Labour migration

Labour migration is the movement of persons with the aim of employment or income-generating activities (e.g. entrepreneurship). Research in this category includes studies on earnings, remittances, skill attractiveness, as well as gender perspectives on labour migration.

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Towards Effective Temporary Labor Migration Schemes Report on Lebanon and Jordan

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Year 2011
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2 Report

Labor migration and the moral sustainability of the Norwegian welfare state

Principal investigator Stein Kuhnle (Project Leader)
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Year 2013
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3 Project

External Labour Migration in Ukraine as a Factor in Socio-demographic and Economic Development

Authors Oleksii POZNIAK
The paper focuses on the role of labor migration in Ukrainian development, particularly its impact upon demographics and the labor market. The author evaluates the real size and composition of the resident population of Ukraine. It is demonstrated that the de facto population is almost 1.5% smaller than its official size. The impact of external labor migration on the unemployment level is studied. It is demonstrated that without labor migration the unemployment level in Ukraine would be almost twice as high as the registered level. Special attention is paid to the entrepreneurial potential of labor migrants and its possible financial effects. It is proved that the main challenge associated with labor migration policy in the country is the underestimation of the possibility of using the entrepreneurial potential of labor migrants and their relatives staying in Ukraine. The potential financial benefits from the entrepreneurial activities of migrants and their relatives exceeds 1 billion hryvnias (around 100 million euros) as of 2010. It is demonstrated that in 10-12 years Ukraine will face a workforce deficit. Ukraine will need employable-age migrants up until 2061, namely 7.9 mln. people. The need to pursue a more proactive policy of immigrant integration is justified. Based on the analysis performed, recommendations for improvements in Ukrainian state policy are developed and justified, including measures in the field of emigration regulation, as well as the attraction and integration of immigrants.
Year 2012
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4 Report

Ethnography, anthropology and migration to the Arabian peninsula : themes from an ethnographic research trajectory

Authors Andrew M. GARDNER
This paper provides an overview and evaluation of ethnographyメs contribution to our understandings of labor migration to the Gulf States of the Arabian Peninsula. It posits ethnographic research as a complementary research method that helps discern complexities and relations that can be quantitatively explored, but also suggests that ethnographic research has distilled a set of themes and issues that are best ascertained and pursued with qualitative methods. Based largely on the authorメs own research agenda and experience, this paper focuses on four primary ethnographic themes that thread through more than a decade of work: theorizing and framing the kafala, labour migration as an industry, migration and structural violence, and the household basis of labour migration.
Year 2014
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7 Report

Response paper to the research report “The impact of labour migration on the demographic situation of Armenia”

Authors Anastas AGHAZARYAN
The impact of labour migration on the demographic situation of Armenia” is an interesting research report describing issues relating to the demographics of labor migration in Armenia in the last 40 years. The paper contains worthwhile discussions, rich statistical material and interesting conclusions. However, there are parts of the paper which deserve, in our opinion, to be contested. Also, several of the author’s judgments are not sufficiently objective and the paper neglected some important aspects, which we would like to bring up below. The methodology used by the author did not address the actual impact assessment of migration on the demographic situation and on demographic processes. The author described the demographic situation through assumptions. Therefore, we ack a realistic impact analysis in the paper. Another weak side of the paper is the fact that the author assesses the impact of labor migration on demographic processes (marriages, births, deaths…) from a quantitative perspective, neglecting qualitative effects. In the following, we comment on each section of the aforementioned paper.
Year 2013
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10 Report

Rola cudzoziemców na rynku pracy w Polsce

Year 2014
Journal Name Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
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11 Journal Article

Arbeitskräftemigration in Deutschland

Principal investigator Johann Fuchs (Principal Investigator), Alexander Kubis (Principal Investigator)
Auf der Basis detaillierter Daten zu Humankapital und Migration können wir testen, wie sich die geografische Mobilität auf den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt auswirkt. Wir analysieren Migrationsprozesse auf kleinräumiger Ebene. Fragen der Staatsangehörigkeit, des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials, sowie regionale Lohnunterschiede stehen im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung. Ziel ist die Verbesserung der Beratungsqualität in Bezug auf arbeitsmarktpolitische Handlungsfelder. Die Untersuchungen sollen Aussagen zur den Effekten internationaler Zuwanderung sowie der Binnenmigration auf regionale Wachstumspotenziale in Deutschland ermöglichen. Die Ergebnisse werden im Rahmen von Publikationen veröffentlicht.
Year 2013
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13 Project

The Impact of Labor Emigration on the Demographic and Economic Development of Georgia in the Post-Soviet Period

The deep economic, political, social and cultural crisis faced by Georgia in the post-Soviet period negatively affected the territorial mobility of the population. A catastrophic reduction in the resources required for demographic growth led to sub-replacement fertility. At this point, emigration processes of extremely unnatural intensity, including labour migration, became of the greatest importance. The authors stipulate that a reduction in the negative impact of labor migration on the demographic situation will result in a switch from sub-replacement to replacement level fertility. In the post-Soviet period the Georgian economy collapsed, standards of living deteriorated and many people went to work abroad. Despite the numerous difficulties associated with emigration, its impact on the economy of Georgia was multilateral. Remittances sent by labour migrants to their home country are an important source of poverty reduction for Georgia. Their impact on small business development is positive. In Georgia, the unemployment rate has fallen and there have been positive structural changes in the balance of labour demand and supply. As discussed in the present paper, the harmonization of economic and migration policy includes many important reforms, including the facilitation of the migrants’ return.
Year 2012
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14 Report

Foreign Labour Migration in Sarawak, East Malaysia

Authors Linda Alfarero Lumayag
Year 2020
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 1
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16 Journal Article

The legal framework for circular migration in Belarus

Authors Oleg BAKHUR
In this paper we regard circular migration as recurrent entry (and subsequent departure) of foreign citizens to the Republic of Belarus, as well as Belarusian citizens to other countries for a short period of time for employment and labor activities, as well as for studies. It should be noted that the term ?circular migration? is not used in Belarusian legislation. Nevertheless Belarus concluded a number of international agreements directed at regulation of labor migration and adopted national legal acts on labor migration and other types of migration that we can consider circular. As far as the main component of circular migration is labor migration, its legislative regulation is ensured by legal acts on labor migration (both international and national) that we have studied in detail in the paper devoted to labor migration.1
Year 2012
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18 Report

European Integration and Labour Migration

Authors d'Artis Kancs, Julda Kielyte
Year 2010
Journal Name European integration online papers, 2015, Vol. 19, Special issue 1, Article 6, pp. 1-33
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19 Journal Article

Recruiting and Managing of Foreign Workers in Taiwan

Authors Joseph S. Lee, Su-Wan Wang
Year 1996
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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21 Journal Article

Labour Migration

Authors Laura Oso, Paweł Kaczmarczyk, Justyna Salamońska
Year 2022
Book Title Introduction to Migration Studies
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29 Book Chapter

A sectorial approach to labour migration : agriculture and domestic work

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Year 2017
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32 Report

A new era for labour migration in the GCC?

Authors Philip Martin, Froilan T. Malit
Year 2017
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33 Journal Article

Clandestine Labor Migration to Taiwan

Authors Ching-Lung Tsay
Year 1992
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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34 Journal Article

The Impact of International Labour Migration on the Republic of Moldova

Authors Vladimir GANTA
Labour migration has an important impact on the social and economic life of Moldova. It is, therefore, very important to measure it, so as to offer policy makers useful information to develop evidence-based policies. The purpose of this research was to identify and measure labour migration impact by analyzing data coming from these three large surveys: the Labour Force Survey, the Labour Force Migration Survey and the Child Labour Survey. Results show that about 26% of the country’s population face all the benefits and costs of labour migration directly. There are 135,000 couples who are separated by migration most of the time. About 146,000 children have one or both parents working abroad. Labour migration is a relieving but also a threatening factor for the labour market. If labour migrants were to search for a job in Moldova, the unemployment rate would reach 26%, higher than the present 7%. Labour migration is also a boosting factor for economic inactivity: 119,000 persons are economically inactive because they have plans to go or return abroad for work. Though not an issue today, labour immigration will probably have a big impact in the future as labour resources will be needed.
Year 2012
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36 Report

Labour migration dynamics in Libya

Authors Linda Cottone
Year 2020
Book Title Labour migration dynamics in Libya
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
37 Book Chapter

Tijdelijke arbeidsmigratie 2015 - 2035

Authors Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken
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Year 2009
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44 Report

Legal Aspects of Labour Migration Governance in Georgia

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Year 2012
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48 Report


Authors Jon Horgen Friberg
Year 2016
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50 Report

Literature review labour migration

Authors Maastricht University - Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market, Frank Cörvers, Julia Reinold, ...
Attracting and retaining migrants can have many benefits for the host country and its economy, for example to mitigate skills shortages. Regulating immigration may prevent several negative consequences of a shrinking and ageing population. However, research and policy often focus on the highly skilled or so-called knowledge migrants (kennismigranten) as a source of human capital, which can increase innovation and a country’s competitiveness. A group of labour migrants that receives significantly less attention from research and policy, are the medium-skilled migrant workers. Although it makes up a significant share of the migrant population, this group is rarely supported by specific migration policies. Therefore, in this report we would like to answer the following central research question: What is known in available literature about the opportunities and limitations of filling labour shortages through labour migration, especially in the middle segment of the labour market? CONTENT: 1. Introduction, 2. Methodology, 3. Shortages and skill requirements in the middle segment of the Dutch labour market, 4. Priority supply from EEA+ countries and beyond, 5. Migration as a solution to address shortages in the middle segment of the Dutch labour market, 6. Alternative solutions to staffing bottlenecks in the middle segment of the Dutch labour market, 7. Conclusions and directions for further research.
Year 2021
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56 Report

Arbeidsmigratie: Oplossing voor economie en demografie?

Authors Adviesraad Migratie
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Year 2023
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62 Report

International labor migration and domestic labor supply

Authors Rakesh Kochhar
Year 1992
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 6
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70 Journal Article

Legale kanalen arbeidsmigranten. De internationale, Europese en nationale context

Authors The Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken, ACVZ), Tesseltje de Lange, Saskia Bonjour, ...
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Year 2019
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78 Report

Afgewogen arbeidsmigratie - gericht arbeidsmigratiebeleid voor brede welvaart

Authors Adviesraad Migratie
De Adviesraad Migratie pleit voor een arbeidsmigratiebeleid dat niet enkel is gebaseerd op economische belangen maar ook rekening houdt met maatschappelijke en ecologische gevolgen, oftewel: brede welvaart. We laten zien hoe een concrete uitwerking van brede welvaart als doelstelling van arbeidsmigratiebeleid op drie terreinen eruit zou kunnen zien: 1. Het vaststellen van bandbreedtes voor de omvang van arbeidsmigratie naar Nederland. 2. Het beoordelen van aanvragen voor een verblijfsvergunning voor werk van mensen van buiten de EU (direct arbeidsmigratiebeleid). 3. Het integreren van het arbeidsmigratieperspectief in andere beleidsterreinen zoals het economisch structuurbeleid en het arbeidsmarktbeleid (indirect arbeidsmigratiebeleid). Om het arbeidsmigratiebeleid op een bredewelvaartsleest te schoeien is een nieuwe adviescommissie nodig, bestaande uit deskundigen en een brede vertegenwoordiging uit de samenleving. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk (VK) en Canada kunnen hier als voorbeeld dienen. De Adviesraad Migratie biedt in dit adviesrapport geen kant-en-klare recepten voor toekomstig arbeidsmigratiebeleid, maar wil met de concretisering van het begrip ‘brede welvaart’ het maatschappelijke en politieke debat voeden
Year 2024
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82 Report

Labor Skills and Regional Performance in Mexico

Authors Beatriz Rosas Rodriguez, Enrique Leonardo Kato Vidal
Year 2019
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
88 Journal Article

International Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS) Database in ASEAN

The International Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS) Database in ASEAN is the first of its kind in the region. It provides a coherent and powerful research tool for policymakers and others to profile and monitor the international migrant labour force within the region. The ILMS Database gathers together a range of statistical sources relating to international migrants and international migrant workers in the ten ASEAN Member States in order to fill an important knowledge gap.
Year 2015
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89 Data Set

Short‐Term Labour Migration: Brazilian Migrants in Ireland

Authors Garret Maher, Mary Cawley
Year 2014
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 6
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90 Journal Article

A Global Labor Market: Factors Motivating the Sponsorship and Temporary Migration of Skilled Workers to Australia

Authors Siew-Ean Khoo, Carmen Voigt-Graf, Peter McDonald, ...
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 40
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91 Journal Article

Literature review labour migration

Authors Maastricht University - Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market United Nations University, Research and Documentation Centre, Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU_MERIT), ...
Attracting and retaining migrants can have many benefits for the host country and its economy, for example to mitigate skills shortages. Regulating immigration may prevent several negative consequences of a shrinking and ageing population. However, research and policy often focus on the highly skilled or so-called knowledge migrants (kennismigranten) as a source of human capital, which can increase innovation and a country’s competitiveness. A group of labour migrants that receives significantly less attention from research and policy, are the medium-skilled migrant workers. Although it makes up a significant share of the migrant population, this group is rarely supported by specific migration policies. Therefore, in this report we would like to answer the following central research question: What is known in available literature about the opportunities and limitations of filling labour shortages through labour migration, especially in the middle segment of the labour market?
Year 2021
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94 Report

NeoLiberalism and the Challenges of Managing Labour Migration in Urban Malaysia

Authors Peter Aning Tedong, Abdul Rahim Abdul Kadir, Kazimah Roslan, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name International Migration
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95 Journal Article


Authors Mohammad Jalal Uddin Sikder
Year 2008
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
96 Journal Article

Labor migration in Asia

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Building effective institutions
Year 2016
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
97 Report


Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Year 2018
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
98 Policy Brief
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