Promoting Comparative Quantitative Research in Europe

PROMINSTAT is a research project funded under the 6th Framework Programme. It compiles meta-information on statistical datasets on migration, integration and discrimination in 29 European Countries (EU27 plus Norway and Switzerland). Through country reports and a series of comparative studies on particular topics of datacollection PROMINSTAT provides in-depth analyses of the scope, quality and comparability of statistical data collection on migration in a wide range of thematic fields, including population stocks and general demographic characteristics, migration flows, residence permits, acquisition and loss of citizenship, asylum seekers and refugees, irregular migration, employment, income, transfers and social benefits, housing and residental patterns, health and access to healthcare, education, family and household, political participation and crime and justice. The main aim of PROMINSTAT is to promote comparative quantitative research on migration, integration and discrimination in Europe, to enhance the knowledge base on statistical data collection in this field and thus to contribute to the improvement of statistics on migration, integration and discrimination.
Year 2007

Taxonomy Associations

Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
Cross-cutting topics in migration research
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