Short-term and circular migration

Short-term migration is the movement of persons from their place of usual residence for a period of three months or longer, but for less than a year. Short-term migration does not include movement for the purpose of recreation, holiday, visits to friends or relatives, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimage (EMN, 2011). Circular migration is repeated movement of persons between two or more countries (UN, 1998). Research in this category includes studies on transnationalism and the impact of gender in short-term and circular migration patterns.

Showing page of 742 results, sorted by

Circular Migration by Mexican Female Sex Workers Who are Injection Drug Users: Implications for HIV in Mexican Sending Communities

Authors Victoria D. Ojeda, Victoria D. Ojeda, José Luis Burgos, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 5
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1 Journal Article

Restricted entitlements for skilled temporary migrants: the limits of migrant consent

Authors Martina Boese, Kate Macdonald
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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2 Journal Article

The Temporary Nature of Ukrainian Migration: Definitions, Determinants and Consequences

Authors Marta Kindler, Agata Górny
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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3 Book Chapter

Short-term circular migration and gendered negotiation of the right to the city: The case of migrant live-in care workers in Basel, Switzerland

Authors Huey Shy Chau, Karin Schwiter, Katharina Pelzelmayer
Year 2018
Journal Name Cities
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4 Journal Article

The Impact of Worker Effort on Public Sentiment toward Temporary Migrants

Authors Gil S. EPSTEIN, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2011
Journal Name Research in Labor Economics, 2011, 33, 239–262
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5 Journal Article

The impact of worker effort on public sentiment toward temporary migrants

Authors Gil S. EPSTEIN, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2011
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6 Working Paper

The impact of worker effort on public sentiment toward temporary migrants

Authors Gil S. EPSTEIN, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2011
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7 Working Paper

The impact of worker effort on public sentiment toward temporary migrants

Authors Gil S. EPSTEIN, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2011
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8 Working Paper

The impact of worker effort on public sentiment toward temporary migrants

Authors Gil S. EPSTEIN, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2011
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9 Working Paper

All circular but different: Variation in patterns of Ukraine-to-Poland migration

Authors Agata Gorny
Year 2017
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 1
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10 Journal Article

Temporary migration: a case study of Florida

Authors Stanley K. Smith, Mark House
Year 2007
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 12
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11 Journal Article

Locating Temporary Migrants on the Map of Australian Democracy

Authors Peter Mares
Year 2017
Journal Name Migration, Mobility, & Displacement
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12 Journal Article

Which Skilled Temporary Migrants Become Permanent Residents and Why?

Authors Siew-Ean Khoo, SE Khoo, P McDonald, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 67
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13 Journal Article

Circular migration in the Russian Federation

Authors Vladimir MUKOMEL
The principal subject of this paper concerns circular migrants entering the Russian Federation. The paper assesses a variety of issues, including appraisals and circular migration scales, sociodemographic profiles of circular migrants, and the presence of such migrants within the Russian labour market (including the types of economic activity concerned and the distribution of the various migrants amongst professional groups). Various ways and modalities of discourses concerning circular migration itself and the prospects of circular migration in Russia are analyzed.
Year 2012
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14 Report

Blacklisting as a modality of deportability: Mexico's response to circular migrant agricultural workers' pursuit of collective bargaining rights in British Columbia, Canada

Authors Leah F. Vosko
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 7
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15 Journal Article

Comparing the effectiveness of respondent-driven sampling and quota sampling in migration research

Authors Agata Górny, Agata Gorny, Joanna Napierala, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal of Social Research Methodology
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16 Journal Article

Migrant domestic and care workers in circularity

Year 2013
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17 Book

Seasonal Migration and how to Regulate it

Authors Anna Triandafyllidou
In the latest issue of ELIAMEP Thesis Anna Triandafyllidou states that the European Commission has recently issued a proposal for a Directive regulating the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of seasonal employment (COM (2010) 379 final). This Directive proposal is part of the Commission’s strategy to regulate labour migration through a piecemeal approach; notably through regulating specific categories of migrant workers. This paper discusses what seasonal migration is and how it differs from circular, temporary, or shuttle migration. It argues that seasonal migration is a form of temporary migration that has a seasonal character and hence concerns employment sectors which are characterised by seasons of high and low employment, including thus not only agriculture but also tourism and catering but normally excluding construction or domestic work for instance.The essay in hand reviews critically the Directive Proposal and argues that although it may be seen as a step forward in transparency and in bringing closer Member State provisions in the area of seasonal migration, it needs a boost as regards the protection of seasonal migrants’ labour conditions and employment rights. In view of regulating seasonal labour migration at the EU level, the Directive should also consider whether seasonal labour migrants should be allowed to move also between Member States. On the other hand, the proposal is evaluated positively for a number of features such as: not tying the worker to her/his employer, allowing for the right to join trade unions, and proposing a simplified bureaucratic procedure for multiple entry visas.
Year 2010
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18 Report

Temporary Migrants in Shanghai Households, 1984

Authors Alice Goldstein, Sidney Goldstein, Shenyang Guo
Year 1991
Journal Name Demography
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19 Journal Article

Temporary Migration and STD/HIV Risky Sexual Behavior: A Population-Based Analysis of Gender Differences in China

Authors Xiushi Yang, Guomei Xia
Year 2008
Journal Name Social Problems
Citations (WoS) 13
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20 Journal Article

Temporary Migration and the Spread of STDs/HIV in China: Is There a Link?

Authors Xiushi Yang, XS Yang
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 37
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21 Journal Article

China's Permanent and Temporary Migrants: Differentials and Changes, 1990–2000

Authors Mingjie Sun, CC Fan, C. Cindy Fan
Year 2011
Journal Name The Professional Geographer
Citations (WoS) 58
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22 Journal Article

Circular Migration: Triple Win, or a New Label for Temporary Migration?

Authors Derya Ozkul, Stephen Castles
Book Title Global Migration Issues
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23 Book Chapter

Unsettling the Settler State: The State and Social Outcomes of Temporary Migration in Australia

Authors Elsa Koleth
Year 2017
Journal Name Migration, Mobility, & Displacement
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24 Journal Article

The demographic and economic framework of circular migration in Ukraine

Authors Alexey POZNYAK
In the global population and workforce exchange system Ukraine acts primarily as a donor country. According to the estimates of the M.V. Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (hereafter IDSS), in 2008 the total number of Ukrainian labor migrants were 2,120,000 people (IOM, 2011). This estimate of the number of labor migrants relies on the Modular Population Survey of Labour Migration Issues from 20081 (hereafter the 2008 survey), carried out by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (Ukrainian Center of Social Reform and Ukrainian State Statistics Committee, 2009). However, it also takes into account the stocks of labor migrants not covered by this survey, namely: persons who started to work abroad more than 3.5 years before the survey and who have not returned to Ukraine since then; migrants older than employable age (men 60 years old and senior, women 55 years old and senior); and border commuters (Pozniak, 2012). The main destination countries for labor emigrants from Ukraine are Russia (around 40%), Italy (almost a quarter), Poland, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Spain and Hungary. In total over half of all Ukrainian labor migrants work in the European Union. In this explanatory note circular migrants are understood as those who made one or more labor trips abroad and returns. There are two types of circular migrants. Migrants who made only one roundtrip between the places of origin and destination are described as ?return migrants? (Newland, 2009) and migrants who made more than one trip are defined as ?pure circular migrants?
Year 2012
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25 Report

Circular Migration between Spain and Morocco: Something more than agricultural work?

Circular migration between Morocco and Spain is currently restricted to a very narrow labour niche, the temporary agricultural work. Despite the geographical proximity between the two countries and the large number of Moroccan immigrants on Spanish soil, circular migration characterises only a minimal part of the migratory phenomenon. Other forms of circularity found in close and similar countries also related with Morocco, as Italy, are not present in Spain due to a variety of geographical and institutional reasons. The short periods Moroccan circular migrants spend in Spain and the low qualification of their jobs result in a small effect on development on origin. The report presents proposals to enlarge the scope of circular migration and open it to more qualified jobs.
Year 2011
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26 Report

Circular Migration between Fact and Fiction

Authors Jan Schneider, Bernd Parusel
Year 2015
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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27 Journal Article

Temporary Migrants, Partial Citizenship and Hypermigration

Authors Rainer BAUBÖCK
Year 2011
Journal Name Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy
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33 Journal Article

Temporary migrants and occupational mobility: evidence from the case of Estonia

Authors Jaan Masso, Raul Eamets, Pille Motsmees
Year 2014
Citations (WoS) 7
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34 Journal Article

Earnings adjustment of temporary migrants

Authors C. Dustmann
Year 1993
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
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35 Journal Article

Circular migration patterns and determinants in Nairobi slum settlements

Authors Donatien Beguy, EM Zulu, P Bocquier, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Demographic Research
Citations (WoS) 54
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37 Journal Article

Step-Wise Migration: Toward a Clarification of the Mechanism

Authors Dennis Conway, D Conway
Year 1980
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 21
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38 Journal Article

Circular migration in Georgia

Circular migration of population in the most simple way be identified as a ?? process of leaving and then returning to one?s place of origin? (Newland, 2009, p.6). As experts note, this process is not new, but ?? it is newly on the policy agenda of governments? (Newland, 2009, p.6), as it causes remarkable challenges for both donor?s and destination?s countries. This concerns Georgia as well. Emigration is a new phenomenon for Georgia. It first manifested itself at the beginning of 1990s by the large-scale emigration flows for permanent residence in other countries triggered by war and economic crisis in Georgia. Emigration patterns later transformed into temporary migration flows of working age population that left Georgia to have higher earnings abroad. Hence, as a typical post-Soviet country Georgia was seriously affected by out-migration after its independence in 1991. The last 2002 population census in Georgia registered a drop of some 20 percent compared to the population registered in the 1989 census (State Department for Statistics of Georgia, 2003).
Year 2012
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39 Report

The demographic and economic framework of circular migration in Moldova

Authors Vladimir GANTA
circular migration solves some problems in reducing unemployment and poverty, supplying additional labour for seasonal work in Moldova. It reduces the social impact on families left home, but it also creates conditions for serious future structural misbalances. The Moldovan Government undertakes efforts to make migrants keep their relations with Moldova. It even encourages them to return for good. But the differences in income levels between host countries and Moldova are too large, so these efforts do not have the desired effect. Expectations are pessimistic. It is assumed that circular migrants will keep in contact with Moldova only while they have family members there. Moreover, integration policies developed in hostcountries are expected to speed-up the process of breaking links with the home-country. Last, but not least: the economic crisis makes circular migration more expensive. Travelling between Moldova and the host-country implies both financial costs and the risk of losing the job.
Year 2012
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42 Report

Migration, behaviour change and HIV/STD risks in China

Authors Xiushi Yang, Valerian J. Derlega, H. Luo
Year 2007
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47 Journal Article

Step-Wise Migration: Toward a Clarification of the Mechanism

Authors Dennis Conway
Year 1980
Journal Name International Migration Review
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48 Journal Article

The eu Seasonal Workers Directive: When Immigration Controls Meet Labour Rights

Authors Judy Fudge, Petra Herzfeld Olsson
Year 2014
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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52 Journal Article

Circular Migration in Asia: Approaches and Practices

Authors Piyasiri Wickramasekara
Book Title Global Migration Issues
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54 Book Chapter

Rights and Restrictions: Temporary Agricultural Migrants and Trade Unions’ Activism in Canada and Spain

Authors T Basok, Ana Lopez-Sala, Tanya Basok, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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56 Journal Article

Temporary migration overseas and household labor supply: Evidence from urban Philippines

Authors ER Rodriguez, ER Tiongson
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration Review
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58 Journal Article

Circular migration of the population of the Republic of Moldova

Authors Valeriu MOSNEAGA
The specific nature of Moldovan circular migration to the CIS and EU is determined by two criteria: vector (direction) of migration and nature of employment in destination countries. According to the results of public opinion poll, mainly people from the villages participate in circular migration to the CIS; heads of households, men with secondary or vocational education. For them labor migration abroad is a secondary form of employment, and it is seasonal. Circular migrants to the other countries are predominantly women, and a great share of them have higher education. There are significant differences which determine circular nature of migration, especially in the impact of push and pull factors. Labor migration to the CIS countries is determined to a greater extent by the migrants' and their households' need to survive, while migration to the EU countries is conditioned by the greater living (functioning) opportunities for migrants and their families. Visa regime, high travel expenses have a significant impact on the nature of circular migration to the EU. It explains greater length of trips. Work trip to the CIS (mainly to Russia) usually lasts around 7 months, while in the EU it's twice longer, 15 months. Quite often it stimulates non-return migration. In the conditions of modern financial and economic crisis of 2008-2010 circular migration acquired several new features. These include delayed nature of migration, greater comparable choice possibilities in terms of destination countries and countries of origin, uncertainty and mass multiple choices of its implementation.
Year 2012
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59 Report

A Global Labor Market: Factors Motivating the Sponsorship and Temporary Migration of Skilled Workers to Australia

Authors Siew-Ean Khoo, SE Khoo, P McDonald, ...
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 40
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60 Journal Article

Social Protection for Temporary Migrant Workers: What Programs Serve Them Best?

Authors Yann Pouget, Robert Holzmann
Book Title Global Perspectives on Migration and Development
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61 Book Chapter

Migration in Arctic Alaska: Empirical evidence of the stepping stones hypothesis

Authors E. Lance Howe, Matthew Berman, Lee Huskey, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
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62 Journal Article


Authors Mika Helander, Peter Holley, Heidi Uuttana
Year 2016
Journal Name Arbor. Ciencia, pensamiento y cultura
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63 Journal Article

Circular migration, small-scale logging, and household livelihoods in Uganda

Authors Pamela Jagger, Gerald Shively, Arthur Arinaitwe
Year 2012
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 5
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64 Journal Article

Determinants of off-farm work and temporary migration in China

Authors Larry Willmore, Gui-Ying Cao, Ling-Jie Xin
Year 2012
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 11
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65 Journal Article

Mobility and morbidity of regular and seasonal migrants in India

Authors Mala Ray Bhattacharjee
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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66 Journal Article


Authors Gharad Bryan, AM Mobarak, Shyamal Chowdhury
Year 2014
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67 Journal Article

Temporary migration and changing family dynamics: implications for social development

Authors Mizanur Rahman
Year 2009
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 28
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68 Journal Article

”Dearest Little Wife”. The Gender Work of Polish Transnational Families in Past and Present

Authors Marie Sandberg
Year 2018
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Studies
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69 Journal Article

Circular migration and home care? The case of Romanian and Ukrainian home care workers in Northern Italy

In its recent documentation on migration issues, the European Commission has been promoting “circularity” as an effective and efficient way to manage labour migration from both within and outside the EU. But how does the employment of circular migrants exactly work and what are its implications for Europe's societal challenges such as ageing and immigration? To answer to these questions, the present study focuses on Eastern European circular migrants and the elderly care sector. In particular, it draws attention to Romanian and Ukrainian care workers within the two Italian provinces of Verona and Reggio Emilia with the aim to assess the actual convenience of “circularity” for the overall improvement of home care provision. On this ground, it pursues three interrelated research objectives: 1) the impact of “circularity” on the employment relationship between care workers and their employers; 2) the way circular migration affects the organisation of home care from the welfare state’s point of view; and finally 3) the conditions which allow “circularity” to take place in an efficient and profitable way. These issues are investigated in a comparative and diachronic way, looking at the differences between Ukrainian and Romanian migratory patterns during the period of 2006-2011. A further layer of comparison is added by the differences between Verona and Reggio Emilia, two towns with relevant dissimilarities concerning political traditions and public administrations. Finally, this project contributes to the scholarly debate on gender, care and migration by introducing “care units” (i.e. the ensemble of subjects involved in the provision of care to an individual care receiver) as an innovative object of analysis. In order to assess the impact of “circularity” on these “care units”, a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods is foreseen for extended fieldwork in the two Italian provinces.
Year 2011
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70 Project

Little Norway in Spain - From tourism to migration

Authors Bente Haug, Graham M. S. Dann, Mehmet Mehmetoglu
Year 2007
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71 Journal Article

The educational consequences of migration for children in China

Authors Zai Liang, YP Chen, Yiu Por Chen
Year 2007
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 109
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72 Journal Article

"DEAREST LITTLE WIFE" The Gender Work of Polish Transnational Families in Past and Present

Authors Marie Sandberg
Year 2018
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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73 Journal Article

Out of the Loop: (In)access to Health Care for Migrant Workers in Canada

Authors Jenna Hennebry, Kerry Preibisch, Janet McLaughlin
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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74 Journal Article


Authors Ana Lopez-Sala
Year 2016
Journal Name Arbor. Ciencia, pensamiento y cultura
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75 Journal Article

The ideology of temporary labour migration in the post-global era

Authors Catherine Dauvergne, Sarah Marsden
Year 2014
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 27
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76 Journal Article

Mobile Livelihoods: The Sociocultural Practices of Circular Migrants between Puerto Rico and the United States

Authors Jorge Duany, J Duany
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 36
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77 Journal Article

International Migration Policies: Conceptual Problems

Authors Mary M. Kritz
Year 1987
Journal Name International Migration Review
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78 Journal Article

Migration Tradeoffs: Men's Experiences with Seasonal Lifestyles

Authors Sylvia Guendelman, Auristela Perez-Itriago
Year 1987
Journal Name International Migration Review
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79 Journal Article

Neighbourhood Ties and Migrant Networks: The Case of Circular Ukrainian Migrants in Warsaw, Poland

Year 2014
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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80 Journal Article


Authors Ana López-Sala
Year 2016
Journal Name Arbor. Ciencia, pensamiento y cultura
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81 Journal Article

From Workers to Entrepreneurs: Development of Bangladeshi Migrant Businesses in The Republic of Korea

Authors Lian Kwen Fee, Md Mizanur Rahman
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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82 Journal Article

New Guest Worker Regimes?

Authors Michael Samers
Book Title An Anthology of Migration and Social Transformation
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83 Book Chapter

The emergence of an ‘ethnic economy’? The spatial relationships of migrant workers in London's health and hospitality sectors

Authors Adina Batnitzky, Linda McDowell
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 10
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84 Journal Article

Temporary Migration Programmes: the Cause or Antidote of Migrant Worker Exploitation in UK Agriculture

Authors Erica Consterdine, Sahizer Samuk
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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85 Journal Article

Migration circulaire des Sénégalais : Des migrations tacites aux recrutements organisés

Authors Serigne Mansour TALL, Aly TANDIAN
Les migrations sénégalaises vers la France étaient caractérisées par d’incessants allers-retours connus sous le nom de phénomène ‘noria’. Cette circulation a été facilitée par les besoins d’une main-d'oeuvre peu qualifiée et l’absence de contraintes pour l’entrée et le séjour des travailleurs étrangers dans les pays de destination. A cet effet, la migration circulaire fut une pratique ancienne pour de nombreux Sénégalais avant qu’elle ne soit inscrite dans l’agenda international comme une piste de gestion concertée des migrations internationales et comme un moyen de réconcilier le couple migration et développement. Il faut, à la vérité, différencier les migrations circulaires fondées sur des accords bilatéraux qui organisent le recrutement des migrants, et celles ‘spontanées’ qui dépendent du contexte migratoire (migrations familiales, migrations saisonnières, migrations transfrontalières), en particulier la possibilité d’entrer, et de sortir, facilement dans les pays de destinations. Abstract Senegalese migration to France was characterized by incessant roundtrips, a phenomenon known as ‘noria’. Such circulation was facilitated by the needs of a low qualified workforce and the lack of constraints ruling the entry and the residence of foreign workers in destination countries. For this purpose, circular migration was an ancient practice for many Senegalese before it entered into the international agenda as a way of managing international migration and a mean to bring together migration and development. However, circular migration based on bilateral agreements, which organize the recruitment of the migrants, should be differentiated from ‘spontaneous’ ones, which depend on the migratory context (family reunification, seasonal migration, cross-border migration), in particular the possibility to enter, and exit, easily into destination countries
Year 2011
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86 Report

The labor of social change: Seasonal labor migration and social change in rural western India

Authors Pronoy Rai
Year 2018
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 5
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87 Journal Article

Short-Term Labour Migration: Brazilian Migrants in Ireland

Authors Garret Maher, Mary Cawley
Year 2016
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 6
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88 Journal Article

Longer-Term Consequences of ‘Youth’ Migration: Japanese Temporary Migrants in China and the Life Course

Authors Kumiko Kawashima
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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89 Journal Article

Migration circulaire des Sénégalais : Des migrations tacites aux recrutements organisés

Authors Serigne Mansour TALL, Aly TANDIAN
Les migrations sénégalaises vers la France étaient caractérisées par d’incessants allers-retours connus sous le nom de phénomène ‘noria’. Cette circulation a été facilitée par les besoins d’une main-d'oeuvre peu qualifiée et l’absence de contraintes pour l’entrée et le séjour des travailleurs étrangers dans les pays de destination. A cet effet, la migration circulaire fut une pratique ancienne pour de nombreux Sénégalais avant qu’elle ne soit inscrite dans l’agenda international comme une piste de gestion concertée des migrations internationales et comme un moyen de réconcilier le couple migration et développement. Il faut, à la vérité, différencier les migrations circulaires fondées sur des accords bilatéraux qui organisent le recrutement des migrants, et celles ‘spontanées’ qui dépendent du contexte migratoire (migrations familiales, migrations saisonnières, migrations transfrontalières), en particulier la possibilité d’entrer, et de sortir, facilement dans les pays de destinations. Abstract Senegalese migration to France was characterized by incessant roundtrips, a phenomenon known as ‘noria’. Such circulation was facilitated by the needs of a low qualified workforce and the lack of constraints ruling the entry and the residence of foreign workers in destination countries. For this purpose, circular migration was an ancient practice for many Senegalese before it entered into the international agenda as a way of managing international migration and a mean to bring together migration and development. However, circular migration based on bilateral agreements, which organize the recruitment of the migrants, should be differentiated from ‘spontaneous’ ones, which depend on the migratory context (family reunification, seasonal migration, cross-border migration), in particular the possibility to enter, and exit, easily into destination countries
Year 2011
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90 Report

Skilled Migration in Australia: Policy and Practice

Authors G Hugo
Year 2014
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 5
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91 Journal Article

Skilled Migration in Australia: Policy and Practice

Authors G Hugo
Year 2014
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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93 Journal Article

The Impact of Migration on Fertility under China's Underlying Restrictions: A Comparative Study Between Permanent and Temporary Migrants

Authors Ying Liang, Yingying Yi, Qiufen Sun
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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94 Journal Article

Sirkulær migrasjon Midlertidig arbeidsinnvandring av ufaglært arbeidskraft fra utviklingsland

Authors Åsmund Arup Seip, Kaja Reegård, Anne Marte Skaland
Sirkulær migrasjon handler om personer som reiser til et annet land for kortere eller lengre tid, for deretter å reise videre eller vende tilbake til sitt opprinnelsesland. I denne rapporten ser vi på slik midlertidig arbeidsvandring av ufaglært arbeidskraft fra utviklingsland. Sentralt står spørsmålet om migrasjon fører til utvikling og om det bidrar til å redusere fattigdom. Rapporten tar for seg migrasjonsordninger for ufaglærte både i Norge og i andre land, og peker på hvilke valg og avveininger som må gjøres dersom myndighetene ønsker å etablere nye ordninger. For å illustrere ulike muligheter, presenterer rapporten noen modeller for sirkulær migrasjon.
Year 2010
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95 Report

Circular Migration Schemes: Renewed Interests in the Destination Countries

Authors Derya OZKUL
This article looks at the emergence of the concept of circular migration in the European Union (EU) and makes three main arguments. First, it argues that circular migration as a concept is not a new phenomenon but that if the circular migration schemes (CMSs) are implemented in a strictly controlled manner, they can lead to even more unexpected results than those of previous guest-worker programmes. As the old temporary guest-worker programmes proved that temporary migration was not a temporary issue, the presently discussed legislation on CMSs can illustrate that migrants cannot be forcibly circulated, without creating new allegiances and new sub/supra national identities that would eventually alter the very foundations of the national states. Second, looking at the developmental discourse of the legislative debates, the article argues that instead of a triple-win situation, CMSs conceal the further securitisation of the EU’s borders, which, in turn can transform national governments’ authority over the longer term. This is related to the third and final argument. The very emergence of these schemes evinces the change in time and space configurations in the contemporary world, which illustrates the liberal paradox faced by national states. Instead of limiting the discussion on whether or not to launch the CMSs, this article ultimately elaborates on structural changes that facilitate their emergence and finally on their implications that should be considered in a broader sense. Résumé Cette analyse s’attache à définir les contours du concept de migration circulaire au sein de l’Union européenne (UE), et à dresser un argumentaire divisé en trois sections. D’une part, l’étude part du postulat que la migration circulaire définie comme concept n’est pas un phénomène nouveau et que la mise en oeuvre des schémas de la migration circulaire (SMC) sous un contrôle strict serait de nature à conduire à des résultats beaucoup moins prévisibles que ceux ressortant des précédents programmes de travailleurs invités. Ces anciens programmes de travailleurs invités temporaires ont bien attesté que la migration temporaire ne relevait pas d’une question temporaire : les débats législatifs en cours autour de l’adoption d’une réglementation ès SMC révèlent que les migrants ne peuvent être contraints à circuler, sans précisément générer de nouvelles allégeances et de nouvelles identités sous- et supranationales de nature à altérer substantiellement les bases des Etats nationaux. D’autre part, et au regard des principaux arguments ressortant des débats législatifs, cet article argumente que, au lieu de tracer les contours d’un jeu à triple somme positive, les SMC se proposent d’assurer de facto une plus grande sécurisation des frontières de l’UE ce qui, en retour, pourrait amener à alimenter une controverse quant à l’autorité des gouvernements nationaux et ce, sur un long terme. Cette question est étroitement liée au troisième et dernier argument. En effet, l’émergence de ces schémas manifeste un changement profond et substantiel dans la configuration du temps et de l’espace du monde actuel, ce qui atteste, en retour, du paradoxe libéral au sein duquel sont versés les Etats nationaux. La présente analyse se propose d’aller au-delà du débat entourant l’opportunité ou non de dresser des SMC et se penche, en dernier lieu, à la fois sur les changements structurels de nature à faciliter précisément leur émergence, et sur leurs implications largement entendues.
Year 2011
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96 Report

Short-term Migration and the Acquisition of a World Language

Authors Gillian Stevens, Kinam Jin, Hyun Jong Song
Year 2006
Journal Name International Migration
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97 Journal Article

Les Migrants et leurs mouvements

Principal investigator Mathieu Ichou (Coordinator)
Ce projet prolonge et développe les efforts collectifs de l’unité Migrations internationales et minorités (MIM) visant à explorer la diversité, la complexité et la variabilité des migrations internationales, notamment pour dépasser l’idée de flux unilatéraux de migrants permanents se déplaçant de pays pauvres (au Sud) vers des pays riches (au Nord). Différentes analyses seront développées autour de la mesure des migrations sous toutes leurs formes : flux migratoires passés et présents ; flux entrants mais également sortants – avec toutes les difficultés que leur mesure empirique implique ; migrations temporaires ; migrations circulaires. Plusieurs recherches s’intéresseront à la place et au rôle des migrations internationales dans les trajectoires biographiques individuelles. Une attention particulière sera portée à la sélectivité des migrations internationales, à partir de la comparaison entre les caractéristiques sociales des migrants et celles des non-migrants dans leur pays d’origine. Les trajectoires d’émigration, notamment les mobilités étudiantes mais aussi les remigrations – notamment les migrations de retour d’immigrés dans leur pays de naissance – seront étudiées en détail. Enfin, les conséquences de la migration sur les proches non-migrants constitueront un objet d’étude important, par exemple la situation des familles dont les membres peuvent être dispersés dans plusieurs lieux. L’idée est de souligner la dimension dynamique de ces familles transnationales : échanges et va-et- vient entre les pays de départ et d’arrivée ; recompositions ; trajectoires familiales sur plusieurs pays, au-delà de la dimension binaire (départ/arrivée) ; etc. Financements externes liés à cet axe de recherche : - Projet MAFE - Projet TEMPER
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98 Project

Embodied circular migration: lived experiences of education and work of Nepalese children and youth

Authors Adrian Ashraf Khan
Year 2021
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99 Journal Article

The drive for securitised temporariness

Authors Jean-Pierre CASSARINO
Year 2013
Book Title Circular migration between Europe and its neighbourhood : choice or necessity
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100 Book Chapter
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