Migrant businesses and entrepreneurship

Migrants may participate in local and global economies by creating employment opportunities, either for themselves or for others. Sometimes entrepreneurship is a solution for unemployment or underemployment. It may also operate within ethnic or linguistic niches, but is certainly not limited to these functions.

This topic includes studies that refer to (the development of) migrant businesses, entrepreneurial motivations, professional trajectories of migrants, ethnic/migrant niches, and the unemployment or underemployment of migrants.

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Mixed Embeddedness: (In)formal Economic Activities and Immigrant Businesses in the Netherlands

Authors Robert Kloosterman, Joanne van der Leun, Jan Rath, ...
Year 1999
Journal Name International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Citations (WoS) 292
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1 Journal Article

Entrepreneurial Motivations and Capabilities of Migrant Entrepreneurs in Australia

Authors Nthati Rametse, Topoyame Moremong-Nganunu, Ming Juan Ding, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name International Migration
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2 Journal Article

From Workers to Entrepreneurs: Development of Bangladeshi Migrant Businesses in The Republic of Korea

Authors Lian Kwen Fee, Md Mizanur Rahman
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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3 Journal Article

Migrant Businesses And The Symbolic Transformation Of Urban Neighborhoods: Towards a Research Agenda

Authors Michael Parzer, Florian Huber
Year 2015
Journal Name International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Citations (WoS) 6
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4 Journal Article

Diversity, economic development and new migrant entrepreneurs

Authors Trevor Jones, Maria Villares-Varela, Monder Ram
Year 2019
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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5 Journal Article

Breaking-out? A reconceptualisation of the business development process through diversification: the case of Polish new migrant entrepreneurs in Glasgow

Authors Paul Lassalle, Jonathan M. Scott
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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6 Journal Article

The Development of Migrant Entrepreneurship in Japan: Case of Bangladeshis

Authors Md Mizanur Rahman, Kwen Fee Lian
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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7 Journal Article

City on edge: immigrant businesses and the right to urban space in inner-city Johannesburg

Authors Richard Grant, Daniel Thompson
Year 2015
Journal Name Urban Geography
Citations (WoS) 10
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8 Journal Article

Do Networks Do the Works? Towards Recognising (and Solving) a Migration-Entrepreneurship Conundrum

Year 2013
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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9 Journal Article

Beyond "Little Taipei": The Development of Taiwanese Immigrant Businesses in Los Angeles

Authors Yen-Fen Tseng, YF TSENG
Year 1995
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 42
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10 Journal Article

Female Migrant Entrepreneurs in Vienna: Mobility and its Embeddedness

Authors Petra Dannecker, Alev Cakir
Year 2016
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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11 Journal Article

Beyond “Little Taipei”: The Development of Taiwanese Immigrant Businesses in Los Angeles

Authors Yen-Fen Tseng
Year 1995
Journal Name International Migration Review
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12 Journal Article

The Transferability and Mobilisability of Transnational Social Resources

Authors Östen Wahlbeck
Year 2018
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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13 Journal Article

New migrant businesses and their workers: developing, but not transforming, the ethnic economy

Authors Paul N. Edwards, Monder Ram, Trevor Jones, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 14
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14 Journal Article

The Transferability and Mobilisability of Transnational Resources: The case of Turkish entrepreneurs in Finland

Authors Östen Wahlbeck, Osten Wahlbeck
Year 2018
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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15 Journal Article

A Review of Transnational Migrant Entrepreneurship: Perspectives on Unequal Spatialities

Authors Laure Sandoz, Christina Mittmasser, Yvonne Riaño, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography
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16 Journal Article

Measures to Support Early-Stage Migrant Entrepreneurs

Authors Giacomo Solano, Alexander Wolffhardt, Aldo Xhani
Migrant entrepreneurship has received increasing attention from policy makers, stakeholders and scholars. In both the Action Plan for the integration of third country nationals and the 2020 Entrepreneurship Action Plan, the European Commission emphasises that entrepreneurship represents an alternative form of decent and sustainable employment for migrants. This also follows recent academic and non-academic studies on the topic (European Commission, 2016; Rath, Solano and Schutjens, 2019). There are at least four reasons why policies and measures should focus on supporting migrant entrepreneurs, especially in early stages of the business: • Self-employment represents a way towards empowerment. Although it cannot be taken for granted that self-employment provides migrants with a higher income in comparison to those who opted for a salaried employment (see Bradley, 2004), self-employment represents a way to tackle unemployment, and underemployment - professional downgrading and employment in poorly paid, dangerous and demanding jobs (Rath, Solano and Schutjens, 2019). Furthermore, through migrant entrepreneurship, migrants can improve their social status in the receiving society (Allen and Busse, 2016; Basu, 2001; Solano, 2015). • The impact of migrant entrepreneurship goes way beyond the benefits for the individual entrepreneur. In quantifiable terms, the number of firms, the employment creation, the volume in trade and sales are increasing, something that may benefit the economy in general (Desiderio, 2014). Migrant entrepreneurs also bring about qualitative economic and market changes that result in relatively new products and processes. They gravitate to particular neighborhoods or areas, thereby creating interesting places for leisure and consumption and revitalizing these areas (see, Aytar and Rath, 2012). • A relevant number of migrants starts a business. While many international migrants are economically active as wage workers (i.e., employees), a small but significant number has chosen or would like to start a business. About 13 per cent of all foreign-born migrants in OECD countries are selfemployed (OECD, 2010 and 2013). The same happens for the EU28 countries, in which around the 12% of foreign population is self-employed (Eurostat, 2017). In many countries the rate of self-employment among migrants is higher than the one of natives (Eurostat, 2017; OECD, 2010 and 2013). • Migrant-owned business are likely to fail and to be in low-profitable sectors. Despite self-employment and entrepreneurship represent a promising alternative option for migrants to access the labour market, they need to be adequately supported by policies and initiatives. In fact, migrant enterprises have higher failure rates than nativeowned ones and tend to concentrate in low-profitable sectors (e.g., petty trade) with no possibilities of growth (Desiderio and Mestres 2011; OECD, 2010; Rath and Schutjens, 2016). The difficulties that migrant entrepreneurs have in running the business is due to some specific obstacles that migrants – and, more in general, vulnerable groups -face when they want to start a business. The obstacles are well-known and there is an extensive literature on this (Desiderio, 2014; Rath and Swagerman, 2016): • they have difficulties in accessing credit, especially for financial institutions. As they often lack collaterals (e.g., they do not own a house), financial institutions are likely to deny credit to them. Consequently, migrant entrepreneurs normally receive small loans from relatives, friends and other migrants. This hampers the possibility of entering in sectors that requires a relevant starting capital, which are normally more profitable. • migrant entrepreneurs have difficulties to deal with the bureaucracy of the host country. They have difficulties in understanding all the administrative steps to start the business. • they (often) lack of familiarity with the (business) environment and the market where they start the business. Having only limited knowledge of the context of the destination country – with often information received from other migrants – tunnels them towards ethnic and/or not profitable markets. • a limited personal network, which is often composed of other migrants, does not help in dealing with bureaucracy or accessing information on potential unexplored market – as other migrants have often limited information as well. In conclusion, migrant entrepreneurship may represent an alternative way to access the labour market of the host | 2 country. However, migrant entrepreneurship often results in low-profitable highly-demanding micro businesses, which do not represent a decent form of employment. This is because of the barriers that migrants face when it comes to start a business. Migrant entrepreneurship needs to be supported to become an alternative form of decent employment. Policy makers and support providers (e.g. public employment services, NGOs, microcredit institutions) often face many obstacles in the design and implementation of support policies for migrant entrepreneurs. This handbook is addressed to policy makers in the field and support providers and aims at summarizing the main kinds of support that can be provided to migrant entrepreneurs and the factors for successful support measures. In doing this, we present some good practices.
Year 2019
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17 Report

Immigrant Businesses

Authors Jan Rath
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18 Book

Migration and Migrant Entrepreneurship in a German-Polish border region

Authors Anna Skraba, Magdalena Nowicka
Year 2018
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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19 Journal Article

From Family Embeddedness to Families Embedding in Migrants' Opportunity Development Processes

Authors Quang Evansluong, Marcela Ramirez Pasillas
Year 2021
Journal Name Academy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings
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20 Journal Article

Self-employed migrants from EU Member States in Poland: differentiated professional trajectories and explanations of entrepreneurial success

Authors Katarzyna Andrejuk
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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21 Journal Article

Explaining the Development of Migrant Businesses in Beijing

Authors Xin Frank He
Year 2003
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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22 Journal Article

“A new song or evergreen …?” The spatial concentration of Vietnamese migrants’ businesses on Prague’s Sapa site

Authors Dusan Drbohlav, Dita Cermakova, Dušan Drbohlav, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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23 Journal Article

The Changing Significance of Ethnic and Class Resources in Immigrant Businesses: The Case of Korean Immigrant Businesses in Chicago

Authors In-Jin Yoon
Year 1991
Journal Name International Migration Review
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24 Journal Article

The Changing Significance of Ethnic and Class Resources in Immigrant Businesses: The Case of Korean Immigrant Businesses in Chicago

Authors In-Jin Yoon
Year 1991
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 76
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25 Journal Article

Immigration and Entrepreneurship

Year 2015
Book Title Handbook of the Economics of International Migration
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26 Book Chapter

The Use of New Technologies by Migrant Entrepreneurs in Two European Cities

Authors Alberta Andreotti, Giacomo Solano
Year 2019
Book Title Diaspora Networks in International Business
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29 Book Chapter

Shifts in Intergenerational Mobility of Indian Immigrant Entrepreneurs

Authors Meena Chavan, Lucy Taksa
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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30 Journal Article

Work in the kebab economy

Authors Östen Wahlbeck, Osten Wahlbeck
Year 2007
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 28
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31 Journal Article

The Gendered Connection Between Ethnic Residential and Labor-Market Segregation in Los Angeles

Authors Virginia Parks, Parks
Year 2004
Journal Name Urban Geography
Citations (WoS) 26
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32 Journal Article

Mobilization and disengagement: Chinese migrant entrepreneurs in urban France

Authors Winnie Lem
Year 2010
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 7
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33 Journal Article

A Game of Ethnic Musical Chairs? Immigrant Businesses and Niches in the Amsterdam Economy

Authors Jan Rath
Book Title Minorities in European Cities
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34 Book Chapter

Migrant labor in hospitality: The Cyprus experience

Authors Anastasios Zopiatis, AL Theocharous, Panayiotis Constanti
Year 2014
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35 Journal Article

Migration Policies and Migrant Employment Outcomes

Authors Alessio Cangiano
Year 2014
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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36 Journal Article

Migrants, Unemployment and Earnings in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area

Authors Mariano Sana
Year 1999
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 3
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37 Journal Article

The mixed embeddedness of transnational migrant entrepreneurs: Moroccans in Amsterdam and Milan

Authors Giacomo Solano
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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38 Journal Article

The social side of ethnic entrepreneur breakout: evidence from Latino immigrant business owners

Authors Ryan Allen, Erika Busse
Year 2016
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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39 Journal Article

Migrant Employment in the Ethnic Economy: Why Do Some Migrants Become Ethnic Entrepreneurs and Others Co-Ethnic Workers?

Authors Julie Knight
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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40 Journal Article

Design study on a scheme to attract non-EU resident highly skilled entrepreneurial innovators

Objective: The objective of the study is to design an EU-wide scheme to attract high-skilled non-EU resident entrepreneurial innovators, and to facilitate the creation and development of high-potential companies in Europe. The study fits to the EC’s objective to boost innovation, growth and investments by unleashing the EU’s full capacities and competitiveness, while addressing the consequences of demographic ageing and offsetting skills shortages in the continent. Summary: The study will recommend a scheme to attract 20,000 migrant entrepreneurs per year to the EU through the creation of an electronic platform of services to potential migrant entrepreneurs, possible financial support and a promotion campaign. The direct objectives of the schemes are to facilitate access to the EU for non-EU nationals (visa scheme), create incentives (including linking to financial support), facilitate access to EU ecosystems, incubator schemes and private funding (via the platform) as well as to inform aspiring entrepreneurs. The study will include amongst other an assessment of existing (public and semi-public) initiatives in following EU Member States: Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom, and Spain. Moreover, it will benchmark these against schemes in a number of non-EU countries with successful entrepreneurial support initiatives.
Year 2016
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41 Project

"Beyond Ethnic Economy": Religiosity, Social Entrepreneurship, and Solidarity Formation of Indonesian Migrants in Taiwan

Authors Rudolf Yuniarto
Year 2016
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42 Journal Article

Segregated jobs or ethnic niches?

Authors Moshe Semyonov, Cedric Herring
Year 2007
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
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43 Journal Article

Transnational Strategies of Polish Migrant Entrepreneurs in Trade and Small Business in Berlin

Authors Frauke Miera
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 33
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44 Journal Article

Immigrant business proprietors in England and Wales (1851-1911)

Authors Harry Smith, Robert J. Bennett, Carry van Lieshout
Year 2019
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45 Journal Article

Migrant Entrepreneurship in Greece: Diversity of Pathways for Emerging Ethnic Business Communities in Thessaloniki

Authors Lois Labrianidis, Panos Hatziprokopiou
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47 Journal Article

The Making and Transnationalization of an Ethnic Niche: Vietnamese Manicurists

Authors Susan Eckstein, S Eckstein, Thanh-Nghi Nguyen, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 18
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48 Journal Article

The Chances of the second Generation in Families of migrant Entrepreneurs

Authors Ursula Apitzsch
Year 2005
Journal Name Revue européenne des migrations internationales
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49 Journal Article

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Migrant Entrepreneurship: Responses to the market shock

Authors Ekaterina Vorobeva, Léo-Paul Dana
Year 2021
Journal Name Migration Letters
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50 Journal Article

Asian immigrant entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs: A comparative study of recent Korean and Filipino immigrants

Authors James T. Fawcett, Robert W. Gardner
Year 1994
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 17
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51 Journal Article


Authors Jose Alfredo Uribe Salas
Year 2016
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52 Journal Article

Business activities of immigrants from Turkey and the former Yugoslavia in Vienna. Group-specific branch concentrations versus locally determined variations

Authors Josef Kohlbacher, Ursula Reeger
Year 2016
Journal Name City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action
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53 Journal Article

Agents of Socialization and Female Migrants’ Employment: The Influence of Mothers and the Country Context

Authors Magdalena Krieger
Year 2020
Journal Name European Sociological Review
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54 Journal Article

An entrepreneurial migrant family: The rise of Aw Boon Haw's business empire in the Asia-Pacific

Authors Victor Zheng, Hao Gao
Year 2020
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55 Journal Article

Structural Opportunity or Ethnic Advantage? Immigrant Business Development in New York

Authors Roger Waldinger
Year 1989
Journal Name International Migration Review
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56 Journal Article

Immigrant Entrepreneurship and the Opportunity Structure of the International Education Industry in Vancouver and Toronto

Authors Min-Jung Kwak
Year 2013
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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57 Journal Article

Structural Opportunity or Ethnic Advantage? Immigrant Business Development in New York

Authors Roger Waldinger
Year 1989
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 57
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58 Journal Article

Immigrant Entrepreneurship and the Opportunity Structure of the International Education Industry in Vancouver and Toronto

Authors Min-Jung Kwak
Year 2013
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 1
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59 Journal Article

Ethnic niche formation at the top? Second-generation immigrants in Norwegian high-status occupations

Authors Arnfinn H. Midtbøen, Marjan Nadim
Year 2019
Journal Name Ethncic and Racial Studies
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60 Journal Article

Processos de Transnacionalismo nos Empresários Nepaleses em Lisboa

Authors ISEG - University of Lisbon, Alexandra Pereira
Year 2021
Journal Name XI Portuguese Sociology Congress Papers
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61 Journal Article

The paradoxes of creativity in Guangzhou, China's wholesale market for fast fashion

Authors Nellie Chu
Year 2018
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62 Journal Article

Entrepreneurship and interracial dynamics: a case study of self-employed Africans and Chinese in Guangzhou, China

Authors Min Zhou, M Zhou, Tao Xu, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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63 Journal Article

Revisiting Ethnic Niches: A Comparative Analysis of the Labor Market Experiences of Asian and Latino Undocumented Young Adults

Authors Esther Yoona Cho
Year 2017
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64 Journal Article

Migrant mentoring to work: Defining an old but- innovative instrument

Authors Cuyper P. De
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring
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65 Journal Article

Immigrant business and niche formation in historical perspective: The Netherlands in the nineteenth century

Authors Marlou Schrover
Year 2001
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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67 Journal Article


Authors Loic Wacquant
Year 1993
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68 Journal Article

Experience of migrant self-employment as „economisation of ethnicity”. Indian and Chinese entrepreneurs in Poland

Authors Katarzyna Andrejuk, Olena Oleksiyenko
Year 2018
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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69 Journal Article

Transnational Entrepreneurship: Exploring Determinants and Impacts of a Dutch-Based Filipino Immigrant Business

Authors Marisha Maas
Year 2005
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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70 Journal Article


Year 1984
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71 Journal Article

Identity work by a non-white immigrant business scholar: Autoethnographic vignettes of covering and accenting

Authors Mario Fernando, James Reveley, Mark Learmonth
Year 2020
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72 Journal Article

More than just shopping: Ethnic majority consumers and cosmopolitanism in immigrant grocery shops

Authors Michael Parzer, Franz Astleithner
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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73 Journal Article

A level playing field for migrant entrepreneurs? The legal and policy landscape across EU and OECD countries

Authors Giacomo Solano
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration
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74 Journal Article

The multi-scalar embeddedness of support policies for migrant entrepreneurship in Japan

Year 2022
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75 Journal Article

Intersecting Policies of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Migration in the EU and the Netherlands

Authors Tesseltje de Lange
Year 2018
Book Title EU external migration policies in an era of global mobilities : intersecting policy universes
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76 Book Chapter

Immigrant entrepreneur knowledge in the tourism industry of island destinations

Authors Pedro Calero-Lemes, Desiderio Juan Garcia-Almeida
Year 2020
Journal Name Tourism Geographies
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77 Journal Article

New Migrant Enterprise: Novelty or Historical Continuity?

Authors Trevor Jones, Monder Ram, Paul Edwards, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 17
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78 Journal Article

Business and Social Profiles of Immigrant-Owned Small Firms: The Case of Pakistani Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Greece

Authors Daphne Halkias
Year 2015
Journal Name International Migration
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79 Journal Article

Religion and new immigrants' labor market entry in Western Europe

Authors Matthias Koenig, Ayse Guveli, Mieke Maliepaard, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 11
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80 Journal Article

Mexico, a Country for Immigrant Business: Small-scale Entrepreneurs and Self-employed Workers from Southern Europe

Authors Cristóbal Mendoza
Year 2020
Journal Name Revue européenne des migrations internationales
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81 Journal Article

Globalizing Canadian Education from Below: A Case Study of Transnational Immigrant Entrepreneurship Between Seoul, Korea and Vancouver Canada

Authors Min-Jung Kwak, Daniel Hiebert
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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82 Journal Article

Domestic Service in a Global Perspective: Gender, Migration, and Ethnic Niches

Authors Jose C. Moya
Year 2007
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 54
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83 Journal Article


Year 1994
Journal Name Human Organization
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84 Journal Article

Migrants, Unemployment and Earnings in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area

Authors Mariano Sana
Year 1999
Journal Name International Migration Review
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85 Journal Article

Interpersonal Networking and Business Resilience: How Immigrants in Small Business Face the Crisis in Italy

Authors A. M. Chiesi, Antonio M. Chiesi
Year 2014
Journal Name European Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 2
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86 Journal Article

Migration destinations in the urban hierarchy in China: Evidence from Jiangsu

Authors Pu Hao, Shuangshuang Tang
Year 2018
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 8
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87 Journal Article

Was the ministry an ethnic niche for urban Blacks in the early twentieth century?

Authors Robert L. Boyd
Year 2006
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89 Journal Article

Migration and remittances in Mexico: 1980-2010

Authors Esther Figueroa Hernandez, Francisco Perez Soto, Lucila Godinez Montoya
Year 2015
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90 Journal Article

Chinese Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Italy's Coffee Bars: Demographic Transformation and Historical Contingency

Authors Ting Deng
Year 2020
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91 Journal Article

Performance, labour flexibility and migrant workers in hotels: An establishment and departmental level analysis

Authors Natina Yaduma, Allan Williams, Andrew Lockwood, ...
Year 2015
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92 Journal Article

Commercial migration intermediaries and the segmentation of skilled migrant employment

Year 2016
Journal Name Work, employment and society
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93 Journal Article

OECD Migration statistics: employment

Employment, unemployment and participation rates by place of birth and sex.
Year 2000
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94 Data Set

Ethnic niching and metropolitan labor markets

Authors Franklin D. Wilson, FD Wilson
Year 2003
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 53
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95 Journal Article

Entrepreneurial Chinese Migrants and Petty African Entrepreneurs: Local Impacts of Interaction in Urban West Africa (Ghana and Senegal)

Principal investigator Karsten Giese (Principal Investigator ), Laurence Marfaing (Principal Investigator )
Research Questions Where do Chinese migrant entrepreneurs come from and why do they migrate? Where do they settle, and how do they organize their economic and social activities? How are they perceived by local and migrant African entrepreneurs in their host country? Does this perception correspond to the discourse of cooperation propagated by the Chinese and African governments? How does the Chinese presence influence the development of African host societies? Contribution to International Research This comparative study on the Chinese migration into two West African countries explores the economic and political processes triggered by the Chinese migration. It analyses the interactions of the local population with the Chinese migrant entrepreneurs as well as the former’s innovative reactions toward the strategies and practices of the latter. The combination of the different regional research capacities at the GIGA within one research team allows us to address this multidimensional research problem with adequate regional and multidisciplinary competences and research strategies. Research Design and Methods Our research field is characterized by high degrees of informality, especially regarding migratory paths, residence status, economic activities, social organization and the political action of all actors involved. In view of this, existing quantitative data on the micro- and meso-levels could not be taken as a reliable basis for our analyses. Moreover, the economic interests that characterize our field had the effect of reduced acceptance on the part of our informants of standardized instruments such as questionnaires. For these reasons, our research concentrates on coordinated qualitative comparative case studies within and across Ghana and Senegal in order to produce reliable research findings. In accordance with our research questions, qualitative data collection was conducted on a micro-level, drawing on the method of actor-centred participant observation and its adaptations in narrative interviews. Additional semi-structured interviews were conducted to ensure comparability across cases. In addition, visual ethnographic methods were applied (photo essays, network-mapping) as a basis for joint interpretation in the overarching research context. Preliminary Results We had assumed that networks formed the dominant model of social organization for both the African and the Chinese actors and groups we studied, and that networks were the key factors to understanding the interaction between these two groups. In the field, however, we were unable to establish any empirical evidence that the Chinese individual economic sojourners (or small groups forming family-owned businesses), whose business models tend to be highly speculative, are engaging in any form of meaningful social and economic interaction with their African counterparts beyond primarily functional and opportunistic buyer–seller or employer–employee relationships. African traders also did not reveal any stronger motivation to open their networks to their Chinese counterparts. Based on our observations, we conclude that a wide range of African actors engages in innovative practices not through social exchange and mutually beneficial cooperation with the Chinese newcomers but by creatively appropriating the unintended opportunities that Chinese actors provide in the local African settings through their distinct social and economic practices. However, the significations that are inscribed into the diverse Chinese social and economic practices and the stimuli they represent are contested between diverse African actors, since their social and economic positioning, their interests and interpretations, and their capacities for adaptation differ greatly. The Chinese business strategy of large-scale wholesale trading in combination with the low cost of the commodities they sell has facilitated the engagement of larger social strata with limited financial means in trading activities. These changes in market access, not least, have had a profound impact on Senegalese and Ghanaian market orders. Not surprisingly, many of the new traders whose access to this profession has directly benefited from the Chinese presence also closely observe the latter’s business strategies. All interviewed Chinese traders, for instance, unanimously employed the logic of high turnovers at small profit rates, aspiring to maximize incomes through sheer volume. Once the African traders have realized that trading in Chinese goods provides solid opportunities for capital accumulation and growth, they have turned their gaze toward China as source for their commodities.
Year 2011
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96 Project

Who Went South? The German Ethnic Niche in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

Year 2017
Journal Name Social Science History
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97 Journal Article

Migrant Employment and the Recession — the Case of the Irish in Britain

Authors F.X. Kirwin, A.G. Nairn
Year 1983
Journal Name International Migration Review
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98 Journal Article

Immigration, Housing Discrimination and Employment

Authors Tito Boeri, T Boeri, Michele Pellizzari, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name The Economic Journal
Citations (WoS) 9
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99 Journal Article

East-European immigrants responding to the recession in Britain: is there a trade-off between unemployment and over-qualification?

Authors Nabil Khattab, Jon E. Fox, Jon Fox
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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100 Journal Article
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