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relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Asylum seekers, refugees, and IDPS in Azerbaijan : issues and perspectives

Authors Arif YUNUSOV
As early as twenty years ago, no one in Azerbaijan knew about refugees or people in similar situations who were forced to flee their homes due to various circumstances such as conflict and deportation. However, over the past 20 years these forced migration processes have reached such a magnitude in Azerbaijan that it has become part of the current Azeri reality, a kind of trademark which literally affects all spheres of life for this young state. However, these processes, as well as the plight and status of forced migrants have had their own characteristics and particularities at various times.
Year 2013
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1701 Report

A new visitation paradigm for protected areas

Authors David B. Weaver, L Lawton
Year 2017
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1702 Journal Article

'Sexual Integration': Sexuality in Global Migration

Principal investigator Kristine Køhler Mortensen (Project Leader)
The focus of the project is to study recently introduced compulsory teaching of asylum seekers in 'Danish sexual morals' with the aim of unveiling the ways in which sexual behavior is being attached to culture and nationality and how specific conceptions of intimacy come to be understood as crucial and decisive for the integration in a late modern Western society. The project is designed as a two-part analysis combining both text-based discourse analysis and practice-oriented ethnography. The first comprises a corpus-assisted critical discourse text analysis of the mass media debate, policy documents, and teaching materials, which will flesh out the ideological underpinnings of the requirement for sexual education of asylum seekers. The second part investigates concrete practices through a four month ethnographic study at an asylum center (including participant observation of teachers' practices and students' reception together with in-depth interviews).
Year 2019
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1703 Project

Cross-cultural Comparisons of Managerial Perceptions on Profit

Authors Aster Yong
Year 2008
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1704 Journal Article

Campus migrans – Öffnung der Hochschulen für Asylsuchende

Principal investigator Hannes Schammann (Principal Investigator)
"Forschungsprojekt zur Öffnung deutscher Hochschulen für AsylsuchendeAn vielen deutschen Hochschulen laufen derzeit Aktivitäten zur Öffnung der Hochschule für studieninteressierte mit Fluchterfahrung. Je nach Hochschulstandort existiert ein Angebot aus Sprachkursen, Gasthörerschaft oder Schnupperstudium. Des Öfteren sind diese Angebote begleitet von einem Engagement psycho-sozialer und alltagsnaher Unterstützung für studierwillige mit Fluchterfahrung. In der Anfangsphase ihres Öffnungsprozesses stehen viele Bildungseinrichtungen vor ähnlichen Herausforderungen. Der Austausch von Erfahrungswerten, Erfolgsfaktoren und Good Practice Beispielen ist daher dringend notwendig. Hier setzt das praxisnahe Forschungsprojekt von Prof. Dr. Hannes Schammann und Christin Younsoan. In qualitativen Fallstudien werden sie erste Erfahrungen an verschiedenen deutschen Hochschulstandorten sammeln und auswerten. Die Ergebnisse münden in eine Handreichung, in der die wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren und praktischen Empfehlungen für eine Öffnung der Hochschulen anschaulich und fundiert aufbereitet sind. Der Abschlussbericht wurde am 13. Mai 2016 veröffentlicht und steht als kostenloser Download (PDF) zur Verfügung. Das Projekt versteht sich als Ergänzung zu den überwiegend juristisch orientierten Leitfäden, die u.a. von Hochschulrektorenkonferenz und Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge erstellt werden. Mit diesen Organisationen steht das Projekt in engem Austausch."
Year 2015
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1705 Project

Asylum seekers and refugees in the contemporary world

Authors Natalie Ondiak
Year 2007
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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1706 Journal Article


Year 1978
1707 Journal Article

The Influence of Hispanic Ethnicity and Nativity Status on 2009 H1N1 Pandemic Vaccination Uptake in the United States

Authors Andrew E. Burger, Erin Trouth Hofmann, SE Mamelund, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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1708 Journal Article

Chinese Pressure to Repatriate Asylum Seekers: An International Law Analysis

Authors Andrew Wolman
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
Citations (WoS) 1
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1709 Journal Article

Assimilation, Acculturation, and Allostatic Load in US- and Foreign-Born Hispanics

Authors Yenni E. Cedillo, T. Mark Beasley, Jose R. Fernandez, ...
Year 2020
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1710 Journal Article

From Right to Permission: Asylum, Mediterranean Migrations, and Europe’s War on Smuggling

Authors Maurizio Albahari
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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1711 Journal Article

Public or private? The influence of immigration on native schooling choices in the United States

Authors Thomas J. Murray
Year 2016
Journal Name Economics of Education Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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1712 Journal Article

An Innovative RFID Security SEAL for Aircraft Galley Trolleys

The AIR-SEAL project proposes the development of a second generation RFID security seal, capable of monitoring the integrity of an aircraft galley trolley or transportation vehicle. Since the September 11th terrorism attacks in the United States, catering services through-out the world have been seen as the weakest link in the aviation industry’s service supply chain. Existing sealing technologies are time consuming, ineffective and require a complex paper trail. A reusable and retro-fit, electronic sealing device is therefore required with an ultra-low profile. This new technology will enable the automatic sealing and inspections of galley trolleys, while improving their security by utilising a digital, anti-tamper volumetric sensor. With an initial market value of €120million retrofitting the technology and an additional €24milion per year in new trolleys, this market has the potential of significant economic returns. Beyond the catering industry this technology will enable international logistics services and all of the SMEs operating within a secure supply chain to seal their vehicles and reduce their operating costs. Supported by a location dependant (Galileo) tag interrogator and central ICT database, a pair of smart tags will be used to seal and monitor unauthorised access to a trolley, based on a received signal strength indication technology. Upon an authorised activation, the novel security seal will transmit its location and a randomly generated locking number to a central database, using a mobile GPRS communication link in the tag interrogator. By cross-referencing the tag and database values using a standard RFID reader, a security official may ensure that a seal has not been tampered with or replaced. A multi-lingual and bi-colour passive RF display will be installed onto each door of the trolley, for a visual indication of the seal status. Alternatively a RFID reader may be used for an automatic, long range inspection.
Year 2009
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1713 Project

Handbook on Tolerance & Cultural Diversity In Europe

Geared toward teacher-trainers, this Handbook is intended primarily for use in programmes that prepare teachers to serve in high schools in Europe. While it could be beneficial for teachers of any subject, the Handbook may be most useful to those who are preparing to deliver courses on European civics and citizenship education. The Handbook’s targeted readers are high school students and undergraduate University students between 17 and 23 years of age. The main purpose of this Handbook is to clarify terms commonly used to talk about diversity. Many terms (such as nationality, national identity or citizenship) have different meanings in different languages, and people regularly talk about them without knowing exactly what they mean. Does nation, for example, refer to the citizens of a given country or only to those who are of the same national origin? Does race refer to the colour of one’s skin or some other physical trait? Or does it refer to a whole set of supposed psychological or mental traits (e.g. ‘Indians are clever,’ ‘Black people are good at sports’, ‘The Japanese are shy’)? Race is often confused with religion, and members of certain religious faiths are frequently characterized as stereotypes (e.g. ‘Muslims are cunning’, ‘Jews are stingy’). Indeed, many of these terms are closely linked to negative stereotypes of minority groups. Some concepts such as integration, multiculturalism and intercultural dialogue are contested, and there is little agreement on what they stand for and how they relate to one another. This Handbook’s first objective, then, is to define these terms and, by doing so, to give adolescents the tools needed to better understand the reality that surrounds them.
Year 2012
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1714 Report

State Citizenship, EU Citizenship and Freedom of Movement

Authors Richard Bellamy
Book Title Debating European citizenship
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1715 Book Chapter

Low birthweight among immigrants in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States

Authors Melissa L. Martinson, M Tienda, Julien Teitler
Year 2017
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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1717 Journal Article

The politics of exclusion: embedded racism and Japan's pilot Refugee Resettlement Programme

Authors Pascale Hatcher, Aya Murakami
Year 2020
Journal Name RACE & CLASS
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1718 Journal Article

Are Immigrant Youth Faring Better in U.S. Schools?

Authors Richard Fry
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 16
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1719 Journal Article

Unaccompanied minors: Immigrant youth, school choice, and the pursuit of equity

Authors Esther Maria Claros Berlioz, Esther Maria Claros Berlioz
Year 2017
Journal Name Latino Studies
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1720 Journal Article

Sexualities, Intimacies, and the Citizen/Migrant Distinction

Authors Eithne Luibhéid
Book Title Citizenship and its Others
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1721 Book Chapter


Authors Michelle J. Sternthal, David R. Williams, Natalie Slopen
Year 2011
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
Citations (WoS) 128
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1722 Journal Article

Tradable refugee-admission quotas : a policy proposal to reform the EU asylum policy

Year 2014
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1723 Working Paper

The American Emigrant in Canada: Trends and Consequences

Authors Monica Boyd
Year 1981
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1724 Journal Article

Urbanization and the fertility transition in Ghana

Authors Michael J. White, MJ White, E Tagoe, ...
Year 2005
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 17
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1726 Journal Article

Mixed Parentage: Negotiating Identity in Denmark

Authors Rashmi Singla, Helene Bang Appel
Book Title Contested Childhoods: Growing up in Migrancy
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1727 Book Chapter

Post-secondary school participation of immigrant and native youth: the role of familial resources and educational expectations

Authors Jennifer E. Glick, JE Glick, MJ White, ...
Year 2004
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 118
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1728 Journal Article

“Hidden” Diasporas? Second- and Third-Generation Irish in England and Scotland

Authors Bronwen Walter
Book Title Rethinking the Irish Diaspora
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1729 Book Chapter

The Changing Dynamic of Latinx Outdoor Recreation on National and State Public Lands

Authors David Flores, Jose J. Sanchez
Year 2020
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1730 Journal Article

Social contact and encounter in asylum seeker reception: the Utrecht Refugee Launchpad

Authors Caroline Oliver, Karin Geuijen, Rianne Dekker
Year 2020
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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1731 Journal Article

International Delegation and Agency in the Externalization Process of EU Migration and Asylum Policy: the Role of the IOM and the UNHCR in Niger

Authors Julia van Dessel
Year 2019
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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1732 Journal Article

Asylum Seekers in Europe in the Context of South-North Movements

Authors Jonas Widgren
Year 1989
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1733 Journal Article

Nativity Concentration and Internal Migration among the Foreign-Born

Authors Mary M. Kritz, June Marie Nogle
Year 1994
Journal Name Demography
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1734 Journal Article

Warriors Wanted: The Performance of Immigrants in the US Army

Authors Eiko Strader, Jennifer Lundquist, Rodrigo Dominguez-Villegas
Year 2020
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1735 Journal Article

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons

Authors C. Phuong
Year 2005
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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1736 Journal Article

Ensuring the reproductive rights of refugees and internally displaced persons: Legal and policy issues

Authors F Girard, W Waldman
Year 2000
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1737 Journal Article

The Implications of the 1996 Land-mines Protocol for Refugees and the Internally Displaced

Authors S. MASLEN
Year 1996
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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1738 Journal Article

Career Duration in the NBA: Do Foreign Players Exit Early?

Authors Peter A. Groothuis, James Richard Hill
Year 2018
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1739 Journal Article

Are Hispanic Women Happier About Unintended Births?

Authors Caroline Sten Hartnett
Year 2012
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 18
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1740 Journal Article

Second-generation governance indicators

Authors S Knack, N Manning, M Kugler
Year 2003
Citations (WoS) 28
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1741 Journal Article

Does the Hispanic health advantage extend to better management of hypertension? The role of socioeconomic status, sociobehavioral factors, and health care access

Authors Emily Bacon, Fernando Riosmena, Richard G. Rogers
Year 2017
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1742 Journal Article

Individual- and Family-Level Determinants of Risky Sexual Behavior Among Swedish- and Foreign-Born Young Adults 18-30 Years of Age, Residing in Skane, Sweden

Authors Benedict O. Asamoah, Anette Agardh
Year 2018
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1743 Journal Article

Suriyeli sığınmacılar ve "misafir" olma hali

Year 2015
Journal Name Birikim
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1744 Journal Article

Governing Migrant (Im)mobility in Greece After the EU-Turkey Statement

Authors Angeliki Dimitriadi
Year 2022
Book Title Challenging Mobilities in and to the EU during Times of Crises
1745 Book Chapter

Constructing undesirables: A critical discourse analysis of "othering' within the Protecting Canada's Immigration System Act

Authors Suzanne Huot, Antoine Bailliard, Andrea Bobadilla, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration
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1746 Journal Article

‘Rainbow Statelessness’ — Between Sexual Citizenship and Legal Theory: Exploring the Statelessness–LGBTIQ+ Nexus

Authors Thomas McGee
Year 2020
Journal Name Statelessness & Citizenship Review
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1747 Journal Article

Emergent migration policy in a democratic South Africa

Authors H Kotze, L Hill
Year 1997
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 6
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1748 Journal Article

Immigrant educational outcomes in new destinations: An exploration of high school attrition

Authors Mary J. Fischer, MJ Fischer
Year 2010
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 27
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1749 Journal Article

Document. UNHCR's role with internally displaced persons: information note, 20 November 1998

Authors Anon
Year 1999
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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1750 Journal Article

A collective sigh of relief: Local reactions to the establishment of new asylum centers in Norway

Authors Susanne Bygnes
Year 2020
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
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1752 Journal Article

Variations in the Gender Composition of Immigrant Populations: How They Matter

Authors KM Donato, D Gabaccia, Joseph T. Alexander, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 27
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1753 Journal Article

The Existential Struggle of Second-Generation Turkish Immigrants in Kreuzberg

Authors Serhat Güney, Serhat Gueney, Bulent Kabas, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Space and Culture
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1754 Journal Article

The Second Generation in Germany: Between School and Labor Market

Authors Susanne Worbs, S Worbs
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 51
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1755 Journal Article

Structures of abandonment: Gender, statuslessness, and bare life

Authors Ruth Preser, Ayala Olier
Year 2023
Journal Name Migration Studies
1756 Journal Article

Foreign-Born Population Growth, Negative Outgroup Contact, and Americans’ Attitudes Towards Legal and Unauthorized Immigration

Authors James Laurence, Harris Hyun-soo Kim
Year 2021
Journal Name Political Studies
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1757 Journal Article


Authors Nguyen Thi Lan Hong, Tran Van Tuyen, Viktor Victorovich Pushkarev, ...
Year 2020
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1758 Journal Article

Rates and characteristics of suicide by immigration background in Norway

Authors Quirino Puzo, Ping Qin, Lars Mehlum
Year 2018
Journal Name PLOS ONE
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1759 Journal Article

Socio-Economic Impact of the Crisis in Northern Mali on Displaced People

Authors Julia Lendorfer, Johannes Hoogeveen, Alvin Etang-Ndip
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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1760 Journal Article

Earning Differentials among Native Born and Foreign Born Residents of Toronto

Authors B. B. Tandon, BB Tandon
Year 1978
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 11
1761 Journal Article

Creating illegal immigrants

Authors Gil S. Epstein, Arye L. Hillman, Avi Weiss
Year 1999
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 28
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1762 Journal Article

Disabled people in refugee and asylum seeking communities

Authors Mark Priestley
Year 2003
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1763 Journal Article

‘Refugee Protest Camp Vienna’: making citizens through locations of the protest movement

Authors Ilker Ataç, Ilker Atac
Year 2016
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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1764 Journal Article

Undocumented migrants' right to apply for work. A consequentialist assessment

Authors Lars Fr. H. Svendsen
Year 2012
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1765 Journal Article

Citizenship and the Performance of Credibility: Audiencing Gender-based Asylum Seekers in US Immigration Courts

Authors Sara L. McKinnon
Year 2009
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1766 Journal Article

Who Stays? Who Goes? Selective Emigration Among the Foreign-Born

Authors Jennifer Van Hook, Weiwei Zhang
Year 2011
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 32
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1767 Journal Article

Introduction: Patterns, Trends, and (Ir)Regularities in the Politics and Economics of Labour Migration in Europe

Authors Alexander Caviedes, Georg Menz
Book Title Labour Migration in Europe
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1768 Book Chapter

Contested racialized identities

Authors Lourdes Torres
Year 2016
Journal Name Latino Studies
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1769 Journal Article

The Nexus of Political Violence and Economic Deprivation: Pakistani Migrants Disrupt the Refugee/Migrant Dichotomy

Authors Fazila Bhimji
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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1770 Journal Article

Foreign-Born Persons Diagnosed with HIV: Where are They From and Where Were They Infected?

Authors Ellen W. Wiewel, Lucia V. Torian, David B. Hanna, ...
Year 2015
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1771 Journal Article

India and Internally Displaced Persons: Current Legal Avenues and New Legal Strategies

Authors V. K. Singh
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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1772 Journal Article

The Internally Displaced: Between the Positivities and the Residues of the Margins

Authors Juan Ricardo Aparicio
Year 2012
Journal Name Revista de Estudios Sociales
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1773 Journal Article

The Kampala Convention on Internally Displaced Persons: Some International Humanitarian Law Aspects

Authors S. Ojeda
Year 2010
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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1774 Journal Article

An emergent cosmopolitan paradigm? Asylum, welfare and human rights1

Authors Lydia Morris, L Morris
Year 2009
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
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1775 Journal Article

Free Movement Emancipates, but What Freedom Is This?

Authors Vesco Paskalev
Book Title Debating European citizenship
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1776 Book Chapter

(In)Compatible Transnational Lives and National Laws: The Case of German Citizens in Turkey

Turkey has long been characterized as a country of emigration due to the large-scale migration of Turkish workers to Western Europe beginning in the 1960s. However, Turkey has also increasingly become a country of immigration in recent years. In fact, migra-tion to Turkey is not a new phenomenon: Migration movements had occurred during the Ottoman period and in the immediate years following the foundation of the Republic of Turkey. Yet, it must be stressed that these migratory movements differ both in terms of nature and scale. While former migration move-ments to Turkey consisted of migrants of Turkish ethnicity from neighboring countries, recent migra-tion to Turkey has become much more diverse. At the crossroads of Asia, Africa, and the European Union (EU), Turkey now faces various migration flows such as transit migrants, clandestine immigrant workers, high-skilled personnel, asylum seekers, and refugees from different countries. Among these migrant groups are also German citizens who have settled in Turkey for various reasons. Because of these new migration flows into the country, as well as the EU harmonization process, Turkey, willingly or not, has been forced to adapt its migration legislation. In rela-tion to this, Turkey has entered into a serious reform process in recent years, and many fundamental legal amendments have been made regarding the status of foreigners in Turkey. The Law on Work Permits for Foreigners (Law No. 4817) and Law on Foreigners and International Protection (Law No. 6458) are of significant importance concerning foreigners’ legal participation possibilities in Turkey. Based on the empirical findings of my Mercator-IPC Fellowship, this report investigates the possibilities of German citizens’ legal membership on the “Turkish side” of the transnational German-Turkish space from the migrant’s perspective. In doing so, this report also reflects upon some general characteristics of the Turkish migration policy.
Year 2016
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1777 Report

Acculturation, physical activity, and obesity among Hispanic adolescents

Authors Jihong Liu, Janice C. Probst, Nusrat Harun, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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1778 Journal Article

Public assistance use among US-born children of immigrants

Authors Paula Fomby, AJ Cherlin
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1779 Journal Article

Emotion regulation of social exclusion: a cross-cultural study

Authors Zhenhong He, Nils Muhlert, Rebecca Elliott
Year 2021
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1780 Journal Article

Citizenship Reporting in the American Community Survey

Authors Jennifer Van Hook, James D. Bachmeier
Year 2013
Journal Name Demographic Research
Citations (WoS) 7
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1781 Journal Article

Revisiting the Asian second-generation advantage

Authors Van C. Tran, Jennifer Lee, Tiffany J. Huang
Year 2019
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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1782 Journal Article

Ethnic Identification in Second Generation Latvians

Year 1978
Journal Name International Migration
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1783 Journal Article

Immigration and the Foreign Born. (Occasional Paper 46).

Authors Donald J. Bogue, Simon Kuznets, Ernest Rubin
Year 1955
Journal Name American Sociological Review
1784 Journal Article

Refugee Women

Year 2003
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1785 Book

Educational Mobility of Second-generation Turks

Authors Philipp Schnell
Year 2014
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1786 Book

Luanda - Holanda: Irregular Migration from Angola to the Netherlands

Authors Joris Van Wijk
Year 2010
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1787 Journal Article

Luanda - Holanda: Irregular Migration from Angola to the Netherlands

Authors Joris van Wijk
Year 2010
Journal Name International Migration
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1788 Journal Article

Attracting Highly Skilled Migrants: US experience and lessons for the EU

Authors Philip MARTIN
This paper examines the opportunities and challenges involved in attracting highly skilled Indian migrants to EU countries by examining US policies to attract highly skilled Indian and other migrants. The paper also outlines the policies regulating the entry of high-skilled workers into Germany and the UK. These policies have changed recently, making assessment difficult. The paper has four sections. The first reviews definitions of and data on the number and distribution of highly skilled workers. Section two summarizes US policies to admit highly skilled foreigners as immigrants and temporary visitors, emphasizing that many of those who wind up as highly skilled US immigrants enter as students or guest workers and become settler immigrants after being sponsored by a US employer or marrying a US citizen or immigrant. Section three outlines the admissions channels open to highly skilled Indians and other non-EU foreigners in Germany and the UK, while section four provides conclusions and recommendations.
Year 2012
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1789 Report

Irregular Migration – The Case of Egypt

Authors Tarek BADAWY
Egypt hosts thousands of foreign nationals, a small percentage of whom are considered regular migrants or recognized refugees. This paper will outline the different legal tools that bind non-Egyptians and explore the problems that irregular migrant, including failed asylum-seekers face. It will also explain how the Minister of the Interior has absolute powers with regards to naturalization and deportations and propose an alternative mechanism that is fairer and more compliant with modern human rights standards.
Year 2008
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1790 Report

Representing trauma: Political asylum narrative

Authors A Shuman, C Bohmer
Year 2004
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1791 Journal Article

Cross-cultural surveys of adolescent health and behavior: progress and problems

Authors PA Michaud, RW Blum, GB Slap
Year 2001
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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1793 Journal Article

MIHKMA: Migration and Health Knowledge Management

The project focuses on expanding knowledge and understanding of migration and health, and supporting the development and uptake of evidence-informed guidance to ensure actions meet the health needs of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. In doing so, the project seeks to ensure health professionals and health systems are adequately prepared to overcome the challenges associated with large arrivals of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. MIHKMA will create a first-of-its-kind coordinated process to collect, analyse, summarize and widely disseminate best available knowledge, good practices and evidence-based approaches from the EC, WHO and other state-of-the-art migrant health initiatives and information sources. These activities will be undertaken within a broader initiative of the Regional Office, the Knowledge Hub on Health and Migration, a multi-stakeholder living platform aimed at bridging between science, policy and practice in this field. MIHKMA, is a collaborative project funded by the European Commission Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) under the 3rd Health Programme, which is aimed at raising awareness, fostering and disseminating knowledge, and increasing adoption of migrant-health good practices and evidence-based approaches across European Union (EU) countries. The project will: - Develop and recommend technical guidance in priority issues of migrant health, which will include research, and development and dissemination of various tools and resources; - Develop at least four distance-learning webinars and associated training materials, videos, tools and resources; - Develop and implement coordinated communications on migrant health and promote access to the knowledge, good practice tools and resources researched and developed, and to the webinars.
Year 2017
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1794 Project

Popular Nationalism and Attitudes toward Immigrants (PNATI): A Multistage Investigation of Popular Nationalism and its Effects on Attitudes toward Labor Immigrants and Asylum Seekers in Israel

The general framework of the proposed research challenges the traditional approaches to popular attitudes toward labor immigrants and asylum seekers. Previous scholarship has highlighted either economic competition between immigrants and the host society or perceptions of symbolic threats posed by immigrants. The proposed research, in contrast, will be the first to investigate how attitudes toward foreigners are linked to the way several dimensions of nationalism configure the national self-understanding of individuals. These dimensions include the ways individuals define the criteria for membership in their nation, their beliefs about the core values of the nation, their identification with specific national institutions, and the role they believe their nation-state should play in relationship to other nation-states. To test this theoretically groundbreaking framework, the proposed research has three specific objectives: (1) to develop an empirically robust typology of national self-understanding of resident citizens of Israel, (2) to examine the relationship of national self-understanding with core demographic characteristics of individuals, and (3) to investigate how national self-understanding affects individuals' attitudes toward labor immigrants and asylum seekers. In addition to theoretical innovation, this proposal also introduces a novel multistage research design that opens with in-depth interviews, continues with survey data collection, and ends with follow-up interviews with survey takers. Using this multistage design, the proposed research will be the first of its kind to develop a purely inductive typology of popular nationalism in a European country, and to test how the national self-understanding of individuals affects their attitudes toward immigrants and preferences regarding the state’s immigration policy.
Year 2013
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1795 Project

Exile, Statelessness, and Migration: Response to my critics

Authors Seyla Benhabib
Year 2020
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1797 Journal Article

The Institutional and Legal Justification of the Restriction of Freedom of Movement in Conditions of Counteraction the Spread of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Authors Anzhelika R. Krusian, Ivanna I. Zadoia, Iana I. Maslova, ...
Year 2020
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1798 Journal Article

Postcolonial Asylum: Seeking Sanctuary Before the Law

Authors Ruksana Abdul-Majid
Year 2012
Journal Name WASAFIRI
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1799 Journal Article
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