
Showing page of 56492 results, sorted by

Utilization of Standardized Mental Health Assessments in Anthropological Research: Possibilities and Pitfalls

Authors Emily Mendenhall, Kristin Yarris, Brandon A. Kohrt
Year 2016
Journal Name Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry
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1 Journal Article

Evaluation of an organizational health intervention for low-skilled workers and immigrants

Authors Christine Busch, Tobias Koch, Julia Clasen, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name [Migration Policy Centre]
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2 Journal Article

Family interventions for adults living with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A qualitative meta-synthesis

Authors Lorraine M. Thirsk, Kara Schick-Makaroff
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 10
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3 Journal Article

Improvements in Cross- Cultural Research Methods

Authors Carol R. Ember
Year 1994
Journal Name Cross-Cultural Research
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4 Journal Article

The use of Bayesian networks for realist evaluation of complex interventions: evidence for prevention of human trafficking

Authors Ligia Kiss, David Fotheringhame, Joelle Mak, ...
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 9
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5 Journal Article

Sport for development and peace: a call for transnational, multi-sited, postcolonial feminist research

Authors Lyndsay M. C. Hayhurst
Year 2016
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6 Journal Article

Qualitative Methods in Migration Studies: A Critical Realist Perspective.

Authors Shailja Sharma
Year 2013
Journal Name Qualitative Research
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7 Journal Article

Qualitative Methods in Migration Studies: A Critical Realist Perspective

Authors Zana Vathi
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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8 Journal Article

Preventing polarization: An empirical evaluation of a dialogue training

Authors Norah Schulten, Floris F. Vermeulen, Bertjan Doosje
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 3
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9 Journal Article

Barefoot in Britain: Anthropological research on Asian immigrants

Authors Pnina Werbner
Year 1987
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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11 Journal Article

Promiscuous Analysis in Qualitative Research

Authors Sara M. Childers
Year 2014
Journal Name Qualitative Inquiry
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12 Journal Article

Prozesse der Subjektivierung und Selbst-Bildung von mit Familie geflüchteten Mädchen in Deutschland

Principal investigator Martin Sökefeld (Principal Investigator)
Das ethnologische Forschungsprojekt betrachtet die Subjektivierung (Butler, Foucault) und Selbst-Bildung geflüchteter Mädchen zwischen 15 und 21 Jahren, die in der (ethnologischen) Forschung unterrepräsentiert sind. In ihrem Alltag begegnen ihnen teils miteinander verknüpfte Vorstellungen sozialer Differenz wie Alter, Klasse, Geschlecht, Ethnizität bzw. Nationalität oder Religion. Damit verbunden begegnen ihnen Erwartungen, wie sie sich entsprechend dieser Zuschreibungen zu verhalten haben. Ihr individuelles Selbstverständnis wird dabei selten erfragt und berücksichtigt. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird dabei der Verknüpfung von Genderstereotypen mit Kulturalisierungen bzw. Ethnisierungen in alltäglichen Praktiken des everyday bordering gewidmet. In der Forschung werden Ansätze aus der Theorie der Subjektivierung zum Zusammenspiel von Anrufung und Selbst-Bildung, Überlegungen zur Produktion von Differenz in Intersektionalitäts- und kritischer Migrationsforschung sowie ethnologische Diskussionen um Handlungsmacht als Ausgangspunkte genutzt, um das Geflecht von Anrufungen, in dem sich die Mädchen bewegen, näher zu beschreiben und um über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Handlungsmacht im Rahmen diskursiv vorgegebener Subjektpositionen nachzudenken. Die gezielte Untersuchung der Subjektivität und "alltäglichen" Erfahrung junger geflüchteter Frauen soll dazu dienen, im Sinne einer "cultural critique", Alternativen zu verallgemeinernden Erklärungsversuchen und Homogenisierungen von "Flüchtlingen", insbesondere "Flüchtlingsmädchen", in der deutschen Gesellschaft aufzuzeigen. Methodisch stützt ich das Projekt auf ethnografische Methoden wie teilnehmende Beobachtung in Verbindung mit informellen Gesprächen, offenen und semi-strukturierten Interviews sowie Expert*inneninterviews. Als Ergänzung klassischer ethnologischer Feldforschungsmethoden werden biographisch-narrative Interviews sowie partizipative Methoden wie Fokusgruppeninterviews und auto-driven photo elicitation ins Forschungsdesign integriert.
Year 2019
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13 Project

Epistemological Issues in Qualitative Migration Research: Self-Reflexivity, Objectivity and Subjectivity

Authors Theodoros Iosifides
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
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14 Book Chapter

Book Review: Qualitative Methods in Migration Studies: A Critical Realist Perspective

Authors Clemen C. Aquino
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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15 Journal Article

Transnational nurse migration: Future directions for medical anthropological research

Authors Megan Prescott, Mark Nichter
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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16 Journal Article

Research-Policy Relations and Migration Studies

Authors Peter Scholten
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
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17 Book Chapter

Researching Refugee Youth in the Middle East: Reflections on the Importance of Comparative Research

Authors Dawn Chatty
Year 2007
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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18 Journal Article

Moving images: Psychoanalytically informed visual methods in documenting the lives of women migrants and asylum seekers

Authors Janice K Haaken, Maggie O’Neill
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Health Psychology
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20 Journal Article

Crackdown on NGOs assisting refugees and other migrants

Authors Lina Lina Vosyliūtė, Carmine Conte, Migration Policy Group (MPG), ...
Year 2018
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
21 Policy Brief

Les refugies comme objet d'etude pour l'anthropologie : enjeux et perspectives

Authors Marion Fresia
Year 2007
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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22 Journal Article

Context-Based Qualitative Research and Multi-sited Migration Studies in Europe

Authors Russell King
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
25 Book Chapter

Insider or outsider, both or neither: some dilemmas of interviewing in a cross-cultural setting

Authors Beverley Mullings
Year 1999
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 186
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26 Journal Article

Mapping the Qualitative Migration Research in Europe: An Exploratory Analysis

Authors Ricard Zapata-Barrero, Evren Yalaz
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
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27 Book Chapter

Migration-related Conditionality in EU External Funding

Authors Roberto Cortinovis, Carmine Conte, Migration Policy Group (MPG), ...
Year 2018
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
28 Policy Brief

Maatregelen gericht op asielzoekers uit veilige landen: analyse van een beleidslogica

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Ministry of Justice and Securtiy, Bianca Szytniewski, Wendy Buysse, ...
In dit onderzoek is de beleidslogica van de maatregelen gericht op asielzoekers uit veilige landen onderzocht en gekeken naar de ontwikkeling van de instroom en het vertrek van deze groep asielzoekers in de periode 2013-2018, waarbij in 2018 is gekeken naar het eerste half jaar. Door ook de instroom-en vertrekcijfers van asielzoekers uit veilige landen van voor 2016 mee te nemen in de analyse is het mogelijk inzicht te geven in de instroom en het vertrek van deze groep asielzoekers voor en na de invoering van de maatregelen. De volgende vragen stonden centraal in dit onderzoek: 1.Welke maatregelen gericht op asielzoekers uit veilige landen zijn genomen en welke doelen werden hiermee beoogd? 2.Hoe zijn die maatregelen uitgevoerd? 3.In hoeverre is het aannemelijk dat deze maatregelen invloed hebben gehad op de instroom en het vertrek van deze groep asielzoekers – en dat de maatregelen hebben bijgedragen aan de vier doelen genoemd in de Kamerbrief van 17 november 2016?
Year 2018
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29 Report

Doing 'judgemental rationality' in empirical research: the importance of depth-reflexivity when researching in prison

Authors Muzammil Quraishi, Lamia Irfan, Mallory Schneuwly Purdie, ...
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 12
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30 Journal Article


This research project consists in analysing the under-researched but strategic role of trade unions in the getting and enforcement of statutory rights in relation to sex, race and other forms of discrimination. By reflecting on the conditions under which trade unions are likely to mobilize legally on behalf of their members and act as “bridging institutions” between the legal system and the organizational field, this project addresses issues key to contemporary policy and academic debates exploring the effectiveness of different mechanisms of rights enforcement and the potential of reflexive regulation, but also some of its limitations. Drawing on a multidisciplinary approach that bridges legal mobilization literature, industrial relations and feminist studies, this project will contribute to the academic debate on the role of “legal intermediaries” in the promotion of rights, emphasizing the under-researched role of trade unions, the variety of their legal mobilization strategies across countries and over time, but also the “contested” nature of their legal engagement with anti-discrimination law. More specifically, this research project will consider how “gender neutral” norms and practices impact upon men and women differentially, while emphasizing the usefulness of legal mobilization to bringing about transformative social and political change. This cross-fertilization between feminist perspectives and mainstream disciplines is certainly one of the main originality of this project. It also innovates by undertaking a cross-national and cross-organizational comparative work on the uses of legal mobilization looking into unions’ legal strategies in France and in the UK, in a historical perspective (1970-2015). The combination of various qualitative methodological approaches will contribute to the strengthening of the “discursive” study of legal mobilizations and bring new insights on the conditions under which legal rights are interpreted, contested and mobilized.
Year 2014
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31 Project

Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies

Authors Ricard Zapata-Barrero, Evren Yalaz
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32 Book

A Black Womanist Theomethaxis

Authors Menah Pratt
Year 2023
Citations (WoS) 1
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33 Journal Article

Radical contextualization: contributions to an anthropology of racial/ethnic health disparities

Authors RR Chapman, Berggren
Year 2005
Journal Name Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine
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35 Journal Article

Methods in Research on Research

Our aim is to create, in Europe, an innovative and ambitious multidisciplinary intersectoral joint doctoral training programme, dedicated to Methods in Research on Research (MIROR) in the field of clinical research. “Research on Research”, is an emerging new scientific discipline that aims to reduce waste in research and increase research value. Waste in research represents tens of billions of Euros spent each year on studies that are redundant, flawed in their design, never published or poorly reported. The public is the main victim of this waste and reducing waste and increasing value of research represents a major societal challenge. Our proposal involving 15 early-stage researchers, aims to 1) prepare students for envisioning the future challenges in clinical research and find innovative solutions to face them, 2) train students to go well beyond the state-of-the-art in their research, 3) help students think differently, taking advantage of the multidisciplinary expertise and intercultural diversity of the network, 4) teach students how to move from research to action and convert knowledge and idea into a product, and 5) help students develop skills to match the public and private sector needs and create new professional opportunities. MIROR will bring together 7 world-class research teams in various disciplines (computer sciences, applied mathematics, biostatistics, bioinformatics, clinical epidemiology, psychology, social sciences and translational medicine) from 6 different European countries; 6 non-academic partners involved in diverse sectors, and 4 major academic partners. We will tackle several steps of a clinical research project (planning, conduct, reporting and the peer-review); various study designs (observational studies, randomised trials, systematic reviews); various study questions (therapeutic, diagnostic, and prognostic evaluation) using various methods (meta-epidemiologic studies, qualitative studies, experimental studies, simulations etc).
Year 2016
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36 Project

International Refugee Law and Refugee Policy: The Case of Deterrence Policies

Authors Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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37 Journal Article

New genealogy: It's not just for kinship anymore

Authors Robert J. Quinlan, Edward H. Hagen
Year 2008
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
38 Journal Article

Introduction: Preparing the Way for Qualitative Research in Migration Studies

Authors Evren Yalaz, Ricard Zapata-Barrero
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
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39 Book Chapter

'Don't say "research"': reducing bidirectional risk in Kibera slum

Authors E. Ashley Wilson
Year 2018
Journal Name Contemporary Social Science
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41 Journal Article

How to Construct a Mixed Methods Research Design

Authors Judith Schoonenboom, R. Burke Johnson
Year 2017
Journal Name KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
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42 Journal Article

The use of triangulation in a study of refugee well-being

Authors JK Kopinak
Year 1999
Journal Name Quality & Quantity
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43 Journal Article

Working in the Dark: Why Social Anthropological Research is Essential in Refugee Administration

Year 1988
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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44 Journal Article

Challenges for Comparative Social Research

Authors Erik Allardt
Year 1990
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
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45 Journal Article

On the irrelevance of ethnicity in children's organization of their social world

Authors Livia Jimenez Sedano
Year 2012
Journal Name Childhood
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46 Journal Article

“I Am Standing Still”: The Impact of Immigration Regulations on the Career Aspirations of Wives of International Students in the USA

Authors Samit Dipon Bordoloi
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47 Journal Article

Where is the justice in EU anti-trafficking policy? Feminist reflections on European Union policy-making processes

Authors Sharron FitzGerald, Jane Freedman
Year 2021
Journal Name European Journal of Women's Studies
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49 Journal Article

Qualitative to quantitative: linked trajectory of method triangulation in a study on HIV/AIDS in Goa, India

Authors Ajay Bailey, Inge Hutter
Year 2008
Journal Name AIDS Care
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50 Journal Article

Committed objectivity in race-class-gender research

Authors B Agozino
Year 1999
Journal Name Quality & Quantity
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51 Journal Article

Categorising What We Study and What We Analyse, and the Exercise of Interpretation

Authors Dirk Jacobs
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
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52 Book Chapter

But where's the body? Bodies, time, money, and the political economy of post-pandemic field research

Authors Donna Baines, Susan Braedley, Tamara Daly, ...
Year 2024
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53 Journal Article

Getting in Trouble: Feminist Postcritical Policy Ethnography in an Urban School

Authors Sara M. Childers
Year 2011
Journal Name Qualitative Inquiry
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54 Journal Article

Ethics and quality in social research in health. Mismatches of reality

Authors Susana Ramirez Hita
Year 2011
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55 Journal Article

Diaspora and mapping methodologies: tracing transnational digital connections with ‘mattering maps’

Year 2018
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 1
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56 Journal Article

Qualitative Research in Migration Studies

Authors Franck DÜVELL
Remittances flowing from Ukrainian migrants working in high-income countries to Ukraine are an increasingly important source of extra income for migrants’ families. Given the increasing size of aggregate remittance inflows, they are also expected to be a potential source of funding for the social and economic development of Ukraine as a whole. If remittances enhance investment in physical and human capital and thus boost productivity, they can help mitigate the possible negative economic effects of rapid population decline and the aging of the Ukrainian population. Yet the potential benefits of remittances are likely to be matched by potential costs. Thus, two main issues are of interest with regard to remittances in Ukraine: • what are their benefits and costs for migrants’ families, local communities, the Ukrainian economy and society; and • how to harness their development potential while limiting any counterproductive side effects. This paper directly addresses these two questions. It does so by reporting first results from an ongoing effort to assess the potential development and unwanted side effects of remittances in Ukraine. These results come from a survey of the empirical literature in Ukraine and other transition economies and are supported, where possible, by the author’s contributions. The purpose of this work is to draw out evidence-based policy implications.
Year 2012
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57 Report

Queen Njinga in a South-Atlantic Dialogue: Gender, Race and Identity

Authors Doris Wieser
Year 2017
Journal Name Iberoamericana
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58 Journal Article

Feminism and migration

Authors P Hondagneu-Sotelo
Year 2000
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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59 Journal Article

I.1.6 Ethnologie

Authors Annika Lems, Tabea Scharrer
Year 2023
Book Title Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung
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60 Book Chapter


The need to deal with health inequalities is now on the agenda of key supranational institutions, such as the European Commission (EC). To tackle the so-called “causes of the causes of health inequity”, the focus should be put on structural policies, policies that – especially in the current times of financial and employment crisis – influence patterns of social stratification, living and working conditions, and thus people's health. The SOPHIE project aims to generate new evidence on the impact and effectiveness of structural policies in reducing health inequalities, and to develop innovative methodologies for the evaluation of these policies in Europe. We will study major policy areas, including macro-economy, welfare state, labour market and employment relations, built environment, housing, as well as gender-oriented and immigration-related policies. Examples of these policies at the European, national and local levels will be examined, in addition to their impacts on health inequalities by social class, gender and migrant status. The project will develop theoretical frameworks as well as quantitative and qualitative methods for evaluating the effectiveness of such policies in different contexts. Novel methods that are useful for evaluating the impact of complex social interventions will be employed, including realist reviews, explanatory case studies and concept mapping. Particular attention will be given to increasing the involvement of affected stakeholders (civil society and deprived population groups) in the identification, design and evaluation of policies to tackle health inequalities. Affected communities and stakeholders will work with responsible policymakers in activities of dissemination of results, knowledge transfer and translation of findings into policy recommendations. Through SOPHIE, the EC will gain knowledge on the impact on health and health inequalities of social and economic policies which may be implemented or recommended to Member States
Year 2011
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61 Project

Tandem ethnography: On researching ‘trafficking’ and ‘anti-trafficking’

Authors Sverre Molland
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnography
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62 Journal Article

Assessing alcohol consumption: developments from qualitative research methods

Authors L Strunin
Year 2001
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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63 Journal Article

Tale of Two Citizenships? Citizenship, Migration and Care in the European Union

Authors Heli Askola
Year 2012
Journal Name Social & Legal Studies
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64 Journal Article

Towards a critical moral anthropology

Consubstantial to the founding project of social sciences, moral issues have been eclipsed for a long time in sociological and anthropological research. Without neglecting recent efforts of social scientists to readdress them, my intention is to take up this repressed ambition by laying the foundations of a critical moral anthropology. The crucial importance of morals in everyday life as well as in global crisis, in the evaluation of actions as well as in the justification of policies, in the relations with others as well as in the construction of social identities makes this ambition a reasonable necessity. Empirical validation will be done through a comparative ethnography of moral economies around two groups: immigrants in juridical precariousness; adolescents from underprivileged areas. Our study will concern their interactions with regulation structures police and justice, social work and mental health. It will enlighten the concepts of moral work and stakes, of moral categories and evaluation, of moral communities and boundaries. Fieldwork will be mainly conducted in the banlieues of Paris. For the immigrants, we will study how situations and claims are evaluated at the border to enter the territory (Waiting Zone for Foreigners of Roissy) or in case of appeal for refugees (National Court for Asylum); we will also analyze processes of sanction for their illegal situation (Retention Center of Coquelles) or for offences (Prisons of La Santé, Fresnes and Val d Oise). For the adolescents, we will focus on the ordinary setting of institutions in charge of these publics (Val d Oise), but also on two innovative responses based on mental health (Network of Yvelines Sud and House for Adolescents of Val d Oise East). Based mainly on anthropology and sociology, the project also involves political science, philosophy, psychology and psychiatry. The research team includes the PI, 5 post-docs, 5 PhD students and two part-time researchers, all from IRIS.
Year 2009
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65 Project

A future agenda for research on climate change and human mobility

Authors Robert Oakes, Kees Van der Geest, Benjamin Schraven, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name International Migration
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66 Journal Article

Valene Smith, tourism, and the remapping of anthropological terrain

Authors Kathleen M. Adams
Year 2024
Citations (WoS) 2
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
68 Journal Article

Separate Roads to Feminism: Black, Chicana, and White Feminist Movements in America's Second Wave

Authors Alma M. Garcia
Year 2007
Journal Name Latino Studies
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69 Journal Article

Environmental justice research - limitations and future directions using qualitative research methods

Authors Ujjaini Das
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 1
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70 Journal Article

A Decade of Studying Guest Workers Through the Projects of the Serbian Ethnological and Anthropological Society

Authors Dragana Antonijević, Ana Banić Grubišić, Miloš Rašić
Year 2021
Journal Name Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology
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71 Journal Article

MOHPROF: Mobility of Health Professionals

In the medium-scale collaborative project with partners inside and outside the EU, scientific institutes with the capacities to conduct sound investigations will cooperate with worldwide active international health service organisations which have information and global links for research on international mobility. General objective is to research on current trends of mobility of health professionals to, from and within the EU. Research will also be conducted in Non-European sending and receiving countries, but the focus lies on the EU: comparative studies in a selected range of representative states will determine the impact of different types of migration on national health systems. An innovative approach will generate more comparable, specified and qualified data gathered by mainly qualitative research and aims for quantities of migration flows as well as detailed qualities like professions, motives, circumstances and the social context, i.e. push and pull factors. Crucial for the approach are key stakeholders which represent the relevant categories in national health systems to collect existing data and statistics, but first of all to generate new, qualitative data. In-depth interviews based on thematic guidelines with representatives of key stakeholders enable a triangulation of data, i.e. the expertise on health professionals´ mobility and its impact on structures and processes of health systems will qualify the quantitative findings and explore what mobility means for the health system and the persons and organisations involved. The project’s policy dimension comprises recommendations on human resource policies in European and third countries for policy and decision makers on the basis of sound empirical research with conceptual frameworks for monitoring systems concerning the mobility of health workers as a key part. Consultation meetings and roundtables with policymakers will be essential in the project.
Year 2008
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72 Project

Mobility of Health Professionals

In the medium-scale collaborative project with partners inside and outside the EU, scientific institutes with the capacities to conduct sound investigations will cooperate with worldwide active international health service organisations which have information and global links for research on international mobility. General objective is to research on current trends of mobility of health professionals to, from and within the EU. Research will also be conducted in Non-European sending and receiving countries, but the focus lies on the EU: comparative studies in a selected range of representative states will determine the impact of different types of migration on national health systems. An innovative approach will generate more comparable, specified and qualified data gathered by mainly qualitative research and aims for quantities of migration flows as well as detailed qualities like professions, motives, circumstances and the social context, i.e. push and pull factors. Crucial for the approach are key stakeholders which represent the relevant categories in national health systems to collect existing data and statistics, but first of all to generate new, qualitative data. In-depth interviews based on thematic guidelines with representatives of key stakeholders enable a triangulation of data, i.e. the expertise on health professionals´ mobility and its impact on structures and processes of health systems will qualify the quantitative findings and explore what mobility means for the health system and the persons and organisations involved. The project’s policy dimension comprises recommendations on human resource policies in European and third countries for policy and decision makers on the basis of sound empirical research with conceptual frameworks for monitoring systems concerning the mobility of health workers as a key part. Consultation meetings and roundtables with policymakers will be essential in the project.
Year 2008
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73 Project

Migrants' lives matter: biographical research, recognition and social participation

Authors Elsa Lechner
Year 2019
Citations (WoS) 5
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74 Journal Article

Experimental Research Methods in Migration: From Natural to True Experiments

Authors Vladimír Baláž, Allan M Williams
Year 2015
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 4
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75 Journal Article

Migration, Unemployment, and Lifeworld: Challenges for a New Critical Qualitative Inquiry in Migration

Authors Uwe Flick, Benjamin Hans, Andreas Hirseland, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Qualitative Inquiry
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76 Journal Article

Which Indicators are Most Useful for Comparing Citizenship Policies?

Authors Marc HELBLING, Rainer BAUBÖCK, Marc HELBLING, ...
Year 2011
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
78 Working Paper

Triangulating Public Administrational and Genealogical Data. The Case of Australian Migration Research

Authors Janette Olivia Young
Year 2009
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79 Journal Article

The Second Generation in Chile: Negotiating Identities, Rights, and Public Policy

Authors Iskra Pavez-Soto, Carol Chan
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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80 Journal Article

Heinz Kimmerle's intercultural philosophy and the quest for epistemic justice

Authors Renate Schepen, Anke Graness
Year 2019
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82 Journal Article

Formative research methods to understand patient and provider responses to heart attack symptoms

Authors LC Leviton, Finnegan, JG Zapka, ...
Year 1999
Journal Name Evaluation and Program Planning
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83 Journal Article

Ecological and Developmental Perspectives on Social Learning Introduction to the Special Issue

Authors Helen Elizabeth Davis, Alyssa N. Crittenden, Michelle Scalise Sugiyama
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 1
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84 Journal Article

A theory of international organization

Authors Liesbet HOOGHE, Tobias LENZ, Gary MARKS
Year 2019
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
85 Book

Approaches to democratising qualitative research methods

Authors Rosalind Edwards, Tula Brannelly
Year 2017
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86 Journal Article

Pregnant, privileged and PhDing: exploring embodiments in qualitative research

Authors Victoria Kannen
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Gender Studies
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87 Journal Article

Vibing with Blackness: Critical Considerations of Black Panther and Exceptional Black Positionings

Authors Derilene (Dee) Marco
Year 2018
Journal Name Arts
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88 Journal Article

Challenges for Qualitative Inquiry as a Global Endeavor: Introduction to the Special Issue Introduction

Authors Uwe Flick
Year 2014
Journal Name Qualitative Inquiry
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89 Journal Article

Negative pathways to psychiatric care and ethnicity: the bridge between social science and psychiatry

Authors C Morgan, R Mallett, G Hutchinson, ...
Year 2004
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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90 Journal Article

Anthropological approach to public policy - theoretical and methodological consideration

Authors Milos Rasic
Year 2021
Journal Name Proceedings for Social Sciences Matica Srpska
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91 Journal Article

Visual identity in Facebook

Authors Paula Uimonen
Year 2013
Journal Name Visual Studies
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92 Journal Article

Social Capital and Employment Outcomes of Zimbabwean Immigrants in the United States

Authors Josphine Chaumba
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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93 Journal Article

Antisemitism research using methodological triangulation: a case study in Germany

Authors Samuel Salzborn, Burkhard Brosig, Peter Schmidt
Year 2011
Journal Name Quality & Quantity
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94 Journal Article

Gender and Migration in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca

Authors Jeffrey H. Cohen, Leila Rodriguez, Margaret Fox
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration
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95 Journal Article

Who is reshaping public opinion on the EU’s migration policies?

Authors Thomas Huddleston, Hind Sharif, Migration Policy Group (MPG)
Year 2019
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
96 Policy Brief

Applied Political Theory and Qualitative Research in Migration Studies

Authors Ricard Zapata-Barrero
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
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97 Book Chapter

"What Makes a Woman a Woman?" Versus "Our First Lady of Sport": A Comparative Analysis of the United States and the South African Media Coverage of Caster Semenya

Authors Cheryl Cooky, Ranissa Dycus, Shari L. Dworkin
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Sport and Social Issues
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98 Journal Article

Music, Digitization, Mediation: Towards Interdisciplinary Music Studies

Music is rapidly being transformed by digital technologies; it is in the vanguard of the changes to contemporary cultures and cultural economies afforded by digitization, and is widely seen as a test case of digitization’s effects. Yet the academic music disciplines have not responded with research on these fundamental developments. This project, by combining two innovative interdisciplinary components, aims systematically to advance the state of contemporary music research, while contributing to social and media theory. It will be the first research programme to analyse comprehensively the range of interrelated transformations in music and musical experience wrought by digital technologies. The first element of the project is a comparative programme of ethnographic studies examining transformations in creative, performance and improvisation practices, the nature of music as a cultural object, new aesthetic forms, altered modes of musical consumption and circulation, and changing industry and institutional structures. Given the ease of transnational distribution of digitized musics, research will also follow certain genres as they circulate among diasporic groups. These and related issues will be studied in five countries, each intrinsically significant as well as yielding instructive comparisons between them: the UK, Cuba, Kenya, India and Turkey. The emphasis in each ethnography will be on analyzing the embedded nature of digital musical practices in local cultural, social, economic and political conditions. Second, on the basis of this programme, the project aims to advance contemporary music research by developing an interdisciplinary theory and methodology which progresses beyond the current state of the field. Music research has been divided between disciplines such as musicology and music analysis which address the musical object and centre on art musics, and sociological and anthropological approaches which privilege music’s social, institutional and discursive forms and focus primarily on popular and vernacular musics. The present project bridges these divisions by expounding an innovative theory and methodology focused on music’s mediation, one that integrates recent elements of social, anthropological and media theory. Moreover it addresses music’s digital transformations across the spectrum of contemporary musics: art, popular and vernacular, commercial and non-commercial. Given that music’s core properties – mediation, performance, improvisation, affect, complex materialities – are also core concerns of contemporary social theory, the research will in turn contribute to ‘musicalising’ social theory. The project aims to have far-reaching impacts, creating a field of comparative studies of digital music cultures while reconfiguring the interdisciplinary foundations of music research.
Year 2010
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99 Project

Delivering ICT to Ethnic Minority Businesses: An Action-Research Approach

Authors Martin Beckinsale, Monder Ram
Year 2006
Journal Name Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy
Citations (WoS) 20
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100 Journal Article
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