Labour market participation

This topic is about the relationship between migration and labour market (non-)participation. It considers this in terms of migrants’ labor market participation in host societies, and labour market competition or segmentation as a result of migration.

This topic includes  literature on the relationship between class, ethnicity and gender in labor market participation, incentives for migrants to work, undocumented migrant workers, and the relationship between language skills and labour market participation.

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Usaklige hindringer for ikke-vestlige minoriteter på arbeidsmarkedet i Norge

Authors Jon Christian Rogstad
Temaet for denne rapporten er usaklige hindringer for ikke-vestlige minoriteter på arbeidsmarkedet i Norge. Søkelyset settes spesielt på foreliggende kunnskap om omfanget av diskriminering, og hvor stort hinder denne formen for urettmessig forskjellsbehandling er for å øke i sysselsettingen. Selv om det er meningsfullt å sette søkelyset på omfanget av urettmessig forskjellsbehandling, er det likefullt problematisk. Hovedproblemet knytter seg til hvilke metoder det er mulig å benytte. En konklusjon i rapporten er at vi på bakgrunn av tilgjengelig kunnskap ikke kan gi et presist anslag over diskrimineringens omfang. Dels fordi det ikke finnes noen klar definisjon på diskriminering, dels som følge av at det ikke er utviklet en egnet metode for å fange inn diskrimineringens mange aspekter. Tematikken er ikke ny. ”Vi har ikke råd til å ha arbeidsgivere som diskriminerer”, sa tidligere NHO-direktør, Karl Glad midt på 1990-tallet. Siden den gang har arbeidsledigheten blant ikke-vestlige minoriteter ligget forholdsvis stabilt, på et nivå som er omlag tre til fire ganger så høyt som ledigheten blant majoritetsbefolkningen. Stabilitet er likevel bare én del av bildet. Fra 1991 til 2004 ble antall arbeidstakere med ikke-vestlig bakgrunn mer enn tredoblet, noe som innebærer at i dag er omlag 90 000 personer med ikke-vestlig bakgrunn i jobb. Arbeidsmarkedet er følgelig ikke stengt for arbeidssøkere med ikke-vestlig bakgrunn, tvert om. Likevel er det betydelig rom for forbedringer.De viktigste beslutningene for å endre denne situasjonen fattes av arbeidsgiverne i de enkelte bedriftene. Derfor er spørsmålet: Hva kan partene i arbeidslivet gjøre for å stimulere bedriftene i riktig retning? Et viktig element er selvsagt å videreutvikle bedrifter som får til å bygge gode flerkulturelle arbeidsmiljøer. For slike finnes det flere eksempler på, men de blir sjelden omtalt i media eller andre steder. Jeg tror at erfaringsoverføring mellom bedriftene blir en svært viktig del.I tillegg er det stor variasjon mellom gruppene. Noen har lyktes og har langt høyere sysselsetting enn andre. I stedet for bare å fokusere på dem som ikke får jobb og som ikke blir innkalt til intervju, burde man kanskje heller begynne å løfte fram minoriteter som har gjort en karriere. Vi vet svært lite om hva som kjennetegner dem som faktisk lykkes. Hva er betingelsene for suksess og karriere, og hvilke implikasjoner har det for dem.Rapporten foreligger ikke i trykket versjon.
Year 2006
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1 Report


“Multiplikatorinnen” explores potentials and limits regarding the implementation of peer concepts as a means to support labour market participation of migrant women in Austria. To date, the use of peers is primarily limited to the field of (youth) education. Therefore, the study aims to assess whether peer concepts could promote more sustainable labour market participation of migrant women, especially with view to the specificities of the Austrian labour market. An analysis of the micro-census first looks into the status quo of migrant women related to the Austrian labour market. Particular attention is paid to migrant women originating from countries of the Former Republic of Yugoslavia and Turkey. Despite fairly comparable educational backgrounds of women born in Austria and foreign-born women, the latter are even more underrepresented in leading positions. The analysis of a group discussion points to the intensity of biographical ruptures migrant women encounter subsequent to their arrival to Austria with regard to their career prospects and employment situation. The analysis points to severe structural impediments women are facing, which need to be addressed in future policy development. Finally, against this background, an assessment of the potentials and limits, as well as of the exact role of peers is discussed on the bases of expert interviews. Whereas some potential regarding the adoption of peer concepts could be identified, the experts repeatedly pointed to the necessity of structural change (e.g. with regard to the educational system, labour market institutions, consulting services of migrants,…) as a central means to tackle mechanisms of exclusion and deskilling at the labour market. Research outcomes: - literature report - final project report - recommendations for support and assistance policies
Year 2013
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2 Project

Employment and Life Satisfaction among Female Marriage Migrants in South Korea

Authors Hye-Kyung Lee
Year 2013
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 2
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3 Journal Article

Immigrants from the Pacific: "Drain on the Economy" or Active Participation in the Labor Force?

Authors Richard Bedford, AM Masgoret, Manuila Tausi, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 1
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4 Journal Article

Labour migration dynamics in Libya

Authors Linda Cottone
Year 2020
Book Title Labour migration dynamics in Libya
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
5 Book Chapter

Trade-Offs between Equality and Difference: Immigrant Integration, Multiculturalism and the Welfare State in Cross-National Perspective

Principal investigator Ruud Koopmans (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical background and objectives This project explores how policies regarding immigrant rights and welfare state regimes have affected the socio-economic integration of immigrants. Most of the literature on immigrant integration assumes that the granting of easy access of immigrants to citizenship rights and government recognition and support for cultural diversity promote the socio-economic integration of immigrants. At the same time, existing work (e.g., Borjas, van Tubergen) has shown that immigrants with low human capital resources tend to migrate preferably to countries with equal income distributions and extensive social security protection. This raises the question whether immigrant integration policies that grant easy access to citizenship rights, and thus also full access to welfare state rights, might have the unintended consequence that they produce a high rate of dependence of immigrants on welfare state arrangements and attendant socio-economic marginalisation in other domains. If integration policies in addition do not demand cultural assimilation (e.g., in the domain of language) the risk of lower-skilled immigrants to become dependent on welfare benefits may further increase. This hypothesis of an interaction effect between integration policies and welfare state regimes is confronted with cross-national data on labour market participation, residential segregation, and imprisonment of immigrants. Where possible, these comparisons are controlled for cross-national differences in the composition of immigrant populations by drawing on comparative data for particular ethnic groups. The analysis includes eight West European countries that have turned into immigration countries at roughly the same time in the 1960s and early 1970s, where institutions have therefore had several decades to affect integration outcomes. They vary both strongly regarding integration policies (including the highest, Sweden, and the second lowest scoring country, Austria, in the 2007 Migrant Integration Policy Index) and regarding welfare state regimes (with Sweden and the United Kingdom at the extremes). Research design, data and methodology The study relies on various indicators of immigrant rights, prevalent typologies and indicators of welfare state regimes, and data from the European Labour Force Survey, International Prison Statistics, as well as results from a large number of previous studies on immigrants' labour market participation, residential segregation and imprisonment. To control for composition effects, the labour market data refer to immigrants from non-EU countries, and for specific country contrasts specific ethnic groups (Turks and ex-Yugoslavs). Residential segregation data refer to a few dozen European cities, partly referring to specific ethnic groups (e.g., Turks, Maghrebians, Caribbeans, Pakistani) and partly to more general categories (Muslims, foreigners, immigrants). Findings Across the three domains of socio-economic integration a consistent cross-national patterns is found (with the exception of residential segregation in the United Kingdom) in which the gap or the degree of segregation between immigrants and the native population is largest in the countries that combine easy access to citizenship rights and a large degree of accommodation of cultural differences with a relatively encompassing and generous welfare state (Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium). Both the United Kingdom, which combines inclusive integration policies with low welfare state provision levels, and the three Germanophone countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), which combine restrictive policies with – at least in the German and Austrian cases – moderately strong welfare states, show relatively small gaps between immigrants and natives. These findings are confirmed for contrast comparisons for specific ethnic groups. For instance, compared to the native population, Turks in the Netherlands have much lower rates of labour market participation than German Turks, and similarly ex-Yugoslavs in Austria perform much better than those in Sweden. Because the results are mostly based on aggregate data – although some of the studies that are used do control for individual-level variables – they need to be further tested by taking individual and local context data more systematically into account. This will be one of the aims of the analyses in the context of project 6.3 further below."
Year 2009
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6 Project

How Valuable is "Two-Step Migration"? Labor Market Outcomes for International Student Migrants to Australia

Authors L Hawthorne
Year 2010
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 40
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7 Journal Article

Een kwestie van tijd? De integratie van asielmigranten: een cohortonderzoek

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Mieke Maliepaard, Bertine Witkamp, ...
Hoe staat het met de structurele en sociaal-culturele integratie van asielmigranten die zich eind jaren ’90 in Nederland gevestigd hebben? Deze vraag lag ten grondslag aan voorliggend cohortonderzoek. Integratie is op een viertal terreinen onderzocht, te weten: onderwijs, arbeidsmarktparticipatie, sociale contacten en geregistreerde criminaliteit. De onderzoekspopulatie bestaat uit alle asielmigranten die tussen 1995 en 1999 zijn ingeschreven in het bevolkingsregister en hun familieleden die zich uiterlijk een jaar na de initiële asielmigratie bij deze migrant hebben gevoegd. We richten ons enkel op asielmigranten die in 2012, dus zo’n 15 jaar na de initiële migratie, nog in Nederland wonen. In het onderwijshoofdstuk worden ook de kinde_ren van asielmigranten meegenomen. Per deelterrein wordt (voor zover mogelijk) bekeken hoe het staat met de integratie van deze groep asielmigranten, hoe hun integratie verlopen is vanaf het moment van vestiging, en welke belemmerende dan wel bevorderende factoren daarbij zijn aan te wijzen. Waar mogelijk wordt de groep asielmigranten vergeleken met andere groepen migranten en de autochtone bevol_king. Zie ook: infographic 'integratie asielmigranten' en de WRR-policy brief Geen tijd te verliezen (2015)
Year 2017
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8 Report

The economic incorporation of immigrants in 18 western societies: Origin, destination, and community effects

Authors Frank van Tubergen, Ineke Maas, H Flap
Year 2004
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 181
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9 Journal Article

Asylum-to-Work transition: typical trajectories of refugees in Germany

Principal investigator Lidwina Gundacker (Principal Investigator), Yuliya Trübswetter (Principal Investigator), Parvati Kosyakova (Principal Investigator)
Since 2015, more than 3 million people have sought humanitarian refuge in Germany. Although the country has traditionally been a country of immigration, the integration of refugees has posed a challenge to its society and policy-makers. Given the disadvantageous position of refugees in terms of resources and legal status, the first years after arrival may shape their social and economic participation in the long run. Yet, only scarce empirical evidence exists on the early biographical trajectories of refugees in Germany. Based on the first representative survey of refugees in Germany, the IAB-BAMF-SOEP survey with more than 7,000 respondents, this paper seeks to shed light on the trajectories of refugees in the first years after their arrival. We apply sequence analysis and cluster typical trajectories of different refugee groups in Germany. As main events, we consider posing an asylum application, receiving the asylum result, picking up education, starting a job and having a baby. How many individuals in fact follow the “ideal” path starting with the asylum process, followed by education and, ultimately, labor market participation? Which groups deviate most from this pattern? The obtained groups of typical post-migration biographies will provide the basis for future inferential analyses on the effects of the early trajectories on latter integration. At the same time, the main drivers of recurring structures in the sequences (such as legal security, human capital or the family context) can be explored. Projektmethode - sequence analyses - cluster analyses Projektziel - identification of typical Integration patterns of refugees and their determinants
Year 2019
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10 Project

Transnationale Arbeitsmärkte: Migration von Arbeitskräften zwischen Österreich und Deutschland

Principal investigator Andrea Weber (Principal Investigator ), Rudolf Winter-Ebmer (Principal Investigator ), David Card (Principal Investigator)
Dieses Projekt verfolgt das Ziel, Umfang und Charakteristiken der Beschäftigung Älterer umfangreich zu analysieren. Im ersten Projektteil benutzen wir zwei umfangreiche administrative Datensätze, um die Charakteristiken der letzten Beschäftigungsphase vor der Verrentung, das Übergangsmuster zwischen Beschäftigung und Verrentung, sowie eine Beschäftigung nach der Verrentung zu analysieren. Hierbei werden die Charakteristiken der Beschäftigten, ihrer Arbeitsmarkthistorien, ihrer Arbeitgeber sowie das ökonomische Umfeld in die Analyse einbezogen. Zudem werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen den einzelnen Aspekten der Beschäftigung Älterer analysiert. Im zweiten Projektteil werden die Determinanten der Beschäftigung Älterer zunächst theoretisch abgeleitet und anschließend empirisch auf der Basis der gleichen Datensätze untersucht. Mit einem Focus auf ökonomisch motivierten Entscheidungen werden wieder individuelle und betriebliche Charakteristiken sowie das ökonomische Umfeld in die Analyse einbezogen. Der letzte Projektteil analysiert wieder auf der Basis von theoretischen Hypothesen mit Hilfe eines dritten verknüpften Arbeitgeber-Arbeitnehmerpaneldatensatzes, ob Personalmaßnahmen einen Einfluss auf die Charakteristiken der Beschäftigung Älterer haben. Dieses Projekt geht somit deutlich über die geringe und verstreute Evidenz zum Thema Beschäftigung Älterer in Deutschland hinaus. Es gibt zum ersten Mal eine vollständige Übersicht über die Charakteristiken und Determinanten der Beschäftigung Älterer. Es schließt nicht nur die ökonomischen Überlegungen der Betroffenen, sondern auch deren Arbeitgeber und des ökonomischen Umfelds mit ein. Politik- und Managementimplikationen dieses Projekts können die Identifizierung von Potenzialen einer Erhöhung der Beschäftigung Älterer sein sowie deren Gründe und Hindernisse. Eine umfangreiche Analyse von Personalmaßnahmen gibt uns zusätzliche Einsichten über die Möglichkeiten von Arbeitgebern, die Beschäftigung Älterer zu erhöhen.
Year 2014
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11 Project

Employment, education and life worlds of young women with a migration background

Education and employment are crucial factors concerning social and economic integration into Austrian society. However, recent studies have shown that women with a migration background are disadvantaged with regard to employment and education when compared to men with a migration background as well as to women without such a migration background. The reasons for these disadvantages are manifold and comprise factors such as inadequate qualifications, low educational profiles, but also discrimination, difficulties in acknowledging foreign qualifications or the need to prove German language skills on a very high level. Furthermore, factors that are not easy to measure, such as benefits of family and social networks or attitudes regarding family or work, may indirectly impact on the employment situation and educational profiles of women with a migration background. Moreover, factors unrelated to migration, such as lack of positions that offer work-life balance, weaken the position of women with a migration background on the labour market. This said, the employment and education situation of women with a migration background is in fact very heterogeneous. In particular, first generation migrants and women coming from countries outside of the EU show lower labour market participation rates and face higher unemployment than other groups. However, to date, systematic analysis examining the combination of factors explaining the employment and education situations of women with migration history are scarce. Moreover, there is a need to combine existing statistical data on socio-demographic characteristics, educational attainment, de-skilling, discrimination, and “soft” factors, such as attitudes to work, family and education to better understand individual decision-making processes and structural disadvantages. Objectives of the project • Analyse the employment and education situation of young migrant women with specific regard to social and family contexts. • Identify factors that shape labour market and educational outcomes. • Identify good practices to promote the labour market performance of women with a migration background • Formulate policy recommendations. To reach these aims, the study applies multiple methods including desk research, secondary statistical analysis, and qualitative interviews with experts, practitioners and young women themselves.
Year 2012
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12 Project

Perceptions About the Labor Market Integration of Refugees: Evidences from Syrian Refugees in Jordan

Authors Zeynep Sahin Mencutek, Ayat J. Nashwan
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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13 Journal Article


Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Year 2015
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14 Policy Brief

Flüchtlinge: Arbeitsmarktintegration und Effekte auf Einheimische

Principal investigator Herbert Brücker (Principal Investigator), Alexandra Spitz-Oener (Principal Investigator), Alfred Garloff (Principal Investigator)
Im Jahr 2015 kamen laut Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) 890.000 Flüchtlinge nach Deutschland, im Jahr 2016 weitere 290.000. Die aktuellsten Zahlen zeigen, dass 2015 insgesamt 442.000 neue Asylanträge gestellt wurden und 2016 weitere 722.000 (BAMF, 2016a). Einen Flüchtlingszustrom dieses Ausmaßes hat es in Deutschland seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht mehr gegeben; dies gilt auch für die anderen EU-Mitgliedstaaten und andere OECD-Industrieländer. In diesem Projekt werden zwei Aspekte des Flüchtlingszustroms untersucht: Zum einen werden wir analysieren, wie die Integration von Flüchtlingen verläuft - insbesondere in Hinblick auf die Erlangung von Humankapital, das spezifisch ist für das aufnehmende Land - und welche Bedeutung bei dieser Humankapitalbildung ethnische Enklaven spielen. Zum anderen untersuchen wir, wie sich der Flüchtlingszustrom auf den Arbeitsmarkt der einheimischen Bevölkerung auswirkt. Die empirischen Analysen werden hauptsächlich auf zwei Datenquellen beruhen: (i) auf der IAB-BAMF-SOEP Flüchtlingsstichprobe, die die einzige repräsentative und umfassende Informationsquelle zum aktuellen Flüchtlingszustrom nach Deutschland darstellt; (ii) auf administrativen Monatsdaten von der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA), die sowohl Informationen über Beschäftigung, Arbeitslosigkeit und Leistungsempfang nach Nationalität erfasst, wodurch auch die Hauptherkunftsländer der Flüchtlinge abgedeckt werden. Methodisch werden wir die Verteilungsregeln des BAMF und der Bundesländer zur Identifikation nutzen.
Year 2018
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15 Project

Immigrant labor market integration across admission classes [Norway]

Authors Bernt Bratsberg, Oddbjørn Raaum, Knut Røed
Year 2017
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16 Working Paper

Do Austrian Programmes Facilitate Labour Market Integration of Refugees?

Authors Renate Ortlieb, Petra Eggenhofer‐Rehart, Sandra Leitner, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name International Migration
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17 Journal Article

Occupational Licensing – Eintrittsbarrieren in Berufsfeldern und Arbeitsmarktintegration

Principal investigator Henning Hillmann (Principal Investigator), Christina Gathmann (Principal Investigator)
In vielen Ländern Europas sind Migranten nicht ausreichend in die bestehenden Arbeitsmärkte integriert. Durch Zugangsbeschränkungen kann die berufliche Integration für Migranten zudem erschwert werden. Eine solche Beschränkung stellen Berufszulassungen(occupational licenses) dar. Im Rahmen unseres Forschungsprojekts soll analysiert werden, wie Karriereverläufe beeinflusst werden, wenn Beschränkungen beim Berufseinstieg vorhanden sind. Im Speziellen werden dabei die Karriereaussichten von Migranten untersucht. Als empirische Grundlage dient eine Reform der deutschen Handwerksordnung, welche 2004 in Kraft trat. Im Rahmen der Reform wurde die Anzahl der Handwerke, für welche das Führen eines Meistertitels eine zwingende Voraussetzung zum Eröffnen eigener Betriebe war, von 94 auf 41 reduziert. In den übrigen 53 Handwerken ist das Führen eines Meistertitels optional. In unseren Analysen kombinieren wir Difference-in-Differences- mit Propensity-Score-Matching Ansätzen. Dies erlaubt uns die Karriereentwicklungen und Einkommen innerhalb der Handwerke, die 2004 eine Liberalisierung erfuhren, mit denen zu vergleichen, bei denen die Zugangsbarrieren auch nach 2004 beibehalten wurden.
Year 2014
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18 Project

Processes of labour market integration of refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection in Austria

Research Objectives Upon their recognition, refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection receive full access to the labour market in Austria and should be enabled to become financially independent quickly and sustainably. To this end, labour market integration is vital. Building on the FIMAS research project and survey, the project FIMAS+INTEGRATION aimed at closing research gaps related to the processes of labour market integration of the growing refugee population. Based on a longitudinal survey, refugees’ integration trajectories as well as the effects of measures for labour market integration were analysed. The total sample includes a panel component, following initial respondents from 2016/2017, and a refresher sample. Online, self-completion, and face-to-face CAPI interviews were conducted with more than 1,600 recognised refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection between December 2017 and April 2018. The sample includes persons of working age from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Interviews were implemented in five federal states: Vienna, Styria, Upper Austria, Salzburg, and Tyrol.
Year 2017
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19 Project

Socio-Cultural Determinants of Labour-Market Integration of Immigrants

Principal investigator Ruud Koopmans (Principal Investigator), Jutta Höhne (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical background and objectives Economic participation of migrants has been a major problem in many European countries for the last decades. There is overwhelming statistical evidence for the problematic labour market status of migrants, but data also show that not all migrant groups are affected to the same extent. Previous studies have revealed that differences in socio-economic integration are strongly related to ethnic origin. However, this research does not allow us to firmly establish to what extent cultural and religious factors are responsible for the differential socio-economic position of ethnic groups. Therefore, we investigate the effects of host-country orientation and cultural difference of migrants on their socio-economic integration in Germany, analysing unemployment and employment durations of male and female migrants, as well as transitions from domestic work to employment for female migrants from Turkey, Former Yugoslavia, Greece, Spain and Italy. Given the large gap in unemployment and employment rates not only between natives and migrants, but also between groups of migrants, we look at several economic, human capital and cultural factors in order to test whether migrant-specific characteristics can help to explain ethnic group differences in labour market outcomes. The migrant-specific cultural variables we investigate include host-country language proficiency, interethnic contacts, host-country media consumption, and religiosity. In the case of married female migrants, the analysis moreover takes relevant characteristics of their husbands into account, which have not received attention in earlier studies. Research design and methodology The German Socio-Economic Panel provides reliable longitudinal data, allowing us to conduct analyses over a period of nearly 20 years (1988-2006). We use duration data to analyse the hazard of labour market status transitions by estimating Cox regression models with a random frailty term to account for unobserved heterogeneity. Individual longitudinal data on employment trajectories of migrants have been combined with labour market context data and relevant human capital and cultural factors. A longitudinal approach is crucial for addressing this research question, since the relationship between socio-cultural factors such as host-country language proficiency and interethnic contacts and labour market integration is likely to be recursive. Our samples cover not only persons born outside Germany, but also their 2nd generation offspring. Findings The results indicate that although labour market transitions of migrants strongly depend on the labour market context, host-country orientation and religiosity also have a certain impact on the labour market integration of individual migrants, especially on transitions into employment of male migrants and married migrant housewives. However, while for most of our cultural variables we find significant effects on the individual level, these factors do not help to clarify the differences among the different migrant groups, which persist at a similar level even after controlling for labour market, general human capital, as well as cultural variables."
Year 2009
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20 Project

Labour Market Integration Challenges of Highly Educated Refugees in Flanders

Authors Fatih Yilmaz, Fatih Aktas
Year 2021
Journal Name Horizon Insights
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21 Journal Article

Die Arbeitsmarktintegration qualifizierter MigrantInnen im internationalen Vergleich

Principal investigator Martin Abraham (Principal Investigator), Andreas Damelang (Principal Investigator)
Das Projekt hat zum Ziel, die Chancen im Ausland ausgebildeter Migranten im Bewerbungsprozess sowie ihren Arbeitsmarkterfolg international vergleichend zu untersuchen. Da sich ihre Zielländer hinsichtlich der institutionellen Ausgestaltung des Arbeitsmarktes unterscheiden und diese Rahmenbedingungen das Rekrutierungsverhalten von Firmen beeinflussen, erwarten wir unterschiedliche Chancen für qualifizierte ausländische Fachkräfte.Im Einzelnen widmen wir uns den folgenden Forschungsfragen: a) Unterscheiden sich die Einstellungschancen zugewanderter Fachkräfte aus dem Ausland zwischen Aufnahmeländern mit unterschiedlichen institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen? und b) Inwiefern bieten Arbeitgeber unter diesen verschiedenen Rahmenbedingungen Möglichkeiten für Aufwärtsmobilität ausländischer Fachkräfte?Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen vergleichen wir für verschiedene Einwanderungsländer die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Arbeitgeber qualifizierte Migranten einstellen. Dieser Ländervergleich ermöglicht zugleich Rückschlüsse darauf, ob individuelle Ausstattungsmerkmale von Migranten durch Arbeitgeber unter verschiedenen Rahmenbedingungen unterschiedlich bewertet werden. Erwartet wird, dass Migranten mit denselben Eigenschaften in den einzelnen Zielländern unterschiedliche Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt haben.Unsere empirische Vorgehensweise sieht ein harmonisiertes experimentelles Erhebungsdesign (Faktorieller Survey) vor. Wir simulieren den Einstellungsprozess, indem wir Arbeitgebern hypothetische Bewerber vorstellen, die hinsichtlich ihrer individuellen Ausstattung variieren. Es ist geplant, diese Erhebung in sechs verschiedenen Zielländern durchzuführen. Die so gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sollen ergänzt werden um Analysen von Sekundärdaten (PIAAC: Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies). PIAAC ermöglicht länderübergreifend den Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Migranten unter Berücksichtigung ihrer individuellen Fähigkeiten zu messen. Unsere Studie leistet somit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migranten. Erstens können wir die Rolle von Firmen im Integrationsprozess genauer bestimmen und zweitens die Rolle institutioneller Rahmenbedingungen herausarbeiten. Hieraus können wir Empfehlungen für politische Entscheidungsträger ableiten, wie institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen ausgestaltet sein müssen, damit die Integration von zugewanderten Fachkräften gelingt.Von der Einbettung in ein übergreifendes Projekt erwarten wir für unser Forschungsvorhaben einen großen gegenseitigen Nutzen, da das Netzwerk exzellente Möglichkeiten bietet, mit profilierten Forschern über Disziplinen hinweg kritisch zu diskutieren und zu kooperieren. Insbesondere stehen wir in direktem Austausch mit den folgenden Projekten: Einfluss beruflicher Institutionen (Gathmann/Hillmann); Matching auf dem Arbeitsmarkt (Merkl/Stüber); Die Rolle von Firmen und ihrer Personalpolitik für berufliche Mobilität (Gangl).
Year 2017
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22 Project

Asylbewerber- und Flüchtlingsbefragung

Principal investigator Herbert Brücker (Principal Investigator), Yuliya Kosyakova (Principal Investigator)
Durch die Asyl- und Flüchtlingsbefragung werden erstmals umfassende Erkenntnisse über die Asylbewerber und Flüchtlinge in Deutschland gewonnen. Diese Erkenntnisse sollen die Arbeitsmarktpolitik auf dem Gebiet der Integration von Asylbewerbern und Flüchtlingen unterstützen. Die Schaffung dieser Datenbasis ermöglicht es der BA, andere Entscheidungsträger in Deutschland und Europa auf dem Gebiet der Flüchtlings- und Migrationspolitik durch evidenzbasierte Politikberatung zu unterstützen. Weiterhin wird eine Datenbasis für die Forschung über die Arbeitsmarktintegration von Zuwanderern und im besonderen von Asylsuchenden und Flüchtlingen geschaffen. Projektmethode Befragung Projektziel Schaffung einer Datenbasis, die sowohl zur Politikberatung als auch zur Forschung zu Themen der gesellschaftlichen und Arbeitsmarktintegration von Asylbewerbern und Flüchtlingen verwendet werden kann.
Year 2015
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23 Project

Einbettung in ethno-spezifische Netzwerke und die Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migranten

Principal investigator Marcel Erlinghagen (Principal Investigator)
Bislang ist weitgehend offen, wie es zu den empirisch zu beobachtenden nationalitätenspezifisch unterschiedlichen Erfolgen bei der Integration von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in den Arbeitsmarkt kommt. Hier setzt das geplante Projekt an, indem davon ausgegangen wird, dass der unterschiedliche Grad der Arbeitsmarktintegration zu einem gewissen Teil auf die ethno-spezifische Einbettung in soziale Netzwerke (wie z.B. ethnische Kolonien oder aber unterschiedliche Bedeutungen des familiären Kontextes) zurückzuführen ist. Die Bedeutung der Einbettung in ethno-spezifische Netzwerke ist bislang in der sozialwissenschaftlichen, migrationsbezogenen Arbeitsmarktforschung weder aus theoretischer noch aus empirischer Sicht ausreichend thematisiert worden. Durch eine Verbindung soziologischer und ökonomischer Theorieansätze und die empirische Analyse geeigneter Individualdaten mit Hilfe fortgeschrittener quantitativer Verfahren (Mehrebenenanalyse) liefert das geplante Projekt einen interdisziplinären Beitrag zur Schließung dieser Forschungslücke.
Year 2010
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24 Project

Syrian Refugees’ Engagement in the Local Labour Market in Izmir, Turkey: Perspectives of Employers and Evidence - Based Policy Recommendations

Authors Selin Siviş, Ayselin Yıldız
This policy brief explores the perceptions of Turkish employers regarding Syrian refugees across various economic sectors in Izmir (Turkey) and reports the key issues raised by local actors concerning local labour market integration practices. The study is based on fieldwork carried out in Izmir between July and December 2017. It includes 40 semi-structured interviews conducted with Turkish employers, policy-makers, practitioners and NGO members. It provides an analysis particularly regarding Turkish employers’ perspectives at sectoral and local levels, towards employing Syrians. Finally, the study integrates employers’ perspectives into local actors’ broader labour market integration practices and makes some policy recommendations based on conclusions from evidence-based field research. In broader terms, the policy brief intends to contribute the literature and advise policy makers on how to eectively integrate refugees into the labour market through local level practices and interventions.
Year 2019
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25 Report

Integration measures and labour market success of refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection in Austria

More than 61,000 refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection have been recognised in Austria between 2006 and 2015. In February 2016, 21,000 of either status were registered as unemployed. Empirical research on the social position of the above groups is scarce in Austria. The FIMAS research project aimed at closing these research gaps by particularly focusing on labour market integration of the growing refugee population. Based on a quantitative survey, refugees’ integration trajectories as well as the effects of dedicated measures regarding labour market integration were analysed. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 1,200 recognised refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection of working age who had arrived mostly since 2006. These interviews with persons from Syria, Afghanistan, the Russian Federation and Iraq were conducted by native speaker interviewers in nine Austrian cities: Vienna, Graz (Styria), Linz and Wels (Upper Austria), Salzburg (Salzburg), and Innsbruck, Imst, Wörgl and Kufstein. Based on the data analysis, the social position of refugees and possible barriers to their successful integration are being presented in order to enable improved labour market integration. Implementing Project Partners: - International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) - Centre for Social Innovation/Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (ZSI) - Diakonie Flüchtlingsdienst Project Partners - Labour Market Service Upper Austria/AMS Oberösterreich - Austrian Association of Cities and Towns/Österreichischer Städtebund - Federal state offices of the Labour Market Service/Landesgeschäftsstellen des AMS Co-financed by - The Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs - Federal States: Tyrol, Salzburg - Cities: Vienna, Graz, Wels, Salzburg - Federal state offices of the Labour Market Service: Vienna, Upper Austria, Tyrol - Austrian Association of Cities and Towns
Year 2016
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26 Project

Soziale Partizipation von jugendlichen Migranten und deren Arbeitsmarktintegration im späteren Lebensverlauf

Principal investigator Marcel Erlinghagen (Principal Investigator)
Im geplanten Forschungsprojekt geht es darum, die langfristigen Auswirkungen sportlicher, musischer und ehrenamtlicher Aktivitäten von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund im Jugendalter auf deren spätere Arbeitsmarktintegration zu analysieren. Derzeit ist zwar bekannt, dass von solchen Aktivitäten zumindest kurzfristig positive Integrationswirkungen ausgehen. Über langfristige Wirkungen insbesondere im Hinblick auf die zentrale Dimension der Arbeitsmarktintegration wissen wir jedoch bislang wenig. Im Projekt sollen zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage für Deutschland repräsentative Längsschnittdaten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) ausgewertet werden.
Year 2017
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27 Project

Labour market integration of immigrants and their children: Developing, activating and using skills

Authors Thomas Liebig, Thomas Huddleston
Year 2014
Book Title International Migration Outlook
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28 Book Chapter

Labour Market Integration of Third-Country Nationals in EU Member States (Country report Luxembourg)

Authors Ralph Petry, Adolfo Sommarribas, Birte Nienaber
Luxembourg is characterized by a very specific demographic situation with 47,9% of its resident population being non-Luxembourgish nationals as of 1 January 2018. This particular circumstance makes Luxembourg the EU Member State with the highest share of non-citizens residing on its territory. At the same time, around 85% of the foreign population are citizens of another EU Member State, leading to the fact that third-country nationals constitute only 7,3% of the total resident population of Luxembourg, the lowest share of foreigners coming from a third-country in the European Union. Integration is defined in national legislation as a ‘two-way process by which the foreigners shows their will to participate on a long-term basis to the host society, which, in turn, takes all the necessary measures at the social, economic, political, and cultural levels, to encourage and facilitate this approach. Integration is a task that the State, municipalities and civil society achieve together’. In addition to this legal provision, several strategic documents, most notably the multi-annual national action plan on integration 2018, or PAN integration, published in July 2018, make reference to integration and its definition. The PAN integration provides the framework for the programs and tools favouring the social cohesion of Luxembourgish and non-Luxembourgish nationals and the overall national integration policy by identifying five priority domains, one of which explicitly relates to the reinforcement of employability of non-Luxembourgish nationals. Generally speaking, employment is viewed as a core element of the overall integration process, making both the access to as well as the integration into the Luxembourgish labour market a key element in becoming a part of society. At the same time, this access to and integration into the labour market pose a challenge, particularly to third-country nationals, as the statistics show that their employment rate is lower than that of Luxembourgish nationals or citizens of another EU Member State. Third-country nationals are predominantly occupied in the accommodation and food service activities sector, followed by the administrative and support service activities sector and the wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles sector. A closer look at the evolution of the sectors employing third-country nationals over the last years, however, indicates that in particular the information and communication technologies sector, the professional, scientific and technical activities sector and the financial and insurance activities sector register the most significant growth rates, leading to a development that seem to indicate a ‘double immigration’ of (highly) skilled migrants on the one hand and less or low skilled migrants in the more traditional economic sectors on the other hand. In regard to the general integration approach as well as the labour market integration policy, this study shows that Luxembourg does have not have a specific policy/strategic document/model in place that only focusses on third-country nationals. All political documents (laws and strategic documents such as the PAN 2010-2014 and the new PAN integration of 2018) and public measures (Welcome and Integration Contract (CAI), linguistic leave, support measures provided by the National Employment Agency (ADEM), measures facilitating school integration, electoral registration campaigns, etc.) are aimed at all foreign nationals without distinguishing between EU nationals and third-country nationals. It is the Immigration Law that provides the legal framework regarding the various grounds of migration for economic purposes. Additionally, the legislator aims to be attractive for certain categories of migrants coming to Luxembourg for economic purposes in order to meet the needs of the country’s economic development (via legislative measures such as the European Blue Card, the ‘investor’ residence permit or the agreement between Luxembourg and Cape Verde). This being said, this study will present examples of practices that have been identified as good practices in the context of the topic of labour market integration of third-country nationals, despite the fact that they, for the most part, do not fit 100% into the pre-set structure of the study template at hand. In section 2.2, three Member State measure are presented, the first of which is the linguistic leave, a specific form of additional special leave that is accessible for salaried and independent workers of all nationalities, resident or non-resident, to learn or perfect the command of the Luxembourgish language. This legislative measure was introduced by law in 2009 with the intention to facilitate the integration of the beneficiaries into society through the labour market. The second measure is the AMIF-project ‘InSitu JOBS’ by the non-governmental organisation CLAE asbl (with co-financing from the Luxembourgish State). This project, which ended in April 2018 was targeted at third-country nationals within the scope of this study as well as at beneficiaries of international protection by providing them information and counselling in the context of access and integration into the Luxembourgish labour market. The third measure was also an AMIF-project and consists of a practical guide that was developed and drafted by IMS Luxembourg, a network of Luxembourgish companies, in order to provide information on how to hire and integrate third-country nationals. As for the private sector measures in section 2.3. of this study, research of secondary resources as well as consultations with various relevant stakeholders proved to be rather difficult in terms of finding private sector initiatives that specifically target at supporting or facilitating the labour market integration of third-country nationals within the scope of this study. Two measures were selected in this context, the first consisting of a specific recruitment method (simulation-based recruitment method) by a large international company which allows them to evaluate various different profiles of people that are not necessarily detectable through the classic CV-based recruitment methods. The second measure is a business guide developed by the American Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg and aims to promote and facilitate the establishment of new business in Luxembourg by providing information on everything that entrepreneurs and international companies need to know in this context.
Year 2018
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29 Report

The Rapid Response for Facilitating Ukrainian Refugees’ Orientation and Labour Market Integration in Flanders

Authors Fatih Yilmaz, Samet Coban
Year 2022
Journal Name Horizon Insights
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30 Journal Article

Prozesse der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Geflüchteten in Österreich

Authors Paul Baumgartner, Meike Palinkas, Valentin Daur
Year 2020
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31 Report

Processes of labour market integration of refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection in Austria (2)

Research Objectives Building on the FIMAS and FIMAS+INTEGRATION surveys, the project FIMAS+INTEGRATION 2 continues with the third wave of the Austrian longitudinal survey on refugees’ integration trajectories. The aim of the FIMAS projects is to close the research gaps related to the processes of labour market integration of the growing refugee population through the analysis of quantitative data on central topics related to refugee integration. The project will investigate individual trajectories as well as trends of refugee integration and the effects of measures for labour market integration. The total sample will include a panel component, following initial respondents from 2016/2017 (FIMAS) and 2017/2018 (FIMAS+INTEGRATION), plus a refresher sample. Interviews will mainly be conducted online and complemented with telephone and face-to-face interviews. More than 1,500 recognised refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection in all nine federal states will be interviewed. The sample will include persons of working age from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran. Interviews will be implemented in three languages (Arabic, Farsi/Dari, German) by trained interviewers. Project Implementation International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), in cooperation with wiiw and Karl-Franzens-University Graz Project Partners - Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) - Department of Human Resource Development, Karl-Franzens-University of Graz - Public Employment Service Austria - City of Vienna (MA17 Integration and Diversity) Co-funded by - The Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs - City of Vienna (MA17 Integration and Diversity) - Federal State of Tyrol - Public Employment Service Tyrol - Austrian Association of Cities and Towns
Year 2018
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32 Project

Prozesse der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Geflüchteten in Österreich

Authors Roland Hosner, Meike Palinkas
Year 2020
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33 Report

Arbeitsmarktintegration: Aussiedler und jüdische Einwanderer aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion in Deutschland und Israel

Principal investigator Frank Kalter (Principal Investigator), Irena Kogan (Principal Investigator), Yinon Cohen (Principal Investigator), Yitchak Haberfeld (Principal Investigator)
Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, Hypothesen zu zentralen Einflussfaktoren der Arbeitsmarktintegration, wie die Selektivität von Zuwanderern und die institutionellen Gegebenheiten der aufnehmenden Gesellschaft, durch einen strategischen Vergleich von Zuwanderern aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion in Israel und Deutschland strenger zu testen. Dazu wurden sowohl Sekundärdaten analysiert, wie auch Primärdaten erhoben und ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Die institutionellen Besonderheiten beider Aufnahmeländer führen entgegen der theoretischen Erwartung nicht zu einem selektiven Zuzug. Jüdische Zuwanderer aus der ehemaligen SU weisen in beiden Ländern das gleiche Qualifikationsniveau auf. Jedoch lassen sich über den gut ausgebauten Sozialstaat in Deutschland die abweichenden Befunde zur Arbeitsmarktintegration von jüdischen Zuwanderern in beiden Ländern erklären. Die zeitlich unbeschränkte materielle Unterstützung von Arbeitslosen in Deutschland ermöglicht erst die Suche nach einer geeigneten Stelle, was sowohl zu einer hohen Arbeitslosenrate wie auch zu einer häufigeren Besetzung von qualifizierten Stellen führt. Auf nationaler Ebene hat sich bisher folgendes herausgestellt: Für die Erklärung der Nachteile beider Zuwanderergruppen gegenüber den Deutschen hinsichtlich des Arbeitslosigkeitsrisikos wie auch der beruflichen Positionierung spielt vor allem die Ausstattung mit aufnahmelandspezifischen Ressourcen (Weiterbildung vor Ort, Sprachfertigkeiten und Netzwerkzusammensetzung) eine Rolle. Den Unterschieden beider Zuwanderergruppen im Vergleich kommt man insbesondere durch die Längsschnittbetrachtung auf die Spur. Jüdische Kontingentflüchtlinge brauchen gegenüber Aussiedlern fast doppelt solange für das Erlangen der ersten Arbeitsstelle nach der Zuwanderung in Deutschland, sie erreichen jedoch dabei schon viel häufiger eine gute Position. Jüdische Kontingentflüchtlinge nutzen die seitens der Grundsicherung gegebene Chance zur Akkumulation von aufnahmelandspezifischen Ressourcen stärker aus als Aussiedler. Sie nehmen länger an Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen teil und schließen dabei auch höherwertige Abschlüsse ab, sie investieren mehr Zeit in das Erlernen der deutschen Sprache und überholen sogar das Sprachniveau der Aussiedler. Dieses Vorgehen verzögert natürlich den beruflichen Einstieg, ermöglicht aber gleichzeitig erst das Erlangen von hochqualifizierten Stellen. Die Ausgangsunterschiede zwischen beiden Zuwanderergruppen prägen den weiteren beruflichen Werdegang, da nur wenig Mobilität zwischen den Arbeitsmarktsegmenten besteht.
Year 2006
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34 Project

ARBEIT: Die Rolle von Diskriminierung für die Arbeitsmarktintegration von jungen Personen mit Migrationshintergrund

Principal investigator Ruud Koopmans (Principal Investigator ), Herbert Brücker (Principal Investigator ), Frank Kalter (Principal Investigator )
"In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich eine Vielzahl von Forschungsprojekten der Erklärung von Arbeitsmarktnachteilen von Zuwanderern und ihren Kindern gewidmet. Diese gliedern sich in zwei methodologische Forschungsansätze: Zum einen gibt es eine Reihe von Studien auf der Basis von Bevölkerungsbefragungen und Analysen von amtlichen Statistiken, die nachgewiesen haben, dass ein Teil der Arbeitsmarktnachteile von Migranten, unter anderem, auf Bildungsdefizite zurückzuführen sind. Allerdings bleiben, auch wenn man Bildung berücksichtigt, noch erhebliche Nachteile für Personen mit Migrationshintergrund bestehen. Zum anderen gibt es eine Reihe von experimentellen Studien, die untersuchen, inwieweit diese Nachteile durch Diskriminierung seitens Arbeitgeber erklärt werden können. Hierfür werden fiktive Bewerbungen an Arbeitgeber verschickt, wobei die ethnische Gruppenzugehörigkeit des Bewerbers variiert wird, andere Merkmale wie Bildungsstand und Berufserfahrung aber konstant gehalten werden. Studien dieser Art zeigen fast ausnahmslos, dass Diskriminierung stattfindet. Ein zentraler Nachteil dieser Studien ist jedoch, dass sie nur begrenzt generalisierbar sind und nicht ohne weiteres Rückschlüsse darüber erlauben, wie groß, im Vergleich zu anderen Wirkungsfaktoren, der Anteil von Diskriminierung für die Erklärung von Arbeitsmarktunterschieden ist. Auch wenn es zu beiden Forschungsansätzen mittlerweile bereits reichhaltige Forschungsbefunde gibt, fehlt nach wie vor eine gemeinsame, synthetisierende Analyse. Ziel des Teilprojekts ARBEIT ist es daher, die Ursachen von Arbeitsmarktnachteilen von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund und den relativen Einfluss von Diskriminierung und anderen Wirkungsfaktoren (z.B. Bildungsunterschiede, Sprachkenntnisse, Sozialkapital) zu erforschen. Hierfür soll in einem ersten Schritt der aktuelle Forschungsstand aufbereitet werden, für den sowohl Ergebnisse aus Bevölkerungsbefragungen und Analysen von amtlichen Statistiken, als auch experimentelle Studien berücksichtigt werden. Diese Befunde werden zusammengetragen und systematisch aufeinander bezogen um vorhandene Forschungslücken zu identifizieren. Insofern solche Lücken mit weiterführenden Analysen bereits existierender Datensätzen geschlossen werden können, sollen diese in einem zweiten Schritt durchgeführt und Desiderata für anschließende Forschung formuliert werden. Das Projekt ARBEIT ist ein Kooperationsprojekt der DeZIM-Gemeinschaft."
Year 2018
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35 Project


Authors María Jesús Cabezón Fernández, Juan David Sempere Souvannavong
Year 2017
Journal Name Migraciones
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36 Journal Article

Gender and Migration on the Labour Market: Additive or Interacting Disadvantages in Germany?

Principal investigator Fenella Fleischmann (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical background and objectives Existing research on the labour market integration of immigrants usually focuses on male immigrants, comparing them to native males. So far, only few studies have addressed the labour market integration of female immigrants and again, these studies are mostly limited to comparisons between women with and without a migration background. The aim of this project is to conduct a double comparison and to analyse the joint effects of gender and migration background on a number of labour market outcomes. A double comparison is needed because native women and men differ in their labour market behaviour, yet it is not known to what extent these gender differences extend to the migrant population – in fact, gender differences may be larger or smaller among immigrants and their descendants than in the native origin population. Research design, data and methodology Data from the most recent German microcensus are used to analyse the research question. In addition to providing abundant information about labour market behaviour, this data source makes it possible to identify foreign-born immigrants and local-born children of immigrants and to distinguish a number of migrant groups based on their country or region of origin. Thus, we can examine whether gender differences in labour market behaviour differ between migrants and non-migrants and between different subgroups of migrants. Findings We find considerable variation in gender gaps in labour market behaviour between East and West Germany, across ethnic groups and across generations. Intergenerational comparisons show that most ethnic minorities assimilate towards German patterns of gendered labour market attainment."
Year 2011
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39 Project

Enterprises Meet Migrants for Employment

Principal investigator Pablo Pumares Fernández (Project Mabager Spanish partner)
The EMME project aims to promote and raise awareness on early and effective integration of third country nationals in the labour market. To reach this overall objective the project envisages a transnational partnership composed by key actors in the field of labour market integration, private employment service, support and representation of enterprises, education and vocational training. The partner organizations will involve enterprises since the beginning of the project and will offer a range of interconnected services aimed at: Promoting diversity and non-discrimination at the workplace Promoting the use of EU Skills Profile Tool for TCNs Providing training programmes that support TCNs to integrate into the workplace and supporting their skills development Supporting employers in hiring TCNs Providing post placement support to TCNs and employers
Year 2019
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40 Project

Beratung und Vermittlung von Flüchtlingen

Principal investigator Holger Bähr (Principal Investigator), Martin Dietz (Principal Investigator), Barbara Knapp (Principal Investigator)
Das Projekt untersucht die Beratung und Vermittlung von Asylsuchenden. Es stellt die Situation der Asylsuchenden in den Arbeitsagenturen und Jobcentern dar, beschreibt Maßnahmen und Programme zur Arbeitsmarktintegration und betrachtet Strukturen und Interaktionen des Vermittlungsprozesses. Ein Augenmerk wird dabei auf Schnittstellen gelegt, die sowohl innerhalb der Arbeitsagenturen zwischen Berufsberatung, arbeitgeberorientierter und arbeitnehmerorientierter Vermittlung als auch zwischen Arbeitsagenturen und Jobcentern bestehen. Die Schnittstelle zwischen Arbeitsagenturen und Jobcentern entsteht, wenn frühere Asylsuchende als anerkannte Flüchtlinge aus dem Rechtskreis des SGB III in den Rechtskreis des SGB II wechseln. Projektmethode Die Datenbasis des Projekts beruht im Wesentlichen auf leitfadengestützten Interviews mit Expertinnen und Experten in ausgewählten Arbeitsagenturen. Ergänzend werden in den Jobcentern derselben Agenturbezirke ebenfalls leitfadengestützte Interviews mit Expertinnen und Experten geführt. Projektziel Das Ziel des Projekts liegt in der Beantwortung folgender Frage: Wodurch zeichnet sich der Beratungs- und Vermittlungsprozess von Asylsuchenden aus? Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Arbeitsmarktintegration dieser Personengruppe. Es sollen Merkmale benannt werden, die die Arbeitsmarktintegration unterstützen oder behindern können.
Year 2016
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41 Project

Organizing integration

Principal investigator Andreas Diedrich (Project Leader), Maria-José Zapata-Campos (Participants )
The starting point of this multi-disciplinary research programme is the vertiginous growth in international migration and the recent “refugee crisis” in Europe, as well as the ever-present questions of social and economic integration of recent refugees and other immigrants. The programme aims to examine the challenges and opportunities created by novel initiatives that aim to support labour market integration of refugees and other immigrants who have been granted residency in Sweden – including the problems of coordination and organisation between the plethora of initiatives. The research will be conducted within a practice-based approach to organising (Gherardi & Nicolini, 2002; Nicolini, 2012) and aims to produce novel knowledge to facilitate the establishment of more sustainable processes and practices for integrating refugees and other immigrants in the labour market.
Year 2017
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42 Project

Integration measures and labour market success of refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection in Austria

Authors Roland Hosner, Irina Vana, Golschan Khun Jush
Analysing the development of the labour market status of refugees in Austria represents a key field of research for integration policy. The survey on integration of refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection in Austria, which was conducted as part of the FIMAS project, provides a socio-scientific dataset for the analysis of the status quo of labour market integration and integration processes of members of the target group in Austria. The project surveyed close to 1,200 refugees in five Austrian federal provinces. The survey was conducted through personal interviews between August 2016 and May 2017 in Vienna, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Styria and Tyrol. Target groups for the interviews were persons of working age (15-60) from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and the Russian Federation (mainly Chechnya), who had been granted refugee status or subsidiary protection in Austria in the preceding ten years.
Year 2020
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44 Report

Hacia un nuevo modelo de inserciónlaboral de los inmigrantes

Year 2015
Journal Name Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios (RIEM)
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45 Journal Article

Networks, race, and hiring

Authors RM Fernandez, Fernandez-Mateo
Year 2006
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 127
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46 Journal Article

Guest editorial - Indonesian cities under the "Krismon" - A great "urban crisis" in Southeast Asia

Authors T Firman
Year 1999
Journal Name Cities
Citations (WoS) 14
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47 Journal Article

Brasilia: The frontier capital

Authors IM Madaleno
Year 1996
Journal Name Cities
Citations (WoS) 7
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48 Journal Article

Les praticiens à diplôme hors Union Européenne en France : les parcours et projets migratoires de ces médecins en région Poitou-Charentes

Principal investigator Emmanuel Ma Mung (co-Principal Investigator), Anne-Cécile Hoyez (co-Principal Investigator)
Depuis les années 1980, l’évolution de la démographie médicale française engendre des disparités territoriales dans la répartition des personnels médicaux au niveau national. Ces déséquilibres, provenant en partie du non remplacement des médecins dans les hôpitaux « périphériques » et des stratégies d’évitement de certaines zones rurales par les jeunes médecins, ont ainsi créé une possibilité pour les praticiens à diplôme hors Union Européenne de venir travailler en France, pour pallier à des déficits problématiques à la fois pour les structures hospitalières et pour les collectivités territoriales. Notre projet de recherche a pour objectif d’étudier la situation des PADHUE au sein de la région Poitou-Charentes, région touchée par la problématique de la « pénurie » médicale. Nous allons donc nous interrogés sur la présence, la répartition géographique et les conditions d’exercice de ces médecins ainsi que sur les parcours et les projets migratoires de ces migrants hautement qualifiés qui exercent dans un secteur-clé: celui de l’hôpital.
Year 2010
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49 Project

Erwerbsverhalten von Frauen nach Migration: Ein dynamischer Ansatz zum Familien- und Erwerbsverhalten nach Migration

Principal investigator Claudia Diehl (Principal Investigator ), Johannes Giesecke (Principal Investigator ), Martin Kroh (Principal Investigator ), Michaela; Kreyenfeld (Principal Investigator )
Eine Vielzahl von Studien sind bislang vorgelegt worden, die die Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migrantinnen und Migranten thematisiert haben. Schwerpunkt der meisten empirischen Analysen war die Frage der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migranten. Migrantinnen wurden hingegen häufig als "tied movers" betrachtet, deren Erwerbs- und Migrationsentscheidung der ihrer Partner nachgeordnet ist. Wie diese geschlechtsspezifischen Migrationsmuster das spätere Erwerbs- und Familienverhalten von Migrantinnen prägen und welche Konsequenzen sich daraus für soziale Ungleichheit und Prozesse sozialer Exklusion ergeben, war bislang nur selten Gegenstand empirischer Untersuchungen. In diesem Projekt versuchen wir diese Lücke zu füllen, indem wir, aufbauend auf dem Lebenslaufansatz, die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Migrations-, Erwerbs- und Familienbiographie im Leben von Migrantinnen untersuchen. Als Datenbasis verwenden wir die IAB-Migrations- und Flüchtlingsstichprobe des Sozio-Oekonomischen Panels (GSOEP), die integrierten Erwerbsbiographien des IAB (IEBS) sowie Daten des Mikrozensus. Die Analysen konzentrieren sich auf Migrantinnen, die zwischen 1990 und 2015 nach Deutschland gezogen sind. Ziel unserer Analysen ist es, erstens einen Beitrag zum Verständnis des Arbeitsmarkt- und Familienverhaltens der neuen Migrantengruppen auf Basis der reichhaltigen Längsschnittdaten zu geben, die mittlerweile für Deutschland zur Verfügung stehen. Zweitens soll im Rahmen des Projekts die zum Teil unverbundene Literatur zur Familien- und Arbeitsmarktdynamik von Migrantinnen und Migranten integriert werden. Drittens leisten wird aufbauend auf dem Lebensverlaufsansatz einen Beitrag zum Verständnis, wie sich frühe Lebensereignisse und -bedingungen, insbesondere zum Zeitpunkt der Migration auf die spätere Familien- und Erwerbsdynamik auswirken.
Year 2018
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50 Project


Authors Domician Mate, Imran Sarihasan, Jozsef Popp, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Economics & Sociology
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51 Journal Article

Free market reform in China and the labor migration of Chinese seafarers

Authors Ming Tsui
Year 2007
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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52 Journal Article

Forced displacement and refugee-host community solidarity (FOCUS)

Principal investigator Nahikari Irastorza (Project Leader), Jason Tucker (Project Leader ), Pieter Bevelander (Participants)
This project starts from the basic assumptions that forced migration to the European Union will continue in the future due to a number of different push and pull factors, that influx of refugees will influence the social, political and economic landscape of receiving societies, and that there are a variety of costs and benefits of integrating refugees in the host societies that are reflected in relational dynamics between the host and refugee communities. Bearing these considerations in mind, the goal of FOCUS is to increase the understanding of and to provide effective and evidence-based solutions for the challenges of forced migration within host communities. By doing so, it also aims at contributing to increased tolerance, peaceful coexistence, and reduced radicalization across Europe and the Middle East. Based on a comprehensive mapping and trans-disciplinary, multi-site field research conducted in Jordan, Croatia, Germany and Sweden, FOCUS explores the socio-psychological dimensions of refugee and host-community relations and analyses the socio-economic integration of refugees and the consequences of this in host societies. This knowledge is then used to transform and strengthen existing promising solutions for social and labour market integration. The integration solutions will be pilot tested in at least five European countries by governmental and non-governmental end-users. The solutions are finally brought together in the Refugee and Host Community Toolbox, which will support policy makers, municipal actors, civil society organisations and other stakeholders in responding to the needs of both refugees and host communities and thereby act as agents of change in this field.
Year 2019
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53 Project

La mobilité des travailleurs espagnols dans l’ouest de l’Algérie

Authors Juan David Sempere Souvannavong, María-Jesús Cabezón Fernández
Year 2016
Journal Name Autrepart
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54 Journal Article

Evaluation of Immigration- and Integration Policies

Principal investigator Daniel Auer (Principal Investigator ), Flavia Fossati (Principal Investigator ), Carlos Vargas-Silva (Principal Investigator ), Stefanie Kurt (Principal Investigator ), Dennis Egger (Principal Investigator ), Johannes Kunz (Principal Investigator ), Damaris Rose (Principal Investigator )
"In this project, we investigate the (sometimes unintended) consequences of policies that have been implemented to regulate immigration and to subsequently facilitate the socio-economic integration of newly arrived immigrants. (1) Networks: First, we exploit a natural experiment in Switzerland, where asylum seekers are randomly assigned to cantons. This immigration policy can be regarded as a transparent and neutral way of distributing refugees across a country to “share a burden”. At the same time, such restrictions regarding free movement within a country come with hefty consequences for the persons affected. On the one hand, a large share of jobs are found through referrals within social networks: in the US, for instance, around 30-60% (Bewley, 2007). At least since Granovetter (1973), a rich theoretical literature has rationalized this fact by modelling networks as non-market institutions that help overcome information frictions inherent in the labor market. From workers' perspective, networks grant their members preferential access to information on high-quality job openings, e.g. as in Calvo-Armengol and Jackson (2004). On the firm side, networks may help alleviate the asymmetric information problem in hiring leading potentially to a better job-match, e.g. as in Beaman and Magruder (2012). In our study, we focus on the value of social networks from the perspective of workers. Swiss asylum policy provides a unique natural experiment to study the effects of social networks on labor market outcomes. Because of the truly exogenous placement, long horizon over which the policy was in place and the large sample size, we can delve deeper into the mechanisms of how social networks affect labor market integration than previous studies have done and look at network structure beyond simply its size. Our findings will enable us to distinguish among a large set of theoretical models of the value of networks from the point of view of individual job seekers. (2) Maternity: At the same time, such immigration policies also affect the social integration of immigrants and, in our case, individual health and wellbeing. Specifically, we exploit the same unique setting to assess the relevance of information on infants' health. Random allocation of asylum seekers in Switzerland allows us to first, study the spatial differences in health care provision across the country. Further, by exploiting that French-speaking refugees are randomly placed in French- or non-French-speaking regions, we can credibly identify the language-match-health-gap, based on refugees that do not speak French as a control group and placed on either side of the language border (in a Difference in Differences framework). By extending the language to a novel (continuous) measure of language distance, we are able to factor out country of origin effects using bi-lateral regressions. A second strand of policies targets the (economic) integration of immigrants and generally of persons outside the labor market. A common approach is to provide measures, so-called Active Labor Market Programs (ALMP) that enhance a jobseeker’s employability (e.g., through additional human capital) or that keep a person close to the labor market through occupational programs. (3) Access Bias: Some measures, however, can negatively affect labor market outcomes, such as unemployment duration and post-unemployment wages, because of factors such as human capital deprivation or lock-in effects. Based on encompassing registry data that allow researchers to control for usually unobserved employability variables, we find evidence of a systematic access bias whereby caseworkers in Switzerland assign unemployed immigrants to activation measures based on what we call a competition logic that is mainly driven by and conforms to an economic rationale and the job center’s performance evaluation. From the perspective of immigrants’ labor market integration, this may be problematic because it results in an overrepresentation of immigrants in measures with little efficacy rather than in measures that could compensate for (some of) their employability disadvantages. Conversely, we find that Swiss citizens are relatively advantaged in the ability to access more measures that promote human capital enhancement (compensation logic) and that have been shown to be successful tools for labor market reintegration. It is plausible that a stronger reliance on the competition logic by caseworkers and the consequential overrepresentation of migrants in low-efficacy measures amplifies migrants’ general labor market disadvantages. (4) Priming: This rather negative stance on integration measures in the form of ALMPs is further advanced by a study where we present indications that ALMP participants are pushed into lower paying jobs compared to equally qualified non-participants. In this study on the effect of subjective beliefs on employment outcomes we find that the employment chances one year after the start of unemployment increase for both ALMP participants and non-participants when self-control and employment beliefs are high. In contrast, higher initial reservation wages increase employment chances for non-participants but substantially reduce them for ALMP participants. Previous studies have shown that beneficial effects of activation measures are often abrogated by lock-in effects, human capital deprivation, and/or negative signals to prospective employers, all of which are particularly harmful for highly skilled workers and higher-paying jobs. We argue that these detrimental effects ultimately push ALMP participants into jobs below their expected salary, where the negative consequences of activation measures are less pronounced. (5) Heterogeneity: A related aspect that is crucial from an integration perspective is whether such effects of ALMPs differ across groups, that is, whether the participation of “natives” turns out to have different consequences for their labor market performance compared to participating immigrants. In this study, we argue that effect heterogeneity between native and migrant participants can provide information about the type of discrimination that migrants face in the labor market. Using encompassing administrative data from Switzerland, we observe all registered jobseekers in 2004 and follow their monthly labor market trajectories over 10 subsequent years. Our findings are consistent with earlier evaluations of ALMPs in Switzerland and elsewhere, which find that participation effects of ALMPs are limited and sometimes even negative. However, findings show that employers value the additional productivity-related information of ALMP participation more if participants have a foreign nationality. We infer that labor market discrimination against migrants is dominated by statistical reasoning on the part of prospective employers. (6) LM-Index: Eventually, we provide a meta-analytical study where we argue that comparative assessments of integration policies fail to properly take confounding factors into account. That is, immigrant groups exposed to integration policies in different countries differ in their characteristics because immigration policies and migrants’ destination choice induce an ex-ante bias. To circumvent this limit to comparative analyses, we aspire to collect and generate data on all existing policy dimensions and subsequently provide a comparative analysis of immigrants’ labor market integration in industrialized countries."
Year 2018
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55 Project

Youth Migrants’ Social and Labor Integration through the Use of TICs in Social Organizations at a time of Crisis

Principal investigator Pedro Pedro Oiarzabal de Cuadra (Principal Investigator)
Year 2013
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56 Project

The importance of check-cashing businesses to the unbanked: Racial/ethnic differences

Authors SLW Rhine, WH Greene, M Toussaint-Comeau
Year 2006
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 33
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57 Journal Article


Authors PB Walters, CM BRIGGS
Year 1993
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 28
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58 Journal Article

Entrepreneurship Support in Uganda’s Refugee Response

Authors U-Learn Uganda
This learning brief is the result of a collective learning process, engaging actors from the humanitarian, development, entrepreneurship and innovation, government, and finance sectors. Its purpose is to take stock of the different approaches to entrepreneurship support implemented in the refugee response and to document the learning in order to inform future programming.
Year 2024
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60 Report

Ukrainian Refugees in Germany: A Hidden Conflict of Interests is Inevitable but Solvable

Authors Taras Romashchenko
Year 2024
Journal Name Einblicke/Insights Forschungs-Highlights der Zentren für Deutschland- und Europastudien
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61 Journal Article

Typologizing Digital Nomad Visas: Comparing Policy Rationales from Tourism to Wealth Accumulation to Immigration

Authors Kaisu Koskela, Pascal Beckers
Year 2024
Journal Name Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice
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62 Journal Article

Migration Studies: Eurasian Perspectives

Authors Merve Hazer Yiğit Uyar, Apak Kerem Altıntop, Yaşar Onay
Year 2023
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63 Book

Invisible Migrant Nightworkers in 24/7 London

Authors Julius-Cezar MacQuarie
Year 2023
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65 Book

„Damit sie eine Chance auf dem Weg in die Arbeitswelt haben!“ Arbeitsmarktbezogene Unterstützungsprojekte für geflüchtete Frauen* im Vergleich

Authors Johanna Ullmann, Helen Schwenken
Year 2023
Book Title Gender, Forced Migration, Reception Politics. The Gendered Inclusion and Exclusion of Refugee Women
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66 Book Chapter

Mobile TVET programming in the Uganda refugee response

Authors U-Learn Uganda
This case study provides a deeper understanding of how the employment of Mobile Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programming in refugee response addresses some of the barriers faced by last-mile populations in accessing traditional TVET opportunities. It shares learning from the Uganda-based NGO-Africa Non-profit Chore’s (ANCHOR) successful mobile TVET program through its “Refugee and Host Community Access and Innovation in Skills for Employment” (RAISE) project in an isolated part of Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement in north-western Uganda. The study highlights the advantages and challenges of implementing a mobile TVET approach, as well as how it can support refugees, host community members, and other vulnerable groups in accessing education and the right to work and be self-reliant, both while they remain in Uganda or on their eventual return home.
Year 2023
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67 Report

Agricultural Value Chains Strategic Positioning Paper

Authors U-Learn Uganda
Year 2023
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68 Working Paper

Onward Migration and Multi-Sited Transnationalism

Authors Jill Ahrens, Russell King
Year 2023
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69 Book

Gender, Flucht, Aufnahmepolitiken. Die vergeschlechtlichte In- und Exklusion geflüchteter Frauen

Authors Nevra Akdemir, Johanna Elle, Elke Grittmann, ...
Year 2023
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70 Book

Stratification mechanisms in labour market matching of migrants

Authors Merve Burnazoglu, Utrecht University
Year 2023
Journal Name Cambridge Journal of Economics
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72 Journal Article


Authors Sergii Dzholos, Oksana Koshulko
Year 2022
Journal Name MEST Journal
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74 Journal Article

Tangled Mobilities: Places, Affects, and Personhood across Social Spheres in Asian Migration

Authors Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot, Gracia Liu-Farrer
Year 2022
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76 Book


Authors Kamila Fialkowska, Kamil Matuszczyk, Monika Szulecka
Year 2022
Journal Name Estudios Geográficos
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77 Journal Article

The Ambivalence of Autonomy: Skills, Trust, Tactics, and Status on a Construction Site in Belize

Authors Giuseppe Troccoli
Year 2022
Journal Name Anthropology of Work Review
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78 Journal Article

Migrants and Undeclared Employment within the European Construction Sector: Challenging Dichotomous Approaches to Workers' Agency

Authors Iraklis Dimitriadis
Year 2022
Journal Name Work, Employment and Society
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79 Journal Article

Migrants and Undeclared Employment within the European Construction Sector: Challenging Dichotomous Approaches to Workers' Agency

Authors Iraklis Dimitriadis
Year 2022
Journal Name Work, Employment and Society
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80 Journal Article

Labour Market Segmentation within Ethnic Economies: The Ethnic Penalty for Invisible Kurdish Migrants in the United Kingdom

Authors Mehmet Rauf Kesici
Year 2022
Journal Name Work, Employment and Society
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81 Journal Article

Persistent rurality in Mexico and 'the right to stay home'

Authors Xochitl Bada, Jonathan Fox
Year 2022
Journal Name The Journal of Peasant Studies
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82 Journal Article

Social Cost Benefit Analysis of the no recourse to public funds (NRPF) policy in London

Authors Eleanor Benton, Jacob Karlsson, Ilona Pinter, ...
This report estimates the monetised social and economic gains (benefits) of removing of the No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) condition for certain household in England. It compares this to the costs of allowing them to be able to apply for welfare benefits and various public services paid for from public funds. This is in the form of a Social Cost Benefit Analysis and was prepared as an independent analysis for the Greater London Authority. The households in scope are households and families with visas statuses including the right to work, some of whom are on visa routes that could lead to long-term settlement in the UK. These includes holders of Tier 1, 2 or 5 visas who come to the UK to work and their dependents; those who are in the UK because of family links; dependents or others who are linked to the primary visa holder and those estimated to come via the Hong Kong British National Overseas scheme. The report estimates that there are approximately 362,000 households, including 106,000 households with children, would potentially be affected by lifting the NRPF condition. Access to public funds would be restricted by existing qualifying conditions limiting access to welfare benefits and other services to households in need of this public assistance. It found that, over ten years, removing the NRPF condition just for households with children and other vulnerable individuals would result in a net gain of £872 million. Removing the condition for all those on these visas would result in a £428 million net gain.
Year 2022
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83 Report

Mentoring migrant talent to work: a conceptual and empirical framework

Authors Peter De Cuyper
Year 2022
Book Title Cities for talent. Good practices for internationalization in medium sized European cities
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85 Book Chapter

(Un)suitable Difference: Ethnic and Racializing Differentiations in Recruitment Practices of Local Administrations in Berlin

Authors Christine Lang
Year 2022
Journal Name Swiss Journal of Sociology
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87 Journal Article

Measuring Irregular Migration and Related Policies (MIRREM)

Principal investigator Albert Kraler (Scientific Coordinator), Ettore Recchi (PI European University Institute), Franck Düvell (PI University of Osnabrück), Arjen Leerkes (PI University of Maastricht), Jussi Jauhiainen (PI University of Turku), Claudia Finotelli (PI Complutense University Madrid), Marina Nikolova (PI Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy), Maurizio Ambrosini (PI University of Milan), Michele LeVoy (PI Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migration), Veronika Bilger (PI International Centre for Migration Policy Development ), Jasmijn Slootjes (PI Migration Policy Institute Europe), Pawel Kaczmarczyk (PI University of Warsaw), Tuba Bircan (PI Vrije Universiteit Brussel ), Anna Triandafyllidou (PI Toronto Metropolitan University), Alan Desmond (PI University of Leiceister), Carlos Vargas-Silva (PI University of Oxford), João Carvalho (PI CIES-ISCTE)
Targeted policy responses for irregular migration require better knowledge about the characteristics of the irregular migrant population and dynamics of irregular migration, as well as about the effects of policy measures. Yet, quantitative data relating to irregular migration are scarce, often outdated and contested. The inadequecy of current data makes it challenging for stakeholders to develop and monitor policies. How do legal frameworks in different countries define migrant irregularity? What are the characteristics of irregular migrants in terms of age, gender, nationality or other socioeconomic variables? How can the effects of policy measures, such as regularisation, be assessed? MIrreM adresses the challenge of insufficent knowledge about irregular migration and regularisation in Europe by actively involving relevant stakeholders in every stage of this project – as co-creators of its results and as stakeholders to its mission. In a rigorous comparative and multi-level study, we will assess the policies, data needs and estimates that define migrant irregularity in 11 EU member states, the UK, Canada, the USA and five transit countries. Using several coordinated pilots we will develop new and innovative methods for measuring irregular migration and ‘regularisation scenarios’, and we will explore if and how these instruments can be transferred or scaled up to other socio-economic or institutional conditions. Based on these insights, we will develop two public databases: a) a database with estimates on irregular migrant stocks and b) a database on irregular migration flows, that will also include data on regularisations. Together with the expert groups, we will synthesize our findings into a Handbook on data on irregular migration and a Handbook on regularisation that will support evidenced-based and targeted policymaking concerning irregular migration. Finally, we will develop training resources for policymakers, practitioners, journalists and early-career researchers.
Year 2022
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88 Project

Becoming Successful in the Business and Law Sectors: Institutional Structures and Individual Resources

Authors Elif Keskiner, Christine Lang, Ali Konyali, ...
Year 2022
Book Title New Social Mobility: Second Generation Pioneers in Europe
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89 Book Chapter

Adult tertiary education and migrants' coping strategies in the German labour market

Authors Esteban Perez-Gnavi
Year 2021
Journal Name Studies in Continuing Education
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90 Journal Article

Understanding the dynamics of protracted displacement

Authors Albert Kraler, Benjamin Etzold, Nuno Ferreira
Year 2021
Journal Name Forced Migration Review
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91 Journal Article

Centering social-technical relations in studying platform urbanism: intersectionality for just futures in European cities

Authors Natasha A. Webster, Qian Zhang
Year 2021
Journal Name Urban Transformations
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92 Journal Article

Literature review labour migration

Authors Maastricht University - Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market, Frank Cörvers, Julia Reinold, ...
Attracting and retaining migrants can have many benefits for the host country and its economy, for example to mitigate skills shortages. Regulating immigration may prevent several negative consequences of a shrinking and ageing population. However, research and policy often focus on the highly skilled or so-called knowledge migrants (kennismigranten) as a source of human capital, which can increase innovation and a country’s competitiveness. A group of labour migrants that receives significantly less attention from research and policy, are the medium-skilled migrant workers. Although it makes up a significant share of the migrant population, this group is rarely supported by specific migration policies. Therefore, in this report we would like to answer the following central research question: What is known in available literature about the opportunities and limitations of filling labour shortages through labour migration, especially in the middle segment of the labour market? CONTENT: 1. Introduction, 2. Methodology, 3. Shortages and skill requirements in the middle segment of the Dutch labour market, 4. Priority supply from EEA+ countries and beyond, 5. Migration as a solution to address shortages in the middle segment of the Dutch labour market, 6. Alternative solutions to staffing bottlenecks in the middle segment of the Dutch labour market, 7. Conclusions and directions for further research.
Year 2021
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94 Report

Literature review labour migration

Authors Maastricht University - Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market United Nations University, Research and Documentation Centre, Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU_MERIT), ...
Attracting and retaining migrants can have many benefits for the host country and its economy, for example to mitigate skills shortages. Regulating immigration may prevent several negative consequences of a shrinking and ageing population. However, research and policy often focus on the highly skilled or so-called knowledge migrants (kennismigranten) as a source of human capital, which can increase innovation and a country’s competitiveness. A group of labour migrants that receives significantly less attention from research and policy, are the medium-skilled migrant workers. Although it makes up a significant share of the migrant population, this group is rarely supported by specific migration policies. Therefore, in this report we would like to answer the following central research question: What is known in available literature about the opportunities and limitations of filling labour shortages through labour migration, especially in the middle segment of the labour market?
Year 2021
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95 Report

Un conflit entre travail et capital ou entre pays riches et pauvres de l’Union européenne? Les travailleurs détachés en Europe depuis 1955

Authors Emmanuel Comte
Year 2021
Book Title Europe, States and Economic Actors in the Twentieth Century: Around Éric Bussière
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96 Book Chapter

The Researcher’s Nightworkshop: A Methodology of Bodily and Cyber-Ethnographic Representations in Migration Studies

Authors Julius-Cezar MacQuarie
Year 2021
Book Title Visual Methodology in Migration Studies
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97 Book Chapter

Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Nepalese Immigrants in Portugal

Authors Alexandra Pereira, ISEG - University of Lisbon
Year 2021
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98 Working Paper

Networking To Work: Introduction to The New Models for Integrating Immigrants in Belgium and Finland

Authors Essi Hillgren, Janna Peltola, Fatih Yilmaz, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Horizon Insights
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99 Journal Article

Van asielzoeker naar zorgverlener. Arbeidsdeelname van asielmigranten in de zorgsector

Authors The Dutch Advisory Commitee on Migration Affairs (ACVZ)
Er zijn al geruime tijd grote personeelstekorten in de zorgsector. In 2021 is er een tekort van tussen de 56.300 en 73.800 werknemers, dat naar verwachting zal oplopen tot tussen de 100.000 en 130.000 werknemers in 2030. Tegelijkertijd zijn er asielmigranten die maar niet aan het werk komen. Zelfs tijdens de coronacrisis, waarin er extra handen in de zorg nodig zijn, krijgen asielmigranten nauwelijks de kans om aan het werk te gaan als zorgverlener. Terwijl er onder hen wel degelijk mensen zijn die een zorgachtergrond hebben. Daar komt bij dat de Nederlandse zorgsector te maken heeft met een dynamische en superdiverse samenleving en er dus ook nieuw soort werk nodig is. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan tolken of zorgconsulenten die mensen de weg kunnen wijzen in het Nederlandse zorglandschap en aan de zorg voor ouder wordende migranten. Waarom is het dan zo moeilijk voor asielmigranten on een baan te krijgen in een sector die staat te springen om nieuwe arbeidskrachten? De ACVZ heeft in deze verkenning onderzocht wat de barrières zijn voor asielmigranten om in de zorg aan de slag te gaan, hoe deze kunnen worden weggenomen en waar de kansen liggen om meer asielmigranten aan te trekken voor een baan in de zorg. Die adviesraad identificeert in deze verkenning drie obstakels.
Year 2021
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100 Report
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