Policies on short term (i.e. circular, seasonal) migration

Results displayed in this section refer to research on policies, laws, legislation, regulation or measures concerning short-term, circular, temporary or seasonal migration, which is generally linked with labour migration. Short-term migration is the movement of persons from their place of usual residence for a period of three months or longer, but for less than a year. Short-term migration does not include the movement with the aim of recreation, holiday, visits to friends or relatives, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimage (EMN, 2011). Circular migration concerns the repeated movement of persons between two or more countries (UN, 1998). Seasonal migration is labour migration linked with a season-based type of work, such as agriculture. It includes, for example, temporary foreign worker programs, short-term migration policy and visa, etc.

Showing page of 72 results, sorted by

Seasonal Migration and how to Regulate it

Authors Anna Triandafyllidou
In the latest issue of ELIAMEP Thesis Anna Triandafyllidou states that the European Commission has recently issued a proposal for a Directive regulating the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of seasonal employment (COM (2010) 379 final). This Directive proposal is part of the Commission’s strategy to regulate labour migration through a piecemeal approach; notably through regulating specific categories of migrant workers. This paper discusses what seasonal migration is and how it differs from circular, temporary, or shuttle migration. It argues that seasonal migration is a form of temporary migration that has a seasonal character and hence concerns employment sectors which are characterised by seasons of high and low employment, including thus not only agriculture but also tourism and catering but normally excluding construction or domestic work for instance.The essay in hand reviews critically the Directive Proposal and argues that although it may be seen as a step forward in transparency and in bringing closer Member State provisions in the area of seasonal migration, it needs a boost as regards the protection of seasonal migrants’ labour conditions and employment rights. In view of regulating seasonal labour migration at the EU level, the Directive should also consider whether seasonal labour migrants should be allowed to move also between Member States. On the other hand, the proposal is evaluated positively for a number of features such as: not tying the worker to her/his employer, allowing for the right to join trade unions, and proposing a simplified bureaucratic procedure for multiple entry visas.
Year 2010
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1 Report

Sirkulær migrasjon Midlertidig arbeidsinnvandring av ufaglært arbeidskraft fra utviklingsland

Authors Åsmund Arup Seip, Kaja Reegård, Anne Marte Skaland
Sirkulær migrasjon handler om personer som reiser til et annet land for kortere eller lengre tid, for deretter å reise videre eller vende tilbake til sitt opprinnelsesland. I denne rapporten ser vi på slik midlertidig arbeidsvandring av ufaglært arbeidskraft fra utviklingsland. Sentralt står spørsmålet om migrasjon fører til utvikling og om det bidrar til å redusere fattigdom. Rapporten tar for seg migrasjonsordninger for ufaglærte både i Norge og i andre land, og peker på hvilke valg og avveininger som må gjøres dersom myndighetene ønsker å etablere nye ordninger. For å illustrere ulike muligheter, presenterer rapporten noen modeller for sirkulær migrasjon.
Year 2010
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2 Report


Authors Gary G. Hamilton
Year 1985
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 7
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4 Journal Article

Temporary migration, integration and the role of Policies

Principal investigator Herbert Brücker (Principal Investigator), Stella Capuano (Principal Investigator)
"Durch die stetige Reduktion der Reise- und Telekommunikationskosten bei nahezu gleichbleibenden Einkommensunterschieden in Europa wird Migration und Rückwanderung zu einem weit verbreiteten Phänomen. Das TEMPO Forschungsprojekt erweitert unser Wissen über dieses wichtige Forschungsfeld hinsichtlich verschiedener Dimensionen. Zuerst werden verschiedene Datensätze aufgebaut mit deren Hilfe die Ursache und Wirkung temporärer Migration untersucht wird. Zweitens wird die Integration der Migranten in das Wirtschaftssystem analysiert und die Zeitdimension der Migrationsentscheidung in Verbindung gesetzt. Schließlich werden die politischen Entscheidungsprozesse hinsichtlich temporärer Migration und Rückmigration untersucht und deren Wohlfahrtseffekte analysiert. Projektziel Untersuchung der Arbeitsmarktwirkungen temporärer Migration Beteiligte Institute Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit Erasmus University Rotterdam, Department of Economics Universität Wien, Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut "
Year 2009
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5 Project

Skilled Temporary Migration from Asia-Pacific Countries to Australia

Authors SE Khoo, P McDonald, G Hugo
Year 2009
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 13
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6 Journal Article

The Impact of Circular Migration and Remittances on Relative Household Wealth in Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand

Authors Kathleen Ford, A Chamratrithirong, A Jampaklay
Year 2009
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 5
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7 Journal Article

”Dearest Little Wife”. The Gender Work of Polish Transnational Families in Past and Present

Authors Marie Sandberg
Year 2018
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Studies
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8 Journal Article


Authors Ana Lopez-Sala
Year 2016
Journal Name Arbor. Ciencia, pensamiento y cultura
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9 Journal Article

Pacific seasonal workers for Australian horticulture: A neat fit?

Authors Peter Mares, Nic MacLellan
Year 2007
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 1
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12 Journal Article

Overview of Trends and Policies on International Migration to East Asia: Comparing Japan, Taiwan and South Korea

Authors Yean-Ju Lee
Year 2011
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 5
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13 Journal Article

Social Remittances and the Impact of Temporary Migration on an EU Sending Country: The Case of Poland Author(s):

Year 2016
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migrtion Review
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14 Journal Article

Skilled Migration in Australia: Policy and Practice

Authors G Hugo
Year 2014
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 5
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15 Journal Article

Engaging with New Zealand's Recognized Seasonal Employer Work Policy: The Case of Tuvalu

Authors Charlotte Bedford, Richard Bedford, Elsie Ho
Year 2010
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 7
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16 Journal Article

EU migration policy toward the Arab Mediterranean countries and its impact in their labour markets

Authors Alessandra VENTURINI, Tamirace FAKHOURY, Nathalie JOUANT
Year 2010
Book Title Iván MARTIN (ed.), Labour markets performance and migration flows in Arab Mediterranean countries : determinants and effects, Brussels : European Commission, Directorate-General for Economicand Financial Affairs, 2010, European Economy Occasional papers ; 60, pp. 81-97
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17 Book Chapter

Migration Control Logics and Strategies in Europe

Authors Claudia Finotelli, Irene Ponzo
Year 2023
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18 Book

Migration Control Logics and Strategies in Europe

Authors Claudia Finotelli, Irene Ponzo
Year 2023
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19 Book

Migrants and Undeclared Employment within the European Construction Sector: Challenging Dichotomous Approaches to Workers' Agency

Authors Iraklis Dimitriadis
Year 2022
Journal Name Work, Employment and Society
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20 Journal Article

Migrants and Undeclared Employment within the European Construction Sector: Challenging Dichotomous Approaches to Workers' Agency

Authors Iraklis Dimitriadis
Year 2022
Journal Name Work, Employment and Society
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21 Journal Article

Annual report on migration and asylum 2021 - Luxembourg

Authors Nicole Holzapfel-Mantin, Lukas Mellinger, Adolfo Sommarribas, ...
Year 2022
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22 Report

(Not That) Essential: A Scoping Review of Migrant Workers’ Access to Health Services and Social Protection during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand

Authors Satrio Nindyo Istiko, Jo Durham, Lana Elliott
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
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23 Journal Article

COVID-19, Racial Capitalism, and Undocumented Bangladeshi Agricultural Workers in Manolada, Greece

Authors Reena Kukreja
Year 2021
Journal Name Two Homelands
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24 Journal Article

Exclusionary Mechanism within Inclusion Policy: A Study of Interstate Construction Workers in Pune.

Authors Kuldeepsingh Rajput
Year 2021
Journal Name Inclusive
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25 Journal Article

Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration

Authors Emma Carmel, Katharina Lenner, Regine Paul
Year 2021
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26 Book

International Migration, Remittances and COVID-19: Economic Implications and Policy Options for South Asia

Authors Matt Withers, Sophie Henderson, Richa Shivakoti
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Asian Public Policy
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27 Journal Article

Annual report on migration and asylum 2020

Authors Florence Hallack-Wolf, Zane Rozenberga, Adolfo Sommarribas, ...
Year 2021
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28 Report

Migration Policy and Health Insecurity. Italy's response to COVID-19 and the impact of the Security Decree

Authors Sebastian Carlotti
Year 2020
Journal Name Rivista Trimestrale di Scienza dell'Amministrazione
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29 Journal Article

Data Centers. Edges of a Wired Nation.

Authors Moritz Mähr, Kijan Espahangizi
Year 2020
Book Title Computing Aliens. From Central Control to Migration Scenarios, 1960-1990.
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30 Book Chapter

Data Centers. Edges of a Wired Nation.

Authors Moritz Mähr, Kijan Espahangizi
Year 2020
Book Title Computing Aliens. From Central Control to Migration Scenarios, 1960-1990.
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
31 Book Chapter

Annual report on migration and asylum 2019

Authors Adolfo Sommarribas, Florence Hallack-Wolf, Zane Rozenberga, ...
Year 2020
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
32 Report

Key Knowledge Questions on the future of the Schengen Area and the European Common Asylum System

Authors Alexandra Ricard-Guay, Andrew Geddes
Year 2020
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
33 Policy Brief

Roma Westward Migration in Europe: Rethinking Political, Social, and Methodological Challenges

Authors Stefano Piemontese, Tina Magazzini
Year 2019
Book Title Constructing Roma migrants
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35 Book Chapter

Migration and Trafficking for Labor Exploitation. Nepalese in Agriculture in Portugal.

Authors Alexandra Pereira, ISCTE-IUL
Final Report - FAMI Project (PT/2017/FAMI/158): Migration and Trafficking for Labor Exploitation. Nepalese in Agriculture in Portugal.
Year 2019
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36 Report

Immigrant England, 1300-1550

Authors Bart Lambert, W. Mark Ormrod, Jonathan Mackman
Year 2019
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37 Book

Every Immigrant Is an Emigrant: How Migration Policies Shape the Paths to Integration (IMISEM)

The IMISEM project adopts a comprehensive view of migration policy that includes both its emigrant/emigration and immigrant/immigration sides, bridging the two sides of migration policy. The main research question is: how does policy offer or hinder a path for migrants to become or remain an integral part of the polity? The theoretical framework bridges the stages of entry/exit, residency in/abroad, and access to citizenship and looks for patterns of how states manage the process of migrant inclusion in or exclusion from the polity. IMISEM gathers cross-regional evidence on the variety and depth of policy configurations governing migration trajectories for different profiles of migrants. With these data it charts the connections between policies of mobility, settlement and belonging, looking forward to extracting the underlying principles structuring them, and possibly to find whether or not there are threads of coherence across the “two sides” (emi-/immigrant policies). Using a comparative area study angle, IMISEM develops a broadened perspective on the migration policy landscape across regions. Thus, it looks at 30 cases from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Asia, to cover a wide breadth of migratory profiles and institutional contexts to which policies can be traced back un further analyses.
Year 2018
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39 Data Set

Antiguas y nuevas diásporas: una caracterización de la población de nacionalidad española en el exterior a partir del PERE

Year 2016
Journal Name Scripta Nova. Revista Electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales
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40 Journal Article

On the Economics and Politics of Refugee Migration [Europe]

Authors Christian Dustmann, Francesco Fasani, Tommaso Frattini, ...
Year 2016
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41 Working Paper

Seasonal workers and intra-corporate transferees in EU law: capital’s handmaidens?

Authors Cathryn Costello, Mark Freedland
Year 2016
Book Title Temporary Labour Migration in the Global Era The Regulatory Challenges
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42 Book Chapter

Inequalities in Motion: Transnational Families in Estonia and Finland. / Eriarvoisuus liikkeessä: Ylirajaiset perheet Virossa ja Suomessa. (289 200 €)

Principal investigator Laura Assmuth ()
Summary in English not available, Summary in Finnish: Hankkeen julkinen kuvaus: Hankkeessa tarkastellaan Viron ja Suomen välistä muuttoliikettä ja pendelöintiä sekä näihin liittyvää eriarvoisuutta. Viro ja Suomi muodostavat aidosti ylirajaisen alueen: kymmenet tuhannet ihmiset ylittävät säännöllisesti Suomenlahden, jotkut jopa viikottain, toiset muutaman kerran vuodessa. Ylirajainen liikkuvuus ei muuta ainoastaan ulkomailla työskentelevien elämää. Yksilökeskeisen näkökulman muuttoliikkeeseen on yhä suuremmassa määrin korvannut tietoisuus siitä, että kaikilla muuttajilla on perhesidoksia, riippumatta sitä muuttavatko he yksin vai läheistensä kanssa. Hankkeessa keskitymme perheiden pärjäämiseen uusissa olosuhteissa sekä liikkuvuuden subjektiivisiin ja tunneperäisiin ulottuvuuksiin: miten ylirajainen perhe-elämä ja siihen kytkeytyvä eriarvoisuus koetaan ja miten eri perheenjäsenet tästä kertovat. Metodologisesti lähestymistapamme on innovatiivinen: näkökulma on etnografinen, mutta tutkijat käyttävät useita eri menetelmiä osallistuvasta havainnoinnista ja tutkittavien mukana liikkumisesta lasten sadutukseen ja piirrättämiseen. Taiteilijat panostavat monipuolisten visuaalisten metodien muodossa, ja journalisti tuo mukaan yksilöiden näkökulman ja perheiden tarinat muutosta. Tutkittavien ihmisten ja perheiden määrä on rajallinen, ja yhteistyötä samojen perheiden kanssa tehdään koko kolmen vuoden projektin ajan. Hankkeen tuloksia esitellään suurelle yleisölle paitsi tekstien (artikkelit, kirjat, blogi) myös dokumenttifilmin, (sarja)kuvien ja katutaiteen keinoin.Tieteen, taiteen ja journalismin välisiä sekä kansallisia rajoja ylittävä tutkimushanke ja –asetelma tuottaa uudenlaista ymmärrystä liikkuvuuteen ja ylirajaiseen perhe-elämään kytkeytyvästä eriarvoisuudesta. Ylirajaisuuden subjektiiviseen ja emotionaaliseen puoleen paneudutaan sensitiivisen tutkimusotteen ja innovatiivisten työskentelymenetelmien avulla. Tuloksena on monipuolisia visuaalisia ja taiteellisia tuotoksia. Tavoitteena on saavuttaa myös laaja yleisö molemmissa tutkittavissa maissa.
Year 2015
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43 Project

Closing the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme: A Triple Loss

Authors Erica Consterdine, Sahizer Samuk
Year 2015
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44 Working Paper

Labor immigration since 2008, Report and Policy Brief 2015:9

In 2008, new rules for labor immigration to Sweden were introduced. The regulations apply to employees coming from countries outside the EEA - that is, "third-country citizens”. The purpose of the new law was to facilitate global recruitment of labour, and to give employers better possibilities to employ persons with the right skills.
Year 2015
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45 Report

When poverty meets affluence: Migrant street workers in Scandinavia

Principal investigator Anne Britt Djuve (Project Leader), Jon Horgen Friberg (), Guri Tyldum ()
The phenomenon of EU migrants who go abroad to beg, collect bottles, trade and do other types of informal “street work” (Adriaenssen 2011) has featured on the political agendas of most European countries over the last decade. While the EU framework was intended to encourage the free movement of labour, there is little regulation in place to address the free movement of poverty. As unwanted mobility from EU member states can no longer be stopped at the borders, European states have come to depend on internal policing and regulations in attempts to regulate these practices. Thus far, there has been little research into this particular form of mobility and the related institutional responses. This project addresses this knowledge gap. Drawing on theories of economic sociology and institutional theory, we will explore the causes for and outcomes of this mobility, its organisation and the development and impact of policies and discourses in countries of destination. As this mobility in many ways represents an “extreme” case of transnational migration and ethnic relations, knowledge about the mechanisms involved may challenge or strengthen assumptions within existing theories. The project will therefore engage with wider theoretical debates within the field of migration studies.
Year 2015
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46 Project

The Political Economy of Border Drawing

Authors Regine Paul
Year 2015
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47 Book

German spa towns as retirement destinations: How (pre)retirees negotiate relocation and locals assess in-migration

Authors Tobias Weidinger, Stefan Kordel
Year 2015
Journal Name Two Homelands
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48 Journal Article

Migración de retorno y re-emigración: nuevas dinámicas migratorias de marroquíes y bolivianos y los retos para la gestión de la movilidad

Principal investigator Sonia Parella (Principal Investigator)
"La investigación analiza las tendencias relativas a las estrategias y experiencias de movilidad de la población migrante residente en España, con el fin de proporcionar elementos de diagnóstico que permitan ajustar las decisiones políticas a las nuevas realidades. Por un lado, el proyecto se aproxima a la migración de retorno “desde arriba”, analizando la acción de los Estados y de las entidades sociales que diseñan y ejecutan iniciativas en esta materia. Así, se pretenden identificar aquellas herramientas que pueden favorecer un retorno sostenible, respetuoso con los derechos humanos, desde planteamientos transnacionales y coordinados que incorporen las distintas necesidades de las personas migrantes. La investigación incorpora un segundo nivel de análisis, aproximándose desde un enfoque transnacional y multidimensional a las experiencias de retorno de dos colectivos de migrantes: el marroquí y el boliviano. Mediante la combinación de distintas herramientas metodológicas, se analizan las estrategias y experiencias de movilidad internacional de ambos colectivos, que presentan contextos pre-migratorios, trayectorias migratorias y de asentamiento en España diferenciadas. El diseño de la investigación se basa en una estrategia mixta, de generación de datos cuantitativos y cualitativos que cubren distintos niveles de análisis. Una primera parte incluye la realización de una encuesta de retorno y movilidad, que pretende consolidar un instrumento de medida que permita posteriores análisis comparativos a nivel internacional y que se basa en los avances metodológicos del proyecto RETTRANS (CSO2010-15924), liderado por el GEDIME. La segunda parte, de corte cualitativo, se basa en un diseño multilocal, que incorpora trabajo de campo en los países de origen y destino (y la reconstrucción de trayectorias a terceros países por medio de entrevistas en profundidad)."
Year 2014
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50 Project

Türkiye'nin Uluslararası Göç Politikaları, 1923-2023

TÜBİTAK tarafından desteklenen “Türkiye’nin Uluslararası Göç Politikaları, 1923-2023: Ulus-devlet Oluşumundan Ulus-ötesi Dönüşümlere” konulu bu proje Türkiye’nin uluslararası göç ve sığınma politikalarını tarihsel süreç içerisinde kapsamlı ve sistemli bir şekilde ele alıp, bu politikaların güncel konumunu ve gelecekteki dönüşüm süreçlerini irdelemektedir. Modern Türkiye tarihi Cumhuriyet’in kuruluşundan bu yana farklı şekiller alan uluslararası göç ve sığınma hareketlerine sahne olmuştur. Kuruluşunun ilk yıllarında uluslararası bir nüfus mübadelesi sonucunda nüfusu önemli ölçüde göçle yenilenen Türkiye, aynı yıllarda yine yüksek sayılara varan bir soydaş göçüyle karşılaşmış, bunu köylerden kentlere gerçekleşen iç göçler ve işgücü göçleri izlemiştir. Soğuk Savaş, küreselleşme ve Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği’ne üyelik süreci gibi birçok gelişme ulusal ve uluslararası ortamı etkilemiş ve Türkiye’ye yönelen göçmen ve sığınmacı profilinde de belirgin değişikliklere neden olmuştur. Türkiye artık sadece göç veren ve alan bir ülke değil, aynı zamanda başka ülkelere gitmek isteyen ülke vatandaşları için geçiş yapabilecekleri bir “göç geçiş ülkesi” konumuna gelmiştir. Göç ve sığınma politikalarını tarihsel ve güncel düzeyde ele alan kapsamlı bir çalışmanın yokluğundan yola çıkan bu çalışma da, son dönemde uluslararası göç ve sığınma politikalarının Türkiye için artan önemini göz önüne alarak, hem bu politikaların ayrıntılı bir değerlendirmesini yapmayı, hem de tarihsel bir bakış açısıyla bu politikaların toplumsal, siyasal ve ekonomik yansımalarına dolaysız göndermeler de bulunmayı hedeflemiştir.
Year 2014
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52 Report

Informalisation, labour migrants and irregular migrants: low wage labour intensive work and the restructuring of the Swedish labour market

Principal investigator Anders Neergaard (REMESO Project Leader)
Studies of migrant labour in the Swedish labour market have generally focused on those having received permanent residence permission as refugees or through family re-unification legislation. This mirrors a situation in which labour migration has been quite restrictive in Sweden. Starting with a new labour migration reform in 2008, this is dramatically changing. The aim is to study the situation of labour migrants and irregular migrants in the labour market and their understanding of collective action, as (migrant) workers. In addition the project aims at studying the employers, especially the reason for employing these two categories of migrant workers.
Year 2013
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53 Project

Immigration Policies in Comparison

Principal investigator Helbling Marc (Principal Investigator)
Over the last two decades both immigration politics and research on immigration issues have become very important. So far, there is however no dataset that would allow researchers to systematically investigate immigration policies across a large sample of countries. The aim of the Immigration Policies in Comparison (IMPIC) project is therefore to provide a set of sophisticated quantitative indices to measure immigration policies in all OECD countries and for the time period 1980-2010. By means of this new dataset the causes and effects of immigration policies will be studied more systematically.
Year 2011
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57 Project

Managing transnational work in Sweden: The Meaning of Gendering, Racialisation and Citizenship in a Segmented Labour Market

Principal investigator Karin Krifors (REMESO Project Leader), Anders Neergaard (Scientifically Responsible)
This project aims at investigating shifting migration regimes and how employment and labor differentiates categories of migrants in Sweden. Relations between employers and migrants become increasingly crucial for opportunities and restraints in migrant life situations in systems of managed migration. Employers also become engaged in global economic relations and at the same time negotiate the relations between the nation and the migrant workers.
Year 2011
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58 Project

Labour immigration and labour markets in the GCC countries: national patterns and trends

Using the latest statistical data from six GCC states and recent publications of the GCC Secretariat, a detailed profile is presented of immigration and employment across the region. Evaluation is made of the available data sources (listed in the appendix) and the actual extent of immigrant presence in both population and labour market is critically examined. Employment according to public/private sector, and also for fifteen economic sectors, is shown for each country (where available) by citizenship type and gender. Previously unpublished indicators, such as unemployment and participation rates, are calculated where possible by citizenship type, gender and age groups; a few countries provide data on actual nationalities or regional groupings of foreign employees, and these are reproduced here. Previously neglected issues that receive some attention are foreign births, family presence, foreign schoolchildren and duration of residence (the latter available only for the UAE). The emergence of the kafala system is examined in historical context; in particular, emphasis is placed on its role in promoting irregularities in the migration, residence and employment of foreigners across the GCC. Trends in government policies are described, including the recent and significant doubts in some countries about the ability of the kafala system to produce satisfactory outcomes. Some attention is paid to the important policies of nationalization’ of GCC labour markets: a conceptual categorization of such policies is made, according to five different policy objectives. Using both the broad and more detailed sectoral employment data previously presented, evaluation is then made of the degree of success of each country’s initiatives in this area. The paper concludes with an exposition of the commonalities and differences across the GCC in managing their labour markets and immigration. The structural specificities of each country are outlined, along with tentative prognoses of their future needs for immigrant workers.
Year 2011
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60 Report

Nuevas din·micas de gestiÛn de lasmigraciones en EspaÒa: el caso de losacuerdos bilaterales de trabajadorescon paÌses de origen*

n los ̇ltimos aÒos ha aparecido una nueva sensibilidad y un nuevo discurso oficial sobrela gestiÛn de las migraciones laborales y los programas de reclutamiento temporal de tra-bajadores. El ensayo de nuevas formas de movilidad, que promocionan la circularidad mi-gratoria, ha surgido como una alternativa a otras fÛrmulas del pasado y ha impulsado losprogramas de contrataciÛn de mano de obra en origen. Este tipo de programas han sidorepresentados como una soluciÛn en donde todos los actores implicados obtienen benefi-cios. En las sociedades de origen aparecen como un mecanismo para conseguir divisas, co-nocimiento tÈcnico y mejorar los intercambios comerciales sin perder a los sectores m·scualificados de su poblaciÛn. Las sociedades receptoras pueden cubrir sus necesidades la-borales sin hacer frente a los gastos que generarÌa el establecimiento definitivo. Por suparte, los propios inmigrantes pueden acceder al mercado de trabajo de los paÌses m·s ri-cos sin perder lazos sociales y familiares con origen. El artÌculo presenta los contenidos,objetivos, el diseÒo polÌtico y las crÌticas que han recibido este tipo de programas y subra-ya sus diferencias con los programas de trabajadores temporales implantados en el pasa-do en el sistema migratorio europeo y norteamericano. TambiÈn se destaca su vinculaciÛncon una nueva gestiÛn integrada en las migraciones, que impulsa la concertaciÛn con lospaÌses de origen y su desarrollo. En segundo lugar, se detiene en los primeros programasde contrataciÛn en origen firmados por EspaÒa a principios de esta dÈcada y en los acuer-dos de ́nueva generaciÛnª que se han llevado a cabo desde 2006, especialmente con paÌsesdel ¡frica subsahariana.
Year 2009
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62 Report

Migrant Rights Index

The index addresses the legal rights (civil and political, economic, social, residency, and family reunion rights) granted to migrant workers admitted under labour immigration programs in high- and middle-income countries to admitting migrant workers. Labor immigration programs are defined as policies for regulating the number, skills, and rights of migrants who are admitted for the primary purpose of work. It includes 104 programmes in force for the year 2009. Migrant rights refer to the legal rights (defined here as the rights granted by national laws and policies) granted to migrant workers on admission under a particular labour immigration program. So the indicators measure rights “in laws and regulations” rather than “in practice”. The dataset includes all high-income countries with a population exceeding two million, and, to ensure broad geographic coverage, a selection of upper- and lower- middle-income countries. In total, the sample comprises 46 countries including 34 high-income countries.
Year 2009
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63 Data Set

Vikhrov's visa index

The index is based on three types of entry visa restrictions: visa required, visa not required for short stays and visa not required. The author identifies country pairs which changed their visa regime during 1998–2010. This immigration policy index is constructed for all countries and territories in the world for both March 1998 and November 2009. This index is heterogeneous across destination and origin countries as well as over time.
Year 2009
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64 Data Set

ImPol Database (Immigration Policies)

The database (ImPol) contains 27 quantitative indicators to measure the entry dimension of immigration policies. The indicators are grouped in five dimensions: Immigration policy concerning irregular entry/residence; Short stay entry policy; Family reunification policy; Policies on entry for study; Work immigration policy. The ImPol dataset was originally conceived as a tool to complement the individual survey data collection carried out in the context of the MAFE-Senegal Project. The information collected so far is limited to France, Italy, and Spain, which are the main destinations of Senegalese migrants in Europe and focuses predominantly on the period from the 1960s until 2008. The legal texts consulted reflect the general policy regime in the three European countries and are hence of use for analyses addressing questions about immigration from a variety of origin countries. In addition, authors collected texts (bilateral agreements) addressing the specific case of the Senegalese. The type of information contained in the ImPol dataset can be used for a wide range of both contextual and statistical analyses
Year 2008
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65 Data Set

Mobilités circulaires entre les métropoles Européennes et Reconfigurations des Espaces de Vie

Principal investigator Nadine Cattan (Principal Investigator)
La recherche porte sur les mobilités circulaires internationales entre les métropoles européennes. MEREV a pour objectif de saisir la manière dont les populations qui expérimentent des déplacements réguliers et/ou fréquents à partir d’un lieu de résidence principale (Berlin, Bruxelles, Lisbonne, Londres, Paris) reconfigurent leurs espaces de vie tant du point de vue des pratiques que de leurs représentations. Ces espaces seront explicitement appréhendés dans leurs dimensions multi-scalaires : territoires du quotidien, ensemble du territoire métropolitain du lieu de résidence principale, réseau de lieux pratiqués, voire ensemble de lieux de référence pratiqués ou non. Cette étude fait l’hypothèse forte d’un lien entre les circulations internationales, les pratiques et les représentations des espaces de vie de ces personnes circulantes.
Year 2007
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66 Project

The quest for 'fair globalization' and a 'decent work agenda': Supra-national norms, industrial relations and labour market regulation

Principal investigator Branka Likic-Brboric (REMESO Project Leader), Carl-Ulrik Schierup (Participants from REMESO), Charles Woolfson (Participants from REMESO)
The research in this project critically analyses the on-going configuration of global and regional migration regimes within the framework of multilevel global governance. The main objective is to survey international institutional arrangements for core labor standards and migrant workers? rights and to explore their significance for migration management within the 'asymmetric' global governance, as well as their impact on the current trajectory of global and regional political economies. Various studies within the project trace the development of a 'social dimension' of globalization and the articulation of an inclusive, human rights-based policy approach to migration management. The focus is on the ILO?s reformulation of social justice goals in terms of 'decent work' for all workers, including especially those working in the informal economy. The identification of the main multinational, state and non-state actors, their discourses and strategies for the promotion of global social justice, in particular the role of the EU is examined. Since 2010 participants in this project have followed and analysed the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration, related Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) and the role of global civil society actors in this process, leading to MIGLINK, a collaborative research project with Ankara University (Turkey) and University of Zacatecas Mexico).
Year 2007
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67 Project

Labour Standards in the new EU member states: Convergence or Divergence?

Principal investigator Charles Woolfson (REMESO Project Leader), Dace Calite (Participants not from REMESO), Epp Kallaste (Participants not from REMESO), Ivars Vanadzins (Participants not from REMESO)
This project continues a key theme of Charles Woolfson:s European Commission Marie Curie Chair Excellence Award (2004-2007) in the Baltic states i.e., labour standards, decent work in the form of regularised employment relations, access to training, and the character of the working environment in terms of occupational health and safety in the post-communist states. It explores the difficulties in securing regulated labour standards, as against ongoing counter-tendencies towards the informalisation of employment relations. It also asks how these labour standards are changing in the context of European Union enlargement and what empirical evidence there is of the integrative impacts of European directives and regulations on working life and work environment in the new member states ie., convergence or divergence.
Year 2007
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68 Project

Les Migrations entre l'Afrique et l'Europe

Principal investigator Cris Beauchemin (Principal Investigator)
L’objectif principal du projet de recherche MAFE est de fournir des données quantitatives et originales sur les caractéristiques et les comportements des migrants d’Afrique subsaharienne. Il vise à palier à l’absence de données complètes sur les causes des migrations et les modes de circulation entre l’Afrique et l’Europe. Les retours, la circulation et les pratiques transnationales des migrants doivent être correctement compris pour concevoir de meilleurs politiques de migration. Le projet MAFE étudie les flux migratoires entre l’Europe et le Sénégal, la République Démocratique du Congo et le Ghana, qui représentent plus du quart des migrations africaines vers l’Europe. Thème 1 : rendre compte des tendances des migrations entre l’Afrique et l’Europe. Thème 2 : Expliquer les départes, mais aussi les retours. Thème 3 : Intégration et réintégration des migrants. Thème 4 : Migrations internationales et changements familiaux.
Year 2006
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69 Project

Le Travail des Etrangers dans l'Agriculture Occidentale

Principal investigator Swanie Potot (Principal Investigator)
Ce projet vise à repenser la question des migrations dans l’agriculture ouest-européenne, en interrogeant la recomposition du travail salarié majoritairement occupé par des migrants étrangers (féminisation, « nouvelles migrations », migrations intra-européennes, etc.) ; la gestion des questions de santé des travailleurs migrants ; et la complexification des statuts associés au travailleur migrant. Ce projet repose sur une enquête qualitative, multisituée (Maroc, Pologne, Roumanie, France) et longitudinale.
Year 2005
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70 Project
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