EU-funded research project CLANDESTINO Database on Irregular Migration

EU-funded research project CLANDESTINO (2007-2009) produced an inventory of data and estimates on undocumented migration (stocks and flows) in selected EU MS and Database on Irregular Migration. In the framework of the CLANDESTINO project, country experts reviewed literature and estimations in 12 countries, covering about 83 percent of the population of the European Union(EU27). Quantitative information is accompanied by substantial background materials, both on issues of general concern and on the situation in individual countries. The database on Irregular Migration provides an inventory and a critical assessment of data and estimates in the European Union and selected member states. A detailed explanation and evaluation of the methodology adopted in each estimation is provided. The data and estimates that were used refer to the period 2001-2008. The Database on Irregular Migration is hosted by the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) and was created in the context of the EU-funded research project CLANDESTINO (2007-2009). ELIAMEP is the coordinator of the CLANDESTINO research consortium. For more information see also the CLANDESTINO web site. The criteria under which the estimates of irregular migration are classified in the CLANDESTINO database are exemplified in the classification report. The project finished in 2009, although some updates are still available.

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Migration processes
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