Félicien de Heusch joined the Latin American Institute (LAI) at the Univeristy of California (UCLA) as a Fulbright Postdoctoral Research Fellow in January 2024. His project, "Becoming a legal street vendor: opportunities, obstacles and inequalities among migrants in Los Angeles", is supervised by Dr. Rubén Hernández-Léon. Before joining the LAI, Félicien de Heusch completed his PhD in Social and Political Sciences at the Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM), University of Liège (Belgium)...


Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
Cross-cutting topics in migration research


  • Latin American Institute, UCLA

    Research Institute, Los Angeles, United States
    Visiting Fulbright postdoctoral Researcher

  • Centre for Ehtnic and Migration Studies, ULiège

    Research Institute, Liège, Belgium
    Scientific Associate


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