Magali N. Alloatti is a consultant for IOM Brazil since 2022 and has provided support for the UNDP desk in New York (2023). She worked as an Officer for Political Relations at Global Affairs Canada (2022) and it has been an associated researcher at the State Observatory for Migrations (SC) since 2013. She was postdoctoral fellow CAPES DAAD at Hamburg University (2019-2020) and previously a postdoctoral fellow at the State Observatory for Migrations in Santa Catarina at the Laboratory for Gender...


Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
Cross-cutting topics in migration research


  • OIM

    Non-governmental Organisation, Brasília, Brazil

  • UNDP

    Governmental Organisation, New York, United States

  • State Observatory for Migrations (SC)

    University, Florianopolis, Brazil
    Associated Researcher


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