Civil and political rights

Civil and political rights - both restrictions or their absence in origin and transit countries and their presence in receiving countries - drive migration. Civil rights relate to the legal ability to influence the political agenda and participate in society, for instance the labour market. Anti-immigrant attitudes affect migration due to its effect on migrant integration. Citizenship drives migration as the legal basis for civil and political rights.

Studies listed under this migration driver refer to civil and political rights, citizenship, legal status of migrants, racism, anti-immigrant attitudes, and discrimination.

Showing page of 208 results, sorted by

Patterns of im/mobility, conflict and the re/making of identity narratives

Authors Birgit Brauchler, Anaïs Ménard
Year 2017
Journal Name Social Identities
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1 Journal Article

The class route to nationhood: China, Vietnam, Norway, Cyprus - and France

Authors Stein Tonnesson
Year 2009
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
Citations (WoS) 4
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2 Journal Article

Between National Models and Multi-Level Decoupling: The Pursuit of Multi-Level Governance in Dutch and UK Policies Towards Migrant Incorporation

Authors Peter Scholten
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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3 Journal Article

A systematic review of the factors influencing the risky behaviors of syrian forced migrant children and adolescents in Turkey

Authors Ahmed Taha Arifoglu, Taner Artan
Year 2024
Journal Name Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry
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4 Journal Article

Diversity in Spanish Politics? Dynamics of Descriptive Representation of Immigrant‐Origin Minorities in Local Elections

Authors Daniela Vintila, Santiago Pérez-Nievas, Marta Paradés, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name Politics and Governance
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5 Journal Article

Youth in the City: Fostering Transcultural Leadership for Social Change

Authors Matteo Dutto, Francesco Ricatti, Luca Simeone, ...
Year 2024
Book Title Cultural Change in Post-Migrant Societies
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6 Book Chapter

Better Late Than Never? SOGI Asylum Claims and 'Late Disclosure' Through a Foucauldian Lens

Authors Nuno Ferreira
Year 2023
Journal Name UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs
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7 Journal Article

Migration Studies: Eurasian Perspectives

Authors Merve Hazer Yiğit Uyar, Apak Kerem Altıntop, Yaşar Onay
Year 2023
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8 Book

I have nothing to lose - Nomadic unaccompanied minors in Europe

Authors Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Işik Kulu-Glasgow, Manon van der Meer, ...
Unaccompanied minors (UM) coming to Europe form an especially vulnerable group of migrant children, traveling without their parents or other adults exercising authority over them. In many European countries, asking for international protection is the main way for them to receive accommodation and a residence permit. However, minors coming from so-called safe countries, where in general there is no (fear of) persecution (e.g. Morocco, and in the Netherlands until June 2021 Algeria) have little or no chance of receiving a residence permit. Some of these mostly North African youngsters travel from one European country to another, in search of opportunities to work and earn money. The aim of this study was to learn more about the background of this group of minors, and gain knowledge about the experiences of other European countries with this specific group of minors. The general aims of this study were: to paint a picture of the nomadic existence of UMs with (multiple) problems in Europe; to investigate the underlying reasons of their nomadic behaviour and the (multiple)problems they have; and to explore the type of (policy) measures that are taken regarding the supervision and care of this group in other European countries.
Year 2023
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10 Report

Invloed asielbeleid op migratie naar Nederland: wetenschappelijke inzichten in migratiedrivers

Authors Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Merel Kahmann, Ahmed Hamdi, ...
In the social debate on asylum migration, regularly a connection is assumed between the provision of facilities to asylum migrants and the number of asylum migrants coming to the Netherlands. The WODC has commissioned the Verwey-Jonker Institute to provide insight into the latest scientific knowledge on the factors that play a role in the migration process of asylum migrants, including their own decisions. Based on recent scientific research, the study aimed to provide insights into how asylum migrants ‘choose’ a destination country, particularly the Netherlands. What can be said about the influence of asylum policy on the choice of a destination country, and the Netherlands in particular?
Year 2023
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11 Report

Alman-Türk Sinemasında Bir Entegrasyon Yönetmeni: Buket Alakuş

Authors Rahime Özgün Kehya
Year 2023
Journal Name Diyalog Interkulturelle Zeitschrift Für Germanistik
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12 Journal Article

Buket Alakuş, Integration Film Director in German-Turkish Cinema

Authors Rahime Özgün Kehya
Year 2023
Journal Name Diyalog Interkulturelle Zeitschrift Für Germanistik
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13 Journal Article

Mission Accomplished? The Deadly Effects Of Border Control In Niger

Authors Ahmet Tchilouta Rhoumour, Border Forenscis
Investigative report on the relationship between border practices, spatial changes in migrant trajectories, and the increased danger of crossing Niger's Sahara desert following the implementation of Law 2015-36. Given the methodological challenges posed by the existing literature on desert deaths and disappearances, the report developed innovative geospatial analysis and remote sensing methods.
Year 2023
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14 Report

"Your life doesn’t matter” : Towards strategic and thoughtful action: an audit of responses to counter health xenophobia in the South African public health system

Authors Iriann Freemantle, Rebecca Walker, African Centre for Migration & Society
With a particular focus on the health sector, this report documents responses to xenophobia in South Africa (SA) from 2000-2022. The overall aim of the research is to determine what has been effective in challenging xenophobia and how to foster solidarity to inform strategic and thoughtful future action, while identifying different forms and modes of responses to xenophobia, including xenophobic violence during this period. Over 80% of the population in SA rely on state-funded access to health. While almost everyone faces challenges in accessing treatment in the country’s failing public healthcare system, specific categories of the population – including asylum seekers, refugees and migrants without documents – face heightened risks, intersectional violence and discrimination when doing so. With rising inequality, unemployment and a public health system crippled by underfunding, corruption and systemic weaknesses, discrimination and violence against foreign nationals and others perceived as “outsiders” such as South Africans from other provinces or naturalised citizens is increasing. The Covid-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the risks and vulnerabilities for many of the country’s most marginalised populations. Drawing from an audit of key civil society actions and strategies that have resisted (health) xenophobia in SA over the past two decades, the report explores the following main questions: what kinds of responses have emerged to tackle multiple forms of health xenophobia? What initiatives, strategies and actions were taken in the past and are taken now – whether organised or informal, by coalitions, organisations, groups or individuals – and how can an understanding of these responses help to mobilise more successfully in the future? The key findings show that there are persistent civil society responses that aim to address the immediate needs of foreign nationals while simultaneously fighting for more awareness, longterm systemic change and recognition of the core structural issues that have led to the crisis within the public healthcare system. To do this, civil society has utilised a variety of advocacy tools: engaging with Parliamentary mechanisms, community mobilisation, protest action, statements, public education, lodging complaints with statutory bodies, embarking on litigation and engaging community networks to mobilise on a local clinic level. The findings of this research also show that within an increasingly challenging context, diverse collaborations and partnerships can be particularly valuable. They draw on the experiences of social justice organisations and their connections with groups and individuals embedded in communities through their histories of local level networking and activism. Highlighting the small, less visible responses which, often have more sustainable impact, this report offers a starting point from which to plan and strategise for the future. However, considering continued and increasingly more emboldened and explicit xenophobia, and the failure (or refusal) of the South African government to take consistent and unequivocal action against xenophobia, it is evident that civil society responses have not been sufficient to quell and address this prejudice. While building on the strategies of the past, new strategies, alliances and energy are urgently needed to continue the struggle to ensure the Freedom Charter vision that “South Africa belongs to all who live in it” – including its public healthcare system.
Year 2023
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16 Report

Acceso a la justicia de las personas migrantes en la Argentina, a 20 años de la sanción de la Ley de Migraciones 25.871

Authors Ana Paula Penchaszadeh, Lila García
Year 2023
Book Title Twenty years of the Argentinean Migration Law
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17 Book Chapter

WELCOMING SPACES ROUNDTABLE IN SAALFELD (Thuringia, Germany): Agency, Entrepreneurship and Employment: Learning from each other about and from migrants. WP3 – Policies & Governance: Notes on a multi-actors encounter.

Authors José Ricardo Martins
Executive Summary The Saalfeld Roundtable held on September 22, 2022, served as a valuable forum for the discussion of policies and experiences related to the emplacement of migrants. The event brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including migrants, policymakers, practitioners, citizens, and academics, to share perspectives and learn from one another. Key Discussions The roundtable provided a platform for the examination of issues related to migrants' agency, entrepreneurial capacity, and employment hardships. Participants also had the opportunity to learn about the experiences of long-term residents collaborating in socio-entrepreneurship activities, such as those in Altenburg and Saalfeld. Challenges to Sustainability The roundtable participants identified several sustainability challenges facing welcoming initiatives, both those run by civil society and those led by governments. In terms of governance and policy, discussions centred on issues such as discontinuity in funding, difficulties incorporating new demands into existing systems, and lack of stable structures and financing for integration work. Additional challenges discussed included those related to mobility in rural areas, housing shortages, and labour market integration, including discrimination and racism. Policy Recommendations Based on the discussions held at the Saalfeld Roundtable, a series of recommendations were formulated for improving the integration of migrants. These recommendations include: ▪ The transfer of project funding into regular public funding structures, along with the implementation of new integration laws and the new integration programme (such as the one that has been developed in the state of Thuringia) to govern the distribution of funds ▪ The enhancement of more participation mechanisms by migrants, their organisations and other civil society organisations to mitigate top-down decision-making ▪ The utilisation of crowdfunding to avoid bureaucratic obstacles in funding distribution ▪ The enhancement of job attractiveness, such as long-term employment, to attract and keep personal ▪ The enhancement of the provision of regular and visible opportunities for advice, offered by local governments, welfare state organizations and other organizations, such as Caritas, ThINKA, IQ Netwerk, MigraNetz Thüringen and Plattform. ▪ The dissemination of announcements by mayors to all inhabitants in ad-hoc situations ▪ The increased utilization of technical tools, such as video or audio translations, in doctor appointments, for example ▪ The further implementation of welcoming programs with regular and continuous public funding, such as the education budget ▪ The funding of places for social gatherings on a structural basis to promote inclusion ▪ The organization and promotion of public debates on discrimination in employment and education on regular basis and in addition to the programme Demokratie Leben! ▪ The utilization of a variety of communication channels, including art (in public spaces), music, and theatre ▪ The recognition by the political sphere and social society organisations that welcoming spaces are "making creative spaces", fostering social entrepreneurship, local small business, and art manifestations, among others, which leads to the inclusion of refugees and migrants in hosting societies. In summary, effective migrant inclusion policies should be developed through a collaborative and an inclusive approach that involves migrants themselves, provides targeted support and resources, and promotes positive public opinion towards migrants.
Year 2022
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18 Report

Unequal Citizenship and Ethnic Boundaries in the Migration Experience of Polish Roma

Authors Kamila Fialkowska, Elzbieta Mirga-Wojtowicz, Michal P. Garapich
Year 2022
Journal Name Nationalities Papers
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19 Journal Article

Moral lines of credit: Forging race projects, citizenship, and nation on online U.S. spousal reunification forums

Authors Gina Marie Longo
Year 2022
Journal Name Migration Politics
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20 Journal Article

Editorial: Sexuality, Gender and Asylum: Refugees at a Crossroads

Authors Nina Held, Christel Querton, Moira Dustin, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name Frontiers in Human Dynamics
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21 Journal Article

Goal 16.9 Identity, recognized identity and statelessness

Authors Scuola Nazionale di Educazione Ambientale
The right of every man, woman or child to have an identity is universally recognized. A person's identity does not depend on registration in a register or possession of official identification documents. This right does not even depend on the registration of a child at birth (this is a right guaranteed in international treaties and may be required by national law in order to implement other rights). In 1951, Hannah Arendt, a stateless Jewish refugee who had just arrived in the United States, called the "right to have rights". Unfortunately, today, in 2022, almost a billion people in the world do not have an identity or a legal identity. Despite numerous attempts to try to find a solution to the problem, more than 12 percent of the world population does not have a demonstrable identity, it is as if it "did not exist". Hundreds of millions of people do not know they are "someone" and cannot even prove "who" they are. It is important for refugees migrants and stateless people. A 2019 report from the Norwegian Refugee Council found that only 29 percent of Syrian displaced people surveyed had been able to obtain documents issued by the Syrian state after leaving the country. For migrants there is a serious risk to loose the "right to have rights". Adopting sub-measure 16.9 of the SDGs the signatory countries have committed themselves to “providing a legal identity for all, including birth registration” by 2030. But up to now resutls have been different.
Year 2022
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22 Report

The Persistence of Racial Constructs in Spain: Bringing Race and Colorblindness into the Debate on Interculturalism

Authors Dan Rodríguez-García
Year 2022
Journal Name Social Sciences
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23 Journal Article

Editorial. Entangled Temporalities of Migration in the Western Balkans. Ethnographic Perspectives on (Im)-mobilities and Reception Governance

Authors Stefano degli Uberti, Roberta Altin
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies
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24 Journal Article

Refugees' caring and commoning practices against marginalisation under COVID-19 in Greece

Authors Charalampos Tsavdaroglou, Maria Kaika
Year 2022
Journal Name Geographical Research
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25 Journal Article

One step forward, two steps back in political integration: why are polish candidates not making progress in Irish local elections?

Authors Dominika Pszczolkowska, Magdalena Lesinska
Year 2022
Journal Name Irish Political Studies
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26 Journal Article

Migration Legislation and Policy in Argentina

Authors Lucila Nejamkis, Lila García, Natalia Caicedo
Year 2022
Book Title Voluntary and Forced Migration in Latin America: Law and Policy Reforms
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27 Book Chapter

'I Must Be from Somewhere. I'm Not from the Moon': Navigating the Politics of Labelling for Stateless Palestinian Refugees from Syria

Authors Jason Tucker, Haqqi Bahram
Year 2021
Journal Name Statelessness & Citizenship Review
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28 Journal Article

Diasporic Politics and Defining Diaspora in Law: The Case of Latvia

Authors Ieva Birka, Agnese Lāce
Year 2021
Journal Name Baltic Journal of Law and Politics
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29 Journal Article

Italy’s Health Divide: Securitised Migration Policies and their Impact on Migrant Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors Sebastian Carlotti
Year 2021
Journal Name Migration Letters
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30 Journal Article

Migration and the critique of 'state thought': Abdelmalek Sayad as a political theorist

Authors Benjamin Boudou
Year 2021
Journal Name European Journal of Political Theory
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31 Journal Article

Queering Asylum in Europe

Authors Carmelo Danisi, Moira Dustin, Nuno Ferreira, ...
Year 2021
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32 Book

Queering Asylum in Europe

Authors Carmelo Danisi, Moira Dustin, Nuno Ferreira, ...
Year 2021
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33 Book

Legal Violence and (In)Visible Families: How Law Shapes and Erases Family Life in SOGI Asylum in Europe

Authors Carmelo Danisi, Nuno Ferreira
Year 2021
Journal Name Human Rights Law Review
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34 Journal Article

Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration

Authors Emma Carmel, Katharina Lenner, Regine Paul
Year 2021
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35 Book

Migrants political participation beyond electoral arenas

Authors Daniela Vintila, Marco Martiniello
Year 2021
Book Title Handbook of Citizenship and Migration
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36 Book Chapter

Sacred Welcomes

Authors Benjamin Boudou, Hans Leaman, Maximilian Miguel Scholz
Year 2021
Journal Name Migration and Society
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37 Journal Article

An exercise in detachment: the Council of Europe and sexual minority asylum claims

Authors Nuno Ferreira
Year 2021
Book Title Queer migration and asylum in Europe
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39 Book Chapter

Queering international refugee law

Authors Nuno Ferreira, Carmelo Danisi
Year 2021
Book Title The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law
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40 Book Chapter

Polish Migrants in Ireland and Their Political (Dis)engagement in Transnational Space

Authors Justyna Salamonska, Magdalena Lesinska, Weronika Kloc-Nowak
Year 2021
Journal Name Central and Eastern european Migration Review
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41 Journal Article

Uncertain sunset lives: British migrants facing Brexit in Spain

Authors Jordi Giner-Monfort, Raquel Huete
Year 2021
Journal Name European Urban and Regional Studies
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42 Journal Article

Telling histories of the present: postcolonial perspectives on Morocco’s ‘radically new’ migration policy

Authors Leslie Gross-Wyrtzen, Lorena Gazzotti
Year 2021
Journal Name The Journal of North African Studies
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43 Journal Article

Migration has Stripped Us of Our Manhood: Contradictions of Failed Masculinity Among South Asian Male Migrants in Greece

Authors Reena Kukreja
Year 2021
Journal Name Men and Masculinities
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44 Journal Article

The Integration of Russian Emigration into Yugoslavia between 1918 and 1941

Authors Petra Kim Krasnić
Year 2021
Journal Name Zgodovinski časopis
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45 Journal Article

Enforcing the rights of migrants with irregular status: City ID cards as a remedy?

Authors Irina Fehr
Year 2021
Journal Name cognitio
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46 Journal Article

Beyond the Welcoming Rhetoric: Hospitality as a Principle of Care for the Displaced

Authors Benjamin Boudou
Year 2021
Journal Name Essays in Philosophy
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47 Journal Article

Geloof en liefde onder het vergrootglas van de IND Evaluatie van de wijzigingen in de geloofwaardigheidsbeoordeling van asielaanvragen met een bekerings- of lhbti-motief

Authors BBSO, Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Paul Boekhoorn, ...
In deze evaluatie is onderzocht hoe de aanpassingen van de werkinstructies en de deskundigheidsbevorderende maatregelen zijn opgezet (planevaluatie) en uitgevoerd (procesevaluatie). Voor de planevaluatie zijn gesprekken gevoerd met beleidsambtenaren, wetenschappers en deskundigen van externe organisaties. In de procesevaluatie staan de ervaringen van uitvoerende ambtenaren van de IND centraal. Daarnaast zijn interviews afgenomen met advocaten en maatschappelijke organisaties en is een analyse van dossiers uitgevoerd, om zo door middel van triangulatie de ervaringen van IND-medewerkers in perspectief te plaatsen. Het evaluatieonderzoek geeft antwoord op de volgende vragen: 1. Welke inhoudelijke en organisatorische wijzigingen zijn ten aanzien van de geloofwaardigheidsbeoordeling van asielaanvragen met een bekerings- en/of lhbti-motief in juli 2018 door de staatssecretaris aangekondigd? Zijn hier in een later stadium nog aanvullingen op gekomen? 2. Op welke wijze wordt verondersteld dat deze wijzigingen bijdragen aan de kwaliteit (i.c. evenwichtige onderbouwing) van de beoordeling van asielaanvragen met een bekerings- en/of lhbti-motief? Worden deze assumpties ondersteund door bestaande kennis en inzichten? 3. Op welke wijze zijn de aangekondigde wijzigingen in de geloofwaardigheidsbeoordeling van deze asielaanvragen in de praktijk uitgevoerd? 4. Wat zijn de ervaringen van betrokkenen met de doorgevoerde wijzigingen? Zijn er aanwijzingen dat de doorgevoerde wijzigingen de gepercipieerde kwaliteit van de beoordelingen bevorderen (of juist niet)? 5. Zijn er knelpunten in relatie tot de opzet en/of uitvoering van de wijzigingen in de werkinstructies en de betreffende deskundigheidsbevordering voor de beoordeling van de geloofwaardigheid van asielaanvragen met een bekerings- en/of lhbti-motief? INHOUD: 1. Inleiding 2. Doel en aanpak van de evaluatie 3. Beoordeling geloofwaardigheid asielaanvragen met lhbti- of bekeringsmotief; de beleidescontext 4. Planevaluatie van werkinstructies beoordeling geloofwaardigheid lhbti- en bekeringsaanvragen 5. Procesevaluatie van opzet en uitvoering werkinstructies en trainingen 6. Conclusies
Year 2021
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48 Report

In uitvoering Een analyse van het op statushouders gerichte beleid en wat er nodig is om dit beleid te verbeteren

Authors Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, Jaco Dagevos, ...
Year 2021
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49 Policy Brief

Rethinking knowledge, power, agency: learning from displaced and slum communities in Bangladesh

Authors Afroja Khanam, Tiina Seppälä
Year 2020
Book Title Ethics and Politics of Space for the Anthropocene
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50 Book Chapter

El sufragio multiterritorial: Evidencia de migrantes andinos en Ecuador

Authors Sebastian Umpierrez de Reguero, Victoria Finn, Vivian Cartagena, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Revista Andina de Estudios Políticos
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51 Journal Article

Queering Asylum in Europe: A Survey Report

Authors Carmelo Danisi, Vítor Lopes Andrade, Moira Dustin, ...
This report discusses the data gathered through two surveys carried out in the context of the SOGICA project. SOGICA – Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum: A European human rights challenge – is a four-year (2016-2020) research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) that explores the social and legal experiences of people across Europe claiming international protection on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI).
Year 2020
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52 Report


Authors Mathias Czaika, Albert Kraler
Year 2020
Journal Name The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism
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53 Journal Article

Forced Displacement from Ukraine’s War-Torn Territories: Intersectionality and Power Geometry

Authors Irina Kuznetsova, Oksana Mikheieva
Year 2020
Journal Name Nationalities Papers
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54 Journal Article

Refugee community organisations: capabilities, interactions and limitations

Authors Zeynep Sahin Mencutek
Year 2020
Journal Name Third World Quarterly
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55 Journal Article

Women migrant workers’ labour market situation in West Africa

Authors Victoria Castillo Rueda
This report provides an overview of the situation of women migrant workers in West Africa based on a review of laws, regulations, policies and exisiting data, with a special focus on Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, and Nigeria. It includes data on women migrant workers' working conditions and wages, sectors of employment, representation in the informal economy and other labour and social protection issues.
Year 2020
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56 Report

Policy Measures for the Diaspora during the COVID-19 Crisis: The Case of Cyprus

Authors Angeliki Konstantinidou, Daniela Vintila
Year 2020
Journal Name HAPSc Policy Briefs Series
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57 Journal Article

Migration Policy and Health Insecurity. Italy's response to COVID-19 and the impact of the Security Decree

Authors Sebastian Carlotti
Year 2020
Journal Name Rivista Trimestrale di Scienza dell'Amministrazione
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58 Journal Article

Governing protracted displacement: An analysis across global, regional and domestic contexts

Authors Nuno Ferreira, Carolien Jacobs, Pamela Kea, ...
Year 2020
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59 Working Paper

Orientamento professionale e placement dei cittadini di Paesi Terzi

Authors Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Federica De Carlo
Year 2020
Journal Name FORMAZIONE & INSEGNAMENTO. Rivista internazionale di Scienze dell'educazione e della formazione, 18(1), 418-426.
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60 Journal Article

The Refugees' Right to the Center of the City and Spatial Justice: Gentrification vs Commoning Practices in Tarlabasi-Istanbul

Authors Charalampos Tsavdaroglou
Year 2020
Journal Name Urban Planning
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61 Journal Article

Housing Commons vs. State Spatial Policies of Refugee Camps in Athens and Thessaloniki

Authors Charalampos Tsavdaroglou, Konstantinos Lalenis
Year 2020
Journal Name Urban Planning
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62 Journal Article

Migrating Borders Territorial Rescaling and Citizenship Realignment in Europe

Authors Jean-Thomas Arrighi de Casanova, Dejan Stjepanovic
Year 2020
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63 Book

Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en fronteras de alta migración. Entre el humanitarismo y la defensa de derechos

Authors María Isolda Perelló Carrascosa, Joan Lacomba
Year 2020
Journal Name REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana
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65 Journal Article

Temporary migrants and refugees in Greece: tranformative challenges

Authors Konstantinos Tsitselikis, Georgios Agelopoulos
Year 2020
Book Title Temporary migration, Tranformation and Development
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67 Book Chapter

Key Knowledge Questions on Migration Drivers

Authors Katharina Natter
Year 2020
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68 Policy Brief

Identity as a Weapon of the Weak?

Authors Tina Magazzini
Year 2020
Book Title The Roma and their struggle for identity in contemporary Europe
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69 Book Chapter

Inside Assam's detention camps: How the current citizenship crisis disenfranchises Indians

Authors Nazimuddin Siddique
Year 2020
Journal Name Economic and Political Weekly
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70 Journal Article

Getting the future right. Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Rights

Authors European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
Year 2020
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71 Report

Urban Mobility and Migrations

Authors Aurore Flipo, Ole Jensen, Claus Lassen, ...
Year 2020
Book Title Routledge Handbook of Urban Mobilities
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72 Book Chapter

Social pedagogues as migrants’ companionsin acculturation, integrationand social inclusion

Authors Marta Pietrusińska
Year 2020
Journal Name Culture - Education - Society
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73 Journal Article

Actitudes ante la inmigración y comportamiento electoral en España

Authors Sebastian Rinken
Year 2019
Journal Name Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración
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75 Journal Article

“Here, There, in between, beyond…”: Identity Negotiation and Sense of Belonging among Southern Europeans in the UK and Germany

Authors Fabio Quassoli, Iraklis Dimitriadis
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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76 Journal Article

People on the move in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Stuck in the Corridors to the EU

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) have been part of the “Balkan route” for smuggling people, arms and drugs for decades, but also a migrant route for people who have been trying to reach Western Europe and the countries of the EU in order to save their lives and secure a future for themselves. While in 2015, when millions of people arrived in Europe over a short period of time, BiH was bypassed by mass movements, the situation started changing after the closure of the EU borders in 2016, and later on, in 2017, with the increase of violence and push backs in Croatia, and other countries at the EU borders. This report offers insight into the situation on the field: is there a system responsible for protection, security, and upholding fundamental human rights? What has the state response been like? What is the role of the international community?
Year 2019
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78 Report

Discourse of Doubt : Understanding the Crisis of Citizenship in Assam

Authors Nazimuddin Siddique
Year 2019
Journal Name Economic and Political Weekly
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79 Journal Article

Should states prioritize child refugees?

Authors Gottfried Schweiger, Gottfried Schweiger
Year 2019
Journal Name Ethics & Global Politics
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81 Journal Article

Living with difference: Refugee education and school segregation processes in Greece

Authors Pinelopy Vergou, University of Thessaly
Year 2019
Journal Name Urban Studies
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82 Journal Article

Attitudes of Turkish and Moroccan Belgians toward Redistribution and Government Responsibility: The Role of Perceived Discrimination, Generation, and Religious Involvement

Authors Jolien Galle, Koen Abts, Marc Swyngedouw, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration Review
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83 Journal Article

The digital gift and aspirational mobility

Authors Saskia Witteborn
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Cultural Studies
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84 Journal Article

Passed, regulated, or applied? The different stages of emigrant enfranchisement in Latin America and the Caribbean

Authors Pau Palop-García, Luicy Pedroza
Year 2019
Journal Name Democratization
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86 Journal Article

Immigrant England, 1300-1550

Authors Bart Lambert, W. Mark Ormrod, Jonathan Mackman
Year 2019
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87 Book

Losing the Right to Stay: Revocation of immigrant residence permits and citizenship in Norway — Experiences and effects

Authors Brekke Jan-Paul, Simon Roland Birkvad, Marta Bivand Erdal
In recent years, the Directorate of Immigration’s (UDI) handling of so-called revocation cases has received increased attention. These are cases where the authorities first grant residence permits and citizenship to migrants but later consider revoking these. Immigrants can have their right to stay in Norway revoked for a range of reasons, including having provided incorrect information when they were granted permits and in the case of refugees, because conditions improve in their home country. This report describes how those affected experience the process of revocation. The report is based on multiple data sources: statistics from the UDI’s data base; interviews with affected individuals from Afghanistan and Somalia, including representatives of their communities in Norway; and interviews with employees of the UDI and the police. After presenting descriptive statistics, we describe how the informants experienced the revocation process, including the effects of the revocation process on integration. Furthermore, we analyze how revocation affects the outlook and life strategies of those interviewed. This report provides a number of recommendations for improving the government’s handling of revocation, including developing a coherent communication strategy and reducing case processing time.
Year 2019
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88 Report

Nucené migrace v blízkosti československých státních hranic v období studené války.

Authors David Kovařík
Year 2019
Book Title Iron Curtain 1948-1989
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89 Book Chapter

Hospitality in sanctuary cities

Authors Benjamin Boudou
Year 2019
Book Title Routledge handbook of philosophy of the city
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90 Book Chapter

Foreigners' Crime and Punishment. Criminalizing Practices in Expulsions of Foreign Offenders.

Principal investigator Jukka Könönen ()
Project description: This research proposal addresses a contested topic, expulsion of foreign offenders. The primary data consists of the analysis of expulsion decisions for Estonian, Romanian, and West African citizens in 2014 and 2018. The comparative research setting enables to examine both racialized practices in the criminalization of migration and and tightening of immigration policies after the refugee crisis in 2015. The use of expulsion decisions as a research data is novel in the international context. Moreover, this research discusses the relation between the criminal law and the immigration law in migration management. The punitive application of the immigration law points to the separation of legal practices for citizens and non-citizens, which has significant implications for the whole judicial system. This research contributes to the international debates by breaking new empirical, methodological, and theoretical grounds in the field of migration studies and criminology. / Hankkeen julkinen kuvaus: Tutkimushanke käsittelee kiistanalaista aihetta, ulkomaalaisten rikosperusteisia käännytyksiä. Hankkeen pääasiallisena aineistona ovat Viron, Romanian ja Länsi-Afrikan kansalaisille tehdyt käännytyspäätökset vuonna 2014 ja 2018. Vertaileva tutkimusasetelma mahdollistaa tarkastella sekä maahanmuuton kriminallisoinnin rodullistettuja ulottuvuuksia että maahanmuuttopolitiikan kiristämistä vuoden 2015 ”pakolaiskriisin” jälkeen. Käytetty aineisto on ainutlaatuinen kansainvälisessä kontekstissa. Tutkimus pureutuu ulkomaalaislain ja rikoslain väliseen yhteyteen maahanmuuton hallinnassa. Ulkomaalaislain rankaiseva soveltaminen viittaa oikeuskäytäntöjen eriytymiseen rikosprosesseissa kansalaisten ja ulkomaalaisten välillä, millä on laajempia merkityksiä koko oikeusjärjestelmän kannalta. Tutkimus tuottaa uutta empiiristä tietoa sekä metodologisesti ja teoreettisesti uudenlaisia lähestymistapoja suhteessa kansainväliseen keskusteluun muuttoliikkeistä ja kriminologiasta.
Year 2019
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91 Project

Snapshots from the Borders - Participatory investigation: Tenerife

«Snapshots From The Borders» is a 3-years project, co-funded by the European Union and run by 36 partners, border local authorities and civil society organisations, led by the Lampedusa and Linosa municipality. The main general objective of the project is the improvement of the critical understanding of European and local decision and law makers, civil servants, opinion leaders, public opinion and citizens about the topic of migration flows towards European borders. Our aim is strengthening a new horizontal, active network of cities and towns directly facing migration flows at EU borders, as a way to promote more and more effective policy coherence at all levels. The final perspective and framework is to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals.This report has been carried out through the analysis of secondary statistical data sources available at the national and local levels; the results of different empirical investigations undertaken by the Immigration Observatory of Tenerife in the last 15 years; and 23 semi-structured interviews with university experts, representatives from immigrant associations, professionals from NGOs, immigrants and their children, political representatives, technicians from the local governments, and participants in social movements linked to the defence of human rights. All the interviews have been recorded on video and a script with questions has been used, based on this report’s structure, but with the questions adapted to the profiles of each person interviewed.
Year 2019
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92 Report


VoteEuropa is a campaign funded by the European Parliament to mobilise and encourage volunteers and voters among mobile EU citizens, naturalised migrants and refugees and young people of diverse backgrounds to vote in the European elections in May 2019.
Year 2019
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93 Project

Determinants of ‘Mobilisation’ at Home and Abroad: Analysing the Micro-Foundations of Out-Migration & Mass Protest

Principal investigator Sorana Toma (Principal Investigator)
Le projet MOBILISE demande: Quand mécontents avec le situation economique ou politiquoi, pourquoi certains individus protestent tandis que d'autres quittent les frontieres? En reliant les intuitions théoriques de la littérature sur la migration internationale et de celle sur les mobilisations collectives, nous examinons a) Si des facteurs similaires soustentend le choix de migrer et/ou de protester au niveau individuel b) Comment le contexte influence ces mobilisations c) Dans quelle mesure ces choix sont-ils independants l'un de l'autre ou ils se renforcent / se découragent l'un l'autre. MOBILISE utilise une methodologie mixte (des enquêtes quantitatives representatives au niveau national, des enquêtes en ligne auprés des migrants, des enquêtes auprès des protestataires, des focus groups, des entretiens retrospectifs et de l'analyse des réseaux sociaux) ainsi qu'un design multi-situé. Le projet couvre l'Ukraine, la Pologne, le Maroc et le Bresil, qui ont tous récemment connu des protestations de masse ainsi qu'une forte émigration. Nous suivons des emigrés de ces pays en Allemagne, la Grande Bretagne et l'Espagne. Le projet offre quatre innovations clés 1) Il combine les protestations et la migration 2) Il capture tous les groupes pertinents pour la comparaison (des protestataires, des migrants, des migrants protestataires et des individus qui ne font ni l'un ni l'autre) 3) Il suit des individus au fil du temps en utilisant des methodes de panel 4) Il inclut dans l'analyse l'utilisation des réseaux sociaux en fournissant de l'information sur le role des réseaux et des transferts politiques en temps réel. Ces innovations nous permettent d'apporter une contribution importante au développement théorique autant dans l'étude des migrations que des protestations. De plus, le projet fournit des connaissances centrales aux hommes politiques sur les facteurs qui influencent la stabilité politique et économique.
Year 2019
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95 Project

Transformative Characteristics and Developmental Impacts of Temporary Migration to and through Turkey

Authors İlke Şanlıer Yüksel, Ahmet İçduygu, Evin Millet
Year 2019
Book Title Temporary Migration, Transformation and Development Evidence from Europe and Asia
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97 Book Chapter

Turkey’s Evolving Response to Migration Management: Facts and Policy Steps

Authors Gülşah Dark Kahyaoğlu
Year 2019
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98 Policy Brief

The two-way ‘glocalisation’ of human rights or: How cities become international agents in migration governance

Authors Janina Stürner, Petra Bendel
Year 2019
Journal Name Peace Human Rights Governance (PHRG)
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99 Journal Article
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