Political Science

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Data-driven political science

Authors Ingmar Weber, Ana-Maria Popescu, Marco Pennacchiotti
Year 2013
Journal Name Proceedings of the sixth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining - WSDM '13
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1 Journal Article

Political Science and World Stabilization.

Authors Quincy Wright
Year 1950
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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2 Journal Article

Teaching Political Science in Europe

Authors Mike Goldsmith, Chris Goldsmith
Year 2010
Journal Name European Political Science
Citations (WoS) 5
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3 Journal Article

Conceptualizing Culture: Possibilities for Political Science

Authors Lisa Wedeen
Year 2002
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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4 Journal Article

Political Science encounters ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’

Authors Rupert Taylor
Year 1996
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 11
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5 Journal Article

Structural racism: a political science perspective

Year 2021
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6 Journal Article

in defense of a multilingual political science

Authors peter a kraus
Year 2018
Journal Name European Political Science
Citations (WoS) 1
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7 Journal Article

the european geneses of american political science

Authors John G Gunnell
Year 2006
Journal Name European Political Science
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8 Journal Article

Race and the making of American political science

Authors John Solomos
Year 2020
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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9 Journal Article

Japanese political science at a crossroads? normative and empirical preconditions for the integration of women and diversity into political science

Authors Jackie F. Steele
Year 2016
Journal Name European Political Science
Citations (WoS) 1
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11 Journal Article

young people in the european political science profession

Authors Martin Rhodes
Year 2006
Journal Name European Political Science
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12 Journal Article

Geographic and Other Scientific Techniques for Political Science.

Authors S. Whittemore Boggs
Year 1948
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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13 Journal Article

EPS symposium diversity and inclusion in political science

Authors Daniel Stockemer, Ekaterina R. Rashkova, Jonathon W. Moses, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name European Political Science
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14 Journal Article

Migracje we współczesnej analizie politologicznej – niewykorzystany potencjał

Year 2012
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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15 Journal Article

Political Science in its European and Global Context

Authors Martin Bull, James Newell
Year 2008
Journal Name European Political Science
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16 Journal Article

Race and the Making of American Political Science.

Authors Sekou Franklin
Year 2020
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17 Journal Article

Methodological Individualism and Holism in Political Science: A Reconciliation

Authors Christian List, Kai Spiekermann
Year 2013
Journal Name American Political Science Review
Citations (WoS) 40
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18 Journal Article


Year 1977
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19 Journal Article

Developing a Political Science Curriculum for Non-Traditional Students

Authors Fiona Buckley, Clodagh Harris, Monica O'Mullane, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name European Political Science
Citations (WoS) 1
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20 Journal Article

The contributions of Jean A. Laponce to political science

Authors William Safran
Year 2018
Journal Name International Political Science Review
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21 Journal Article

feminist comparative policy: leading european political science into the future

Authors Amy G. Mazur
Year 2004
Journal Name European Political Science
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22 Journal Article

The issue of migration in the analysis of political science

Authors Denis I. Ignin, Ruslan F. Garipov, Aivaz M. Fazliev
Year 2019
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23 Journal Article

the plethora of polysyllables: a behavioural approach to the frequent use of jargon in american political science

Authors Hans Daalder
Year 2014
Journal Name European Political Science
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24 Journal Article


Year 1994
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25 Journal Article

A New Electorate? Comparing Preferences and Partisanship between Immigrants and Natives

Authors Rafaela Dancygier, Elizabeth N. Saunders
Year 2006
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 36
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26 Journal Article

Does Truth Lead to Reconciliation? Testing the Causal Assumptions of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Process

Authors James L. Gibson
Year 2004
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 113
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27 Journal Article

Assessment of Measurement Equivalence with Cross-National and Longitudinal Surveys in Political Science

Authors Gal Ariely, Eldad Davidov
Year 2012
Journal Name European Political Science
Citations (WoS) 10
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28 Journal Article

The gender and race-ethnicity of faculty in top social science research departments

Authors AM Beutel, DJ Nelson
Year 2006
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29 Journal Article

“Bringing Cities Back In” To Canadian Political Science: Municipal Public Policy and Immigration

Authors Aude-Claire Fourot
Year 2015
Journal Name Canadian Journal of Political Science
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30 Journal Article

Dialogue in American Political Campaigns? An Examination of Issue Convergence in Candidate Television Advertising

Authors Noah Kaplan, David K. Park, Travis N. Ridout
Year 2006
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 73
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31 Journal Article

Reality Bites: The Limits of Framing Effects for Salient and Contested Policy Issues

Authors Michael M. Bechtel, Marc Helbling, Jens Hainmueller, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Political Science Research and Methods
Citations (WoS) 21
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32 Journal Article

The Media, the Campaign, and the Message

Authors Julianne F. Flowers, Audrey A. Haynes, Michael H. Crespin
Year 2003
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 42
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34 Journal Article

Formation of historical consciousness among Greek adolescents: Some insights for political science theory

Authors EH Prodromou
Year 2000
Journal Name Journal of Modern Greek Studies
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35 Journal Article

Earthquakes and Aftershocks: Race, Direct Democracy, and Partisan Change

Authors Shaun Bowler, Stephen P. Nicholson, Gary M. Segura
Year 2006
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 79
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36 Journal Article

pursuing the diversity and inclusion agenda: the PSA in the UK

Authors Anil Awesti, Heather Savigny, Matt Flinders, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name European Political Science
Citations (WoS) 1
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37 Journal Article

Political science in exceptional times: Finnish scholars responding to three crises of the 2010s

Authors Petri Koikkalainen
Year 2021
Journal Name European Political Science
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38 Journal Article

What Triggers Public Opposition to Immigration? Anxiety, Group Cues, and Immigration Threat

Authors Ted Brader, Nicholas A. Valentino, Elizabeth Suhay
Year 2008
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 340
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39 Journal Article


La edición de la revista Migraciones es sin duda la realización más importante del IEM en el campo de las publicaciones. Migraciones es la primera revista especializada de investigación que se publica en España sobre la temática de las migraciones. Su periodicidad es semestral, apareciendo dos números por año (diciembre y junio). El número 0 se publicó en diciembre de 1996. Migraciones está indexada en Sociological Abstracts, Political Science Abstracts, InDICEs CSIC, PSICODOC, Latindex, Scopus , Emergin Sources Citation Index
Year 2019
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40 Data Set

Descriptive Representation and the Composition of African American Turnout

Authors John D. Griffin, Michael Keane
Year 2006
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 59
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42 Journal Article

John W. Burgess, the racial state and the making of the American science of politics

Authors Jessica Blatt
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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43 Journal Article

Hidden in Plain Sight: The Representation of Immigrants and Minorities in Political Science Textbooks

Authors Erin Tolley
Year 2020
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45 Journal Article

Racial Resentment and White Opposition to Race-Conscious Programs: Principles or Prejudice?

Authors Stanley Feldman, Leonie Huddy
Year 2005
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
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46 Journal Article

The Political Science of Science: An Inquiry into the Possible Reconciliation of Mastery and Freedom

Authors Harold D. Lasswell
Year 1956
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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47 Journal Article

The costs of internal migration in Germany

Principal investigator Gabriel Ahlfeldt (Principal Investigator), Fabian Bals (Principal Investigator), Duncan Roth (Principal Investigator), Tobias Seidel (Principal Investigator)
Dieses Projekt untersucht die Binnenmigration in Deutschland seit dem Zeitpunkt der Wiedervereinigung und hat zum Ziel, die Migrationskosten für verschiedene Personengruppen abzuschätzen. Projektmethode Für die empirische Untersuchung werden auf der Grundlage von regionalisierten Daten verschiedene Regressionsverfahren verwendet. Projektziel Dieses Projekt untersucht die Binnenmigration in Deutschland seit dem Zeitpunkt der Wiedervereinigung und hat zum Ziel, die Migrationskosten für verschiedene Personengruppen abzuschätzen. Beteiligte Institute Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit London School of Economics and Political Science Universität Duisburg-Essen, Mercator School of Management, Lehrstuhl für Volkswirtschaftslehre
Year 2019
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49 Project

the emigration of the ‘comparative method’: transatlantic exchange and the birth of american political science

Authors Robert Adcock
Year 2006
Journal Name European Political Science
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50 Journal Article

Regulatory Competition and Environmental Enforcement: Is There a Race to the Bottom?

Authors David M. Konisky
Year 2007
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 91
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51 Journal Article

American Patriotism, National Identity, and Political Involvement

Authors Leonie Huddy, Nadia Khatib
Year 2007
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 197
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53 Journal Article

Towards a Study of Refugees in the Country of Exile

Authors Danièle Joly
Book Title Haven or Hell?
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54 Book Chapter

Reexamining Racial Attitudes: The Conditional Relationship Between Diversity and Socioeconomic Environment

Authors Regina P. Branton, Bradford S. Jones
Year 2005
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 115
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55 Journal Article

Behavioral Research In Public Law

Authors Glendon Schubert
Year 1963
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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56 Journal Article

Intergroup Prejudice in Multiethnic Settings

Authors J. Eric Oliver, Janelle Wong
Year 2003
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
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58 Journal Article

Racism, sexism and the university: The political-science affair at the university of British-Columbia - Marchak,MP

Authors J Vickers
Year 1997
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59 Journal Article

Are Patriots Bigots? An Inquiry into the Vices of In-Group Pride

Authors Rui J. P. de Figueiredo, Zachary Elkins
Year 2003
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
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60 Journal Article

How Does Voting Equipment Affect the Racial Gap in Voided Ballots?

Authors Michael Tomz, Robert P. Van Houweling
Year 2003
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
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61 Journal Article

Immigration and the Evolving American Welfare State: Examining Policies in the U.S. States

Authors Rodney E. Hero, Robert R. Preuhs
Year 2007
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 97
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62 Journal Article

Stateless Nation-Building: Quebec, Catalonia and Scotland in the Changing State System

Authors Michael Keating
Year 1997
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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65 Journal Article

Migration and Integration

Authors Christoph Reinprecht (Hg.), Roland Hsu (Hg.)
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66 Book

Refugee Resettlement

Authors Liliana Lyra Jubilut, Adèle Garnier, Kristin Bergtora Sandvik
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67 Book

Old Times There Are Not Forgotten: Race and Partisan Realignment in the Contemporary South

Authors Nicholas A. Valentino, David O. Sears
Year 2005
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 142
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68 Journal Article

Race and the Recall: Racial and Ethnic Polarization in the California Recall Election

Authors Gary M. Segura, Luis R. Fraga
Year 2008
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 7
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69 Journal Article

The "Race Card" Revisited: Assessing Racial Priming in Policy Contests

Authors Gregory A. Huber, John S. Lapinski
Year 2006
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 55
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70 Journal Article

Notes from the Editors

Year 2010
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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73 Journal Article


Authors Atsushi Kondo
Book Title Citizenship in a Global World
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74 Book Chapter

The Color of Devolution: Race, Federalism, and the Politics of Social Control

Authors Joe Soss, Sanford F. Schram, Richard C. Fording
Year 2008
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 67
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75 Journal Article

When Do Welfare Attitudes Become Racialized? The Paradoxical Effects of Education

Authors Christopher M. Federico
Year 2004
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
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76 Journal Article

The Dictator Game, Fairness and Ethnicity in Postwar Bosnia

Authors Sam Whitt, Rick K. Wilson
Year 2007
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 93
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77 Journal Article

Persuasion and Resistance: Race and the Death Penalty in America

Authors Mark Peffley, Jon Hurwitz
Year 2007
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 69
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78 Journal Article

The New Racial Calculus: Electoral Institutions and Black Representation in Local Legislatures

Authors Melissa J. Marschall, Anirudh V. S. Ruhil, Paru R. Shah
Year 2010
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 27
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79 Journal Article


Authors Peter Kennealy
Year 2007
Journal Name European Political Science
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80 Journal Article

Employers, Trade Unions, Varieties of Capitalism, and Labour Migration Policies

Authors Georg Menz
Book Title Labour Migration in Europe
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
82 Book Chapter

Insights into Migration with Macroeconomics: An Interdisciplinary Assessment

Authors Emmanuel Comte, Anna Kyriazi
Year 2020
Book Title Understanding Migration with Macroeconomics
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83 Book Chapter

Disciplinary agendas and analytic strategies of research on immigrant transnationalism: Challenges of interdisciplinary knowledge

Authors E Morawska
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
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85 Journal Article

Introduction : nationalism and belonging

Authors Anastasia VORONKOVA, Dina MANSOUR
Year 2015
Journal Name Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
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87 Journal Article

Attitudes toward Highly Skilled and Low-skilled Immigration: Evidence from a Survey Experiment—Erratum

Year 2010
Journal Name American Political Science Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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88 Journal Article

Returning refugee political scientists and America's democratization program in Germany after the Second World War

Authors Marjorie Lamberti
Year 2008
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89 Journal Article

The Economics and Persistence of Migrant Ethnicity (Study Group)

Principal investigator Klaus F. Zimmermann (Principal Investigator), Amelie F. Constant (Principal Investigator), Barry R. Chiswick (Principal Investigator)
This study group is part of an international research network consisting of researchers from sociology, political science, social and economic history and economics. Their work will contribute to the international social science literature on contemporary issues of migrant ethnicity around the world. Based on theoretical approaches from different disciplines and on micro data sets for Australia, Canada, Denmark and Germany interethnic marriage, citizenship and ethnic entrepreneurship will be studied and compared with earnings outcomes. From insights into the effects of ethnicity on the economic performance of individuals, ethnic clusters and the respective countries lessons will be drawn for migration policies and integration.
Year 2005
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90 Project

Arguing and Justifying

Authors Robert F. Barsky
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91 Book

Political Socialisation in Immigrant Families: Challenging Top-Down Parental Socialisation Models

Authors Janelle Wong, Janelle S. Wong, Vivian Tseng
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 29
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92 Journal Article


Authors Robert Gooding-Williams
Year 2014
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
Citations (WoS) 2
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93 Journal Article

High-skill migration and recession : gendered perspectives

Year 2016
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95 Book

Political Competition and Ethnic Identification in Africa

Authors Benn Eifert, Edward Miguel, Daniel N. Posner
Year 2010
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 162
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96 Journal Article

The Challenges of the Early Twenty-First Century

Authors James L Newell, Martin J Bull
Year 2009
Journal Name European Political Science
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97 Journal Article

Integration and Informal Institutions

Authors Daniel Rauhut
Year 2020
Journal Name SOCIETY
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
98 Journal Article

Migration and Social Cohesion

Authors Steven Vertovec
Year 1999
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99 Book

The Privatization and Outsourcing of Migration Management

Authors Georg Menz
Book Title Labour Migration in Europe
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
100 Book Chapter
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