Marriage and migration

Attitudes and behaviour related to marriage can be changed by the migration-related diversification of a society or the acculturation of migrants. Such changes could relate to decisions of who, when, why and how to marry.

Literature listed under this category includes studies on interethnic, interracial or interreligious marriage, marital assimilation, and partner choice among single immigrants. 

Showing page of 106 results, sorted by


Year 1985
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 4
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1 Journal Article


Authors A Bizman
Year 1987
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 5
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2 Journal Article

Social boundaries and marital assimilation: Interpreting trends in racial and ethnic intermarriage

Authors Zhenchao Qian, DT Lichter
Year 2007
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 295
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3 Journal Article

Transnationalism from Below: Evidence from Vietnam-Taiwan Cross-Border Marriages

Authors Daniele Belanger, Hong-Zen Wang
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 10
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4 Journal Article

The Economics and Persistence of Migrant Ethnicity (Study Group)

Principal investigator Klaus F. Zimmermann (Principal Investigator), Amelie F. Constant (Principal Investigator), Barry R. Chiswick (Principal Investigator)
This study group is part of an international research network consisting of researchers from sociology, political science, social and economic history and economics. Their work will contribute to the international social science literature on contemporary issues of migrant ethnicity around the world. Based on theoretical approaches from different disciplines and on micro data sets for Australia, Canada, Denmark and Germany interethnic marriage, citizenship and ethnic entrepreneurship will be studied and compared with earnings outcomes. From insights into the effects of ethnicity on the economic performance of individuals, ethnic clusters and the respective countries lessons will be drawn for migration policies and integration.
Year 2005
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5 Project

"Reverse Marriage Migration": A Case Study of Japanese Brides in Bali

Authors Mika Toyota, LL Thang
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 4
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6 Journal Article

Reversal of the Gender Order? Male Marriage Migration to Germany by North African and Turkish Men: Consequences for Family Life, Work, and the Socialization of the Next Generation

Principal investigator Ursula Apitzsch (Principal Investigator)
The planned study aims at the investigation of the phenomenon what is known as marriage migration (also called transnational marriage) to Germany by male Muslim migrants. By means of biographical narrative interviews with male migrants from North Africa and Turkey, the research project aims at dealing with the multidimensional and multifaceted character of male marriage migration to Germany. The subject male marriage migration can be approached from different perspectives and related aspects. In the frame of this research project, through a sampling which consists of married couples composed of a male migrant from one of the countries mentioned above and a female descendant of a migrant family with a residence permit in Germany, we want to consider this issue in all its complexity and implications regarding the debates on integration of the migrants, integration of male migrants into the labour market, gender relations and dynamics within the migrant family, and (un) chancing conceptions and visions of manhood in migration processes and the contestation/ negotiation of migrant masculinities. Regarding the studies of the last years it is noteworthy that all marriage migration studies are rather focussing on women as migrating subjects. Although it is noticed, too, that there are men as well migrating to their wives, there is no study focussing exclusively on migrating men in context of marriage. This fact may be - especially in Germany - an expression of the emotional public discussion concerning forced marriages. Nevertheless, the marriage migration of men is the desideratum of past and current marriage migration studies. This gap will be filled with the following research proposal. Our hypothesis is that women of the second or third generation of migrant families might be hoping for a realistic chance of founding a family and bringing up children through marrying a partner from the country of origin while they continue to work and remain the bread winners in the country of immigration and thus strengthen their autonomy (while their husbands are waiting for working permits and/or job opportunities and meanwhile have to take over care obligations within the family). In general, we want to show that male marriage migration can be seen both as "cause and the effect" of changing gender orders.
Year 2012
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7 Project

Marriage Migration and Integration

Authors Katharine Charsley, Marta Bolognani, Evelyn Ersanilli, ...
Year 2020
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8 Book

Marriage Migration in Asia: An Introduction

Authors Gavin W. Jones
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 7
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9 Journal Article

Intercultural marriage: Promises and pitfalls

Authors Erika Vora
Year 1990
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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10 Journal Article

Partnerschaftsbildung im Kontext von Migration: Determinanten und Konsequenzen

Principal investigator Irena Kogan (Principal Investigator)
Das Projekt untersucht den Prozess der Partnerschaftsbildung von neu angekommenen (männlichen) Einwanderern im Kontext ungleicher Geschlechterverteilung und ausgeprägter kultureller und sozialer Distanz der Neuankömmlinge zur autochthonen Mehrheitsbevölkerung der Gastländer. Dabei bezieht es beide Perspektiven ein, d. h. es wird das Zusammenspiel zwischen (subjektiven) Einstellungen in der Mehrheitsbevölkerung der Aufnahmegesellschaft und den individuellen Präferenzen und Einschränkungen der Einwanderer untersucht. Da transnationale Ehen bei Zuwanderern, insbesondere Muslimen, häufig vorkommen, ist diese Art der Partnerwahl für das Projekt von besonderem Interesse. Auf Basis vorhandener Daten zu früheren Migrantenkohorten sollen die Integrationsaussichten von Zuwanderern, ihren Partnern und deren Nachkommen in transnationalen, intraethnischen und interethnischen Ehen in der strukturellen, sozialen und kulturellen Dimension verglichen werden.
Year 2018
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11 Project


Year 2017
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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13 Journal Article


Authors F NITTA
Year 1988
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 9
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14 Journal Article

Philippine women on the move: Marriage across borders

Authors Andrea Lauser
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 31
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15 Journal Article

Migration, culture conflict and psychological well-being among Turkish-British married couples

Authors Z Baltas, A Steptoe
Year 2000
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
Citations (WoS) 12
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16 Journal Article

A proper wife, a proper marriage: Constructions of ‘us’ and ‘them’ in Dutch family migration policy

Authors Saskia Bonjour, Betty de Hart
Year 2013
Journal Name European Journal of Women's Studies
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17 Journal Article

Overview of Trends and Policies on International Migration to East Asia: Comparing Japan, Taiwan and South Korea

Authors Yean-Ju Lee
Year 2011
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 5
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18 Journal Article


Year 1988
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 8
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19 Journal Article

Procesy inkluzji migrantów a więzi i sieci społeczne wśród małżeństw mieszanych

Year 2014
Journal Name Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica
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20 Journal Article

Las uniones mixtas y sus descendientes en España: evolución y consideraciones sobre la mixticidad

Authors Dan Rodríguez-García, Verónica de Miguel Luken, Miguel Solana-Solana
Year 2021
Book Title Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2020
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21 Book Chapter


Year 2017
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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22 Journal Article

New roles for marriage in urban Africa: Kinship networks and the labor market in Kenya

Authors N Luke, K Munshi
Year 2006
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 25
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23 Journal Article

Intermarriage and Integration Revisited: International Experiences and Cross-Disciplinary Approaches

Authors Dan Rodríguez-García
Year 2015
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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24 Journal Article

Employment and Life Satisfaction among Female Marriage Migrants in South Korea

Authors Hye-Kyung Lee
Year 2013
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 2
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25 Journal Article

Tongan immigrants in Japan

Authors Raelyn Lolohea Esau
Year 2007
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 1
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26 Journal Article

Dynamics of Mixedness among Roma Populations in Catalonia, Spain: Interethnic Relations, Acculturation and Processes of social Inclusion and Exclusion

Principal investigator Dan Rodríguez-García (Principal Investigator)
One of the current challenges faced by European societies is understanding and managing increased cultural diversity and complex intercultural dynamics. Within this context, mixedness (i.e., mixed couples and individuals across ethnocultural boundaries) constitutes one of the most important tests for revealing the societal structure and intergroup relations. A significant amount of information is now available on immigrant / native mixing. However, we know very little about processes of mixedness involving national ethnic minorities, particularly in the case of the Roma, (Rrom or Romani) population, the most numerous ethnic minority in Spain and Europe. The Roma population has been completely overlooked in all the studies on interculturalism, which contributes to this group’s invisibility within discussions on diversity. This four-year multi-method and participatory project aims to contribute to fill this gap, by studying dynamics of mixedness among the Roma population of Spain. Specifically, we explore attitudes towards inter-ethnic mixing; individual and family negotiations; acculturation processes; multiethnic identity processes; multicultural capital; experiences of discrimination and also strategies of resistance and reappropriation. Particular attention is given to gender, employing an intersectional and dialogical feminism perspective that is also informed by Romani feminism. The project includes a plan of knowledge transfer activities done in collaboration with policy-makers, frontline community workers and civic associations, to increase its social impact and transformative potential. The ultimate goal of the project is to encourage values of interculturalism and to promote diverse and inclusive societies.
Year 2021
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27 Project

Employment and Poverty Status of Female Marriage Immigrants in South Korea

Authors Hansung Kim, Sun Young Lee, In Hee Choi
Year 2014
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 5
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28 Journal Article

Japanese Women Migrants in Australia: Situating the Self between Ethnicity and Femininity

Authors Takeshi Hamano
Year 2014
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 3
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29 Journal Article

Immigration Trends and Policy Changes in Taiwan

Authors Hong-Zen Wang
Year 2011
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 7
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30 Journal Article

Circuitous Pathways: Marriage as a Route toward (Il)legality for Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia

Authors Chee Heng Leng, BSA Yeoh, Rashidah Shuib
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 1
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31 Journal Article

Migration, Marriage and Modernity: Motives, Impacts and Negotiations of Rural-Urban Circulation amongst Young Women in Northern Ghana

Authors Christian Ungruhe
Year 2014
Book Title paces in Movement. New Perspectives on Migration in African Settings
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32 Book Chapter

Constructing Scales and Renegotiating Identities: Women Marriage Migrants in South Korea

Authors Hyunjoo Jung
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 3
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33 Journal Article

Intermarriage and assimilation: Disparities in levels of exogamy among immigrants in France

Authors Mirna Safi
Year 2008
Journal Name Population
Citations (WoS) 22
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34 Journal Article

The Fertility Impact of Rural-to-Urban Migration in China

Authors Timothy Werwath
Year 2011
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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35 Journal Article

Mother tongue maintenance among North American ethnic groups

Authors RW Schrauf
Year 1999
Journal Name Cross-Cultural Research
Citations (WoS) 16
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36 Journal Article

Migration, Motherhood, Marriage: Cross-Cultural Adaptation of North American Immigrant Mothers in Israel

Authors Laura I. Sigad, Rivka A. Eisikovits
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
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37 Journal Article

The Politics, Subjectivities and Connectivities of Transnational Migration in East Asia

Authors S Huang, Sang Kook Lee, Mike Hayes
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 2
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38 Journal Article

Foreigners Cometh! Paths to Multiculturalism in Japan, Korea and Taiwan

Authors Hyuk-Rae Kim, Ingyu Oh
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 7
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39 Journal Article

The multistate life table method: An application to contraceptive switching behavior

Authors Tzy-Mey Kuo, C. M. Suchindran, Helen P. Koo
Year 2008
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 4
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40 Journal Article

International migration and gender in Latin America: A comparative analysis

Authors DS Massey, MJ Fischer, C Capoferro
Year 2006
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 51
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41 Journal Article

The urban surplus of women in preindustrial France and the role of domestic service

Authors A Fauve-Chamoux
Year 1998
Journal Name Population
Citations (WoS) 9
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42 Journal Article

Cultural politics and masculinities: Multiple-partners in historical perspective in KwaZulu-Natal

Authors M Hunter
Year 2005
Journal Name Culture, Health & Sexuality
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43 Journal Article

Married to the military: Filipinas negotiating transnational families

Authors Sallie Yea
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 9
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44 Journal Article

The demography of the Arab world and the Middle East from the 1950s to the 2000s. A survey of changes and a statistical assessment

Authors D Tabutin, B Schoumaker
Year 2005
Journal Name Population
Citations (WoS) 46
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45 Journal Article

The effect of partners' ethnicity on the health of Filipinas in Australia

Authors Margaret Kelaher, Lenore Manderson, GM Williams
Year 2001
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 9
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46 Journal Article

Suriyeli Mülteci Kadınların Kuma Dramı: Kilis İli Örneği

Authors Feride Vural, İpek Agçadağ Çelik
Year 2018
Journal Name OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi
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47 Journal Article

The class route to nationhood: China, Vietnam, Norway, Cyprus - and France

Authors Stein Tonnesson
Year 2009
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
Citations (WoS) 4
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49 Journal Article

Masculinities and Displacement in the Middle East: Syrian Refugees in Egypt

Authors Aminath Nisha Zadhy-Çepoğlu
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Middle East Women's Studies
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50 Journal Article

Buket Alakuş, Integration Film Director in German-Turkish Cinema

Authors Rahime Özgün Kehya
Year 2023
Journal Name Diyalog Interkulturelle Zeitschrift Für Germanistik
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51 Journal Article

Onward Migration and Multi-Sited Transnationalism

Authors Jill Ahrens, Russell King
Year 2023
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52 Book

Transgender Kathoey and gay men using tourist-zone scenes as 'social opportunities' for nonheteronormative living in Thailand

Authors Paul Statham, Sarah Scuzzarello
Year 2023
Journal Name Gender, Place & Culture
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53 Journal Article

Moral lines of credit: Forging race projects, citizenship, and nation on online U.S. spousal reunification forums

Authors Gina Marie Longo
Year 2022
Journal Name Migration Politics
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54 Journal Article

The Persistence of Racial Constructs in Spain: Bringing Race and Colorblindness into the Debate on Interculturalism

Authors Dan Rodríguez-García
Year 2022
Journal Name Social Sciences
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56 Journal Article

Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration

Authors Emma Carmel, Katharina Lenner, Regine Paul
Year 2021
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58 Book

Forbidden Love: Controlling Partnerships Across Ethnoracial Boundaries

Authors Dan Rodríguez-García
Year 2021
Book Title International Handbook of Love: Transcultural and Transdisciplinary Perspectives
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59 Book Chapter

Migration, mobility and the dynamics of kinship: New barriers, new assemblages

Authors Apostolos Andrikopoulos, Jan Willem Duyvendak
Year 2020
Journal Name Ethnography
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60 Journal Article

Localizing masculinities in the global care chains: experiences of migrant men in Spain and Ecuador

Authors Cristen Davalos
Year 2020
Journal Name Gender, Place & Culture
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61 Journal Article

Migrant parents in Italy: gendered narratives on work/family balance

Authors Arianna Santero, Manuela Naldini
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Family Studies
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62 Journal Article

What’s Driving Migrant Russian Physicians to Stay Permanently in Finland? A Life-Course Approach

Authors Driss Habti
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Finnish Studies
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63 Journal Article

Work-family conflict: comparing the experiences of Turkish and native Belgian women

Authors Sinem Yilmaz, Bart Van de Putte, Peter A. J. Stevens
Year 2019
Journal Name Community, Work & Family
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64 Journal Article

Immigrant England, 1300-1550

Authors Bart Lambert, W. Mark Ormrod, Jonathan Mackman
Year 2019
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65 Book

The Paradox of Choice: Partner Choices among Highly Educated Turkish Belgian Women

Authors Sinem Yilmaz, Bart Van de Putte, Peter Stevens
Year 2019
Journal Name DiGeSt. Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies
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66 Journal Article

Caste and Cross-region Marriages in Haryana, India: Experience of Dalit cross-region brides in Jat households

Year 2018
Journal Name Modern Asian Studies
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69 Journal Article

Territoires et Origines 2

Principal investigator Cris Beauchemin (co-Principal Investigator), Patrick Simon (co-Principal Investigator), Mathieu Ichou (co-Principal Investigator)
L’enquête « Trajectoires et Origines 2 » (TeO2) est une enquête statistique réalisée conjointement par l’Ined et l’Insee. C’est la deuxième édition d’une enquête effectuée en 2008-2009 qui a permis d’établir des statistiques nationales sur la diversité des populations en France métropolitaine et d’étudier comment les origines migratoires influencent le devenir des personnes. L’enquête TeO2 cherche à mesurer l’impact des origines sur l’accès aux principaux biens qui définissent la place de chacun·e dans la société : le logement, l’éducation, la maîtrise de la langue, l’emploi, les services publics et prestations sociales, la santé, les relations sociales et familiales, la nationalité, la citoyenneté, etc. Pour cela, il est indispensable d’étudier les liens entre les origines et d’autres facteurs de différenciation dans la société française, notamment le milieu social, le genre, l’âge, le niveau d’instruction, le revenu et le quartier. Le questionnaire de l’enquête TeO2, administré auprès de 26 500 répondant·e·s de juillet 2019 à octobre 2020, a pour objectif d’étudier les conditions de vie et les trajectoires des individus. L’ensemble de la population résidant en France métropolitaine est concernée. Depuis la première enquête « Trajectoires et Origines » en 2008-2009, les questions d’intégration et de discriminations au sein d’une population de plus en plus diversifiée n’ont pas perdu de leur acuité dans les débats publics. Dans un contexte social qui a évolué depuis 2008, la demande pour la réalisation d’une nouvelle édition de l’enquête, TeO2, a été forte. L’un de ses objectifs essentiel est de mettre à jour les données produites 10 ans auparavant. En 2010, le rapport du Comité pour la mesure de la diversité et l’évaluation des discriminations (COMEDD) recommandait la réalisation d’une enquête, renouvelée périodiquement, dédiée à l’étude des discriminations et des inégalités (recommandation R22). Par ailleurs, le groupe de travail du Conseil national de l’information statistique (Cnis) sur la rénovation du questionnaire du recensement recommandait des enquêtes associées pour traiter de sujets comme celui des discriminations, plutôt que d’ajouter des questions sur la nationalité ou le pays de naissance des parents dans le bulletin individuel du recensement. Le souhait de renouveler l’enquête TeO a été exprimé lors de la réunion de la commission « démographie et questions sociales » du Cnis d’octobre 2015, ainsi que par le Défenseur des droits lors de la conférence de presse de présentation des résultats de l’enquête de 2008-2009, le 8 janvier 2016 à l’Ined. L’enquête TeO2 a, par ailleurs, été inscrite dans le Plan national de lutte contre le racisme et l’antisémitisme (2018-2020), élaboré par la DILCRAH (Délégation interministérielle à la lutte contre le racisme, l’antisémitisme et la haine anti-LGBT). L’enquête « Trajectoires et Origines 2 » reprend les principaux objectifs de la première édition réalisée en 2008-2009. Elle s’intéresse à l’articulation entre les origines, qu’elles soient géographiques, nationales ou culturelles, et les autres catégories de distinction dans la société : le genre, la classe sociale, l’âge, le quartier, la religion, etc. Elle entend ainsi analyser les processus d’intégration, de discrimination et de construction identitaire au sein de la population résidant en France métropolitaine. L’étude des évolutions intergénérationnelles de ces processus (entre les immigré·e·s, leurs enfants et petits-enfants) est au cœur de l’enquête TeO2. Un des enjeux essentiels de cette nouvelle enquête est de mettre à jour les données produites en 2008-2009, avec un recul d’une dizaine d’années. Aussi le principe de continuité avec TeO1 a-t-il prévalu dans les choix de conception de l’enquête, qu’il s’agisse des personnes interrogées ou des questions posées.
Year 2018
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70 Project

English title not available, Finnish title: Siirtolaisuus ja verkostoanalyysi: Uusia tutkimusmenetelmiä siirtolaisuuden ja yhteiskunnallisen muutoksen tutkimukseen (HUMANA). (311 700 €)

Principal investigator Rani-Henrik Andersson ()
Summary in English not available, Summary in Finnish: Hankkeen julkinen kuvaus: Ihmisten liikkuvuuden ymmärtäminen on ajassamme ensiarvoisen tärkeää. Ilman siirtolaisuuden tutkimusta on mahdotonta ymmärtää menneisyyttä tai nykyisyyttä. 2000-luvun globaalissa ja verkottuneessa maailmassa se on entistäkin tärkeämpää. Liikkuessaan paikasta toiseen ihmiset tuovat mukanaan ajatuksia, uskomuksia ja arvoja, jotka vaikuttavat heidän uusiin yhteisöihinsä. Samalla pois muuttavat ihmiset jättävät jonkinlaisen tyhjiön entisiin yhteisöihinsä. Muuttoliikettä on tutkittu käyttäen perinteisiä historian, sosiologian, antropologian ja tilastotieteen menetelmiä. Nämä tutkimukset ovat rikastaneet omia tutkimusalojaan ja muita aloja, kuten taloustiedettä ja politiikantutkimusta. Tutkimusryhmämme HUMANA uskoo, että verkostoanalyysi voi tuoda paljon lisää ymmärrystä siihen, miten tutkimme, tulkitsemme ja ymmärrämme siirtolaisuutta. Projektimme tutkii suomalaista siirtolaisuutta 1900-luvun alun Yhdysvaltoihin. Aineisto koostuu aidosta väestölaskentamateriaalista ja kirkonkirjoista sekä lähtö- että kohdemaassa, mikä auttaa meitä luomaan paikoista sekä poliittisista, koulutuksellisista, uskonnollisista ja perhesuhteista verkostomallin, joka tarjoaa yksityiskohtaista, todellista tietoa useasta sukupolvesta. Samalla kehitämme menetelmää luomalla käytäntöjä ja työkaluja verkostoanalyysin tuomiseksi laajempaan humanistiseen käyttöön tutkijoille, joilla ei ole ohjelmointitaitoja. HUMANA kehittää menetelmää, jolla siirtolaisuutta ja sen aiheuttamia yhteiskunnallisia muutoksia voidaan tutkia mullistavalla tavalla. Toisin kuin perinteinen historiantutkimus, HUMANA luo dynaamista verkostoanalyysia ja historiallisia aineistoja yhdistämällä mallin todellisesta siirtolaisyhteisöstä ja sen sisäisistä suhteista ja dynamiikasta. Tällaista ei ole koskaan aiemmin tehty. Kehitämme ”työkaluja”, joilla menetelmä saadaan tutkijoiden ulottuville, vaikka he eivät osaisi ohjelmoida. Työryhmän jäsenet Kuukausiapurahan saajat: Kekki Saara, N N Muut työryhmän jäsenet: Flavin Francis
Year 2018
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73 Project


Year 2017
Journal Name Komitet Badań nad Migracjami PAN
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74 Journal Article

Mixed relationships and marriages in the context of migration and multiculturalism

Year 2017
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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75 Journal Article


Year 2017
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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76 Journal Article

International Marriages and Marital Citizenship Southeast Asian Women on the Move

Authors Anne J. Kershen, Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot, Gwénola Ricordeau
Year 2017
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77 Book

Special Issue: Gender, Development and Resistance in South Asia

Authors Tiina Seppälä
Year 2016
Journal Name Refugee Watch: A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration
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78 Journal Article

Intergenerational Consequences of Migration

Authors Ayse Guveli, Harry B. G. Ganzeboom, Lucinda Platt, ...
Year 2016
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79 Book

Contesting the Nexus between Intermarriage and Integration: Findings from a Multi-dimensional Study in Spain

Authors Dan Rodríguez-García, Miranda Lubbers, Veronica de Miguel-Luken, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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81 Journal Article

Evaluation of the Relational Integration of Immigrants in Mixed Unions Based on an Analysis of Their Personal Networks

Authors Veronica de Miguel Luken, Miranda J. Lubbers, Miguel Solana Solana, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas
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82 Journal Article

Friendly Foreigners: International Warfare, Resident Aliens and the Early History of Denization in England, c.1250-c.1400

Authors Bart Lambert, W. M. Ormrod
Year 2015
Journal Name English Historical Review
Citations (WoS) 6
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83 Journal Article

Introduction. Family Migration as an Integration Issue? Policy Perspectives and Academic Insights .

Authors Saskia Bonjour, Albert Kraler
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Family Issues
Citations (WoS) 21
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85 Journal Article

The Mash of Cultures: Integration and Mixedness

Authors Dan Rodríguez-García
Year 2015
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
86 Policy Brief

En torno al parentesco transnacional: contextualización y consideraciones teórico-metodológicas

Authors Dan Rodríguez García
Year 2014
Journal Name AIBR, Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana
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88 Journal Article

Bordering ‘fake’ Marriages? The Everyday Practices of Control at the Consulates of Belgium, France, and Italy in Casablanca

Authors Federica Infantino
Year 2014
Journal Name Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa
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89 Journal Article

Considérations théoricométhodologiques autour de la mixité

Authors Dan Rodríguez-García
Year 2013
Journal Name Enfances, Familles, Générations
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90 Journal Article

Percepciones sobre uso de condón e ITS/VIH: migrantes y no-migrantes de México a EE. UU.*

Authors Itzel Eguiluz, Pilar Torres-Pereda, Betania Allen-Leigh
Year 2013
Journal Name Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud
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91 Journal Article

Introduction: Managing Immigration and Diversity in the New Age of Migration: A Transatlantic Dialogue

Authors Dan Rodríguez-García
Year 2012
Book Title Managing Immigration and Diversity in Canada: A Transatlantic Dialogue in the New Age of Migration
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94 Book Chapter

Inmigración internacional y familia en España: Trayectorias de pareja en perspectiva transnacional

Principal investigator Albert Esteve Palós (Principal Investigator)
Year 2012
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97 Project

Inmigración internacional y familia en España: Trayectorias de pareja en perspectiva transnacional

Principal investigator Albert Esteve Palós (Principal Investigator)
Year 2012
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98 Project

Problematisation and particularisation: the Bertha Hertogh story

Authors Marlou Schrover
Year 2011
Journal Name tijdschrift voor sociale en economische geschiedenis
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99 Journal Article

Nouvelles migrations, Mondialisation et co-développement en Tunisie

Principal investigator Swanie Potot (co-Principal Investigator), Hassan Boubakri (co-Principal Investigator)
L’objectif du programme est de revenir sur le présupposé courant en Europe selon lequel les migrations intra-européennes s’inscriraient dans une circulation accrue à travers l’Europe tandis que les migrations dites encore ” post-coloniales “ seraient principalement bipolaires, reposant sur des liens historiques et inscrites dans le temps long. Partant du postulat selon lequel cette représentation est due à un biais temporel, nous proposons d’interroger la nature des migrations actuelles au départ du Maghreb, en particulier de la Tunisie, et leurs conséquences sur le tissu social dont elles sont issues. Ce phénomène est analysé dans le cadre des mutations sociales et politiques qui ordonnent et contraignent ces flux. Coté Nord, la création de l’espace Schengen incite les migrants à se positionner sur un marché de l’emploi plus vaste. Les parcours migratoires et les réseaux sociaux mobilisés sont en ce sens des objets de recherche privilégiés. Coté Sud, en Tunisie les révoltes qui ont conduit au départ du dictateur et la transition politique qui s’en suit dessine un nouvel horizon socio-politique, dont les départs clandestins ne sont qu’un aspect. Dans ce contexte en mutation, nous étudions l’implication des migrants dans le développement local de leur pays d’origine. D’autre part, face au problème démographique et à la mondialisation de l’économie, la plupart des pays ouest-européens se tournent aujourd’hui vers une reprise de l’immigration temporaire de travail supposée servir également le co-développement au Sud. Dans cet esprit, des accords internationaux de gestion des migrations ont été signés; il nous appartiendra d’étudier leur mise en oeuvre et leurs conséquences pour le pays d’origine. A partir de plusieurs régions d’enquête (le Sud-Est ; le Nord-Ouest et le Sahel tunisien), nous voulons mettre au jour les différents modèles migratoires que connaît actuellement ce pays (migrations pendulaires, informelles, sur contrats, par mariage, etc). On interroge le lien entre ces différentes formes migratoires et le développement local. Au-delà de la seule question économique, on analyse les causes et les effets de ces mouvements sur les unités sociales concernées, portant une attention particulière aux questions de reconnaissance sociale, aux rapports de pouvoirs, aux relations de genre et aux processus d’identification.
Year 2010
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100 Project
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