Transnational migration

Transnational migration is the movement of persons who are embedded in social fields involving ties and relationships across the nation-states' borders. The connections extend beyond the social to the economic and political. Research in this category includes studies on social, political and economic aspects of transnational migration.

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Cross-Border Commuting and Transformational Dynamics in Europe: What Is the Link?

Authors Christoph Reinprecht, Laura Wiesböck, Raimund Haindorfer, ...
Book Title An Anthology of Migration and Social Transformation
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1 Book Chapter

An ethno-linguistic dimension in transnational activity space measured with mobile phone data

Authors Veronika Mooses, Siiri Silm, Erki Saluveer, ...
Year 2020
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2 Journal Article


Authors Joëlle Moret
Book Title European Somalis' Post-Migration Movements
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3 Book Chapter


Authors Joëlle Moret
Book Title European Somalis' Post-Migration Movements
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
5 Book Chapter

A family affair: how and why second-generation Filipino-Americans engage in transnational social and economic connections

Authors Armand Gutierrez
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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6 Journal Article

Rethinking Caribbean transnational connections: conceptual itineraries

Year 2006
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 17
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7 Journal Article

Transnational Marriage within South Asian Communities

Authors Lucy Williams
Book Title Global Marriage
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8 Book Chapter

Central Europe as a space of transnational migration

Authors Max Haller, Roland Verwiebe
Year 2016
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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9 Journal Article

Borderland attachments: citizenship and belonging along the U.S.–Mexico border

Authors Heidy Sarabia
Year 2016
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
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11 Journal Article

Defining and Measuring Transnational Social Structures

Authors Jose Luis Molina, Soeren Petermann, Andreas Herz
Year 2015
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12 Journal Article

Transnational ties and the health of sub-Saharan African migrants: The moderating role of gender and family separation

Authors Patience A. Afulani, Joseph Asunka, May Sudhinaraset, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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13 Journal Article

Dynamique des Circulations Migratoires et mobilités transfrontalières entre Guyane, Surinam, Brésil, Guyana et Haïti

Ce programme interdisciplinaire s’articule autour de l’analyse des relations entre les migrations internationales et les autres formes de mobilités nationales ou transnationales, la question des langues et des identités dans la migration, les politiques migratoires et l’impact des mobilités sur le développement. Appréhendé à différentes échelles spatiales et sociales d’analyse, le terrain d’étude apparaît comme un cas exemplaire permettant de questionner les rapports nord-sud, et d’examiner la formation de nouveaux espaces transfrontaliers et transnationaux dans un monde en processus de globalisation.
Year 2007
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14 Project

Cross-Border Marriages within East Asia

Authors Lucy Williams
Book Title Global Marriage
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15 Book Chapter

Mobility: A Practice or a Capital?

Authors Joëlle Moret
Book Title European Somalis' Post-Migration Movements
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16 Book Chapter

Binational Social Networks and Assimilation

Authors T Mouw, Heather B. Edelblute, Sergio Chavez, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Problems
Citations (WoS) 19
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17 Journal Article

The Transnationalization of Labor Mobility: Development Trends and Selected Challenges Involved in Its Regulation

Authors Ludger Pries, Martina Maletzky
Year 2017
Journal Name Review of European Studies
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18 Journal Article

Marriage within Refugee Communities

Authors Lucy Williams
Book Title Global Marriage
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19 Book Chapter

The social structure of transnational practices

Authors Justyna Salamońska, Ettore Recchi
Year 2019
Book Title Everyday Europe - Social Transnationalism in an Unsettled Continent
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20 Book Chapter

Caribbean diasporic spaces and mobilities, transnational incorporation overseas and transnational capacity-building on return

Authors D Conway, RB Potter, Godfrey St. Bernard, ...
Year 2015
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21 Journal Article

Cross-Border Marriage, Transgovernmental Friction, and Waiting

Authors Juan Zhang, BSA Yeoh, Melody C. W. Lu, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 5
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22 Journal Article

The Use of New Technologies by Migrant Entrepreneurs in Two European Cities

Authors Alberta Andreotti, Giacomo Solano
Year 2019
Book Title Diaspora Networks in International Business
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23 Book Chapter

Fractured Families, Connected Community: Emotional Engagement in a Transnational Social Network

Authors Alexis Silver, T Mouw, Heather B. Edelblute, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name International Migration
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24 Journal Article

Conceptualizing Transnational Engagements: A Structure and Agency Perspective on (Hometown) Transnationalism

Authors Thomas Lacroix
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 8
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25 Journal Article

Explanatory frameworks in transnational migration studies: the missing multi-scalar global perspective

Authors Nina Glick Schiller, NG Schiller
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 23
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26 Journal Article

A global sense of migrant places: towards a place perspective in the study of migrant transnationalism

Year 2009
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 40
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27 Journal Article

Transnationalism from Below: Evidence from Vietnam-Taiwan Cross-Border Marriages

Authors Daniele Belanger, Hong-Zen Wang
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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28 Journal Article

Second Generation and Migrant Capital in the Transnational Space: The Case of Young Kurds in France

Authors Mari Toivanen
Year 2019
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29 Journal Article

Cross-border mobility and long-distance communication as modes of care circulation: insights from the Peruvian ‘zero generation’

Authors Vincent Horn
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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30 Journal Article

Transnational mobility, strong states and contested sovereignty: Learning from the China–Taiwan context

Authors Lara Momesso, Chun-Yi Lee
Year 2017
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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31 Journal Article

Globalising Thailand through gendered ‘both-ways’ migration pathways with ‘the West’: cross-border connections between people, states, and places

Authors Paul Statham, Sarah Scuzzarello, Sirijit Sunanta, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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32 Journal Article

Between Fragmented Ties and ‘Soul Friendships’: The Cross-Border Social Connections of Young Romanians in London

Authors Laura Morosanu
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 15
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33 Journal Article

The Europeanisation of Everyday Life: Cross-Border Practices and Transnational Identities among EU and Third-Country Citizens

The EUCROSS project examines the relationship between the manifold activities of EU residents (nationals, mobile EU citizens, and third-country nationals) across the borders of nation states and their collective identities. Specifically, the project will: 1) map out individuals’ cross-border practices as an effect of European integration and globalisation; 2) assess the impact of these practices on collective identifications (also controlling for the inverse causal process). Which cross-border practices are more likely to foster some form of identification with the EU – e.g., contacts with foreign friends and/or unwanted foreigners, periods of labour mobility abroad, buying property abroad, business and tourist travel, or consumer relations with international companies? Under which contextual and individual conditions do these experiences promote a higher sensitivity to ‘Europe’ – rather than the ‘local’ or the ‘global’ – as an identity catalyst? Which social groups are more prone to adopt a European mindset in the wake of the Europeanisation of everyday life? To disentangle empirically the factors and mechanisms that link together the cross-border practices facilitated by European integration, globalisation and/or other dimensions of collective identity, we adopt a two-stage, mixed quantitative/qualitative approach. In the first stage, we will carry out a quantitative survey among nationals, intra-EU movers (Romanian citizens) and third-country nationals (Turkish citizens) who reside in six European countries (Denmark, Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom). In the second stage, we will interrogate, via in-depth interviews, the meaning given by individuals to cross-border practices, their collective identifications, and the role that the European Union, globalisation, and the nation play in these personal narratives, among a select typology of respondents to the quantitative survey.
Year 2011
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35 Project

Transnationalism from Below: Evidence from Vietnam-Taiwan Cross-Border Marriages

Authors Daniele Belanger, Hong-Zen Wang
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 10
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36 Journal Article

Negotiating Transnational Mobility and Gender Definitions in the Context of Migration

Authors Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot
Year 2021
Journal Name Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education
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37 Journal Article

Transnationalism in One Country? Seeing and Not Seeing Cross-Border Migration within the Soviet Union

Authors Lewis H. Siegelbaum, Leslie Page Moch
Year 2016
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38 Journal Article

A cross-border perspective on migration: beyond the assimilation/transnationalism debate

Authors Roger Waldinger
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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39 Journal Article

Caring about migrant care workers: From private obligations to transnational social welfare?

Authors Paolo Boccagni
Year 2014
Journal Name Critical Social Policy
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40 Journal Article

Mapping undocumented lives: Cross-border mobilities, urban spatialities and the paperless migrants in the EU / Rajanylityksiä, diasporan tiloja: paperittomien siirtolaisten EU (241 777 €)

Principal investigator Inka Kaakinen ()
Project description: It is estimated that there are currently some 3.8 million paperless migrants living in the EU-member countries. Whereas the question of their (lack of) social rights has been brought up in several studies, very little is known about the ways they get by in cities and spaces without the due documents that would entitle them to those rights. In this study I aim to fill this gap and focus, therefore, on the embodied, material mobilities and moorings of the paperless migrants, the mobilisation of transnational networks and the politics and spatial practices in diaspora. The research maps the geographies of the “undocumented everyday” and gives the paperless a voice through a qualitative approach. It aims to trace some of the creative interfaces between work on urban public space, mobilities, transnational migrations and the intricate idea of development. The key concepts are inclusion, legality, visibility, mobility, power structures and, finally, people’s right to be (in public). / Hankkeen Julkinen kuvaus: EU:n alueella elää arviolta 3,8 miljoonaa paperitonta siirtolaista, joiden sosiaaliset oikeudet ovat viime aikoina nousseet tutkimuskysymyksiksi, mutta joiden arjen maantieteestä tiedetään edelleen hyvin vähän. Kuinka he selviävät kaupunkitiloissa, joissa heitä ei virallisesti ole olemassa ja joissa heidän ei tulisi näkyä? Tutkimus kartoittaa paperittomien arkea eri osissa EU:ta ja tuo esille, 1) kuinka kansalliset maahanmuutto- ja siirtolaispolitiikat muokkaavat paperittomien tilallisia käytäntöjä paikallisesti ja 2) mitä nämä diasporan tilat puolestaan kertovat parhaista käytännöistä EU:ssa. Tutkimusote on korostetun tilallinen, mutta liikkuu kaupunkimaantieteen lisäksi muuttoliike- ja kehitystutkimuksen rajapinnassa. Tutkimuksen avainkäsitteitä ovat näkyvyys, liikkuvuus, liikkuvat metodit, vallan rekisterit, kehitys sekä oikeus kaupunkitiloihin.
Year 2014
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41 Project

Nicole Newendorp, Uneasy Reunions: Immigration, Citizenship, and Family Life in Post-1997 Hong Kong

Authors Caren Freeman
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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43 Journal Article

Migration from a gender-critical, postcolonial and interdisciplinary perspective

Authors Sabine Gatt, Kerstin Hazibar, Verena Sauermann, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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44 Journal Article

Informal Social Protection Networks of Migrants: Typical Patterns in Different Transnational Social Spaces

Authors Basak Bilecen, Joanna Jadwiga Sienkiewicz
Year 2015
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 16
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45 Journal Article

Russian Migrant Journalists in Ukraine After the EuroMaidan: From ‘Middling Transnationals’ to ‘Voluntary Exiles’?

Authors Darya Malyutina
Year 2018
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review,
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46 Journal Article

Legal Expertise and the Rights of Cross-Border Workers: Action Group Skills in relation to European Integration

Year 2008
Journal Name International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
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47 Journal Article

Russian Migrant Journalists in Ukraine After the EuroMaidan: From 'Middling Transnationals' to 'Voluntary Exiles'?

Authors Darya Malyutina
Year 2018
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48 Journal Article

Guest, trader or explorer: biographical perspectives on the experiences of cross-border mobility in Europe

Authors Marta Eichsteller
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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49 Journal Article

Russian Migrant Journalists in Ukraine After the EuroMaidan: From ‘Middling Transnationals’ to ‘Voluntary Exiles’?

Authors Darya Malyutina
Year 2018
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review,
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50 Journal Article

Struggling bodies at the border: migration, violence and HIV vulnerability in the Mexico/Guatemala border region

Authors Ruben Munoz Martinez, Kimberly C. Brouwer, Sonia Morales Miranda, ...
Year 2020
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51 Journal Article

Transnational Migration and the Emergence of the European Border Regime: An Ethnographic Analysis

Authors Vassilis Tsianos, Serhat Karakayali
Year 2010
Journal Name European Journal of Social Theory
Citations (WoS) 56
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52 Journal Article

Sustaining transnational activism between Indonesia and Hong Kong

Authors Ezka Amalia
Year 2020
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53 Journal Article

Border Insecurity: Reading Transnational Environments in Jim Lynch's Border Songs

Authors Jenny Kerber
Year 2017
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54 Journal Article

Social support networks and loneliness of Polish migrants in the Netherlands

Authors Maja Djundeva, Lea Ellwardt
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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55 Journal Article

Deepening and broadening transnational immigration analyses: commentary on Roger Waldinger'sThe Cross-Border Connection

Authors Susan Eckstein, Gargi Bhattacharyya
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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56 Journal Article

Migration and Community Formation under Conditions of Globalization

Authors Stephen Castles, S Castles
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 192
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57 Journal Article

Labour Migration and other Forms of Mobility Between Bulgaria and Greece: The Evolution of a Cross-Border Migration System

Authors Eugenia Markova, Panos Hatziprokopiou
Book Title Migration in the Southern Balkans
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59 Book Chapter

Transnational social work: Challenging and crossing borders and boundaries

Authors Mieke Schrooten
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Social Work
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60 Journal Article

The ‘European’ Question: Migration, Race, and Post-Coloniality in ‘Europe’

Authors Nicholas De Genova
Book Title An Anthology of Migration and Social Transformation
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61 Book Chapter

A reconceptualization of state transnationalism: South Korea as an illustrative case

Authors Ku Sup Chin, David A. Smith
Year 2015
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 8
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62 Journal Article

Bridging the territorial divide: immigrants’ cross-border communication and the spatial dynamics of their kin networks

Authors Sung S. Park, Roger Waldinger, Roger D. Waldinger
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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63 Journal Article

Transformations of Old Colony Mennonites: the making of a trans-statal community

Authors LORENZO CAÑÁS BOTTOS, Lorenzo Canas Bottos
Year 2008
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 4
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65 Journal Article

Rights of Foreign Workers and the Politics of Migration in South-East and East Asia

Authors Nicola Piper
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration
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66 Journal Article

Rights of foreign workers and the politics of migration in South-East and East Asia

Authors N Piper
Year 2004
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68 Journal Article


Authors Maria Martinez, Paola Diaz
Year 2020
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69 Journal Article

‘Transnational civil dis/obedience’ in the Danish family unification dispute

Authors Rikke Wagner
Year 2015
Journal Name European Political Science Review
Citations (WoS) 4
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70 Journal Article

Kites in the highlands: articulating Bunong Indigeneity in Cambodia, Vietnam, and abroad

Authors Neal B. Keating
Year 2016
Journal Name Asian Ethnicity
Citations (WoS) 2
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72 Journal Article

Can Travelling Mothers Ever Arrive? Articulating Internal and International Migration within a Transnational Perspective of Care

Authors Shu-Mei Huang
Year 2016
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 3
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73 Journal Article

Together apart: Migration, integration and spatialised identities in South African border villages

Authors Tara Polzer Ngwato, Tara Polzer Ngwato
Year 2012
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 8
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75 Journal Article

Migration and Transnational Social Protection in (post) crisis Europe

Principal investigator Jean-Michel Lafleur (Principal Investigator)
The negative employment and social developments across Europe since the start of the crisis, coupled with increased fiscal constraints and changing migration patterns, have led to increasing depictions of EU and third-country immigrants as ‘abusers’ of their social protection systems. Member States have accordingly sought reduce migrants’ ability to access social protection benefits, despite the fact that they are disproportionately at risk of poverty and social exclusion. This project looks at the different strategies that migrants have to access social protection within (post) crisis Europe and does so by explicitly integrating social policy and migration studies’ approaches on the phenomenon. More precisely, it aims to study transnational social protection, that we define as migrants’ cross-border strategies to cope with social risks in areas such as health, long-term care, pensions or unemployment that combine entitlements to host and home state-based public welfare policies and market-, family- and community-based practices. This study thus consists in, first, identifying the social protection policies and programs that home countries make accessible to their citizens abroad, and then compiling this information into an online database. We will then aggregate the results of the database into a Transnational Social Protection Index (TSPIx) in order to determine the overall level of engagement of each state with citizens abroad in a comparative way. Second, on the basis of the results of the index, we will select case studies of migrants from two EU and two non-EU countries that vary in their level of engagement in providing social protection to their citizens abroad. We will then undertake multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork to qualitatively assess the informal social protection strategies used by migrants and examine their interaction with formal host and home state social protection provision.
Year 2016
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76 Project

‘Welfare Does Not Know Any Borders’: Negotiations on the Transnational Assistance of Migrants before the World Wars

Authors Beate Althammer
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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77 Journal Article

Transnational Kinscription: A Case of Parachute Kids in the USA and Their Parents in Taiwan

Authors Ken Chih-Yan Sun
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 7
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78 Journal Article

Sport for development and peace: a call for transnational, multi-sited, postcolonial feminist research

Authors Lyndsay M. C. Hayhurst
Year 2016
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79 Journal Article

The 'Channel Crossings' and the borders of Britain

Authors Joseph Maggs
Year 2020
Journal Name RACE & CLASS
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80 Journal Article

Living on the Move: Mobility, Religion and Exclusion of Eastern European Migrants in Rural Scotland

Authors Sergei Shubin
Year 2012
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 7
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81 Journal Article

Global inequalities and flows in the northeastern frontier of Mexico: The effects of migration, trade, energy and transnational organized crime

Authors Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera
Year 2015
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82 Journal Article

Migration and Transnational Social Protection in (post-)crisis Europe

The negative employment and social developments across Europe since the start of the crisis, coupled with increased fiscal constraints and changing migration patterns, have led to increasing depictions of EU and third-country immigrants as ‘abusers’ of their social protection systems. Member States have accordingly sought reduce migrants’ ability to access social protection benefits, despite the fact that they are disproportionately at risk of poverty and social exclusion. This project looks at the different strategies that migrants have to access social protection within (post) crisis Europe and does so by explicitly integrating social policy and migration studies’ approaches on the phenomenon. More precisely, it aims to study transnational social protection, that we define as migrants’ cross-border strategies to cope with social risks in areas such as health, long-term care, pensions or unemployment that combine entitlements to host and home state-based public welfare policies and market-, family- and community-based practices. This study thus consists in, first, identifying the social protection policies and programs that home countries make accessible to their citizens abroad, and then compiling this information into an online database. We will then aggregate the results of the database into a Transnational Social Protection Index (TSPIx) in order to determine the overall level of engagement of each state with citizens abroad in a comparative way. Second, on the basis of the results of the index, we will select case studies of migrants from two EU and two non-EU countries that vary in their level of engagement in providing social protection to their citizens abroad. We will then undertake multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork to qualitatively assess the informal social protection strategies used by migrants and examine their interaction with formal host and home state social protection provision.
Year 2016
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83 Project

Migration and Transnational Social Protection in (post) crisis Europe

The negative employment and social developments across Europe since the start of the crisis, coupled with increased fiscal constraints and changing migration patterns, have led to increasing depictions of EU and third-country immigrants as ‘abusers’ of their social protection systems. Member States have accordingly sought reduce migrants’ ability to access social protection benefits, despite the fact that they are disproportionately at risk of poverty and social exclusion. This project looks at the different strategies that migrants have to access social protection within (post) crisis Europe and does so by explicitly integrating social policy and migration studies’ approaches on the phenomenon. More precisely, it aims to study transnational social protection, that we define as migrants’ cross-border strategies to cope with social risks in areas such as health, long-term care, pensions or unemployment that combine entitlements to host and home state-based public welfare policies and market-, family- and community-based practices. This study thus consists in, first, identifying the social protection policies and programs that home countries make accessible to their citizens abroad, and then compiling this information into an online database. We will then aggregate the results of the database into a Transnational Social Protection Index (TSPIx) in order to determine the overall level of engagement of each state with citizens abroad in a comparative way. Second, on the basis of the results of the index, we will select case studies of migrants from two EU and two non-EU countries that vary in their level of engagement in providing social protection to their citizens abroad. We will then undertake multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork to qualitatively assess the informal social protection strategies used by migrants and examine their interaction with formal host and home state social protection provision.
Year 2016
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84 Project

Hyper-mobile migrant workers and Dutch trade union representation strategies at the Eemshaven construction sites

Authors Lisa Berntsen, Nathan Lillie
Year 2016
Journal Name Economic and Industrial Democracy
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85 Journal Article

Interacting Legal Norms and Cross-Border Divorce: Stories of Filipino Migrant Women in the Netherlands

Authors Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot
Year 2019
Journal Name Migration Letters
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87 Journal Article

Transnational Entrepreneurship: Exploring Determinants and Impacts of a Dutch-Based Filipino Immigrant Business

Authors Marisha Maas
Year 2005
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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88 Journal Article

The Dynamics of Brokering in Second Generation Transnationalism

Authors Armand Gutierrez
Year 2020
Journal Name Social Problems
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89 Journal Article

Migrants as transnational development agents: An inquiry into the newest round of the miaration-development nexus

Authors T Faist
Year 2008
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 231
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90 Journal Article


DiasporaLink is a 4-year exchange program between 24 universities and research institutes representing EU, the Americas, Africa and Australia and will investigate, evaluate and facilitate transnational diaspora entrepreneurship, TDE as driver of development and wealth creation in countries of origin and residence. • The partners in DiasporaLink have together a unique possibility to have a substantial impact on a global, European and national level targeting different groups and stakeholders: • The international research community • Institutions and policy makers in the social, economic and development field • Diaspora organizations and communities • Media and press This is underlined by the specific network of the partners • GEM Global Entrepreneurship Monitor • IMISCOE International Migration, Integration, Social Cohesion • International Council for Small Businesses • Swedish TDE network Core tasks are: • Structure research on diaspora cross-border entrepreneurship in migration corridors • Create awareness among policy and decision makers of the potential of TDE through publications and a web-site • Build a IT-curricula for transnational entrepreneurship within and outside the universities • Build an ICT-platform for internal communication and for transnational team building The exchange of staff is built around research in common WP’s and around regular and touring workshops both internal and external. The objective is to create a global, extended university network with the mission to monitor the entrepreneurship in migration corridors, define obstacles and support the corridor stakeholders with information and tuition. Essential is close contacts with diaspora entrepreneurs and diaspora organizations are systematically approached through workshops and media, for involving diaspora organizations as active partners.
Year 2015
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91 Project


Authors Elena Samofalova
Year 2019
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92 Journal Article

Why parents cross for children's health care: Transnational cultural capital in the United States-Mexico border region

Authors Sara Grineski
Year 2011
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93 Journal Article

Visitor or Inhabitant? Addressing the Needs of Undergraduate Transnational Medical Students

Authors Jennifer Lindley, Louise McCall, Adela Abu-Arab
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Studies in International Education
Citations (WoS) 5
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94 Journal Article

'Heimat' as a concept for contemporary analysis? Feelings of belonging and social imaginations in the debate on immigration

Authors Von Beate Binder
Year 2008
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95 Journal Article

Transnational mobility and cross-border family life cycles: A century of Welsh-Italian migration

Authors Emanuela Bianchera, Robin Mann, Sarah Harper
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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96 Journal Article

Welcome to the Club?: A response to The Cross -Border Connectionby Roger Waldinger

Authors Peggy Levitt, P Levitt
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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97 Journal Article

Transnationales Handeln indischer Migranten in Deutschland

Principal investigator Carsten Butsch (Principal Investigator)
Das Vorhaben widmet sich den transnationalen Netzwerken in Deutschland lebender indischer Migranten. Am Beispiel der indischen Community in Deutschland wird untersucht, welche Verbindungen zwischen indischen Migranten in Deutschland, ihren Herkunftsorten in Indien und zu der indischen Diaspora in anderen Ländern bestehen. Im Zentrum des Erkenntnisinteresses stehen die Veränderungsprozesse, die an unterschiedlichen Orten durch das transnationale Handeln indischer Migranten ausgelöst werden. Untersucht werden als potentielle Ursachen der Veränderungsprozesse: (1) die Relevanz transnationaler sozialer Verbindungen und ihre Bedeutung für Folgemigration, den Austausch von Informationen, Werten, Kapital etc., (2) die Konstruktion und Veränderung von Identität transnational handelnder Migranten, Modelle der Einbindung in verschiedene Gesellschaften sowie die damit zusammenhängenden Fragen der Staatsangehörigkeit, (3) die Wege von Kapital innerhalb der transnationalen Netzwerke, die Verwendung von Rimessen sowie die Wirkung nicht-finanzieller Unterstützungen sowie (4) das politische Engagement transnationaler indischer Migranten, die Diasporapolitik der indischen Regierung und die Wirkung der deutschen Einwanderungspolitik. Das Forschungsdesign sieht vor, Erhebungen an unterschiedlichen Orten durchzuführen, welche durch die Netzwerke transnational handelnder Migranten verbunden sind. Methodologisch wird ein mixed method research (MMR)-Ansatz verfolgt, der die Vorteile unterschiedlicher Methoden miteinander vereint und durch sequentielle Integration eine Anpassung und Fokussierung der genutzten Erhebungsinstrumente sicherstellt. Das Vorhaben leistet auf konzeptioneller Ebene einen Beitrag zur Vertiefung des Transnationalismuskonzepts. Der empirische Ertrag des Vorhabens liegt in der Untersuchung der Migrationssysteme der indischen Community in Deutschland, über die bisher nur in geringem Umfang, thematisch enge Publikationen vorliegen. Von besonderem Interesse sind hierbei die bisher wenig untersuchten triadischen Beziehungen innerhalb der Community, nach Indien und zu Kontaktpersonen in der weltweiten Diaspora.
Year 2014
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98 Project

Mixed Parentage: Negotiating Identity in Denmark

Authors Rashmi Singla, Helene Bang Appel
Book Title Contested Childhoods: Growing up in Migrancy
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99 Book Chapter


The performance benefits of firm status have been well-documented in the literature. While recent work in management has shown that status advantages may be transferable across markets as a proxy of entering firm’s quality, the limits to the transferability of status advantages, particularly across national borders, have not been fully studied. This research program proposes to study this question in three related parts: (1) How do physical, cultural and institutional distances between home and host countries influence the transfer of status-based advantages? (2) How do transnational ties, especially those of migration and trade, influence the transferability of status advantages? (3) How do country-level status differences influence the transfer of firm-level status advantages in cross-border trade? This study will examine these questions in the context of cross-border venture capital investments. This context not only provides an opportunity to examine how status advantages transfer across national borders, but also a deeper understanding of cross-border venture capital flows, a topic of increasing importance to foster innovation and economic growth. The empirical study will examine the likelihood of venture capital firms to enter a new country, and the amount of their investment in the country, with a longitudinal data set that compiles secondary data on investments between a sample of countries. The study will contribute to the literature and practice in two ways. First, it will contribute to the management literature by examining the contingencies around the transfer of status advantages. Second, it will contribute to the entrepreneurship and innovation financing literature by documenting the pathways of cross-border investment as a function of firm-level status advantages. Third, it will inform practice by providing a guideline to firms and policy makers about how venture capital firms choose where to invest.
Year 2011
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
100 Project
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