Inter-governmental and international organisations

International organisations are those with an international mandate mission or scope of action, and/or international membership, and can be divided in two main categories: Intergovernmental and international organizations. The former, ,are also called international governmental organisations (IOGs),  are formed of member states and their membership is composed of states’ representatives. Examples include the United Nations and its agencies, such as the UNHCR, and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). The latter, also known as IOs include international non-governmental organisations, which are those NGOs that operate at the international level and are usually not for profit. Results displayed under this category concern the role of IOGs and IOs regarding migration.

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Power and proliferation: Explaining the fragmentation of global migration governance

Authors Lena Kainz, Alexander Betts
Year 2020
Journal Name Migration Studies
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1 Journal Article

Informal but Effective: Regional Consultative Processes as a Tool in Managing Migration

Authors Amanda Klekowski Von Koppenfels, Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration
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3 Journal Article

Regional and Inter-regional Processes: Advancing the Discourse and Action on Migration and Development

Authors Maureen Achieng
Book Title Global Perspectives on Migration and Development
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4 Book Chapter

The quest for 'fair globalization' and a 'decent work agenda': Supra-national norms, industrial relations and labour market regulation

Principal investigator Branka Likic-Brboric (REMESO Project Leader), Carl-Ulrik Schierup (Participants from REMESO), Charles Woolfson (Participants from REMESO)
The research in this project critically analyses the on-going configuration of global and regional migration regimes within the framework of multilevel global governance. The main objective is to survey international institutional arrangements for core labor standards and migrant workers? rights and to explore their significance for migration management within the 'asymmetric' global governance, as well as their impact on the current trajectory of global and regional political economies. Various studies within the project trace the development of a 'social dimension' of globalization and the articulation of an inclusive, human rights-based policy approach to migration management. The focus is on the ILO?s reformulation of social justice goals in terms of 'decent work' for all workers, including especially those working in the informal economy. The identification of the main multinational, state and non-state actors, their discourses and strategies for the promotion of global social justice, in particular the role of the EU is examined. Since 2010 participants in this project have followed and analysed the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration, related Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) and the role of global civil society actors in this process, leading to MIGLINK, a collaborative research project with Ankara University (Turkey) and University of Zacatecas Mexico).
Year 2007
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5 Project

The Almaty Process: Improving Compliance with International Refugee Law in Central Asia: Table 1.

Authors Cynthia Orchard
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
Citations (WoS) 1
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10 Journal Article

Role of Regional Consultative Processes in the lead up to the Negotiations of Global Compact on Migration: The Case of Africa

Authors Olawale Maiyegun
Year 2019
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11 Journal Article

Introduction: Making the Connections Between Migration and Development

Authors Irena Omelaniuk
Book Title Global Perspectives on Migration and Development
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24 Book Chapter

Assessing the Impact of Migration Policies on Economic and Social Development

Authors Khalid Koser
Book Title Global Perspectives on Migration and Development
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25 Book Chapter

Exchanging Knowledge, Enhancing Capacities, Developing Mechanisms: IOM's Role in the Implementation of the EU–Russia Readmission Agreement

Authors Oleg Korneev
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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29 Journal Article

Trade Unions, Transnational Solidarity and Ethnic Divisions: EU Social Dialogue and Post-War Reconstruction in the Western Balkans

Principal investigator Branka Likic-Brboric (REMESO Project Leader)
The research project addresses the EU's regional approach to support countries in the Western Balkans in their progress towards EU membership. It focuses on the social reconstruction in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia and the regional dialogue on social and employment policies within the Bucharest process. The study investigates local and national trade unions strategies to challenge downward pressure on labour rights and standards brought about by the implementation of a neoliberal model of reconstruction. It analyses the counter-influence of European social dimension as well as practices of the international organizations such as the UNDP, ILO and International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC) and civil society organizations on the development of 'transethnic' regional solidarities. It also examines the forms of labour collaboration necessary to counterbalance hostile employers and governments. The main question concerns the efficacy of EU support for social dialogue and the implementation of the ILO 'decent work agenda' in empowering trade unions in their struggle for labour rights and standards in post-conflict former Yugoslavia. The issue is especially pertinent considering the wider study of post-conflict societies, marked by social fragmentation, ethnic divisions, political clientelism, poverty, informal economy and migration pressures.
Year 2009
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31 Project

Irregular Migration: Causes, Patterns, and Strategies

Authors Magdalena Arias Cubas, Stephen Castles, Chulhyo Kim, ...
Book Title Global Perspectives on Migration and Development
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32 Book Chapter

The Global Forum on Migration and Development and Diaspora Engagement

Authors Irena Omelaniuk
Book Title Diasporas, Development and Governance
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33 Book Chapter

Migrants as transnational development agents: An inquiry into the newest round of the miaration-development nexus

Authors T Faist
Year 2008
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 231
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34 Journal Article

The problem of representation: civil society organizations from Turkey in the GFMD process

Authors Cavidan Soykan, Nazli Senses, Nazlı Şenses
Year 2018
Journal Name Globalizations
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35 Journal Article

The global compact on migration

Authors Nicola Piper
Year 2018
Journal Name Global Social Policy
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37 Journal Article

The GFMD and the Governance of International Migration

Authors Kathleen Newland, Kathleen Newland
Book Title Global Perspectives on Migration and Development
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38 Book Chapter

Liberalizing Movements? The Political Rationality of Global Migration Management

Authors Sara Kalm
Book Title The Politics of International Migration Management
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39 Book Chapter

A “Supportive and Catalytic” Supervisor? UNHCR’s Role in the Global Compact for Refugees

Authors Niamh Kinchin
Year 2020
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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40 Journal Article

Sending Country Policies

Authors Eva Østergaard-Nielsen
Book Title Integration Processes and Policies in Europe
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41 Book Chapter

Making or unmaking a movement? Challenges for civic activism in the global governance of migration

Authors Aleksandra Alund, Carl-Ulrik Schierup, Aleksandra Ålund
Year 2018
Journal Name Globalizations
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42 Journal Article

​KNOMAD-ILO Migration Costs Surveys

he KNOMAD-ILO Migration Costs Surveys (MCS) aim to systematically document monetary and non-monetary costs incurred by migrant workers seeking jobs abroad. The project is a joint initiative by the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD), which is hosted at the World Bank, and the International Labor Organization (ILO). The data is also intended to support methodological work on developing a new Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicator 10.7.1 to monitor trends in recruitment costs paid by workers, of which the World Bank and ILO are joint custodians. Datasets and documentation for the 2015 and 2016 survey waves are now available on the World Bank’s Central Microdata Catalog. Collectively, the surveys covered over 19 bilateral migration corridors with a total of 5,603 interviewed migrants. The Migration Costs Surveys primarily focused on costs incurred by workers who were recruited in their home countries and received a job offer prior to migrating. On a pilot basis, several migration corridors were also surveyed to account for non-recruited migrants who moved abroad in search of work without prior job offers. In the 2015 dataset, these are limited to workers who migrated to Mexico from Guatemala, Honduras and El-Salvador and in 2016, the relevant corridors are workers who migrated to Italy from multiple African countries and from Central Asia to Russia.
Year 2015
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47 Data Set

Research-Policy Dialogues in Austria

Authors Maren Borkert
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
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48 Book Chapter

International Travel Security and the Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration

Authors Rey Koslowski
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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50 Journal Article

Second-generation governance indicators

Authors S Knack, N Manning, M Kugler
Year 2003
Citations (WoS) 28
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51 Journal Article

Repoliticizing international migration narratives? Critical reflections on the Civil Society Days of the Global Forum on Migration and Development

Authors Kellynn Wee, Zaheera Jinnah, Kudakwashe P. Vanyoro
Year 2018
Journal Name Globalizations
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52 Journal Article

When Borders Migrate: Reconstructing the Category of ‘International Migrant’

Authors Anastasia Gorodzeisky, Inna Leykin
Year 2019
Journal Name Sociology
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53 Journal Article

International activities of public laboratories in Canada

Authors R Dalpe
Year 1997
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54 Journal Article

International Migration and Work: Charting an Ethical Approach to the Future

Authors Donald Kerwin
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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55 Journal Article

International Migration and Work: Charting an Ethical Approach to the Future

Authors Donald Kerwin
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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56 Journal Article

Social Protection for Temporary Migrant Workers: What Programs Serve Them Best?

Authors Yann Pouget, Robert Holzmann
Book Title Global Perspectives on Migration and Development
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58 Book Chapter

The Global Compact on Refugees and Burden Sharing: Will the Compact Address the Normative Gap Concerning Burden Sharing?

Authors Meltem Ineli-Ciger
Year 2019
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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63 Journal Article

Civil Society, the Common Space, and the GFMD

Authors Chukwu-Emeka Chikezie
Book Title Global Perspectives on Migration and Development
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64 Book Chapter

Politics, Economics and Global Governance: The European Dimensions

The long-standing US-EU partnership and dominance of a range of international institutions (IMF, World Bank, Security Council, etc.) is rapidly breaking down under the impact of shifting interdependencies and power relationships. In this sense, global economic governance is at a crucial crossroads. If a more complex and multi-polar world is now emerging, interwoven with bilateral agreements and a proliferation of regional efforts of uncertain outcome and dimensions, it is unclear how co-operation will be organised in the future and by whom. Global economic governance is riddled with worrisome uncertainties, yet this offers clear opportunities for an alliance between scholars pushing the bounds in terms of analysis, and EU policy entrepreneurs in terms of action. Europe must play a major part in the reform and reinforcement of global governance mechanisms, but in order to do so the EU requires a clear definition of its self-interest, a correspondingly clear sense of purpose and objectives, and the internal coherence and institutional capacity to exercise leadership. Now is the time for Europe to project a vision of how the global system should evolve, and to act. The project begins with five research domains: i) macroeconomic adjustment and governance; ii) the integration of markets for finance and investment; iii) the integration of markets for trade in goods and services; iv) migration and the mobility of labour; v) environmental governance. hese are questions where a combined analysis by political scientists and economists is necessary if workable and real-world policy solutions are to be developed and prevail. Ultimately, the legitimacy of global governance depends on input and representation in the decision-making process of global governance, and on the output or policy outcome in terms of growth, distribution, and compensation for the losers.
Year 2008
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65 Project

Regional Policy Perspectives

Authors Karoline Popp
Book Title People on the Move in a Changing Climate
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68 Book Chapter

Improving International Cooperation and R&D Road Infrastructure Strategy for Ukraine

Ukraine plays a strategic role in facilitating East-West transport connections, the country’s strategic road network. It however, cannot handle the increasing traffic load due to insufficient technical parameters. The overall objective of the INCRIS coordinating action is to ensure that the cooperation capacities of Ukraine’s leading road research centre, the Shulgin State Road Research Institute (DNDI) are reinforced in order for it to foster its integration into the European Research Area and this improve road infrastructure in Ukraine through joint research. The project aims to establish strategic partnerships between DNDI and EU road research centres in order to facilitate knowledge sharing. The project will help DNDI to develop partnerships and set up joint research programmes through networking. It also aims to strengthen the ability of Ukrainian researchers to take part in future FP7 funded research projects through training on project management accompanied by secondment of DNDI staff at the Brussels office of the Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories. The sharing and dissemination of knowledge between DNDI and research institutes in member states will be facilitated by setting up a bilingual website, translating scientific results of DNDI into English and disseminating them through various channels. A bilingual project brochure will also be produced and participation of DNDI researchers in international conferences in the partner countries will be supported. The project will also assist in building a research strategy for DNDI in order to increase its scope and regional coverage in Ukraine as well as to improve its responses to the socio-economic needs of the country. Eventually, the project will contribute to improve transport infrastructure in Ukraine through enabling researchers to find the best solutions, locally initiated or an adaption of existing know-how while taking the principle of sustainability into account.
Year 2011
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69 Project

‘The Makings of a Success’: The Global Compact on Refugees and the Inaugural Global Refugee Forum

Authors Gillian D Triggs, Patrick C J Wall
Year 2020
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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71 Journal Article

From Burdens and Responsibilities to Opportunities: The Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework and a Global Compact on Refugees

Authors Volker Türk, Volker Tuerk, Madeline Garlick
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
Citations (WoS) 11
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73 Journal Article

Irregular migration and migrants’ informal employment: a discussion theme in international migration governance

Authors Gülay Toksöz, Guelay Toksoz
Year 2018
Journal Name Globalizations
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74 Journal Article

The Global Compact on Migration: A Ray of Hope for Disaster-Displaced Persons

Authors Walter Kälin
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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76 Journal Article

Reducing Migration Costs and Maximizing Human Development

Authors Philip Martin
Book Title Global Perspectives on Migration and Development
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77 Book Chapter

Legal Problems and Decisions in the Cooperation between National Ombudsmen in South - East Europe

Authors Nikolay Marin, Diana Kovacheva
Year 2019
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78 Journal Article

Textbox 1: Circular Migration as a Development Tool: The Mauritian Approach

Authors Anil K. Kokil, Ali Mansoor, Vivekanandsingh Joysuree
Book Title Global Perspectives on Migration and Development
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79 Book Chapter

Refugees and International Cooperation

Authors Göran Melander
Year 1981
Journal Name International Migration Review
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80 Journal Article

A Global Perspective on Migration and Development

Authors Nina Glick Schiller
Book Title The Migration-Development Nexus
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81 Book Chapter

Media coverage on migration : promoting a balanced reporting

This paper is part of the IOM Migration Research Leaders Syndicate’s contribution toward the Global Compact for Migration. It is one of 26 papers that make up a consolidated Syndicate publication, which focuses on proposing ways to address complex and pressing issues in contemporary international migration. The Migration Research Leaders Syndicate, convened as part of IOM’s efforts to extend policy and technical expertise in support of the Global Compact for Migration, comprises senior researchers from diverse geographic, disciplinary and thematic backgrounds. The Syndicate provides a channel for leading experts in migration to propose ideas to meet the ambitious goals outlined in the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants of September 2016. In technical papers such as this one, Syndicate members were invited to identify and propose ways to resolve key conundrums currently posing challenges to international migration governance. To hone their proposals, they benefited from the input of advisors with experience in bridging policy and research, whether as senior non-migration scholars, former policy makers or prominent practitioners. The papers are short and crisp contributions that provide evidence-based, innovative ideas to improve international cooperation on fostering safe, orderly and regular migration.
Year 2017
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82 Report

Refugees and International Cooperation

Authors Goran Melander, G MELANDER
Year 1981
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 5
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83 Journal Article

Migration, Gender, and Family

Authors Juan Carlos Calleros Alarcon
Book Title Global Perspectives on Migration and Development
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85 Book Chapter

The World Bank–Tajikistan Partnership Programme Snapshot

Authors World Bank Group
Year 2016
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86 Report

Democratic governance at times of crisis: rebuilding our communities and building on our citizens

Authors GJ Fraser-Moleketi
Year 2012
Citations (WoS) 3
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87 Journal Article

The UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: Its Impact on Asia

Authors Binod Khadria, Narender Thakur, Imelda Nicolas, ...
Year 2019
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88 Journal Article


Authors The World Bank Group
Year 2016
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89 Policy Brief

From Armed Neutrality to External Dependence: Swiss Security in the 21stCentury

Authors Marc R. DeVore, Armin Stähli
Year 2011
Journal Name Swiss Political Science Review
Citations (WoS) 3
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90 Journal Article

Standing in the Shadow of Civil Society? The 4th Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) in Mexico

Authors Stefan Rother
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration
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91 Journal Article

Migration and International Relations: Cooperation and Control in the European Community

Authors James F. Hollifield
Year 1992
Journal Name International Migration Review
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93 Journal Article

Contributing Factors to Migration Growth Among Iranian Students: Drivers of Migration to Malaysia

Authors Ali Kazemi, Abdolvahab Baghbanian, Mohammad Mahmoudi Maymand, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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94 Journal Article

Return Migration in Western Europe

Year 1985
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 23
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95 Journal Article

The Movements of People between States in the 21st Century: An Agenda for Urgent Institutional Change

Authors Guy S Goodwin-Gill, GS Goodwin-Gill
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
Citations (WoS) 7
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96 Journal Article

International Organisations and the Politics of Migration

Authors Martin Geiger, Antoine Pecoud, Antoine Pécoud
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 31
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97 Journal Article

Controlling Migration through International Cooperation

Authors Annick Pijnenburg, Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, Conny Rijken
Year 2018
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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98 Journal Article

Die Politische Ökonomie der Westafrikanischen Migrationsgovernance

Principal investigator Franzisca Zanker (Principal Investigator)
Der erhöhte Zustrom Geflüchteter und anderer Migrantinnen und Migranten nach Europa in 2015 hat zu erneuten Bemühungen für eine gemeinsame EU-Afrika-Agenda geführt, die sich mit Herausforderungen der Migration befasst. Zahlreiche Treffen, Veranstaltungen und Gipfel wurden (zumindest teilweise) diesem Zweck gewidmet, wie beispielsweise der Valetta-Gipfel in 2015, der G20-Gipfel in Hamburg 2017 und der EU-Afrika-Gipfel in Abidjan in November 2017. Viele bilaterale, regionale und kontinentale Afro-Europäische Rahmenregelungen und Richtlinien gingen diesen politischen Versammlungen voraus und mit ihnen einher. Dennoch funktioniert die aktuelle Herangehensweise – auch durch die EU-Partnerschaftsabkommen – nicht. Der 2018 MEDAM Assessment Report argumentiert, dass die EU-Länder stärker mit afrikanischen Staaten kooperieren sollten. Die Regierungen dieser Staaten werden eher bereit sein, ihre Staatsbürgerinnen und Staatsbürger nach einem abgelehnten Asylantrag in der EU zurückzunehmen, wenn legale Arbeitsmigration eine realistische Alternative darstellt. Eine aktive Auseinandersetzung zwischen afrikanischen und europäischen Ländern fehlt jedoch weiterhin. Kritikerinnen und Kritiker beanstanden einerseits die Tendenz, dass die Migrationszusammenarbeit europäische Interessen in den Vordergrund stellt, die Inkohärenz in der EU-Politikgestaltung und die ausgrenzende Art vieler Gipfel und Veranstaltungen. Andererseits werden afrikanische Regierungen für fehlendes Engagement in der Migrationsgovernance kritisiert. Ein wesentliches Problem ist, wie wenig bezüglich der Interessen, Beteiligung und Akteure bekannt ist, wenn es um die Steuerung von Migration geht – einschließlich Auswanderung (reguläre und irreguläre), Einwanderung und den Umgang mit vertriebenen Menschen. Das Projekt „Die Politische Ökonomie der Westafrikanischen Migrationsgovernance“ will die politischen Dimensionen von Migrationsgovernance und die zahlreichen Akteure (einschließlich zivilgesellschaftliche und subnationale) beleuchten. Dazu untersucht das Projekt wie die Instrumente und Institutionen zur Migrationssteuerung erstellt und implementiert werden, welche Interessen und Akteure einbezogen oder ausgeschlossen sind und welcher gesellschaftlichen Diskurs diese Interessen umgibt. Die qualitative Studie konzentriert sich auf vier Fallstudien – Gambia, Niger, Nigeria und Senegal – und basiert auf Feldforschung, einschließlich halbstrukturierter Interviews in den betreffenden Ländern. Das Projekt ist von Anfang an partizipativ und somit wird eine Veranstaltungsreihe stattfinden, um unsere Ergebnisse mit lokalen Experten in Abuja, Banjul, Dakar und Niamey zu diskutieren. Darüber hinaus wird es einen Abschlussworkshop geben, um die Forschungsergebnisse mit Wissenschaftlern und zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren aus allen vier WAMIG-Ländern vergleichend zu diskutieren. Dies geschieht in Accra in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Centre for Migration Studies. Weitere Informationen zu diesen Veranstaltungen finden Sie hier. Das Projekt „Die Politische Ökonomie von Westafrikanischer Migrationsgovernance“ wird durch die Stiftung Mercator finanziert und im Rahmen des Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration (MEDAM) durchgeführt. MEDAM ist ein dreijähriges Forschungs- und Beratungsprojekt, das Herausforderungen identifiziert und Handlungsstrategien zur Asyl- und Migrationspolitik der EU und ihrer Mitgliedsstaaten erarbeitet.
Year 2019
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99 Project
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