Antidiscrimination, 'race relations'

This category is concerned with anti-discrimination laws that relate to migration (migrants and immigrant, all categories). Results displayed in this section refer to research on policies, laws, legislation, regulation or measures concerning anti-discrimination. Discrimination refers to unfair or unequal treatment of individuals or groups based on specific characteristics. Key grounds of discrimination include: age, gender, disability, ethnicity, national origin, race, religion and sexual orientation, among others. Anti-discrimination policies or laws usually seek to prevent discrimination. Some legislation in that area is also known as ‘race relations’ laws. 

Showing page of 115 results, sorted by

Human Rights and Substantive Equality in the Adjudication of Ethnic Practices

Authors Pier-Luc Dupont
Year 2016
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Human Rights
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1 Journal Article

Antidiscrimination Meets Integration Policies: Exploring New Diversity-Related Challenges in Europe

Authors Tina Magazzini
Year 2021
Journal Name Social Sciences
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2 Journal Article

Police race relations in England: A history of policy

Authors S Holdaway
Year 1998
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 6
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
3 Journal Article

CrossMigration policy indicators

Authors Migration Policy Group
In the framework of the EU-funded project CrossMigration, the Migration Policy group produced a set of indicators to comparative analyse migration and integration policies, similar to the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX). The set of indicators allows researchers and policy makers to compare policies in different areas of migration and integration policies and different countries on that. To allow for a cross-country comparative and longitudinal analysis, the dataset included 39 countries (EU28 and other European countries) for 2014 and 2019. The indicators cover eight policy areas: Family reunion; Citizenship; Permanent residence; Labour market; Education; Political participation; Anti-discrimination; Health.
Year 2019
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4 Data Set


Authors Solano Giacomo, Huddleston Thomas
The book illustrates the results of the new edition of the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX). MIPEX is a unique tool which measures policies to integrate migrants in countries across five continents, including all EU Member States (including the UK), other European countries (Albania, Iceland, North Macedonia, Moldova, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine), Asian countries (China, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, and South Korea), North American countries (Canada, Mexico and US), South American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile), and Australia and New Zealand in Oceania. MIPEX analyses integration policies in the following eight areas of integration: Labour market mobility; Family reunification; Education; Political participation; Permanent residence; Access to nationality; Anti-discrimination; and Health. To cite: Solano, Giacomo & Huddleston, Thomas (2020). Migrant Integration Policy Index 2020. Barcelona/ Brussels: CIDOB and MPG. ISBN: 978-84-92511-83-9
Year 2020
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5 Report

Reconsidering the declining significance of race: Racial differences in early career wages

Authors AS Cancio, David Maume, TD Evans
Year 1996
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 103
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
6 Journal Article

The Persistence of Racial Constructs in Spain: Bringing Race and Colorblindness into the Debate on Interculturalism

Authors Dan Rodríguez-García
Year 2022
Journal Name Social Sciences
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7 Journal Article

MIPEX (Migrant Integration Policy Index)

The Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) is a unique tool which measures policies to integrate migrants. The MIPEX aims to address this by providing a comprehensive tool which can be used to assess, compare and improve integration policy. The index is a useful tool to evaluate and compare what governments are doing to promote the integration of migrants in all the countries analysed. The tool allows you to dig deep into the multiple factors that influence the integration of migrants into society and allows you to use the full MIPEX results to analyse and assess past and future changes in policy. The MIPEX includes 38 countries in order to provide a view of integration policies across a broad range of differing environments. Countries included are all EU Member States, Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and the USA. 167 policy indicators have been developed to create a rich, multi-dimensional picture of migrants’ opportunities to participate in society. MIPEX addresses 8 policy areas of integration: Labour Market Mobility, Family Reunion, Education, Political Participation, Long-term Residence, Access to Nationality, Anti-discrimination and Health. Thanks to the relevance and rigor of its indicators, the MIPEX has been recognised as a common quick reference guide across Europe. Policymakers, NGOs, researchers, and European and international institutions are using its data not only to understand and compare national integration policies, but also to improve standards for equal treatment.
Year 2014
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8 Data Set

Index of Citizenship Rights for Immigrants (ICRI)

The Index addresses the factors shaping the granting of rights of individual equality and recognition of cultural differences by nation-states to immigrants. The index considers rights in the eight thematic fields of nationality acquisition, family reunification, expulsion, anti-discrimination, public-sector employment for non-nationals, political rights for non-nationals, cultural rights in education, as well as other cultural and religious rights. Theoretically, these rights for immigrants are classified according to two dimensions that partly cross-cut the eight thematic fields. The first dimension captures the inclusiveness of a country's understanding of citizenship. The second dimension shows how countries deal with cultural and religious diversity. The index is based on 44 policy indicators, 21 pertaining to the individual equality dimension and 23 to the cultural difference dimension. All indicators are coded on a scale running from -1 (most restrictive) to +1 (most inclusive), and the same, therefore, also holds for the averaged scores. The project is based on original data drawn from policy documents, legal texts, secondary literature, internet websites, and expert information. The qualitative information from these sources is transformed into ordinal codes, classifying policies as more or less restrictive in terms of the extent and accessibility of rights for immigrants. In the first phase of the project data have been gathered for ten North-Western European countries for four measurement years: 1980, 1990, 2002, and 2008. In a second phase, data was collected for four classical anglo-saxon settler countries as well as for additional Eastern and Southern European countries, Middle Eastern, East Asian, African and South American countries. As a result, data is now available for 29 countries for the year 2008.
Year 2008
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9 Data Set

Roma Westward Migration in Europe: Rethinking Political, Social, and Methodological Challenges

Authors Stefano Piemontese, Tina Magazzini
Year 2019
Book Title Constructing Roma migrants
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10 Book Chapter

Between National Models and Multi-Level Decoupling: The Pursuit of Multi-Level Governance in Dutch and UK Policies Towards Migrant Incorporation

Authors Peter Scholten
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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11 Journal Article

„Damit sie eine Chance auf dem Weg in die Arbeitswelt haben!“ Arbeitsmarktbezogene Unterstützungsprojekte für geflüchtete Frauen* im Vergleich

Authors Johanna Ullmann, Helen Schwenken
Year 2023
Book Title Gender, Forced Migration, Reception Politics. The Gendered Inclusion and Exclusion of Refugee Women
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13 Book Chapter

Representaciones sociales de racismo y exclusión social. Migraciones haitianas contemporáneas en América Latina

Authors Hugo Méndez-Fierros, Rodolfo Hlousek Astudillo
Year 2023
Journal Name REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana
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14 Journal Article

Gender, Flucht, Aufnahmepolitiken. Die vergeschlechtlichte In- und Exklusion geflüchteter Frauen

Authors Nevra Akdemir, Johanna Elle, Elke Grittmann, ...
Year 2023
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15 Book

Forced Migrant: The Factors Contributing to Social Functionality of Syrian Youth

Authors Ahmed Taha ARİFOĞLU, Orhan KOÇAK
Year 2022
Journal Name OPUS Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi
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19 Journal Article

Moral lines of credit: Forging race projects, citizenship, and nation on online U.S. spousal reunification forums

Authors Gina Marie Longo
Year 2022
Journal Name Migration Politics
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20 Journal Article

The Architecture of Race in the British Immigration and Citizenship Regime: The Figure of the Undesirable ‘Other’

Authors Iva Dodevska
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Identity and Migration Studies
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22 Journal Article

LGBTI- asylum seekers, converts and asylum seekers who left their religion at reception centres

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, M. van den Berg, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, ...
Het Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers (COA) is verantwoordelijk voor de opvang en begeleiding van asielzoekers en probeert voor alle vreemdelingen die op een COA-locatie verblijven een goede leefomgeving te creëren. Voor sommige kwetsbare groepen in de opvang is extra aandacht in de begeleiding, waaronder LHBTI’s, bekeerlingen en religieverlaters. In de afgelopen jaren zijn met enige regelmaat signalen gekomen van intimidatie en geweld tegen LHBTI en bekeerlingasielzoekers op de opvangcentra. Om de opvang en begeleiding van deze groepen te verbeteren, willen het ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid en het COA inzicht krijgen in wat er beter kan voor deze groepen. De centrale onderzoeksvraag luidt als volgt: hoe is de huidige COA-opvang en -begeleiding van LHBTI’s en bekeerlingen en religieverlaters ingericht, hoe verloopt de uitvoering, wat zijn de ervaringen van diverse betrokkenen en waar liggen mogelijkheden tot verbetering?
Year 2021
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23 Report

Geloof en liefde onder het vergrootglas van de IND

Authors Bureau Boekhoorn Sociaal-wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, Research and Documentation Centre, P. Boekhoorn, ...
In deze evaluatie is onderzocht hoe de aanpassingen van de werkinstructies en de deskundigheidsbevorderende maatregelen zijn opgezet (planevaluatie) en uitgevoerd (procesevaluatie). Voor de planevaluatie zijn gesprekken gevoerd met beleidsambtenaren, wetenschappers en deskundigen van externe organisaties. In de procesevaluatie staan de ervaringen van uitvoerende ambtenaren van de IND centraal. Daarnaast zijn interviews afgenomen met advocaten en maatschappelijke organisaties en is een analyse van dossiers uitgevoerd, om zo door middel van triangulatie de ervaringen van IND-medewerkers in perspectief te plaatsen. Het evaluatieonderzoek geeft antwoord op de volgende vragen: 1. Welke inhoudelijke en organisatorische wijzigingen zijn ten aanzien van de geloofwaardigheidsbeoordeling van asielaanvragen met een bekerings- en/of lhbti-motief in juli 2018 door de staatssecretaris aangekondigd? Zijn hier in een later stadium nog aanvullingen op gekomen? 2. Op welke wijze wordt verondersteld dat deze wijzigingen bijdragen aan de kwaliteit (i.c. evenwichtige onderbouwing) van de beoordeling van asielaanvragen met een bekerings- en/of lhbti-motief? Worden deze assumpties ondersteund door bestaande kennis en inzichten? 3. Op welke wijze zijn de aangekondigde wijzigingen in de geloofwaardigheidsbeoordeling van deze asielaanvragen in de praktijk uitgevoerd? 4. Wat zijn de ervaringen van betrokkenen met de doorgevoerde wijzigingen? Zijn er aanwijzingen dat de doorgevoerde wijzigingen de gepercipieerde kwaliteit van de beoordelingen bevorderen (of juist niet)? 5. Zijn er knelpunten in relatie tot de opzet en/of uitvoering van de wijzigingen in de werkinstructies en de betreffende deskundigheidsbevordering voor de beoordeling van de geloofwaardigheid van asielaanvragen met een bekerings- en/of lhbti-motief?
Year 2021
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24 Report

Queering Asylum in Europe

Authors Carmelo Danisi, Moira Dustin, Nuno Ferreira, ...
Year 2021
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25 Book

Queering Asylum in Europe

Authors Carmelo Danisi, Moira Dustin, Nuno Ferreira, ...
Year 2021
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26 Book

Legal Violence and (In)Visible Families: How Law Shapes and Erases Family Life in SOGI Asylum in Europe

Authors Carmelo Danisi, Nuno Ferreira
Year 2021
Journal Name Human Rights Law Review
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27 Journal Article

Interruption of Hypermobility, Alienation and Transnationalism Processes – the Case of the Nepalese in Portugal

Authors Alexandra Pereira
Year 2021
Journal Name IMISCOE Annual Conference 2021 Papers
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
28 Journal Article

Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Nepalese Immigrants in Portugal

Authors Alexandra Pereira, ISEG - University of Lisbon
Year 2021
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
29 Working Paper

Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Nepalese Immigrants in Portugal

Authors ISEG - University of Lisbon, Alexandra Pereira
Year 2021
Journal Name IMISCOE Annual Conference 2021 Papers
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
30 Journal Article

Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration

Authors Emma Carmel, Katharina Lenner, Regine Paul
Year 2021
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31 Book


Authors Apak Kerem ALTINTOP, Yasin ÖZBEY, Ece ÇİM
Year 2021
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32 Journal Article

The governance and politics of migration: a conceptual-analytical map

Authors Emma Carmel, Katharina Lenner, Regine Paul
Year 2021
Book Title Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration
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35 Book Chapter

“If You Don’t Emigrate, You Are Nobody”: Migratory Networks, Routes and Profiles of Nepalese Immigrant Agriculture Workers in South Portugal

Authors ISEG - University of Lisbon, Alexandra Pereira
Year 2021
Journal Name XI Portuguese Sociology Congress Papers
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36 Journal Article

IT and Media Usage Impacts on the Mobility of Nepalese Immigrants in Portugal

Authors ISEG - University of Lisbon, Alexandra Pereira
Year 2021
Journal Name IMISCOE Spring Conference 2021 Papers
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37 Journal Article

Queering international refugee law

Authors Nuno Ferreira, Carmelo Danisi
Year 2021
Book Title The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law
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38 Book Chapter

The legal protection of women migrant domestic workers from the Philippines and Sri Lanka: an intersectional rights-based approach

Authors Sophie Henderson
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Care and Caring
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39 Journal Article

Routledge Handbook on the Governance of Religious Diversity

Authors Anna Triandafyllidou, Tina Magazzini
Year 2021
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
40 Book

Empowering Teachers as Agents of Social Cohesion: Continuing Professional Development in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Authors Joyce Raanhuis
Year 2021
Journal Name Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review
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41 Journal Article

Research study regarding migration and discrimination

Principal investigator Birte Nienaber (PI), Volha Vysotskaya (team member), Aurita Zega (Team member), Mariana Muzzi (Team member), João Vasconcelos (Team member)
Year 2021
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42 Project

Rethinking knowledge, power, agency: learning from displaced and slum communities in Bangladesh

Authors Afroja Khanam, Tiina Seppälä
Year 2020
Book Title Ethics and Politics of Space for the Anthropocene
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44 Book Chapter

Processes of Transnationalism in the Nepalese Entrepreneurs in Lisbon

Authors ISEG - University of Lisbon, Alexandra Pereira
Year 2020
Journal Name IMISCOE Annual Congress 2020 Papers
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45 Journal Article

Migration Policy and Health Insecurity. Italy's response to COVID-19 and the impact of the Security Decree

Authors Sebastian Carlotti
Year 2020
Journal Name Rivista Trimestrale di Scienza dell'Amministrazione
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
46 Journal Article

Governing protracted displacement: An analysis across global, regional and domestic contexts

Authors Nuno Ferreira, Carolien Jacobs, Pamela Kea, ...
Year 2020
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
47 Working Paper

Performing as a professional: shaping migrant integration policy in adverse times

Authors Michiel Swinkels, Toon van Meijl
Year 2020
Journal Name Culture and Organization 
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48 Journal Article

This is Evidence: Re-Picturing South Asian Migrant Men in Greece

Principal investigator Reena Kukreja (Photovoice Collaborator & Researcher)
Year 2020
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49 Project

Identity as a Weapon of the Weak?

Authors Tina Magazzini
Year 2020
Book Title The Roma and their struggle for identity in contemporary Europe
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52 Book Chapter

This is Evidence: Re-Picturing South Asian Migrant Men in Greece

Principal investigator Reena Kukreja (Photovoice Collaborator & Researcher)
This Is Evidence: Re-Picturing South Asian Migrant Men in Greece is a multi-media installation that features photographs, videos, and narrative pieces from four groups of Bangladeshi and Pakistani migrant men living and working in Greece. The exhibition is a collaboration between the migrant men and Dr. Reena Kukreja, from Queen’s University in Canada. The men used their cell phones to take images and videos. Compounding the exploitation that many migrant workers experience is the social and political exclusion. Prevailing discourses of Islamophobia and xenophobia have enabled an “us” versus “them” narrative in the Greek political landscape. This Is Evidence actively counters this narrative as the migrant men “re-present” themselves and their experiences directly to the people. This exhibition uses “photovoice” a social justice artistic method that gives marginalized groups such as these migrant men a voice through images and videos that they take of their lives. The exhibition premiered in Athens, Greece in 2022 before moving to Kingston and Toronto in Canada. It is slated for exhibition at the University of Namur from 19 April - 27 June 2023.
Year 2020
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53 Project

In-Between Space/Time: Affective Exceptionality during the ‘Refugee Crisis’ in Northern Finland

Authors Saara Koikkalainen, Tiina Seppälä, Tapio Nykänen, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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54 Journal Article

Constructing Roma migrants : European narratives and local governance

Year 2019
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56 Book

Attitudes of Turkish and Moroccan Belgians toward Redistribution and Government Responsibility: The Role of Perceived Discrimination, Generation, and Religious Involvement

Authors Jolien Galle, Koen Abts, Marc Swyngedouw, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration Review
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57 Journal Article

Migration and Trafficking for Labor Exploitation. Nepalese in Agriculture in Portugal.

Authors Alexandra Pereira, ISCTE-IUL
Final Report - FAMI Project (PT/2017/FAMI/158): Migration and Trafficking for Labor Exploitation. Nepalese in Agriculture in Portugal.
Year 2019
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58 Report

FOCUS: Forced displacement and refugee-host community solidarity

Principal investigator Sabina Dziadecka Gråbæk (Project manager , IFRC Psychosocial Centre ), Anouk Boschma (MHPSS Technical Advisor , IFRC Psychosocial Centre), Dean Ajdukovic (Professor, Senior Researcher , University of Zagreb), Jana Kiralj (Researcher, University of Zagreb), Nahikari Irastorza (Researcher, Malmo University ), Ulrike Kluge (Professor, Senior Researcher , Humboldt University ), Steffen Schodwell (Researcher, Humboldt University), Dana Abdel Fatah (Researcher , Humboldt Charite), Christiane Abele (Project Manager , ARTIC ), Karin Rosenits (Project Manager , ARTIC), Peter MacDonagh (Senior Consultant , Q4), Andreas Heyd (Project coordinator, IFRC Psychosocial Centre)
FOCUS is an EU funded research project running from January 2019 to June 2022, led by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support hosted by the Danish Red Cross with partners from nine countries (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark France, Germany, Ireland, Jordan and the United Kingdom). FOCUS aims at deepening the understanding of critical dimensions of integration. The project takes stock of the decade passed since the arrival of more than 1 million refugees and migrants from Syria and other countries (UNHCR 2018), with a special emphasis on psychological and social factors, and makes this knowledge accessible in an efficient and useful way.
Year 2019
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60 Project

Migration et discours haineux dans les médias sociaux. Une perspective cross-culturelle

Principal investigator Angeliki Monnier (Principal Investigator)
Au sein des sociétés occidentales, le phénomène de migration s'accompagne souvent d'un haut niveau d'anxiété publique et se traduit par une augmentation significative des discours haineux envers les immigrés et les minorités. Le web participatif et les médias sociaux semblent être un terrain fertile en ce sens. En se concentrant sur leur dimension sociale, le projet M-PHASIS cherche à étudier les discours haineux liés aux migrants, dans les médias sociaux. Il vise à mieux appréhender la prévalence et l'émergence de ceux-ci dans les contenus générés par les utilisateurs en ligne, en France et en Allemagne, afin de : 1. Faire progresser la compréhension des discours haineux en tenant compte des caractéristiques lexicales, syntaxiques et contextuelles du phénomène. 2. Développer un protocole de recherche pour détecter les discours haineux et les classer en fonction de leurs référents, des représentations véhiculées, ainsi que de leurs caractéristiques circulatoires. 3. Améliorer les méthodes de détection du discours haineux en termes de validité et de fiabilité. 4. Mener une comparaison cross-culturelle du discours haineux en France et en Allemagne. 5. Procéder à l'archivage et à l'annotation d'exemples réels de discours haineux provenant de médias sociaux, qui seront diffusés à la communauté de recherche pour des analyses secondaires à la fin du projet. Notre hypothèse de recherche est que le discours haineux contre les migrants dans les médias sociaux : • est dépendant du contexte: il doit être appréhendé et analysé par rapport à son contenu topique environnant, aux médias, ainsi qu'aux conditions socioculturelles de son apparition. • se manifeste de différentes manières qui peuvent être systématisées: le discours haineux peut être compris à travers ses caractéristiques linguistiques mais peut aussi être implicite, véhiculé de manière plus subtile. Nous voulons alors examiner quels types de contextes se lient à quels types de discours haineux. Le projet adopte une approche interdisciplinaire vis-à-vis de son objet et cherche à bénéficier des apports de l'Informatique en matière de traitement automatique de discours. In fine, les connaissances acquises dans ce projet permettront de produire une application logicielle détectant et / ou bloquant automatiquement les commentaires haineux. Les ressources développées au cours de ce projet seront rendues accessibles dans des plateformes Open Access. Un démonstrateur web sera mis en place pour valider les développements scientifiques réalisés dans le projet.
Year 2019
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61 Project

Toolkit contra el racismo, la xenofobia y otras formas de intolerancia dirigido a municipios, especialmente a policía de proximidad

El Toolkit contra el racismo, la xenofobia y otras formas de intolerancia dirigido a municipios, especialmente a policía de proximidad, es una herramienta práctica para prevenir, detectar y combatir el racismo, la xenofobia y otras formas de intolerancia que servirá a los agentes como guía y ayuda en su actuación contra estos fenómenos. Ha sido elaborado por la Policía Municipal de Madrid bajo la supervisión del OBERAXE y está enmarcado en el proyecto europeo Proximity que lidera España y del que forman parte Bulgaria, Estonia, Finlandia, Italia, Letonia, Portugal y Reino Unido en calidad de socios. El estudio comienza con un análisis preliminar introductorio al que sigue una descripción de los elementos organizativos del servicio policial, como su capacidad de decisión, organización y formas de evaluación de la problemática. A continuación se trata la formación y especialización de los agentes y se profundiza en el tratamiento de la víctima en las instalaciones de la policía. Por último, se aborda la coordinación policial con otros servicios públicos y organizaciones sociales.
Year 2019
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62 Report

Europe and its Others: Migrant Integration in Research and Policy

Principal investigator Iva Dodevska (Principal Investigator)
Amidst heated debates on immigration and “migrant integration”, the European Union becomes an increasingly relevant actor, where important resources are earmarked for the implementation of civic integration measures, as well as for producing “scientific evidence” to guide policy. Simultaneously, a prolific scholarship attempts to understand, measure and compare how and whether immigrants are “integrated into society”, often in the effort to remain “policy-relevant”. This study joins other critical works that draw attention to the ways “integration” is debated, legislated, conceptualized, monitored, evaluated, and ultimately, normalized as a mode of governance. Situated at the interstices of migration studies, European studies, and the social studies of science, the dissertation examines the role of scientific research, EU policy, and research-policy knowledge infrastructures in shaping the “immigrant integration” paradigm in Europe. Interested primarily in integrationism as a technique of power, I take a decolonial and genealogical approach that situates integrationist discourses within wider and intersecting systems of hierarchy. The main argument is that the politics of integration research and the scientific claims in “evidence-based” policy intersect to produce “migrant integration” as the hegemonic paradigm in governing migration-related diversity in Europe. Through discourse analysis of research publications, policy documents, media statements, as well as a virtual ethnography of the EU’s science-for-policy community, I examine how integration comes to be seen simultaneously as a political problem and an object of scientific fascination, how is integration regulated at supranational level and through science-policy collaboration, and what are the power effects of integrationism, as a rationality of governance, on its target subjects. Ultimately, I argue, the practices of regulating, governing, measuring, theorizing and monitoring the integration of immigrants are shaped by power relations linked to the preservation of European liberal subjecthood against rapid demographic, social, political, and environmental shifts.
Year 2019
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63 Project

An Investigation of Belgian-Descent University Students’ Perceived Barriers to Establishing Contact with Muslim Students

Authors F Zehra Colak, Lore Van Praag, Ides Nicaise
Year 2019
Journal Name New Diversities
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64 Journal Article

Exclusionary moments: Queer desires and migrants' sense of (un)belonging

Authors Linda Solveigar-Gudmundsdottir
Year 2018
Journal Name Emotion, Space and Society
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65 Journal Article

Keeping It in “the Family”: How Gender Norms Shape U.S. Marriage Migration Politics

Authors Gina Marie Longo
Year 2018
Journal Name Gender & Society
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66 Journal Article

Perpetuating Anti-Muslim Discrimination through the Interpretation of Religious Equality in the European Court of Human Rights

Authors Pier-Luc Dupont
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Muslims in Europe
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68 Journal Article

LGBQ Migrations: Racialization and (Un)belonging in Iceland

Year 2017
Journal Name lambda nordica
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71 Journal Article

Making the most of super-diversity: notes on the potential of a new approach

Authors Tina Magazzini
Year 2017
Journal Name Policy & Politics
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72 Journal Article

A Cultural Competence Organizational Review for Community Health Services: Insights From a Participatory Approach

Authors Mandy Truong, Lisa Gibbs, Veronika Pradel, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Health Promotion Practice
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73 Journal Article

Confrontational yet submissive: Calculated ambivalence and populist parties’ strategies of responding to racism accusations in the media

Authors Niko Hatakka, Mari K Niemi, Matti Välimäki
Year 2017
Journal Name Discourse & Society
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74 Journal Article

Walloons as general or specific others? A comparison of anti-Walloon and anti-immigrant attitudes in Flanders

Authors Bart Meuleman, Koen Abts, Cecil Meeusen
Year 2017
Journal Name Psychologica Belgica
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75 Journal Article

Vijfentwintig jaar onderzoek naar de houding tegenover migranten in België. Verandering en stabiliteit in de periode 1991-2014

Authors Jaak Billiet, Koen Abts, Jolien Galle, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Sociologos
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76 Journal Article

Gedifferentieerde dreiging en de verklaring van vooroordelen: Anti-immigranten attitudes, islamofobie, antisemitisme en homonegativiteit vergeleken

Authors Bart Meuleman, Koen Abts, Koen Slootmaeckers, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Sociologos
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78 Journal Article

The challenge of diversity through migration: refugee reception in the German federal state of Saxony

Authors Birgit Glorius
Year 2017
Journal Name Hungarian Geographical Bulletin
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79 Journal Article

Intelligence, Global Terrorism and Higher Education: Neutralising Threats or Alienating Allies?

Authors Tania Saeed, David Johnson
Year 2016
Journal Name British Journal of Educational Studies
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80 Journal Article

Islamophobia and Securitization

Authors Tania Saeed
Year 2016
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81 Book

Humans of Calais: Migration from the Perspective of Migrants

Authors Ishita Singh, Tara Flores, Layla Mohseni, ...
Year 2016
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82 Report

Analysis of racism, xenophobia and connected forms of intolerance in Spain

Principal investigator Mercedes Fernández (Principal Investigator)
Year 2016
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
84 Project

Stakeholders and Competition in the Transportation of Migrants: Moving Greeks to Australia in the Post-War Era

Authors Ioannis Limnios-Sekeris
Year 2015
Journal Name The Journal of Transport History
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85 Journal Article

Modèles de gestion de la diversité en Europe et migrations roms : le cas espagnol

Authors Tina Magazzini, Stefano Piemontese
Year 2015
Journal Name Confluences Méditerranée
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86 Journal Article

Politiques antidiscriminatoires

Authors Julie Ringelheim, Ginette Herman, Andrea Rea
Year 2015
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87 Book

Migrant Integration Policy Index

Authors Thomas Huddleston
Year 2015
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88 Book

The Political Economy of Border Drawing

Authors Regine Paul
Year 2015
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89 Book

Préface : L’histoire migratoire des seniors : un patrimoine symbolique en héritage

Year 2015
Book Title Collective, Morocco-Belgium, one way. Six ts tell their migration between 1963 and 1974
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90 Book Chapter

The Comparability of Measurements of Attitudes Toward Immigration in the European Social Survey: Exact Versus Approximate Measurement Equivalence

Authors Eldad Davidov, Jan Ciechiuc, Bart Meuleman, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Public Opinion Quarterly
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91 Journal Article

Black Girls: Racism at Work, under Colonial Legacies

Authors Sabrina Marchetti
Year 2014
Book Title Racism at Work, under Colonial Legacies
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92 Book Chapter

Migration Policy Index

The authors created an overall index of migration policies, taking into account 38 countries in the period 1996-2014. They constructed an indicator of the restrictiveness of immigration entry policy across countries as well as a more comprehensive indicator of migration policy that also accounts for staying requirements and regulations to foster integration. Specifically, they estimate a Bayesian-state space model to combine all publicly available data sources that are informative on migration policy. Therefore, starting from some of the previously-created indexes, and from a database of over 250 indicators of migration policy, they created three sub-indexes that correspond to three categories traditionally distinguished in migration policy: (1) entry policies (including family reunification); (2) stay policies (permanent as opposed to temporary migration); and (3) integration policies (including migrant rights). They constructed three different migration policy indexes, MPIE; MPIS and MPII, of respectively entry, stay, and integration policies, that asses the restrictiveness of each of these sub-fields of migration policy, as well as a comprehensive indicator MPIC reflecting the overall stance of migration policy.
Year 2014
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93 Data Set

Insecure lives: Irregular Migration and Precarious Labour in Finland (INSECURE) / Epävarma elämä: Epävirallinen maahanmuutto ja prekaari työ Suomessa (INSECURE) (550 000 €)

Project description: INSECURE is a multi-sited, multi-method study of irregular migration in Finland. It provides an understanding of how mobility controls, employment and citizenship regimes affect migrants’ social and material conditions in Finland and produce everyday insecurity of existence and marginalisation. The project obtains knowledge on how migrants cope with precarious living and working conditions. INSECURE analyses the ways in which irregular migration is framed as a security question in Finnish policy documents. The project produces applicable empirical knowledge to assist policy-making in confronting the question of irregular migration in Finland. By investigating the situation of vulnerable subjects excluded from the realm of citizenship, the project breaks new ground in revealing what security de facto means in contemporary societies characterised by multiple forms of mobilities, including irregular migration. / Hankkeen julkinen kuvaus: INSECURE on monipaikkainen ja –metodinen tutkimus epävirallisesta maahanmuutosta Suomessa. Projekti tuottaa uudenlaista ymmärrystä siitä, kuinka liikkuvuuden, työmarkkinoiden ja kansalaisuuden kontrollointi tuottavat jokapäiväistä turvattomuutta ja syrjäytymistä ja vaikuttavat siirtolaisten yhteiskunnallisiin ja taloudellisiin elinehtoihin Suomessa. Projektissa tutkitaan, kuinka siirtolaiset rakentavat elämäänsä turvattomuuden ja prekaarien työsuhteiden ja asumisolojen ympäristössä. INSECURE analysoi epävirallisen maahanmuuton turvallistamista viranomaisdiskursseissa Suomessa. Projekti tuottaa soveltamiskelpoista empiiristä tietoa epäviralliseen maahanmuuttoon liittyvän päätöksenteon tueksi. Haavoittuvassa asemassa olevien ja kansalaisuuteen sidottujen oikeuksien ulkopuolelle suljettujen siirtolaisten aseman tutkiminen avaa uusia näkökulmia turvallisuuden käytännön merkityksiin nykyisessä yhteiskunnassa, jota luonnehtii monimuotoisen liikkuvuuden ja epävirallisen maahanmuuton muodot.
Year 2014
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94 Project

Labour market integration of immigrants and their children: Developing, activating and using skills

Authors Thomas Liebig, Thomas Huddleston
Year 2014
Book Title International Migration Outlook
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96 Book Chapter

Music, Difference and the Residue of Race

Authors Jo Haynes
Year 2013
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98 Book

Care Work in a Swedish Nursing Home: Gendered Norms and Expectations

Authors Palle Storm
Year 2013
Book Title Designing Wellbeing in Elder Care Homes
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99 Book Chapter

Migration qualifiée, développement et égalité des chances. Une critique de la taxe Bhagwati

Authors Speranta Dumitru
Year 2012
Journal Name Revue de philosophie économique
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100 Journal Article
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