Possibilities and realities of return migration: perspectives on integration, exclusion and withdrawal

Principal investigator Jørgen Carling (Principal Investigator), Marta Bivand Erdal (Project Member), Rojan Ezzati (Project Member), Marta Bolognani (Project Member), Ceri Oeppen (Project Member), Erlend Paasche (Project Member), Silje Vatne Pettersen (Project Member), Tove Heggli Sagmo (Project Member), Jennifer Wu (Project Member)
REMIG is guided by four research questions: 1. How do immigrants in various situations reflect upon and decide about return migration? 2. How does the possibility of return interact with A) integration in the country of residence and B) transnational relationships? 3. How can we understand and explain the patterns of actual return among immigrants? 4. How is return migration experienced by return migrants and the communities to which they return?
Year 2011

Taxonomy Associations

Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
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