Economic and business conditions

Economic and business conditions refer to migration driven by general short to medium-term fluctuations in gross domestic product induced by economic growth, business cycles, and recessions. They exclude other macroeconomic conditions, such as the levels of unemployment levels and GDP, which are captured by other migration drivers.

Studies listed under this migration driver refer to GDP growth, the business cycle, economic and financial crises and recoveries, and recessions. They exclude labour market opportunities as a consequence of GDP growth, which are listed under ‘labour markets & employment situation’. They further exclude GDP and GDP per capita, which are listed under ‘urban or rural development and living standards’.

Showing page of 695 results, sorted by

Refugee crisis in Europe: determinants of asylum seeking in European countries from 2008-2014

Authors Yoo-Duk Kang
Year 2020
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1 Journal Article


Year 2008
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
Citations (WoS) 9
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2 Journal Article

Push/Pull in Recent Mexican Migration to the U.S.

Authors J. Craig Jenkins
Year 1977
Journal Name International Migration Review
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3 Journal Article

International economic assistance and migration : the case of Sub-Saharan countries

Authors Filippo BELLOC
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration
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4 Journal Article

New Zealand's Changing Attitudes towards Asian Immigration, 1999–2004

Authors Liangni Liu
Year 2005
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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5 Journal Article

What is a ‘person’ like you doing in a ‘place’ like that? Reflections on the business school migration from economic geography

Authors Andrew Cumbers
Year 2018
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
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6 Journal Article

The determinants of internal mobility in Italy, 1995-2006

Authors Giuseppe Ricciardo Lamonica, B Zagaglia, Giuseppe Ricciardo Lamonica, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Demographic Research
Citations (WoS) 8
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7 Journal Article

The Socio-economic Contribution of African Migrants to their Home and Host Countries: The Case of Ghanaian Residents in Flanders, Belgium

Authors Emmanuel Boon, Albert Ahenkan
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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8 Journal Article

Is the push-pull paradigm useful to explain rural-urban migration? A case study in Uttarakhand, India

Authors Ellen M. Hoffmann, Verena Konerding, Sunil Nautiyal, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 1
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9 Journal Article

Irregular Migration: Incentives and Institutional and Social Enforcement

Authors Alessandra VENTURINI
National and international migration laws determine the legal or illegal status of a migrant. For any given legislation the number of illegal migrants depends on the social-political and economic conditions of the sending countries and on the organizations which favour frontier transit, but also on push-pull forces in the host countries.
Year 2009
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10 Report

Impact of Economic Labour Migration: A Qualitative Exploration of Left-Behind Family Member Perspectives in Sri Lanka

Authors Chesmal Siriwardhana, Tine Van Bortel, Kolitha Wickramage, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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11 Journal Article

Buying Citizenship? Chinese Golden Visa Migrants in Portugal

Authors Sofia Gaspar, Fernando Ampudia de Haro, Fernando Ampudia de Haro
Year 2020
Journal Name International Migration
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13 Journal Article

Understanding the Consequences of Migration for Asset Accumulation: A Multi-Site and Intergenerational Perspective

Authors Şebnem Eroğlu
Year 2020
Journal Name International Migration Review
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14 Journal Article

Immigrant Entrepreneurship and the Opportunity Structure of the International Education Industry in Vancouver and Toronto

Authors Min-Jung Kwak
Year 2013
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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15 Journal Article

Migration Motives of University Students: An Empirical Research

Authors Djula Borozan, Ivana Barkovic Bojanic
Year 2015
Journal Name International Migration
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16 Journal Article

Immigrant Entrepreneurship and the Opportunity Structure of the International Education Industry in Vancouver and Toronto

Authors Min-Jung Kwak
Year 2013
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 1
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17 Journal Article

Educational Selectivity of Out-migration in Canada: 1976-1981 to 1996-2001

Authors Bali Ram, Y. E. Shin
Year 2007
Journal Name Canadian Studies in Population
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18 Journal Article

The Future of Immigrant Incorporation: Which Models? Which Concepts?

Authors Barbara Schmitter Heisler
Year 1992
Journal Name International Migration Review
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19 Journal Article

The Future of Immigrant Incorporation: Which Models? Which Concepts?

Authors Barbara Schmitter Heisler, BS Heisler
Year 1992
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 24
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20 Journal Article


Authors Roberto Acosta Povea, Angel Orlando Bravo Bravo, Vladimir Alexander Guerrero Cortez
Year 2018
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21 Journal Article

The emerging migration state

Authors JF Hollifield
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration Review
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23 Journal Article

Mexican mass labor migration in a not-so changing political economy

Authors Armando Ibarra, Alfredo Carlos
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 1
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24 Journal Article

Work in the kebab economy

Authors Östen Wahlbeck, Osten Wahlbeck
Year 2007
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 28
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26 Journal Article

An Evolution of the Migration of Taiwanese Female Basketball Players: From the 'American Dream' to the 'Chinese Dream'

Authors Ren-Shiang Jiang, Ping-Chao Lee
Year 2016
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27 Journal Article


Authors ES VIZI
Year 1993
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28 Journal Article

Skilled German Migrants and Their Motives for Migration Within Europe

Authors Roland Verwiebe, Steffen Mau, Nana Seidel, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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29 Journal Article

A novel Holistic Automated Analytics System for IT infrastructure management that proactively identifies and prevent IT operational threats.

A typical Data Centre is comprised of multiple hardware and software components from different manufacturers, each with their own management tools, silo dashboard and limited sharing capabilities of business operations control data. This problem seems to get worse as IT-based companies are moving towards dynamic and complex virtualized and cloud environments. Moreover, when working on system´s safety, disrupting even one element of this fragile infrastructure runs the risk of affecting other systems, causing serious damage to the business. The average reported incident length is of 86 minutes, resulting in an average cost per incident of about $690,200. CorreAssess™ is an innovative game-changing Data Center Optimization Management system for business IT leaders that empowers companies with a complete visibility and control on all their IT infrastructure, through accurate detailed analytics insights delivered on a daily basis. It helps to generate valuable information for wise usage of IT infrastructure investments, resource allocation efficiency, IT alignment to defined SLAs, compliance, service availability, data recovery risks and easier cloud migration, alerting in advance before threats impact the company business. With CorreAssess™ companies will be able to reduce up to 25% the infrastructure investment costs and prevent risks of business failure by improving business continuity up to 80%. So far, €2M million have been raised and invested into the development and testing of the system to ensure its robustness and efficiency and move into the next stages of commercialisation. Within the overall project, we intend to finalise systems engineering and conduct a wide pilot trial within Europe. Current IP portfolio will be expanded to EU. The proposed work in Phase 1 of the SME instrument fits into our overall plan to reach the market by contributing the financial resources needed to plan a fast sound wider deployment of CorreAssess™ and its market uptake.
Year 2017
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30 Project

Migration from Jamaica in the 1970s: Political Protest or Economic Pull?

Authors Dereck W. Cooper
Year 1985
Journal Name International Migration Review
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31 Journal Article

Circular migration of the population of the Republic of Moldova

Authors Valeriu MOSNEAGA
The specific nature of Moldovan circular migration to the CIS and EU is determined by two criteria: vector (direction) of migration and nature of employment in destination countries. According to the results of public opinion poll, mainly people from the villages participate in circular migration to the CIS; heads of households, men with secondary or vocational education. For them labor migration abroad is a secondary form of employment, and it is seasonal. Circular migrants to the other countries are predominantly women, and a great share of them have higher education. There are significant differences which determine circular nature of migration, especially in the impact of push and pull factors. Labor migration to the CIS countries is determined to a greater extent by the migrants' and their households' need to survive, while migration to the EU countries is conditioned by the greater living (functioning) opportunities for migrants and their families. Visa regime, high travel expenses have a significant impact on the nature of circular migration to the EU. It explains greater length of trips. Work trip to the CIS (mainly to Russia) usually lasts around 7 months, while in the EU it's twice longer, 15 months. Quite often it stimulates non-return migration. In the conditions of modern financial and economic crisis of 2008-2010 circular migration acquired several new features. These include delayed nature of migration, greater comparable choice possibilities in terms of destination countries and countries of origin, uncertainty and mass multiple choices of its implementation.
Year 2012
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32 Report

Determining labour shortages and the need for labour migration from third countries in the EU -Luxembourg

Authors Adolfo Sommarribas, Fabienne Becker, Birte Nienaber
Since almost 150 years, Luxembourg depends on two kinds of migration, qualified and non-qualified, in order to deal with the workforce needs of its economy. Compared to the other EU Member States, Luxembourg is the country with the largest proportion of foreigners; however, this foreign population is mainly composed of EU citizens. Due to its size and geographic position, Luxembourg was able to have access to a very particular form of economic migration: cross-border workers. Globalisation has also played a decisive role in the development of economic migration for the Luxembourgish labour market. The financial centre was obliged to become highly specialised in order to remain competitive in regards to other financial centres and to maintain its volume of business. In order to maintain its competitive advantage, Luxembourg needs highly skilled personnel, which the country has found, up until now, within the Greater Region. This reality is even more pronounced with regards to the labour market: the number of actives (salaried and non-salaried) on 31 March 2014 shows that Luxembourgish nationals represented only 31%, EU citizens 65% and third-country nationals only 4%. Cross-border workers from Belgium, France and Germany represented 42% of the workforce and the resident migrant population (EU citizens and third-country nationals) 28%. Cross-border workers, which consist of skilled and highly skilled labour are substantially attracted for two reasons: 1) more competitive salaries on the Luxemburgish labour market ; and 2) a geographical location which allows the commuting of cross-border workers. The attitude of the successive governments was to adapt immigration to the economic needs of the country. The government policy intends to focus on attracting highly added value activities focussed on new technologies (biomedicine and information as well as communication technologies – focusing on IT security), logistics and research. However, being one of the smallest countries in the European Union, Luxembourg has limited human resources to guarantee the growth not only of the financial sector but also of the new technologies sectors. The government introduced the highly qualified worker residence permit in the bill on free movement of persons and immigration approved by law of 29 August 2008 almost a year before of the enactment of the Blue Card Directive to facilitate the entry of third-country national highly qualified workers. However, this reform was isolated and incomplete and took place without making a real evaluation of the workforce demand of the different sectors of the economy. Even though until now Luxembourg has been relying on the workforce from the Greater Region, for some socio-economic and political stakeholders, highly qualified workforces began to become scarce in the Greater region. In addition to the cross-border workers, the lifting of restrictions to access all the sectors of the labour market for citizens of the new Member States (EU-8) can be considered as a mitigating factor for the need to make an evaluation of the workforce demand, because the high salaries paid in Luxembourg became a real pull factor for the highly qualified workers. As a consequence, the political authorities did not foresee a systematic plan on how to address labour shortages in specific sectors of the economy, because there has not been a significant need for doing so.
Year 2015
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33 Report

Motives of labour migrations of foreign elite athletes to Polish table tennis clubs

Year 2021
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34 Journal Article

Brain drain: Do economic conditions "push" doctors out of developing countries?

Authors Edward N. Okeke
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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35 Journal Article


Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Business Economics and Management
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36 Journal Article

Immigration and economic resilience in the Great Recession

Authors Xi Huang
Year 2020
Journal Name Urban Studies
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37 Journal Article

La migration des personnes hautement qualifiées depuis et vers le Sénégal : historicité, actualité et perspectives

Authors Serigne Mansour TALL, Aly TANDIAN
Au cours des dernières années, la composition des flux migratoires depuis et vers le Sénégal a connu de profondes évolutions, notamment en raison de la présence croissante de migrants hautement qualifiés. La crise économique, sociale, politique, etc. et la faillite des services sociaux consécutive aux programmes d’ajustement structurel ont considérablement alimenté ce phénomène. L’émigration des Sénégalais hautement qualifiés s’explique en partie par la recherche de meilleures conditions de travail et de salaires plus élevés. Parallèlement, la profonde instabilité politique de la région a précipité l’arrivée massive au Sénégal de migrants hautement qualifiés originaires d’autres pays africains. Ainsi, au Sénégal comme dans les autres pays de départ, la migration hautement qualifiée s’est accentuée - en dépit des efforts mobilisés par les politiques - et concerne désormais tous les secteurs professionnels (santé, enseignement, etc.). In the last years, migratory flows to and from Senegal have taken on new forms . In particular, the migration of highly-skilled individuals has become significant, in the wake of profound political and economic crises and particularly following on from the collapse of the country’s social services provoked by extensive structural adjustment programs. The departure of highly-skilled Senegalese nationals is largely due to economic push and pull factors. But chronic political instability in the region has also brought into Senegal substantial numbers of highly-skilled workers from other African countries. Consequently, highly-skilled migration is on the rise in Senegal as well as in other sending countries and, despite various policy initiatives, it is to be found along the whole spectrum of professional activities (health, teaching, etc.).
Year 2010
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38 Report

Cyclone Aila, livelihood stress, and migration: empirical evidence from coastal Bangladesh

Authors Sebak Kumar Saha
Year 2017
Journal Name Disasters
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41 Journal Article

Japanese-Brazilians and the Future of Brazilian Migration to Japan

Authors DJ McKenzie, Alejandrina Salcedo
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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42 Journal Article

'Going to the West Is My Last Chance to Get a Normal Life': Bulgarian Would-Be Migrants' Imaginings of Life in the UK

Authors Polina Manolova
Year 2019
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43 Journal Article

Professional Nigerian Women, Household Economy, and Immigration Decisions

Authors Rachel R. Reynolds
Year 2006
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 10
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44 Journal Article

Searching for Stability: Onward Migration and Pathways of Precarious Incorporation in and Out of Spain

Authors Cristina Ramos
Year 2020
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45 Journal Article

America's first 'refugee' crisis': the repatriation of stranded Americans from Europe at the outbreak of the First World War

Authors Torsten Feys, Per Kristian Sebak
Year 2018
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46 Journal Article

The crime drop in comparative perspective: the impact of the economy and imprisonment on American and European burglary rates

Authors Richard Rosenfeld, Steven Messner, Steven F. Messner
Year 2009
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 49
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47 Journal Article

The Impacts of the Current Financial and Economic Crisis on Migration in the Spain-Morocco Corridor

Authors Joaquín ARANGO, Fernando GONZÁLEZ QUIÑONES
Abstract In 2009, it seems clear that the period of relatively rapid and sustained increase of international migration has come to a halt or, at any rate, slowed down as a result of the financial and economic crisis that started in the summer of 2007. It can be surmised that Spain is likely to be counted among the countries in which the multiple repercussions of the crisis on immigration will be larger and deeper. One reason for it is the fact that in Spain the economic downturn results in exceptionally higher rates of unemployment. Another reason is that the contrast of the new reality generated by the crisis is bound to mark an especially stark contrast with the preceding one. This paper aims at analyzing the major implications of the present financial and economic crisis on Spanish immigration, with particular attention to the community of Moroccan background that lives and works in Spain. The consequences of the recession on migration flows, their changing volume and trends are analyzed, together with its impacts on the demand for labor, unemployment and living conditions. With the many limitations that the paucity of data impose, trends in return migration and in the volume of remittances are examined as well. Looking at the future, it is likely that a long time frame will be required in Spain until the deep effects of the crisis disappear, due to the peculiar characteristics of the Spanish labour market. In such a scenario, it is clear that the forecasts for the employment and opportunities of the immigrant population cannot avoid a certain degree of pessimism. Résumé En 2009, l’augmentation des flux migratoires a subi un fort ralentissement suite à la crise financière et économique qui a commencé au milieu de l'année 2007. On peut affirmer que l'Espagne va probablement figurer parmi les pays dans lesquels les répercussions multiples de la crise sur l'immigration seront plus grandes et plus profondes. Ceci dépend du fait qu’en Espagne le ralentissement de l'économie a provoqué des taux de chômage exceptionnellement plus hauts par rapport à d'autres pays. Une autre raison est que la nouvelle réalité produite par la crise est difficilement réversible. Cette étude propose d’analyser les implications de la crise financière et économique actuelle sur l'immigration espagnole, avec une attention particulière à la communauté marocaine qui vit et travaille en Espagne. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, sont analysés les implications de la récession sur les flux migratoires, leur ampleur et tendances, ainsi que l’impact sur la demande du travail, le chômage et les conditions de vie. Malgré les nombreuses limitations imposées par le manque de données, les tendances de la migration de retour et des transferts financiers sont également examinées. S’agissant des prévisions, il est probable que les effets de la crise ne disparaîtraient de sitôt, en raison des caractéristiques spécifiques du marché du travail espagnol. Dans un scénario pareil, il est clair que les prévisions concernant l'emploi et les opportunités de la population étrangère soient plutôt pessimistes.
Year 2009
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48 Report

A Decision Framework for Environmentally Induced Migration

Authors Fabrice G. Renaud, Olivia Dun, Koko Warner, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration
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49 Journal Article

Structural Emigration: The Revival of Portuguese Outflows

Authors Pedro Góis, José Carlos Marques
Book Title South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis
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50 Book Chapter

Ukrainian Migration to Greece: from Irregular Work to Settlement, Family Reunification and Return

Authors Marina Nikolova, Michaela Maroufof
Year 2016
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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51 Book Chapter

The long-term impact of employment bans on the economic integration of refugees

Year 2018
Citations (WoS) 3
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52 Journal Article

Migrant Knowledge Workers’ Perceptions of Housing Conditions in Gulf Cities

Authors Ashraf M. Salama, Florian Wiedmann, Hatem G. Ibrahim
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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54 Journal Article

Labour market integration of immigrants in Portugal in times of austerity: resilience,in situresponses and re-emigration

Authors Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves, Maria Lucinda Cruz dos Santos Fonseca, Jorge da Silva Macaísta Malheiros
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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55 Journal Article

Economic recession and the reverse of internal migration flows of Latin American immigrants in Spain

Authors Jordi Bayona-i-Carrasco, Rosalia Avila-Tapies, Jenniffer Thiers Quintana, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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56 Journal Article

Economic Cost of Human Capital Loss from Fiji: Implications for Sustainable Development1

Authors Mahendra Reddy, Manoranjan Mohanty, Vijay Naidu
Year 2006
Journal Name International Migration Review
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57 Journal Article

Economic Opportunities, Emigration and Exit Prisoners

Authors Carlo M. Horz, Moritz Marbach
Year 2020
Journal Name British Journal of Political Science
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58 Journal Article

Determinants of Life Satisfaction of Economic Migrants Coming from Developing Countries to Countries with Very High Human Development: a Systematic Review

Authors Virginia Paloma, Isabel Benitez, Marta Escobar-Ballesta, ...
Year 2020
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59 Journal Article

Welcome home in a crisis: Effects of return migration on the non-migrants' wages and employment

Authors Ricardo Hausmann, Ljubica Nedelkoska
Year 2018
Journal Name European Economic Review
Citations (WoS) 4
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60 Journal Article

Who Travels Visa-Free? Insights into Tourist Hassle-Free Travel

Authors Prosper F. Bangwayo-Skeete, Ryan W. Skeete
Year 2017
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61 Journal Article


Authors Maurice Crul, Peter Scholten, Paul van de Laar
Book Title Coming to Terms with Superdiversity
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62 Book Chapter

Stepping from Illegality to Legality and Advancing towards Integration: The Case of Immigrants in Greece

Authors Nicholas P. Glytsos, NP Glytsos
Year 2005
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 22
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63 Journal Article

Why people stay: The impact of community context on nonmigration in the USA

Authors M Irwin, Thomas A. Lyson, Troy C. Blanchard, ...
Year 2004
Journal Name Population
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64 Journal Article

Migration-related health inequalities: Showing the complex interactions between gender, social class and place of origin

Authors Davide Malmusi, Carme Borrell, Joan Benach
Year 2010
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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65 Journal Article

Regulating Movement of the Very Mobile: Selected Legal and Policy Aspects of Ukrainian Migration to EU Countries

Authors Monika Szulecka
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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66 Book Chapter

The Armenian Repatriation 1908-1914, The Question of Nationality and Property

Authors Hale Sivgin, Meryem Gunaydin
Year 2015
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67 Journal Article

Main trends in development of migration policy in Ukraine

Authors Iryna Sakharuk, Svitlana Batychenko, Olena Derii, ...
Year 2020
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68 Journal Article

Exploring Links between Internal and International Migration in Albania: a View from Internal Migrants

Authors Erka Caro, L Van Wissen, Ajay Bailey
Year 2014
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 5
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69 Journal Article

Is Spain Becoming a Country of Emigration Again? Data Evidence and Public Responses

Authors Elisa Brey, Anastasia Bermudez
Book Title South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis
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70 Book Chapter

Economic Migration and Communal Violence in Pakistan

Authors Raymond Kuo, Raymond Nienchen Kuo
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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71 Journal Article

Jouer la carte catalane? A study of the French economic presence in Catalonia, 1939-1975

Authors Esther M. Sanchez Sanchez, Marc Prat Sabartes
Year 2017
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72 Journal Article


Authors James Rosbrook-Thompson, Gary Armstrong
Year 2010
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
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73 Journal Article

Prologue for Special Issue on Race and Wealth

Authors Thomas Shapiro, Hannah Thomas
Year 2016
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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74 Journal Article

Family life course transitions and the economic consequences of internal migration

Authors Gordon F. De Jong, Deborah Roempke Graefe
Year 2008
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 22
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75 Journal Article

North-South Migration in Ghana: What Role for the Environment?

Authors Kees van der Geest, Kees van der Geest
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 54
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76 Journal Article


Authors Maria Jara Rodriguez-Farinas, Juan Manuel Romero-Valiente, Antonio Luis Hidalgo-Capitan
Year 2015
Journal Name OBETS. Revista de Ciencias Sociales
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77 Journal Article

Slipping Off or Turning the Tide? Gender Equality in European Union’s External Relations in Times of Crisis

Authors Hanna L Muehlenhoff, Anna van der Vleuten, Natalie Welfens
Year 2020
Journal Name Political Studies Review
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78 Journal Article

Land grabbing: a preliminary quantification of economic impacts on rural livelihoods

Authors Kyle F. Davis, Paolo D'Odorico, Maria Cristina Rulli, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 33
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79 Journal Article

Actitudes ante la inmigración y comportamiento electoral en España

Authors Sebastian Rinken
Year 2019
Journal Name Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración
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80 Journal Article

The globalization of football: a study in the glocalization of the 'serious life'

Authors Richard Giulianotti, Roland Robertson
Year 2004
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 136
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81 Journal Article


Authors Elena V. Petrova
Year 2017
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82 Journal Article

Environmental hazard and migration intentions in a coastal area in Ghana: a case of sea flooding

Authors Samuel Nii Ardey Codjoe, Jon Sward, Felix Hayford Nyamedor, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Population and Environment
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83 Journal Article

Return or Remittances? Diaspora Economic Policies of Latin American and Caribbean States

Authors Luicy Pedroza, Pau Palop-Garcia
Year 2019
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84 Journal Article

Liberalizacja rynku pracy a migracje zarobkowe Polaków

Year 2012
Journal Name Zeszyty Naukowe. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
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85 Journal Article

Migration under crisis; household safety nets in Indonesia's economic collapse

Authors Rachel M. Silvey, RM Silvey
Year 2001
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 29
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86 Journal Article

Resiliency and Adjustment in Times of Crisis, the Case of the Greek Economic Crisis from a Psycho-social and Community Perspective

Authors Mooli Lahad, Ran Cohen, Stratos Fanaras, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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87 Journal Article

International migration and over-indebtedness : the case of Filipino workers in Italy

Authors Charito BASA, Violeta DE GUZMAN, Sabrina MARCHETTI
Year 2012
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88 Working Paper

Consequences of the 2008 financial crisis for intergroup relations: The role of perceived threat and causal attributions

Authors Julia C. Becker, Oliver Christ, Ulrich Wagner
Year 2011
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89 Journal Article

Poland’s Perspective on the Intra-European Movement of Poles. Implications and Governance Responses

Authors Marta Kindler
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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90 Book Chapter

Greek Immigrants in Australia: Implications for Culturally Sensitive Practice

Authors Savvas Daniel Georgiades
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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91 Journal Article

The New European Migration Laboratory: East Europeans in West European Cities

Authors Adrian Favell
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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92 Book Chapter

Onward migration from Spain to London in times of crisis: the importance of life-course junctures in secondary migrations

Authors Cristina Ramos
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 11
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93 Journal Article

Migrant transnationalism and the choice of transfer channels for remittances: the case of Moldova

Authors Melissa Siegel, Matthias Luecke
Year 2013
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 9
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94 Journal Article

The problem of ensuring respect for economic human rights in Eastern Europe

Authors Oksana Shcherbanyuk, Inna Miniailenko, Oleksandr M. Holovko, ...
Year 2020
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96 Journal Article

Migration and Pacific Mortality: Estimating Migration Effects on Pacific Mortality Rates Using Bayesian Models

Authors Ken Richardson, Tony Blakely, Martin Tobias, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Demography
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97 Journal Article

Closing the Racial Wealth Gap: Establishing and Sustaining an Initiative

Authors Kilolo Kijakazi
Year 2016
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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99 Journal Article

Parental ethnic identity and educational attainment of second-generation immigrants

Authors Simone Schüller, Simone Schuller
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 11
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100 Journal Article
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