EaSI-PROGRESS: Fast track integration into the labour market for third country nationals targeting exclusively asylum seekers, refugees and their family members

This 2016 Economic and Social Innovation (EaSI) Call aims at funding projects to test and implement innovative policy schemes and delivery mechanisms that will ensure and facilitate a swift labour market integration of asylum seekers, refugees and their family members (with a particular focus on labour market integration of women). The available budget is EUR 14.2 mln. The Call was open from 21 December 2016 to 30 March 2017. The call for proposals aims at funding innovative transnational projects to test and implement innovative policy schemes and delivery mechanisms that will ensure and facilitate a swift labour market integration of the specific target groups of third country nationals listed below. Proposals could also include the replication of successful innovative initiatives already implemented in other(s) country(ies). Only applications targeting specifically the support to the following groups of third country nationals will be considered eligible for further evaluation: • asylum seekers, • refugees and their family members. Specific measures targeting the labour market integration of migrant women will be considered favourably.

Taxonomy Associations

Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
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