Employers, labour and trade unions

The results displayed under this category refer to employers, employer’s associations or groups, trade or labour unions and their role or involvement with migration issues.

Showing page of 299 results, sorted by


Authors C ZWERLING, Heidi J. Silver
Year 1992
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 27
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1 Journal Article

Engaging with New Zealand's Recognized Seasonal Employer Work Policy: The Case of Tuvalu

Authors Charlotte Bedford, Richard Bedford, Elsie Ho
Year 2010
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 7
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2 Journal Article

Dilemmas of representation and solidarity: Trade unions and extreme right-wing parties

Principal investigator Anders Neergaard (REMESO Project Leader)
Research on trade unions has identified the crises and challenges trade unions face, not only in relation to employers and the state, but also regarding how to keep the trade union and workers together. One particular challenge is how to build solidarity in a context in which the number of migrant workers is increasing and working class support for anti-immigrant extreme right parties is growing. The research question framing this proposal is how an important organisation for Swedish industrial relations negotiate what seems to be a fundamental contradiction among its members. The aim is to analyse the strategies and actions taken by trade unions in relation to migrant workers, ethnic diversity and members and activists displaying support for extreme right parties. The theoretical framework is drawn from labour studies and industrial relations research along with migration and ethnic studies, supplemented with gender studies.. Methodologically, the project is an ethnographic study of five blue collar trade unions and Landsorganisationen, employing semi-structured interviews and participant observation, complemented with document analysis.
Year 2017
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3 Project

A supply and demand model of co-worker, employer and customer discrimination

Authors OB Bodvarsson, MD Partridge
Year 2001
Journal Name Labour Economics
Citations (WoS) 21
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4 Journal Article

The impact of a unionised labour market in a Schumpeterian growth model

Authors J Lingens
Year 2003
Journal Name Labour Economics
Citations (WoS) 15
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6 Journal Article

Les enjeux de la sécurisation de la question migratoire dans les relations de l'Union européenne avec l'Afrique.

Authors Lorenzo Gabrielli
Year 2007
Journal Name Politique européenne
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8 Journal Article

Nationality Matters: SARS and Foreign Domestic Workers' Rights in Taiwan Province of China

Authors Anne Loveband
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration
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9 Journal Article

Kuwait's Revised Labor Laws: Implications for National and Foreign Workers

Authors NM Shah
Year 2011
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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10 Journal Article

A shortage of marriageable men? A note on the role of cohabitation in black-white differences in marriage rates

Authors RK Raley
Year 1996
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 94
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11 Journal Article


Authors J Peoples
Year 1994
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 14
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12 Journal Article

Workplace segregation in the United States: Race, ethnicity, and skill

Authors JK Hellerstein, D Neumark
Year 2008
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 57
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13 Journal Article

Readmission Policy in the European Union

Authors Jean-Pierre Cassarino
Year 2010
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14 Book

Arbeitsbezogene Migration von Hochqualifizierten

Authors Anna-Lisa Müller, Jörg Plöger
Year 2019
Journal Name Geographische Zeitschrift
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15 Journal Article

Walking the talk? What employers say versus what they do

Authors D Pager, L Quillian
Year 2005
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 272
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16 Journal Article

Information Flows and Migration: Recent Survey Evidence from the South Pacific

Authors J Gibson, DJ McKenzie, S Stillman, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 4
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17 Journal Article

Hispanics and Organized Labor in the United States, 1973 to 2007

Authors Jake Rosenfeld, Meredith Kleykamp
Year 2009
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 14
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18 Journal Article

Civic Stratification and Social Positioning: CEE Labour Migrants without a Work Permit

Authors Erik Snel, Godfried Engbersen, Marije Faber
Year 2015
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 7
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19 Journal Article

Un conflit entre travail et capital ou entre pays riches et pauvres de l’Union européenne? Les travailleurs détachés en Europe depuis 1955

Authors Emmanuel Comte
Year 2021
Book Title Europe, States and Economic Actors in the Twentieth Century: Around Éric Bussière
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
20 Book Chapter

Networks, race, and hiring

Authors RM Fernandez, Fernandez-Mateo
Year 2006
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 127
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21 Journal Article

Unaccompanied Migrant Minors at the Frontier of Human Rights. The Spanish Case

Authors Patrizia Rinaldi
Year 2019
Journal Name The International Journal of Children’s Rights
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22 Journal Article

Inter-ethnic preferences and ethnic hierarchies in the former Soviet Union

Authors L Hagendoorn, R Drogendijk, S Tumanov, ...
Year 1998
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 37
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23 Journal Article

Religious Status and Drug-use Behaviour among Former Soviet Union Immigrants

Authors Richard Isralowitz, Alexander Reznik, Svetlana Spiegel
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
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24 Journal Article

From Bismarck to Maastricht: The march to European Union and the labor compact

Authors A Krueger
Year 2000
Journal Name Labour Economics
Citations (WoS) 10
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25 Journal Article

Labor and the Civic Integration of Immigrant Workers

Principal investigator Lowell Turner (Principal Investigator), Lee Adler (Principal Investigator)
Based on the work of teams of researchers in four countries, this project is a comparative study of union strategies toward immigrant workers in Germany, France, the United Kingdom and United States. The focus is on unions efforts aimed at both workplace and social integration of immigrant workers: description, explanation by way of comparative analysis, and implications for future strategies.
Year 2008
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27 Project

Migrant precariat and the frames of solidarity - possibilities and constraints for transversal collective action

Principal investigator Nedzad Mesic (REMESO Project Leader), Magnus Dahlstedt (Scientifically Responsible), Aleksandra Ålund (Participants from REMESO), Charles Woolfson (Participants from REMESO), Zoran Slavnic (Participants from REMESO)
The project deals with the relations between social movements, trade unions and disadvantaged groups of migrant workers on the labour market. These groups could also be denominated as the precariat. More specifically the focus is set on irregular immigrants, discriminated workers and seasonal guest workers. The primary target for the project is to explore the ways actors in the civil society manage to build supportive relations to these groups of workers and other organisations in the field. The project is guided by the overarching research question: What are the possibilities and constraints for civil society organisations to establish and maintain transversal relations with disadvantaged groups of migrant workers and their organisations? The task is thus, on the one hand, to investigate how trade unions take on these new challenges within their field and to explore: the new strategies developed by the trade unions; and their collaborations with new social movements organisations. On the other hand, the project centres on new social movements' collaborations with neighbouring actors, their articulations of the problems; and their strategies to provide solutions to the problems.
Year 2010
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28 Project

The Chinese in Spain

Authors G Nieto
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 15
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29 Journal Article

Dynamische Effekte von Immigration auf Löhne, Beschäftigung, Technologie und Innovation

Principal investigator Christian Dustmann (Principal Investigator), Tommaso Frattini (Cooperation Partner), Ian P. Preston (Cooperation Partner), Albrecht Glitz (Cooperation Partner)
Durch Immigration induzierte Arbeitsangebotsschocks betreffen alle Akteure einer Volkswirtschaft. Anpassungen finden dabei im Wesentlichen über drei Kanäle statt: Löhne und Beschäftigung, Technology, und Produktion. Die bisherige Literatur konzentriert sich - im Rahmen statischer Modelle - auf die Analyse des ersten Kanals. Nur wenige Studien untersuchen Produktanpassungen, Veränderungen der relativen Produktionsanteile, Innovation oder Adaption neuer Technologien als Anpassungsmechanismus. Aufgrund des Fehlens geeigneter Daten sind bisherige Studien zum Anpassungsverhalten von Unternehmen hauptsächlich auf Industrieebene durchgeführt worden. Zudem existieren kaum Studien, die Maße zur direkten Erfassung von Technologien verwenden oder alternative Anpassungsmechanismen wie Gewinne oder den Produktmix untersuchen. In der ersten Projektphase lag der Fokus auf der Analyse der Lohn- und Beschäftigungsreaktion von Einheimischen auf Immigration, auf durch Rückwanderung induzierte Veränderungen in der Komposition der Immigranten, sowie auf den Produktivitätseffekten der Nachfrage nach spezifischen Fähigkeiten der Immigranten und auf ihren Beitrag zum Gastland. Die Forschungsergebnisse haben die bestehende Literatur in vielerlei Hinsicht erweitert. Beispielsweise wurde die Robustheit häufig verwendeter Schätzmethoden analysiert, innovative Identifikationsstrategien angewendet und die unterschiedlichen Anpassungsmechanismen einheimischer Arbeiter untersucht. Dabei wurden bisher vier Papiere erstellt, von den drei zur Publikation angenommen, eines sich in der Entwurfsform befindet und ein weiteres Projekt in Bearbeitung ist. In der zweiten Projektphase, die aus drei Teilprojekten besteht, wird der Fokus auf das Anpassungsverhalten von Unternehmen gerichtet. In Teilprojekt (i) sollen unterschiedliche Aspekte der Anpassung der Technologie und der Organisationsstruktur (T&O) des Unternehmens infolge eines Arbeitsangebotsschocks analysiert werden, sowie Anpassungen in der der Belegschaftszusammensetzung, von Löhnen, und deren Zusammenspiel untersucht werden. Des Weiteren werden alternative und bisher kaum berücksichtigte Unternehmensreaktionen untersucht, wie beispielsweise Austritte aus Tarifverträgen, Produktentwicklung und -innovation sowie die Erschließung neuer Einnahmequellen. In Teilprojekt (ii) liegt der Fokus auf den Dynamiken von T&O Anpassungen, um das Timing potentieller Kanäle zu untersuchen, mittels derer Unternehmen reagieren, sowie auf Heterogenitäten in den Anpassungsreaktionen. In Teilprojekt (iii) wird ein Untersuchungsdesign verwendet, das longitudinale Informationen über Immigranten und einheimische Arbeitnehmer innerhalb von Unternehmen nutzt, nachdem die Unternehmen einem unerwarteten Arbeitsangebotsschock ausgesetzt waren. In dieser Untersuchung soll analysiert werden, ob z.B. neue Immigranten den bisherigen Arbeitslohn unterbieten und inwieweit Unternehmen hiervon kurz- und langfristig profitieren.
Year 2014
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30 Project

Upward impression management in the work place cross-cultural analysis

Authors N Zaidman, A Drory
Year 2001
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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31 Journal Article

To Share or Not to Share Responsibility? Finnish Refugee Policy and the Hesitant Support for a Common European Asylum System

Authors Östen Wahlbeck
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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33 Journal Article

Migration aspirations and migration cultures: A case study of Ukrainian migration towards the European Union

Authors Christof Van Mol, C Timmerman, Erik Snel, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 2
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34 Journal Article

Fixing, Adjusting, Regulating, Protecting Human Rights - The Shifting Uses of Regularisations in the European Union

Authors Albert Kraler
Year 2011
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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35 Journal Article

La migración circular femenina marroquí en Huelva: impacto y cambio

Authors Chadia Arab
Year 2010
Journal Name OBETS. Revista de Ciencias Sociales
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36 Journal Article

The Formation of the Migration Regime of the EU

Authors Emmanuel Comte
Year 2023
Book Title The Cambridge History of the European Union
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37 Book Chapter

Effectiveness of schools with a mixed student body of natives and immigrants

Authors Y RICH, R BenAri, Y Amir, ...
Year 1996
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 3
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38 Journal Article

Structural adjustment, urban systems, and disaster vulnerability in developing countries

Authors M Hamza, R Zetter
Year 1998
Journal Name Cities
Citations (WoS) 15
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39 Journal Article

The effect of childhood interracial contact on adult antiblack prejudice

Authors Peter B. Wood, N Sonleitner
Year 1996
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 39
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40 Journal Article

Social and Academic Adaptation Styles of Female Students who Immigrated Alone from the Former Soviet Union to Israel

Authors Rivka A. Eisikovits, Hava Schechter
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration
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41 Journal Article

Migrations between Africa and Europe (MAFE)

Principal investigator Chris Beauchemin (PI)
The MAFE project is a collaborative research project (See the Page Partners) that started in 2005 with the objective to collect and analyze innovative data on migration between Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe. The key notion underpinning the MAFE project is that migration must not only be seen as a one-way flow from Africa to Europe. Return migration, circulation and transnational practices are significant and must be understood in order to design better migration policies. The MAFE project generated multi-sited, comparative and longitudinal surveys carried out in 3 African countries and 6 European countries. It offers a unique source of data that enables researchers to study the patterns, causes and consequences of African migration. Data collected in African countries can also be used to study other socio-demographic phenomena (union formation, fertility, socio-economic outcomes…
Year 2005
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43 Project

When Europeanization backfires : the normalization of European migration politics

Authors Saskia BONJOUR, Maarten Peter VINK
Year 2013
Journal Name Acta Politica
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44 Journal Article

Psychological wellness and distress among recent immigrants: A four-year longitudinal study in Israel and Germany

Authors Julia Mirsky, V. Slonim-Nevo, L. Rubinstein
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 13
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45 Journal Article

The interactive nature of acculturation: perceived discrimination, acculturation attitudes and stress among young ethnic repatriates in Finland, Israel and Germany

Authors Jasinskaja-Lahti, K Liebkind, G Horenczyk, ...
Year 2003
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 121
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46 Journal Article

Migration, social disadvantage and institutions: political, cultural and educational aspects

Authors Emanuela Bini, Thuy Loan Nguyen, Britta Walch, ...
Year 2016
Book Title Kulturen im Dialog IV - Culture in Dialogo IV - Cultures in Dialogue IV . Viertes JungakademikerInnen-Forum in Sudtirol. Quarto Forum per Neolaureati in Alto Adige. Fourth Forum for Young Graduates in South Tyrol
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47 Book Chapter

Beyond venue shopping and liberal constraint: a new research agenda for EU migration policies and politics

Authors Saskia Bonjour, Ariadna Ripoll Servent, Eiko Thielemann
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of European Public Policy
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48 Journal Article

International Migration and State Sovereignty in an Integrating Europe

Authors Andrew Geddes
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration
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49 Journal Article

Handbook of Migration and Globalisation

Year 2018
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50 Book

From Workers Self-Management to Global Workforce Management: Extended Case Study of the Transnational Steel Company, Arcelor Mittal in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Principal investigator Branka Likic-Brboric (REMESO Project leader), Zoran Slavnic (Scientifically Responsible), Carl-Ulrik Schierup (Participants from REMESO), Colin Williams (Participants not from REMESO), Jacklyn Cock (Participants not from REMESO), Sara Nadin (Participants not from REMESO)
The project aims to explore the impact of foreign direct investments (FDI) on employment and human resource management practices, new organizational ethnic hierarchies, industrial relations and local communities in different national contexts. The focus is on acquisitions by multinational companies (MNCs) from emerging economies in the post-communist region of former Yugoslavia. The research is situated at the forefront of the research on globalization, migration, global workforce management and the local and transnational challenges to corporate power. An extended case study investigates the acquisition of the Bosnian Steel company by Indian Mittal Steel and its impact on industrial relations, labour standards and management practices, including Indian management relationships with the state, local management, trade unions and local community. The project is developed in collaboration with the Management School, Sheffield University. It also engages Professor Jacklyn Cock, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, planning a joint comparative study of ArcelorMittal in South Africa and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Year 2010
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51 Project

Diverse, Fragile and Fragmented: The New Map of European Migration

Authors Russel King, Marek Okólski
Year 2019
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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52 Journal Article

Interracialism: The ideological transformation of Hawaii's working class

Authors MK Jung
Year 2003
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 12
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53 Journal Article

Spatial dynamics and heterogeneity in the cyclicality of real wages

Authors JP Ziliak, BA Wilson, JA Stone
Year 1999
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 17
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54 Journal Article

International migration and gender in Latin America: A comparative analysis

Authors DS Massey, MJ Fischer, C Capoferro
Year 2006
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 51
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55 Journal Article

Vigilantism, current racial threat, and death sentences

Authors D Jacobs, JT Carmichael, SL Kent
Year 2005
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 89
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56 Journal Article

Queering Asylum in Europe

Authors Carmelo Danisi, Moira Dustin, Nuno Ferreira, ...
Year 2021
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57 Book

Portugal as a Semi-peripheral Country in the Global Migration System

Authors Pedro Góis, José Carlos Marques
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
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58 Journal Article

Deterrence and protection in the EU migration policy

Year 2014
Journal Name [Global Governance Programme], [Cultural Pluralism]
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59 Journal Article

Livelihoods and informal trade at the Bangladesh border

Authors Mohammad Jalal Uddin Sikder, Barun Kumar Sarkar
Year 2005
Journal Name Inter-Asia Cultural Studies
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60 Journal Article

Channelled Policy Transfers: EU-Tunisia Interactions on Migration Matters

Authors Jean-Pierre Cassarino
Year 2014
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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61 Journal Article

‘I Want to Stay Here Forever’: Narratives of Resistance amongst Polish-born Adolescents in the UK

Year 2019
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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62 Journal Article

Channelled policy transfers : EU-Tunisia interactions on migration matters

Authors Jean-Pierre CASSARINO
Year 2014
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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63 Journal Article

Ethnic Chinese networks in international trade

Authors JE Rauch, Trindade
Year 2002
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 479
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64 Journal Article

The recent demographic evolution of France

Authors F Prioux
Year 2003
Journal Name Population
Citations (WoS) 17
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65 Journal Article


Authors DM GOULD
Year 1994
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 326
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66 Journal Article

The class route to nationhood: China, Vietnam, Norway, Cyprus - and France

Authors Stein Tonnesson
Year 2009
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
Citations (WoS) 4
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67 Journal Article

Informalisation, labour migrants and irregular migrants: low wage labour intensive work and the restructuring of the Swedish labour market

Principal investigator Anders Neergaard (REMESO Project Leader)
Studies of migrant labour in the Swedish labour market have generally focused on those having received permanent residence permission as refugees or through family re-unification legislation. This mirrors a situation in which labour migration has been quite restrictive in Sweden. Starting with a new labour migration reform in 2008, this is dramatically changing. The aim is to study the situation of labour migrants and irregular migrants in the labour market and their understanding of collective action, as (migrant) workers. In addition the project aims at studying the employers, especially the reason for employing these two categories of migrant workers.
Year 2013
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68 Project

Foreign lobbies and US trade policy

Authors K Gawande, Pravin Krishna, Michael J. Robbins
Year 2006
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 53
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69 Journal Article

Development and Migration or Migration and Development: What Comes First?

Authors S Castles
Year 2009
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 8
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70 Journal Article

Unpacking the Meanings of a ‘Normal Life’ Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Eastern European Migrants in Scotland

Authors Francesca Stella, Moya Flynn, Anna Gawlewicz
Year 2017
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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71 Journal Article

Social boundaries and marital assimilation: Interpreting trends in racial and ethnic intermarriage

Authors Zhenchao Qian, DT Lichter
Year 2007
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 295
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72 Journal Article

Unpacking the Meanings of a ‘Normal Life’ Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Eastern European Migrants in Scotland

Authors Francesca Stella, Moya Flynn, Anna Gawlewicz
Year 2018
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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73 Journal Article

Literature review labour migration

Authors Maastricht University - Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market United Nations University, Research and Documentation Centre, Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU_MERIT), ...
Attracting and retaining migrants can have many benefits for the host country and its economy, for example to mitigate skills shortages. Regulating immigration may prevent several negative consequences of a shrinking and ageing population. However, research and policy often focus on the highly skilled or so-called knowledge migrants (kennismigranten) as a source of human capital, which can increase innovation and a country’s competitiveness. A group of labour migrants that receives significantly less attention from research and policy, are the medium-skilled migrant workers. Although it makes up a significant share of the migrant population, this group is rarely supported by specific migration policies. Therefore, in this report we would like to answer the following central research question: What is known in available literature about the opportunities and limitations of filling labour shortages through labour migration, especially in the middle segment of the labour market?
Year 2021
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74 Report

Labour Market Segmentation within Ethnic Economies: The Ethnic Penalty for Invisible Kurdish Migrants in the United Kingdom

Authors Mehmet Rauf Kesici
Year 2022
Journal Name Work, Employment and Society
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75 Journal Article

Best practices to reduce migration pressures

Authors P Martin, T Straubhaar
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration
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76 Journal Article

UNESCO-MOST Conference 2012: Labour Rights as Human Rights? Migration, Labour Market Restructuring, and the Role of Civil Society in Global Governance

Principal investigator Carl-Ulrik Schierup (REMESO Project Leader), Aleksandra Ålund (Participants from REMESO), Anders Neergaard (Participants from REMESO), Branka Likic-Brboric (Participants from REMESO), Christophe Foultier (Participants from REMESO), Karin Krifors (Participants from REMESO), Nedzad Mesic (Participants from REMESO), Jorge Romero Leon (Participants not from REMESO), Kenneth Abrahamsson (Participants not from REMESO), Stephen Castles (Participants not from REMESO), Raul Delgado Wise (Participants not from REMESO), Ronaldo Munck (Participants not from REMESO), Sam Hägglund (Participants not from REMESO), Veronica Melander (SIDA)
The overall purpose of thi conference wasto reflect on knowledge and promote social dialogue on the role of labour unions and other organisations of civil society in the global governance of migration. These issues were discussed against the background of labour market restructuring and emerging international norms pertaining to labour rights as human rights. The conference was organised so as to systematipromote exchange of perspectives between leading scholars and representatives of international organisations, labour unions and activists in other civil society organisations on questions of migration, 'decent work' and global governance. Conference participants investigated jointly and elaborated on policy alternatives for promoting migrants', citizens', and labour rights, as well as conditions for equitable international coordination and a more inclusive role for civil society. The conference was organised by the Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO), Linköping University and the International Network for Migration and Development (INMD) in collaboration with the Swedish UNESCO-MOST Committee, Norrköping May 30-June 1st, 2012
Year 2010
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77 Project

New migrant divisions of labour

Authors J. Wills, C.J. McIlwaine, K. Datta, ...
Year 2010
Book Title The Economic Geography of the UK
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78 Book Chapter

Book reviews : Labour and Racism

Authors Jenny Bourne
Year 1981
Journal Name Race & Class
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79 Journal Article

Trade unions and migrant workers in Western Europe

Authors Anastasia Gorodzeisky, Andrew Richards
Year 2013
Journal Name European Journal of Industrial Relations
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80 Journal Article

The Employment of Foreigners in Poland and the Labour Market Situation

Authors Maciej Duszczyk, Kamil Matuszczyk
Year 2018
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review,
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81 Journal Article

Segregación ocupacional por género y nacionalidad en el mercado laboral español

Year 2016
Journal Name Reis: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas
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82 Journal Article

Ageing, Gender, and Labour Migration

Authors Aija Lulle, Russell King
Year 2016
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83 Book

Negotiated and Involuntary Return: COVID-19 Pandemic and Return Migration of Bangladeshi Temporary Labour Migrant Men

Authors Md. Mohaiminul Islam
Year 2023
Journal Name Migration Letters
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84 Journal Article

Immigration and Labour Market Protectionism: Protecting Local Workers’ Preferential Access to the National Labour Market

Year 2014
Book Title Migrants at Work. Immigration and Vulnerability in Labour Law
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85 Book Chapter

Regionalization, economic restructuring and labour migration in Singapore

Authors WT Hui
Year 1997
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 26
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86 Journal Article

Earnings inequality, returns to education and immigration into Ireland

Authors A Barrett, B Nolan, J FitzGerald
Year 2002
Journal Name Labour Economics
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87 Journal Article

Estimating the probability of a match using microeconomic data for the youth labour market

Authors MJ Andrews, S Bradley, R Upward
Year 2001
Journal Name Labour Economics
Citations (WoS) 12
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88 Journal Article

Research Handbook on EU Labour Law

Authors Alan Bogg, Cathryn Costello, A.C.L. Davies
Year 2016
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90 Book

Syrian Refugees’ Engagement in the Local Labour Market in Izmir, Turkey: Perspectives of Employers and Evidence - Based Policy Recommendations

Authors Selin Siviş, Ayselin Yıldız
This policy brief explores the perceptions of Turkish employers regarding Syrian refugees across various economic sectors in Izmir (Turkey) and reports the key issues raised by local actors concerning local labour market integration practices. The study is based on fieldwork carried out in Izmir between July and December 2017. It includes 40 semi-structured interviews conducted with Turkish employers, policy-makers, practitioners and NGO members. It provides an analysis particularly regarding Turkish employers’ perspectives at sectoral and local levels, towards employing Syrians. Finally, the study integrates employers’ perspectives into local actors’ broader labour market integration practices and makes some policy recommendations based on conclusions from evidence-based field research. In broader terms, the policy brief intends to contribute the literature and advise policy makers on how to eectively integrate refugees into the labour market through local level practices and interventions.
Year 2019
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91 Report

How does racial identity affect historically black colleges and universities' student perceptions of September 11, 2001?

Authors BH Wade
Year 2002
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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92 Journal Article

Regional organizations and intra-regional migration in sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and prospects

Authors A Adepoju
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration
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93 Journal Article

Trade Unions and Migrant Workers: New Contexts and Challenges in Europe.

Authors Stefnia Marino, Judith Roosblad, Rinus Penninx,
Year 2017
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94 Book

OECD International Migration Statistics

The database contains data on foreign and foreign-born population, migration flows, naturalisations and labour market outcomes.
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
95 Data Set

Do Immigrants Trust Trade Unions? A Study of 18 European Countries

Authors Anastasia Gorodzeisky, Andrew Richards
Year 2019
Journal Name British Journal of Industrial Relations
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97 Journal Article

International labour migration statistics in Asia: An appraisal

Authors PC Athukorala, P Wickramasekara
Year 1996
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 2
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99 Journal Article

Migration and Care Labour. Theory, Policy and Politics

Authors Bridget Anderson, Isabel Shutes
Year 2014
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
100 Book
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