Irregular migration

Irregular migration is the movement of people taking place outside the regulatory norms of the sending, transit and receiving countries. Research in this category includes studies on undocumented migration and correlate terms such as sans papiers, unauthorised, clandestine and illegal. It includes research on the distinction between regularity and irregularity, legal/political migration categories; overstayers, migrants’ experiences of border crossings, informal work and living conditions, human trafficking and smuggling, border control and security politics, invisibility and vulnerability, ethics and regularisation schemes.

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Measuring Irregular Migration and Related Policies (MIRREM)

Principal investigator Albert Kraler (Scientific Coordinator), Ettore Recchi (PI European University Institute), Franck Düvell (PI University of Osnabrück), Arjen Leerkes (PI University of Maastricht), Jussi Jauhiainen (PI University of Turku), Claudia Finotelli (PI Complutense University Madrid), Marina Nikolova (PI Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy), Maurizio Ambrosini (PI University of Milan), Michele LeVoy (PI Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migration), Veronika Bilger (PI International Centre for Migration Policy Development ), Jasmijn Slootjes (PI Migration Policy Institute Europe), Pawel Kaczmarczyk (PI University of Warsaw), Tuba Bircan (PI Vrije Universiteit Brussel ), Anna Triandafyllidou (PI Toronto Metropolitan University), Alan Desmond (PI University of Leiceister), Carlos Vargas-Silva (PI University of Oxford), João Carvalho (PI CIES-ISCTE)
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Year 2022
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1 Project

Irregular Migration to Jordan: Socio-Political Stakes

Authors Françoise DE BEL-AIR
A striking evidence is the high figures of undocumented migrants in Jordan. The questions asked in the present report are the following: do these figures signal a failure of policies? What are actually the aims of policies directed at illegal migrants in Jordan? And, ultimately, are unauthorized migrants really unwanted, and why?
Year 2008
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3 Report

Dimensions and dynamics of irregular migration

Authors Khalid Koser
Year 2009
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 53
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5 Journal Article

Irregular Migration in Israel– A Legal Perspective

Authors Guy MUNDLAK
Two competing views of irregularity in migration dominate the legal debate. The first sees irregularity as a form of deviant behavior that justifies the denial of rights, deportation and the development of negative incentives for illegal migrants. The second holds irregularity to be an outcome of diverse circumstances, some of which are beyond the migrant's control and some of which require the state to adjust its immigration policy. According to this second viewpoint, irregularity should sometimes be addressed by means of regularization, securing rights and strengthening the state's responsibility toward its migrants. The two views clash: (a) over the understanding of who the irregular migrants are and the reasons for their irregularity, (b) over the balance between the state's monopoly on determining citizenship, and the view that de facto affiliation with the community and other values such as moral obligation and moral worth can impose on the state recognition of status (c) over the conceptual relationship between uninvited presence and rights, and (d) over the likely effects of granting rights on the inflow of further irregular migrants. This report describes Israel's legal regime in the context of illegal migration. It looks at the reasons for irregularity, possibilities for regularization, extension and the denial of rights to irregular migrants and the debate on the incentives, negative and positive alike, employed by the state for individuals with an irregular status.
Year 2008
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7 Report

REGINE: Regularisations in Europe

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards, Albert Kraler
Year 2009
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13 Book

Rethinking irregular migration in Turkey: Some Demo-Economic Reflections

Authors Ahmet İÇDUYGU
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Year 2008
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14 Report

Irregular Migration

Authors Franck Düvell
Year 2010
Book Title Global Migration Governance
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15 Book Chapter

Irregular Migration of Egyptians

Authors Howaida ROMAN
After defining irregular migration and tackling its different dimensions, the analytical note proposes to analyse the causes and dynamics of irregular migration in Egypt. It highlights furthermore the determinants of EU Policies in the realm of irregular migration, and Egypt’s policy-making approach towards irregular migrants. The conclusion emphasizes the necessity of forging coherent and effective policies on irregular migration in the context of a partnership between origin countries and destination countries, and between government agencies and non-governmental organizations.
Year 2008
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16 Report

Communicating Irregular Migration

Authors Christine M. Jacobsen
Year 2015
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist
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24 Journal Article

Skilful survivals : irregular migration to the Gulf

Authors Philippe FARGUES, Nasra M. SHAH
Year 2017
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25 Book

Detention as Punishment: Can indefinite detention be Greece’s main policy tool to manage its irregular migrant population?

Authors Anna Triandafyllidou, Danai Angeli, Angeliki DIMITRIADI
Year 2014
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27 Policy Brief

Irregular Migration and Human Rights: Theoretical, European and International Perspectives

Authors Ryszard Cholewinski, Barbara Bogusz, Adam Cygan, ...
Year 2018
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28 Book

EU-funded research project CLANDESTINO Database on Irregular Migration

EU-funded research project CLANDESTINO (2007-2009) produced an inventory of data and estimates on undocumented migration (stocks and flows) in selected EU MS and Database on Irregular Migration. In the framework of the CLANDESTINO project, country experts reviewed literature and estimations in 12 countries, covering about 83 percent of the population of the European Union(EU27). Quantitative information is accompanied by substantial background materials, both on issues of general concern and on the situation in individual countries. The database on Irregular Migration provides an inventory and a critical assessment of data and estimates in the European Union and selected member states. A detailed explanation and evaluation of the methodology adopted in each estimation is provided. The data and estimates that were used refer to the period 2001-2008. The Database on Irregular Migration is hosted by the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) and was created in the context of the EU-funded research project CLANDESTINO (2007-2009). ELIAMEP is the coordinator of the CLANDESTINO research consortium. For more information see also the CLANDESTINO web site. The criteria under which the estimates of irregular migration are classified in the CLANDESTINO database are exemplified in the classification report. The project finished in 2009, although some updates are still available.
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29 Data Set

The Southeastern Mediterranean: The Greece-Turkey Irregular Migration System

Authors Thanos Maroukis, Anna Triandafyllidou
Book Title Migrant Smuggling: Irregular Migration from Asia and Africa to Europe
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32 Book Chapter

Insecure lives: Irregular Migration and Precarious Labour in Finland (INSECURE) / Epävarma elämä: Epävirallinen maahanmuutto ja prekaari työ Suomessa (INSECURE) (550 000 €)

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Year 2014
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33 Project

Governing Irregular and Return Migration in the 2020s: European Challenges and Asian Pacific Perspectives

Authors Anna Triandafyllidou, Alexandra Ricard-Guay
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 7
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34 Journal Article

EU-Turkey Relations and Irregular Migration: Transactional Cooperation in the Making

Authors Angeliki DIMITRIADI, Ayhan KAYA, Başak KALE, ...
The aim of the paper is twofold. First, to outline the relationship of the EU and Turkey in the field of irregular migration and present the main drivers that underpin the relations from 1999 to 2017. While acknowledging that emphasis on irregular migration is given particularly post-2011, the paper argues that the dynamics characterising the relationship between Turkey and the EU do not change significantly in the pre-and post-2011 period. Secondly, the paper presents the most likely of the three scenarios – conflict, cooperation, and convergence – in the area of irregular migration drawing from the drivers of the past and present in the EU, Turkey, but also the Southern neighbourhood and beyond. The paper argues that though conflict is unlikely, equally so is convergence, with a model of transactional operational cooperation more likely and reflective of EU-Turkey relation on irregular migration management.
Year 2018
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40 Report

Legal Aspects of Irregular Migration in Turkey

Authors Ibrahim KAYA
Turkey receives ever-increasing numbers of irregular migrants from its economically and politically unstable East and South trying to cross its territory towards Europe. Turkey has also experienced dramatic economic and social change. Therefore, with regard to international migration Turkey, once regarded as a sending country, has become a transit as well as a destination country. There are various categories of irregular migrants which may overlap. A smuggled, even a trafficked, migrant may seek asylum in Turkey. An asylum seeker may become an irregular employee. An irregular employee may apply for asylum. Similarly, someone who was heading for Europe through Turkey may get stuck in Turkey and be forced to start employment without a valid work permit. A rise in ‘irregular’ migration is an issue of concern in Turkey. Irregular migration has been perceived as having social, economic and security consequences. Restrictive legislation and reinforced control mechanisms have been introduced by Turkey over the years. International law and EU instruments are part of this legislation. 2003 was a milestone in coping with irregular migration since most of the legislation was adopted in that year and immediately afterwards. It should also be noted that despite Turkey’s restrictionist stance an intensification of global and regional disparities has brought about more irregular migration and, given the magnitude of the problem, the solutions are beyond the control of a single country, requiring international cooperation and coordination.
Year 2008
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45 Report

Facilitation of Irregular Migration

Authors Elspeth Guild, Steve Peers, Diego Acosta Arcarazo, ...
Year 2018
Book Title EU Immigration and Asylum Law (Text and Commentary): Second Revised Edition
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46 Book Chapter

Irregular Migration in Egypt

Authors Heba NASSAR
Egypt’s capital Cairo hosts one of the five largest urban refugee populations in the world. For this reason, our paper concentrates on the legal aspect of irregular migration, discussing the characteristics of these migrants as asylum seekers and refugees while also examining transit migrants. First, the paper tackles associated concepts and data issues, with reference to the existing literature and international standards. In the second part, an overview of the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) situation is given as a prelude to the Egyptian experience. In the third part, the socio-economic profile of refugees and asylum seekers from Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Iraq is given with reference to their legal status, their rights and their living conditions measured in terms of income and sources of income, access to education, employment, health care and social services. The paper concludes by looking at the socio-economic situation in Egypt and policy recommendations concerning government practices, procedures, mechanisms, policies and laws. Gaps in research have also been highlighted so that these issues can be better addressed in the future.
Year 2008
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47 Report

Ethical issues in irregular migration research in Europe

Authors Franck Düvell, Anna Triandafyllidou, Bastian Vollmer
Year 2009
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 34
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48 Journal Article

Irregular Migration: Causes, Patterns, and Strategies

Authors Magdalena Arias Cubas, Stephen Castles, Chulhyo Kim, ...
Book Title Global Perspectives on Migration and Development
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49 Book Chapter

Detention as punishment : can indefinite detention be Greece’s main policy tool to manage its irregular migrant population ?

The challenges that Europe faces with regard to controlling irregular migration and providing protection to people in need are complex. An effective policy for irregular migration control includes arrest and return (through voluntary, semi-voluntary or indeed forced return) and it may seem to be best served by regular detention of apprehended undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers whose case is pending. At the same time, if this policy is to be in line with international obligations and the European Charter of Fundamental Rights it must provide for adequate services and safeguards so that those apprehended are informed of their rights including the possibility to apply for asylum, and are not routinely detained.
Year 2014
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52 Report

Governing irregular migration and asylum at the borders of Europe : between efficiency and protection

Year 2014
Journal Name [Global Governance Programme], [Cultural Pluralism]
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55 Journal Article

La migration irrégulière au Mali

Authors Modibo KEITA
Le présent article aborde la problématique de la migration irrégulière au Mali en la plaçant dans son contexte historique, sous-régional et national. Il montre comment le concept de migration irrégulière, informelle, illégale ou clandestine est récemment apparu du fait des modifications apportées aux cadres législatifs nationaux à partir des années 1970 et 1980 afin de restreindre la mobilité internationale des personnes. Les causes qui poussent à la migration irrégulière sont esquissées et les principaux acteurs responsables de sa gestion sont passés en revue ainsi que leurs stratégies d’intervention. L’article se termine par des recommandations pertinentes pouvant contribuer à maîtriser durablement les flux migratoires provenant du Mali et de la sous-région ouest-africaine en général. Abstract This paper deals with the issue of irregular migration in Mali with an historical perspective and in the regional and national context. It shows how the concepts of irregular, informal, illegal or clandestine migration appeared because of the modification of the legal frameworks ruling migration in the 1970s and 1980s, with the aim of limiting the mobility of the persons at an international level. The push factors of irregular migration are briefly presented, as well as the main actors responsible for the management of migration and their strategies. This paper concludes with policy recommendations contributing to a sustain management of migration flows from Mali and the West African sub region.
Year 2011
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56 Report

Irregular Migration: Incentives and Institutional and Social Enforcement

Authors Alessandra VENTURINI
National and international migration laws determine the legal or illegal status of a migrant. For any given legislation the number of illegal migrants depends on the social-political and economic conditions of the sending countries and on the organizations which favour frontier transit, but also on push-pull forces in the host countries.
Year 2009
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57 Report

Can we put an end to human smuggling?

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Year 2015
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61 Policy Brief

EU Policies on Irregular Migration

Year 2010
Book Title Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU (ed.), Irregular Migration in Europe. Myths and Realities, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2010, 23-41
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63 Book Chapter

CARIM - Proceedings on Irregular Migration

Authors CARIM, Hervé LE BRAS, Ibrahim AWAD
This report provides a summary (in English and French) of the main findings on irregular migration into and through the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEM) countries derived from a Meeting between Policy Makers and Experts, which was held in Florence (26 - 27 January 2009). It also includes two keynote speeches given during the Meeting. The Meeting between Policy Makers and Experts was the concluding event of a CARIM research project as the result of which more than 30 papers, which are listed in this publication and which can be accessed from the CARIM web pages, were published. Le rapport suivant met en exergue les résultats principaux (versions anglaise et française) de la rencontre entre décideurs politiques et experts sur la migration irrégulière dans les pays du Sud et de l’Est de la Méditerranée organisée par le CARIM (Florence, 26 - 27 janvier 2009). Il rend également compte des deux interventions principales tenues au cours de la rencontre. La rencontre entre les décideurs politiques et les experts est l’aboutissement d’un projet de recherche mené par le CARIM. Dans le cadre de ce projet, plus de 30 publications, citées dans le rapport et consultables en ligne sur le site du CARIM, ont paru.
Year 2009
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64 Report

Assessing the Cost-effectiveness of Irregular Migration Control Policies in Greece

Authors Angeliki DIMITRIADI, Anna Triandafyllidou
Discussions on Greece’s migration and asylum policies have in recent years primarily taken place from a human rights perspective. Through this humanitarian lens, effective migration management means effective protection of human rights.The present report, which brings together the main findings of the MIDAS project, reviews the Greek and at a wider level the EU approach towards irregular migration through the lens of cost-effectiveness. By measuring the human and material resources invested in the management of irregular migration within the time frame of 2008-2013, the present paper discusses three crucial questions: 1 How much do irregular migration control policies in Greece actually cost? 2. Are current policies cost-effective, when compared against their outputs and outcomes? 3. Are there any alternative policy recommendations that could be more cost-effective? The MIDAS report feeds thereby new data to the present debate and opens the floor for a broader discussion through a new lens, that of cost-effectiveness.
Year 2014
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70 Report

Proceedings of the national consultation workshop on facilitating safe and legal migration and prevention of irregular migration

Authors [CARIM-India]
The “National Consultation Workshop on Facilitating Safe and Legal Migration and Preventing Irregular Migration” was organised by the India Centre for Migration (ICM) on the 6th and 7th of September, 2012 under the India-EU Project, “Developing a Knowledge base for Migration Policy Making on India EU Migration.” The venue of the Workshop was the Claridges, New Delhi.The objective of the Workshop was to create awareness and disseminate information related to irregular migration from India to the EU.
Year 2013
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71 Report

The dynamics of Ukrainian migration to Greece: Routes, decisions, practices

Authors Marina Nikolova
The current analysis focuses on the irregular migration flows of Ukrainians to Greece and attempts to provide answers to the question of their expectations and motivations that shape their plans and whether and how their decisions and actions are influenced by various policies or actors. The purpose of the study is to present an assessment of the impact of migration regularisation policies and insurance policies as they appear from the life stories of Ukrainian migrants in Greece. The term ‘irregular migrants’ will be used as an interpretation of irregular residence as a result of legislation and regulations that define certain forms of mobility as desirable and legitimate, and others as illegal and non-desirable (Castles, S. et al. 2012).
Year 2015
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72 Report

Irregular migration as a structural phenomenon

Authors M. Bommes, G. Sciortino
Year 2011
Book Title Foggy Social Structures: Irregular Migration, European Labour Markets and the Welfare State
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74 Book Chapter

Recent amnesty programmes for irregular migrants in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia : some successes and failures

Authors Nasra M. SHAH
Hardly any research is available on the patterns of irregular migration in the Gulf countries, home to about 23 million migrant workers and their families. The objective of this paper is to briefly document the volume and types of irregular migration in the region and to evaluate the response of irregular migrants to recent amnesty programmes in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia for regularising their stay or facilitating their departure. Irregular migrants in Kuwait were defined as those overstaying their residence, visit, or other visa. In Saudi Arabia, they were defined as those overstaying their visa, working for someone other than their sponsor, or in an occupation that did not match their work permit. Of the 124,000 irregular migrants in Kuwait in 2011, only 37 percent departed or regularised their stay while the rest remained in the country illegally. Bangladeshis were the largest group among irregular migrants, followed by Egyptians and Indians. In Saudi Arabia in 2013, about one million irregular migrants availed the amnesty to depart while more than 4 million regularised their stay. The scale of regularisation was very large and is likely to have exerted major impact on the structure and functioning of the Saudi labour market. Some reasons for the low compliance with amnesty, especially in Kuwait, are discussed and suggestions are offered for increasing such compliance in future.
Year 2014
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75 Report

Evaluation of irregular migration governance in Turkey from a foreign policy perspective

Authors Ela Gökalp Aras, Zeynep Şahin Mencütek
Year 2018
Journal Name New Perspectives on Turkey
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76 Journal Article

Neither 'criminals nor 'illegals' : children and adolescents in the migrant smuggling market on the US-MX border

Authors Gabriella SANCHEZ, Blanca NAVARRETE, Fernando LOERA, ...
The present document constitutes an overview of the facilitation of irregular migration on the US Mexico border from a human rights perspective. The result of an NGO-academic partnership, it specifically outlines the contexts and challenges faced by boys, girls and adolescents who work in the migrant smuggling market in the Ciudad Juárez-El Paso corridor.
Year 2017
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77 Report

Neither 'criminals nor 'illegals' : children and adolescents in the migrant smuggling market on the US-MX border

Authors Gabriella SANCHEZ, Blanca NAVARRETE, Fernando LOERA, ...
The present document constitutes an overview of the facilitation of irregular migration on the US Mexico border from a human rights perspective. The result of an NGO-academic partnership, it specifically outlines the contexts and challenges faced by boys, girls and adolescents who work in the migrant smuggling market in the Ciudad Juárez-El Paso corridor.
Year 2017
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78 Report

Eastern Partnership Risk Analysis Network Quarterly Report (EaP-RAN)

The Eastern Partnership (EaP) Quarterly statistical overview is focused on quarterly developments for the seven key indicators of irregular migration: (1) detections of illegal border-crossing between BCPs; (2) detections of illegal border-crossing at BCPs; (3) refusals of entry; (4) detections of illegal stay; (5) asylum applications; (6) detections of facilitators; and (7) detections of fraudulent documents.
Year 2016
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79 Data Set

Irregular Migration into and through the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Authors Asem KHALIL
The concept of irregular migration refers, by definition, to non-citizens who happen to enter, reside and work in a third country, different from their country of origin and/or citizenship in violation of domestic law. In the light of the exceptional case of the occupied Palestinian territory, this paper challenges the concept of "irregular migration" in the absence of a clear cut division between who is a citizen/resident and who is not, and between what is legal or regular and what is not.
Year 2008
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80 Report

Assessing the cost effectiveness of irregular migration control policies in Greece

Principal investigator Anna Triandafyllidou (PI)
Amidst rising concerns over both the legitimacy and efficiency of the measure of detention, the MIDAS project aspired to critically assess the Greek policy framework of “arrest-detain-return” by providing evidence-based answers to the lingering core question: To what extent is the Greek model of managing irregular migration cost-effective? This was achieved by measuring the human and material resources invested in the control of irregular migration in Greece within a timeframe of 3-5 years (2008-2013).
Year 2014
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81 Project

Western Balkans Quarterly Report

The Western Balkans Quarterly is focused on quarterly developments as reflected by the seven key indicators of irregular migration: (1) detections of illegal border-crossing between border crossing points (BCPs), (2) detections of illegal border-crossing at BCPs, (3) refusals of entry, (4) detections of illegal stay, (5) asylum applications, (6) detections of facilitators, and (7) detections of fraudulent documents.
Year 2016
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84 Data Set

Irregular Migration in Jordan, 1995-2007

Authors Fathi A. AROURI
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Year 2008
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85 Report

Waiting for an uncertain future: the temporalities of irregular migration

Principal investigator Christine M. Jacobsen (Principal Investigator), Shahram Khosravi (), Marry-Anne Karlsen (), Randi Gressgård (), Karl Harald Søvig (), Thomas Hylland Eriksen (), Odin Lysaker (), Kari Anne Drangsland (), Jessica Schultz ()
The WAIT project uses theories of temporality and the concept of 'waitinghood' as tools for producing new and critical insights into the cultural conditions and implications of migration. 'Waitinghood' is about the condition of prolonged waiting, uncertainty and temporariness which is characteristic of irregular migration. WAIT investigates how temporal structures related to irregular migration are shaped by legal regimes, cultural norms and power relationships, and how they shape subjective experiences and life projects. The project focuses on four European migration-hubs, notably Oslo (Norway), Stockholm (Sweden), Marseille (France) and Hamburg (Germany).
Year 2016
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89 Project


Authors Jamal Benamar, Noelia Melero Aguilar
Year 2015
Journal Name Revista Barataria
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90 Journal Article

Irregular Migration in Sudan: A Legal Perspective

Authors Mohamed Abdelsalam BABIKER
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Year 2011
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91 Report

The Irregular Migration Corridor between the EU and Turkey: Is it Possible to Block it with a Readmission Agreement?

Authors Ahmet İÇDUYGU
Over the last decade while a shift from migrantion control to migration management has become an integral part of the EU-based political discources and policy practices relating to irregular migration, the issues of transit migration and readmission agreements seem to be high on the agenda. Within this context, the debate over irregular transit migration from Turkey to the EU is a perfect case study for analyzing how the phenomenon of irregular migration is affecting the European migration and border regimes. It is also an interesting case for analyzing the interplay between the migration-related issues and the EU-Turkey membership negotiations in which the whole notion of “migration management” turns into a type of conditionality measure for the progress and completion of the membership talks. This essay aims at elaborating the recent status of irregular migratory flows from Turkey to Europe referring to their changing volumes, trends and patterns. It also aims at relating the irregular migration through Turkey to the recently negotiated Readmission Agreement between the EU and Turkey which targets the return of apprehended irregular transit migrants in the EU member states to Turkey. In doing so, this essay intends to elaborate the ways in which the irregular transit migration in Turkey has impact on the European migration and border regimes.
Year 2011
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94 Report

Irregular migration in a globalizing world

Authors Alice Bloch, Milena Chimienti
Year 2011
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 29
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95 Journal Article

Irregular Migration in 21st Century Europe

Year 2010
Book Title Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU (ed.), Irregular Migration in Europe. Myths and Realities, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2010, 1-22
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97 Book Chapter

Irregular Migration – The Case of Egypt

Authors Tarek BADAWY
Egypt hosts thousands of foreign nationals, a small percentage of whom are considered regular migrants or recognized refugees. This paper will outline the different legal tools that bind non-Egyptians and explore the problems that irregular migrant, including failed asylum-seekers face. It will also explain how the Minister of the Interior has absolute powers with regards to naturalization and deportations and propose an alternative mechanism that is fairer and more compliant with modern human rights standards.
Year 2008
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98 Report

MIDAS: Assessing the Cost Effectiveness of Irregular Migration Control Policies in Greece

the MIDAS project aspires to critically assess the Greek policy framework of “arrest-detain-return” by providing evidence-based answers to the lingering yet unexplored core question: To what extent is the Greek model of managing irregular migration cost-effective? MIDAS is the first major initiative in Greece, to catalogue and provide a comprehensive picture of the diverse policies and operational measures undertaken in the context of controlling irregular migration. It is also the first major attempt to calculate the actual cost of these policies and shed light into the sources and extent of their funding at both the Greek and European level.
Year 2014
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99 Project

CLANDESTINO: Irregular Migration: Counting the uncountable. Data and trends across Europe

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Year 2007
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100 Project
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