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Migrants Spilling over Borders: The Long View

Authors Eric Richards
Year 2019
Journal Name Fudan journal of the humanities and social sciences, 2018, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 323-339
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1 Journal Article

The Effects of Continental Background, Language Proficiency and Length of Stay on Social Adjustment Experience of International Students in Northern China

Authors Ajibike Omolola Lawani, Xiaosong Gai, Ayotunde Titilayo
Year 2012
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2 Journal Article

Basic Values, Ideological Self-Placement, and Voting: A Cross-Cultural Study

Authors Gian Vittorio Caprara, Michele Vecchione, Shalom H. Schwartz, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Cross-Cultural Research
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3 Journal Article

Radicalisation, Secularism and the Governance of Religion: Bringing together European and Asian Perspectives

As Europe is growing unchurched, trends of religious radicalisation seem to increase both within the continent and across the world. Claims are made that migrant integration has overall failed because marginalised and radicalised second generation youth turns to jihadist terrorism networks. This research project takes stock of these contradictory trends of increasing secularism and intensifying radicalisation while turning to countries and regions outside Europe to study the challenges of religious diversity and radicalisation that they face and investigate how they deal with them. The project develops its empirical and analytical research along two lines: It looks at regimes for governing religious diversity in Europe (covering western, southern and southeastern Europe), North Africa, the Middle East, south Asia and Oceania. It compares the norms, laws and practices and seeks to assess their relative success in integrating migrants as well as in countering radicalisation trends. By studying countries outside Europe we seek also to analyse the mutual influences and transfers of norms and practices for governing religious diversity between Europe and other continents as well as the legacy of colonialism in this domain. The second line of work concentrates on religious radicalisation focussing on radicalised movements in different countries and their trajectories. Both lines of work relate our discussion of secularisation and radicalisation to wider societal transformation processes of the 21st century (including increased connectivity and inter-dependence, faster transport and communication, widening inequalities, and the concomitant re-emergence of nationalism). The project will deliver innovative academic thinking on secularisation and radicalisation trends today as well as key messages to policy makers with regard to the governance of religious diversity and the struggle against violent radicalisation movements.
Year 2018
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4 Project

Effects of U. S. immigration law on manpower characteristics of immigrants

Authors Charles B. Keely
Year 1975
Journal Name Demography
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5 Journal Article

Anti-Afrophobia policy shortfall and dilemma in the New Partnership for Africa's Development and South Africa

Authors P. Mbecke
Year 2015
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6 Journal Article

Integration: Gendered and Racialized Constructions of Otherness

Authors Mirjana Morokvasic-Müller
Book Title Contesting Integration, Engendering Migration
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7 Book Chapter

The Internal Migration and Spatial Redistribution of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States: 1965-70 and 1975-80

Authors Alain Belanger, A Rogers, Andrei Rogers
Year 1992
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 34
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8 Journal Article

The Internal Migration and Spatial Redistribution of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States: 1965–70 and 1975–80

Authors Alain Belanger, Andrei Rogers
Year 1992
Journal Name International Migration Review
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10 Journal Article

Globalisierung von unten: Zirkuläre Migrationen zwischen Südasien und Afrika, ca. 1850-2000

Principal investigator Margret Frenz (Principal Investigator)
Migration ist ein konstitutierendes Element post-imperialer und globaler Welten und hat breite, aber asymmetrische historiographische Aufmerksamkeit erhalten. Die Asymmetrie zeigt sich in mehrfacher Hinsicht: bei der ungleichen Aufmerksamkeit, die verschiedene europäische Kolonialreiche und deren Schnittstellen erhalten; bei der Vernachlässigung der postkolonialen Zeit und der Implikationen von flows, die während der Kolonialzeit etabliert wurden; bei der Vernachlässigung von flows, die nicht nur zu und von einer Metropole ausgingen, sondern auch Migration innerhalb und außerhalb eines spezifischen Kolonialreichs miteinbeziehen; und bei der relativen Vernachlässigung der Implikationen von Migration für diejenigen, die zurückgelassen wurden oder migriert sind, d.h. den Erfahrungen von Migrant(inn)en und ihren sozialen Welten eine Stimme zu verleihen. Es ist das Ziel von GloBe, diese Themen ins Zentrum der Analyse zu rücken.GloBe vergleicht multidimensionale, zirkuläre Migrationsbewegungen von Südasiat(inn)en nach Ostafrika, Mosambik und Südafrika. Dieser Fokus bietet eine neuartige Perspektive in der Erforschung der Migrationsgeschichte des westlichen Indischen Ozeans, die neue, vergleichende Sichtweisen auf unterschiedliche Arten von Migrationsbewegungen eröffnet, sowie auf Mobilität über verschiedene Kolonialreiche und Nationalstaaten hinweg, und auch auf soziale Beziehungen innerhalb und zwischen Migrant(inn)en und lokaler Bevölkerung. Es ist daher von großer Bedeutung, zirkuläre Migrationsbewegungen zwischen Südasien und Afrika im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert zu analysieren. Südasien blieb ein Referenzpunkt für Südasiat(inn)en, die in Afrika leb(t)en und war auch ein Ort, an den manche Migrant(inn)en zurückkehrten oder den sie regelmäßig besuchten, um ihre Verbindungen über den westlichen Indischen Ozean zu pflegen.GloBe wird südasiatische Migrant(inn)en nach Afrika, ihre historischen Spuren, die Kontinuitäten und Transformationen ihrer Bewegungen sowie die Ähnlichkeiten und Differenzen zwischen ihrer Migration in verschiedene Teile Afrikas untersuchen. Es unterscheidet verschiedene Migrationstypen, um ein neues Verständnis zirkulärer Migration zwischen Südasien und Afrika zu erreichen. Methodisch wird das Projekt Quellen in Archiven dreier Kontinente (Europa, Südasien, Afrika) konsultieren und die Analyse von oral-history-Interviews mit südasiatischen Migrant(inn)en einbringen. Ich werde neue Aspekte zur existierenden Forschung hinzufügen: zum zirkulären Charakter von Migration; zu intra-kolonialen und inter-kolonialen Verbindungen zwischen dem portugiesischen und britischen Kolonialreich und, von der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts an, zwischen Kolonialreichen und Nationalstaaten, die koloniale und postkoloniale Schnittstelle überbrückend.Dieser Sachbeihilfe-Antrag ist als Ergänzungsantrag zu meinem Antrag auf ein Heisenberg-Stipendium gedacht, um die für die Forschung notwendigen Reise- und Sachmittel abzudecken.
Year 2017
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11 Project

Sickness Absence among Immigrants in Norway, 1992—2003

Authors Svenn-Åge Dahl, SA Dahl, HT Hansen, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
Citations (WoS) 10
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12 Journal Article

The Colonial Origins of the Divergence in the Americas: A Labor Market Approach

Authors Robert C. Allen, Eric B. Schneider, Tommy E. Murphy
Year 2012
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13 Journal Article

Immigrant region of origin, divorce, and remarriage in the United States

Authors Igor Ryabov
Year 2021
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16 Journal Article

Migrant smuggling : irregular migration from Asia and Africa to Europe

Year 2012
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17 Book

Africans and racism in the new millennium

Authors F Ojo-Ade
Year 2001
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
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18 Journal Article

Afrocentricity and the Argument for Civic Commitment: Ideology and Citizenship in a United States of Africa

Authors MK Asante
Year 2010
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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19 Journal Article

‘Between a rock & a hard place’: North Africa as a region of emigration, immigration & transit migration

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards
Year 2006
Journal Name Review of African Political Economy
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20 Journal Article

Europe’s Migration Agreements with Migrant-Sending Countries in the Global South: A Critical Review

Authors Aderanti Adepoju, Femke Van Noorloos, Annelies Zoomers
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 47
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22 Journal Article

Africans and racism in the new millennium

Authors F Ojo-Ade
Year 2001
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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23 Journal Article


Authors America Larrain Gonzalez, Pedro Jose Madrid Garces
Year 2018
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24 Journal Article

MIDA: Migration for Development in Africa

"Migration for Development in Africa" (MIDA) is a capacity-building programme, which helps to mobilize competencies acquired by African nationals abroad for the benefit of Africa's development. Based on its long experience in the Return of Qualified African Nationals (RQAN), IOM has launched this new programme to strengthen its capacity building efforts in assisting African countries to benefit from the investment they have made in their nationals. Many African nationals in the diaspora are applying their qualifications and skills in developed countries in Europe and North America. Such qualifications and skills should be brought back into the mainstream of development of the African continent. Through its mobility-based approach, MIDA aims at helping African nationals to directly contribute to the development of their countries of origin.
Year 2006
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25 Project

The dynamics of regional migration governance

Authors Andrew GEDDES, Marcia VERA ESPINOZA, Leila HADJ-ABDOU, ...
Year 2019
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26 Book

African Philosophy vs. Philosophy of Africa: Continental Identities and Traveling Names for Self

Authors David Chioni Moore
Year 1998
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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28 Journal Article

London Calling?

Authors Thoroddur Bjarnason, T Bjarnason
Year 2009
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
Citations (WoS) 7
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29 Journal Article

"THINKING IN LIGHTNING AND THUNDER" An Interview with Achille Mbembe

Authors Seloua Luste Boulbina
Year 2016
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30 Journal Article

British workers emigrating to industrialising Europe, 1815-c.1870

British workers emigrating to industrialising Europe, c. 1815-1870 Viewed from the perspective of 21st-century political debate, British labour and migration history is often noted for its insular tendencies. The rise of isolationist political parties and the broader antagonism to Europe expressed by many British commentators has produced a common vision of the British past as a period of secure national borders. This project fundamentally disrupts this understanding of British and European labour markets in the past. By examining the widely dispersed phenomenon of skilled labour migration from Britain to continental Europe in the nineteenth century, it allows us to understand the pre-history of European economic integration. Its focus is on the experiences of British migrant workers. The project will address their lives on the continent in the first phase of this migration. It will build upon an ongoing study of those who went to France and expand its analysis to the whole continent. What were the practicalities of these workers’ migration? Did they constitute isolated or instead relatively integrated communities? Why and how were some of them targeted by xenophobic riots, e.g. in 1848? What were their religious, cultural and associational lives? By addressing such questions, this project will not only deepen historical understanding of Europe’s past but also illuminate contemporary understandings of the place of Britain in Europe and that of migration in European economic well-being. This project will also lay foundations for historical analysis of later global economic phenomena. Many of the migrants studied in this research programme were also involved in the subsequent flows of (for example) some 10,000 British engineers across the globe between 1850 and 1914. These workers played a part in British imperial expansion, contributing not only to technical developments in the USA, Canada, Australia and South Africa, but also to some in large parts of Sout
Year 2016
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31 Project

Labour and Migration: British workers emigrating to industrialising Europe, 1815-c.1870

British workers emigrating to industrialising Europe, c. 1815-1870 Viewed from the perspective of 21st-century political debate, British labour and migration history is often noted for its insular tendencies. The rise of isolationist political parties and the broader antagonism to Europe expressed by many British commentators has produced a common vision of the British past as a period of secure national borders. This project fundamentally disrupts this understanding of British and European labour markets in the past. By examining the widely dispersed phenomenon of skilled labour migration from Britain to continental Europe in the nineteenth century, it allows us to understand the pre-history of European economic integration. Its focus is on the experiences of British migrant workers. The project will address their lives on the continent in the first phase of this migration. It will build upon an ongoing study of those who went to France and expand its analysis to the whole continent. What were the practicalities of these workers’ migration? Did they constitute isolated or instead relatively integrated communities? Why and how were some of them targeted by xenophobic riots, e.g. in 1848? What were their religious, cultural and associational lives? By addressing such questions, this project will not only deepen historical understanding of Europe’s past but also illuminate contemporary understandings of the place of Britain in Europe and that of migration in European economic well-being. This project will also lay foundations for historical analysis of later global economic phenomena. Many of the migrants studied in this research programme were also involved in the subsequent flows of (for example) some 10,000 British engineers across the globe between 1850 and 1914. These workers played a part in British imperial expansion, contributing not only to technical developments in the USA, Canada, Australia and South Africa, but also to some in large parts of Sout
Year 2016
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32 Project

A New Worldwide Measure of Happiness Explains National Differences in Suicide Rates and Cigarette Consumption

Authors Michael Minkov, Michael Schachner, Oswaldo Morales, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Cross-Cultural Research
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33 Journal Article

The emigration of British lacemakers to continental Europe (1816-1860s)

Authors Fabrice Bensimon
Year 2019
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34 Journal Article

The Odyssey of Indenture: Fragmentation and Reconstitution in the Indian Diaspora

Authors Brij V. Lal
Year 1996
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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35 Journal Article

Substance Use, Age at Migration, and Length of Residence Among Adult Immigrants in the United States

Authors Kelin Li, Ming Wen
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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36 Journal Article

Ancient Ethiopian genome reveals extensive Eurasian admixture throughout the African continent

Year 2015
Journal Name Science
Citations (WoS) 112
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37 Journal Article

Fictions of Return: Jüdische Diaspora, Migration und Exil

Principal investigator Yael Almog (Principal Investigator)
"The project centers on the portrayals of Europe in literature, art and political writings by Jewish emigrants since the 1930s and until the present day. It holds that Jewish thinkers reconceptualized the continent in alliance with Jewish liturgical vocabulary. Europe emerged as a lost homeland for Jews, a terrain from which one is expelled. Feelings of guilt, social isolation, and historical injustice – which have shaped Jewish individuals’ affinity to the continent since the 1930s – enforced this impression. Alongside the establishment of Israel and development of Jewish communities in America, Jews thus began to imagine a relationship to Europe that mirrors the attitude they once possessed toward the mythical Zion before the birth of political Zionism. Following the oscillation between “diaspora” and “homeland” in Jewish historical imagination, the project scrutinizes Jews’ volatile and interdependent relationship to Europe, Israel, and North America. Works by German-Jewish emigrants and by Jewish migrants to Germany stress the competing roles that the image of Europe as a lethal place for Jews has played in global politics. “Fictions of return” to the continent have thus posed a continual challenge to political theories that describe the mass exile from Europe as constitutive of postwar reality due to its irreversibility, such as Hannah Arendt’s account of totalitarianism."
Year 2018
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38 Project

Reconstructing the Timing and Dispersion Routes of HIV-1 Subtype B Epidemics in The Caribbean and Central America: A Phylogenetic Story

Authors Israel Pagan, Africa Holguin
Year 2013
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 11
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39 Journal Article

Globalization and Factor Mobility The Impact of the "Bosman-Ruling" on Player Migration in Professional Soccer

Authors Bernd Frick
Year 2009
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40 Journal Article

Spatial Fingerprints of Community Structure in Human Interaction Network for an Extensive Set of Large-Scale Regions

Authors Zsofia Kallus, Gabor Vattay, Norbert Barankai, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 9
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41 Journal Article

Conflict antiquities' rescue or ransom: The cost of buying back stolen cultural property in contexts of political violence

Authors Samuel Andrew Hardy
Year 2021
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42 Journal Article

Immigration, ethnicity, and housing—Success hierarchies in Israel

Authors Uzi Rebhun
Year 2009
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
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43 Journal Article

The Language Ability of U.S. Immigrants: Assimilation and Cohort Effects

Authors Geoffrey Carliner, G Carliner
Year 2000
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 83
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44 Journal Article

African Migration in its National and Global Context

Authors Petra Aigner, Jacques Barou, Bernard Mbenga
Book Title Citizenship, Belonging and Intergenerational Relations in African Migration
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46 Book Chapter


Authors Fabrice Bensimon
Year 2019
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47 Journal Article

The Language Ability of U.S. Immigrants: Assimilation and Cohort Effects

Authors Geoffrey Carliner
Year 2000
Journal Name International Migration Review
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48 Journal Article

Bloody foreigners! Overseas equity on the London Stock Exchange, 1869-1929

Authors Richard Grossman
Year 2015
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49 Journal Article

Gender and Migration

Authors Katie Willis
Year 2000
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50 Book

Non-universal suffrage : measuring electoral inclusion in contemporary democracies

Authors Samuel D. SCHMID, Lorenzo PICCOLI, Jean-Thomas ARRIGHI
Year 2019
Journal Name European Political Science
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52 Journal Article

Irish Jacobites in Continental Europe at End of 17th - 18th Centuries

Authors Victor Yu Apryshchenko, Natalia A. Lagoshina
Year 2021
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53 Journal Article

Locals’ Bidimensional Acculturation Model

Authors Katharina Lefringhausen, Tara C. Marshall
Year 2016
Journal Name Cross-Cultural Research
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54 Journal Article

Immigrants’ labour market outcomes in Italy and Spain: Has the Southern European model disrupted during the crisis?

Authors Ivana Fellini
Year 2018
Journal Name Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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55 Journal Article

Refugee Associations: Between Society of Origin and Society of Exile

Authors Danièle Joly
Book Title Haven or Hell?
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56 Book Chapter

Religion in the Diaspora

Authors Dominic Pasura
Book Title African Transnational Diasporas
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57 Book Chapter

Valletta Summit on Migration: A Common Political Basis. Cooperation in Migration Between Africa and the European Union.

Authors International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
Year 2015
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58 Policy Brief

Population Growth, Development and the Environment

Authors Nathan Keyfitz, N KEYFITZ
Year 1996
Journal Name Population Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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59 Journal Article

Conversations across continents: Teaching business ethics online

Authors M Painter-Morland, J Fontrodona, WM Hoffman, ...
Year 2003
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60 Journal Article


Year 2021
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61 Journal Article

Paths to success of Israeli immigrants from different countries of origin

Authors Nonna Kushnirovich, Rafael Youngmann
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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62 Journal Article

Employment among female immigrants to Europe

Authors Morten Blekesaune
Year 2021
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
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63 Journal Article

We have tailored Africa: French colonialism and the 'artificiality' of Africa's borders in the interwar period

Authors Camille Lefebvre
Year 2011
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65 Journal Article

A meta-analytic review of antecedents of hospitality and tourism firms' performance: A cross-cultural comparison

Authors SangGon (Edward) Lim, Chihyung Michael Ok
Year 2021
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66 Journal Article

Physician Migration: Experience of International Medical Graduates in the USA

Authors Akiko Kamimura, Mahasen S. Samhouri, Tina Huynh, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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67 Journal Article

Intercountry Adoption Flows from Africa to the U.S.: A Fifth Wave of Intercountry Adoptions?

Authors Mary Ann Davis
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 4
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69 Journal Article


Authors Kristín Loftsdóttir, Kristin Loftsdottir
Year 2009
Journal Name Identities
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70 Journal Article

Revealing the impact of the Caucasus region on the genetic legacy of Romani people from genome-wide data

Authors Zsolt Banfai, Bela Melegh, Valerian Adam, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name PLOS ONE
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71 Journal Article

Ethnicity and Labor Market Incorporation of Post-1990 Immigrants in Israel

Authors Moshe Semyonov, R Raijman, Dina Maskileyson, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 15
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72 Journal Article

Migration and Immigrants in Europe: A Historical and Demographic Perspective

Authors Helga de Valk, Christof Van Mol
Book Title Integration Processes and Policies in Europe
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73 Book Chapter

Global Migration Issues

Authors Graziano Battistella
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74 Book

Diverse, Fragile and Fragmented: The New Map of European Migration

Authors Russell King, Marek Okolski
Year 2019
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75 Journal Article

Diverse, Fragile and Fragmented: The New Map of European Migration

Authors Russel King, Marek Okólski
Year 2019
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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78 Journal Article

Flexibility of Continental Navigation and Migration in European Mallards

Authors Marielle L. van Toor, Martin Wikelski, Jonas Waldenstrom, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 10
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79 Journal Article

A Proposal for Afro-Hispanic Peoples and Culture as General Studies Course in African Universities

Authors Purity Ada Uchechukwu
Year 2019
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80 Journal Article

“I Believe People Need to Know Us in Order to Integrate Us”: Immigrant Women’s Cultural Attitudes and Needs

Authors Laura Rodriguez Salgado, Iria Vazquez Silva, Laura Rodríguez Salgado, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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81 Journal Article

Issues and Challenges of Emigration Dynamics in Developing Countries

Authors A.A. Afolayan
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration
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82 Journal Article

In the race for knowledge, is human capital the most essential element?

Authors Laura Sinay, Rodney William (Bill) Carter, Maria Cristina Fogliatti de Sinay
Year 2020
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83 Journal Article

Perfect for the Job? Overqualification of Immigrants and their Descendants in the Norwegian Labor Market

Authors Edvard N. Larsen, Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund, Adrian F. Rogne, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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84 Journal Article

Nigeria @ 50: Policies and Practices for Diaspora Engagement

Authors Naluwembe Binaisa
Book Title Emigration Nations
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85 Book Chapter

Shifting Paradigms of Globalization: The Twenty‐first Century Transition Towards Generics in Skilled Migration from India

Authors Binod Khadria
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 57
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86 Journal Article


Authors Solano Giacomo, Huddleston Thomas
The book illustrates the results of the new edition of the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX). MIPEX is a unique tool which measures policies to integrate migrants in countries across five continents, including all EU Member States (including the UK), other European countries (Albania, Iceland, North Macedonia, Moldova, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine), Asian countries (China, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, and South Korea), North American countries (Canada, Mexico and US), South American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile), and Australia and New Zealand in Oceania. MIPEX analyses integration policies in the following eight areas of integration: Labour market mobility; Family reunification; Education; Political participation; Permanent residence; Access to nationality; Anti-discrimination; and Health. To cite: Solano, Giacomo & Huddleston, Thomas (2020). Migrant Integration Policy Index 2020. Barcelona/ Brussels: CIDOB and MPG. ISBN: 978-84-92511-83-9
Year 2020
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87 Report

Nathaniel Bacon, John Milton, and the idea of an English climate and "constitution"

Authors Margaret Tudeau-Clayton
Year 2020
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88 Journal Article

Working hours of the world unite? New international evidence of worktime, 1870-1913

Authors M Huberman
Year 2004
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89 Journal Article

Analyzing intra-regional migration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Statistical data constraints and the role for regional organizations

Authors Stefano degli Uberti, Philippe De Lombaerde, Sonja Nita, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Regions and Cohesion
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90 Journal Article

"The Negro's Peculiar Work": Jim Crow and Black Discourses on US Empire, Race, and the African Question, 1877-1900

Authors Jeannette Eileen Jones
Year 2018
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91 Journal Article

EACH-FOR: Environmental change and forced migration scenarios

Forced migration is a movement in which an element of coercion exists, including threats to life and livelihood, whether arising from natural or man-made causes (e.g. movements of refugees and internally displaced persons). The changes of natural and man-made environment will probably be the most significant factors among the causes of forced migration. It is essential to get accurate information about the current and future triggers of forced migration in each country of origin and within Europe itself. The two year long project's general objectives are to support European policies, research and the civil society with'forced migration' scenarios, and cooperate with other migration and environment degradation related projects and institutions. The objectives will be achieved by five interlinked research sequences: 1) forecasting the natural and anthropogenic causes of forced migration; 2) analyzing direct (e.g. desertification) and indirect (e.g. conflicts) environmental effects on livelihoods; 3) predicting potential forced migration flows, with emphasis on environmental refugees; 4) contributing to the preparation of statistical indicators to measure environmental refugee flows; 5) dissemination. The study of the causes is a multidisciplinary and multisectoral process. The list of methodological tools contains all traditional elements of research from primary data collection via statistical analysis and environmental evaluation to modelling. The studied cases are selected from the following regions: Europe and Russia, NIS and Central Asia, Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Ghana, Middle East and Northern Africa, Latin America. The project will produce detailed sub-region or country level forced migration scenarios, including environmental refugees; presentation of causes leading to forced migration, with focus on environmental concerns; and an online running "environment degradation caused forced migration" model for demonstration and policy purposes.
Year 2007
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92 Project

Perceived Discrimination Among Three Groups of Refugees Resettled in the USA: Associations With Language, Time in the USA, and Continent of Origin

Authors Craig Hadley, Crystal Patil
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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93 Journal Article

Migration and malaria risk

Year 2001
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94 Journal Article

On some philosophical foundations of the disappointing performances of the African soccer teams in world competitions

Authors Tamba Nlandu
Year 2017
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95 Journal Article


Authors Camilla Cattarulla
Year 2015
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96 Journal Article

Latin America as a continent of emigrants

Authors G Drekonja-Kornat
Year 2003
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97 Journal Article

Turkey: Country and Research Areas Report

Turkey is part of a migration system that is spread over a large geographical area including Europe, Asia, Middle East and North Africa; which is resulting from geopolitical and historical factors and transformed by local, regional, and international events. The migration flows that Turkey experienced have changed throughout the phases of modern Turkey‟s history. In the Early Republican era from 1923 to 1950, as a part of the nation building process, Turkey saw mass emigration of its non-Muslim populations and the arrival of Muslims from the Balkans. In the period from 1950 to 1980, Turkey was mainly characterized as a country of emigration which attempted to recover its economy by sending thousands of migrants to Europe as a solution to unemployment and in order to receive remittances. The period after 1980‟s saw many developments in the migratory movements. One was the increase in the number of asylum seekers from Turkey, due to the military coup and the Kurdish question. Another development in the 1980s was the arrival of economic migrants into Turkey due to the socioeconomic transformation in the region. Thus, standing at the crossroads of three continents, today, Turkey is a country of emigration, immigration and transit migration. At the same time, the prospect of European Union membership has been an important aspect of Turkey‟s historical modernization project and its political relations to the EU have been very influential in the formation of its migration policy making. Within this context and along the guidelines provided by the EUMAGINE project, this report first gives a historical and socio-economic overview of Republic of Turkey and provides an analysis of migration flows and policies in Turkey. Then, the four research areas of Turkey, namely Emirdağ and Dinar in Afyon; VanMerkez in Van and Fatih in Istanbul selected for EUMAGINE research are described.
Year 2014
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98 Report

Selective Europeanization: Europe’s Impact on Spanish Migration Control

Authors Margit Fauser
Book Title The Europeanization of National Policies and Politics of Immigration
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99 Book Chapter

Education and globalisation: a Latin American perspective

Authors Pablo Pineau
Year 2008
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100 Journal Article
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