Migrants and religion

This topic concerns the relationship between migration and religion. This may relate to migration generating or affecting religious diversity in a host or sending society, or how religious practices and facilities shape those societies. It could also refer to the role that the religion of migrants relates to their attitudes towards social, political, or cultural questions.

This topic includes  literature on religious identity, religious minorities, the performance of religious practices, religiosity and integration, islamophobia, antisemitism, secularism, and religious inequality.

Showing page of 5633 results, sorted by

How secular is Europe?

Authors Loek Halman, Veerle Draulans
Year 2006
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 101
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1 Journal Article

Migrating concepts: Immigrant integration and the regulation of religious dress in France and Canada

Authors Eléonore Lépinard, Eleonore Lepinard
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 4
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2 Journal Article

The relation between religiosity and Muslims’ social integration: a two-wave study of recent immigrants in three European countries

Authors Mieke Maliepaard, Diana Schacht, Diana D. Schacht
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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3 Journal Article

Opposing Muslims and the Muslim Headscarf in Western Europe

Authors M. Helbling, Marc Helbling
Year 2014
Journal Name European Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 42
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4 Journal Article

The cloak, the cage and the fog of sanctity: the Zionist mission and the role of religion among Arab Jews*

Authors Yehouda Shenhav
Year 2003
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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5 Journal Article

Christians, Jews, Muslims and blasphemy ACH (after Charlie Hebdo) and BSV (before The Satanic Verses)

Authors Yvonne Sherwood
Year 2020
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6 Journal Article

Religious Fundamentalism and Radicalization in Comparative Perspective

Principal investigator Ruud Koopmans (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical Background and objectives In the context of the combination of escalated sectarian conflicts in Iraq and Syria, and home-grown conflicts around real and perceived attacks on Islam and its symbols in the West (from Rushdie to Charlie Hebdo), increased numbers of Muslim youth in Western countries have embraced radical forms of Islam and have sometimes become actively involved in violence, both at home and abroad. Beyond impressionistic evidence on a few active radicals, extremely little is known about the incidence among countries’ Muslim populations of adherence to radical versions of Islam and support for religiously-motivated violence. To answer these questions, cross-national surveys across Muslim populations in different countries are necessary, but apart from the very descriptive surveys by the US American Pew Research Institute, which are moreover not publicly accessible for secondary analysis, no such information is available. Existing research also leaves another major question unanswered, namely to what extent religious radicalism is specific to current Islam or whether it is comparable to what we find in other contemporary religions, particularly within Christianity. This project wants to fill these voids. A first step was an analysis based on the SCIICS survey. This was the first representative survey study to compare religious fundamentalism and outgroup hostility between Muslims and Christians (Koopmans 2015), and as such it attracted worldwide media attention. While the study revealed large differences between the two religious groups even when controlled for a range of socio-economic and demographic variables, the limitation of the study to two Muslim ethnic groups as well as the fact that it compared Muslims of immigrant origin to autochthonous Christians limits the generalizability of its findings. Moreover, the SCIICS survey did not include questions about support for religiously-motivated violence and extremist religious organizations. Research design To overcome these shortcomings, we are conducting two studies: Religious Fundamentalism and Radicalization Survey and Jihadi Radicalization in Europe Database. The first project is a representative survey study of Muslims, Christians, Jews, and non-believers in 2017 in the following 8 countries: Germany, the United States, Cyprus, Turkey, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and Kenya. The choice of countries allows for a broad range of cross-national and cross-sectional comparisons. For instance, all three of the world’s Abrahamic religions are represented in our sample, allowing us to investigate similarities and differences between these three religious groups. In addition to comparisons across religious groups, we are also interested in examining variances within the religious groups. Therefore we sampled across different branches of Islam, i.e. Sunni Muslims (Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Kenya, and Cyprus), Shia Muslims (Lebanon) and Alevites (Turkey, Cyprus); of Christianity, i.e. Catholic and Protestant Christians (Germany, and the USA), Greek Orthodox Christians (Cyprus, Lebanon), Maronite Catholics (Lebanon) and the generally more conservative Christianity of Sub-Saharan Africa (Kenya); and of Judaism, i.e. both Orthodox and Reformist branches (Israel and the USA). Our research design also allows us to investigate the role of immigration and integration experiences in religious radicalization. The study not only includes two Western immigration countries with strongly divergent immigrant integration policies (Germany and the United States), but also three countries with autochthonous Muslim and Christian populations (Kenya, Cyprus, and Lebanon). Furthermore, both in Germany and the United States, we oversample Christians of immigrant origin, thus extending the range of comparisons to a variety of immigrant and native groups and augmenting the possibility of isolating the role of immigration. Apart from the usual socio-economic and demographic control variables, the surveys included questions on religiosity, religious knowledge, fundamentalism, out-group hostility, intergroup contacts, discrimination, adherence to conspiracy theories, violence legitimation, and support for extremist groups. Moreover we employed a survey experiment to test the effect of religious scripture on religious violence legitimation. The broad range of variables and the experiment included in the surveys will enable rigorous hypotheses testing, which will help us uncover causal mechanisms behind religious fundamentalism and radicalization. In the second project Jihadi Radicalization in Europe Database, we aggregate profiles of Jihadist individuals from publicly available information. The main units of analysis of this database are people from four European countries (Germany, France, the Netherlands and the UK) who fit in any of the following characteristics: People (including their partners and children from the age of 15 who accompanying them), who have traveled to Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan or other conflict regions involving Muslims, acting out of their Islamist conviction (the so-called foreign fighters); people who have actively recruited others as foreign fighters or motivated others to join through propaganda activities; people who were involved in the aiding, planning or conducting of Islamist terrorist activity in Europe or were suspected thereof; people who supported, justified or glorified the use of violence in the name of Islam through propaganda activities; people who are members of jihadi-Salafist and Islamist organizations, which support the use of violence. The database will primarily consist of biographical and sociodemographic information on individuals, with the aim of identifying common characteristics. Using the sociodemographic data, we aim to investigate, what kind of people are more susceptible to radicalization, whereas we will use the biographic data to gain insights into contexts of radicalization. In addition to these characteristics, social contacts and networks of the individuals will also be registered, in order to analyze the social network structures. This information will be used to explore group-specific radicalization processes as well as to identify central influential figures within the networks. The relevant data will be gathered through an online and media research. A variety of sources of data will be used to collect relevant information such as newspaper articles, interviews, online-blogs, biographies, news databases such as LexisNexis®, and court proceedings, in order to gather as much data as possible on the individuals. The database can be understood as an aggregation of publicly available data on European Islamists."
Year 2015
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8 Project

The Visibility and Invisibility of Migrant Faith in the City: Diaspora Religion and the Politics of Emplacement of Afro-Christian Churches

Authors David Garbin
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 29
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9 Journal Article

Conclusion: Diasporas as Cultures of Cooperation

Authors Ariane Sadjed, David Carment
Book Title Diaspora as Cultures of Cooperation
Citations (WoS) 1
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10 Book Chapter

Comparative study of attitudes to religious groups in New Zealand reveals Muslim-specific prejudice

Authors Lara M. Greaves, Chris G. Sibley, Joseph Bulbulia, ...
Year 2020
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12 Journal Article

Hatred of Jews and mission to the Jews. The relationship of the Hamburg Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church of Judaism

Authors Stephan Linck
Year 2020
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13 Journal Article

Parallel Spaces of Migrant (Non-)Integration in Singapore: Latent Politics of Distance and Difference Within a Diverse Christian Community

Authors Orlando Woods, Lily Kong
Year 2020
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14 Journal Article

Cultural Interactions between Muslim Immigrants and Receiving Societies

Principal investigator Ruud Koopmans (Principal Investigator), Jean Tillie (Principal Investigator), Dirk Jacobs (Principal Investigator), Paul Statham (Principal Investigator), Marco Giugni (Principal Investigator), Manlio Cinalli (Principal Investigator)
"The theoretical background and objectives The project EURISLAM provides an encompassing view of the integration of Muslim immigrants in six West European countries by linking information on the institutional status of Islam and religious rights for Muslims, public debates on Muslims and Islam in the mass media, and individual attitudes, behavioural patterns, and interethnic contacts of both Muslim immigrants and native populations. Using an institutional and discursive opportunity structure perspective, the project investigates to what extent cross-national differences in religiosity, socio-economic position, interethnic contacts, and identification of Muslims vary as a function of the way in which Islam has been incorporated in different countries and to what extent they are affected by differences in the salience and content of public debates on Muslims and Islam. Similarly, we ask how such contextual conditions affect the ways in which majority populations see and interact with Muslims. Research design, data and methodology The study combines several types of data: indicators of Muslim rights, content analyses for the period 1999-2008, a new survey among four groups of Muslims (Turks, Moroccans, Pakistani and ex-Yugoslav Muslims) and a comparison group of native non-Muslims, and finally focus groups with members of ""transnational families"", of which members have migrated to different countries. This part of the project is quasi-experimental in nature because it compares groups with a very similar background before migration (namely members of the same family) who have ended up in different immigration countries. Findings Our findings show that Muslims have been able to gain the most religious rights in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom and the least in France and Switzerland, which are both strongly influenced by a laicist tradition of church-state relations. Germany and Belgium occupy intermediary positions. A first analysis shows that these different opportunity structures have important consequences for the nature of public debates about Muslim rights. In order to compare the debates across countries, we distinguish between claims on rights within and outside public institutions, claims asking for parity with existing regulations for Christians (and sometimes also Jews) versus those that refer to special arrangements for which there is no direct Christian equivalent, and finally those that refer to mainstream (e.g., mosques or headscarves) or minoritarian (e.g., the burqa) Muslim practices. We find evidence that accommodation of Muslim rights leads to a process of claim shift, as it encourages both Muslim groups and their opponents within the public domain to shift attention from private, parity, and mainstream issues to more “obtrusive” issues. In line with the expectations of the political opportunity perspective we find that this tendency is strongest in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, where much of the debate refers to special rights in the context of public institutions, which are often related to religious practices of small groups of orthodox Muslims. In the other countries, and especially in France and Switzerland, more basic religious rights, referring to practices such as mosques, minarets, and headscarves dominate the debate, which are not important as issues of controversy in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. These results indicate that although the incorporation of Islam is highly controversial in all countries, the terms of the debate vary starkly, and do so largely in line with national integration policy and state-church traditions. In that sense the debate about Islam is, in spite of highly visible international events around Islam in the period of study, not genuinely transnational. For the moment, the incorporation of, and controversies about Islam largely follow national paths."
Year 2009
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15 Project


Authors Rocio Perez Ganan
Year 2018
Journal Name OBETS. Revista de Ciencias Sociales
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16 Journal Article

Music, Tradition, and Cultural Adaptation among the Maronites of Lebanon: The Reform of the Funeral Liturgy

Authors Guilnard Moufarrej
Year 2009
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17 Journal Article


Authors Gunnar Thorvaldsen
Year 2016
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18 Journal Article

Religion and identity de/construction among forced migrants: the case of the Congolese refugees in Durban, South Africa

Authors Maheshvari Naidu, Joseph Makanda
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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19 Journal Article

Towards a Universal Religion? Symbolic Boundaries in Austrian Immigrant Integration Policies

Year 2016
Book Title Rethinking Europe with(out) Religion II
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20 Book Chapter

Religiosity and Subjective Wellbeing in Canada

Authors Maryam Dilmaghani
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Happiness Studies
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21 Journal Article

The Governance of Islam in Finland and Ireland

Authors Tuula Sakaranaho, Tuomas Martikainen
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Religion in Europe
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22 Journal Article

Kanadier Mennonites: A case study examining research challenges among religious groups

Authors BL Hall, JC Kulig
Year 2004
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23 Journal Article

Religious Inequality in America

Authors Melissa J. Wilde, MJ Wilde, Patricia Tevington, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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24 Journal Article

Zwischen Säkularisierung und religiöser Reorganisation – Eine Analyse der Religiosität türkischer und polnischer Neuzuwanderer in Deutschland

Authors Claudia Diehl, C Diehl, Matthias Koenig
Year 2013
Journal Name KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
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25 Journal Article

The Diversity of Asian Immigrants' Participation in Religious Institutions in the United States

Authors Pyong Gap Min, PG Min, Sou Hyun Jang
Year 2015
Journal Name Sociology of Religion
Citations (WoS) 3
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26 Journal Article

How Hebrew were the Hebrew Christians?

Authors Anne Perez
Year 2019
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27 Journal Article

Assimilation of Ethnic-Religious Minorities in the Netherlands: A Historical-Sociological Analysis of Pre–World War II Jews and Contemporary Muslims

Authors Peter Tammes, Peter Scholten, Peter Scholten, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Social Science History
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28 Journal Article

'White Dress, Guests and Presents': Polish Migrant Families' Practice of First Communion and Negotiation of Catholic Identities in Wales

Authors Aleksandra Kaczmarek-Day
Year 2018
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29 Journal Article

The Relationship Among Sexual Attitudes, Sexual Fantasy, and Religiosity

Authors Tierney Ahrold, Paul D. Trapnell, CM Meston, ...
Year 2011
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30 Journal Article

The Making and Unmaking of Religious Boundaries

Authors Karen Phalet, Mieke Maliepaard, Fenella Fleischmann, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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32 Journal Article

Negotiating Muslim identity and diversity in Greek urban spaces

Authors Panos Hatziprokopiou, P Hatziprokopiou, Venetia Evergeti
Year 2014
Journal Name Social & Cultural Geography
Citations (WoS) 7
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33 Journal Article

Defining Nation and Religious Minorities in Russia and Turkey: A Comparative Analysis

Authors Laman Tasch
Year 2010
Journal Name Politics and Religion
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34 Journal Article


Authors Leonid M. Golikov
Year 2020
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36 Journal Article

Deportation as a sacrament of the state: the religious instruction of contracted chaplains in U.S. detention facilities

Authors Gregory Lee Cuéllar, Gregory Lee Cuellar
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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37 Journal Article

Race, Religion, and the Social Integration of New Immigrant Minorities in Canada

Authors Jeffrey G. Reitz, JG Reitz, Mai B. Phan, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 40
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38 Journal Article

Abandoning Judaism: A life history perspective on disaffiliation and conversion to Christianity among prewar Amsterdam Jews

Authors Peter Tammes
Year 2012
Journal Name Advances in Life Course Research
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39 Journal Article

Germany: from Segregation to Integration

Authors Ayhan Kaya
Book Title Islam, Migration and Integration
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41 Book Chapter

Racial and Structural Discrimination Toward the Children of Indigenous Mexican Immigrants

Authors Daina Sanchez
Year 2018
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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42 Journal Article

Latin American migration, Evangelical Christianity and gender in Italy

Authors Francesca SCRINZI
Year 2016
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43 Working Paper

The ‘Brazilian’ Transnational Church: Social Hub and Sacred Space

Authors Olivia Sheringham
Book Title Transnational Religious Spaces
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44 Book Chapter

Catholics and Atheists: A Cross-Cultural Qualitative Analysis of Religious Identities among Gay Men

Authors Hubert Izienicki
Year 2017
Journal Name Sociology of Religion
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45 Journal Article


Authors Michael J. Sandford
Year 2014
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46 Journal Article

Forbidden intimacies: Christian-Muslim intermarriage in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Year 2009
Journal Name American Ethnologist
Citations (WoS) 20
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47 Journal Article

Religion-based cultural identity and conflicts of migrant Muslim students in Northwest China

Authors Tao Wang, Tobias Wang
Year 2018
Journal Name Race Ethnicity and Education
Citations (WoS) 3
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48 Journal Article

The effect of immigration on religious belief and practice: A theologizing or alienating experience?

Authors Douglas S. Massey, DS Massey, Monica Espinoza Higgins
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 27
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49 Journal Article

Whiteness, Morality and Christianity in Australia

Authors Jon Stratton
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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50 Journal Article

The drivers of prejudice with a special focus on religion-insights into anti-Muslim sentiment in Austrian society

Authors Wolfgang Aschauer
Year 2020
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51 Journal Article

Segregation, ethnic labour market and the occupational expectations of Palestinian students in Israel

Authors Nabil Khattab
Year 2003
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 20
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52 Journal Article

Boundaries of belief: religious practices and the construction of ethnic identity in Hui Muslim communities

Authors David R. Stroup
Year 2017
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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53 Journal Article

Political Tolerance among Muslim Minorities in Western Europe: The Role of Denomination and Religious and Host National Identification

Authors Maykel Verkuyten, Borja Martinovic, Mieke Maliepaard, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Politics and Religion
Citations (WoS) 5
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55 Journal Article

Immigrant generation, religiosity and civic engagement in Britain

Authors Siobhan McAndrew, D Voas, David Voas
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 17
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56 Journal Article

Fertility patterns among religious groups in Canada

Authors Larry H. Long
Year 1970
Journal Name Demography
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57 Journal Article

Immigrant Islam. Transformations and adaptations of cultural and religious practices

Year 2002
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58 Journal Article

Do birds of a feather flock together? Factors for religious heterogamy

Authors Martin Fieder, Susanne Huber, Alexander Schahbasi
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Biosocial Science
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59 Journal Article

As French as Anyone Else: Islam and the North African Second Generation in France

Authors Jean Beaman
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 3
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60 Journal Article

Patterns of Residence in Poona, India, by Caste and Religion: 1822–1965

Authors Surinder K. Mehta
Year 1969
Journal Name Demography
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61 Journal Article

Perceived religious discrimination and mental health

Authors Zheng Wu, Christoph Schimmele, Christoph M. Schimmele
Year 2019
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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62 Journal Article

Visible minorities in the Canadian Labour Market: Disentangling the effect of religion and ethnicity

Authors Nabil Khattab, Sami Miaari, Marwan Mohamed-Ali
Year 2020
Journal Name Ethnicities
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63 Journal Article

Santos y Misterios as channels of communication in the diaspora: Afro-Dominican religious practices abroad

Authors C Sanchez-Carretero
Year 2005
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64 Journal Article

Emotions of the weak: violence and ethnic boundaries among Coptic Christians in Egypt

Authors Hyun Jeong Ha
Year 2017
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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65 Journal Article

God Can Wait - New Migrants in Germany Between Early Adaptation and Religious Reorganization

Authors C Diehl, Matthias Koenig
Year 2013
Journal Name International Migration
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66 Journal Article

Growing Up Muslim in Europe and the United States

Authors Philip Kasinitz, Medhi Bozorgmehr
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67 Book

Two Jewish studies related postdoctoral projects in Scandinavia

Authors Wally V. Cirafesi, Katharina E. Keim
Year 2018
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68 Journal Article

Sexual politics, torture, and secular time

Authors Judith Butler
Year 2008
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 208
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69 Journal Article

A Diaspora in Transition - Cultural and Religious Changes in Western Sephardic Communities in the Early Modern Period

The communities of the Western Sephardic Diaspora were founded in the 16th and 17th centuries by New Christians from Iberia who returned to Judaism that had been abandoned by their ancestors in the late Middle Ages. This project will concentrate on the changes in the religious conceptions and behavior as well as the cultural patterns of the communities of Amsterdam, Hamburg, Leghorn, London, and Bordeaux. We will analyze the vigorous activity of their leaders to set the boundaries of their new religious identity in comparison to the policy of several Christian “communities of belief,” which went into exile following religious persecution in their homelands. We will also examine the changes in the attitude toward Judaism during the 17th century in certain segments of the Sephardic Diaspora: rather than a normative system covering every area of life, Judaism came to be seen as a system of faith restricted to the religious sphere. We will seek to explain the extent to which this significant change influenced their institutions and social behaviour. This study will provide us with better understanding of the place of the Jews in European society. At the same time, we will subject a central series of concepts in the historiographical discourse of the Early Modern Period to critical analysis: confessionalization, disciplinary revolution, civilizing process, affective individualism, etc. This phase of the research will be based on qualitative and quantitative analysis of many hundreds of documents, texts and the material remains of these communities. Using sociological and anthropological models, we will analyze ceremonies and rituals described at length in the sources, the social and cultural meaning of the architecture of the Sephardic synagogues of that time, and of other visual symbols.
Year 2012
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70 Project

ritualization of literacy: the works of Tunisian scholars in Israel1

Year 1975
Journal Name American Ethnologist
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71 Journal Article

Improving and Validating Survey Estimates of Religious Demography Using Bayesian Multilevel Models and Poststratification

Authors Christopher Claassen, Richard Traunmueller
Year 2020
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72 Journal Article

About intruders into the country of inquisition: Presence and activities of the Jews in Spain in 17th century

Authors N Muchnik
Year 2005
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73 Journal Article

Racialized Religion and Civic Engagement: Insights into Intra-Muslim Racial Diversity on University Campuses

Authors Saugher Nojan
Year 2021
Journal Name Sociology of Religion
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74 Journal Article

Muslim and Buddhist Youths in Switzerland: Individualising Religion and Striving for Recognition?

Authors Martin Baumann, Rebekka Christine Khaliefi
Year 2020
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75 Journal Article

Muslim Diaspora in the West

Authors Halleh Ghorashi, Haideh Moghissi
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77 Book

Should a Question on 'Religion' be Asked in the 2001 British Census? A Public Policy Case in Favour

Authors Peter Aspinall
Year 2000
Journal Name Social Policy & Administration
Citations (WoS) 22
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78 Journal Article

Integration and religiosity among the Turkish second generation in Europe: a comparative analysis across four capital cities

Authors Fenella Fleischmann, Karen Phalet
Year 2011
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 56
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79 Journal Article

Cosmopolitan charismatics? Transnational ways of belonging and cosmopolitan moments in the religious practice of New Mission Churches

Authors Kristine Krause
Year 2011
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 16
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80 Journal Article

Racial reconciliation - Can religion work where politics has failed?

Authors P Glynn
Year 1998
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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81 Journal Article

Cities’ Policies: the Work of European Cities to Counter Muslim Radicalisation

Authors Anja van Heelsum, Floris Vermeulen
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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83 Journal Article

Personal Status Law and Women's Right to Equality in Law and in Practice: The Case of Land Rights of Balinese Hindu Women

Authors Ingrid Westendorp
Year 2015
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84 Journal Article

2010 Association for the Sociology of Religion Presidential Address * Creating an American Islam: Thoughts on Religion, Identity, and Place

Authors R. H. Williams, Rhys H. Williams
Year 2011
Journal Name Sociology of Religion
Citations (WoS) 19
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85 Journal Article

Localized Islam(s) : interpreting agents, competing narratives, and experiences of faith

Authors Arolda ELBASANI, Jelena TOŠIĆ
Year 2017
Journal Name Nationalities papers, 2017, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 499-510
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87 Journal Article

Spreading Whose Word? Transnational Imams, Religion and Politics in Turkey’s Mosques Abroad (France, UK, USA)

Since the early 2000s, Muslim Diasporas in Europe and the USA have raised a growing interest in the public and academic spheres. While building upon this interest, the proposed research aims to bring an original contribution to the field by adopting a transnational perspective that focuses on the religious policy of Turkey towards its diaspora. The study will concentrate on the imams sent to Europe and the USA to work in the mosques managed by the Turkish Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet). The ethnographic study of these “transnational imams” aims to go beyond a state-centered analysis of Turkish religious policy abroad in terms of “soft power” or “religious diplomacy”. Instead, it proposes to evaluate the modalities and limits of this policy by concentrating on the training, motivations, mobility and achievements of these imams, as well as the ways they are perceived by different components of the Turkish diaspora, with special focus on France, the UK and the USA. The interdisciplinary approach at the crossroad of political science, sociology and anthropology will address the political and religious dimensions of the ideology conveyed by the Diyanet imams and question their impact on the Turkish communities settled abroad, in terms of religious practices, political affiliation, integration and possible radicalisation. The comparative perspective will take into account the history and social characteristics of these distinct Turkish diasporas and the different traditions of state/religion relationship in the three countries under study to analyse the strategies of the Diyanet and evaluate its results. Thus, by focusing on Turkey’s religious policy abroad, the proposed study aims to bring an original contribution on political Islam as a transnational ideology that mobilises state resources, religious establishments and local communities to spread a polymorphous political and religious discourse.
Year 2018
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88 Project

Decentering the Study of Jewish Identity: Opening the Dialogue With Other Religious Groups

Authors H. Hartman, Harriet J. Hartman, Debra Kaufman, ...
Year 2006
Journal Name Sociology of Religion
Citations (WoS) 15
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89 Journal Article

Jewish-Gentile intermarriage in pre-war Amsterdam

Authors Peter Tammes
Year 2010
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90 Journal Article

A voice in the wilderness gay and lesbian religious groups in the western United States

Authors Michael Maher
Year 2006
Journal Name Journal of Homosexuality
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91 Journal Article

Rancière, religion and the political

Authors Ian Anthony Morrison
Year 2013
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
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92 Journal Article

Gender equity in Canada's newly growing religious minorities

Authors Jeffrey G. Reitz, JG Reitz, Mai B. Phan, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
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93 Journal Article

Big fat Assyrian/Syriac weddings: rituals and marriage traditions among Middle Eastern Christians in Sweden

Authors Marta Woźniak-Bobińska, Marta Wozniak-Bobinska
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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94 Journal Article

Multiculturalism and moderate secularism

Authors Tariq MODOOD
Year 2015
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95 Working Paper

Enlightenment and Prophecy: The Jews and Neo-Hellenic Nationalism

Authors Dionysis G. Drosos, Maria Kavala
Year 2020
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96 Journal Article

Gendered boundaries in motion: Space and identity on the Sino-Tibetan frontier

Authors Charlene E. Makley
Year 2003
Journal Name American Ethnologist
Citations (WoS) 16
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97 Journal Article

A "Double Alienation" The Vernacular Chinese Church in Malaysia

Authors Diana Wong, Ngu Ik Tien
Year 2014
Journal Name Asian Journal of Social Science
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99 Journal Article

Promised Land? Immigration, Religiosity, and Space in Southern California

Authors Clara Irazábal, Clara Irazabal, Grace R. Dyrness
Year 2010
Journal Name Space and Culture
Citations (WoS) 12
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100 Journal Article
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