Private companies and business

Results displayed under this category refer to the different private sector actors and organisations, including private companies and businesses. The private sector is distinct from the public sector (government-run) and comprises of individuals, organisations or businesses that run for-profit economic activities. The results displayed under this category refer to all different private actors and their role and involvement in migration issues.

Showing page of 1106 results, sorted by

The Private Sector, Institutions of Higher Education, and Immigrant Settlement in Canada

Authors Emma Flynn, Harald Bauder
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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3 Journal Article

Oiling the wheels? Flexible labour markets and the migration industry

Authors David McCollum, A Findlay, Allan Findlay
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 10
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5 Journal Article

An organizational approach to the Philippine migration industry: recruiting, matching and tailoring migrant domestic workers

Authors Julien Debonneville
Year 2021
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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6 Journal Article

Cross-border mobility of health professionals: Contesting patients' right to health

Authors Evgeniya Vadimovna Plotnikova
Year 2012
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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7 Journal Article

Turning the Table on the Exploitative Recruitment of Migrant Workers: The Cambodian Experience

Authors Jenna K. Holliday
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian Journal of Social Science
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8 Journal Article

Institutional Dynamics of Regulatory Actors in the Recruitment of Migrant Workers The Case of Indonesia

Authors Moch Faisal Karim
Year 2017
Journal Name Asian Journal of Social Science
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9 Journal Article

"They Control My Life': the Role of Local Recruitment Agencies in East European Migration to the UK

Authors D Sporton
Year 2013
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 34
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10 Journal Article

Temporary Migration Programmes: the Cause or Antidote of Migrant Worker Exploitation in UK Agriculture

Authors Erica Consterdine, Sahizer Samuk
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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12 Journal Article

Reducing Migration Costs and Maximizing Human Development

Authors Philip Martin
Book Title Global Perspectives on Migration and Development
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13 Book Chapter

What Changes with Expansion of the Wage Base (and how can the sociological debate help understand it)?

Authors Nadya Araujo Guimaraes
Year 2011
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14 Journal Article

Understanding Adverse Outcomes in Gulf Migration: Evidence from Administrative Data from Sri Lanka

Authors Asanga Nilesh Fernando, Alison Lodermeier
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration Review
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15 Journal Article

The Rise and Implications of Temporary Staffing as a Migration Industry in Norway

Authors Jon Horgen Friberg
Year 2016
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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16 Journal Article

(Self-)Reflecting on International Recruitment: Views on the Role of Recruiting Agencies in Bulgaria and Romania

Authors Siyka Kovacheva, Boris Popivanov, Marin Burcea
Year 2019
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17 Journal Article

Facilitating labour migration from Latvia: strategies of various categories of intermediaries

Authors Oksana Žabko, Oksana Zabko, Sylvi Endresen, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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18 Journal Article

‘Disappearing workers’: Foxconn in Europe and the changing role of temporary work agencies

Authors Rutvica Andrijasevic, Devi Sacchetto
Year 2017
Journal Name Work, Employment and Society
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19 Journal Article

Scale, local content and the challenges of Ghanaians employment in the oil and gas industry

Authors Austin Dziwornu Ablo,
Year 2018
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 2
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20 Journal Article

Arab Gulf States : recruitment of Asian workers

This paper addresses a neglected area in studies of migrant labor in the Gulf States showing that exploitation of migrant workers occurs before deployment. Evidence from interviews conducted in the five major labour sending countries to Qatar (Philippines, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and India) suggests that the recruitment procedures and corrupt practices by recruitment agencies and employing company personnel in the receiving country place unskilled workers in a highly vulnerable position prior to departure from their home countries. As a consequence of practices such as deception, false promises, substitute contracts, bribery, and extortion, there is evidence of debt bondage, forced labor, and trafficking within the normative framework of labor migration. Reform measures that are currently underway in Qatar include the banning of workers paying recruitment fees and charges to agents.
Year 2014
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21 Report

Changing workplace geographies: Restructuring warehouse employment in the Oslo region

Authors David Jordhus-Lier, Anders Underthun, Kristina Zampoukos
Year 2019
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
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22 Journal Article

Norm Building Processes and Forms of Policy Governance

Principal investigator Maritta Soininen (REMESO Project Leader)
This project addresses the question of the interplay between norm building processes and form of policy governance. How do different governance legacies affect the way the antidiscrimination legislation or its requirements/arguments are used in/to motivate policies/policy measures, and which is the relative role of different societal actors/actor constellations - social partners, private sector actors and state agencies, - in promoting the mainstreaming of this legislation?
Year 2007
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24 Project

Governing the Remittance Landscape for Development: Policies and Actors in Bangladesh

Authors Mohammad Moniruzzaman
Book Title Diasporas, Development and Governance
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25 Book Chapter

The Giving Up of Weekly Rest-Days by Migrant Domestic Workers in Singapore: When Submission Is Both Resistance and Victimhood

Authors Anju Mary Paul, Margaret Fenerty Schumann
Year 2020
Journal Name Social Forces
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27 Journal Article

Gute Sorgearbeit? Transnationale Home Care Arrangements

Principal investigator Helma Lutz (Principal Investigator ), Brigitte Aulenbacher (Principal Investigator ), Karin Schwiter (Principal Investigator )
Das Projekt untersucht die transnationale Arbeitsvermittlung von meist weiblichen migrantischen Pflegekräften durch Home Care Agencies als sogenannte live-ins in Privathaushalte. Auf der Ebene der Global Cities Frankfurt a.M., Wien und Zürich wird die 24h-Pflege in den Zielländern Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz erforscht, wo ein Trend zur Formalisierung der Kommodifizierung und Transnationalisierung von Care und Care-Arbeit besteht. Die 24h-Pflege entwickelt sich zu einem sozialstaatlich akzeptierten Weg, Sorgelücken dort zu füllen, wo der demographische Wandel neue Herausforderungen stellt und vormalige Sorge- und Arbeitsarrangements, beispielsweise in der Familie, zwischen den Generationen und zwischen den Geschlechtern erodieren. Die These ist, dass unter gegebenen Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsbedingungen Anforderungen und Ansprüche an gute Sorge und gute Arbeit latent oder manifest in Widerspruch zueinander stehen und dass die Art und Weise, wie die Beteiligten diese Widersprüche bearbeiten, die Ausgestaltung der transnationalen Home Care Arrangements in den drei Sozialstaaten prägt.Im Anschluss an die mobile Ethnographie folgt das Projekt den Home Care Agencies bei ihrer Arbeitskräfterekrutierung in die Sendeländer und den migrantischen 24-Stunden-PflegerInnen in die Haushalte. Mit ExpertInneninterviews, episodischen Interviews und teilnehmender Beobachtung wird erforscht, wie transnationale Home Care Agencies, die PflegeempfängerInnen, deren Angehörige, und die betreuenden MigrantInnen mit Ansprüchen an gute Sorge und gute Arbeit umgehen, wie zwischen den Akteursgruppen Care- und Arbeitsanforderungen sowie Arbeitsleistungen ausgehandelt werden, welche Widersprüche und Konflikte auftreten und wie die Care- und Arbeitsarrangements begründet, legitimiert und hinterfragt werden.Erstmalig werden hier international etablierte Erkenntnisse der Geschlechter-, Migrations- und Careforschung zu Sorge-/Pflegearbeit im Privathaushalt mit Forschungsansätzen aus der Institutional Logics-Perspektive, der französischen pragmatischen Soziologie und der arbeits- und industriesoziologischen Gerechtigkeits- und Legitimitätsforschung verbunden. Ebenfalls erstmalig wird erforscht, welche Aushandlungsprozesse zwischen den beteiligten Akteursgruppen in dem mobilen Feld der transnationalen Home Care Arrangements, zwischen Sende- und Zielländern, zwischen Care Agencies und Privathaushalten, stattfinden. Ziel ist es, Aufschluss über die transnationalen Home Care Arrangements zu gewinnen, deren Einbettung in die Sozialstaatlichkeit der drei Zielländer zu verstehen, sie auf ihre Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede hin zu vergleichen und zu analysieren, welche Anforderungen und Ansprüche an gute Sorgearbeit hier zum Tragen kommen, verletzt werden bzw. dieses Arrangement insgesamt in Frage stellen.
Year 2017
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28 Project

Accessing Employment: Challenges Faced by Non-Native English-Speaking Professional Migrants

Authors Mingsheng Li, Jacqui Campbell
Year 2009
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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29 Journal Article

Accessing Employment: Challenges Faced by Non-Native English-Speaking Professional Migrants

Authors Mingsheng Li, Jacqui Campbell
Year 2009
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 2
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30 Journal Article

The middle space of migration: A case study on brokerage and recruitment agencies in Nepal

Authors Alice Kern, Ulrike Mueller-Boeker, Ulrike Müller-Böker
Year 2015
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 24
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33 Journal Article

Footballers, migrants and scholars: the globalization of US men's college soccer

Authors Ryan Kirk, Anthony Weaver
Year 2019
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34 Journal Article

Demand in the context of trafficking in human beings in the domestic work sector in Cyprus

Authors Danai ANGELI
Domestic work has been of particular significance in the Cypriot labour market and in particular its migrant workforce. Over the past two decades, thousands of migrant women have flown into the country to work as domestic workers for private households. Most of them stay in the country for several years, on a so-called “domestic worker’s” visa, a rather restrictive kind of permit that ties them to specific employers. A standard employment contract, prepared by the Migration Department lays down their wages, duties and rights; one of these being the prohibition to join trade unions. Throughout this process, potential domestic workers are normally aided by private employment agencies that act as intermediates with the employer – often at a very high fee. The overall setting aims to balance diverse and sometimes conflicting interests within a small economy and society, bound by its international commitments. To the external observer, however, Cyprus seems to be contradicting its own efforts. Its migration scheme appears in multiple ways susceptible to misuse. Stories about exploitation and abuse are indeed not uncommon. In many respects however, Cyprus’ case brings to the fore existing gaps and loopholes when the EU common standards are transposed into the national order.
Year 2016
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35 Report

Students Achieving Valuable Energy Savings 2

Students Achieving Valuable Energy Savings 2 (SAVES2) will catalyse sustainable energy behaviours among over 219,000 university students in seven countries to help them reduce their exposure to fuel poverty. It incorporates two strands that engage with students living in university accommodation (Student Switch Off) and in the private-rented sector (SAVES). Student Switch Off is an energy-saving competition that will reach 38,000 students living in 144 dormitories in 14 universities of the partner countries in each academic year from 2017/18 to 2019/20. By identifying and training student ambassadors in each dormitory, and by motivating the ambassadors to encourage their peers to save energy, we will create a race between students in dormitories, each competing to save the most energy and win prizes. It will tap into online student communities through social media, using engaging digital communications (quizzes, photo competitions) to raise awareness of how students can save energy in a fun way. The centrepiece of each competition will be an energy dashboard that updates students in near-real time on the performance and position of their dormitory in the competition – providing feedback and encouraging further action. The private-rented sector engagement work (SAVES) will reach over 100,000 students when they are looking for, moving into and living in the private-rented sector. It will enable students to make better informed decisions at the point at which they are selecting a rental property – thereby routing purchase decisions towards higher efficiency properties. SAVES2 will incorporate national-level partnerships with smart meter delivery agencies to develop student-focused communication materials highlighting the benefits of smart meters. It will provide ongoing advice and support to students via energy-efficiency and bill management training, peer-to-peer advice sharing via video blogs and regular e-mail and social media communications.
Year 2017
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36 Project

Engaging migrant careworkers: examining cases of exploitation by recruitment agencies in Quebec, Canada

Authors Lindsay Larios, Jill Hanley, Manuel Salamanca Cardona, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name International Journal of Migration and Border Studies
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37 Journal Article

Engaging migrant careworkers: Examining cases of exploitation by recruitment agencies in Quebec, Canada

Authors Sonia Ben Soltane, Nuha Dwaikat Shaer, Manuel Salamanca Cardona, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name International Journal of Migration and Border Studies
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38 Journal Article

Mapping Interfacial Regimes of Control: Palantir's ICM in America's Post-9/11 Security Technology Infrastructures

Authors Emma Knight, Alex Gekker
Year 2020
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39 Journal Article

Recruitment of Yoruba families from Nigeria for genetic research: experience from a multisite keloid study

Authors Peter B. Olaitan, Ernst J. Reichenberger, Victoria Odesina, ...
Year 2014
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40 Journal Article

Resettlement Country Results and Analysis

Authors Nawita Direkwut, Benjamin Harkins, Aungkana Kamonpetch
Book Title Resettlement of Displaced Persons on the Thai-Myanmar Border
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41 Book Chapter

From settlers to skilled transients: The changing structure of British international migration

Authors A.M. Findlay, A Findlay
Year 1988
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 24
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42 Journal Article

Return of Overseas Contract Workers and their Rehabilitation and Development in Kerala (India)

Authors P.R. Gopinathan Nair
Year 1999
Journal Name International Migration
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43 Journal Article

State-Sanctioned Structural Violence: Women Migrant Domestic Workers in the Philippines and Sri Lanka

Authors Sophie Henderson
Year 2020
Journal Name Violence Against Women
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44 Journal Article

Immigrant entry into the workforce: A research note from New Zealand

Authors Colleen Ward, C Ward, AM Masgoret, ...
Year 2007
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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45 Journal Article

Government to Government (G2g) Mechanism in Malaysia. Comparison With The Employment Permit System (Eps) in South Korea

Authors Mohamed Rafizal Mohamed Eusoff
Year 2019
Journal Name AKADEMIKA
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46 Journal Article

Imaginaries of the Ideal Migrant Worker: A Lacanian Interpretation

Authors Sergei Shubin, David McCollum, A Findlay, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 13
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47 Journal Article

Beratung und Vermittlung von Flüchtlingen

Principal investigator Holger Bähr (Principal Investigator), Martin Dietz (Principal Investigator), Barbara Knapp (Principal Investigator)
Das Projekt untersucht die Beratung und Vermittlung von Asylsuchenden. Es stellt die Situation der Asylsuchenden in den Arbeitsagenturen und Jobcentern dar, beschreibt Maßnahmen und Programme zur Arbeitsmarktintegration und betrachtet Strukturen und Interaktionen des Vermittlungsprozesses. Ein Augenmerk wird dabei auf Schnittstellen gelegt, die sowohl innerhalb der Arbeitsagenturen zwischen Berufsberatung, arbeitgeberorientierter und arbeitnehmerorientierter Vermittlung als auch zwischen Arbeitsagenturen und Jobcentern bestehen. Die Schnittstelle zwischen Arbeitsagenturen und Jobcentern entsteht, wenn frühere Asylsuchende als anerkannte Flüchtlinge aus dem Rechtskreis des SGB III in den Rechtskreis des SGB II wechseln. Projektmethode Die Datenbasis des Projekts beruht im Wesentlichen auf leitfadengestützten Interviews mit Expertinnen und Experten in ausgewählten Arbeitsagenturen. Ergänzend werden in den Jobcentern derselben Agenturbezirke ebenfalls leitfadengestützte Interviews mit Expertinnen und Experten geführt. Projektziel Das Ziel des Projekts liegt in der Beantwortung folgender Frage: Wodurch zeichnet sich der Beratungs- und Vermittlungsprozess von Asylsuchenden aus? Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Arbeitsmarktintegration dieser Personengruppe. Es sollen Merkmale benannt werden, die die Arbeitsmarktintegration unterstützen oder behindern können.
Year 2016
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48 Project

Highland Peasant Weavers: Empowered Women, Heritage Keepers and Home Providers. Incakunaq Ruwaynin Project, Cusco, Peru

Authors Maria Elena del Solar
Year 2019
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49 Journal Article

The impact of managed care on mental health services for children and their families

Authors BA Stroul, SA Pires, MI Armstrong, ...
Year 1998
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50 Journal Article

Cross-Border Migration and Human Trafficking in Ethiopia: Contributing Factors, Policy Responses and the Way Forward

Authors Messay M. Tefera
Year 2019
Journal Name Fudan journal of the humanities and social sciences, 2018, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 323-339
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51 Journal Article

Nurses, Inc.: Expansion and commercialization of nursing education in the Philippines

Authors Leah E. Masselink, Shoou-Yih Daniel Lee
Year 2010
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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52 Journal Article

The Recruitment Agent in Internationalized Higher Education: Commercial Broker and Cultural Mediator

Authors Anna Robinson-Pant, Anna Magyar
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Studies in International Education
Citations (WoS) 1
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54 Journal Article

Highly-skilled international migrants, careers and internal labour markets

Authors John Salt
Year 1988
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 46
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55 Journal Article

Occupational segregation and earnings inequality: Rural migrants and local workers in urban China

Authors Zhuoni Zhang, Xiaogang Wu
Year 2017
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 12
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56 Journal Article

Immigration Regulations and Social Reproduction

Authors Parvati Raghuram, Eleonore Kofman
Book Title Gendered Migrations and Global Social Reproduction
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58 Book Chapter

Skilled immigrants and selection bias: A theory-based field study from New Zealand

Authors K Coates, SC Carr, Kim Coates, ...
Year 2005
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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59 Journal Article

Civil Society, the Common Space, and the GFMD

Authors Chukwu-Emeka Chikezie
Book Title Global Perspectives on Migration and Development
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60 Book Chapter

APMJ – Chronicling 25 years of migration in Asia and the Pacific

Authors Jerrold W Huguet, Jerrold W. Huguet
Year 2016
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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63 Journal Article

Strategies of Invisibilization: How Ethiopia's Resettlement Programme Hides the Poorest of the Poor

Authors L. Hammond, Laura Hammond
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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64 Journal Article

Cultural Adaptation Resources for Nutrition and Health in New Immigrants in Central North Carolina

Authors Sharon D. Morrison, Lauren Haldeman, S. Sudha, ...
Year 2007
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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66 Journal Article

The Multi-Level Governance of Intra EU Movement

Authors Jonas Hinnfors, Gregg Bucken-Knapp, Andrea Spehar, ...
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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67 Book Chapter

Remittances and their economic impact in post-war Somaliland

Authors Ahmed
Year 2000
Journal Name Disasters
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68 Journal Article

Migration and Demographic Change

Authors A Findlay, Jackline Wahba
Year 2013
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 9
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70 Journal Article

Adult vocational training for migrants in North-East Italy

Authors Natalia Magnani
Year 2015
Journal Name International Migration
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71 Journal Article

The emergence of an ‘ethnic economy’? The spatial relationships of migrant workers in London's health and hospitality sectors

Authors Adina Batnitzky, Linda McDowell
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 10
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72 Journal Article

Seeing slavery in seafood supply chains

Authors Katrina Nakamura, Ganapathiraju Pramod, Lori Bishop, ...
Year 2018
Citations (WoS) 2
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74 Journal Article

The Troublesome Gulf: Research on Migration to the Middle East

Authors Manolo Abella
Year 1992
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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75 Journal Article


Authors RJ Calsyn, WD Klinkenberg
Year 1995
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76 Journal Article

Sensitivity to Status-Based Rejection: Implications for Female and Minority Criminal Justice Majors

Authors Natalia D. Tapia, Wendi Pollock, Christopher Kelly
Year 2019
Journal Name Race and Justice
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77 Journal Article

Political power beyond the State: problematics of government

Authors Nikolas Rose, Peter Miller
Year 2010
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 139
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78 Journal Article

The mobility of entrepreneurs and capital: Taiwanese capital-linked migration

Authors YF TSENG
Year 2000
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79 Journal Article

The Mobility of Entrepreneurs and Capital: Taiwanese Capital-Linked Migration

Authors Yen-Fen Tseng
Year 2000
Journal Name International Migration
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80 Journal Article

Assistance and protection for victims of human trafficking in Romania

Authors Adriana Ferdean
Year 2008
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81 Journal Article

Policy and institutional frameworks on emigration and diasporas in Thailand

Authors Rananan BOONYOPAKORN
This report aims to answer questions concerning emigration policy and institutional frameworks in Thailand. It identifies the different types of measures taken by the Thai Government since the introduction of the first constitution in Thailand. The government currently has three departments working extensively with emigrants and diasporas, namely: (i) the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare—the Thailand Overseas Employment Administration; (ii) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs—the Protection of Thai Nationals Abroad Division, and (iii) the Office of the Attorney General—the Office of International People’s Rights Protection (OIPP)—the Department of Peoples’ Rights Protection and Legal Aid. In summary, the report highlights the fact that the roles and functions of existing migration departments are designed primarily for labour emigrants. In the end, the organised nature of labour migration (which is handled recruitment agencies) facilitates a higher volume of migrants to be assisted and protected. Unfortunately, such a policy makes others–who are less prepared or more isolated–more vulnerable to unsafe migration situations.
Year 2014
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82 Report

A Virus Without Papers: Understanding COVID-19 and the Impact on Immigrant Communities

Authors Elizabeth Kiester, Jennifer Vasquez-Merino
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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83 Journal Article

Asymmetric Information under the Kafala Sponsorship System: Impacts on Foreign Domestic Workers' Income and Employment Status in the GCC Countries

Authors Froilan T. Malit, George Naufal
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration
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84 Journal Article

Child Care and Labor Deregulation Through the J1 Visa in the USA: Cultural Experiences and Temporary Work of Qualified Young Mexican People

Authors Mirza Aguilar-Perez
Year 2020
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85 Journal Article

Measuring and monitoring diversity in organizations through functional instruments with an application to ethnic workforce diversity of the US Federal Agencies

Authors Fabrizio Maturo, Stefania Migliori, Francesco Paolone
Year 2019
Journal Name Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
86 Journal Article

Immigration Consulting Firms in Taiwanese Business Immigration

Authors Yen-Fen Tseng
Year 1997
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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87 Journal Article

American and Canadian National Park Agency Responses to Declining Visitation

Authors John Shultis, Thomas More
Year 2011
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88 Journal Article

Globalisation, Labour Market Transformation and Migrant Marginalisation: the Example of Transmigrant Seafarers in Germany

Authors Helen Sampson
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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89 Journal Article

"Can Someone Help Me?" Refugee Women's Experiences of Using Settlement Agencies to Find Work in Canada

Authors Sonja Senthanar, Ellen MacEachen, Stephanie Premji, ...
Year 2020
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90 Journal Article


Authors Jim Green
Year 2017
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91 Journal Article

Additional cross-cultural validity testing of the Intercultural Development Inventory

Authors Mitchell R. Hammer, MR Hammer
Year 2011
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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93 Journal Article

Becoming Wards of the State: Race, Crime, and Childhood in the Struggle for Foster Care Integration, 1920s to 1960s

Authors Michaela Christy Simmons
Year 2020
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94 Journal Article

Ethnic and Linguistic Categories in Quebec: Counting to Survive

Authors Victor Piché
Book Title Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity
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96 Book Chapter

Security And InteroperabiLity in Next Generation PPDR CommUnication InfrastructureS

'Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) agencies in EC member states are relying on digital Private Mobile Radio (PMR) networks for mission-critical voice and data communication. These networks are highly resilient and properly dimensioned to cope with crisis and emergency handling, and are well protected against monitoring and intrusion by means of encryption, authentication and integrity. The two main standards for digital PMR networks in Europe are TETRA (TErrestrial Trunked RAdio) and TETRAPOL.The majority of these networks are based on mature technology, requiring old-fashion synchronous links (backbone), and using proprietary hardware solutions that eventually become obsolete. These networks also provide limited inter-technology coverage providing very ineffective management of emergency events, both at the national level and in cross-border regions. The main goal of SALUS is to design, implement and evaluate a next generation communication network for Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) agencies, supported by network operators and industry, which will provide security, privacy, seamless mobility, QoS and reliability support for mission-critical PMR voice and broadband data services. The project covers the full techno-economic scope regarding development and deployment of the next generation PPDR networks by focusing on the integration with / migration to 4G wireless communications developments targeting three critical scenarios 1) city security, 2) disaster recovery, and 3) temporary protection. Salus will address key research challenges such as enterprise architectures, economic and business analysis, and a number of technical aspects concerning QoS, resilience, inter-systems handover (secure, seamless and fast), enhanced security, privacy mechanisms in heterogeneous network infrastructure, and multicast broadband PPDR services.'
Year 2013
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97 Project

Analyzing hazardous waste facility location by racial composition of census tract with LandView III: A brief tutorial

Authors GD Garson
Year 1999
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98 Journal Article


Year 1995
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99 Journal Article

Leading refugee lives together: Familial agency as a political capacity

Authors Kirsi Pauliina Kallio
Year 2019
Journal Name Emotion, Space and Society
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100 Journal Article
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