Inter-governmental and international organisations

International organisations are those with an international mandate mission or scope of action, and/or international membership, and can be divided in two main categories: Intergovernmental and international organizations. The former, ,are also called international governmental organisations (IOGs),  are formed of member states and their membership is composed of states’ representatives. Examples include the United Nations and its agencies, such as the UNHCR, and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). The latter, also known as IOs include international non-governmental organisations, which are those NGOs that operate at the international level and are usually not for profit. Results displayed under this category concern the role of IOGs and IOs regarding migration.

Showing page of 362 results, sorted by

The quest for 'fair globalization' and a 'decent work agenda': Supra-national norms, industrial relations and labour market regulation

Principal investigator Branka Likic-Brboric (REMESO Project Leader), Carl-Ulrik Schierup (Participants from REMESO), Charles Woolfson (Participants from REMESO)
The research in this project critically analyses the on-going configuration of global and regional migration regimes within the framework of multilevel global governance. The main objective is to survey international institutional arrangements for core labor standards and migrant workers? rights and to explore their significance for migration management within the 'asymmetric' global governance, as well as their impact on the current trajectory of global and regional political economies. Various studies within the project trace the development of a 'social dimension' of globalization and the articulation of an inclusive, human rights-based policy approach to migration management. The focus is on the ILO?s reformulation of social justice goals in terms of 'decent work' for all workers, including especially those working in the informal economy. The identification of the main multinational, state and non-state actors, their discourses and strategies for the promotion of global social justice, in particular the role of the EU is examined. Since 2010 participants in this project have followed and analysed the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration, related Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) and the role of global civil society actors in this process, leading to MIGLINK, a collaborative research project with Ankara University (Turkey) and University of Zacatecas Mexico).
Year 2007
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1 Project

Trade Unions, Transnational Solidarity and Ethnic Divisions: EU Social Dialogue and Post-War Reconstruction in the Western Balkans

Principal investigator Branka Likic-Brboric (REMESO Project Leader)
The research project addresses the EU's regional approach to support countries in the Western Balkans in their progress towards EU membership. It focuses on the social reconstruction in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia and the regional dialogue on social and employment policies within the Bucharest process. The study investigates local and national trade unions strategies to challenge downward pressure on labour rights and standards brought about by the implementation of a neoliberal model of reconstruction. It analyses the counter-influence of European social dimension as well as practices of the international organizations such as the UNDP, ILO and International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC) and civil society organizations on the development of 'transethnic' regional solidarities. It also examines the forms of labour collaboration necessary to counterbalance hostile employers and governments. The main question concerns the efficacy of EU support for social dialogue and the implementation of the ILO 'decent work agenda' in empowering trade unions in their struggle for labour rights and standards in post-conflict former Yugoslavia. The issue is especially pertinent considering the wider study of post-conflict societies, marked by social fragmentation, ethnic divisions, political clientelism, poverty, informal economy and migration pressures.
Year 2009
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2 Project

When Borders Migrate: Reconstructing the Category of ‘International Migrant’

Authors Anastasia Gorodzeisky, Inna Leykin
Year 2019
Journal Name Sociology
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3 Journal Article

Die Politische Ökonomie der Westafrikanischen Migrationsgovernance

Principal investigator Franzisca Zanker (Principal Investigator)
Der erhöhte Zustrom Geflüchteter und anderer Migrantinnen und Migranten nach Europa in 2015 hat zu erneuten Bemühungen für eine gemeinsame EU-Afrika-Agenda geführt, die sich mit Herausforderungen der Migration befasst. Zahlreiche Treffen, Veranstaltungen und Gipfel wurden (zumindest teilweise) diesem Zweck gewidmet, wie beispielsweise der Valetta-Gipfel in 2015, der G20-Gipfel in Hamburg 2017 und der EU-Afrika-Gipfel in Abidjan in November 2017. Viele bilaterale, regionale und kontinentale Afro-Europäische Rahmenregelungen und Richtlinien gingen diesen politischen Versammlungen voraus und mit ihnen einher. Dennoch funktioniert die aktuelle Herangehensweise – auch durch die EU-Partnerschaftsabkommen – nicht. Der 2018 MEDAM Assessment Report argumentiert, dass die EU-Länder stärker mit afrikanischen Staaten kooperieren sollten. Die Regierungen dieser Staaten werden eher bereit sein, ihre Staatsbürgerinnen und Staatsbürger nach einem abgelehnten Asylantrag in der EU zurückzunehmen, wenn legale Arbeitsmigration eine realistische Alternative darstellt. Eine aktive Auseinandersetzung zwischen afrikanischen und europäischen Ländern fehlt jedoch weiterhin. Kritikerinnen und Kritiker beanstanden einerseits die Tendenz, dass die Migrationszusammenarbeit europäische Interessen in den Vordergrund stellt, die Inkohärenz in der EU-Politikgestaltung und die ausgrenzende Art vieler Gipfel und Veranstaltungen. Andererseits werden afrikanische Regierungen für fehlendes Engagement in der Migrationsgovernance kritisiert. Ein wesentliches Problem ist, wie wenig bezüglich der Interessen, Beteiligung und Akteure bekannt ist, wenn es um die Steuerung von Migration geht – einschließlich Auswanderung (reguläre und irreguläre), Einwanderung und den Umgang mit vertriebenen Menschen. Das Projekt „Die Politische Ökonomie der Westafrikanischen Migrationsgovernance“ will die politischen Dimensionen von Migrationsgovernance und die zahlreichen Akteure (einschließlich zivilgesellschaftliche und subnationale) beleuchten. Dazu untersucht das Projekt wie die Instrumente und Institutionen zur Migrationssteuerung erstellt und implementiert werden, welche Interessen und Akteure einbezogen oder ausgeschlossen sind und welcher gesellschaftlichen Diskurs diese Interessen umgibt. Die qualitative Studie konzentriert sich auf vier Fallstudien – Gambia, Niger, Nigeria und Senegal – und basiert auf Feldforschung, einschließlich halbstrukturierter Interviews in den betreffenden Ländern. Das Projekt ist von Anfang an partizipativ und somit wird eine Veranstaltungsreihe stattfinden, um unsere Ergebnisse mit lokalen Experten in Abuja, Banjul, Dakar und Niamey zu diskutieren. Darüber hinaus wird es einen Abschlussworkshop geben, um die Forschungsergebnisse mit Wissenschaftlern und zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren aus allen vier WAMIG-Ländern vergleichend zu diskutieren. Dies geschieht in Accra in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Centre for Migration Studies. Weitere Informationen zu diesen Veranstaltungen finden Sie hier. Das Projekt „Die Politische Ökonomie von Westafrikanischer Migrationsgovernance“ wird durch die Stiftung Mercator finanziert und im Rahmen des Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration (MEDAM) durchgeführt. MEDAM ist ein dreijähriges Forschungs- und Beratungsprojekt, das Herausforderungen identifiziert und Handlungsstrategien zur Asyl- und Migrationspolitik der EU und ihrer Mitgliedsstaaten erarbeitet.
Year 2019
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4 Project

Globalisation and the Governance of Migration: What Space for Civil Society ?

Principal investigator Carl-Ulrik Schierup (REMESO Project Leader), Aleksandra Ålund (Participants from REMESO), Anders Neergaard (Participants from REMESO), Branka Likic-Brboric (Participants from REMESO), Cavidan Soykan (Participants not from REMESO), Juan Artola (Participants not from REMESO), Nazli Senses (Participants not from REMESO), Stefan Rother (Participants not from REMESO), Gülay Toksöz (Participants not from REMESO), Raúl Delgado Wise (Participants not from REMESO), Seyhan Erdogdü (Participants not from REMESO)
MIGLINK is a Swedish-Mexican-Turkish Research Links consortium specialised on migration and development. MIGLINK aims to examine the development of an incipient global governance framework for migration with a focus on the role of civil society. GFMD, initiated at the UN global dialogue High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development in 2006, is the most inclusive state-led forum between governments on developing policies for international migration. Since its inception, so-called "Civil Society Days" were organized as a side event to the GFMD meetings. The consortium follows preparation, agenda2012) setting, debates and outcomes of upcoming GFMD meetings among to contextualise them in historical and geographical perspective, aiming to identify the role of civil society in global policy making through the GFMD. This is matched by examination of the parallel development of a global movement of civil society in fora outside the formal framework of the GFMD and the formation of alternative agendas for global governance on migration. The consortium links interdisciplinary knowledge on the historical development of global governance on migration with a focus on conditions for sustainable development, poverty reduction, global labour and human rights. Dr. Stefan Rother, South Asian Studies at Freiburg University, with a long standing research trajectory in the subject area, joined the project in 2015.
Year 2014
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6 Project

Analyzing intra-regional migration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Statistical data constraints and the role for regional organizations

Authors Stefano degli Uberti, Philippe De Lombaerde, Sonja Nita, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Regions and Cohesion
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7 Journal Article

Towards a Migration Information System in Asia: Statistics and the Public Discourse on International Migration

Authors Jerrold W. Huguet
Year 2008
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 3
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8 Journal Article


Year 1985
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 2
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9 Journal Article

Mobilité globale et gouvernance des migrations

Principal investigator Hélène Thiollet (Co-Coordinator), Catherine Wihtol de Wenden (Co-Coordinator)
La mobilité globale fait aujourd’hui partie de la texture sociale de la mondialisation et des relations internationales. Elle est à la fois une cause et une conséquence de la mondialisation et les réponses des institutions politiques nationales et internationales sont un enjeu clef de l’analyse de la gouvernance et des transformations sociales à l’échelle globale. Elle est un des points de tension de la modernité politique à l’échelle nationale et internationale. En s’intéressant tout à la fois aux organisations internationales, aux politiques migratoires nationales et régionales des Etats, aux modes d’organisation des espaces de vie des migrants et des réfugiés et aux dynamiques sociales transnationales de structuration de la mobilité, on observe le phénomène migratoire sous plusieurs angles et à différentes échelles. Les chercheurs impliqués dans ce projet ont choisi de privilégier une démarche empirique associée à un effort de systématisation qui emprunte à la science politique, à la sociologie, à l’anthropologie et à l’économie politique. Ils ont aussi choisi de lier leurs objets de recherche fondamentale à des enjeux politiques et sociaux immédiatement contemporains et à s’ancrer dans une réflexion scientifique sur l’action publique nationale et internationale, ses normes et ses principes vis-à-vis de la mobilité. Ce projet a pour vocation de donner une description précise de la mobilité et de ses dynamiques politiques et sociales, notamment en s’intéressant à l’observation empirique des pratiques des acteurs de la gouvernance de la mobilité (Etats, organisations internationales, migrants, réfugiés, réseaux). Il a pour objet d’élucider les représentations à l’œuvre dans ces pratiques, les dispositifs normatifs, idéologiques et identitaires qui les structurent. Le premier axe de ce travail concerne les pratiques et les représentations de la gestion de la mobilité en politique internationale. Il a pour enjeu la mise en questionnement de la notion de gouvernance globale de la mobilité, incluant migrations économiques et flux de refugiés. Les organisations internationales, leur interaction avec les acteurs non gouvernementaux de la politique des migrations internationales et des flux de réfugiés sont au cœur d’un dispositif politique qui est à la fois fait de discours et de pratiques. Le deuxième axe de ce projet observe les enjeux politiques de la gouvernance régionale des migrations dans deux espaces différenciés mais fortement marqué par leur contexte régional, l’Europe et le Moyen Orient. Il s’agit de déterminer la place de l’Etat dans la gouvernance de la mobilité à l’échelle régionale notamment dans le cas européen entre la fin du vingtième et le début du vingt-et-unième siècle. La « gouvernance » oscille entre intégration et « retour de l’Etat » dans la gestion des migrations internationales notamment avec la crise économique et financière, et on étudie les manifestations de cette « réaction souverainiste » sur la mobilité des personnes. Le troisième axe de ce projet s’attache à l’étude ethnographique des lieux de vie des réfugiés, les camps en ‘intéressant aux transformations sociales à l’œuvre dans ce espaces sociaux transnationaux institutionnalisés. Il s’intéresse notamment aux modes de gouvernance mise en œuvre par les acteurs humanitaires dans des contextes de conflits ou de crise et à l’autonomie (agency) des populations concernées et analyse celle-ci à travers la structuration et la matérialité des espaces de relégation et/ou confinement des réfugiés à l’échelle globale. Le quatrième axe de ce projet présente un dispositif prospectif qui vise à décrire les dispositifs contemporains les plus visibles de limitation de la mobilité –les murs et explorer des scenarii politiques d’ouverture des frontières et de libéralisation de la mobilité. Il constitue un complément et un prolongement théorique de l’ensemble des connaissances et analyses déployées dans le cadre de ce projet.
Year 2013
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10 Project

International Migration and State Sovereignty in an Integrating Europe

Authors Andrew Geddes
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration
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11 Journal Article

To Share or Not to Share Responsibility? Finnish Refugee Policy and the Hesitant Support for a Common European Asylum System

Authors Östen Wahlbeck
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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12 Journal Article

Geschichte der Weltflüchtlingspolitik, 1950-1973

Principal investigator Ulrich Herbert (Principal Investigator)
Bis in die 1970er Jahre verstand die internationale Gemeinschaft die Fluechtlingsfrage als eine Art Ausnahmezustand, überwiegend in Europa, und nicht als dauerhaftes Weltproblem. Ein globaler Handlungszusammenhang entstand erst schrittweise zwischen 1950 und 1970. Wie, warum und unter welchen Bedingungen sich dieser Wandel vollzog, ist Gegenstand dieses Forschungsvorhabens. Hier werden zunächst die flüchtlingspolitischen Ansätze seit dem Ersten und dann verstaerkt nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg sowie die daraus entwickelten Schlussfolgerungen zusammengefasst. Die Untersuchung konzentriert sich dann auf vier zeitliche Wegmarken, die die Entwicklung hin zu einer institutionalisierten Weltfluechtlingspolitik praegten: die Entstehungsphase des UNHCR und der Genfer Fluechtlingskonvention 1949-1951; die Ansaetze einer ueber Europa hinausreichenden Universalisierung im Kontext der Algerienkrise 1957-1960; das New York Protocol 1959 - 1967 und schließlich die Praxis der UNHCR in Bangladesch 1971-73, der hier erstmals als sog. focal point organisation vor Ort agierte und die Repatriierung von über zehn Millionen Menschen organisierte. Hier hatte der UNHCR seinen bis heute gültigen Status als die zentrale Institution der weltweit agierenden Flüchtlingshilfe erreicht.
Year 2017
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13 Project


Authors S. Irudaya Rajan, G. Remya Prabha
Year 2008
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 2
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14 Journal Article

Investigation of a post-mandate agreement above suspicion: the July 2018 MoU on readmission between Belgium and Tunisia

Authors Jean-Pierre Cassarino
Year 2022
Journal Name European Politics and Society
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15 Journal Article

Peaks and Pitfalls of Multilevel Policy Coordination: Analyzing the South American Conference on Migration

Authors Victoria Finn, Cristian Dona-Reveco
Year 2021
Journal Name Migration Letters
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16 Journal Article

The Limits and Opportunities of Regional Solidarity: Exploring Refugee Resettlement in Brazil and Chile

Authors Marcia Vera Espinoza
Year 2018
Journal Name Global Policy
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17 Journal Article

Development and Migration or Migration and Development: What Comes First?

Authors S Castles
Year 2009
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 8
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18 Journal Article

Regional organizations and intra-regional migration in sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and prospects

Authors A Adepoju
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration
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19 Journal Article

The neighborhood effect the Pacific in Aotaearoa and Australia

Authors Richard Bedford, Elsie Ho, Vasantha Krishnan, ...
Year 2007
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 9
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21 Journal Article

La rupture de 1955 dans la formation du régime européen de migrations

Authors Emmanuel COMTE
Year 2016
Journal Name Relations internationales
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22 Journal Article

The Australian Labor Market for Medical Practitioners and Nurses: Training, Migration and Policy Issues

Authors R Iredale
Year 2010
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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23 Journal Article

The Impact of Migrant Remittances In India

Authors Jo Joseph
Year 2023
Journal Name SSRN
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24 Journal Article

Integration Processes and Policies in Europe

Authors Rinus Penninx, Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas
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26 Book

Beyond the humanitarian savior logics? UNHCR's public communication strategies for the Syrian and Central African crises

Authors David Ongenaert, Stijn Joye, David Machin
Year 2022
Journal Name International Communication Gazette
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27 Journal Article


Authors Alejandra Leon, Jenyel Contreras
Year 2020
Journal Name Revista Andina de Estudios Políticos
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28 Journal Article

Institutions and financial development: Evidence from international migrants in the United States

Authors UO Osili, Anna Paulson
Year 2008
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 27
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29 Journal Article

When contact is not enough: Social identity and intergroup cooperation

Authors Marilynn Brewer
Year 1996
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 97
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30 Journal Article

Understanding change in international organizations: Globalization and innovation in the ILO

Authors L.R. Helfer
Year 2006
Journal Name Vanderbilt Law Review
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31 Journal Article


Year 1990
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 1
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32 Journal Article

Gendered impacts of the war in Ukraine: identifying potential, presumed or actual women victims of trafficking at the Italian borders

Authors Francesca Cimino, Paola Degani
Year 2023
Journal Name Frontiers in Human Dynamics.
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33 Journal Article

La production de l’immigration irrégulière en France : une question d’insécurité humaine

Authors Speranta Dumitru
Year 2018
Journal Name Migrations Société
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34 Journal Article

Dissimination of Evidence-Based Integration Approaches of Migrant Children Attending Czech Schools

Principal investigator Filip Kachnic (Principal Investigator)
The goal of the project is to collect and dissiminate best practices in immigrant students education from Czech public and private schools. Preliminary project outcomes were dissiminated in the EU Parliament in 2020 to selected MEP and as conference paper at the 8th World Conference on Peace in Schools in Mexico (virtually). The project is being conducted in two phases: - 2020/2021: Dissimination of Evidence-Based Integration Approaches of Migrant Children Attending Czech Schools (project number 52010441) is with EU stakeholders, international research bodies and practitioners. - 2019/2020: Migrant & Refugee Children in Czech Schools: Assessment of School´s Inclusion Approach from Child´s Perspective/Pedagogy (project id 51910372). The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.
Year 2019
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35 Project

Third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings: detection, identification and protection

Authors European Migration Network (EMN)
Trafficking in human beings is a crime against the victim’s fundamental rights. It can take several forms, such as sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery and servitude-related practices, as well as the removal of organs. This practice is prohibited under numerous EU and international instruments. Yet, persistent demand for sexual services and for low-wage workers employed in manual jobs continues to provide opportunities for traffickers to exploit human beings. This EMN study provides an overview of measures and best practices around detection, identification and protection of third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings from January 2015 to December 2020. The European study provides an answer to a number of key questions. How do EU Member States, Norway and Georgia tackle human trafficking of third-country nationals? How do countries ensure cooperation at EU and international level? What were the main challenges and good practices identified in respect of the impact of COVID-19?
Year 2022
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36 Report

The new immigrants Global trends in migration towards OECD countries between 2000/01 and 2015/16

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Year 2019
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37 Policy Brief

FOCUS: Forced displacement and refugee-host community solidarity

Principal investigator Sabina Dziadecka Gråbæk (Project manager , IFRC Psychosocial Centre ), Anouk Boschma (MHPSS Technical Advisor , IFRC Psychosocial Centre), Dean Ajdukovic (Professor, Senior Researcher , University of Zagreb), Jana Kiralj (Researcher, University of Zagreb), Nahikari Irastorza (Researcher, Malmo University ), Ulrike Kluge (Professor, Senior Researcher , Humboldt University ), Steffen Schodwell (Researcher, Humboldt University), Dana Abdel Fatah (Researcher , Humboldt Charite), Christiane Abele (Project Manager , ARTIC ), Karin Rosenits (Project Manager , ARTIC), Peter MacDonagh (Senior Consultant , Q4), Andreas Heyd (Project coordinator, IFRC Psychosocial Centre)
FOCUS is an EU funded research project running from January 2019 to June 2022, led by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support hosted by the Danish Red Cross with partners from nine countries (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark France, Germany, Ireland, Jordan and the United Kingdom). FOCUS aims at deepening the understanding of critical dimensions of integration. The project takes stock of the decade passed since the arrival of more than 1 million refugees and migrants from Syria and other countries (UNHCR 2018), with a special emphasis on psychological and social factors, and makes this knowledge accessible in an efficient and useful way.
Year 2019
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39 Project

La traite des êtres humains saisie par les institutions. Une comparaison France/Allemagne

Principal investigator Mathilde Darley (Principal Investigator)
La lutte contre la traite : entre gouvernement des frontières et régulation des sexualité Une politique et ses acteurs : comprendre les catégories institutionnelles à partir des pratiques des agents Dans un contexte international et national marqué par la multiplication des débats et des instruments visant la lutte contre la traite des femmes à des fins d’exploitation sexuelle, le projet ProsCrim s’est intéressé aux pratiques institutionnelles de qualification et de catégorisation des formes d’exploitation entourant l’exercice de la prostitution en France et en Allemagne. L’enquête visait notamment à éclairer les ressorts des catégories institutionnelles utilisées (et notamment celles de « victime » / « auteur » de traite des êtres humains). Pour ce faire, le dispositif méthodologique prévoyait à la fois une ethnographie des interactions entre les personnes en situation de prostitution et/ou de proxénétisme et les acteurs étatiques et non étatiques chargés de leur contrôle et de leur prise en charge (associations, acteurs policiers et judiciaires) ; et une ethnographie des arènes et acteurs ayant permis la constitution, la consolidation et la circulation de formes d’expertise sur la traite, et en particulier sur l’identification de ses « victimes ». Enfin, le projet se fixait comme objectif d’interroger, à travers la mise en perspective de deux régimes différenciés de régulation de la prostitution (réglementariste en Allemagne et abolitionniste en France), le poids du cadre légal sur les pratiques de catégorisation mises en œuvre localement.
Year 2014
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40 Project

Introduction: Migration and Mobility in the Context of Post-Communist Transition in Central and Eastern Europe

Authors Agata Górny, Paweł Kaczmarczyk
Year 2019
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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41 Journal Article

Implementation of the 2015 Council Decisions establishing provisional measures in the area of international protection for the benefit of Italy and of Greece

Authors Elspeth Guild, Cathryn Costello, Violeta Morena-Lax
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, examines the EU’s mechanism of relocation of asylum seekers from Greece and Italy to other Member States. It examines the scheme in the context of the Dublin System, the hotspot approach, and the EU-Turkey Statement, recommending that asylum seekers’ interests, and rights be duly taken into account, as it is only through their full engagement that relocation will be successful. Relocation can become a system that provides flexibility for Member States and local host communities, as well as accommodating the agency and dignity of asylum seekers. This requires greater cooperation from receiving States, and a clearer role for a single EU legal and institutional framework to organise preference matching and rationalise efforts and resources overall.
Year 2017
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42 Report


Year 1992
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 6
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43 Journal Article

Viet Nam

Authors DN Anh
Year 2008
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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44 Journal Article

Understanding the dynamics of protracted displacement

Authors Albert Kraler, Benjamin Etzold, Nuno Ferreira
Year 2021
Journal Name Forced Migration Review
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45 Journal Article

Refugees as Actors? Critical Reflections on Global Refugee Policies on Self-reliance and Resilience

Authors Hannah Schmidt, Ulrike Krause
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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48 Journal Article

A research review of education and professional development in countries with migration potential

Authors Francesco De Maria
Year 2019
Journal Name Form@re-Open Journal per la formazione in rete
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49 Journal Article

The 'others' amongst 'them' – selection categories in European resettlement and humanitarian admission programmes

Authors Natalie Welfens, Asya Pisarevskaya
Year 2020
Book Title European Societies, Migration, and the Law: The ‘Others' amongst ‘Us'
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50 Book Chapter

China Wants You: The Social Construction of Skilled Labor in Three Employment Sectors

Authors James Farrer
Year 2014
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 8
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51 Journal Article


Authors Mansoor Moaddel
Year 1994
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 28
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52 Journal Article

Israel: metropolitan integration or 'fractured regions'? An alternative perspective

Authors O Yiftachel
Year 1997
Journal Name Cities
Citations (WoS) 5
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54 Journal Article

The Chinese in Spain

Authors G Nieto
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 15
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56 Journal Article

New kid in town: Social capital and the life course effects of family migration on children

Authors J Hagan, B Wheaton, R MacMillan
Year 1996
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 233
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57 Journal Article

Anatomy of a Misfit: International Migration Statistics

Authors Ahmad Wali Ahmad-Yar, Tuba Bircan
Year 2021
Journal Name Sustainability
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58 Journal Article

Brain Circulation of South Korean Students in Japan and China

Authors In-Jin Yoon, Kyung-Soo Rha, Jongtae Kim, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 4
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59 Journal Article

Queering international refugee law

Authors Nuno Ferreira, Carmelo Danisi
Year 2021
Book Title The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law
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60 Book Chapter

Migration Governance and Asylum Crises

Principal investigator Lennart Olsson (), Mine Islar (), Anne Jerneck ()
In our part of the project (Work package 6) will investigate the responses given to migration at different scales. It aims to provide an in-depth understanding of responses provided by actors ranging from urban to rural contexts, from transnational city-city collaborations to local community initiatives. Local scale is one of the first spaces where migration needs to be governed. Cities different than governments include networks of public and private sector leaders and institutions that include citizen initiatives, trade unions, private companies and universities, among others. A multi-scalar approach will be implemented by examining three different types of cases (1) The case of urban-rural development in Sweden, via international migration, (2) The case of local migration ecosystems in Northern Italy, (3) The case of Greek islands in the Aegean Sea, (4) The case of transnational collaborations and social innovations. By engaging in multi-scalar case studies, the aim is to cover both official and unofficial responses to the so called “refugee crisis”, emphasizing the role of the local authorities in facilitating (or hindering) the application of national policies on reception, redistribution and inclusion/exclusion of newcomers as well as the increasing role of communities and innovations in shaping the migration response by also showing opportunities. These areas, with the potential benefits of interdisciplinary research, will seek synergies between the following two goals; SDG Goal 9 on building resilient infrastructure as well as Goal 11 on inclusive cities. By doing so, we will inform policy making in these areas and potentially contribute to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Year 2019
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61 Project

Jews, Muslims and the Ritual Male Circumcision Debate: Religious Diversity and Social Inclusion in Germany

Authors Goekce Yurdakul
Year 2016
Journal Name Social Inclusion
Citations (WoS) 5
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62 Journal Article

Managing the Russian Refugee Issue in the Kingdom of SHS

Authors Petra Kim Krasnić
Year 2020
Journal Name Contributions to Contemporary History
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63 Journal Article

Dissemination of information on voluntary return: how to reach irregular migrants not in contact with the authorities – Luxembourg.

Authors Lisa Li, David Petry, Birte Nienaber
The focus of this study lies with irregular migrants who are not in contact with the authorities. Due to their irregular situation, it is difficult to provide information on the numbers of persons that are irregularly staying in Luxembourg. Several actors were able to provide some estimations on the scale of irregular migrants, but these estimations can only ever be partial. Statistics are available concerning the assisted voluntary return and reintegration from Luxembourg programme that is operated by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as well as concerning the counselling services offered by different non-governmental organisations and associations. However, most of these numbers refer to migrants that are known to the authorities, mainly because they are rejected applicants for international protection.
Year 2015
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64 Report

Refugee Resettlement in Crisis: The failure of the EU-Turkey Deal and the Case of Burden-Sharing

Authors Michelle McEwen
Year 2017
Journal Name Swarthmore International Relations Journal
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65 Journal Article

Integration of Refugee Students in European Higher Education Comparative Country Cases

According to UNHCR, an estimated 68.5 million individuals are today forcibly displaced worldwide. Around half of the world’s refugees are children and young people under the age of 35. While many students are forced to abandone their studies in their home countries, only one percent of refugee youth is able to access and continue higher education. Evidence shows that despite a fundamental right to education, refugees and similar at-risk populations encounter significant challenges barring access to higher education. The situation also prevails in Europe. When confronted with dramatic increases of mass migration in 2015 and 2016, European countries did little to adjust access to higher education for refugees. With very few exceptions, there are still no specific national policy approaches among European countries. Higher education institutions are mostly left to their own practices to handle the issue. Emergency responses generally focus on providing limited numbers of competitive scholarships, linguistic support, and counseling services. However, large-scale, sustainable broad-based internationalization policies and frameworks are utterly lacking. While effective response to refugees’ higher education needs is a responsibility for all higher education institutions, rather than taking the lead to push for inclusive societies, universities have curbed their activities within the restricted legislative frameworks that create status-related obstacles for refugees. Accordingly, this report provides an overview and descriptive analysis of how selected countries (Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Norway, UK and Turkey) have responded to the massive inflow of refugees, as well as the policy practices they have developed concerning refugee students’ integration into higher education. Seeking to encourage sustainable policy responses and national frameworks, this report highlights these selected countries’ procedures to ensure access to higher education and also approaches to recognize foreign qualifications. It also examines particular challenges in the case of each country. The report limits its scope exclusively to refugee students, excluding practices developed for refugee academics/university staff. This report offers a contribution to the existing literature on educational policy for refugees and encourages higher education institutions to remember their central role as a driving force for social development and integration.
Year 2019
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66 Report

Accommodation as Displacement: Notes from Refugee Camps in Greece in 2016

Authors George Kandylis
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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68 Journal Article

Das globale Flüchtlingsregime im Mittleren Osten seit den späten 1970er Jahren: Konzepte, Akteure, Praktiken

Principal investigator Agnes Bresselau von Bressensdorf (Principal Investigator)
"Der sowjetische Einmarsch in Afghanistan 1979 und der daran anschließende, bis 1989 andauernde Krieg lösten den weltweit größten Massenexodus seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs aus. Mit dem iranisch-irakischen Krieg stieg die Zahl der Flüchtlinge in dieser für Washington und Moskau sowie ihre jeweiligen Verbündeten geostrategisch, sicherheits- und energiepolitisch bedeutenden Region ein weiteres Mal signifikant an. Hier setzt das Projekt an und analysiert unter Rückgriff auf bislang überwiegend in der Politikwissenschaft diskutierte Ansätze der Global Governance die Konzepte, Akteure und Praktiken humanitärer Hilfe, die zur Etablierung eines globalen „Flüchtlingsregimes“ beitrugen. So wird erstens nach den Normen und Prinzipien gefragt, denen die unterschiedlichen Konzepte und Programme der Flüchtlingshilfe zugrunde lagen. Inwieweit spielten moralische und philanthropische, religiöse oder ideologische Motive eine Rolle, welche Bedeutung hatten menschenrechtliche oder entwicklungspolitische Überlegungen, welche Interessenkonstellationen formten den Diskurs? Zweitens werden die zentralen Akteure des globalen Netzwerks humanitärer Hilfe auf internationaler, transnationaler und nationaler Ebene untersucht. Dies umfasst multilaterale Organisationen wie die UNO und dessen Flüchtlingshilfswerk UNHCR ebenso wie die Europäische Gemeinschaft, nichtstaatliche Akteure wie das Internationale Rote Kreuz ebenso wie ausgewählte NGOs im Bereich der Flüchtlingshilfe. Die nationale Ebene wird exemplarisch am Beispiel der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in den Blick genommen. Drittens werden die konkreten Praktiken humanitärer Hilfe vor Ort untersucht. Auf welche Probleme stießen die Akteure in den Flüchtlingslagern, wie wurde ihr Engagement von den Flüchtlingen selbst wahrgenommen? Welche Rolle spielten Kompetenzstreitigkeiten und Konkurrenzverhältnisse im Kampf um begrenzte finanzielle Ressourcen und mediale Aufmerksamkeit, wo bestanden Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit? Wie gingen die Akteure mit der Diskrepanz zwischen ihrem humanitären Auftrag einerseits und ihrer Abhängigkeit von den machtpolitischen Realitäten andererseits um? Auf Basis dieser Fragestellungen will das Projekt einen Beitrag zur Geschichte der internationalen Beziehungen in einer sich globalisierenden Welt leisten und die seit den 1970er Jahren entstehende netzwerkartige Struktur des Politikfeldes humanitärer Hilfe herausarbeiten."
Year 2015
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70 Project

Governing Irregular Migration: States, Migrants and Intermediaries at the Age of Globalisation

Authors Panos Hatziprokopiou, Anna Triandafyllidou
The IRMA project is informed by the wider theoretical framework of globalization studies which point to the erosion of the sovereignty and independence of the nation state. Globalization is a multi-faceted and multi-level phenomenon: economically it involves the elimination of countries’ trade boundaries and the development of global multinational corporations. At the cultural level it signifies to a large extent the spread of a borderless and boundless consumerism. However this also creates opposed movements of return to local cultures and local economies. At the social level, globalization involves a sense that politics and democracy are increasingly less relevant as global market forces seem to take the lead. At the same time the volatility of the global economy creates a crisis of legitimacy for the neo-liberal policies that advocate stripping away the protections that nation states used to provide to their citizens in the name of an unstoppable global model of development (George and Wilding 2002; Holton 2005, Milliot and Tournois 2010). Migration is deeply affected by globalization as the lifestyles, consumer habits, sense of relative deprivation as well as systems of production and politics of developing countries are shaped by the forces of social, political and economic globalization. People become more aware of the better prospects that potentially await them in developed countries. Information travels faster than before, and means to get connected through IT as well as means of transport are also cheaper and faster. The erosion of national boundaries create also more space and scope for local or transnational actors to be involved in irregular migration whether as local or transnational smuggling networks, or as local NGOs or international organisations. Globalization has been the buzzword of the last three decades, so widely used by such a wide range of actors that it often remains too vague and elusive to translate into meaningful content. On the other hand, migration is lately discussed in relation to globalization; yet, little empirical evidence to date clarifies precisely the relationship between the two (King 1995; Castles 2000; Urzua 2000; Tapinos 2000; Stalker 2000; Papastergiadis 2000; Koser 2007; Castles and Miller 2009; Solimano 2010). It is therefore necessary to begin by offering some conceptual definitions of globalization and exploring its links with international migration.
Year 2013
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71 Report

La mer à la croisée des chemins: l’impact juridique de la superposition de régimes juridiques sur l’effectivité de la police en mer

Principal investigator Kiara Neri (Principal Investigator), Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche (Coordinator)
La proposition est née de l’actualité maritime européenne. La mer est en effet devenu pour l’Europe un enjeu majeur de sécurité. Un grand nombre d’études juridiques se sont donc concentrées sur les phénomènes migratoires, la montée de la criminalité sur les océans ou encore les enjeux environnementaux. Toutefois, ces études restent pour l’essentiel sectorielles et ne saisissent pas le phénomène maritime dans son intégralité. Or afin de préserver au mieux la sécurité en Europe, l’approche cloisonnée développée par la recherche en droit international et européen ne peut plus suffire. Le présent projet se propose donc de décloisonner les approches et de mettre l’accent sur les différends corps de règles applicables aux espaces maritimes. Le millefeuille juridique d’appliquant à la mer rend en effet l’organisation de la police en mer très complexe et nuit à son efficacité, à la surveillance des espaces maritimes et à la protection des droits et libertés des personnes. Les questions de criminalité (terrorisme maritime, piraterie, pêche illicite, trafics de migrants, d’êtres humains, de drogue, etc.) d’une part et la question du respect des droits fondamentaux face à ces activités de police d’autre part forment le substrat de l’étude. Elle s’inscrit alors parfaitement dans le champ du défi qui recouvre la clarification des missions régaliennes en matière de sécurité et la gestion des risques, ici essentiellement humains et environnementaux. Les résultats de l’étude feront l’objet d’une publication régulière au sein des revues spécialisées en droit international, en droit de la mer ou en droit européen, notamment à la suite des travaux réalisés par le Doctorant et le Post-Doc recrutés par le projet. Ces publications périodiques seront également complétées par au moins deux publications collectives des membres de l’équipe de recherche. Ces publications sont des publications scientifiques dans le domaine de la science juridique et disposeront d’une diffusion la plus large notamment grâce à leur caractère bilingue, en français et en anglais. Par ailleurs, le projet a pour ambition de devenir une force de proposition en proposant des solutions concrètes à mettre en œuvre dans le cadre des politiques publiques aussi bien au niveau national (ministères de l’Intérieur, de la Défense et des Affaires étrangères) qu’européen (Commission européenne notamment). Des contacts avec ces institutions sont en cours d’établissement. Ils seront opérationnels pour janvier 2018. La coordinatrice s’appuiera sur une équipe scientifique de haute qualité. Des liens scientifiques ont en effet pu être tissés lors du projet MARSAFENET financé par la Commission européenne (COST ACTION) sous la direction du Professeur Gemma ANDREONE. Le projet s’appuie donc sur des coopérations scientifiques déjà en place et solides. Il y inclut néanmoins de nouveaux membres, en fonction des besoins. Les résultats du projet auront des retombées dans le champ de la recherche fondamentale en droit, et plus précisément en droit international et européen. Toutefois, ces résultats ne se limitent pas à la recherche théorique, même si elle reste fondamentale pour le rayonnement de nos Universités. En effet, l’objectif premier de l’étude est de permettre des retombées pratiques sur l’effectivité de la police maritime et donc, par voie de conséquences sur la sécurité européenne.
Year 2019
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72 Project

European Asylum Policy: Two Major Accords to Break the Impasse

Authors The Advisory Council on International Affairs (Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken)
Sinds de vluchtelingencrisis van 2015-2016 bevindt het Europese asielstelsel zich in een crisis. Het stelsel vertoont grote tekortkomingen. De vluchtelingenkampen in landen aan de Europese buitengrens waar zich mensonterende situaties voordoen zijn daarvan het meest zichtbare gevolg. In de lidstaten van de Europese Unie bestaat tegelijk veel frustratie over het uitblijven van effectieve verwerking van de grote aantallen aankomende asielzoekende migranten. De toedeling van solidariteit en verantwoordelijkheid tussen lidstaten die het stelsel schraagt, hapert in de praktijk. Vanwege de fundamentele onenigheid tussen lidstaten over de richting van een hervorming lukt het nu al jaren niet een uitweg te vinden. Tegen deze achtergrond heeft de minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, samen met de staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid, de Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken (AIV) verzocht om te adviseren hoe de politieke impasse op het terrein van het Europese asielbeleid kan worden doorbroken. Zodoende stelt de AIV in dit advies de vraag centraal welke politiek-strategische benadering een kansrijke uitweg uit de patstelling zou kunnen bieden. Het advies beoogt dus niet de diverse aspecten van de wereldwijde asiel- en migratieproblematiek uitputtend te behandelen. Uiteraard kunnen de maatregelen ter hervorming van het Europese asielstelsel in veel gevallen niet los worden gezien van het asiel- en migratievraagstuk in den brede. Relevante aspecten komen daarom aan de orde in zoverre dit de advisering over het doorbreken van de Europese asielimpasse dient. Het asielbeleid in Nederland en Europa is gebaseerd op een normatief kader stoelend op onder meer het Vluchtelingenverdrag en het Europese Verdrag tot bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens. Dit kader vormt onverminderd het uitgangspunt waarbinnen een oplossing gestalte dient te krijgen. Naar het oordeel van de AIV is dit niet alleen een kwestie van medemenselijkheid en juridische verplichting, maar ook van eigenbelang: stabiliteit en rechtsorde aan de buitengrenzen en elders is hiermee in belangrijke mate gediend. Bovendien kan het Europese asielstelsel niet functioneren zonder medewerking van landen van herkomst en transit van wie we vragen een belangrijk aandeel te nemen in het internationale migratiemanagement en die we nodig hebben voor terugkeerbeleid. Samenwerking bij bescherming in de regio en geloofwaardige mogelijkheden voor legale migratie naar EU-lidstaten zullen daarom onderdeel van het asiel- en migratiebeleid moeten zijn. Evenmin echter kan worden voorbijgegaan aan realiteiten die het functioneren van en het draagvlak voor het asielstelsel ondermijnen, zoals de grote aantallen aankomende migranten die een beroep doen op asielbescherming in Europa zonder daar recht op te hebben, en de toenemende problemen met de groep die niet mag blijven (de ‘veilige-landers’) maar niet terugkeert naar het land van herkomst. Er zijn ook veiligheidsrisico’s verbonden aan onvoldoende gecontroleerde binnenkomsten. Daaruit vloeien in noodsituaties soms moeilijke politieke keuzes voort. De AIV stelt vast dat een hervorming van het Europese asielstelsel dringend nodig is. De huidige impasse is riskant, omdat Europa momenteel slecht is voorbereid op een mogelijke volgende grote migratiecrisis – waarvan de COVID-19 pandemie het gevaar bepaald niet verkleint. Tegelijk leidt een falend Europees asielstelsel, en de perceptie onder Europese burgers van verlies van controle op wie er onze landen binnenkomt, tot verlies van vertrouwen in zowel de rechtvaardigheid van het asielstelsel als het functioneren van de EU. De beantwoording van de adviesaanvraag aan de AIV vergt om te beginnen een analyse van de strategieën die kunnen bijdragen aan het vinden van politieke ruimte om de impasse te doorbreken (hoofdstuk 2). Het gaat dan, bijvoorbeeld, om de voor- en nadelen van een pakketbenadering of juist een stap-voor-stap-aanpak. Ook bespreekt de AIV welke gebeurtenissen de impasse deden ontstaan en welke conflicterende politieke drijfveren en onderliggende onevenwichtigheden erin tot uitdrukking komen. Sterke ideologische opvattingen, diepgevoelde overtuigingen en emoties – voor én tegen ruimhartige opname van vluchtelingen – spelen bij dit thema een grote rol. Alleen goed wederzijds begrip van de publieke ervaringen binnen diverse lidstaten en van de weerslag daarvan op standpunten van politieke partijen en regeringen, biedt een basis voor vertrouwensherstel en voor stappen om uit de impasse te komen. Het rapport behandelt vervolgens enkele ontwikkelingen in politiek en rechtspraak, en ook de intrede van de COVID-19 pandemie, die relevant zijn voor de mogelijkheden de impasse te doorbreken (hoofdstuk 3). Politieke dynamiek komt ook van de eind 2019 aangetreden Commissie-Von der Leyen die zoekt naar manieren om het asielstelsel, eventueel geleidelijk, te hervormen. Daartoe presenteerde de Commissie in september 2020 het ‘asiel- en migratiepact’, waarvan een politieke appreciatie wordt geboden (hoofdstuk 4). De AIV verbindt vervolgens de genoemde strategieën en ontwikkelingen aan de onderdelen van de asiel- en migratieketen en aan ‘Schengen’. In het betreffende deel van het advies (hoofdstukken 5, 6 en 7) worden de contouren van de conclusies en aanbevelingen zichtbaar. In de kern is de AIV van oordeel dat een doorbreken van de impasse slechts mogelijk is op basis van twee grote akkoorden: een intern akkoord gebaseerd op een nieuw evenwicht in de solidariteit en verantwoordelijkheden tussen de lidstaten en een extern akkoord dat het interne beleid flankeert middels effectieve afspraken met derde landen over terug- en overname, gebaseerd op gedeelde belangen. Wat betreft het interne akkoord volgt de AIV de denklijn in het voorstel van de Commissie-Von der Leyen om een van de voornaamste struikelblokken richting een akkoord uit de weg te ruimen dankzij ‘flexibele solidariteit’. Voorwaarde voor de AIV daarbij is dat de geleverde solidariteitsinspanning ten gunste van buitengrenslanden zichtbare handelingen betreft (en niet enkel financiële steun) én getuigt van inhoudelijke solidariteit met vluchtelingen en/of derde landen (en zich dus niet beperkt tot steun aan bijvoorbeeld terugkeerbeleid of grensbewaking). Naar het oordeel van de AIV is een inperking van ‘Schengen’ geen goed drukmiddel om de asielimpasse te doorbreken: de politieke en economische kosten zijn onevenredig hoog. Wat betreft het externe akkoord meent de AIV dat de afspraken moeten zijn gekaderd in een brede, omvattende samenwerking. Daarvan moet sociaaleconomische ontwikkeling, inclusief instrumenten van handelsbeleid, deel uitmaken, maar ook gezamenlijke sturing op migratie en wegen voor legale migratie. De Commissievoorstellen zijn op dit punt weinig uitgewerkt; mede daarom ligt juist hier naar het oordeel van de AIV een rol voor Nederland om te zorgen dat dit externe onderdeel in de discussies over de hervorming van het Europese asielbeleid de prioriteit krijgt die het verdient. In de conclusies en aanbevelingen werkt de AIV dit nader uit, met vijf aanbevelingen die het interne akkoord betreffen en vijf aanbevelingen die het externe akkoord aangaan. Zonder extern akkoord zal geen intern akkoord tot stand kunnen komen. Alleen met tastbare en gelijktijdige vooruitgang op beide terreinen kunnen Nederland en de andere leden van de Europese Unie hun handelingsvermogen op het gemeenschappelijk asielbeleid herwinnen en dit toekomstbestendig vormgeven.
Year 2020
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73 Report

Assessing the Significance of Religion in Gender and Migration Studies: New Avenues for Scholarly Inquiry

Authors Sylwia Urbańska
Year 2018
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review,
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74 Journal Article

The class route to nationhood: China, Vietnam, Norway, Cyprus - and France

Authors Stein Tonnesson
Year 2009
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
Citations (WoS) 4
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75 Journal Article

Entrepreneurship Support in Uganda’s Refugee Response

Authors U-Learn Uganda
This learning brief is the result of a collective learning process, engaging actors from the humanitarian, development, entrepreneurship and innovation, government, and finance sectors. Its purpose is to take stock of the different approaches to entrepreneurship support implemented in the refugee response and to document the learning in order to inform future programming.
Year 2024
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76 Report

Implicit hierarchies in the EU representation of refugees: a comparative text-analysis of the European Parliament's framing of Syrian and Ukrainian diasporas

Authors Gaetano Giancaspro, Flavia Lucenti
Year 2024
Journal Name Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica
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77 Journal Article

Zicht op reisroutes van irreguliere migranten - informatiebehoefte in de keten, dataoplossingen en ketensamenwerking

Authors Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Regioplan Beleidsonderzoek, Marina Lazëri, ...
Naar verwachting neemt het aantal mensen dat naar Nederland migreert de komende jaren toe. Overheden zullen zich daarom steeds beter moeten voorbereiden op de komst van migranten, bijvoorbeeld door opvang te regelen. Toegenomen migratie houdt ook in dat de zogenoemde irreguliere migratie toeneemt, dat wil zeggen: het oversteken van een landgrens zonder de daarvoor benodigde toestemming of het verblijven in een land zonder de benodigde documenten. Deze vorm van migratie gaat gepaard met relatief grote risico’s zoals smokkel en uitbuiting. Tegelijkertijd is er slechts beperkt zicht op zowel de aantallen als de reisroutes van irreguliere migranten. Dit leidt tot verhoogde risico’s op smokkel en uitbuiting en tot beperkte beheersbaarheid van migratie vanuit overheden. Verschillende ketenpartners in de Nederlandse migratieketen hebben te maken met verschillende aspecten van irreguliere migratie. Ze beschikken daardoor (slechts) over data met betrekking tot de eigen specifieke domeinen. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld informatie zijn over reisroutes van irreguliere migranten die over land Nederland binnenkomen, of juist via luchthavens. Ook de dataverzameling bij deze ketenpartners kan specifiek afgestemd zijn op de aspecten waarmee zij te maken hebben.
Year 2024
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78 Report

Energy Practices in Ugandan Settlements Amid Environmental Challenges

Authors U-Learn Uganda
This report serves to inform the humanitarian and development actors in the refugee response about the barriers and enablers of behavior change among the refugee and host community with regards to their energy consumption in the context of environmental degradation and climate change adaptation.
Year 2024
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79 Report

Energy for Household Uses in Refugee Settlements in Uganda

Authors U-Learn Uganda
In this desk review on Energy for Household Use in Uganda’s refugee response, we delve into the critical aspects shaping the energy landscape within this context. The review highlights the multifaceted challenges faced by refugee households in accessing reliable and sustainable energy sources. With a focus on improving living conditions and promoting self-reliance, the review explores ways of enhancing energy access for cooking, lighting, and other essential needs. Insights gathered from this analysis aim to foster a more inclusive and sustainable energy environment for refugee communities in Uganda.
Year 2024
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80 Report

Abolir les passeports ? Les gouvernements contre l’opinion

Authors Speranta Dumitru
Year 2023
Journal Name Cahiers d’histoire. Revue d’histoire critique
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81 Journal Article

Securitización migratoria de la diáspora venezolana antes y durante la pandemia covid-19 en Ecuador y Perú

Authors Castilla Cesar, Sami Sanchez
Year 2023
Journal Name Temas Sociales
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82 Journal Article

Securitización migratoria de la diáspora venezolana antes y durante la pandemia covid-19 en Ecuador y Perú

Authors Castilla Cesar, Sami Sanchez
Year 2023
Journal Name Temas Sociales
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83 Journal Article

The Formation of the Migration Regime of the EU

Authors Emmanuel Comte
Year 2023
Book Title The Cambridge History of the European Union
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84 Book Chapter

The Formation of the Migration Regime of the EU

Authors Emmanuel Comte
Year 2023
Book Title The Cambridge History of the European Union
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85 Book Chapter

I have nothing to lose - Nomadic unaccompanied minors in Europe

Authors Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Işik Kulu-Glasgow, Manon van der Meer, ...
Unaccompanied minors (UM) coming to Europe form an especially vulnerable group of migrant children, traveling without their parents or other adults exercising authority over them. In many European countries, asking for international protection is the main way for them to receive accommodation and a residence permit. However, minors coming from so-called safe countries, where in general there is no (fear of) persecution (e.g. Morocco, and in the Netherlands until June 2021 Algeria) have little or no chance of receiving a residence permit. Some of these mostly North African youngsters travel from one European country to another, in search of opportunities to work and earn money. The aim of this study was to learn more about the background of this group of minors, and gain knowledge about the experiences of other European countries with this specific group of minors. The general aims of this study were: to paint a picture of the nomadic existence of UMs with (multiple) problems in Europe; to investigate the underlying reasons of their nomadic behaviour and the (multiple)problems they have; and to explore the type of (policy) measures that are taken regarding the supervision and care of this group in other European countries.
Year 2023
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86 Report

Invloed asielbeleid op migratie naar Nederland: wetenschappelijke inzichten in migratiedrivers

Authors Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Merel Kahmann, Ahmed Hamdi, ...
In the social debate on asylum migration, regularly a connection is assumed between the provision of facilities to asylum migrants and the number of asylum migrants coming to the Netherlands. The WODC has commissioned the Verwey-Jonker Institute to provide insight into the latest scientific knowledge on the factors that play a role in the migration process of asylum migrants, including their own decisions. Based on recent scientific research, the study aimed to provide insights into how asylum migrants ‘choose’ a destination country, particularly the Netherlands. What can be said about the influence of asylum policy on the choice of a destination country, and the Netherlands in particular?
Year 2023
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87 Report

Mobile TVET programming in the Uganda refugee response

Authors U-Learn Uganda
This case study provides a deeper understanding of how the employment of Mobile Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programming in refugee response addresses some of the barriers faced by last-mile populations in accessing traditional TVET opportunities. It shares learning from the Uganda-based NGO-Africa Non-profit Chore’s (ANCHOR) successful mobile TVET program through its “Refugee and Host Community Access and Innovation in Skills for Employment” (RAISE) project in an isolated part of Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement in north-western Uganda. The study highlights the advantages and challenges of implementing a mobile TVET approach, as well as how it can support refugees, host community members, and other vulnerable groups in accessing education and the right to work and be self-reliant, both while they remain in Uganda or on their eventual return home.
Year 2023
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88 Report

Alman-Türk Sinemasında Bir Entegrasyon Yönetmeni: Buket Alakuş

Authors Rahime Özgün Kehya
Year 2023
Journal Name Diyalog Interkulturelle Zeitschrift Für Germanistik
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90 Journal Article

Buket Alakuş, Integration Film Director in German-Turkish Cinema

Authors Rahime Özgün Kehya
Year 2023
Journal Name Diyalog Interkulturelle Zeitschrift Für Germanistik
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91 Journal Article

Agricultural Value Chains Strategic Positioning Paper

Authors U-Learn Uganda
Year 2023
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92 Working Paper

Mission Accomplished? The Deadly Effects Of Border Control In Niger

Authors Ahmet Tchilouta Rhoumour, Border Forenscis
Investigative report on the relationship between border practices, spatial changes in migrant trajectories, and the increased danger of crossing Niger's Sahara desert following the implementation of Law 2015-36. Given the methodological challenges posed by the existing literature on desert deaths and disappearances, the report developed innovative geospatial analysis and remote sensing methods.
Year 2023
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93 Report

Christian Persecution in Worldwide – Detailed Observation in the Top 50 Countries

Authors Jo Joseph
Year 2023
Journal Name SSRN
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94 Journal Article

International law doesn’t protect people fleeing environmental disaster – here’s how it could

Authors Morgiane Noel
Year 2023
Journal Name The Conversation
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95 Journal Article

Negotiated and Involuntary Return: COVID-19 Pandemic and Return Migration of Bangladeshi Temporary Labour Migrant Men

Authors Md. Mohaiminul Islam
Year 2023
Journal Name Migration Letters
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96 Journal Article

Negotiated and Involuntary Return: COVID-19 Pandemic and Return Migration of Bangladeshi Temporary Labour Migrant Men

Authors Md. Mohaiminul Islam
Year 2023
Journal Name Migration Letters
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97 Journal Article

Maritime borders in the Central Mediterranean - Search and Rescue and access to asylum

Authors Isabella Trombetta
Year 2023
Journal Name Anales de Derecho
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98 Journal Article

Migration Control Logics and Strategies in Europe

Authors Claudia Finotelli, Irene Ponzo
Year 2023
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99 Book

Migration Control Logics and Strategies in Europe

Authors Claudia Finotelli, Irene Ponzo
Year 2023
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
100 Book
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