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One wave of reforms, many outputs: the diffusion of European asylum policies beyond Europe

Authors Nina Guérin, Nina Guerin
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of European Public Policy
Citations (WoS) 1
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1 Journal Article

Framing the Immigration Policy Agenda

Authors Rianne Dekker, Peter Scholten
Year 2017
Journal Name The International Journal of Press/Politics
Citations (WoS) 8
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2 Journal Article

Being a politically active emigrant. The political structuring of the French and Italians abroad: a comparative analysis of mobile citizens

This research project aims to understand the organizational and cognitive consequences of the election of specific national political representatives by citizens living abroad. The proposal is based on a comparative analysis of two expatriate populations with such rights, Italians and French, in two host countries, Belgium and Canada. The focus of the research is the motivations, representations and strategies of politically active emigrants in branches of home political parties abroad. The research will be done through an original multi-methods research design – computer-assisted discourse analysis, qualitative comparative analysis and quantitative questionnaire analysis – to gather rich and sociologically relevant data. The combination of CAQDAS techniques with QCA, as a comparative tool of analysis, will produce robust results and provide good grounds for tentative generalization beyond the considered case studies. The project will originally contribute to the theoretical advancement of many research fields. It will develop the theory of political parties, since the knowledge is weak and fragmentary concerning the role and functioning of political parties abroad, and almost inexistent in non-contentious contexts. The project will also advance the theory of transnational politics, since it will focus on two dimensions underdeveloped in the existing literature: the involvement of emigrants in home politics and the analysis of banal transnational politics. The project will finally contribute to the theory of national identity and citizenship since it will question the reconfiguration of established nation states that might result from giving citizenship rights and representation to nationals living abroad. In a policy perspective the research responds to recurring demands to further investigate the governance of migration as well as the implications of multilevel citizenship in a context of growing mobility of EU citizens from, to and within the EU.
Year 2017
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3 Project

Influence of racial stereotypes on investigative decision-making in criminal investigations: A qualitative comparative analysis

Authors Rashid Minhas, Dave Walsh
Year 2018
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4 Journal Article

Congregational involvement in HIV: A qualitative comparative analysis of factors influencing HIV activity among diverse urban congregations

Authors Peter J. Mendel, Harold D. Green, Kathryn P. Derose, ...
Year 2020
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5 Journal Article

Hotel decision-making during multiple crises: A chaordic perspective

Authors Nikolaos Pappas
Year 2018
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6 Journal Article

Students’ use of evaluative language in L2 English to talk and write about history in a bilingual education programme

Authors Tom Morton, Ana Llinares
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 1
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7 Journal Article

Tourism and the refugee crisis in Greece: Perceptions and decision-making of accommodation providers

Authors Nikolaos Pappas, Andreas Papatheodorou
Year 2017
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8 Journal Article

Tourism and the refugee crisis in Greece: Perceptions and decision-making of accommodation providers

Authors Nikolaos Pappas, Andreas Papatheodorou
Year 2017
Journal Name Tourism Management
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9 Journal Article

The impact of partisan politics on migration policies: the case of healthcare provision for refugees by German states

Authors Wolfgang Günther, Dennis Kurrek, Annette Elisabeth Töller
Year 2021
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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10 Journal Article

Multiple paths to inequality. How institutional contexts shape the educational opportunities of second-generation immigrants in Europe

Authors Camilla Borgna
Year 2016
Journal Name European Societies
Citations (WoS) 1
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11 Journal Article

Threat, Competition, and Mobilizing Structures: Motivational and Organizational Contingenies of the Civil Rights-Era Ku Klux Klan

Authors Peter B. Owens, David Cunningham, Geoff Ward
Year 2015
Journal Name Social Problems
Citations (WoS) 4
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12 Journal Article

'Yarn about it': Aboriginal Australian women's perceptions of the impact of routine enquiry for intimate partner violence

Authors Jo Spangaro, Anthony Zwi, Jane Koziol-McLain, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Culture, Health & Sexuality
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13 Journal Article

Two effective causal paths that explain the adoption of US state environmental justice policy

Authors Yushim Kim, Stefan Verweij
Year 2016
Journal Name Policy Sciences
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14 Journal Article

Why do some oil exporters experience civil war but others do not?: investigating the conditional effects of oil

Authors Matthias Basedau, Thomas O. Richter, Thomas Richter
Year 2014
Journal Name European Political Science Review
Citations (WoS) 23
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15 Journal Article

The bargaining power of sending countries in influencing the rights of their low skilled migrant workers

This project asks how governments of migrant sending countries can influence the rights of their low skilled migrant workers in receiving countries. The project approaches this question from both the sending and the receiving country side; looking at factors that determine when and how sending states intervene and what determines the responses from receiving countries. The surplus of aspiring migrants and economic importance of remittances would suggest sending states have little bargaining power. Single case studies however suggest that some nevertheless intervene. A comprehensive overview of the drivers of immigration and emigration policy will result in a set of hypotheses. A survey of policy makers in sending countries will generate an overview of interventions by sending country governments. The project’s core is a systematic comparative case study of six sending countries with partly overlapping receiving countries and three of these receiving countries. The sending country cases are three sets of two countries in which migrant remittances constitute a similar share of GDP but involvement with the rights of their workers abroad differ; the Philippines, Senegal, India, Ecuador, Morocco and Vietnam. The receiving countries are South Korea, Saudi Arabia and Italy. These countries vary strongly in the rights for migrant workers and the level of cooperation with sending states. QCA and process tracing will be used to assess the hypotheses. The project is innovative in 1) providing a systematic analysis of a larger number of cases including countries rarely covered in comparative studies on migrant rights, 2) examining of the actions of both sending and receiving countries, and 3) taking the trade-off between migrant numbers and rights into account. The project will push theory development forward by connecting theoretical fields and expanding geographic scope. It is policy-relevant by providing further insight into how the rights of migrant workers can be improved.
Year 2018
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16 Project

Aligning Migration Management and the Migration-Development Nexus

In order to manage the long-term challenges of global migration, Europe must create effective and coherent policies for engaging with countries of origin and transit. Effectiveness and cohesion depend on the real-world mechanisms at work: How do the root causes of migration operate? What do prospective migrants see as alternatives to migration? How do policy measures interact with other factors in shaping migration outcomes? Because the quality of policies is so intimately connected with the actual development-related causes and consequences of migration, MIGNEX addresses the full scope of the topic as described in the Work Programme. The project’s overall objective is to contribute to more effective and coherent migration management through evidence-based understanding of the linkages between development and migration. Steps toward this objective comprise extensive research in ten strategically relevant countries of origin and transit, including Afghanistan, Guinea, Somalia, Nigeria and Turkey. The project team will conduct a survey with a target sample of 12,500 individuals, in addition to qualitative data collection and policy analysis. Correctly identifying two-way causal mechanisms between migration and development is imperative but very difficult. The project design incorporates two innovative responses to this challenge. First, it follows a principle of disaggregation, which, among other things, entails specific attention to local-level mechanisms. Second, the analysis combines conventional methods, such as multivariate regression, with Qualitative Comparative Analysis, which is a technique that allows for identifying complex causal relationship on the basis of in-depth case studies. In the analysis of policy coherence, the consortium will focus on identifying the causes of incoherence. The proposal clearly specifies three primary expected impacts and sets out an ambitious and professional strategy for impact maximization.
Year 2018
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17 Project

Rethinking universalism: Older-age international migrants and social pensions in Latin America and the Caribbean

Authors Gibrán Cruz-Martínez
Year 2020
Journal Name Global Social Policy
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18 Journal Article

Migration Studies: Eurasian Perspectives

Authors Merve Hazer Yiğit Uyar, Apak Kerem Altıntop, Yaşar Onay
Year 2023
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19 Book

Introduction to Migration Studies

Authors Apak Kerem Altıntop, Merve Hazer Yiğit Uyar
Year 2023
Book Title Migration Studies: Eurasian Perspectives
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20 Book Chapter

Masculine borders as alienation of racialized, undocumented south Asian migrant workers in Greece

Authors Reena Kukreja
Year 2023
Journal Name NORMA
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21 Journal Article

Feminized forced migration: Ukrainian war refugees

Authors Josephine Andrews, Jakub Isański, Marek Nowak, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Women's Studies International Forum
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22 Journal Article

Feminized forced migration: Ukrainian war refugees

Authors Josephine Andrews, Jakub Isański, Marek Nowak, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Women's Studies International Forum
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23 Journal Article

“If I die, my children will pursue this case”: Counternarratives of power in Kurds.

Authors Canan Coşkan, Ercan Şen
Year 2023
Journal Name Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology
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25 Journal Article

Target of information disorder: Syrians under temporary protection in Turkey

Authors Apak Kerem Altıntop
Year 2023
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26 Journal Article

“You have raised me between two worlds”: Mothers, daughters, and emotions in the Sahrawi digital diaspora in Spain

Authors Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Silvia Almenara-Niebla
Year 2023
Journal Name Feminismo/s
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27 Journal Article

Border and Journey Experience of Unaccompanied Children Under International Protection In Turkey

Authors Apak Kerem Altıntop
Year 2023
Journal Name Fenerbahçe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
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28 Journal Article

“Syrian” Refugees at the Gaze of Kurds and Arabs in Mardin: Understanding Social Representations and Acculturation Expectations from a Decolonial Approach

Authors Canan Coşkan, Meral Gezici Yalçın, Mine Batu, ...
Year 2022
Book Title Examining Complex Intergroup Relations: Through the Lens of Turkey
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29 Book Chapter

Persistent rurality in Mexico and 'the right to stay home'

Authors Xochitl Bada, Jonathan Fox
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of Peasant Studies
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30 Journal Article

The Abidat and Arabu: The Nigerian Migrants in Libya and International Migration Law

Authors Olawale Lawal
Year 2021
Journal Name LAJOHIS
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31 Journal Article

COVID-19, Racial Capitalism, and Undocumented Bangladeshi Agricultural Workers in Manolada, Greece

Authors Reena Kukreja
Year 2021
Journal Name Two Homelands
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32 Journal Article


Authors Apak Kerem ALTINTOP, Yasin ÖZBEY, Ece ÇİM
Year 2021
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34 Journal Article

Global Britons: Understanding the unique British communities in Brussels and Washington DC

Authors Adam Hug, Andra-Lucia Martinescu, Poppy Ogier
This Foreign Policy Centre report focuses on two unusual but strategically important British communities overseas. It builds on the findings of 252 survey responses, interviews, a focus group and research to give a detailed summary of who the British communities in Brussels and Washington DC are, what their needs are and how the UK Government can better support them and other Britons around the world.
Year 2021
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35 Report

Processos de Transnacionalismo nos Empresários Nepaleses em Lisboa

Authors ISEG - University of Lisbon, Alexandra Pereira
Year 2021
Journal Name XI Portuguese Sociology Congress Papers
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36 Journal Article

‘If you don't migrate, you're a nobody’: Migration recruitment networks and experiences of Nepalese farm workers in Portugal

Authors Cláudia Pereira, Alexandra Pereira, Aashima Budal, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Rural Studies
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37 Journal Article

Migration has Stripped Us of Our Manhood: Contradictions of Failed Masculinity Among South Asian Male Migrants in Greece

Authors Reena Kukreja
Year 2021
Journal Name Men and Masculinities
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38 Journal Article

“I will Enter the Suitcase and I will not Make a Sound until we Pass the Border…”

Authors Özlem Hocaoğlu, Apak Kerem Altıntop, Nurcan Özgür Baklacıoğlu
Year 2021
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39 Journal Article

Orientamento professionale e placement dei cittadini di Paesi Terzi

Authors Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Federica De Carlo
Year 2020
Journal Name FORMAZIONE & INSEGNAMENTO. Rivista internazionale di Scienze dell'educazione e della formazione, 18(1), 418-426.
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40 Journal Article

This is Evidence: Re-Picturing South Asian Migrant Men in Greece

Principal investigator Reena Kukreja (Photovoice Collaborator & Researcher)
Year 2020
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41 Project

Acculturation Strategies of Uzbek Labour Migrants in Istanbul

Authors Apak Kerem Altıntop, Elçin İstif İnci
Year 2020
Journal Name International Review of Migration and Refugee Studies
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42 Journal Article

The 'others' amongst 'them' – selection categories in European resettlement and humanitarian admission programmes

Authors Natalie Welfens, Asya Pisarevskaya
Year 2020
Book Title European Societies, Migration, and the Law: The ‘Others' amongst ‘Us'
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43 Book Chapter

This is Evidence: Re-Picturing South Asian Migrant Men in Greece

Principal investigator Reena Kukreja (Photovoice Collaborator & Researcher)
This Is Evidence: Re-Picturing South Asian Migrant Men in Greece is a multi-media installation that features photographs, videos, and narrative pieces from four groups of Bangladeshi and Pakistani migrant men living and working in Greece. The exhibition is a collaboration between the migrant men and Dr. Reena Kukreja, from Queen’s University in Canada. The men used their cell phones to take images and videos. Compounding the exploitation that many migrant workers experience is the social and political exclusion. Prevailing discourses of Islamophobia and xenophobia have enabled an “us” versus “them” narrative in the Greek political landscape. This Is Evidence actively counters this narrative as the migrant men “re-present” themselves and their experiences directly to the people. This exhibition uses “photovoice” a social justice artistic method that gives marginalized groups such as these migrant men a voice through images and videos that they take of their lives. The exhibition premiered in Athens, Greece in 2022 before moving to Kingston and Toronto in Canada. It is slated for exhibition at the University of Namur from 19 April - 27 June 2023.
Year 2020
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44 Project

Africa and EU Migratory Policy: The current situation and challenges

Authors Gema Serón, Lorenzo Gabrielli
Year 2019
Book Title Africa Report. Cross-Border dynamics in a globalised context
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45 Book Chapter

Living with difference: Refugee education and school segregation processes in Greece

Authors Pinelopy Vergou, University of Thessaly
Year 2019
Journal Name Urban Studies
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46 Journal Article

Crossing the Eastern Mediterranean Sea in Search of “Protection”

Authors Dallal Stevens, Angeliki Dimitriadi
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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47 Journal Article

“Performing Critical Voice: On the Relationship of Citizenship, Belonging, and the Articulation of Contemporary Critiques

Authors Carolin Müller
Year 2019
Journal Name On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture
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48 Journal Article

The refugee crisis as a preparation stage for future exclusion

Authors Nikolaos Xypolytas
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
Citations (WoS) 1
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51 Journal Article

Caste and Cross-region Marriages in Haryana, India: Experience of Dalit cross-region brides in Jat households

Year 2018
Journal Name Modern Asian Studies
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52 Journal Article

IMMERSE "Integration Mapping of Refugee and Migrant Children in Schools and Other Experiential Environments in Europe"

Principal investigator Mercedes Fernández (Principal Investigator)
The IMMERSE project “Integration Mapping of refugee and Migrant Children in Schools and Other Experiential Environments in Europe” emerges at a time where Europe and its socio-educational system are facing a lot of pressure because the migration flows and the current refugee crisis. In this situation, refugee and migration children are the most vulnerable group and Europe is committed to provide them support and to promote more inclusive European societies. In this sense, IMMERSE aims to enhance the socio-educative inclusion of all refugee and migrant children through the generation of new data and policy recommendations on the integration of refugee and migrant children. An innovative and ICT supported solution has been proposed to carry out research activities in order to create a dashboard of socio-educational indicators that will allow to collect information to be analyzed and become practical policy recommendations. IMMERSE aims to foster the empowerment of children and other relevant stakeholders that impact on their integration and successful transition to adulthood into host societies. IMMERSE follows a whole school approach and aims to implement co-creation methods to involve all the key actors in the achievement of the results.
Year 2018
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53 Project

Can identification as Muslim increase support for reconciliation? The case of the Kurdish conflict in Turkey

Authors Gülseli Baysu, Gulseli Baysu, Canan Coskan, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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54 Journal Article

Displaced Art and the Reconstruction of Memory: Ukrainian Artists from Crimea and Donbas

Authors Iuliia Lashchuk
Year 2018
Journal Name Open Cultural Studies
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55 Journal Article

Confrontational yet submissive: Calculated ambivalence and populist parties’ strategies of responding to racism accusations in the media

Authors Niko Hatakka, Mari K Niemi, Matti Välimäki
Year 2017
Journal Name Discourse & Society
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56 Journal Article

The inclusion of non-Western artistic traditions in cultural policy: Contrasting social justice and public diplomacy approaches

Authors Pier-Luc Dupont
Year 2017
Journal Name Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture
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57 Journal Article

Public opinion, mobilisations and policies concerning asylum seekers and refugees in anti-immigrants times (Europe and Belgium)

The European challenges in the field of migration have an impact on society, since the division between them opposed to newcomers and welcoming them has been continuously increasing. The project addresses the perceptions of the Belgian and European population about refugees/migrants and vice versa as well as their interactions with the policy agenda of asylum and migration with a European comparative perspective and a specific focus on Belgium. As Europe face important migratory challenges and political difficulties we have seen an increase of the public opinion’s polarisation regarding asylum and refugees, it is important to address this question. Including teams from our project will analyse this polarisation and its links to policies, as it is necessary for a better understanding of the current debate on migration in Europe and Belgium. The 2015 asylum crisis will be considered as indicative of the general European and Belgian citizens’ reactions about migration. The focus is then on attitudes, representations, discourses and practices about refugees, on the interactions at the local level between the majority populations and newly arrived migrants. The project will follow two objectives. First studying public opinion towards asylum seekers and refugees with a European cross- national perspective but also how these groups perceive Belgium, its asylum system and its reception policies. The second objective is to analyse the polarisation of the public opinion by focussing on pro and anti-refugees’ actions at the local level. This will allow understanding the links between public opinion and the implementation of asylum and reception policies. In order to fulfil these objectives, our project is based on 5 Work Packages that each focus on a specific dimension. The first two ones aim at developing a European comparative perspective on perceptions towards migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. This then includes a quantitative analysis of public opinion’s perceptions towards new immigration flows as well as a comparison of 5 European case studies (Sweden, Italy, Grece, Hungary and Germany). The three other work packages aim at a deep analysis of the Belgian situation. First, they consist of understanding actions and reactions towards asylum seekers and refugees at a local level. This implies to study the opposite reactions with an in-depth analysis of their content, justifications and determinants but also to focus on interactions between social groups (pro vs. anti migrants groups; ional citizens & refugees) as well as the interactions between the population’s reaction and the implementation of asylum and receptions policies. Second, studying the Belgian situation implies to analyse asylum seekers and refugees perceptions regarding the country’s asylum and reception policies. Lastly, it implies to realise a policy evaluation of those policies. The aim of this project and the main questions it addresses focus more on the relations and on the dynamics existing between the citizens and the migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. Hence, we propose to broaden the scope of what is usually done by extending the focus on actors that are often not implied in migration studies: the majority population and the impact of new migration waves on social cohesion. The expected results concerns: 1) an in-depth and comparative knowledge of attitudes towards migrants and refugees in Europe; 2) an analysis of the factors influencing the attitudes of rejections, disregards and support; 3) an in-depth analysis of the specificities of the current wave of migration compared to the last ones; 4) an in-depth analysis of citizens’ and migrants’ discourses, representation and practices and of their reaction on social cohesion at a local level;
Year 2017
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58 Project

The social integration of the population of immigrant origin and refugee population in Spain. National survey

Principal investigator Antonio Juan Iglesias (Principal Investigator)
Year 2017
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59 Project

Migration and Transnational Social Protection in (post) crisis Europe

The negative employment and social developments across Europe since the start of the crisis, coupled with increased fiscal constraints and changing migration patterns, have led to increasing depictions of EU and third-country immigrants as ‘abusers’ of their social protection systems. Member States have accordingly sought reduce migrants’ ability to access social protection benefits, despite the fact that they are disproportionately at risk of poverty and social exclusion. This project looks at the different strategies that migrants have to access social protection within (post) crisis Europe and does so by explicitly integrating social policy and migration studies’ approaches on the phenomenon. More precisely, it aims to study transnational social protection, that we define as migrants’ cross-border strategies to cope with social risks in areas such as health, long-term care, pensions or unemployment that combine entitlements to host and home state-based public welfare policies and market-, family- and community-based practices. This study thus consists in, first, identifying the social protection policies and programs that home countries make accessible to their citizens abroad, and then compiling this information into an online database. We will then aggregate the results of the database into a Transnational Social Protection Index (TSPIx) in order to determine the overall level of engagement of each state with citizens abroad in a comparative way. Second, on the basis of the results of the index, we will select case studies of migrants from two EU and two non-EU countries that vary in their level of engagement in providing social protection to their citizens abroad. We will then undertake multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork to qualitatively assess the informal social protection strategies used by migrants and examine their interaction with formal host and home state social protection provision.
Year 2016
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60 Project

Quantitative analysis of micro data from the 2012 Regional Immigration Survey (Encuesta Regional de Inmigración –ERI)

Principal investigator Mercedes Fernández (Principal Investigator)
Year 2012
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61 Project

Quantitative analysis of data from the 1996/2003 census

Principal investigator Mercedes Fernández (Principal Investigator)
Year 2012
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62 Project

Quantitative analysis of micro data from the 2012 Regional Immigration Survey (Encuesta Regional de Inmigración –ERI)

Principal investigator Mercedes Fernández (Principal Investigator)
Year 2012
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63 Project

Working and analysis of the National Immigrants Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes / ENI): Migratory networks in Spain.

Principal investigator Mercedes Fernández (Principal Investigator)
Year 2009
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64 Project
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