I am working in the fields of migration and gender, reception, and labor migration policy, employment and care (work). Key questions that matter to me in my work are: how are social inequalities and differences produced in society, what are the underlying mechanisms and functions, what does this mean for participation chances of different groups, and what role can supporting and administrative organizations and institutions play in societal change? Research and theories from sociology, migration...


Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
Cross-cutting topics in migration research


  • University of Osnabrück

    University, Osnabrück, Germany


Country Profile Germany Migration and Skill Corridors

Authors Johanna Ullmann, Helen Schwenken
Year 2024
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
1 Working Paper

„Damit sie eine Chance auf dem Weg in die Arbeitswelt haben!“ Arbeitsmarktbezogene Unterstützungsprojekte für geflüchtete Frauen* im Vergleich

Authors Johanna Ullmann, Helen Schwenken
Year 2023
Book Title Gender, Forced Migration, Reception Politics. The Gendered Inclusion and Exclusion of Refugee Women
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
4 Book Chapter

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