Return migration

Return migration may refer to repatriation, removal, deportation, assisted return, as well as return on an individual’s own initiative to his or her country of origin. This is often labelled as either forced or voluntary, though it can take place at any point on the forced–voluntary spectrum (Carling et al., 2015). Research in this category includes studies on readmission policy, deportation, theories of return, (gendered) experiences of return, reintegration and development.

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Azerbaijan : readmission, return and reintegration in the socio-political context

Authors Sergey RUMYANSEV
Agreements on readmission directly related to the issues of irregular / illegal1 The first of these is interstate. It deals with the current state of affairs at the official (political) level and the prospects of concluding interstate agreements on readmission. Here, the focus is on how pressing those issues are in the context of political processes in present-day Azerbaijan. and return migration should be considered while placing the analytical focus on several aspects: The second is the problem of irregular (illegal) migration from Azerbaijan and associated problems of readmission and return migration. Finally, the third is the problem of irregular / illegal migration to Azerbaijan.
Year 2013
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1 Report

Back in Time? A Temporal Autobiographical Approach to Afghan Return Migration

Authors Marieke Houte, Marieke van Houte
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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2 Journal Article

State of return migration policy and research : case of Georgia

Being a relatively newly migrant sending country, Georgia does not have an elaborated migration policy. Following its liberal politics, until recently, migration regulations were either extremely open, or non-existent. The same is true for the return migration policy – there is no state operated program or strategy aimed at reintegration of returnees. Only recently with the signature of readmission and visa facilitation agreements with the EU, Georgia started working in this direction, but so far no visible results are observed.
Year 2012
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3 Report

Foreign policy priorities and ethnic return migration policies: group-level variation in Greece and Serbia

Authors Harris Mylonas, Marko Zilovic, Marko Žilović
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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4 Journal Article

Return migration : Russia

Authors Vladimir IONTSEV, Irina IVAKHNIUK
Year 2013
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5 Report

Explaining Return Migration

Authors Anthony H. Richmond
Year 1983
Journal Name International Migration Review
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6 Journal Article

You can go home again: Evidence from longitudinal data

Authors Patricia B. Reagan, Randall J. Olsen
Year 2000
Journal Name Demography
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9 Journal Article

Return migration and reintegration issues : Armenia

Authors Haykanush CHOBANYAN
The present paper explores the phenomenon of return migration and reintegration issues for Armenian citizens returning to their country of origin. It also discusses some aspects (institutional, economic and social), as well as factors (migration projects, human, financial and cultural capital) in the reintegration of returnees in Armenia. Various patterns of reintegration, as well as the institutional framework and Armenia’s experience in dealing with returnees are identified and analyzed. The research focuses on the following issues: Why do migrants return to their country of origin? What is the profile (socio-demographic traits) of return migrants? What challenges do they (and their families) face while successfully reintegrating after their return? What is government policy for their reintegration into society? How effective is government policy and what gaps are there?
Year 2013
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10 Report

Selection, selection, selection: the impact of return migration

Authors Jackline Wahba
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 13
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11 Journal Article

Subject(s) to control: post-war return migration and state-building in 1970s South Sudan

Authors Nicki Kindersley
Year 2017
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12 Journal Article

Structural and Cultural Environment of Female Return Migration to Ethiopia

Authors Katie Kuschminder
Book Title Reintegration strategies : conceptualizing how return migrants reintegrate
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13 Book Chapter

Return Migration to Afghanistan

Authors Marieke van Houte
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14 Book

Return Migration in Western Europe

Year 1985
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 23
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15 Journal Article

A Statistical Overview on Return Migration to the Republic of Armenia

Authors Annett FLEISCHER
In a nutshell, the current statistical situation on return migration to the Republic of Armenia (RA) can be described as a blank sheet of paper with only weak marginal spots on it, i.e. there are no precise and systematic data on the scope of return migration to Armenia.1 Like many other migration countries, Armenia does not record returnees. Neither the National Statistical Office, nor the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Migration Agency for Armenia's Ministry of Territorial Administration assesses return flows and stocks to Armenia. The statistical background of return migration to Armenia is weak and information about preand post-return conditions, return motivations or patterns of reintegration is non-existent (Bachmann et al. 2004, Johansson 2008).
Year 2012
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16 Report

Migracje powrotne Polaków

Year 2014
Book Title Dilemmas of Polish transformation
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17 Book Chapter

The Motivations and Reality of Return Migration to Armenia

Authors Amy Claire Thomas, Jaromir Harmacek
Year 2019
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18 Journal Article

Who leaves? The outmigration of the foreign-born

Authors GJ Borjas, B Bratsberg
Year 1996
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 284
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19 Journal Article

Ethnic return migration: An Estonian case

Authors H Kulu
Year 1998
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 19
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20 Journal Article

‘Why did you return?’: North-South return migration and family ties in the case of Iran

Authors Sara Hormozinejad
Year 2023
Journal Name
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21 Journal Article

Mother Tongue, Host Country Earnings, and Return Migration: Evidence from Cross-National Administrative Records

Authors Jan Saarela, Kirk Scott
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 2
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22 Journal Article

Geography of Return Migration

Authors Joseph Velikonja
Year 1983
Journal Name International Migration Review
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23 Journal Article

Return Migration and the Problem of Reintegration

Authors Oladele O. Arowolo
Year 2000
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 30
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25 Journal Article

Privileged Exclusion in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan: Ethnic Return Migration, Citizenship, and the Politics of (Not) Belonging

Authors Cynthia Werner, Holly R. Barcus, Celia Emmelhainz, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Europe-Asia Studies
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26 Journal Article

Israel’s return migration industry

Authors Nir Cohen
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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28 Journal Article

Polish Return and Double Return Migration

Authors Anne White
Year 2014
Journal Name Europe-Asia Studies
Citations (WoS) 15
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29 Journal Article

Regards croisés sur la migration de retour

Authors Audrey Lenoël, Anda David, Annalisa Maitilasso
Year 2020
Journal Name Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales
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30 Journal Article

Return Migration: An Analytical Framework

Authors Rita L. Chepulis
Year 1983
Journal Name International Migration Review
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31 Journal Article

Children and return migration

Authors Christian Dustmann
Year 2003
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 69
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32 Journal Article


Year 1983
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33 Journal Article

Return Migration to Israel

Authors Nina Toren, N TOREN
Year 1978
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 5
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34 Journal Article

Return Migration to Israel

Authors Nina Toren
Year 1978
Journal Name International Migration Review
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35 Journal Article

Recovering the counterfactual wage distribution with selective return migration

Authors Costanza Biavaschi
Year 2016
Journal Name Labour Economics
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36 Journal Article


Authors Elina Apsite-Berina, Girts Burgmanis, Zaiga Krisjane
Year 2019
Journal Name ENVIRONMENT. TECHNOLOGIES. RESOURCES. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference
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37 Journal Article

Labor market outcomes, savings accumulation, and return migration

Authors Murat G. Kırdar, Murat G. Kirdar
Year 2009
Journal Name Labour Economics
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38 Journal Article

Ethnic return migration: An Estonian case

Authors H Kulu
Year 1998
Journal Name International Migration
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39 Journal Article

Return Migration and Working Choices

Authors Massimiliano TANI, Stéphane MAHUTEAU
This paper uses the recent survey carried out in the framework of the MIREM project on returnees to Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia and studies the duration of emigration and the labour force status upon returning. The results suggest that age and the year of emigration play a central role in the migration decision, but they do not support the hypothesis that the duration of migration is determined by the desired labour market status upon returning home.
Year 2008
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40 Report

Motive von Auswanderern aus Deutschland

Principal investigator Andreas Ette (Principal Investigator ), Lenore Sauer (Principal Investigator )
"Im Kontext der zunehmenden Globalisierung und transnationaler Migrationsprozesse ist die internationale Mobilität der Bevölkerung in Deutschland seit Ende der 1990er Jahre verstärkt in das Blickfeld von Öffentlichkeit, Politik und Wissenschaft geraten. Im Gegensatz zur Untersuchung der Zuwanderung existieren bislang nur wenige Studien, die sich mit gegenwärtigen Aus- und Rückwanderungsprozessen, insbesondere von Deutschen, beschäftigen. Angesichts des demografischen Wandels und des zu erwartenden Fachkräfterückgangs ist nicht nur die Wissenschaft, sondern auch die Politik an verlässlichen und im Zeitverlauf vergleichbaren Informationen über das Ausmaß, die Ursachen und die Folgen von Aus- und Rückwanderung verstärkt interessiert. Ziel der Studie ist es, besser zu verstehen, warum auf der einen Seite Menschen ins Ausland abwandern und warum auf der anderen Seite Menschen, die ins Ausland abgewandert sind, wieder nach Deutschland zurückkehren. Dabei sind die verschiedenen Wanderungsmotive von besonderem Interesse. Aber auch der Einfluss ökonomischer und politischer Rahmenbedingungen im Herkunfts- sowie im Zielland auf individuelle Wanderungsentscheidungen soll untersucht werden. Darüber hinaus zielt das Projekt darauf ab, die Machbarkeit der Ziehung einer repräsentativen Stichprobe unter der international mobilen Bevölkerung in Deutschland zu untersuchen."
Year 2014
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41 Project

Trends in return migration to the south

Authors Larry H. Long, Kristin A. Hansen
Year 1975
Journal Name Demography
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42 Journal Article

Who leaves? The outmigration of the foreign-born

Authors GJ Borjas, B Bratsberg
Year 1996
Journal Name Review of Economics and Statistics
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43 Journal Article

The Quagmire of Return and Reintegration: Challenges to Multi‐Stakeholder Co‐ordination of Involuntary Returns

Authors Leander Kandilige, Geraldine Adiku
Year 2020
Journal Name International Migration
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44 Journal Article

Return to where? The geography of elderly return migration in Sweden

Authors Emma Lundholm
Year 2015
Journal Name European Urban and Regional Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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45 Journal Article

Return Migration and Transnationalism: How Are the Two Connected?

Authors Jorgen Carling, Marta Bivand Erdal, Jørgen Carling
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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46 Journal Article

Determinanty migracji powrotnych do Polski na poziomie regionalnym po 2004 roku

Year 2015
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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47 Journal Article

Return migration as a win-win-win scenario? Visions of return among Senegalese migrants, the state of origin and receiving countries

Authors Giulia Sinatti
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 13
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48 Journal Article

RETURN TO SRI LANKA: Sustainability of return migration to Sri Lanka

Following the ceasefire signed in Sri Lanka in 2002 return of international migrants, refugees and Internally Displaced Persons became more of a possibility. The readmission agreement signed between the government of Sri Lanka and the European Commission in June 2004 and the decision of UNDP to extend the TOKTEN programme (Transfer Of Knowledge Through Expatriate Nationals) to Sri Lanka at the same time means that return will now be encouraged and facilitated by significant international institutions. Return migration has significant potential to encourage economic development of areas to which migrants return. Little is known, however, about the relationship between different types of return and there has been almost no sustained research on the development of the post-return situation of return migrants. Given the existence of conditions likely to encourage return and the necessity to establish durable development, Sri Lanka provides an ideal opportunity to investigate these questions. The fellow will be based at the University of Colombo for the two-year outgoing phase of the project. In depth surveys and interviews will be carried out with the support of students of the department of sociology. The project aims to establish the basis for a longitudinal re search project that can continue to collect data on the development of return migration to Sri Lanka and monitor the sustainability of this movement and the effects of policy interventions.
Year 2006
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49 Project

Divorce as an Influence in Return Migration to Rural Areas

Authors Tamara Wall, Christiane Von Reichert
Year 2013
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 7
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50 Journal Article

Return Migration, Self-selection and Entrepreneurship

Authors Catia Batista, Pedro C. Vicente, Tara McIndoe-Calder
Year 2017
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51 Journal Article

The new 'diaspora trap' framework: Explaining return migration from South Africa to Zimbabwe beyond the 'failure-success' framework

Authors Divane Nzima, Philani Moyo
Year 2017
Journal Name Migration Letters
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52 Journal Article

Declining Return Migration From the United States to Mexico in the Late-2000s Recession: A Research Note

Authors Michael S. Rendall, Michael S. Rendall, Peter Brownell, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 30
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53 Journal Article

Migration networks and return migration

Year 2008
Book Title Homecoming. An Anthropology of Return Migrations
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54 Book Chapter

Homeward Bound: Yemeni Return Migration

Authors Nora Ann Colton
Year 1993
Journal Name International Migration Review
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56 Journal Article

Return Migration to Puerto Rico.

Authors Alvan O. Zarate, Jose Hernandez Alvarez
Year 1968
Journal Name International Migration Review
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57 Journal Article

Return Migration as Failure or Success?

Authors Hein de Haas, T Fokkema, Mohamed Fassi Fihri, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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58 Journal Article

Return Migration to Armenia: Issues of reintegration

Authors Haykanush CHOBANYAN
This report sets out to describe the current statistical and institutional situation of return migration to and reintegration in Armenia. The author elaborates this situation from the Armenian perspective by -- explaining available statistical data on return migration, -- illustrating the priorities of the Armenian government and of international and national nongovernmental organizations and -- examining the extent to which the return issue is taken into consideration in the framework of their actions. In Armenia, there is no uniform and homogeneous definition of the term “return migrant”. Depending on the source, the term is used differently. Therefore, in this report the term “return migrant” is defined according to the respective sources. In most Armenian policy papers and legal acts “return migrants” are not defined.1 The first part of the report proposes a statistical overview of return migration to Armenia. The second part describes the main initiatives and programmes that have been implemented so far on the reintegration of return migrants.
Year 2012
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59 Report

Rust Belt Boomerang: The Pull of Place in Moving Back to a Legacy City

Authors Jill Ann Harrison, JA Harrison
Year 2017
Journal Name City & Community
Citations (WoS) 3
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60 Journal Article

Rewarding Migration to Strengthen the Link between International Migration and Development

Authors Jean-Pierre CASSARINO
Year 2004
Journal Name RSCAS Conference Papers, 2004
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61 Journal Article

Determinants of International Return Migration Intentions*

Authors Brigitte Waldorf
Year 1995
Journal Name The Professional Geographer
Citations (WoS) 52
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63 Journal Article

Return migration from Canada to Britain

Authors Anthony H. Richmond
Year 1968
Journal Name Population Studies
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64 Journal Article

Ethnic differences in integration levels and return migration intentions: A study of Estonian migrants in Finland

Authors Kristi Anniste, T Tammaru
Year 2014
Journal Name Demographic Research
Citations (WoS) 14
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65 Journal Article

Return Migration of Foreign Students

Authors Govert E. Bijwaard, Qi Wang
Year 2016
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66 Journal Article

Retirement Return Migration from Sweden

Authors Martin Klinthall
Year 2006
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 32
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67 Journal Article


Authors D LESTER
Year 1994
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68 Journal Article

Turkish Immigrants' Hopes and Fears around Return Migration

Authors Aysem R. Senyuerekli, Cecilia Menjivar
Year 2012
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70 Journal Article

Refugee Return Migration: Return Migration from Sweden to Chile, Iran and Poland 1973 1996

Authors M. Klinthall, Martin Klinthall
Year 2007
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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71 Journal Article

Return Migration in Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Authors Elena Saraceno
Year 1983
Journal Name International Migration Review
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72 Journal Article

Homeward Bound: Yemeni Return Migration

Authors Nora Ann Colton, NA COLTON
Year 1993
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 12
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73 Journal Article

Return Migration in Comparative Perspective

Authors Rosemarie Rogers
Year 1983
Journal Name International Migration Review
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74 Journal Article


Year 1983
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75 Journal Article

Rural Return Migration: Comparative Analysis between Ireland and Lithuania

Authors Maura Farrell, Emilija Kairyte, Birte Nienaber, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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76 Journal Article

State-assisted Highly Skilled Return Programmes, National Identity and the Risk(s) of Homecoming: Israel and Germany Compared

Authors Nir Cohen, Dani Kranz
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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77 Journal Article

Take Me "Home": Return Migration among Germany's Older Immigrants

Authors Jenjira J. Yahirun
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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78 Journal Article

To settle or to leave again? Patterns of return migration to Poland during the transition period

Year 2013
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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79 Journal Article

Migration responses of immigrants in Spain during the Great Recession

Authors Victoria Prieto-Rosas, Doris Cristina Quintero-Lesmes, Joaquin Recano, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Demographic Research
Citations (WoS) 1
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80 Journal Article

Swedish-finnish return migration, extent, timing, and information flows

Authors Frank Kirwan, Frank Harrigan
Year 1986
Journal Name Demography
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81 Journal Article

Possibilities and Realities of Return Migration

Authors Jørgen Carling, Marta Bolognani, Marta Bivand Erdal, ...
This report presents insights from the research project Possibilities and Realities of Return Migration (PREMIG), funded by the Research Council of Norway and led by the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). Over a five-year period, a core group of eight researchers in Norway and the United Kingdom studied return migration from multiple perspectives. They drew upon statistical analyses and face-to-face interaction with more than five hundered migrants and returnees in seven countries.
Year 2015
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82 Report

A Panel Based Analysis of the Effects of Race/Ethnicity and Other Individual Level Characteristics at Leaving on Returning

Authors Beth A. Wilson, E. Helen Berry, Michael B. Toney, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 10
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83 Journal Article

Immigration quotas, World War I, and emigrant flows from the United States in the early 20th century

Authors Michael J. Greenwood, Zachary Ward
Year 2015
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84 Journal Article

The road back home is never long: Refugee return migration

Authors Komila Zakirova, Bilol Buzurukov
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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85 Journal Article

Possibilities and Realities of Return Migration

Principal investigator Pawel Kaczmarczyk (Project manager)
Year 2012
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86 Project

Return Migration in the United States

Authors Anne S. Lee
Year 1974
Journal Name International Migration Review
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87 Journal Article

Imaginaries of return migration: linkages and places

Authors Susana Maria Sassone
Year 2008
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88 Journal Article

Return migration and metropolitan-nonmetropolitan population composition

Authors Robert H. Weller, William J. Serow, Kevin Wieser
Year 1990
Journal Name Population and Environment
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89 Journal Article

Return Migration and the Tunisian Labor Market

Authors Georges Abou Sada
Year 1983
Journal Name International Migration Review
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90 Journal Article

Return migration ‐ old story, new story

Authors Mark Wyman
Year 2001
Journal Name Immigrants & Minorities
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92 Journal Article

Return Migration in the United States

Authors Anne S. Lee
Year 1974
Journal Name International Migration Review
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93 Journal Article

Chicano Return Migration to the Southwest: An Integrated Human Capital Approach

Authors Rogelio Sáenz, Alberto Davila
Year 1992
Journal Name International Migration Review
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94 Journal Article

Crossing cultures: Analysing the experiences of NZ returnees from the EU (UK vs. non-UK)

Authors Natalia Chaban, Allan Williams, Martin Holland, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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95 Journal Article

Return Migration to Mexico: Does Health Matter?

Authors Erika Arenas, Noreen Goldman, AR Pebley, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Demography
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97 Journal Article

Return Migration from France: Policies and Data

Authors André Lebon
Year 1983
Journal Name International Migration Review
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98 Journal Article

Return Schemes from European Countries: Assessing the Challenges

Authors Giulia Scalettaris, Flore Gubert
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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100 Journal Article
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