of non-citizens from the state territory. Such feelings of unease and moral outrage manifest themselves in various forms of protest that are directed against the most coercive measure a sovereign state can take. The central aim of the project is to explore and explain the goals, form and degree of diverse anti-deportation protest activities across countries and time (1995-2010). In particular, the project seeks to answer the following research questions: 1.What shapes the trajectories of protest against the deportation of asylum seekers and what is characteristic and even distinct about anti-deportation protest? 2. How can we explain variation in the goals, forms, and degree of anti-deportation protest, both across countries and over time? The project develops an innovative and integrated perspective by combining different theoretical approaches (political opportunity structure approach and resource mobilization perspective) and considering emotional processes into the analysis. Empirically, the study will be based on newspaper articles about deportation, protest material produced by protest groups and interviews with protesters. In methodological terms, the project combines quantitative and qualitative text analysis with a series of in-depth case studies on individual deportation cases that triggered protest. The project will make an important contribution to the literature on migration and social movements. More specifically, we will assess (a) the role of structural factors vis-à-vis agency and resources and (b) the motivational and strategic functions that emotions play in protest. "
Year 2013
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1878 Project

Childbearing after Migration: Fertility Patterns of Foreign-born Women in Sweden

Authors Gunnar Andersson
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 118
1879 Journal Article

Evolution of negative visual frames of immigrants and refugees in the main media of Southern Europe

Authors Javier J. Amores, Carlos Arcila-Calderón, David Blanco-Herrero
Year 2020
Journal Name El Profesional de la Información
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1880 Journal Article

Zuwanderungspolitik – ein neues kommunales Aufgabenfeld?

Authors Manfred Kühn, Sybille Münch
Year 2019
Journal Name disP - The Planning Review
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
1881 Journal Article

Contesting Flexible Solidarity: Secular and Religious Support for Refugees in Hungary

Authors Elżbieta M. Goździak
Year 2023
Book Title Debating Religion and Forced Migration Entanglements
1882 Book Chapter

ESIRAS: Employability and Social Integration of Refugees and Asylum Seekers

The ESIRAS project aims at establishing at municipal level Integration Centres providing information and training to asylum seekers and refugees to facilitate their integration in society and the labour market.
1884 Project

Asylum Seekers in Europe: Issues and Solutions

Authors Silvia Angeloni, Francesco Maria Spano
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
1885 Journal Article

Asylum seekers, refugees and IDPS in Moldova

Authors Vladimir GANTA
Year 2013
1886 Report

From Legislation to Integration?

Authors Patrick Roach, Muhammad Anwar, Ranjit Sondhi
1887 Book

The intersection of race, ethnicity, and class: The multiple identities of second‐generation Filipinos

Authors Yen Le Espiritu
Year 1994
Journal Name Identities
Citations (WoS) 39
1888 Journal Article

Prevalence of functional limitations among foreign and US-born Black older adults: 2010–2016 National Health Interview Surveys

Authors Manka Nkimbeng, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, Joycelyn Cudjoe, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
1889 Journal Article

Handbook on Tolerance & Cultural Diversity In Europe

Geared toward teacher-trainers, this Handbook is intended primarily for use in programmes that prepare teachers to serve in high schools in Europe. While it could be beneficial for teachers of any subject, the Handbook may be most useful to those who are preparing to deliver courses on European civics and citizenship education. The Handbook’s targeted readers are high school students and undergraduate University students between 17 and 23 years of age. The main purpose of this Handbook is to clarify terms commonly used to talk about diversity. Many terms (such as nationality, national identity or citizenship) have different meanings in different languages, and people regularly talk about them without knowing exactly what they mean. Does nation, for example, refer to the citizens of a given country or only to those who are of the same national origin? Does race refer to the colour of one’s skin or some other physical trait? Or does it refer to a whole set of supposed psychological or mental traits (e.g. ‘Indians are clever,’ ‘Black people are good at sports’, ‘The Japanese are shy’)? Race is often confused with religion, and members of certain religious faiths are frequently characterized as stereotypes (e.g. ‘Muslims are cunning’, ‘Jews are stingy’). Indeed, many of these terms are closely linked to negative stereotypes of minority groups. Some concepts such as integration, multiculturalism and intercultural dialogue are contested, and there is little agreement on what they stand for and how they relate to one another. This Handbook’s first objective, then, is to define these terms and, by doing so, to give adolescents the tools needed to better understand the reality that surrounds them.
Year 2012
1890 Report

Exile, Statelessness, and Migration: Response to my critics

Authors Seyla Benhabib
Year 2020
Journal Name Philosophy & Social Criticism
1891 Journal Article

English Language Proficiency among the Foreign Born in the United States, 1980–2007: Duration, Age, Cohort Effects

Authors Veena S. Kulkarni, Xiaohan Hu
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 5
1892 Journal Article

Terrorists Repudiate Their Own Citizenship

Authors Christian Joppke
Book Title Debating Transformations of National Citizenship
1893 Book Chapter

An Innovative RFID Security SEAL for Aircraft Galley Trolleys

The AIR-SEAL project proposes the development of a second generation RFID security seal, capable of monitoring the integrity of an aircraft galley trolley or transportation vehicle. Since the September 11th terrorism attacks in the United States, catering services through-out the world have been seen as the weakest link in the aviation industry’s service supply chain. Existing sealing technologies are time consuming, ineffective and require a complex paper trail. A reusable and retro-fit, electronic sealing device is therefore required with an ultra-low profile. This new technology will enable the automatic sealing and inspections of galley trolleys, while improving their security by utilising a digital, anti-tamper volumetric sensor. With an initial market value of €120million retrofitting the technology and an additional €24milion per year in new trolleys, this market has the potential of significant economic returns. Beyond the catering industry this technology will enable international logistics services and all of the SMEs operating within a secure supply chain to seal their vehicles and reduce their operating costs. Supported by a location dependant (Galileo) tag interrogator and central ICT database, a pair of smart tags will be used to seal and monitor unauthorised access to a trolley, based on a received signal strength indication technology. Upon an authorised activation, the novel security seal will transmit its location and a randomly generated locking number to a central database, using a mobile GPRS communication link in the tag interrogator. By cross-referencing the tag and database values using a standard RFID reader, a security official may ensure that a seal has not been tampered with or replaced. A multi-lingual and bi-colour passive RF display will be installed onto each door of the trolley, for a visual indication of the seal status. Alternatively a RFID reader may be used for an automatic, long range inspection.
Year 2009
1894 Project

The Second Generation in Germany: Between School and Labor Market

Authors Susanne Worbs
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 51
1895 Journal Article

Solidifying identity discourse through the politicized monumentation of struggle

Authors Vicky Panossian
Year 2022
Journal Name Digest of Middle East Studies
1897 Journal Article

Emigration Rates From Sample Surveys: An Application to Senegal

Authors Frans Willekens, Sabine Zinn, Matthias Leuchter
Year 2017
Journal Name Demography
1898 Journal Article

The Existential Struggle of Second-Generation Turkish Immigrants in Kreuzberg

Authors Serhat Güney, Cem Pekman, Bülent Kabaş
Year 2017
Journal Name Space and Culture
1899 Journal Article

Bringing care in: The meaning of care in refugee solidarity movements

Authors Chiara Milan, Chiara Martini
Year 2024
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
1900 Journal Article
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