PD Dr. Stefan Rother is a senior researcher at the Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute for socio-cultural research, and lecturer at the Department of Political Science, University of Freiburg, Germany. In the winter term 2019/20 he acted as interim professor (Vertretungsprofessur) at the Chair of International Politics, University of Freiburg. His research focus is on international migration, global governance, social movements, regional integration and non-/post-Western theories of international relations....


Migration processes
Migration governance


  • ABI at University of Freiburg

    University, Freiburg, Germany
    Senior Researcher and Lecturer


Political remittances and the diffusion of a rights-based approach to migration governance: the case of the Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA)

Authors Nicola Piper, Stefan Rother
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
1 Journal Article

Tokens or Stakeholders in Global Migration Governance? The Role of Affected Communities and Civil Society in the Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees

Authors Stefan Rother, Elias Steinhilper
Year 2019
2 Journal Article

The Global Forum on Migration and Development as a venue of state socialisation: a stepping stone for multi-level migration governance?

Authors Stefan Rother
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 9
3 Journal Article

Angry birds of passage – migrant rights networks and counter-hegemonic resistance to global migration discourses

Authors Stefan Rother
Year 2018
Journal Name Globalizations
4 Journal Article

ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labour: A space for civil society in migration governance at the regional level?

Authors Stefan Rother
Year 2018
Journal Name Asia Pacific Viewpoint
5 Journal Article

Indonesian migrant domestic workers in transnational political spaces: agency, gender roles and social class formation

Authors Stefan Rother
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
6 Journal Article

Migration and Democracy: Citizenship and Human Rights from a Multi-level Perspective

Authors Nicola Piper, Stefan Rother
Year 2015
Journal Name International Migration
7 Journal Article

Alternative Regionalism from Below: Democratizing ASEAN's Migration Governance

Authors Stefan Rother, Nicola Piper
Year 2015
Journal Name International Migration
8 Journal Article

Let's Argue about Migration: advancing a right(s) discourse via communicative opportunities

Authors Nicola Piper, Stefan Rother
Year 2012
Journal Name Third World Quarterly
9 Journal Article

Standing in the Shadow of Civil Society? The 4th Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) in Mexico

Authors Stefan Rother
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration
10 Journal Article

Democratisation Through International Migration? Explorative Thoughts on a Novel Research Agenda

Authors Christl Kessler, Jürgen Rüland, Stefan Rother
Year 2009
Journal Name European Journal of East Asian Studies
11 Journal Article

Governing regional migration from the ‘bottom-up’: a nodal approach to the role of transnational activist networks in Asia

Authors Nicola Piper, Stefan Rother
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
12 Journal Article

Suggested Research

More than Remittances: Resisting the Dominant Discourse and Policy Prescriptions of the Global 'Migration-Development-Mantra'

Authors Nicola Piper, Stefan Rother
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal für Entwicklungspolitik
3 Journal Article

Challenging State Sovereignty in the Age of Migration

Authors Nicola Piper, Stefan Rother, Jürgen Rüland
Year 2017
Journal Name European Journal of East Asian Studies
4 Journal Article

Challenging State Sovereignty in the Age of Migration

Authors Nicola Piper, Stefan Rother, Jürgen Rüland
Year 2018
Journal Name European Journal of East Asian Studies
5 Journal Article
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